My favorite protein packed snacks!

I know you think I lay around all day with a fanny pack full of skittles (which is partly true) that I snack on all day but……..I really love to snack on things that I know will leave me full for longer than 10 minutes.  I have also been doing more lifting than EVER before and my muscles are clearly getting huge so I have been upping my protein intake and thought I would share with you my favorite snacks lately…..

This would be my favorite turkey and cottage cheese.  No utensil or dishes necessary (unless you are a clean person and don’t dip your turkey straight into the cc like I do).

I accidently ate the last turkey without defrosting the next pack……hence the frozen turkey.

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String cheese on anything. Crackers, tortilla, plain (like how I ate one during church today).  I LOVE the jalepeno flavored string cheese!

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Obviously peanut butter (and jelly) on every snack I eat.  And to make it even better….add in a cup o milk.

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PS there is clearly a large amout of protein in peanut butter frosting……

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Hard-boiled egg……does it get any easier than that.  This is my favorite during the school year when I am running out the door and need snacks for the day in a hurry (because let’s be honest I pack my lunch for the next day of work as soon as I get home the previous day).  Billy just made a big batch today!

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And for days that I am needing some animal protein but don’t feel like grilling up some chicken…….I turn to frosted animal crackers.

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Other favorite snacks that I was too lazy to try and make look pretty today but have in previous posts are TUNA (mixed with salsa, cottage cheese, greek yogurt or anything your heart desires), BROCCOLI….yep, there is about 3 grams of protein per cup, HUMMUS and obviously delicious protein smoothies!


What are some of your usual snacks?  Favorite protein filled snacks? Do you like protein bars?

Do you have a tough time (being a carboholic like me) trying to get in enough protein?  Any vegetarians/vegans out there that have some creative protein snacks for us?!?

What do you think is the WORST smelling food?

-I think tuna smells awful but I love the taste (weird, huh?), eggs (once again I LOVE eating them), and I can’t think of any others….what do you think?

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Oh tuna smells terrible!! I can’t stand the smell of brussell sprouts.. I love all vegetables except for that guy.

Favorite protein snack? I love luna bars! And eggs! There cheap and you can make them a million different ways.


I love cottage cheese with any kind of fresh fruit, protein bars (zone peanut butter and chocolate are my fav), and peanut butter and apples=D

I can’t stand the smell of sour krout (crout?)


Yes, my name is Holly and I am a carb-oholic. I could go all day without eating protein because I eat very little chicken/fish. I’m basically a vegetarian and I don’t eat dairy, except for cheese every once in awhile because it doesn’t hurt my stomach. I try to get protein from beans, PEANUT BUTTER, eggs, Kashi, Luna bars, smoothies, etc!


Usual snacks – apples, bananas, Greek yogurt, hummus and chips or veggies, protein smoothies and homemade granola bars. For added protein I like hard boiled eggs, hummus, tuna, Greek yogurt and protein smoothies. I always try to make sure I have some kind of protein in every meal, it seems if I don’t I end up hungry within an hour.

Worst smelling food – that is easy – olives! yuck!


Lately I have been snacking on chickpeas and edamame. I either make a salad or wrap with one or both and add soy cheese lettuce tomato…anything that comes in my organic food coop share and top with a little salsa. Also cut up tomatoes and top with cottage cheese and s&p yum! Thanks for your blog :) I never ate so much as I do since I started running…its been a learning experience!


Oh and i forgot my favorite sweet snack…cinnamon apple toast or rice cake with almond butter honey and bananas!


hahahaha – it cracks me up that you dip turkey into cottage cheese, because I do it too. Ever try rolling pickles, cheese and honey mustard into a slice of turkey?? YUM!

Usual Snacks: My go-to is cottage cheese with mustard and my favorite egg muffins (bake eggs in muffin tins with toppings – so easy). I don’t like protein bars.

Always have a tough time getting in protein so I’ve been making a big effort to eat more lately. I even made CHICKEN the other day. I hate raw chicken so this was a big step.

Worst Smelling Food: When I microwave my egg beaters for the egg mugs. Seriously, such a great concept, but my coworkers get maaaad at the smell ;-)


My usual protein snacks are usually just cottage cheese. I actually finished a whole tub of it today. I’ve also been enjoying clif bars, peanut butter, eggs, cereal, and fluff


Vegetarian, here. I eat a lot of beans… beans on whole wheat tortillas, 3-bean chili, black beans in various wraps. Whole wheat penne is a favorite (over 8g protein/serving!)


I think nuked broccoli can smell “interesting” but I love to eat?? Great suggestions. I rely on my PB Protein bars quite a bit and canned chicken on salad in a pinch!


I loooovveee protein spinach smoothies. My go-to choice! I also love hummus, nuts, eggs, cottage cheese, and amazing chocolate milk (from a local dairy).

Vegans/vegetarians could eat quinoa and beans to fill the void! Awesome, protein packed foods. Or protein bars. hah.


I <3 grahams w/cream cheese on top, sugar snaps, greek yogurt with almond butter stirred in, EGGS, popcorn and almonds

I hate smelling tuna, saurkraut, burnt popcorn

P.S. PB frosting totally has protein in it :D


I love hard-boiled eggs! And I like tuna, too, but agree that both smell. And if I take it to work in a tupperware, I have to go outside to open/eat it or I think I’d get some death looks. Ha. I’ve never been a fan of protein bars, but I do like Vega energy bars which have about 10 grams of protein each. And I eat a lot of almonds/almond butter!


animal crackers are my kind of protein! (:
we eat salmon at least twice a week- it’s always a favorite.
and during the school year I go for tuna melts and lunch- fast and delicious!


My new fav protein bar are called Detour. They are very chocolaty and full of caramel! Just started getting into the shakes for snakes. i love cottage Cheese and string cheese too!


I HAVE to try the Detour bars…that sounds SO SO GOOD! Where do you get them?


I don’t think I’ve ever commented but saw this and had to. Detour are my new favorite too, these are delicious!!! I get mine at HEB (a Texas only amazing grocery store). I haven’t seen them anywhere else here.


I’m a veggie!!! nuts (sweet n spicy pecans from TJs will blow your mind), nut butters, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, hummus+tofu(awesome combo), edamame rocks, and of course beans beans- the magical fruit :) chickpeas, kidney, black, pinto, soooo many beans! Oh, and /i use peanut flour in my pancakes and don’t only eat them at breakfast, so those count as a protein snack right ? :)
Tuna stink= no bueno… a guy devoured a three tuna salad sandwiches today siting right next to me at school. Three hours of political science and overwhelming tuna smell is as much fun as it sounds. gahh


I love whole wheat toast with peanut butter and hard boiled egg whites on top…maybe even a slice of sharp cheddar cheese too…. :-) YUM!




I’m vegan – there are so many options for protein once you start looking at labels! In hurry I would eat a clif builder bar (love the vanilla almond flavor) or luna bars. For protein powders I use hemp, pro vega-tein, and brown rice powder. Of course natural sources are awesome too – anything dark green has protein (peas, broccoli, kale, spinach). Most grains have protein – whole wheat, kamut, spelt, quinoa, barley. Of course nuts, seeds (chia!), beans, tofu, tempeh (still never tried this – it scares me!). But you can easily blend tofu into smoothies if the texture freaks you out. And it’s easy to make chia pudding – you can look at for recipes. And you can bake chickpeas with cinnamon and sugar and they taste like candy! O and my newest favorite is peanut butter filled pretzels. So many choices – I never knew how abundant protein sources were until I went vegan but it’s really opened my eyes!


WOW!!! I feel like I just learned 15 new things reading your comment, THANK YOU!!! I need to have pb filled pretzels…that sounds AMAZING!!! I have never thought of tofu in a smoothie but that is brilliant!


Haha you’re very welcome!

p.s. i love your blog – you crack me up every single day =)


I just thought of a bunch more things haha: kashi go lean cereal, veggie burgers (Amy’s are the best), you can back beans into stuff like black bean brownies or chick pea blondies ( has a bunch of recipes), or you can sub protein powder for flour (don’t sub more than half) and make protein pancakes, protein muffins etc. Sometimes when I’m lazy I just mash up black beans and add sugar and carob powder (you could use cocoa too) and it tastes like brownie batter. You’re gonna be so ripped by the time you eat all this stuff haha =)


Don’t be scared of Tempeh! The trick to making tempeh delicious is to steam it (or just simmer it) for about 10 minutes BEFORE you use it in any recipe. It takes away any bitterness and makes it yummy!


Lifting has turned my into a snacking FIEND. It’s actually kind of ridiculous. Right now I’m sitting here with a tub of cottage cheese and a spoon, and trying to see how much I can eat before I actually make a dent in my hunger. But some of my other favorite higher protein snacks include Greek yogurt messes, protein smoothies, protein cookie dough balls, and eggs with jam. Otherwise I just eat a lot of bananas, nut butter, and chocolate ;)


Isn’t it crazy how hungry lifting makes us!?!?! How long did it take to make a dent into your hunger? I need to start buying greek yogurt!!! Eggs and JAM…heavenly!


Umm…turkey dipped in hummus is awesome! My one year old and I could finish off a container of both in one setting.


I love that your one year old loves the turkey dipped in HUMMUS…..that is AWESOME!!!


Yep! I was shocked when she loved it, but there isn’t anything we have found that she doesn’t like. Turkey and hummus is definitely a favorite though! Got to teach them young…


[mostly] vegan here!! I have a hard time getting protein because I LOVE fruits, veggies, bread, and cereals! I still try and sneak some in whenever possible though. It is usually in the form of beans, vegan protein powders, Larabars, PEANUT BUTTER, quinoa, hummus, and Ezekiel bread (8 grams per 2 slices – make a hummus and veggie sandwich and BAM!).

I hate the smell of any fish. I would totally eat a vegan + fish diet if it didn’t smell so bad. I know it’s supposed to be so good for you but I just cannot get past the smell. I’m with you on the hardboiled eggs. So gross.


i’m a life-long vegetarian and have just been eating vegan for about 6 months (it really agrees w. my stomach when i’m running!) and i LOVE tempeh – it comes in big slabs, i like the garden veggie variety, usually in like the tofu or dairy areas.. and you can just open it up and eat it straight as is! so much protein, like 14g per serving?. i also can’t get enough hummus & nut butter. beans are great too – chickpeas are my favee :)


I HAVE NEVER TRIED TEMPEH….you have officially made me want to try it now and 14 g per serving…yes please!!! Chickpeas are amazing too!


I love ur choices especially the circus cookies, I love them. Also love hummus and trail mix and Luna bars yum!


I am vegetarian and I eat mini protein bars all the time as snacks! and I love string cheese…I was surprised when I became a vegetarian at how much protein is in it! PB straight from the jar is another fav!


OMG I have one of those perfect egg timers and I LOVE it! It is magic. I make “chics and sticks” with it. That’s British for soft boiled eggs and toast cut into strips. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper in your egg and bam! A deelish breakfast!


I MUST TRY YOUR CHICS AND STICKS….it sounds absolutely AMAZING!!! The egg timers are awesome huh!?!?!


Snacks: I love black beans and lentils. I cook up big batches and mix them into everything. Yeah, sometimes I overdose and get a little arsty-farsty, but whatever. Also quinoa. It’s crazy loaded with protein. One of my favorite things to do is mix quinoa with some cooked veggies and lentils and eat it cold. And of course hummus. I am so addicted to that stuff that I had to start making it on my own otherwise I would be living on the streets.


I always seem to OD it on the protein, I love everything that is high in protein, protein powder, greek yogurt, egg whites, cottage cheese, string cheese. I love protein bars, I try to opt for the ones with lower then 12 grams of sugar. I like the Think Thin bars, Luna Bars, and cliff bars. My fav little high protein snack are homemade protein bars with oatmeal, protein powder and peanut butter all mixed up.


I def have trouble getting in enough protein… I was a vegetarian from when I was 8 until 22 years old!! I am a COMPLETE carb junkie, and even though I eat meat now, I don’t really have it often.. just cos I don’t often feel like it :\ I try to make sure I include SOME protein sources in my meals… nuts, ‘fake’ meats, lentil burgers, cheese, yoghurt, etc etc…

My usual snacks – Greek yoghurt, nut-based granola bars, HOT CHOCOLATE, cheese and crackers, peanut butter on celery/apples/anything!!!

I’ve been on a bit of a protein bar kick lately.. just cos I’ve been doing a LOT more strength training (as opposed to my usual.. uhh.. zero), and I feel like I need it. Plus they’re like candy bars. But keep me fuller longer. haha win-win!!


totallyyy have a prob getting in protein as the only meat i eat is fish and eggs (high cholesterol- genetics suck girl over hereee!)
so besides eating sushi like its my JOB
i love eggs, edamame, nuts, PB DUH, and vegan protein powder (cause i am allergic to whey :(!!

not too big on the protein bars cause they never make me full!


Some favorite protein snacks: eggs, nuts, cottage cheese, peanut butter. And do you really need to snack in church? :)


I love the silly faces you make in your pictures. My mother has been yelling at me for years to stop making faces like that in photos, so it’s good to know I’m not alone!

As for protein, I was worried with the little meat that I eat that I’d have a tough time getting in the right amount. But like you, I eat lots of peanut butter, cottage cheese or yogurt, or whole grains that give me a protein kick. I’ve also really been obsessed with almond milk lately. Mmmm. Delicious and nutritious!


Tuna is nothing compared to sardines! I have made several attempts to eat them, as I know they are mega healthy, but I GAG GAG GAG so bad just from opening the can! UGH.


Pickled mango is the worst thing I’ve ever smelled. My dad has weird taste …


I absolutely love hummus! Super yummy snack…I am really addicted to the cliff bars right now, peanut butter crunchy is my favorite, there is about 240 calories so they will tide you over for a bit!
Thanks for sharing Janae!


I love chicken breast topped with mango/peach salsa from costco…mmmmm!
BTW…what kind of gold watch do you wear? I love it on you and I’ve been meaning to buy a large gold watch for a while now.


Brandi…you are so nice!! My watch is a Michael Kors watch and I LOVE IT!!! I got it at Nordstrom’s anniversary sale last year which is starting soon and they are going to have more watches on sale!!!
That peach salsa from costco is HEAVENLY!!!


Oh my gosh I LOVE cottage cheese with fruit. It’s so good!

Durian is a pretty horrible smelling good. Ugh The Boy thinks hard boiled eggs smell disgusting.


I’m definitely a carboholic, but I got really in to eating more protein during my last marathon training. Some of my favorite protein eats are Costco turkey sausages, egg white omelets, almonds, greek yogurt, canned chicken, string cheese, I could go on, but I’ll stop there. :)

That’s awesome that they have jalepeno string cheese! I didn’t know that, but I’ve been obsessed with the jalepeno sliced cheese lately. I’ve been putting it on everything. (It’s really good in egg white omelets!)


I get my protein from whole grains and legumes! I like white, black and chickpea hummus and bean salads. I also use tofu as a base for puddings and make a tofu cream to dip berries in!! Nut butters are another winner :)


I love larabars as a snack. I wish they could find a tasty way to up the protein in them though!


My family thinks I’m lacking in protein since I’m a vegetarian, but I eat a ton of protein! I love beans- carbs and protein, perfect for runners :)


Would you judge me if I told you the first thing I noticed (aside from all that delish food) was the hard boiled egg timer you have in the pot?!?! I would not be able to hard boil eggs without that little color-changing bundle of joy!


i love carbs, but i notice the more protein i eat the longer i stay full so i’ve been trying to up my protein lately. i think eggs stink really really bad!!!


They make jalapeno string cheese??? Time for a trip to the grocery!

I love those frosted animal crackers. I usually end up eating the entire bag and then feeling like I’m going to die afterwards.


OMG, I love frosted animal crackers! They make me want to *Squee*! They violate no less than 247 healthy eating rules, but they are quite scrumptious.

I love cottage cheese and berries…breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert. It’s just delicious. Never, ever considered dipping meat into cottage cheese, tho. String cheese wrapped in lunch meat; radishes dipped in roasted red pepper hummus; apples and peanut butter; small pretzel sticks dipped in mustard (I know, weird.). And fruit. Any fruit. Unless it’s melon…

The worst smelling food is by far…a hard boiled egg. Sorry. I just can’t stand ’em, the smell…the taste. I wish I loved them, it is such a great, quick, protein packed snack! But I’d rather stick a fork in my eye.


worst smelling food.. hmm. OLIVES! When i go by one of those places where they sell all kinds of olives, shudder. so icky. I also hate the smell of tuna but don’t mind the taste.

For snacks I usually eat bits of meat, fruits, vegetables (carrots, tomatoes etc.), nuts (honey roasted peanuts are my favorite but I sometimes eat a bit TOO many once I start. Also, cold baked potatoes sprinkled with salt. Sounds weird. but yummy.

I have no issue at all getting enough protein due to my love of all things protein. Meat, Fish, Eggs, Dairy. I love it all. I also love carbs but i find it easy enough to strike a balance.


I absolutely love hard boiled eggs! but I only eat the whites – I hate the yolk (blech!) and I HATE boiling and peeling the eggs myself… I found a grocery store here (Market Street) that sells them pre-boiled and peeled! I’m so lazy haha


I know it sounds weird, but I love hard boiled egg with salsa. It’s delicious and filling.
Just recently found your blog and loving it!


My favorite protein snack lately is smoothies — I just blend some cottage cheese in with my normal concoction for a little extra protein kick.

The worst smelling food has to be cereal, by far!! I haaaaaaate all kinds of cereal, but I think Cheerios have got to be the worst. I will literally hold my breath and leave the room to get away from the smell. I sort of wish I liked cereal because it seems like such a quick and easy meal, but I just can’t get past how bad it stinks :(

Also, I just have to say that you write such a positive and fun blog! I love that you own your quirkiness and aren’t afraid to be yourself :)

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