I have never been so happy in my life.

I came home from the gym to find my early birthday present.


The Nordic Track C900

I screamed, I cried, I jumped around.  I feel numb I am so excited.

Features include:

Speakers for your ipod/computer (that go REALLY loud)

A built in fan

IFIT compatible (allows you to run any course you want….I will be running Boston’s course on Friday, while watching the course on your computer through google maps).  Basically, the treadmill is connected to the internet.

Incline up to 15% and up to 12 MPH

20 built-in hill/speed workouts and I can design whatever workout I want on my computer to program into the treadmill.   It keeps track of all of your workouts and you can compete with other people that have the same type of treadmill.

Quadflex cushioning.

I put up pictures in frames around my running corner of my favorite athletes (think Kara) at the Boston Marathon and has other pictures to go up for other big marathons I am wanting to do after Boston.  Inspiring.


My mom came over to check it out and then took me for ice cream.  Ice cream for lunch is the best.


I don’t think today could get any better.  Off to run on MY NEW TREADMILL.

I counted and it is only 4 steps from my bed.  It doesn’t get better than that folks.

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seriously: does billy have a brother or cousin or any related male that's single and you can hook me up with?! what a catch!

such an awesome birthday surprise! enjoy the test run :)


holy cow! BEST.HUSBAND.EVER! THat's amazing. Happy birthday! I hear ifit is awesome. I can't wait til our new treadmill comes too because it has it.


What an AMAZING birthday gift! Girl, you are so blessed!

I'm so excited for you!!!!


HUSBAND OF THE YEAR!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! This is so exciting—he is so, so, so supportive of your dreams and destination to be an AMAZING, ICON of a runner!! ENJOY!!

So happy for you!!!


gah! i just realized I think that's the same treadmill we're getting!


What a great husband! That is the exact treadmill that I want someday! I tried to win it at Ragnar, but hey… I can't wait to hear how much you love it! This might go down as the best birthday ever!


oh my! you have the best husband in the world (well besides mine)! This is amazing! you deserve it Janae! I am so impressed!


OMG! Major husband points!! You deserve it so much. I am a pretty new reader but you are inspiring.


Jealous!!! That was so incredibly thoughtful of him!!!


YAY !! that looks just like mine!! you're going to LOVE the iFit programs – SO fun!!

and the fan… awesome. :)




OMG girl! I seriously had tears in my eyes :) what a SWEET surprise!! CONGRATS hunny! You deserve it!


WOW!! Awesome present!! I'm SOOO Happy for you!!!


HOLY SMOKES! +2,000 husband points to Billy! Ahh, so happy for you!!!


Ahhhh!!! That is freaking amazing!!!!


That is awesome. And your frozen treat looks delicious. I had some fro yo earlier. Happy early birthday!


Holy smokes girl! Thats so dang exciting!!! I'm so jealous! Enjoy having it be so convenient now!




What a great husband! I am so happy for you, this is very exciting!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and even more gratuitous exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a treadmill that I love! It is the best money spent ever!!!!! Just think if you ever have a stress or excess energy you can just run anytime! I've had 2am runs when i couldn't sleep, I'm a terrible caffeine addict, and it solves all that ails! Yeah for you and super yeah for your man!


YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! You've joined the fun new treadmill club! Except, um, yours kicks mines booty I think….but you are a way better runner so its even :) Go Billy!


OH MY GOODNESS THAT IS AMAZING!!! I am SO jealous of you right now, because of the treadmill and because of your awesome hubbie!! I am unbelievably excited for you!! WAHOOOOO!! :D


OHMYGOSHTHATISSOAWESOME!!!! It looks sooo nice! I am looking around right now for stuff we can sell to buy one. The couch? Our bed? My cat?

Seriously, that's amazing and I am so excited for you! And also jealous!


i've been dying for a treadmill, no joke.

my husband does want to know what model number this is though. thanks :)


My husband got me one three years ago…. but now seeing yours I am having treadmill envy!


AHH awesome!!! It's so high-tech! You absolutely and completely deserve it!!


Congrats! Happy birthday.


That is the cutest thing evvvver! Oh my gosh! What a keeper. :)

You totally deserve it though!


Yay! How exciting! Woo hoo!!!!!!!
What an amazing present :)


Wow, best husband present ever! That treadmill sounds awesome, especially that you'll be able to train on the Boston course and other courses. Enjoy your first run on it!


Billy is da man! Happy for you.


OMG we would get along so well….fitness gifts are the BEST!!!! I squealed over a new set of dumbells and a rack for my bday!!
Sad, but sooooooooooo good
Enjoy your new ride!


That is soooo sweet! Like really. Now you can spend time with your boo AND run, your 2 favorite things!!! Maybe a few less early mornings too!


OH MY! Billy wins husband of the year!!!!!!! I'm so incredibly excited for you! I hope your day continues to be amazing and the rest of your weekend, too. Love ya, gorgeous lady! xo


Well…. I think that cost more then the $25 one I got at a garage sale, its very nice, congrats

Happy Birthday


So yeah, I guess thats alright. I mean its something. I mean not like the best thing but you know..
OK I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LYING> I AM SO JEALOUS> OMG OMG OMG. You hit the husband lottery. I do believe he is a keeper. Now go get your run on fancypants. Im way happy for you.


omg I'm so excited for you and SO jealous!!! I was HOPING it would be a treadmill but the internet thing (running the courses) – I didn't even know that was possible!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!


Dude, Billy is totally a keeper, in case you hadn't figured it out!! Now, can he come hang out with my hubby? maybe some of his considerate, awesome gift-giving skillz will rub off.

So excited for you!!!!!! happy birthday!!!


Wow! Very cool! Happy early birthday!


That is awesome! I have been thinking about buying a treadmil if we ever got a house. As of right now, the gym in my building is 1 floor up from me. Way too convenient to justify one in our apt. Enjoy! What kind is it? The features sound great.


Wait, you have the best husband in the WORLD. I cannot wait to find my dream man that will buy me amazeballs bday presents like a crazy awesome treadmill. You are the luckiest girl in the worlddd my treadmill is dinky doo and doesn't have special features but it's okay I love in anyways:)

Happy Early Birthday love!


How perfect!! Happy (early) birthday.


That's so cool! I'd say enjoy it, but it seems obvious that you will. ;)


So sweet!! I love that your running corner is decorated with inspirational pictures! Happy bday to youuuu


JANAE!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! (Billy, you seriously ROCK!!)

Girl, major birthday happiness!!


go Billy! that is flippin awesome!


AMAZING!!!! Can I come be your roomie now? Think Billy would mind? hehe!
GOod job Billster.


AMAZING!!!! Can I come be your roomie now? Think Billy would mind? hehe!
GOod job Billster.


Dang girl! Billy may quite possibly be the greatest husband ever!! So jealous… That picture is incredible haha.


You seem so nice, I am glad that you got such a pleasant surprise. : )


Wow! Congratulations & happy birthday!


Best gift EVER!!!!


Love the pic of you lying on it :) Awesomeness!

He got you the PERFECT present. You will use it a lot and love it a lot. Doesn't get any better ;-)

Happy Birthday to you! XO


Billy if you read this: you did great.
This shows how much he supports you J. So happy for you! You deserve it!
I wish there was a picture of your face when you walked in and saw this in your home!!!


OMGGG that's amazing! Way to GO, Billy! Yay so happy for yooooouuu :) And happy happy (early) birthday!


BEST PRESENT EVER!!!! Billy definitely hit a home run!


That is so great!!! He really did a great job! Now all you need is an automatic candy dispenser attachment and you could spend ALL DAY on there. Oh, how I love that treadmill…


I'M SO JEALOUS! Good job, Billy! Congrats. :)


No-one deserves that treadmill more than you: I am so happy that you've finally got the equipment in place to help you reach for the running stars.

Does Billy have a twin and if so, may I please marry him ;)

Also, that first photo may just have me smiling for the rest of the week.

Happy birthday beautiful :)



Billy is trying to win some awards I think! This is simply amazing. Is he hoping he'll get to see you a little more often? :) :)

Happy Birthday :)


Wow and YAY!!!! That is so sweet of him :) Hope you had a great first run on it!


OMG! That thing is gorgeous- I'm so jealous! What a wonderful husband you have, that is the best gift that I have ever heard of!


Yay!! You will LOVE having your very own treadmill in your very own house!


What an amazing present! What an amazing husband! Congratulations. Is it facing the wall though? I have to have mine facing the TV so I have something to focus on while I'm walking.

So happy for you!!! That definately deserved an ice cream celebration.


That is awesome! Your husband sounds so sweet. I love how he encourages and supports your passion, even though it takes time away from him. wait, does that make sense? That treadmill looks amazing. Now I want one!! Ours doesn't have magical google maps or a fan, dangit!


That's incredible!!! I didn't even know they MADE treadmills that would do all that stuff!


Billy needs to teach my boy a thing or two, hahaha. Built in fans are THE BEST!! So excited for you and your new toy!!


O my gosh! That's so awesome!! I want that treadmill so bad!! Enjoy your new baby ;)
Follow me!


happy birthday! that is a SWEET present and what a great husband you have. that is soooo awesome:) its remarkable all that treadmill can do, its like a robot. have fun!!!!


Awwwww!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Thats so awesome!!!
I am so happy for you!
What a great hubby, plus this way he gets to spend more time with you!! :)


Congrats and Happy Birthday! It's wonderful to have a husband that is supportive of your goals!


what a fantastic birthday present! he really is a keeper :) enjoy your new fun machine! love it :)


How exciting! You ar going to love having that at home! What a sweet gift! That is so cool that you can run the different courses! :)


What a FAB birthday gift!! Your man rocks!
Happy Birthday to you…


WOW!! Happy birthday indeed ;) That is AWESOME!! What an amazing Husband you have! Enjoy!


what a super awesome husband you have!! i have a feeling it will be a few years before i get one of my own… i can dream, right?


Shut! Up!!!! SOOOO jealous!!!! Your husband rocks.

And now I want ice cream.


Oh. My. God. Billy is PRICELESS!!! You are one lucky birthday girl. ENJOY!


oh my gosh BEST PRESENT EVER! your husband rocks! enjoy!!


Awesome! Last Christmas, my hubs surprised me with a treadmill too. Isn't that the best?! Although…your treadmill looks like it could kick my treadmill's butt. :-)


Best husband ever!! You kids are darling and adorable…doratheexplorable.


Wow that is fantastic! What an amazing husband! That treadmill sounds sweet!


How awesome! Kudos to Billy. I vote for a blogger running challenge with all of your readers that have the same treadmill!!


wow! What an amazing birthday present! Billy is awesome! Happy Birthday!! Enjoy the treadmill!


Holy crap that's awesome!!! Can you give us a review?! We were looking for a new treadmill and may consider this model. What a great gift!!!


Oh my gosh!!! That is amazing–I could not be more jealous AND happy for you!!! What a great hubby! :) :)


WOW! Billy gets an A+ for that gift AND for keeping it a secret!

Happy birthday! You enjoy to have a FABULOUS day!


That is a wonderful birthday surprise. You should definitely hang on to that Billy!


WOW!! SO AWESOME!! Billy is a great guy!!



Billy = husband of the year.

Congrats on your new toy!!


YAY for such an AWESOME birthday present! Billy knows your love language, that's for sure! Enjoy your new baby. :)


SO jealous of you, but you totally deserve it!!!


That is so precious! So sweet! Especially the Ebay part, I cried!


Happy Birthday! I have a treadmill in my basement and LOVE it! So nice to not have to go to the gym. Enjoy!


Best Hubby! Enjoy your new treadmill!


UMMMM!!! Husband of the year!!! That is so amazing! LOVE the inspirational pictures too – so awesome.

And in honor of your birthday…a short story.

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a world without Janae. It was a good world, but somewhat sad and lonely – particularly for swedish fish and Nike tempos. The nike tempos cried themselves to sleep, asking, "Who will wear me?? I'm so alone." But hark! What light from window breaks! Janae was born! Swedish fish and Nike tempos rejoiced! And the world was a better place.

Happy birthday, Janae! Your existence is worthy of great celebration =)


Oh my gosh – your husband rocks. That is such a great birthday present!!!!! Now you don't have to get pulled over on the way to the gym in the morning!


That is so sweet- well done Billy, well done.


Aww. I'm so excited for you and your new treadmill. B did a great job. :)

I think a frozen yogurt date should be in the works for your bday!!


Aww. I'm so excited for you and your new treadmill. B did a great job. :)

I think a frozen yogurt date should be in the works for your bday!!


That is the BEST Birthday gift ever!! I can't wait till I have a treadmill at home too, kidna jealous ;) hehe


Yayy I'm so happy for u! Best present ever. This definitely makes a happy birthday for u! Props to billy


That is an amazing gift!!!


What a fantastic gift! and I say we have ice cream for breakfast and dinner too!


That is the coolest gift ever! It is easy to see (or read) just how much Billy loves you! Happy running!


What an awesome gift!! Sounds totally perfect for you (obviously). I'm sure you will enjoy it and get tons of great use out of it :)


WOW!!! That's awesome!!! That sounds like an awesome treadmill! Billy is a great husband!!! Happy Birthday!


OMG billy is so sweet! enjoy your treadmill you lucky gal :) and happy early birthday!


I am so happy for you! The framed photos of your inspirations was such a thoughtful touch.





Can i kiss your husband? because i really want to for getting you such a SICK treadmill!!!!


wow, bill is really vying for husband of the MILLENIUM! his xmas gift of running with you was amazing, now this!? he is unbelievably supportive of your running.

How did he know which treadmill you would want? and does this mean you won't be going to the gym anymore, except for spinning classes?

can you BELIEVE how nice it will be to shower at home before rushing off to school now? go git it!


gah! so excited for you : ) and what a lucky gal…awesome husband!


Wow! SO AWESOME!! Love the photo too!


This is so freaking cute!


That is so amazing! That sounds like a badass treadmill!


So incredibly happy for you! Not only did he get you a treadmill but he went all out and researched it and bought you the coolest one! Husband of the century. I love the inspirational photos, Billy is so thoughtful.


So did you try it? How was it? If you don't like it I do have room here!! Ha ha!
Happy birthday
Also you Billy..my husband says you made it quite tough for the other husbands of running gals


oh thats awesome!! :) So happy for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


So awesome! Happy Birthday! I'll have some ice cream in your honor!


OMG!!!!! I thought I was in love with my husband, but maybe I'm in love with yours! Okay, no, I'll still stick with mine. But OMG!!! That is the most thoughtful present EVER! The inspirational pictures makes the treadmill like 1000 times more meaningful. So much better than a dog!


So, by my clock it is 12:14AM–that means the east coast is already celebrating Janae's birthday!! Happy Birthday gorgeous!!!


That is so exciting! That's so sweet that he not only got it, but set it up with pictures around it :)


How exciting for you! You deserve it! Happy early birthday to you my running friend! You are awesome!


Oh Billy. I love you. Mostly because I love Janae – yeah, maybe we've never met in real life…
But you are so good to her, and it makes me so happy :-)
I'm still in love with her though. You might be thinking, "wait a second..but you're married.." It doesn't make a difference in the world :-)
Got your elliptical in the mail bestie :-P


AHH that freakin sounds like an awesome treadmill! its practically alive! next its gna be talking to you and chattin while you run! ahah enjoy!


that. is. AMAZING!!! i hope you have billions of fast happy miles together.


speakers, internet and a built in fan?!! you are so lucky..honestly im worried you may not ever leave the house again! you have an amazing husband


In the words of you, that's "awesomesauce"! So excited for you!!!


Nice work Billster!


Wow! What an awesome gift! My treadmill has about a 5% incline, no heart rate monitor, no calories burned calculator, no mile tracker, no speed tracker. Its practically the great grandpa of treadmills!


Horray!!! what happy news for you!! :) I bet you'll be making GREAT use of that baby:) Ice cream + a treadmill!?! Christmas really does come early!! :)


That is fabulous!! So happy for you. What an awesome gift and what an awesome Hubby!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!! Have a great Sunday! I bet it will be hard to not get on the treadmill on your
"day off" of exercise. :)


What a great birthday present!!! Have fun!


Happiest of birthdays! Hope your new present is awesome! how funny that I also got a treadmill this week- I'm very obsessed about it too! All that technology at my fingertips- ooooooh! I love it! And Billy gets some serious Hubs points:D Enjoy!


YAY!! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I wish I wasn't 135 on this list.. LOL!!


OMG OMG OMG!!!! That's SO fantastic!! I am THRILLED for you!! I'm so happy that you're having an awesome birthday!! You deserve it!! :D Have fun with your new electronic BFF!!


That's so exciting! knowing how much you love the treadmill, I think that's great! Can't wait to read about your first run on it!

Will you be continuing at the gym?


girl, I'm embarassed to say this but darn if I'm not fighting tears! ugh! What's got me is that Billy was selling HIS stuff to get YOU what you wanted!! Oh my stars….THAT is precious my dear! I'm prolly gunna cry all through church over that! Too precious!! Happy Birthday and enjoy that treadmill and that man of yours!! Both are gifts from the LORD!! hugs, Jill


Tell the truth. You slept on it last night, didn't you? lol

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow that sounds like the coolest treadmill ever! I love that it can mimic courses like boston! awesome! you are one lucky gal!


Amazing! Best present (and husband) ever!


AWWW That is so cute! And I am pretty sure that today (Sunday) is your real bday! Happy Birthday and enjoy your awesome treadmill!!


Are you kidding me! Did you order Billy online….Seriously, you are ONE LUCKY LADY. It is quite obvious how much he loves you and how important your passions are to him.

Happy Birthday Janae! Have a great one:)


Thats so exciting! You'll have that much more time for running (and snuggling!) without having to commute to the gym to work out! Hooray!

Happy birthday! I'm a pretty new reader to, but thank you so much for inspiring me to hit the treadmill for long runs! :)


You guys are the cutest couple on Earth! That is so amazing, especially that he sold things to make it possible. That's what love is about!


OH MY GOSH! That treadmill is AWESOME!! I was just bragging for you to Craig about how your new treadmill is soooooo freakin' coooooool!!! :)
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY to you!!! I hope you enjoy every second of every run with your new gift ;)
And the pictures on the wall…even cooler!



I think that is the same treadmill that I got last year! We can be treadmill twins. What an amazing gift! It's so wonderful when someone knows you so well and gives you that perfect gift. I love how Billy even hooked you up with motivational pictures. And I think he's telling you he wants you closer to home in the morning. So cute. This is wonderful!! I'm so excited for you!!!


OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! Billy is AWESOME and it's even more amazing that he is so so supportive of you, your goals and dreams. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANAE!!!!!

What an awesome birthday surprise!!!!!!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I imagine you are :)

Love the picture you posted too of you hugging the treadmill… i think my husband loved it even more though, he was laughing so much. (yes, he's even reading your blog now too lol)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANAE!!!!!! :) :) :) I hope its the best day ever!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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