I did the responsible thing.  It was a hard decision but it had to be made.  I complain/joke about being poor a lot and an opportunity came to make some good money and I knew I had to take it.  Yes, spending 11 hours a day for a week and a half in a car with 15 year olds learning how to drive was not what I had in mind when I pictured my summer break but……..

for the first time in months I did something adult-like and decided I should take the offer.

That doesn’t mean I don’t make my drivers ed kids stop every 1.5 hours for either an ice-cold lemonade, ice cream cone or to walk around a park to stretch.  Just close your eyes and imagine being a drivers ed teacher……..now you know why I eat so much ice cream.

When I got home I decided I was going to take advantage of the next four hours and make it blissfull.

So, I……..

Got in pajamas before even taking my shoes off.  It was awkward and it took way more time than if I had just taken my shoes off in the first place.

Didn’t cook and forced billy to Wendy’s for my favorite salad. Obviously brushing my hair was out of the question.

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Watched 2 episodes of ‘Make it or Break it.’  It is completely normal for a 25 year old to watch a teenage drama full of cat-fights/break-ups and get all choked up when one of them falls off the beam or messes up on their floor routine.

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Stared at the wall.  You know you do that too when you are extra exhausted.

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Ate 3 cookies that I made on Saturday……recipe HERE.

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Don’t forget to check out ‘didn’t cut it‘ and ‘my training’


How do you recover from a long day at work/home with the kids/busy day at school?

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I usually nap! Haha. My husband always gives me a hard time for it. So I still need to get my Utah license and I am overly nervous about it!! I might end up needing to retake drivers Ed hahaha.


you HAD to have been the happiest person at that wendy’s…haha! and as a 25 year old girl who still regularly tunes into the disney channel i’m all for your make it or break it addiction! :)
after a long day, i pretty much do what you did. allow myself to enjoy some of my guilty pleasures (ie: celeb gossip, blogtrolling, and fav. tv shows) and veg. Have a great day and if you’ve got to be responsible at least keep making all those roadside pit-stops! :)
after long workouts i usually guzzle water like crazy, eat my fav foods, and try to sloth around the rest of the day.


I recover by cooking! I purposely go to Whole Foods and spend way too much money on ingredients to make a fun recipe I guess some would rather have something quick and easy but I like to just relax and listen to music while chopping and stirring away.


Having a bath and reading a book!

PS I love Wendy’s frosty’s!


In order to recover from a long day I watch my favorite shows (criminal minds and stuff like that) and eat some form of chocolate. Oh, and it helps to have a dinner filled with cheesy goodness.


First of all, I’m so glad you were just transitioning the blog and not gone forever! I was so upset when I clicked on the blog over the weekend and got a “Feed not found” error. Glad you’re back :)

I recover by laying in bed and watching TV. Sometimes I take a nap, but usually I SAY I will nap and don’t really do it.


Gorgeous girl…you couldn’t get rid of me that easily. I SAY I will nap too but then I just end up reading blogs for a few hours ha!


Timethief, sending white henialg light and cyber hugs your way! (((((((((tt))))))))))))))))) Get well soon. Looking forward to your next post, when you are able. Take good care of yourself.


I want those cookies right now.

I never really thought about how boring it would be to be a drivers ed teacher. It’s got to be killer!

I love teen dramas! Have you seen Pretty Little Liars? I’m thinking I need to start watching. It sounds right up my alley :).


After a long day with the kids, I either run or sit on my deck with a cold beer and my guitar and scare away the birdies with my loud playing. :)


After a long day at work (I work 10 am to 7 pm – love the schedule – I don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to workout) – I eat dinner and fall on the couch for reading or watching tv or chatting with husband.


This reminds me of when I was taking Driver’s Ed (like a hundred years ago) and the instructor would ALWAYS make me take him to McDonalds and then he would torture me with the sweet smell of french fries in the car. One day I put the car in drive instead of reverse when I was backing out of the parking space and we ended up in the bushes. I’m sure you have similar stories.

I recover from long days by vegging out with a magazine.


After a long day I like to unwind by watching tv or going for a walk. Cookies help too!


I like to sit back with a cold dr. pepper and read a good book!


Actually, I think you prefer hanging out with your awesomely funny wonderful wife.


I recover with a good book, movie, or show, cuddling, and ice cream!


I need to start watching Make it or Break it (I used to be a gymnast WAY back in the day), and I just saw they have the episodes online for free! Score!

What kind of Wendy’s salad is that? I don’t know why, but I’m always wary of salads from fast food restaurants–I think it’s because I’m worried that it won’t taste good?


HEY GORGEOUS!!! I get the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad. I was totally skeptical too but my mom made me try it and I LOVE IT!!! Let me know if you get it! Let me know if you like Make It or Break It too!!!


I’m wondering that same question! I just started working out and by the end of the workout, I feel fine, great in fact, but my feet are so sore! I was at the gym for two classes and the treadmill but I didn’t stay long on the treadmill because my feet were so tired. How do you stay on your feet the whole time during those long runs? Is it my shoes? Are there stretches or feet strengthening I can do? I don’t want that to be the only thing holding me back but maybe they just have to get used to it.


BEAUTIFUL!!! It is the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad and it is so so good. YOUR FEET ARE SORE!!!! That is lamesauce because I bet you want to keep going and going. It might just take time to strengthen your feet but I like to roll my feet over a tennis ball to help stretch them. If they don’t get better I would definitely get it checked out!


Love the new stuff on the blog!!!!! :D
Those cookies sound AMAZING!


Ha ha I’m WAAAAAY older than you and I never miss an episode of MIOBI! I can’t believe I’m admitting that! My husband makes so much fun of me, especially when I tear up. :)


Billy makes fun of me too!! He doesn’t understand how awesome the show is. Come watch it with me and we can cry together when they get hurt etc.


I read blogs :-)


I relax and stare at the wall as much as possible when I’m exhausted.


ha ha this is so funny because I spent all night last night watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Um yeah pretty sure that was made for 16 year olds.

You are pretty much my hero for teaching Driver Ed. I could never do that. Love ya girl and be careful out there with those crazy teenagers. :)


LET’S WATCH SECRET LIFE TOGETHER!!! I need to start watching that one! We can get yogurtland to go:)


You are so grown up. 11 hours a day is some serious time girl!
Oh, and I DO get to see you this weekend, right?!


hahaha – love your expression. I recover by going for a bike ride, shower, change into the comfiest pajamas, cook dinner and sit on the couch with Billy and my laptop. :)


How do I recover from a long day? With a long run and a good sweat, of course.

I love your ‘reply’ feature on your comments. Was that part of the overhaul this past weekend?


THANKS GIRL!!! Yeah, the reply feature is brand new. Now I can bug you/make you talk to me even more ha!! Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


I LOVE make it or break it and I’m over 30. Can’t get enough of it. And I cry too. I did finally force myself to stop shopping at American Eagle though – it was tough but I have to draw the line somewhere.


NOOOO!!!! American Eagle?!?! I didn’t know I ever had to stop shopping there…don’t do it:) Okay, good to know I am not alone in my MIOBRI obsession. Come watch it with me!


How do I recover from a long day at work? Well, let’s look at last night…Expected to get home at 7:00 from work but ended up getting home at 9:30. Soooo I stopped at the fro-yo joint, ordered a large (yes large) and plopped myself on the couch to watch the Bachelorette. And it was pure bliss (with the exception of that jerk Bentley – but that’s a whole different discussion)


We are the same person…..fro-yo after a long day and watching the Bachelorette!! That sounds like the best night EVER to me!


I’ve been onnlie off and on and when I’m onnlie I tend to answer support forum questions. The good news is that I am slowly recovering. I just have to rest more. Thanks for thinking of me.


I put on mah sweats, put on my slippers, read some blogs, watch Hulu, EAT, and take a nap. Yeeeuhhh


What’s wrong with some Make It or Break It. I most certainly teared up with Payson landed that vault!

I find that the way you ended your day is JUST the way to end a long day at work.


Um….will you come watch MIOBI with me and we can cry and eat chocolate at the same time!


Gossip magazines or trashy TV for sure!


After a long day I take a hot bath.. Get cozy.. Hop in bed early with a good book! Oh it’s fabulous!


11 hours with teenagers? Oy Vay. You’re a trooper!!


Just read the cookie blog entry. I am always looking for something different than the tollhouse recipe and these look amazing. i agree, sprinkles make EVERYTHING better.


Let me know if you make them!!! Try adding sprinkles;)


will do! i seriously have like 10 different flavors/colors of sprinkles in my cabinet so it is pretty much a crime not to


I watch reality TV to veg out. My boyfriend makes fun of me constantly for it, but it is my escape!


Mention that Wendy’s salad a few more times and I MIGHT be convinced to try it!! :-)


Love Make It or Break It- totally cried a few times during the season finale! After the husband comes home from work I sit, eat food, watch reruns of The Office and catch up on my blog stalking. I also do this for about an hour every morning after my run- before I feel like starting the day!


Reruns of the office are the BEST!!! Good to know I am not the only one that cries during MIOBI:)


Confession: I love Make it or Break It. I also secretly love Pretty Little Liars. I need a life


I NEED to watch Pretty Little Liars!! Thank you for expressing your love for MIOBI!!!! I feel less alone now:)


Hi Susan,Without doubt living in Lotus Land does feed my spiirt. The coast and the islands are gorgeous and I’m so happy I live where I do. I’d rather be on the beach than renovating but I definitely don’t want to be renovating during winter months. So a catch when we can summer is on the order paper for this year.


painting. staring at the wall. attempting to do an ab workout, but just laying on the floor staring at the TV in a daze. starting laundry, but calling it a day after leaving all the clothes in the dryer.

..maybe I should do a post about how awesome I am.


YES A POST ABOUT HOW AWESOME YOU ARE!!! Do it for me, pretty please! Ha, I totally attempt to do ab workouts too but just end up laying there asking BIlly to bring me candy!


#1 take a nap, or just lay on the floor corpse pose, breath, and let my mind go blank.
#2 Satisy any food/dessert craving i am having.
#3 watch mindless tv. Last night it was the bachelorette.
#4 only in the winter months, long hot shower or bath.


Whew! that’s a long day!! But, some extra $$ is probably nice to have in times like these. With your endless energy, I bet you recover fast! And, your make-up looks stellar too!

After a long day, I do want to lie on the couch and not talk, but Cooper needs a walk before I can kick off my shoes :) the things I do for my fur baby.


So I’m at work taking a *ahem* long lunch break (a.k.a. blog reading break) and that photo of you “staring at the wall” made me laugh out loud. That face is classic.

Thank goodness my coworker is also my friend and already understands I’m a weirdo who reads too many blogs…


I am glad your coworker understands our crazy obsessions with blogs. I take ‘lunch breaks (blog stalking breaks)’ all day long. Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


those days can be draining! I like to cook and turn off all TV. Just enjoy a glass of wine and kick back with the hubs.
I love your mountains in the background!


I recover by vegging out on the couch and trying to move as little as possible from the time i get home until the time i get in the bed (usually about 3 hours- adding evening workouts makes for too little couch time if you ask me ;))


As a mother teaching her 15-year-old how to drive, I really admire your courage! :)


I love make it or break it!! Do you like the other abcfamily shows too!?! I watched secret life this morning (from last night) and was crying — can’t wait to see tonights episode of it!


I NEED to get into secret life….should I start from the beginning or the season right now?


I hoep my email reply worked — but I was using my phone, so I’m never too sure!

Def start secret life from the beginning — you are going to love it.

Also, do you watch Pretty Little Liars?? Love love! They only have had one season so far, but season 2 starts next week!

Oh, and Switched at Birth premiered last night — I think I’m gonna be hooked on that too.

I really love abcfamily shows. I feel like the shows on abcfamily now are kinda like how when we were in 8-12th grade and watch the Dawsons Creek/Gilmore Girls/One Tree Heaven shows on the wb. Kinda makes me think of them :)


My three best friends and I were in a drivers ed car together and had sooo much fun, mostly making fun of our teacher. Then we bought us ice cream on the last day of class. And we felt really bad for making fun of him. Driver’s ed teachers rock!


Hanging at my community pool with an ice cold bevy and a good book is always awesome.
Currently chinning with my son watching Ramona and Beezus. Yes, I know you are jealous.


If I haven’t worked out, I recover by going for a run! After some exercise I somehow have more. Don’t know how that’s possible, but it works? Relaxing for me is reading, catching up on shows, and MAYBE eating my weight in candy. Maybe.


Maybe should never be put in front of ‘eating my weight in candy.’ Going for a run is the BEST way to wind down after a long day….we think a lot alike sista!


this is completed unrelated to this post but your contact me page isn’t working! :(

is there a way to add your training page to my google reader? i would like to follow it but i hate/never remember to visit sites individually like that. any tips?? thanks!!!


BILLY JUST ADDED the training page to google reader….I think:) Let me know if it works and the contact page should be up and running now!! THANKS!!!


it worked! thanks!!!


I love going for a run at the end of the day to unwind. I know that being injured sucks though, and if I couldn’t run or already have I usually like to veg out in front on my tv AND computer. Love your blog by the way and good luck with the recovery/ return to running process!


I think I would wear a helmet if I were a driver’s ed instructor. And maybe start a new addiction, whether it be seriously illegal or just gummy worms. You are a stronger woman than I.


I laughed at your comment for two minutes straight. Good call on the helmet and believe me…I have considered many addictions to get me through it:)


I didn’t even know they still had driver’s ed. I had to go to a separate driver’s school that my parents made me go to bc you get an insurance discount. You must be super patient, I can’t imagine. But you are a lot prettier and hopefully less smelly than the guy that rode in the car with me. We didn’t get icecream breaks either!


GORGEOUS photo with the pretty light!!

Oh my goodness, I am working nightshift right now at the hospital and today when I was sleeping after work today, I literally dreamed that I was visiting you out in UTAH! The scenery was gorgeous and you were SO nice, just as I had imagined.

Crazy dream, it was one of those dreams that feels very real!


I HOPE YOUR DREAM COMES TRUE!!! Please come visit, we will be best real life friends!! NIGHTSHIFTS…..you are my hero!


I love reading your posts. I swear they come to my email at 3 pm everyday and they make me smile! Thanks Janae for brightening my day. xoxoxo!!!
P.S. I love Wendy’s salad too!!!


You made MY DAY!!! Thank you for the sweetest comment EVER!!! Come to Wendy’s with me and I will take you on a date and buy your salad:)


I know it’s weird, but I find it soothing to go grocery shopping! Then I get to have good eats when I get home. Otherwise, I curl up like you and catch some reality TV :)


Janae! When are you coming to Cali girlfriend!? You know…we have Wendy’s & Yourtlands out here too ;-) Just sayin’!


GIRL!!! I am going to be in Cali at the end of this month!!! Yogurtland date pretty please?!?!?


HECK YES. Except, when will you be down!? And what part of Cali? I think you need to announce it on a post! I’m sure you have loads of Cali bffs!


Actually my boyfriend (23) watches MIOBI with me! Can’t stop watching it even though it’s pure teenage drama! I guess it also reminds us both of the times we were teenage athletes with restrictions and high ambitions, not that that has changed, we’re just a bit older now :)


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