GRANOLA and the hardest spin class of my life.

This is what happens after you do a 60 minute spin class with a teacher thats main goal is to eat you alive and spit you out.

She kicked my trash.  I even went into the class thinking that I was too tired to push myself……I think she could sense my fear and made me work as hard as I could.  I have never done so many sprints and hill climbs in my life.  PS this humidity thing is crazy.  I am used to dry dessert Utah where you sweat after about 45 minutes of working out… all it takes is me to sit on the spin bike and I am already creating a pool below me.

I took Charlie for a walk but ended up at the park across the street letting him run free while I laid on the grass with a weed on my face placed there by Billy.

Photo 1

I bet you can’t guess what I will be eating for the next 12 consecutive meals.

IMG 7425

Good thing I shaved today….that could have been an awkward photo.

Love Grown sent me some AMAZING granola.  Billy already called dibs on the Apple Walnut Delight flavor so I had the Raisin Almond Crunch and it was heavenly!

IMG 7426

Gotta go, I need to pour myself another bowl because I still have milk left in there……it is a never ending cycle because once the milk is gone and there is still more granola I will go pour more milk….repeat until Billy takes the bags away from me and tells me to find another hobby besides seeing how much granola I can eat in one sitting.


What is your favorite flavor/combo/mix-ins for your granola?!?!?

-I LOVE any dried fruit, nuts and white yogurt chips:)

Do you live in a humid or dry area?  Which one do you like better?

-I love california so I deal with the humidity because everything else is perfect here but I am a weirdo and will always love the DRY dessert air in Utah.

What is something delicious that you have eaten today?

-Granola and fro-yo of course:)

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hateeeeeee the humidity here…makes my hair a frizz ball

i love love loveeee nuts and dried fruit in my granola! its the besttt


I love the dry air in Utah….but since moving, it is true, I sweat like a crazy person (even inside) in the Midwest…SO humid! AHHH

I love granola : best is almonds, dried strawberries, and/or more nuts/seeds. With lots of chunks of granola (none of this crumbly stuff)!


Well I’m in Ohio now… I guess it’s a combo of both dry and humid? Definitely not as humid as where I used to live… Florida! Love Florida, don’t love the humidity!!

And I had a few delicious things today. Whole grain Eggo waffles with peanut butter and syrup, oatmeal w/ banana, brown sugar, and almond extract… and my toffee chip cookies that I posted about! Since they were too flat to really serve anybody, but they were still amazingly delicious, I just had to eat them myself! ;) Man, life’s tough, huh?!

Have a great evening, Janae!


i do the same thing with granola- you eat all the granolas gone, then pour more granola then just top off with milk then repeat… vicious cycle. :)


Dried cranberries, figs, dates, pistachios… actually any type of nut, preferably roasted :) oh and chocolate chips never go astray!

It’s dry in my city, which sometimes sucks, but mostly I like it. In winter, when it’s freezing – AKA RIGHT NOW!! – at least it’s sunny! which makes it not so depressing and a bit more bearable :) but that said, if it was cloudier/more humid, it probably wouldn’t be so cold…. hmmmmm… dilemmas!

It’s Sunday morning here and I just woke up… haven’t eaten anything (delicious or otherwise) yet! But about to make myself a nutella, peanut butter, and apple toasted sandwich for breakfast!! ooooh yeah :D


I’m completely obsessed with granola. I haven’t even bought it in a while because the neverending milk/cereal ratio just never evens out. it’s a disaster.

but an awesome disaster.

I love you. and our matching post-workout photos.


Love Grown is amazing! I won a contest of theirs and got loads of it :) The big clusters are the bomb, and I ate almost a whole bag in a day- no shame! Your love-granola-faces are too awesome, loves it!


Humidddddd in Pennsylvania! YUCK


THE CRANBERRY PECAN IS TO DIE FOR. but im a cranberry girl, so i’m biased. california people are serious about their cycling/spin. i go to one here in orem and it’s not even close to as intense as the ones i’ve been to back home in sandy eggo. it’s almost relaxing the ones here (at least, the ones ive been to. and also it depends a lot on the level of intensity you are willing to put into it uhcourse.) have you noticed a difference with the altitude at all?


I prefer dry air, but California humidity is nothing compared to the humidity in the south or Florida..where I’m moving in 9 days lol


I like chocolate in my granola!


I looove granola!! I need to try that brand!

I have to tell you, you’ve been looking really pretty lately! Not sure if it’s your perfectly tanned skin or what, but your pics lately have been extra gorgeous!


I live in Pennsylvania and it is incredibly humid here. I am not sure why but I can’t tell the difference when it is or isn’t humid out. Must have been those 11 years I spent in a humid pool room


Oh granola, how I love thee…I just don’t usually buy it because I eat it in about 2 seconds flat. LOVE your post workout pic haha…that’s awesome. I actually may take a spinning class tomorrow morning! You’ve inspired me :). Love you!


love granola is the best! maddie makes some mean gluten free granola. Enjoy friend. and go to spin again!! nice booty burn, eh?


I always have to poor myself more cereal when there is milk left, which leads to two bowls almost every time!


When we lived in SoCal, I didn’t even realize there was a such thing as humidity there. It just felt perfect everyday. Growing up in Texas, I’ve always thought we dealt with the worst humidity ever, until I went to I went to NOLA for the first time this May. There were 2 other girls standing in line for the bathroom one night. I was sweating my balls off inside and said, “This is like breathing in a sauna, and I thought it was bad in Texas”, the next girl said, “Yeah, I’m from Georgia and thought it was bad there until I came here”, the last girl, “Totally, I’m from Mississippi, and I think we’re beat too!” We all laughed while our makeup was melting off, but it was really no laughing matter how ridiculously hot and humid it was there.


Granola’s BFF is definitely coconut.

(The humidity has been crazy in St. George too! Ugh.)


For some reason I can’t comment on your blog……but here is my latest comment:)
AMAZING POST!!! I NEEDED THIS…..too many injuries but that doesn’t matter…I AM A RUNNER!! Great job getting in so much biking! Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


I had fro-yo for dinner :) cake batter & peanut butter flavored mixed! Aaaaand about 2000 blueberries :)


I just bought cardomom granola today at the farmers market -so so good!!!


I like dried raspberries, strawberries, coconut flakes, and almonds in my granola.

Something delicious I ate today was Jamaican jerk turkey burgers hot off the grill, open faced with mango/peach salsa!

I live in Washington State and it is not humid here unless it’s hot and there’s been a rainstorm, which is not very often.

Glad your spin class was well worth going to and happy Saturday!!


This Love Grown stuff is EVERYWHERE! I need to find me some!


My husband makes the best granola. My favorite is when he adds dark chocolate and dried cranberries.

I seriously don’t know how people work out in humidity or heat. I’m in the Seattle area and prefer to get my runs in way early before it gets “hot” (like 70 gegrees).

Had an awesome espresso and chocolate icecream cone this afternoon, then home made pizza topped w/kale, summer squash, mushrooms, onions, and chicken/artichoke sausage. Thinking I may raid the fridge for a cold leftover piece now.


I have to be careful about buying granola, because I just eat through the entire bag in one sitting. I don’t know why the Granola Gods consider 1/4 cup to be a serving size…who EVER eats just 1/4 cup of granola?

If any of you can, you have a thing or two to teach me about willpower :).

When I’m too lazy to bake my own, my favorite thing to do is make candied pecans and walnuts and add those to granola that I buy. Here’s what I do:

You take 1/4 cup of pecans and put them in a small sauce pan with 2 tbsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of water. Stir to dissolve the sugar and bring to a simmer. Simmer 5-7 minutes, until the walnuts/pecans are golden and coated. Deeeellish!


awesoooome spin class dude! yay for rocking rough workouts! :-D I live in england so I don’t have enough experience of heat to answer your question, lol! ;-) beat thing ive eaten today? chocolate berry oatmeal, so yummy! xyx


Why oh why does granola seem so easy to make, yet it’s so stinkin hard. I tried and failed a few times. I don’t really buy it because it’s $$$ and I’m lacking in $$$ ;)


LOVE that 1st picture — it made me laugh! Well – I moved from Humid Houston to Humid Trinidad – so I’m used to sweating my butt off on my runs! About to head out for our Sunday Morning long run….followed by some granola eating and Sunday Morning Show — Happy Sunday!!!!


Yum! I just made granola for the first time a few days ago, it was delicious. Of course, you gotta have chocolate chips in there!!


So I had yogurtland yesterday for the first time in a year. It made me think of you lol!
I got almost every flavor, and peanut butter is the jam. So good!


Ahhhhhh I am so happy you got yogurtland! I could live off the pb! What toppings did you get?


Billy is so nice to place that weed on your face. Adds an interesting element to your picture! hahah So funny.

My favorite granola mix ins…fruit and greek yogurt! And if I’m feeling for something sweet, a touch o’ honey! YUM!

As much as I love summer (i.e summer clothes, beach weather, pool time, ice cream) I’m HATING this So Cal weather! It’s toooo hot!! It’s humid here right now which makes it worse, but I hear other states have us beat in that dept. Can’t imagine! I prefer dry!


I love tons of nuts and seeds in my granola. I was going to make some homemade, but I refuse to until I buy for almonds (I forget every time I’m out to get some!)

I think I like the dry weather a bit more, and I only know about this when we lived out west last year in the dry air, but then we moved back home and it’s back to ol’ friend humidity. One thing I miss about the dry air is NO mosquitos! I swear living back in the humidity this summer, I’ve gotten attacked more in a hour than I did all last summer. Dumb bugs.


I grew up in the desert, but have lived in humid climates for the past 9 years and I definitely prefer the humidity.


LOVE the dry Utah air. Can’t stand the humidity and feeling sticky all the time. Plus the natural curl in my hair is hideous!!


I have a bunch of Love Grown Foods granola, too! It’s my absolute favorite. Of course the cocoa goodness is at the top of my list, but I love granola with dried cranberries, too. I just got home from yoga and ate a banana with cinnamon almond butter. Always delicious.


I LOVE granola with yogurt and fresh fruit!!


Ughh, it’s so humid here too. I sweat just thinking of walking outside. I love dried fruits and peanuts with my granola.


Haha, it’s not TOO humid up here in norcal nor is it especially humid in seattle, but I just got back from Disney World in Florida and holy WOW was that humid. And my hair was probably twice its usual size… I haven’t put up pictures yet but they’re coming. ;) lol

granola looks delish! :)


Oh I am having a major granola stage at the moment too! Sprinkled over some natural yoghurt with dried blueberries – delicious!
I live in a very humid climate and I love it, not so great in summer but after 24 years I am kind of used to it.
My delicious eat today has been oatmeal with raisins and just downing a nice big cup of coffee to warm me up (winter in Australia at the moment)

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