Kind of Frustrating.

Believe me I am SO SO thankful to be running again and love the feeling I get from it but today was frustrating.  When I think logically none of what I am about to write really makes sense because I LOVE challenging myself and reaching new goals but as I was running today I wasn’t so logical:)

At least I was with my best friend the sissy, the weather was perfect and the scenery was to die for.

Photo 3

I was frustrated.  The femurs weren’t hurting but my lungs were, every muscle in my body felt like death and I was fighting a mental battle.  It is very humbling for me to start at ground zero again with running and having to take walking breaks and stop to catch my breath often.  I was frustrated because I remembered how different it used to feel…….starting over again is tough stuff:)

Sorry for complaining and now that I am sitting down and reflecting about my run I remember that I LOVE to see progress and I want to work my butt off to SLOWLY get back to where I was.  I can do it.  It is NORMAL to get frustrated/upset/angry at least every once in a while on a run.  My pace will come back eventually!



Do you get frustrated comparing yourself to a previous fitness level?

-Yes, but I have to remember that I am coming back from two femoral stress fractures and that I should just THANK GOD for allowing me to heal and get back out on the road!

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As a new runner, I so know how you feel – running feels like death right now. I can do many other kick butt physical activities, but my body freaks out when I run. Burning lungs, spastic panting, tomato red face, lead feet…. but I know my body is adjusting and I will get better if I keep training. I play the mental game too, and really need to give it up and stay positive on runs. Every once in a while though I feel on top of the world, crazy endorphins!

Today’s workout – 5k brisk walk w/my doggie and Jillian Michaels’ No More Trouble Zones strength DVD.


You are so so right…our bodies are just adjusting right now and we can do this together and stay positive. Thanks so much Kaelin (PS I LOVE YOUR NAME!!)


I totally understand — I have been recovering from peroneal tendonitis in my left ankle for the past few months and now running at all feels like death! It’s so hard to lose the cardio fitness you worked to build up over an injury, but you have a great attitude about it! Our bodies’ ability to heal themselves and the ability to run again at all is such a blessing.


I bet you’ll come back even stronger than before! Just remember to be proud that after two femoral stress fractures you are back on the road! So many people would get frustrated and give up. If you need to complain every now and then just let it out. Better out than in :)

Today’s workout will be an evening bike ride to kickboxing, and back. I might get winded tonight because I haven’t been in SO SO SO long.


I definitely still feel like that, even though I’ve been running at least 3 times a week for months. Our bodies act different everyday, based on what we eat, what we were doing the day before and how well we sleep. The weather is something that always gets to my body all the time, and my body definitely slows down and works harder during the summer.

The other day, I went running and only 30 minutes into my run I was already having trouble breathing. It was so frustrating because I usually can go so much longer, but I knew that I was just off that day. And the next time I ran, it was so much better!

So don’t beat yourself up over starting over and not being able to do what you used to do. You’ll get there soon :)


i know the feeling. i have good running days and bad ones. today was not so great. where i work, we have lots of running trails, so during my lunch i usually get out there. oh, and it’s like 100 degrees right now. i make myself do it though. i take my garmin with me and get frustrated when my time is not what it should be. i wind up walking when i get irked.
when i get home i will do a cross fit exercise and then i think my husband wants to get in a run tonight too, so, i will go with him.
maybe i work out too much some times????


Just remember that when you first started running it felt like death… and you will get your fitness back much quicker than you think. I’m just glad you are running again!! You will be a BETTER runner in no time. You will be smarter about your running this time and I can’t wait to see what you will do!!


girl, i know EXACTLY how you feel!! it’s nearly impossible to not compare yourself to, well, yourself, and it’s natural to hit points where you’re frustrated in your training. but you did the right thing in venting it out, then making sure to flip it into a positive. you love seeing improvement and you know that your body will snap back a lot faster than you think…thank you muscle memory! so keep on doing what you’re doing and what has helped me is to just try to resist the urge to think about the splits/times you used to pop off in your workouts months ago and focus on improving upon the last workout/run you just did. not being satisfied with settling is what makes you an fierce competitor, but it can also bite us in the bum sometimes. cutting yourself some slack is hard sometimes but you deserve it! like u said, both of your femurs are still working on getting up to full strength! you’ll get there, girl, u know it! :) BIG HUGS!!
(ps- kinda funny timing because i wrote a post yesterday, saved it in my drafts to post later, that sort of relates to this)


Ugh, I know how you feel man. It is such a dichotomy to feel so elated to be able to run again, and also so frustrated and disappointed about how hard it is. And then the nagging voice in your head that wonders if you’ll ever come all the way back… That’s when I crank the music to drown out that negativity and focus on the glorious sound of my feet hitting the pavement!

You’re doing great Janae and your recovery will inspire a lot of people. :)


Think of your lungs as the sensible part of you that kicks in to remind you to take things easy when coming back so as to prevent another injury, in no time it will get you back to where you use to be, just hang in there.

Got in 7 miles today during a nice drizzle rain in WA where I am visiting.


its frustrating because you know how capable you are! (which is the best part about it) Keep your head up :)


I totally get what you’re saying and how you’re feeling. Coming back from injury or even just time off is so hard, but doing it slowly will ensure you don’t have to repeat the process again soon (and that you get to make that trip to TX to visit me after qualifying in NYC)!! Just remember that it will come back and all the cross-training you’ve been doing will make it come back that much faster. You rock! Praying for strength and a quick recovery!


Absolutely understand what you are going through… it is so hard. I have to really work to not compare myself now to what I used to be. Struggling with a sub-8 minute mile … ONE sub-8 minute mile… when I used to be able to run 5:45-min mile… struggling to kick out a 5-mile run when I used to work out 2x a day 6 days a week… so … Yeah. I get it :) It will all come back and then some, Janae. You are young and have an amazing attitude! It WILL happen :)


I completely understand where you are coming from!! In high school, I used to run 5-7 miles 4 or 5 times a week, until I blew my knee out and have to have surgery on it. I can barely run half a mile now, and it’s not just the knee, it’s my breath and how I get so winded, and my whole body just isn’t used to it anymore. it SUCKS. and the dr told me I won’t ever be able to do marathons, etc… but I would like to run 3 miles without wanting to kill myself.


This might be TMI but I had the same kind of run this morning. I set out at 6, hoping to do around 8. I have been getting a cold the week before my period for the last couple of months so I am still recovering from that. I ran for 3/4 of a mile and my lungs were tight and I had to stop and walk, and it was the same everytime I started to run again. I went probably 1.25 total for running and called it quits. I walked a different way home that will be great to run but it was still frustrating. My run on Friday was hard also as I was just getting sick. Hopefully Wednesday’s speed work will be better! Those are the only runs that have been good lately! Your lungs will remember what they need to do.


my hamstring has been giving me heck, but i am still running a little here and there…about 6-7 miles a week. my biggest fear is losing what i’ve worked so hard for. i wasn’t super fast before i hurt it but i just ran a sub 2 half marathon and was on top of the world…now this.

by the way, if i had mountains of utah to look at when running, i would never go inside. breath taking! PLEASE do a post on where you live. it’s just gorgeous there.


my husband always says, to lose fitness is to gain fitness. Start from scratch maybe hard but you will 10x stronger!! We are here for you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!


I have recovered from babies x5 … it’s always hard, and harder the longer you are out of your routine. Slow and steady, you’ll be back.


It’s natural to feel frustrated, Janae! But the healthiest thing you can do is vent about it and then move forward and focus on the positive things. Which I know is exactly what you’ll do!


I am resting today since I ran a half marathon with my best friend yesterday. We had a blast. This was my second half and her very first. Weather and course were beautiful.


I’m still feeling a little off, so I just did an easy jog! I know what its like to start over again, but trust me, you’ll get there!! :D


Hi Janae,

I’ve been reading your blog because I’m really trying to get back into running and you are my motivation. I injured my knee by training too much on concrete without enough rest days 4 years ago, and switched to other ways to get my exercise in. Now I really want to get back into running, but I find it so frustrating that my body can’t do what it used to! I find myself comparing my times now to the times I ran back then, and I realize that that is the worst thing to do. We just have to focus on the slight improvements that we can make with our current runs, and stop thinking about the past! It’s awesome that we can run, and lucky you with such amazing scenery to accompany your run, as well as having your sister with you! And before you know it you’ll be back to feeling great when you run!


I can imagine this would be humling for you. But of course you are not going to be in the tip top shape you were pre-injury, it is only logical. So good job and have fun getting back into it!

I am going to ‘cardiolates” 20 minutes of running and 40 minutes of Pilates. Basically my dream exercise class that my Pilates teacher just started this summer!


In December I also got injured and had to take about two months off. I had to go to physical therapy and could only run a mile at a time. It was hard and I missed running so much. When I started to get back into it again, it was even harder. I would get so frustrated because I knew where I was at before my injury and I was no where near that. I’m starting to get back where I was and that makes me happy :)


hang in there girlie .. you are lucky to have experienced first hand where your training will lead you. i believe so many people give up on running too quickly. i hear it all the time, “i can’t run like you can.” … “running is too hard for me.” … “i’m not built to run. it hurts.” etc. i vividly remember running with an extra 40 pounds on my body. not only was i carrying unwanted weight, i had also never really ran before so my lungs/heart were like whoa! … it takes time. a lot of time. persistence and patience. you know you’ll get there and luckily, it will be much sooner than later. i’m rooting for you.

also, i’ve just caught up on your last 8 posts (i’m way behind). i was thrilled to read about the UVMarathon. you all look so cute in the photos. what a fun day.



I definitely get frustrated looking back at times when I was in better shape than I now however it helps to motivate me to get back there. I hate that I let myself get away from it (I didn’t have an injurt to heal from like you) and the angrier I get about that the more motivated it gets me!


Oh girl, I totally understand where you are coming from. I’ve been injured the past couple of months with sciatic nerve pain from a previous back injury, so running has been difficult at best. Lately I’m finding that it’s soo much easier to run on the treadmill for just a few miles than to try and maneuver London’s uneven pavement. Super sad face though — I would so much rather run outside, obviously. I guess we just have to try and remember that not every run or every workout is going to be great. Sometimes the challenge is nice and makes you feel strong…other times it’s not so nice and makes you feel like shit. Just an unfortunate fact of working out, I think. :/

Your view is STUNNING though!! That just needs to be said, flat out.

My workout today was a shorter one — 25 minutes HIIT on the elliptical and 5 minutes running. My leg was screaming at me while running, so I cut it short. Sad.


Totally feel you! Coming back from pregnancy has been the hardest thing. But I have seen improvement and you will too! Hang in there! It’s better then not running


It’s going to be difficult at first because you know where you were and right now it feels like you’ll never get back to that place. Trust in yourself that you will. The hard part is that it takes a lot of patience. It’s ok to be frustrated, you’re human! But be kind to yourself!! The muscles and lungs will come back. : ) xo


It’s totally totally normal to get frustrated when coming back from an injury and not being able to do the things you could before at the same level. I can completely relate. After I had my knee surgery, my first time back in the pool was the most frustrating thing ever, I could barely even do a few laps, let alone the amount that I was able to do before I hurt my knee. Swimming had always been my go to and the one thing that I knew I could count on to mellow me out and really give me a good workout at the same time. I remember working with my physical therapist in the pool and crying out of frustration because I was starting back at the basics. I literally had to learn how to walk all over again, let alone swim! But I was able to work through it and I think it made me that much stronger as a person to be able to come back and get through starting from scratch!

So, hang in there, before you know it you won’t even remember the days that you felt mad and frustrated and angry at the entire situation. And don’t worry, I feel like that all the time when I run….so not a runner at all, but I’m working on it! I’m sure it will be better tomorrow!!! :-)


I love love love your blog! You make me laugh every day! I did P90X this morning and did a walk/jog this afternoon.


Well, I don’t know what the frustrations feel like to have once been in shape..haha, but I do know the frustrations of wanting results NOW and not having to wait patiently to get them.

I am just so happy you are running again! It will all come back sooner than later. You have been taking good care of your cardio with swimming and spinning. You will be back to your runner girl self in no time. Good Luck!


I do get frustrated thinking about previous levels… like during my half marathon training. During my training a 5-6 mile run felt easy, now it feels super hard… ugh, bring back the training!


that’s great that you’re feeling better! :D But I know how hard it is to even skip out a little bit or running or working out b/c of fear that you’ll lose strength. I’m just trying to see how long I have to go without working out and it’s been only a week (that’s a lot for me though hehe) b/c I got Lasik surgery and we’re not supposed to strain ourselves. You’re right though, thank the LORD that you’re healthy and strong now even though you had to skip running!


It is frustrating and self doubt sets in. You start having the mental battle of “I am never going to be able to do double digit miles again. I am never going to get back to x pace again.”


New to your blog: I am totally envious of your scenery! I grew up in Utah and miss that Mount Timpanogos! Good luck on working back from your injury!


yes I do get frustrated. I’m starting to run again and my hips were so sore they’ve sidelined me from doing any kind of workout! I hope it gets easier for you soon! Keep up the good work but don’t get injured again! :) we all want to see you finishing those races


You’ve probably heard this before, but I know how frustrating “bad” runs can be. I feel like I have been having them often lately. It is true what they say though and it is the “bad” runs that make you really appreciate the good ones. You will be back to speedy Janae in no time!


I definitely get frustrated comparing myself to the way I was last year! I was training for a marathon this time last year and I’m training for my second now, and I’ve lost SO much running fitness. It’s going to be a long road!


Well whaddaya know… you ARE human!!! :)

I feel like I’ve taken a big kick in the crotch too. Just two months ago I ran my first nonstop half-marathon (no walk breaks whatsoever!) and with this dang heat it’s all I can do to run 3!!!!! I love me some summertime in the south, but I SUCK at running in it.


TOTALLY do this. Also comparing myself to other people, even people I’ve never met – pro athletes, friends-of-friends, blog people (yep, including YOU!). I start to beat myself up about not being as fast/fit/strong/motivated/WHATEVER, which is a stupid and dangerous thing to do!

I’m trying to learn to set goals that allow me to be the best ME i can be… and that does not always involve my fitness pursuits!


It definitely makes me appreciate running when I have to build back up again. It’s a great reminder for everyone though to push through and make it to a higher level of fitness than before.


It sounds like we can all sympathize! I did some bike touring a few years back where I was on my bike all day, every day for 4 months straight. My quads were MASSIVE but it got to the point where an easy 100-120 miles a day was no big deal. When I hop on my bike these days, I always think I can jump right in….and I forget that it takes so much work! I sometimes get so disappointed if I only do an “easy” 30-40 miler, but then I remember all the hard work that went into that level of fitness….we just have to remember that the the journey is really the fun part, right?!


Yep, only did one mile today….but that’s one more mile than I did a month ago. Slow and steady and we’ll be back to our old selves, maybe even better and stronger. Keep it up!!


Oh Janae, I totally know where you are coming from.
Right now I am trying to battle with this awful Crohn’s disease that hurting me so bad….it definitely impacts my running ability because my stomach just will not let me run as far. It sucks…but I try to take it day by day.
I’m even trying to up my milage right now, but again, it’s not easy because of internal issues…but I am going to try :) Gotta fight through it :D


You will be back in no time, girl! You are the speediest person I know! Just thank your femurs for getting better and take it day by day. Keep eating ice cream too. Gotta heal those bones!


oh yeah I hear ya. I am just coming back from a stress fracture myself (in foot) and yesterday I “ran” a mile in about 10 minutes and I was so ashamed at how hard it was. And today my legs hurt!! OMG. I used to run sub-7s joyfully and now I feel like my legs aren’t even mine when I’m running, I feel like a lumbering oaf. It’s a bit depressing.
Back when I was booted and had to spend all my time sitting around, I thought – I’d give ANYTHING to run now, or ride my bike or even walk somewhere. But here I am walking around, riding my bike, etc. Am I happy? Ha! well actually I am a great deal happier than I was then, but of course I keep thinking… oh yeah 1 mile pfft that’s silly there’s no such thing as a 1 mile road race. If I can just run a 5k, then I’ll be happy. But I know I won’t be entering any 5ks anyway doing shameful 10 minute miles so I need to be fast again also. Sometimes I feel like just giving up on this running gig.. It’s tough.. But I have learned a lot from the experience. For example, there’s more to life than exercise. I can take pleasure from life even if I can’t workout. Who knew?!
have a great day Janae.


I feel the same way! I’m also back from recovery from an inflamed posterior tibialis tendon that gave me plantar fasciitis (basically my calves/arch on my feet were on fire before) I’m on week 4 of physical therapy and just started running again! Up to 2.5 miles which isn’t far at all compared to what I was doing before. My foot/leg feel fine but my lungs are giving me a hard time too!! getting back into running shape is hard but we can do it one day at a time! some days are easier than others and I’ve noticed that the “i cant breathe” sensation occurs later and later in my runs…this must mean improvement right? haha keep it up! loving reading about your progress because I’m in the same boat!


Oh girl I SO feel you on this right now!! Last year at this time I had just run a sub 2 hour half marathon and PR’d with a 23 minute 5K. Then I found out I was pregnant and wasn’t able to exercise through my pregnancy. I had my baby in January and literally had to start from ground zero with my fitness. It was SO hard! Not only was I slow and only able to go short distances, but I was also dealing with 25 extra pounds of postpartum pregnancy weight. I started with 14 minute miles and could barely make it to 2 miles. I was frustrated beyond belief thinking of last year and how effortlessly I could pump out 8 minute miles. I finally just forced myself to forget about my fitness level from before the baby and stop comparing myself to that. Instead I would say, “Hey, a month ago, I could barely waddle out to the mailbox, now I’m jog/walking a whole mile!!” Every time I ran I would celebrate the little victories. A little further on the distance, a little faster on the pace. Knowing what I was able to do before made me believe I could do it again, but I’ve just had to accept that it will take time.

My baby turned 5 months old yesterday. Today I ran 3 miles at a 8:40 pace. I’m getting there, but it’s just taking longer than I would’ve liked. : )Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are amazing and an inspiration to so many people. We’re definitely rooting you on as you make your comeback!


i love this because i am happy to know you are human :) i seriously think you are superwoman when it comes to running! and i get so jealous! i have been running a few times with little daner while i push him in the stroller and it is SO MUCH HARDER than just running. i went yesterday and didn’t have time to go today and am trying to talk myself into going tomorrow because it is seriously difficult and i just don’t want to do it! i feel like i am starting completely over because it is just different. anyway. i know how you feel! and i know you are going to be running sub 3 marathons in no time. keep it up, chica!


Aww beautiful don’t ever feel bad about complaining. You have every right to be frustrated; having to work for something that used to come easily is always frustrating. I just admire your ability to move past it and continue working and I KNOW you will be faster and stronger in the future!

lots of hugs & love <3


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