That was a first and our trip plans…

(tank, bra, shorts)

10 miles @ 8:21 pace with Maddie and Emilee. Maddie is moving away for the summer and this was our last run with her for a while. We might have to fly out to visit her in Arkansas for a run weekend.

This was a first. I woke up with so much water still in my ear from scuba diving. I read that you can try to blow dry it out on the cool setting, and it helped, but running is what actually cleared it all up, thankfully.

My first real dive. There is a crater with fresh spring water (94°) not that far away from us that is 65 ft deep. I had practiced in a pool before this but was shaking because I was so afraid leading up to this dive. I was very thankful that they let Andrew come too because it just felt safer to me having him there.

The crater water is pretty murky, so you couldn’t see a ton, but on our second dive down, I did let go of the rope. We practiced a lot of the emergency procedures and I passed, now let’s just hope none of these things really happen.

I have made it very clear to Andrew that I will NEVER go night diving. Before I had kids, I was much more adventurous, so I feel like I’m getting back to my roots a bit now, but I will not be going deeper than 40 ft or diving at night, haha.

It really was so much fun. Now, I want to see some fish! This summer, Andrew and I decided to go to Croatia! We basically have enough points to cover the flights and now have hookups with hotels through a family member to get rooms for extremely cheap, so we decided to go. Croatia has been on my bucket list for a very long time, and the diving there is supposed to be pretty amazing.

The older kids will be with their other families, and the littles are already counting down the days to cousin time, so it should all work out. If anyone has been to Croatia, you’ll have to send me tips!

Look who is on her bike! Walking still hurts her heel (where the bone infection is and can be really stubborn to heal) a lot, but she said biking doesn’t hurt at all! MOVEMENT. It’s amazing how much gratitude we feel for things like this when they have been taken away.

I love splash pads with all of my heart and they all still love it and I don’t have to worry about anyone drowning!

We finished up with roasting hot dogs…

Normal life feels so good.

Who has been to Croatia or anywhere near? Tell me everything, please.

Last thing that made you really nervous leading up to it?

Any summer trips??

Tell me what your run is today?

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We are also going to Croatia this summer for 16 days!!! It looks so incredible, it will be our first time in Europe


NO WAY! You will have to let me know the dates you will be there… what if we went on a run together there? Have a beautiful day, Valene!


Croatia sounds amazing! Our summer trips are road trips..a trip to Oregon and then we have a trip planned to the Southern Gulf islands in BC. So many places we want to go. The Yukon is on his bucket list and we would love to revisit Costa Rica and visit South Africa. Just need enough vacation time lol.

I have a habit of generally making myself unnecessarily anxious so trying to work on that lol. Usually things are worse in my imagination than in reality.

Today not sure what the run is but the weekend upcoming will be a planned long trail run.

Have a fantastic day Janae !


Why isn’t there unlimited vacation time for you?! All of those spots sound amazing. I want to see pics from your Oregon trip and the Southern Gulf islands. Same, same, same… my brain makes up the worst scenarios. Enjoy that long trail run this weekend. Thanks Kristine, you too!


Croatia is amazing! You will love it. I will send you some info.


YES. PLEASE. Oh I am SO so so excited! Thanks Nicole!


I just spent 10 days in Croatia earlier this month. Feel free to email for tips.


NO WAY! Emailing now! Thank you!


Croatia sounds great! I actually am trying to plan a trip to Utah this summer! I will be 6 months pregnant and planning to go as a little babymoon with my husband. We cant decide if we should go to Southern or Northern Utah though! While I would love to see Zion and St George, it’s a little harder to fly into from Boston and I’m worried may be too hot (especially when pregnant). Are there as many sights (red rocks, hiking, relaxing by the lake/pools) up north by Salt Lake? Would love to hear any thoughts you have as you are the only person I know (or feel like I know since I’ve been reading the blog for 9 years!) from Utah!


I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to read that you guys are coming to Utah and that it is for your babymoon! We do know each other! You are so right about the heat in southern Utah during the summer, especially while pregnant. YOU MUST spend time in Park City. It is a dream. The Solitude ski resort in Big Cottonwood Canyon is also one of my favorites during the summer. The pool is my favorite! I have never been to Bea4r Lake but people absolutely love it that go! I’m going to ask Andrew what he thinks too:). Hope you are feeling good and having a great day!


Thank you so much for the recommendations!!! I really appreciate it :)


Fun! Plitvice Lakes National Park is incredible. The color of the water is amazing. We went in 2019 and based out of Split – get the giant fish platters at restaurants everywhere; they are delicious! Also, the gelato is just as amazing as in Italy. You can easily hop on a boat to the many islands just off the coast. There are little massage stands set up for spontaneous bookings. Relax and enjoy!


Giant fish platters?! You had me with that and then you talked about the gelato and massage stands. I CANNOT WAIT! Thank you, Allison! Hope your day is off to a great start!


Croatia…. That sounds amazing! Can’t wait to see all the pictures 😊
And yay for Brooke feeling good on her bike. Summer wouldn’t feel the same if she couldn’t be out on her bike.
We have had such a fiasco with our oldest son’s car for the last month! But our mechanic is stepping up and paying for me to have a rental car (my son hasy car) until the car is done. So that’s the plan this morning. Hopefully I’ll be able to get in a run before it gets too warm.
Have a great day Janae!


I agree, it just wouldn’t be summer if they weren’t on their bikes all day! Oh wow, that doesn’t sound fun at all. Good luck and I’m so glad the mechanic is paying for the rental. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I did my certification dives at homestead too! I will say I was then a bit nervous at my first dive out of a boat but with practice it’ll get better!

I am currently driving from Vancouver back to Denver and will be stopping for a soak at the crater on Friday (and if my allergies tone it down and give me my sinuses back- my husband and I might dive just for the sake of it!


NO WAY! Yeah, I was wondering what it was going to be like jumping into the ocean for our first dive…
Wish I could meet you guys there on Friday. Have the best time and I bet you will see so many gorgeous places on your drive. Thanks, Christine!


Croatia will be amazing!! I can’t wait to hear all about it. Yay for Brooke being able to bike!

No workout yet today, we’ll see what the afternoon holds. My daughter had a tonsillectomy on 5/22 and she woke up choking on blood yesterday so an ambulance, two hospitals and two doctors offices later, she had a 2nd surgery to recauterize a wound in her throat so needless to say we needed some sleep this morning! Whew.


Marissa. I just had Brooke read what happened to your daughter. I am so sorry. That must have been terrifying! Keep me updated on how you both are!


Have you tried jumping up and down and tilting your head to the side while jumping to get the water out? I’m not sure if this is a trick everyone already knows (sorry if you do), but it honestly works for me every time!!!


Croatia is spectacular. You’ll love it. I’m so excited for you and Andrew to go diving there! Are you going with a dive group?

I get nervous super easily but also practice visualization (which spans from worst case scenario to smooth). I feel like that’s my warmup for things!

Splash pads are the best!


Croatia is so gorgeous!! I loved the island of Hvar the most (just a short ferry ride from Split). The most beautiful beaches you’ve ever seen without the overcrowding you usually get in Europe. Enjoy!!


um yes – July 7-21. Starting in Dubrovnik and winding up the coast hitting Split, Zadar, Istria and Zagreb. I am desperately trying to find a race to run while out there but not having much luck.


Hi Janae, try Auro Dry ear drops when you get water stuck. You can get them at target or any drug store.
I used to get swimmers ear all the time until I started using it. You just use a few drops when water is stuck and it releases it instantly! Life-changing.


I think you just changed my life. Thank you!


We are going to Croatia the end of this month and already have our scuba diving booked!! My husband makes me far more adventurous and I would never have done this without him. We are still beginner divers, but have dived in Hawaii and are definitely looking forward to diving in Croatia.

Which area of Croatia are you going to and hoping to dive at?

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