Yesterday got away from me… I blinked and it was bedtime for us all. 

The highlight was spending time at the pool with my friend, Jess, that was in town for the day.

She had these drinks for us and I think you need them in your life, so good.

I also officially passed off my scuba diving course!  Next time I dive will be in the ocean 🐠!

I wish I had more on my brain today but it is frazzled.  So, I’ll just share a bunch of outtakes that I had from the past little while:

Balance isn’t my specialty in any area of life.

One of my biggest blessings is the ability to fall asleep anywhere at any time.  Andrew said he took this picture after Beck had been crawling all over me, and I didn’t even budge.  Also, I love to sleep with my arms folded, anyone else?  

Or a crowded airport sitting in a chair… sunglasses can act as an eye mask in a pinch… once again my arms were folded.

If this picture that I accidentally took during a run looks like I’m scared, it’s because I am… it was snowing, and we were doing a workout.

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My first thought when Beck spilled my smoothie everywhere, “That’s like $5 of Power Greens… should I try to put what I can back into my cup?”

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Ben & Jerry’s trip with Curly.

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He really likes spaghetti.

Thank you Andrew for plucking out the grey hairs that stick straight up and refuse to be tamed.  I know I shouldn’t pluck them but I do and I won’t change my mind about it.

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If I leave early for a run before Andrew wakes up, I like to put a creepy doll on my side of the bed for him to wake up next to.

You don’t kiss your shoes goodnight too?

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Baking is harder than the internet makes it look.

When I try to take a cute brothers picture:

When he figured out the crib tent.

Our life at the soccer fields…Andrew was laughing at the text from the person that was sending us pictures of ourselves from across the fields.


Please tell me what you are doing this weekend!

Any baking fails in your life recently?

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WOW. I need more details on those muffins.
Has anyone figured out why kids love to squat instead of sitting or kneeling?
And it’s interesting how much marriage consists of husbands taking photos of their wife while asleep. You know you’re in trouble when you wake up and your husband announces, “I have a funny picture to show you!”


Bahaha never a fun statement to to wake up to. And the jealousy I feel for Beck’s squat form is real. I feel like you never have kitchen fails.


Those gray hairs eventually lay down if you let them grow. Promise. I stopped coloring my hair a year and a half ago and was shocked at first at all the sticky uppy grays but then over time they grew in length and got tamed. I get it if you are not ready for this. Not everyone is. But it’s a bad rumor going around that gray hairs are misbehaving rebels that are wiry and stand up.’


Well, this is exactly what I needed to read!!! Thank you, Kara.


Sleeping is my superpower too. I fell asleep sitting in a canoe once 😆.

Weekend plans run on Saturday and then Sunday we will have a cozy day in as it is supposed to rain 30mm-40mm at least that is the forecast. It’s been a busy week so definitely happy it is Friday

Have a fantastic day Janae!


In a canoe! Hahah that made me laugh! So much rain… but that cozy day after a good run the day before sounds perfect. Enjoy, Kristine!


How could you not tell us about that chocolate in the second picture? It looks delicious!

I inherited my mom’s baking skills. My last fail was several years ago when I had my old oven. Since we replaced it, my baking has been spot on ;) Pretty sure that has a lot to do with the fact there aren’t four small humans tugging on me when I’m in the kitchen.

I wish I could fall asleep easily! And the doll in the bed is hilarious, but I’m pretty sure payback is coming.


I don’t know if it was intentional that your first pic is kind of an outtake too?! My first thought was that Brooke has such a beautiful smile, then I love your nails, then I was like wait… is she flipping us off?!? LOL


BROOKE AND I ARE DYING!!! Hahaha definitely did not mean to do that and I apologize!


Oh don’t apologize! It is hilarious; if anyone has followed your blog for two minutes they’d know it was an accident. Even better that you didn’t notice LOL! Have a great Friday :)


Oh, Beck! My husband spilled his coffee all over the bathroom counter this morning and couldn’t blame it on anyone besides himself ;)

My husband is biking Bike MS tomorrow (60 mi) so as long as my daughter is feeling well enough, we’ll head over and meet him at the finish line! Then, church on Sunday and we’re celebrating Father’s Day early because we’ll be out of the country.


I am still laughing at your creepy doll – excellent idea!! And my first thought on the smoothie spillage is that it is a gorgeous shade of green! Love the outtakes.
I do feel like I have a sleep superpower, but you may have me beat, being able to sleep in an airport chair! I am impressed. This sleep superpower is a lucky one; it is for SURE how I survive life with various kids not sleeping well at night.
This weekend..preschool graduation for one of my littles this afternoon, a fun Corpus Christi parade thing at our church tomorrow, and hopefully some yardwork and a bike ride or two. We had a busy Memorial Day weekend, so I am looking forward to a slightly more at-home weekend!
Happy Friday!!


OMG… The creepy doll!
Love all the out takes! I probably be thinking the same thing if my smoothie got dumped all over the floor, ha ha.
Today was the last day of school for all of the neighborhood elementary kids, and I got to work the big “School’s Out” party at our pool. It was so fun, a beautiful day, and brought back so many memories from when my boys were that age. We will probably be spending a good chunk of time at the pool this weekend.
Have a good rest of your Friday!


They must have so much fun with the trip!

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