My love for SPEED has become apparent in three very distinct ways today.

1-Got pulled over at 5 a.m. for going 11 over the speed limit and not using my blinker when there is no other car on the road for miles besides a copper.

“Did you know you were speeding?”

“Yes, officer I am SO sorry, I will NEVER do it again.”

“Why were you speeding?”

“I am on my way to the gym to get my speed workout in before work…..I am training for Boston.”

“Really, that is so cool….that is my wive’s ultimately dream”…….talk talk talk talk for ten minutes about running.

NO TICKET or even a warning, more like a high-five:)

I wanted to take a picture of him for the blog because he is so awesome but he said no.

2– AWESOME speed work out.  I felt so good and was so happy to run. Here’s how it went:

Mile 1: 8:20— Mile 2: 6:58— Mile 3: 7:53— Mile 4: 6:53— Mile 5: 7:53-— Mile 6: 6:53— Mile 7: 7:53—Mile 8: 6:48—-Mile 9: 7:47—Mile 10: 6:53—–Mile 11: 7:53—Mile 12: 6:41— Mile 13: 7:00

13 miles, 1% incline

Basically I just switched from 7.6 miles per hour to about 8.6 miles per hour every other mile.

I was a red mess.  But a really HAPPY red mess.  Love me some speed.


This is me without self-tanner on: My shirt matches my face and the hair horns attacking the world….don’t be afraid, just try to help me with my hair.

3-My final need for speed: I packed my gym bag SPEEDY and forgot an important aspect.

A bra.  Sweaty sports bra all day long.  I am a little bit cold, but it reminds me of my kick a work-out.

No picture for this one, sorry.


Did you have a need for speed today?

Do you like speed workouts?  What is your favorite speed workout?

-Usually, I would much rather do a long run than a speed workout but those faster miles were so much fun.

When was the last time you were pulled over and why?

-Before today I was pulled over for a rolling stop at a three-way stop sign in the middle of nowhere.  Awesome.

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HAHA, I love how you say, no picture for this one! You're too cute!

Holy cow you are FAST! One day I may able to go your speed for like…. 100 feet. Lol.


Great workout! The last time I was pulled over I was given a 21 over speeding ticket WITH MY PARENTS IN THE CAR. That was fun…


This is great! You are way to cute to get a ticket with or without Boston. I got pulled over for running a stop sign a few years back. I was so excited that my kid started crying because the cop felt bad for me and let me go. She might have had a little help to start crying like maybe I took her binky or something but the crying did the trick. Who took her binky? hmmm.


A 13 mile speed workout! WOW! You are a rock star! Awesome that you got out of that ticket! I just got a parking ticket last week because of my need to get my long run in! I missed the "DO NOT park here every 1st & 3rd Wednesday- Street Sweeping" sign. My husband keeps making fun of me, saying that my 12 mile run cost me fifty bucks! ;)


I usually prefer a longer, less intense workout, but sometimes I throw in some HIIT or something! =D


Your workout was fantastic!
Mine was slow today due to increased mileage yesterday…
I got pulled over and ticketed becasue I was going about 82 a couple months ago (on the turnpike. along with everyone else. I was, infact, being PASSED when I was pulled over!) To make matters worse I was on the way to be with my family after my Grandfather had suddenly passed… I told the cop this and he ticketed me anyway- he was a BAD MAN!!!


That picture of you? Is exactly how I want to look after a good work out. Completely sweaty and exhausted and happy. Nice job!

The cop probably didn't want his boss finding out he let you off without even a warning. hahaha. Nicely done, though!


You are my biggest inspiration for running long and FAST! That's so awesome that you were able to get out of a ticket- just another reason why running is rad.

Last time I was pulled over was in the backstreets of my friends neighborhood. My friend had her head perched on my sun roof and was just climbing back in when I started to move.. Guess who came right around the corner as it happened; cop with no life. He gave her a moving traffic violation, at 11 pm at night and no traffic besides us on the road. Brilliant.


What a workout! I was pretty proud of my speedy little treadmill workout until I read that… I do like to alternate fast and slow miles on shortish long runs, but my times are a little (okay, a minute +) slower.
Way to go getting out of the ticket, too! I once pulled myself over. There was a speed trap, I knew I was speeding (but only by like 4 miles), so I just pulled over behind another car getting a ticket and waited for mine. sigh…


That is an AWESOME story! Mind if I borrow it? You know, just in case. ;)


You're sooo fast girl!!! I put the treadmill on 8.6 when I want to kid myself that my little legs will got that fast. :)

I once went out of town randomly to go visit my parentals. I totally forgot to feed my cats extra food that weekend so two days later I'm in the car with my kiddos and just mere BLOCKS away from my house I got pulled over for speeding. I told him I needed to feed my kitties so he followed me to my house. He allowed me to go and check to see if my cats were still living but made me keep the kids in the car because he was still planning on giving me a ticket. I got back out to the car and the kids' cuteness convinced him not to give me one. Yay for cute kids. :)


You are a beast with your running speed!

Last time I was pulled over was a couple years ago and I definitely got a ticket. Apparently since I lived in the town I should have known the speed limit change. Psh. Whatever.


glad im not the only one who gets a red face after a tough workout…i hate it. My speed workouts usually consist of 1 mile fast, followed by recovery for 800 meters. But my speeds oscillates between 7.0 and 8.0, I can't even imagine going faster!

By the way, how do you stay on the treadmill for so long? at my gym they are programmed to go up to only 60 minues max :( I always have to switch machines in the middle of my workout.


YES I felt super speedy on the tread today, I whooped ass for a whole hour while watching the Ellen show, I LOVE HER!

Slash I want to be as speedy as you double slash I am getting my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday so get excited for a video of me doing crazy stuff:)

Triple slash I've never been pulled over HOLLA


Oh, please. As little as you are you could have gotten away with no bra. lol Maybe then the cop would have let you take his picture. You probably could have gotten him to do anything you wanted him to do. hahaha

My last ticket was a little over two years ago. I was on my way home from work. It was Friday afternoon, I was looking forward to the weekend, and I was jamming out to some Metallica. I wasn't paying any attention, and I was going 68 in a 55. I still got a ticket, but at least he wrote it for like 60 in a 55 so it wasn't as expensive.


haha, love that story. I love speed workouts…when they are done. Its such a good mental challenge though. makes you tough! And yes, I forgotten my bra before, not fun!
Way to get that speed in. Youre such a mini Kara Goucher!


haha, love that story. I love speed workouts…when they are done. Its such a good mental challenge though. makes you tough! And yes, I forgotten my bra before, not fun!
Way to get that speed in. Youre such a mini Kara Goucher!


haha, love that story. I love speed workouts…when they are done. Its such a good mental challenge though. makes you tough! And yes, I forgotten my bra before, not fun!
Way to get that speed in. Youre such a mini Kara Goucher!


I love speed work! (But my speed work is your normal pace – haha.) I'm planning to add more into my training plan this go round. It makes my regular runs seem leisurely which is a great trick. ;) I get hair horns, too! But you'd be proud – I actually washed my hair today. So glad you got out of the ticket!


You are so inspiring! I've been doing some speed intervals lately and am loving the results. :)


You are so inspiring! I've been doing some speed intervals lately and am loving the results. :)


You are so inspiring! I've been doing some speed intervals lately and am loving the results. :)


Here is my claim to fame. (and i always use this for those team building exercises, when the ask for something that would surprise us about you) i have been pulled over 8 times and have yet to be issued a ticket! (knocking on wood right now)

My body would much rather long run then do speed, but my mind loves the speed, because my inner voice becomes my biggest fan and cheerleader.

Love the creativity to get the gym pic on record. :)


I didn't really have a need for speed today, but had to be speedy to get a bunch of stuff done between hair and acupuncture appointments.

Honestly, I've never really done much of a speed workout. I should, though.

Last time I got pulled over was basically because the cop was bored. It was last year and it had been extremely cold for weeks on end. The first day it warmed up was the day I had to go back to school and was going five over the speed limit. Mr. Cop pulled me over and said this was the first day they were able to really get out. I just got a warning, but seriously, I was going the same speed as everyone else!


I have the worst hair horns, and now I have a new word to describe them!


Way to go, speed machine! Love the hair horns. ;) Sad the officer didn't want to be famous.


Ha! That's awesome you got out of a speeding ticket for beeing a rock-star runner!
Killer run today, you are so fast!
I love doing speed workouts on the treadmill. I always feel so good about it afterwards!


Ewwwww. I've had to the sweaty bra thing too. Yick. I was last pulled over for speeding after just dropping my dad off at the airport. The police offer walked across three lanes of traffic to pull me over and I almost accidentally hit him. To top it off, I didn't have my licence with me. :( Fortunately I only got the speeding ticket. Now, I'm so careful people don't like driving with me 'cause I rarely go over the speed limit and am overly considerate of others.


woah super impressed by your crazy morning workout.

I called pulled over because my tags were expired but i was registered. I had moved and needed to go pick mine up at the DMV. The cop gave me a really hard time about this because his computer was down and he couldn't verify my story. And i'm like dude why did you pull me over then. Eventually he just let me go.

I love looking a sweaty mess after gym time its really gratifying in a weird I look awful/awesome at the same time way!


I always get the ticket when I get pulled over. I don't know why!! Although, I haven't been pulled over in years (knock on wood). The last time was for making an illegal turn. I honestly didn't see the no turn sign. Ticket.


Your workout is awesome! I don't think I can even run one mile at 6:53.
LOVE your story about getting out of a ticket. I used to drive 30 minutes to school every day and got pulled over several times in a 2 week period. By the 3rd time he pulled me over (without a ticket any of the 3 times) he walked up to my window and knew my name. EEK! I have had 3 tickets. One for going 14 miles over, one for rear ending someone and one for running a red light that I DIDN'T run!! : )


I guess you can't really go braless if you're working at a school, huh? lol

I got pulled over a couple of months ago for using my cell phone while driving. It got me a fun trip to the court house (scariest people I've ever seen in my life), but I didn't have to pay!


You are The Flash-fast. It's so awesome, I'm always so inspired reading about your workouts! :)
I have never been pulled over because I am 25 and don't drive. Weird? However, one time when I was 15, my mom was pulled over for turning right on a green (true story) and I had to drive us home – and in a standard. But I didn't get pulled over!
I had no need for speed in the pool today. In fact, my 50m laps could be measured by the hour hand on the clock, probably. But I had great endurance and I was swimming long course for the first time ever! :)


Okay if I ever do a speed workout it's like with 3 miles… not 13!!! I'm proud of you for getting out of a ticket without even trying. Only you could be able to charm a police officer at 5 a.m.


I'm impressed you asked the cop for a picture! That's awesome!

As was your speed workout…I might have to go throw up just thinking about running that fast.


Haha you're so funny. I bet you smelled kinda gross all day though. Ew. :)

I do like speed workouts actually. I really like tempo runs because I do actually like running fast and I usually feel pretty awesome after doing it.

Last time I was pulled over…. knock on wood… I think was in 2004 when I was making my own turn lane through a construction zone :) The Cop was intrigued by my job (I was a delivery driver for Papa John's Pizza — and before you get mad, it was the best money a girl can make in college without selling alcohol or taking her clothes off!) because apparently he had never seen a female delivery driver. We chatted for a while, I flirted for a while (hey! I didn't want a ticket!) and told him I'd better go deliver the pizza in the back seat before it got cold. I don't know if he forgot to give me a ticket or what. Either way, I got away with it. :)


hahaha that is freaking hilarious about the cop. I love it. I'm starting to like speed workouts. I like tempos, and am planning some mile repeats this week, actually. Woohoo! Never gotten pulled over before, but I also haven't really driven in 5-6 years ;)


Super speedy! What a way to make 13 miles go super quickly!


i am so dumbfounded! first of all…

i say A all the time! second of all, hair horns..? HILaRiouS! have you tried sweaty bands? the underneath side is velvet so they STAY in place! truly!

also, a speed workout for me is an 8:00 min mile. you um, warmed up at that. i'm officially depressed and old. HA!

congrats on getting out of a ticket. it usually takes a really pretty girl to get out of one!


Wow that sounds like an amazing workout!! Good job getting out the ticket!! :-)


Dam girl! You are a serious speedster. Look at those splits. Nice workout!! I love "speed" work because it pushes my limits and shows me how fast I can really go.
I've only been pulled over ONCE and it was for running a stop sign coming home from the library in college, during finals, at like midnight, with no one else around … and he STILL gave me a ticket.


I don't mind speed intervals, but I doubt I could run more than a minute at some of your speeds! The last time I got pulled over was for excessive speeding… yikes. I was nowhere near as lucky as you… double yikes!


I love me some speed! We sound like druggies, don't we?

I love mile repeats and yasso's. Fun, fun! They build my confidence too. I love that complete exhaustion when you finally reach the cool-down. It feels soooooo nice.

Good job on getting out of the ticket. I'll try the "training for boston" line next time I get pulled over :)


I love speed workouts too.
I got pulled over 4 days ago (for the 1st time in 15 years) for pulling out of my church parking lot without coming to a complete stop. Verbal warning – but really?


Gotta say, you are awesome! I love speed work. It seems to by so much quicker and is fun to see that I can be speedy sometimes.
I got pulled over a couple of months ago for registration. I had the inspection just spaced the actual registration. Two cop cars, one a canine unit. Saw two friends in the process. Good stuff.


okay so. ..
A. how the HELLO you can run that fast for that long is just amazing. and hasta be genetic. you're just blessed w/awesomely fast genes.
B. maybe you could do a short post/tutorial for us "baby" runners on the benefits of speed running (and possibly the defintion, as well :O)
c. totally done the sweaty bra thing before.


Girl you are amazing!!! I am not a need for speed unless I got a killer song on the ipod :) Other than that, I am a 9 minute miler girl, but you are a ROCKSTAR!!!!


Hahaha, you are too cute! Awesome job on the treadmill!


Nice work! You ARE a red mess but still so cute! The hair horns-ha ha!!

I'm guessing your day went quite well after that awesome workout! Seems to be the general rule!

I could never list how many times I've been pulled over….

I don't love speedwork. I do LOVE the feeling afterwards but I much prefer long runs. I'm looking for a training plan that lets me run like 80 mpw ALL around 8-8:15 but then lets me run like a 6:30 half. For some reason, I'm not finding it……

I made those Gawd awful cinnamon rolls you posted this weekend. They are gone…..


Your workout is nuts! Wow.

I read that you watch The Office before and that is (one of) my favorite shows – good taste :)

The last time I got pulled over was when I first moved to the city…had no CLUE where the hell I was driving – and ended up driving into the lanes/areas only reserved for buses…I had no idea. They wouldn't have busted me on that one except that in my obvious distress I ended up speeding past a cross-walk! Yikes…I guessed I deserved that one.

Wish I had your cop!

P.S – Tagged you in an Award on my blog if you want to partake :)


I am SO happy that I am not the only one who turns red when working out hard. I get people who come up to me WHILE I am working out and ask if I'm ok. I'm BARELY breathing hard and I KNOW my form is good…my face is red. ugh!
Great job with your speed times! =)


I forgot my bra once and I had packed a slinky little sweater! I had to straight to class all day, so I stopped at Family Dollar and bought one. Since then I always keep an old bra in my locker.


I love speed workouts on treadmills but hate them outside! It's so much easier to make myself go fast on the treadmill, ya know?

I got pulled over last year for rolling through a stop sign. A totally unnecessary stop sign at that.


I have just started doing more speedwork and am LOVING it! It feels so good and I feel like I got a great workout afterwards. Plus I'm hoping it makes me a little faster…I'm a slower runner.

I have only had one ticket, of course while I was pregnant and I cried and cried. :)


Girl, you are too cute to get a speeding ticket. I covet your speed.


Are you for REALS?!!? That is awesome. I NEVER get out of tickets and I'm pretty dang jealous of you right now. Amazing. Way to go girl.


I don't like running on the treadmill, but I really think it helps my speed. Of course, my speed isn't the same as yours! WOW


I am learning to like speed work (I have one scheduled for tomorrow morning) but I still prefer long slow runs.


speed indeed!!!! good work on your run. those are some super impressive time girl. so FAST!!!

you know sometimes i dream about the future, when you are winning races and making enough money to do running full time…and i can say "yeah, we're blog friends from way back!" i can't wait for those days :)

i'm with you about the long runs…they are my favorite. but i like your speed work session, cause its like the best of both worlds. i used to be super scared of speed workouts. i was afraid that i'd never be able to go fast enough to hit my targets. but i've learned to love them. they're quick and then done.


I haven't been pulled over in years! And no tickets for me.
You are speedy!! I don't like doing speedwork, and by that I mean that I don't do any whatsoever. I've tried on the treadmill but it wasn't working for me and I can't really force myself to on the road. It's something I need to work on.
I feel for your sports bra issue. Wearing a cold and damp bra is no fun.


Yay for the copper letting you off! I love speed work– especially 400s. Sorry about the sweaty bra–yuck.


I was never pulled over…

You are fast..what is the secret..maybe I need to eat more candy? is that it?

I am a turtle compare to you..
speed work…I try but it is hard for me. I get side pain very easily and that makes the speed work very painful!!!


Yes I do speed work out but sheesh only 800s!!! Your INCREDIBLE! I haven't been pulled over since I was in highschool!! WOOT!


If i ever get pulled over for speeding i'm using boston as an excuse. that is awesome!

i hate speed work…but if i had another person to train with it wouldn't be so bad. i need competition!


I get a cherry red face with hair horns too!! Good to know I'm not the only one out there


Ok, I don't know you – but I'm really mad! You didn't get a ticket? I couldn't talk my way out of the one I got last week! Aargh!! I'm going to have to work on topics to bring up the next time I get pulled over…running…tv shows…food… Anyway – I'm impressed (and glad for you) that you got out of it.

Your speed workout is amazing!


OMG you are too funny! Glad you got out of that ticket (although he totally should have taken a picture with you!). And congrats on an awesome workout!


haha i have never actually been pulled over, which is pretty shocking since i dont think i understand the meaning of 'speed limit'. I find it more of a suggestion. But IF i did get pulled over i would probably start to cry haha


How awesome that you got out of a ticket by telling him you were training for Boston :) Glad to see I'm nto the only one who gets bright red after a long run (though I can't even come close to your speed!)

No need for speed today; I did spinning though. I don't love speedwork, but when I surprise myself and hit the times I was supposed to for all my intervals, it makes me happy.

Last time I was pulled over…Spring of 2005, rushing from my apartment to babysitting, afraid I was going to miss the girls' school bus. Police asked why I was in such a hurry, I told him, and he told me "next time slow down – better late than never." and let me off without a ticket. I've been ticket free since…Fall of 2002 or 2003? I was pulled over for being on my cell phone just after the NY cell phone ban and fine went into effect.


A 1/2 marathon before work! And talking your way out of a speeding ticket by sharing your Boston plans? WOW that's bada$$!


You got some awesome speed work in before work…go you! And kudos for working your runner charm on the cop! :)

I'm not a big fan of speed work, but my last encounter with a cop involved speeding…oops!


Can I borrow your legs please? You are talented girl! You will be BIG time and CONGRATS on your 400 followers!! Rock Star status no doubt!!

I totally copied one of your questions on my latest post referring to my fav Hungry Runner Girl! I cited you, so it's okay right? :)


"Hair horns"…. bahahahahaha! Love it! I have those, too!

You destroyed that workout! Awesome! (I use that a lot, too… and the exclamation points… excessively)

My need for speed was solely in the car today… late to pick up the kids from school.

I like speed work… even if I am not so good at it :P I like 1/4 on, 1/4 off… for a few times… lol

The last time I was pulled over was when I had to drive home after dropping the kids off and someone forgot the lunchbox and I had an appointment that morning but needed to get the lunch to school before lunchtime. 86. That's what he said I was doing. Gulp.


Oh, but no ticket ;-)


Did you know we are having a greasy hair completion? I thought I was in the lead in my Mon blog post. Then I saw YOUR post tonight. You win, hands down :)


Completion/ competition… Same difference ;)


I love speed workouts!! Nothing gets your blood and adrenaline going like a good speed sweat session :) I don't remember the last time I got pulled over but I drive like a grandma so it is not a frequenr occurance :) LOL!


That is a unique way of getting out of a ticket.



Okay.. your speed and the fact that you pounded out a half marathon before you went to work is just insane and inspiring. Also, if you figure out what to do about the hair horns, let me know, baby curls plus sweaty miles, equals no good.


I got pulled over for treating a stop sign like a yield sign. I was hugely pregnant at the time (like a few weeks before my due date). I think he felt sorry for me, so I only got a verbal warning.


Hahah, love the pic!

I actually can't get pulled over again until May of this year….that's when the ummmmmmmm TEN points on my license expires! Egads it's been a long 2 years.


lol so wicked about the copper talking about his wife's (wive's? doens't that mean multiple wives htough, right?) running dream.

Also, I can never post photos of me post-workout. I'm about 5x redder than you are in that photo, even if I go for a jaunt. HAHA.


I am moving at snail speed right now but looking forward to speed work in a few weeks.

The last time I was pulled over was for a "rolling stop". The police officer was like "don't you think I have better things to be doing than pulling you over?" I was sweet and apologetic and got away with a warning. I had to bite my tongue and not say "actually, the ONLY thing you have to be doing is sitting there pulling people over."


I think I turn a little more red than you when I workout. I also get hair horns. I have to wash my hair after every workout if I want to look decent afterwards. My hubby laughs at me when I get home.


my license plate has something to do with running on it & one day i got pulled over and im convinced the cop didnt give me a ticket because it said runner. he talked to me on the side of the road for a good 20 minutes! :)


I am always BRIGHT red after doing speed work on the treadmill!! IT is crazy! I am glad you got away without a ticket the other morning! That is not cool! What are cops doing out that early!

I love doing 3x {4x400m} and also 3x{400,600,800m} There are just so many fun combos you can do! Mile repeats are tough but good!

I was pulled over about 2 years ago for going 47 in a 30 – I think. Or maybe it was 42 in a 30. Idk – I cant even remember. It go reduced, I paid the fine and that was that.


Wow you are super fast. That is awesome. I like speed workouts but I enjoy longer runs.

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