Broccoli Sandwich

I know that those two words should never be used together but to me it sounds heavenly.

Technically, it is just an egg omelet with roasted broccoli and ketchup on the inside but I ate it with my hands like a sandwich.

I understand if you are completely coveting my fruit right now because it did taste just as good as it looks.

IMG 5653

I taught spin this morning and I am slowly able to add on a little resistance without pain.

Dare I say that my heart rate was above 90 bpm for the first time in the last 6 weeks (other than last weekend when my mom placed a brownie with ice cream right in front of me)!!

I also took a 20 minute toning class that kicked my booty.  She was like Jillian and we moved from one move to the next in the blink of an eye, no time to realize she is asking you to do another move that would make you want to cry.

After lunch and a SHOWER (I had a reason to shower….don’t worry I am not changing my ways and attempting to have better hygiene) I went over to UVU (Utah Valley University) for the Woman’s Expo.

Now you promise not to laugh…..

I was ‘modeling’ for ModBod (my favorite clothing company).

Three reasons (besides the obvious) why I will never be asked to model again……

1.  I was a complete gimp as I dragged my femur behind me.

2.  I accidently snorted when the lady said my name completely wrong.

3.  I was eating chocolate cake (free from one of the booths) backstage before the show started……the other girls thought I was completely crazy.

I had a TON of fun and check out ModBod’s website, they are amazing.

I even ran into a reader!! HEY MEGAN!!! We are going to start going to pump together!!!

Photo 2

Please note that Megan has the most beautiful tan glow in the world and that my tanorexia and bronzer addiction is in full blown.  I think I need to go to a treatment center where they don’t allow my self-tanner and bronzer within miles of the residency.

No pictures from the show because Billy was being all selfish and didn’t want to spend his one day off walking around with at least 98% of the state’s woman while looking at clothes, fat loss suckers (yes, they really did have those) and ways to deal with menopause.


What is your favorite things to put in a sandwich?

-I think yesterday’s ultimate grilled cheese (3 types of cheese, tomatoes and pesto spread) is my all time favorite.

Do you ever go to expo’s (besides just for running)?

-Not usually but I have to admit, this one was REALLY fun.

Do you snort when you laugh?

-Guilty as charged.


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Bahahahahaha! I feel the same way when people know I'm trying to run a half-marathon and am scarfing down a gallon of ice cream. Oops? Love it! You are so popular. I think you should be on Oprah. Juss sayin' girl ;-)


Yum! That broccoli concoction looks good!


yep I snort and then Mike makes fun of me.

way to be a model and each chocolate cake, gotta kill those stereotypes ;)


Mmm, broccoli!


I totally snort when I laugh but I never expect it and it makes me laugh and snort even more!

I love me some grilled cheese sandwiches like whoa. But my absolute favorite combo between bread is nutella and banana. So good!


I'll eat almost anything if it's between 2 pieces of bread but lately I've been loving PB and sliced strawberry sandwiches. It's all my favorite things in one hand-held meal–PERFECT!


Haha oh my gosh you crack me up. You are so awesome for eating chocolate cake at a modeling show!!!

Glad to hear you might be (slowly but surely) getting better.


peanut butter and banana is probably the best sandwich on earth but did you ever try a grilled cheese with jalapeno peppers in it?! amazing!


That expo sounded fun–but fam is in town for my M.S. graduation!!

I love sandwiches with egg, turkey, and cheese +spinach. Yumm!!


Wow that's so cool that you are modeling for ModBod! Although I can't really say that it surprises me too much, you are so beautiful!! :) Favorite things to put in a sandwich are cheese (of course) and BACON! Yum!!


i'm a major fan of both omelets and broccoli, and that dish looks amazing!


Ha! I'm totally a snorter!

I think your broccoli sandwich sounds like an awesome idea!


I soooo snort when I laugh. I realized that when I snort it's because I really think it's funny!

I finally had some frozen yogurt tonight! We have a place called Orange Leave, I posted a pic of it on my blog! I had an eating bonanza today!


I love eggs and vegetables! Seriously…so good. And I'm sure you were looking so hot!


It's rare that I snort, but I do it occasionally when I'm a little under the influence. :) Which of course makes it even funnier. I'm a giggly drunk.


You're hilarious. And, you look beautiful in the pictures! No wonder they want you as a model. :-)


Maybe now that you are a model for Mod Bod you will get to meet crazy Michelle from the bachelor since she is a model for their website! ;)


You rocked it Janae! Thank you so much!

Jenn at modbod


Oh my gosh, what a cute picture… Isnt my sis in law beautiful! She sent me a text right after and told me she chatted with you and how nice you were. Thats so fun that you guys got to hang out. Love her and you, and I will be so sad when you go to pump with her cause my mom and sister goes too and I will be so jealous you get to hang out with them! Ok, Im rambling… Great post!
Love ya,


I might have to try that Broccoli/omelet/sandwich you have there. I love spinach and eggs. Why not Broccoli? Yummy!

And yes, Snorting I am guilty at times.


hahaha that is too funny about the modeling gig. I could never take that seriously. I would probably be laughing the entire time


I would choose you as my model any day!!! You're so gorgeous girl! The Husband wouldn't go with me to an event like that eiher!


Im a tomato basil and mozzarella girl :)
I snort when I laugh too, oops
I don't usually goto expos but I should. I love free stuff!


I'm with the Oprah comment, although she doesn't have many shows left!


Turkey and avacado on a sandwich is heavenly.
I have never been to an expo.
I may snort occasionally when I laugh (but it's a very lady like snort).


janae, that sandwich sounds disgusting to me. i'm just bein' honest.


The more ingredients on the sandwich, the better…especially CONDIMENTS!


HA! I love it when people snort when they laugh. My sister in law does it ALL THE TIME. Makes me giggle when I hear people snort!!

and Happy Easter (tomorrow)


Today I went outside in the sun and noticed that my skin is transparent. It is so white that you can see through it. Have you already mentioned somewhere on the blog what kind of self-tanner you use? Because I think you look and I don't think the world likes seeing all of my veins.


I hardly even make noise when I laugh- it's really weird! I don't snort, but I've been told I sound like a baby seal when I laugh hard…


I'm new to your blog and I just have to say…you are too dang cute! I'm already hooked! I run to eat (that's my motto) and it's fun to see other people like that. and you have style!! I'm excited to read upcoming posts!


Great post- you make me smile. That brocolli sandwich looks YUM.



You know me so well. I was drooling over your fruit.


Gosh, Megan does have a gorgeous tan going on. I just found the best bronzer Faux tan by Bare escentuals. The only one that doesn't make me orange.


You are so beautiful how could they NOT ask you to model again!! You are total going to start up another career as a model!!

What fun! Can't wait to see you there!

I love avocado and jalepenos in my sandwiches!

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