Utah Bloggers Ice-Cream Social: Saturday, 4 o’clock @ Farr’s by the University mall.  Email me with any questions!!!

Ever have those days where you just think, ‘man, I am an awesome wife?’  Tonight was one of those.

I made minestrone soup (the kind that you just add water) and cornbread (the kind that you just add water) and had dinner ready for BIlly when we walked in the door.


If you can’t tell I am already sucking up to him just in time for my birthday in two weeks.  Birthdays are kind of a big deal to me.


Coming from the crazy alliteration woman (even though Three Tangent Tuesday doesn’t really count as an alliteration), I have a new one for you.  Feel free to do it on your blog.

Just want to share with you some of my favorite things. FRIDAY FAVORITES:)

Not only is Oprah’s favorite things my favorite episode of the year, but Friday Favorites is going to help me be a little more thankful for the things in my life that make me incredibly happy!

1. My self-tanner. I know I talk about it a lot but it really is one of my favorite things because it allows people to see me in the winter rather than me just blending into the snow.


2. Twitter…..um, it has been 37 hours since I started.  Obsessed.  My phone battery is almost dead and that never happens.  I think I get addicted to things a little to easy. P.S. Those weights have been sitting in that exact spot for the last 32 days, don’t be deceived…..


3. Billy, is a running machine.  Um, everyday this week.  Who is he? Nothing is hotter than a man that just came back from a run.


4. Delicious food.  You knew I was going to say that…….before you know it, I will be able to eat candy again:)


What are your FRIDAY FAVORITES!!! Tell me all of them por favor!!!

Do you get addicted easily to facebook, twitter, blogging, a tv show???

-I think I need help, it is taking over my life.

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I'm glad you're addicted to Twitter – because I love talking to you! :)

Friday Favorites? Hmmm pizza, chocolate oats, MODERN FAMILY!


I am SO addicted, and I am so glad you're on twitter girl! Slash I am way too attached to my droid, it's a problem.

My friday favorites are the fact that it is Indulgence Friday on my bloggity blog, cookie dough in a bowl for breakfast (yes its a real recipe!) And the fact that I am about to go run:)


i'm addicted to all social networks I've tried so far, which makes me hesitant to add twitter onto that.

some of my friday favorites: running an 8 miler on the mill this afternoon for the first time, extra snuggle time with my pup, IBC root beer, and sleeping in tomorrow.


I did Three Tangent tuesday this week!! =D soo fun!
My friday favorites are chocolate, baked goods, movies with the fam, and no more school! =D


LOL!! I am so glad you are on twitter now. Tweet tweet! you will be obsessed for months!


LOL!! I am so glad you are on twitter now. Tweet tweet! you will be obsessed for months!


I just signed up for twitter yesterday. I have no clue how to use it, but you can find me @tmbrunnerfirst


I think I am addicted to your blog!! You are so funny and creative and you post at least once a day. It's GReat!
I love oatmeal with peanut butter. Have it every morning.
As for twitter….I haven't gotten a Droid or Blackberry or I phone yet because I am afraid I will get too addicted to it! So no twitter for me.
How do you use that self tanner. How often do you apply it? I need to get some for our beach trip in a couple of months but I don't want one that looks 'orange' when you put it on…..know what I mean??
Let me know :)
Have a great day


i get addicted to things in spurts. so maybe that doesn't count as addiction but i'll be obsessed with blogging, fb, anything for like a week and check it constantly and then go for a week not thinking about it.


"Nothing is hotter than a man that just came back from a run." – 100% agree!! :D


Friday Favorites are: Bud, a paycheck, and a free ebook for my Nook.


My Friday favorite is the fact that it's Friday! And that I'll be eating fro yo and seeing one of my best friends tonight!


Ahh I love twitter! Perfect outlet for any thoughts! I get addicted to things easily too…like certain foods…if I like it I'll eat it until I'm sick of it. Anddd the same with a song, I'll listen to it on repeat for a while then move on hahaha Tv shows I like to get obsessed with too…What can I say I have an obsessive personality hahah


Thank goodness you showed your self tanner…I was wondering what you used because it seems like a good shade for you…And I'm a ghost right now and I could use some color before summer.

I'm an odd bird. I get addicted to facebook, get freaked out that I'm letting people know my personal business and then go on a two month hiatus from it. Then people get all angry with me because they think I've been ignoring them. But really, to me, a lot of what happens in my life is private (my marriage, my kids, my job) and I don't want it all cheapened and subjected to scrutiny…Because that's what a lot of people do. They scrutinize your life. I'm not down for that. I would NOT make a good famous person.


My husband would die if he knew I wrote this, but yesterday I came home to my husband running in only his running boxers on our treadmill (it gets really hot in the room our treadmill is in)- and I must admit, I thought it was really hot!!
Yes, I have an addictive personality- I'm so glad though, that blogging has replaced facebook for me :)
Friday favs: coke, brownies and a party with my co-workers tonight!


I think I am more addicted to Facebook. I just don't want to tweet every boring detail of my life, and I don't really want to hear from a lot of other people who do that. Yours are funny though because you are not a boring person. Maybe we should not enable your addiction though? I do love reading celebrity tweeting though. Well, mostly just Urijah Faber. He enables my tweet stalking heehee.

I wish I lived in Utah so I could meet everyone for ice cream. :(

Billy looks like a super hero in that pose. Super running man to the rescue!


Friday favorites?



I am loving my Dunkin Donuts hot tea this morning and the manicure I plan on getting during lunch today! ;) Happy Friday!


Ahhh thanks for the self-tanner reco! I've been using Clinique but I smell like I live in a tanning salon. :(

Friday Fav Today: Heading to Pennsylvania for some Queenly duties


FF: Early out school day so I can play with my cute kids. I get lonely home alone all day!

Can you plan a SLC ice cream party too?!?!?! Pretty please! <3


I NEED to go get Twitter figured out! It took me like 4,000 years to get Facebook figured out so I may be in Depends before Twitter and I can fist bump.
Favorite things, hmmm….hubby, my 5 awesome kiddos, God (obviously), homeschooling, cakecookiesicecreambrownies, running (again, obviously), and my bike =) Cant wait to get 'er going again when the weather nice'ens up! =)


I LOVE twitter!!! It is so addictive! I also love all Clinique products, they are my absolute favorite!! :) Happy Friday!!


Hey Janae! I know most Clinique products are fragrance free (I use their products since I'm allergic).. but I was just curious if that self tanner is fragrance free too??



Friday favorites for me:
Hot steaming cup o' coffee

36 minutes of running at a gorgeous pond with mountain views

New running shirt (loud and obnoxious like I can be)

Movie on the coach tonight with Ken, my most favorite person.

Yes, I am easily addicted to things. It's not pretty.


I'm addicted to reading your blog posts! I used to be addicted to texting too, but my 16 year old sister is so much worse – she sent 10,000 texts one month. I also think I'm quickly becoming addicted to spinning.


should be "movie on the couch." Obviously I am not obsessed with proof reading.


Friday Favorite:

Bar Method class, a run, couch with my most favorite man, and some good winter beer and pizza!


oh how I wish I was a Utah blogger!

I definitely have an addictive personality, good thing I never wanted to try drugs!

My favorite things today are my new desk at work!!!, that Mike and I get to play grownups this weekend and babysit for the kids I nannied for in college, and pesto pizza for dinner!


Easily addicted to email and facebook… so far haven't caught on to twitter enough to really love it.

What will your first real meal be? Do you have it all planned?


Friday favs: Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar ice cream,the hot shower that awaits me, and the road bike I am going shopping for today for a sprint tri I signed up for :)


Def more addicting to blogging than FB, I'm not on Twitter and I LOVE the biggest loser!!!


mr. dawn just signed up for twitter. i refuse to have another thing to read/check/respond. i can't handle it! :)


MY favorite things to do on Friday are running and working at Starbucks with a tall, two pump, vanilla, soy latte. Yum!


Haha you're so funny about Twitter!! I've never really gotten into it. I love Facebook though! And Blogger. They get me through my workdays! My favorites… hmm. My Gap Essential Bootcut Jeans. Love them. Um random cards from my spouse for no reason other than I'm awesome. And new waterbottles. Those are a few of my favorite things!


I love Clinique products! And pretty much any episode of Oprah, but the favorite gifts episode it the best. Blogging, reading blogs and Twitter are definitely part of my everyday…sometimes Billy has to ground me from my laptop/iPhone. :)
I hope you are having a FABULOUS FRIDAY my beautiful friend!


My Friday favorites? First of all, TODAY is my favorite because it is my birthday. Yessirreee, it is. I did a ride on the bike trainer, my husband made me HOMEMADE Eggs Benedict (OMG…so good), and now we're off to stomp thru snow in Boston. Friday favorites, indeed.


i'm addicted to reality tv, facebook and blogging. I'm such a lurker…

ok, I need a run too..


I am addicted to my addictive personality. It leads me to all the best things in life: running, racing, blogging, eating all of chocolate and peanut butter in DC, watching a 10 season long FRIENDS marathon with my friends. I see nothing wrong with this.

Friday favorites: the book I'm reading. It's destroying my real life one page at a time.

the bag full of my run gear that will come out to play for a lunchtime break from work.

my spinning class this morning. I used your 15-30-45-60 second pyramid and smiled at the sweet sound of panting that filled the room.


You are so funny. I inform my husband that I'm an awesome wife basically every day.
This week:
"Well, work was insane and I'm exhausted. But I still made you this gourmet feast for dinner,did two loads of laundry, and bought the coffee you bring to work. Good thing I'm such an awesome wife."
Not that I fish for compliments or anything.


Cycling and chocolate =)


I got my iPhone back in August and I'm still addicted! Stupid cap on data usage, ATT!!!


I'm addicted to Facebook and blogs! and trashy reality TV, and running. (when I can)
You are seriously way too cute in all of your pictures.
I have become really good at making sandwiches and food that I only have to preheat the oven and pop it in. It's hard to cook for one person, so I have mastered a grilled cheese! : )


So glad you are finally on twitter! Cute post.


Friday favorites… movie dates, popcorn, knowing I don't have to wear anything but stretchy Lululemon again until Monday (unless I want to), girls nights in, girls nights out, fruity drinks… this Friday in particular, the fact that the boy is coming to visit tomorrow!! Maybe he will even run with me while he's here!!


Oh, I like Friday fav's. What a fun idea!
I LOVE facebook
I plan to get some of that self tanner- you always look PERFECT so maybe that will help me to get one step closer to presentable?


Yes, I get addicted to things very easily, but sometimes it gets old quickly for me too. Depends what it is!

Oh so many favorite things…my son and hubby on top, of course; I love Thursday night on NBC (The Office, Parks and Rec., etc.); COFFEE!!; football…okay, I'll stop there. :) Happy Friday!!


Wow! Billy is doing awesome with his running. Look how you've rubbed off on him!

One of my favorite things right now is this 'Runner's Round Table' podcast on iTunes. I just started listening. The one I have on right now is about running and eating disorders as well as exercise addiction. It's very interesting.

Happy Friday pretty lady!


ok here we go
Coffee..I know I know not good for me, I dont care!!!

My boys..I just love them, I think they are funny and cute plus this week they announced they want to run like mommy..ahhhh

Parenthood the TV show. I wish it was on everyday.

Books. Love them, will never have one of those kindle thing..real books are the best.

Quebec city: best place on earth. best food also you should go visit.

Addiction: yep guilty of that. cheesy reality TV that starts with Bach and ends with elor..they get me at the first episode…


i am addicted to my disgusting breakfast, i have it every day. granola, scoop of protein powder, yogurt, fruit, stir until it's all brown (from the powder). it's kind of gross but i love it.

i used to use self-tanner but it turned my palms orange and then i got lazy. now i'll just be translucent through the winter.


I get addicted to a new show super easily. I'm a tv-aholic!


Hahah, I already have a friday favorites post set up to automatically post! Great minds think alike? I think I'm a bit addicted to celebrity gossip, especially the bad stories.


Funfetti is my favorite on Friday's :)


i love clinique!! stylish blogger! yay! http://wp.me/pZi0C-j0


i love clinique!! stylish blogger! yay! http://wp.me/pZi0C-j0


I LOVE meals that only require water. Mmmm.


I'm addicted to pretty much everything.


so jealous I don't live in utah!!!

I am way too addicted to twitter and words with friends.


Oh, I get addicted way too easily. Which is exactly why I've chosen not to drink alcohol – that could be disastrous :) I like your favorite things, although I know for a fact that you would be absolutely beautiful without that self tanner :)


That's how I like to cook… just add water ;-)


Oh my, I am addicted to facebook. Big time. My hubby and I just got new phones for Christmas and now I can be on facebook 24/7 and that's not a good thing. :-) I am SCARED of twitter because I think if I was on it, I would never see my family and friends again. Except if they tweeted me.

friday favs right now…date nights, having lunch with friends, and sugar cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


I kept thinking that Billy looked a bit familiar and I just figured it out…he looks kinda like Penn Bagley in some of his photos! He should see if he can body double when Penn needs a break from the cameras!

Yes, obsession can be ugly for me. Especially now that I am into twitter – my new obsession!


Friday favorites? Well, not getting to hang out with you is certainly not a favorite, especially for your ice-cream get together. We'll just have to make up for that…

Pizza. Movies. Dessert. Oh wait, those are basically my favorite favorites.


Hi there! I'm a relatively new follower and so happy to be reading your blog :) You crack me up! My recent Favs? Celestial Seasoning chai tea, the nice warm weather we've been having, bath and body works lotion, and when my running shoes don't give me blisters :P


I am totally addicted to blogs…I am always finding a new one to read!

I also added some songs to my ipod after seeing some of your playlists…I guess I need to move into 2011 and catch up on all the new music!


LOVE the theme!! I'm doing a "Would you rather…?" theme on my blog for Fridays! :)

I have to see these TV shows: HOUSE, MD; Biggest Loser; Top Chef; and recently Cupcake Wars!!

You are adorable in your pics!!! GO BILLY! You inspired him to run!


My favorite things about this week:

1. Diet coke. Whoops.
2. I've cooked a few things that weren't epic fails.
3. Not farting on my trainer.


hmm favorites this week. Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookies that I made by request of manfriend. He is putty in my hands haha. He has not stopped talking about them all week.

Oh also my thigh high tube socks that came in the mail for my Valentines Day 5k. They are red with white stripes and awesome


I love that you now have a twitter because I, too, am obsessed with it…

I am addicted to blogs…

I am addicted to working out…

I am addicted to this ice cream I am eating right now…

I'm obsessed with YOU! You are so pretttyyy teach me how to do makeup?! And how to run like you?

My momma says thanks for the bday wishes…she loves you too :)


NOOOOOOOO! Don't do it Janae. You got sucked into the twitter! Fb and blogging is bad enough for me…I don't need another source of crack. Just say No! :)

Friday fav today…day off of school for my kids! P.js, chocolate chip pancakes, making valetines, Friday Fartlek on the TM today, going out with a friend tonight. Hubby home early.

and I always think I'm the best wife in the world. :)


I wish I could fly to Utah for you ice-cream social!! so jealous! :(

Friday favorites- date nights w/my hubby (usually dinner and movie),fro-yo and chillin'with my kids!

addicted to reading your blog,running and I buy too many lipglosses!

Have a great Friday and weekend Janae!! love ya!! :) xo


how do you make any facial expresion look cute??

my friday faves are my Starbucks peppermint latte, a good sweat on the treadmil this AM, and season finale of season 1 Gilmore Girls while running. :)

and whenever you come to MD, we WILL go to panera for the peppermint hot chocolate.


Ooh yay i'll so join ya with this!! Picking things that aren't already on your list though'll be difficult…especially the candy! :D

Haha I only recently got Twitter too, and I'm so addicted!!! I am your stalker ;)


I think I am more addicted to reading blogs than actually writing on mine. I mean I try to write three times a week but sometimes I just dont have a lot to say! I would much rather read about everyone elses awesome workouts! I am addicted to candy. I need to stop eating so much of it!


YAY Ice Cream Social! Sounds like lots of fun!


Friday and Monday are much the same here :)

Do you know what the treadmill marathon record is for women? I think that after the sub 3- that should be your next goal.



I get addicted to things too easily too…
Just need to make sure my addictions don't conflict with each other. That can be a challenge!


Addicted to House, sleeping, and eating cookies!!

By the way, I got sweat in my eyeballs and thought of you!!


I love the Friday Favorites idea- can I steal it?

For now, I'm addicted to The Two Gomers Run a Marathon podcast (catching up), Starbucks Via Mocha (mixed with a little Stevia), and my children laughing (cheesy, I know, but true :-))

(Oh, and apparently I'm addicted to RICE for my gimpy knee at the moment…)


I wished I lived in Utah so I could go, I think CA is too far away.

Sometimes I am def too addicted to blogs and facebook…it's bad.


My absolute favorite Friday thing is leaving work…speaking of which…I guess I should do some…


i get easily addicted to anything and everything. my twitter habit is currently in remission, but the prospect of reading your tweets might be enough to resuscitate it ;)


So…your blog is my favorite! You are seriously so sweet and not afraid to be yourself which I LOVE!


pretty sure im gonna move to utah just for the icecream.

def did a fri fav on my blog today :)


I'm stealing the Friday Favorites idea, but since I'm telling you… does that still count as stealing?


I love twitter. I'm so obsessed and I think everyone should know about everything I do in my life.


So totally addicted to facebook and blogger, but I haven't drunk the Twitter Kool-Aid yet!


I addicted to sleeping and music….for friday ..should be chill out with a hot girl..


ahah i am SO glad you joined the twitter crew!! IT is addictive and i LAVVVV it
my favorites:
waking up at 4:30am this week – NAHT
Jersey Shore
my tofu brownies- whodda thought!?
running with gum- SUCCESS!


I have an internet addiction. And a hummus one at that.

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