Do you like my new home?

Billy spent the last way too many hours working on HungryRunnerGirl’s new home.   I woke up at 3 a.m. on the living room floor in a crazy weird position and looked up and Billy was working away at switching over to WordPress and adding a lot of new cool additions.  I think it is pretty bombdiggity.  If you sent me a email through the contact page in the last 24 hours it didn’t work so if you could resend it that would be awesome!!!

You can now find my workouts (more detailed) in the training page at the top!!!!

We had the Terra Mia get-together and like usual I overdosed on pizza and I am writing this as I lay on my tummy to help the digestion.

Look at those beautiful girls!!! We have Elena, Holly, Julia, Sarah, Rachelle, Amber, Emily, Ashley, creephead and Rachelle.

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I went with my favorite….the Pesto calzone.

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Some got delicious gelato afterwards.  Seriously, the best gelato in Utah.  No joke.

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But this little man wanted Yogurtland gummy worms and root bear float ice cream…..

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and dragged us there with him.  I was kicking and screaming the whole way.    PS isn’t that the cutest little waterbottle in the above picture!

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I really am in a food coma now and need to watch tv with the husband and make him rub my feet.  I mean I did run a full two miles and I need to take advantage of the time now that my feet aren’t completely ‘runners’ feet yet.


Favorite flavor of Gelato?

-Cocunut with real flakes of coconut in it.

Do you have a water bottle?  What kind?  Do you take it everywhere with you?

-I love Camelback water bottles but it is currently lost and so I take my old vitamin water bottle everywhere with me.  Maybe this is why I pee 4 times during the night.

Would you rather have a back massage or a foot rub?

-FOOT RUB!!!! I don’t know why I love those so much?!?!

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Go Billy for setting up your new sight!

Question, I have a blogspot site right now, so could you give insight on why you switched to WordPress?? I’ve heard a lot of different opinions, and I just wanted to hear yours!

I love back massages, but foot massages completely creep me out, since I’m so ticklish there!

Love stracciatella gelato!


WordPress has soooo many plugins to make things very customizable!

Love the site Janae!!


I love your new set-up. I’m new to blogging, but I just posted my favorite blogs on my site, and I added yours. I love your sense of humor, and always have a smile on my face while reading your blog!


That was so fun to see you/meet you in REAL life today at Yogurtland! I’m so glad we got to chat for a minute, now I feel like we are real friends instead of just imaginary blog friends. :) Your new site looks GREAT! Way to go Billy! What a great husband!
*Never had gelato
*During the school year I take my bright yellow Oregon Ducks water bottle (that I freeze EVERY night) with me all over school! :)
*I love me a good foot rub any day!


Um…..seriously, made my life to meet you in real life. When can we go on a yogurtland date!?!?!?! Maybe I will take you for gelato!! Oregon Ducks…did you go there?


Favorite flavor of gelato is pistachio for sure!!

I don’t carry a water bottle around, but I need to start doing it. I’ll get in the habit and then get out of it and I haven’t done it lately.

I LOVE back massages. Feet are pretty good too, as is having my head massaged, but back tops all for me.


That Calzone looks SO YUMMY!!!!
I LOVE my back rubbed…I hate feet! :P


I love any fruit flavor of gelato.

I have nalgene bottles (8 actually) and yes, I carry them everywhere. Even to restaurants. My boyfriend thinks I’m weird, but I am very well hydrated.

I would rather a back massage!

PS. I saw the post you wrote about the new balance minimus and had to get a pair, and now I am obsessed.


I’d definitely take a backrub any day! I love them. I don’t have any water bottles at the moment, but I definitely need one because I don’t drink enough water :(


Cool new layout! I love coconut EVERYTHING so I know I would love gelato, yum! I’m so jealous of all your awesome blogger excursions. My new plan is to take a trip to Utah!


That calzone looks so good! And I’d rather a back massage…I don’t like anyone touching my feet. I’m weird.


I love the new layout! How did you get your photos to be the same width as the text? Mine are smaller but I don’t know how to make them the same size…

Your meet-up looked so fun, too bad I’m in Boston :(

I have a Sigg that I bring everywhere and drink out of a million times a day an thus I’m always looking for a bathroom.

I’d take either back or foot but I probably have a better shot at a back rub haha


I love the new set up! I have been reading your blog for a while, but just thought of pressing the follow button? haha wow! Go fellow Utahns!


it was great to be able to put faces with some of the blogs I love to read. thank you for putting the meet-up together janae. you’re cute as ever!

i’ve only had rosemary gelato and it was amazing. i always have my camelback water bottle with me and i always carry water when i run with a handheld amphipod (my favorite running gadget) and, i’d much rather have my feet rubbed but only if i must … i’m not a very touchy feely person. in fact, you should probably feel super lucky to have gotten a hug back today! heehee.


Loving the new home!! It looks great :)


Seriously?! I look like a smurf in the Yogurtland picture… and the chair is totally blocking my cute red Toms. :/ LOL!

had so much fun on our blogger date today! I can’t believe how close we have all become in such a short amount of time. Please tell B-dawg to go to BYU Law… I can’t imagine life without my bff in Utah…

The only gelato I’ve had is from Costco… and they were all good. I just reuse plastic liter bottles (smart water, powerade, etc)… I’m a cheapskate. And footrun for sure. Especially since my arches are ALWAYS achy…


well now, you already know i LOVE your new site!! congrats and props to billy!

that calzone has seriously stolen my heart and it got my tongue all fired up for some kind of doughy goodness! so cool that you all had a blast at the bloggy meet-up and can i just say you all are about the hottest looking bloggers around?? well, that’s how runners roll, right? hehe.

favorite kind of gelato is chocolate, i take a water bottle nearly everywhere i’m a nerd, and as much as i would LOVE a footrub, my feet are too gnarly to subject anyone to that kind of torture. :)


Praise JESUS you’re site is up again.
I literally had my heart stop while it was down.


love the new layout! it looks awesome! remember how i took that yogurtland picture? i kinda feel famous right now. even it nobody knows it. anyway. so fun to see you today! !


I didn’t go to school in Oregon but my bestie has another bestie (does that make sense?) who is from Eugene and they are both the biggest die hard Ducks fans–ever! That means I get Oregon prizes every time she heads up there for a visit. We can meet at Yogurtland any time and of course Mindy will come too, afterall she got me hooked on Yogurtland AND on your blog! :)


You coldun’t pay me to ignore these posts!


ZzqTRo cyfwxehndunk


pa6hU5 lutzhvonlsxs


I’ll take a foot rub from anyone willing to grab my feet, but after miles and miles on these babies, I’d be surprised if anyone was willing to rub them :). Of course, I’m a sucker for a good head scratch too.


Really love the new wordpress page!!


yayyyyy!!! yesterday was SOO fun! and I loved that gelato. the coconut really was delicious. i had dreams about it last night! have a fabulous day :)


I’m a fairly new reader to your blog and I absolutely love it! You are hilarious!


Hi! I love your blog! I have been reading for a while, but I don’t have a blog of my own.
I guess I don’t understand why people like this blog layout!? I don’t really like blogs that use this layout, with the one post, and then all the small posts under it that you have to click on and read, and then click back and forth each time if you’re reading a few posts. I think the previous layout is much easier and more enjoyable for reading.
But maybe someone can enlighten me as to why this is a good layout? I read blogs on my computer, not on my phone or anything.
I’m not trying to be obnoxious, I just don’t get it!


love the new look! great job billster (and you janae!). just makes coming over and reading THAT much better :)
yay for 2 miles, great job. and bigger yay for the calzone.


LOVE the new look!! Ahhhh wordpress is so much easier to comment on :)


nice job on the new sight!


Love your blog even more now! Geez could you get any cooler? :)

Yogurtland is amazing!


The new page looks awesome! Your hubbie did a great job!


I love my Nalgene bottles. I also have a few stainless steel bottles that are great. But two big Nalgenes full of water is my minimum water for the day, so it’s great for measuring that out.


Oooh fancy!! I love it!!


Loving your new home.. it looks great!!


Glad I’ve finally found soemtnihg I agree with!


Billy is rubbing my feet RIGHT THIS MINUTE! I love a foot massage more than anything else. Love your new home, beautiful girl! xoxo


YAY love the new home. Looking good!


I need to talk to you about this whole wordpress thing… i am thinking it might be the better way! ah! billy is so good at doing all this blog stuff for you! why can’t i seem to convince ben…


LOVE LOVE LOVE the new layout!!! how nice of your hubs to take care of you like that :) it seriously looks AWESOME!!!! so so so sad we didnt make it to terra mia :( but the baby d was sooo sick (fever, runny boogers, hacking up a lung, the works!). But it looks like you had a blast!!! LOVE YOU and hopefully I will see you soon
love your stalker (one of many to be sure!)


Your page looks awesome! I just recently started blogging and I think I’ve played with mine about 15 times now-your layout is so clean and organized!


Great blog, Just wanted to comment that i can not connect to the rss stream, you might want install the right wordpress plugin for that to workthat.


Very nice post. I have been browsing for a while and you have given me a lot of info.


I’m so glad that the inrtenet allows free info like this!

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