Easter Excellence.

Hold on to your hats for way too many pictures, but you know that’s how I roll.

We worked up our appetite by playing bop-it.

We only had one of them so Jamie and I had to play air bop-it.  Move featured below:  Twist it.

I turned Billy into a life size bop-it but he didn’t like me twisting his arm and bopping his stomach very much.

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After burning at least 900 calories with our intense gaming skills it was time for Easter dinner.

The green beans were amazing, delicious potatoes (my mom threw red potatoes/cream of mushroom soup/onions/sour cream and cheese into the crock-pot on low for 6.5 hours and it was heavenly), ham, rolls……..

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and the most amazing fruit salad.  Summer, how I love thee mostly for the amazing fruit that you produce.

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Please do not lower your opinion of me with the next picture.  When there is a competition and candy is involved my values and niceness go out the window.  He is scratching his eye, not crying…I promise.

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They still love me and I did end up giving them all the eggs that I found,

But my mom did stock me up with all my protein that I need this week…..

baby chicks and eggs filled with marshmallows (same nutritional benefits).

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Best challenge ever:  I challenged my nephew to see how many of my Peeps he could fit into his mouth at one time.  Grandma made him stop at four but he said he could have fit at least two more in.

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I had to sample all three desserts just so that I wouldn’t make anyone feel bad, ya know…..

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Thank goodness my family has learned to pose with food for me……they thought it was a little strange a few months ago when I started this madness but now I have transformed them into foodies with me.

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and the best way to end the night was a big ol’ hug from the niece.  Usually I have to bribe her with candy and letting her stay up later to hug me, but this time she did it naturally….I probably spilled chocolate on my jeans and she just wanted to lick it off.

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if you had a life over the weekend and wanna catch up………..

Honey Nut Honey More Cheerios

Date Night with the Jacob’s

Brocolli Sandwich

My Life is Random

Pure Comfort


Check out and help out the BEAUTIFUL BREEANN’S blog.…she is doing a Running with Angels 5K and needs your help!!


What was your Easter dessert last night?

-Vanilla bean with strawberries, oreo brownie and of course I had to try the carrot cake.

What summer fruit are you most looking forward to?

-Perfectly ripe strawberries that are dirt cheap and mangoes.

Brother Dan asks, “Would you rather have the endurance of Dean Karzanes or the speed of Usain Bolt?

and his second question is do any of you secretly have Beiber Fever?  Because he does.

Sister Jamie’s question, “Who would you rather see get a hair cut…..Donald Trump or Sean White (the snowboarder)?”

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me too! me too!

i can't WAIT for strawberries! although, i am moving away from michigan's fruit belt to the middle of the grain plains….i'm trying not to think about how expensive good fruit is going to be there come july…


Question 1: I would take Dean Karnasez's endurance over anything.

Question 2: Nope!

Question 3: Trump.

Fun post! Looks like you had an awesome day :)


I cannot wait for strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. pretty much any berry to be ripe and cheap! I also would love to have D.K's endurance! I love to run long but get so tired!!!! I wouldn't mind taking YOUR endurance and speed!


Looks like you had an awesome Easter with the fam! I was stuck studying for finals all weekend. Last finals ever :) My Easter dessert was PB, banana, and honey all mashed together. Any summer fruit that I can go to the farm and pick myself is a winner in my book. Looking forward to strawberries and blueberries the most! I'd rather have the endurance of Dean and I don't really have Bieber Fever, sorry though I do like Baby and Sean White for sure!

Girl you always post delicious looking pics of salads! What do you put in them, I usually dump anything in my fridge in there but just looking for new fun things to add!


What is that oreo dessert? I need it!

Summer fruit really is the best. I want to go pick fresh strawberries!


Ohh, I LOVE that picture of your niece. So sweet.

I can't wait to go strawberry picking and to have fresh peppers and tomoatoes from the garden. My hubs plants a HUGE garden every year and I get to be a rabbit for Wisconsin's three whole months of summer. :)


Awesome pics, you look like you had a really great weekend :)

My dessert was a big piece of chocolatey cake. Yummm

What summer fruit are you most looking forward to?
Strawberries, Pineapple, and watermelon!

Brother Dan, I'd rather be fast like Usain Bolt. His speed is so amazing!

No Beiber fever though, I seriously thought beiber was a girl for almost a whole year.

Sister Jamie: Trump. For sure. That comb-over has got to go!


i THINK i'd rather have dean's endurance. my husband would definitely pick speed, though. he's super fast and takes wayyy too much pride in it. : )


I am SO excited for summer! I would much rather have Dean's endurance seems like it would come in handy more than speed…Unless you're being chased by lions…Then speed would be better.


Fresh strawberries all the way! I've been eating them like crazy the last couple of weeks. I'd want the speed of Usain Bolt for sure! I can already run for ages, now I'd like to be able to run FAST for ages, please!
Bop it was a family fave for me!!!


1. I want that fruit salad immediately.
2. Love that sweet picture of your niece hugging your leg.
3. Dessert last night was a 7-layer bar and 1/2 of a carrot cake cupcake, plus about 50 thousand peanut butter m&m's. Mmm!

Hope you have the BEST day!!!!


I was sick ALL weekend, but managed to eat a piece of red velvet cake last night, That. Is. Dedication.

I love it all… Peaches, magoes, pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries. We've already been eating that for a couple mths now… were in the south!

I would rather have SPEED

Yup but my Bieber fever is no secret .\

Sean White!


I wish you showed more brownie pics!! They looked so gooooddd…

Definitely looking forward to watermelon :) Fave fruit that I could eat all day.

Probably would rather have Dean's endurance, since I've already come to terms with the fact that I'll never be speedy. Plus, saying you can run at least 27 miles is pretty amazing!


Ooo looks like a great time!!!

I love watermelon in the summer. I really think I could eat a whole one!!!

I'd rather have Dean's endurance!! And I'd like to see Shawn White get a haircut. I think he'd be very good looking with short hair!


Pretty sure my family had that same meal..down to the same 3 fruits in the fruit salad. Must be a Utah thing. And, we also had a big kid Easter egg hunt. Party on!


Strawberries and watermelon!! Oh I can't wait for fruit salads :) We didn't have an easter dinner last night because the family was all over the place – I was visiting the bf in MN, brother was working and my parents were renovating!


our dessert was to die for! (i may or may not have had a slice when I first woke up…!) We had a strawberry jello cake with the best fresh strawberries on top. Yumm!


We had cherry pie

I cant wait for WATERMELON!


Strawberries and watermelons!

Dean Karnazes, definitely.

No Beiber fever.

And Trump needs a cut. We all know that.


No Beiber fever, and thankfully, none from my daughter either.
Trump. Perhaps a new cut could win him the presidential race.

Happy Easter!


Easter desert- coconut lime berry cake. Summer fruit- cherries. Dean Karnazes, I have little boys so we dont know anything about Beiber. For sure Donald Trump needs a haircut.


That oreo dessert looks absolutely exquisite!!

We almost had the exact same Easter dinner! Minus the Mashed Potatoes! :)


Those potatoes sound SO heavenly!

I'm looking forward to peaches the most and watermelon!

And I'd def rather have the endurance of Dean


Sounds like a great Easter Sunday! I love all the sugar you devoured. I love summer strawberries and watermelon and of course dirt cheap mangoes too!


Our Easter dessert was carrot cake and then way too many Jelly Belly's and Reese's Eggies!
I can't wait till Costco has blueberries and strawberries for dirt cheap ;)
I think I would go with endurance over speed and Sean White needs a haircut bad!


Looks like you had the BEST Easter with the fam :) SO fun!

My dessert last night was ice cream (yogurt based of course) from Walmart with Easter candy and dark chocolate PB mixed in…super delicious!!!!

I cannot wait to eat strawberries and blueberries and all fruit every day this summer :)


Count me in for speed. I already have a lot of endurance, and I think most of endurance is just mental stubbornness… but I am not fast at ALL.


You are hysterical! I am sure your insistence on finding the eggs made it all the more fun. Not a belieber! Dessert last night was some yummy Oreo dish my mom made. Oreo crust on the bottom with a mouse more crushed oreos and cool W-h-ip (with a Stewie "H"). Fav summer fruit would be strawberries…right out my backyard! Have a great week!


Endurance of Dean!! All the way!!


I'm definitely looking forward to peaches! I live in a state that produces a whole bunch of peaches and there's just nothing better than a nice juicy peach. :D I don't even mind wiping the stickyness off my chin when it tastes as good as it does.


I had pumpkin cookies with a cream cheese frosting (my contribution :)), and of course, lots of chocolate.


My easter dessert was a home made hot cross bun- yum! I would rather have endurance than speed. Please will Trump get a proper wig! And I am looking forward to mangoes and nectarines- love them!


Love brother Dan's question! Speed definitely.


I made cupcakes for the Primary kids in our ward and of course, during the process I ate about my weight in cream cheese frosting!

Sean White! Haha, his hair is soo long!

And yes, I do have a secret case of Bieber fever, so shhh.


Your family is so cute and I just love all of the fun pictures. I totally would have eaten all three of the desserts as well. I try to have self control but just can't ever resist.

I am so excited for watermelon. Yum! Have a wonderful day beautiful girl.


We had frozen berries with a warm chocolate sauce and it was delicious!!
Your holiday looks fun.


I had wine for dessert. *blush*
Strawberries & watermelon. Yum!
I'll take endurance any day.
No Bieber Fever
And, Trump!!


I'd like to have that Bolt speed back when I played soccer…that would have been awesome. I am ready for ALL FRUIT! yay! I have to go catch up on all your posts because I am having Janae withdrawal. Hope you had a great Easter!!!


Shaun White, pulllleeze! That is one crazy mop in need of taming.


This looks like such a fun weekend! My parents have almost the exact SAME ship portrait in their living room!! How funny! :) Hope you have a wonderful Monday girl!


Carrot cake!!! Yah :) I am most excited for watermelon, strawbs, and blackberries!!!


So many wonderful pictures on this post!!! Of course and want to high five your nephew for the peeps contest! I have done that with grapes but not peeps! :)

Think of all the glorious fruit you will be downing this summer in Cali!!! I heart summer too for this very reason, that and contant flip-flop wearing!

I am STILL laughing at your aggressive candy picture!! :)


hhahahahahaha. that pic of your nephew with the peeps is awesome.

i want speed i crave it because i don't have it… yet? :)

and omg my obsession with J Bieber is not at all secret. teen heartthrob #1.



What was your Easter dessert last night?

-Marshmallows and cereal with chocolate PB. I am random just like you :-)

What summer fruit are you most looking forward to?

-Perfectly ripe strawberries that are dirt cheap and mangoes. ( THAT IS MY ANSWER TOO!)

I don't have Bieber Fever but I still liked watching him play basketball all-star weekend. I'd go with speed because I already have some endurance :-)



my easter weekend was amazing, got to run a 5k as a family!!! loved it.

also, fuit is by far my favorite and most consumed food, i eat way to much of it, so i look forward to all of it!!! love summer for fresh fruits and veggies!



Glad you all had an Easter Blast! :)


So funny! I had Strawberry shortcake too! so fresh and delicious! And butter pecan cupcakes with coconut tropical frosting :)

I love Easter, family, chocolate, church, and everything about the holiday! So many things to be grateful for are celebrated.


We had a similar meal – always ham on Easter! I don't eat ham, so I had some delicious salmon. And we had an amazing fruit salad like yours. I love pineapple, berries, and grapes together. And kiwi! We had cupcakes and cookie dough bars made by yours truly. And Easter candy from the big egg hunt. Billy stole many peanut butter cups and jelly beans from my nieces. :)


Looks like a blasty!! Look at all that delicious food!! WOW!


Your Easter looks so fun!
Definitely endurance – I could just run forever without tiring!
I'm super excited for strawberries & blueberries.


Can't stop laughing at the little boy "scratching his eye" LOL! Poor little guy! Even funnier is the Peeps picture and holy potatoes, I need to try your mom's crockpot potatoes, I'm all over that!!!!

Can't wait for strawberries, blueberries and every other type of summer fruit…bring it!


I can't wait for summer cherries! I can eat them by the pound.

I love the pictures of your giant family get togethers! My family is really small, so our dinners are very different. But yours look so fun!


I LOVE BOP IT!!! and dang yeah.. that is some intense exercise- workin those arms on the twist it! your food looks AMAZING! YUMBALLS!
fav summer fruit?! yikes.. idk! watermelon perhaps!?!? altho i cnt get good watermelon in london.. boo!


I did have to catch up…..and I want to run right out and buy some honey nut cheerios.

Easter dessert was angle food cake with strawberries and cool whip.

Most looking forward to nectarines.

Happy Monday!


I'm loving the bop-it!

Ummmm casino buffet. Not the most "christ-like" meal, but it's not like I gambled…just eat..like Jesus would want us to do!


My favorite fruit is actually a winter fruit– POMEGRANATE!

It may very well be the one redeeming thing about winter haha.


the only thing peeps are good for is entertaining you by blowing them up in the microwave!!! :D


Easter dessert – fro yo w/ lots of toppings. Yum. :) I'll take Dean's endurance any day – I'd love to be able to run that far without injuring myself.

I can't wait for berries and peaches this summer!


Such a pretty home! I esicpeally love the wallpaper in your kitchen – do you know where you got it? Or any info on it’s name or whereabouts? And when you painted your cabinets, weren’t they white before? Did you have to re-prime or anything? You have such talent!!!! Have a great day!Hugs from Michigan – Diane

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