Running in the HEAT!!

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Who goes for a run at 10:30 a.m. when it starts to get blazing how outside?!?!  We do.  Hey if I can’t REALLY challenge my body with hills and speed quite yet, I am sure as heck going to challenge it with not the perfect temperatures. I feel good about an overall 7:58 pace.  I am getting there slowly but surely!

I fueled for this run with about 20 wheat thins and a handful of dried fruit and I didn’t have any stomach issues and it gave me a TON of energy…….I think I found another winner.  As soon as I came home I refueled with CYTOMAX and took Charlie on a 1 mile walk and then stretched.

Our run today was AWESOME!!! We mapped out a route that was UPHILL FIRST and DOWNHILL second….me likey:)

I think this is one of the only times that I have ever had negative splits… first half is usually WAY faster than my second half but Billy is making a great little pacer.  I will let him have his bag of swedish fish as a reward.  I know you are all thinking that I already ate both bags that the MIL gave us but that is not the case, it is okay though….I will just go to target later on today and buy more.

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The first 3 miles were up hill and then a little over two miles around my most favorite lake in the whole wide world (besides lake powell) and then back the last three miles.  Whenever I go downhill I just want to scream WEEEEEEEE the whole way down but Billy doesn’t let me when I go with him…..I will just have to do this same run by myself in the next little while.

PS….NO PAIN!!!!!!


Do you like to start or end with the uphill?!?!

-I LOVE starting with the uphill because the whole time I think about how fun it is going to be to run back down!!


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I’m about to go run in the NC heat right now…its about 99 degrees with poor air quality so basically I’m really smart for doing it now…


HOW WAS YOUR RUN!?!?! Girl, how in the WORLD do you run in that temperature with the humidity too!?!?!


Are you getting the smoke from the fires? I live in Raleigh and couldn’t barely even take the dog out yesterday. It was SO bad, I can’t imagine running in that!


If I know that a downhill is coming, I will so push through the pain. But if I don’t know the course (*cough* Central Park *cough*), then I pretty much give up!

YAY to no pain and YAY to a great run ;)


101 in norcal! My workout will just be standing and hitting vballs for the next couple weeks, heal knee heal! Nice run today girl!


101 GIRL!!!! You are my HERO!!!! I am praying for your knee!


You are seriously right around the corner from my friends place! haha. Jealous.


so fun that you guys get to run together now that you are on vacation!

AND with no pain :)


Um. this girl goes for a run at 10:30 AM all the time! Why? Because then I can maximize my tan time. I don’t care about funky tan lines – I just like to look all rosy and happy, like my personality ;-)

I like to start with the uphill too because then I get it out of the way!

Workout? 60 minute walk to work….I was up late last night writing my post on healthified comfort food (stupid slow computer) so I was too tired to workout this AM. I’m going to do the lazy workout tonight aka elliptical while reading SELF and watching some Real Housewives season.


I had negative splits today too (for like the first time ever)!!!

5.5 mile run at 5am to beat the Orlando heat (even though it was still already almost 80…) . It’s gross. I legit make some sort of “blech” or “ugh” noise every morning when I walk out the door.


CONGRATS on your negative splits!!! You are my hero!!! Way to go girl!


Mentally I always say WEEEEE when running downhill! So much more fun running down than up! However I would much rather do a mega hill workout than a speed workout anyday.


i may have missed this but whereabouts in california are you staying?

i like doing the uphill first too because then its over and i’m not too tired yet and can usually conquer it.

my workout today will be 1 hour on the elliptical and then a 1 hour muscle blast class @ my gym! yesterday i did speed work at the track and tomorrow i’ll do a 5 miler, then a 10k race on saturday :) :) :)


HEY!!! I am in Mission Viejo!!! Muscle blast class makes me sweat just thinking about it…you are amazing!!


I went to a 5:15 am body combat class and then did a quick 3 mile run. I love your site, my sister got me hooked!


HEY LUKE!!! Thanks so much! Body combat….what is that!?!? Great job getting up SO EARLY…I need to get back into that!


Going on another short run this afternoon…probably 3-4 miles. I’m trying to save my legs and energy to run a PR this weekend in a 1/2 marathon…but I’m struggling with how much rest is too much and the fact that my legs are aching to run every day! I’m sure you’ve had this problem recovering from your injury…any tips??


AHHHHH YOU ARE GOING TO PR IN YOUR 1/2 THIS WEEKEND!! I can’t wait to hear all about it. Resting is HARD!!!! Just view the big picture and keep telling yourself what your goals are. DISTRACT yourself with other things to get your mind off of it!! GOOD LUCK!!!


Busy, busy day today… so I had only enough time to let Jillian Michaels kick my booty!

Always uphill and into the wind first! :)


So glad you ran with no pain!!! Whohoo! :D
I went to spinning class today….it was awesome!


My workout will be a bike ride since it is finally sunny outside!


Oh man, major weight workout followed by a sweaty 20 min HIIT workout on the ol ‘mill. Sounds like a great run!


I like to end with the uphill. And negative splits are the way to go!! I just did a blog post about negative splits. I love reading your running posts. They make me want to run even though it’s 100 degrees outside. My workout today was some Bob Harper yoga, and then a track torture session tonight at 5:30. I’m trying to teach myself to like yoga, but find I’m exercising my patience more than anything else. I have a.d.d with exercise like you do, but you learned to like yoga, so I think I’ll get there too if I keep at it. :)


I like starting on an uphill better, gets it out of the way :) Hot running is the worst!


I actually like the downhill to be in the middle of the run- if its at the beginning I will go out to fast and die, if its at the end I feel like I have so much energy left when I’m done- therefore the middle seems to be best.

I also like to yell ‘wheeeee” on the way down- during a race I have to keep reminding myself to ‘keep it steady’ or i’ll have strange looks galloping down.


woohoo! no pain! Nice run too, speedy!


Holy crap you are fast for coming back from dang BROKEN LEGS!

10:30am run here in the desert = DEATH

My workout was 3 miles on the treadmill @ 8:44 pace + lower body/core to help heal this stubborn hip flexor. I’m up to 85 pounds on the Smith Machine. Woot!


My run today was similar in that it ended downhill, so much more enjoyable! I ran to my gym, did and upper body workout, and ran home. It was super quick and fun, and I’ve been running without a watch or music and really loving the freedom.


Wow! That is a great run! :)
Uphills definitely have to come first for me. Knowing the downhill is coming up is such a great incentive.


I like to start with an uphill so that I’m not dying at the end and can enjoy the way back down

I ran 5 miles and then put in some time on random gym equipment


you are AMAZING. thats all. seriously. hard core. amazing. awesome. inspiring. the end.

i love hills. and if i get to go down at the end…even better :)


3 easy miles this morning. My butt and calf muscles were SCREAMING from yesterday’s hill repeats.

Meeting the husband tonight for my first kettlebell session. Nervous!

PS – I started a blog!


I like to start uphill, doesn’t everyone? Then I can push really hard the whole workout and not really have to “save” my energy (which I’m terrible at). I’m really bad at pacing and getting negative splits is rare for me as well!


3 miles on the treadmill + 45 minutes of pool running, coming back from an injury too! It’s 113 DEGREES in Phoenix, I think I win!


Uphills first! Downhills are such a treat after :)


I am one of those weird people who likes their downhill first because if it’s last then I don’t pace myself and sprint down, pounding my poor joints.

My workout this morning was 1.5 hours at the physiotherapists… depressing visit since even the leg swings caused me pain :/ I am going to be super careful and not run at all till he gives me the go ahead (I sneaked in 2K yesterday, bad idea, apparently) but I am going to make sure to do lots of strengthening stuff (even the super lame ankle exercises and leg swings), lots of elliptical and bike and TONS of icing and rolling stuff out.


I am fighting IT syndrome so I kept it light today on the elliptical– actually your post yesterday made me make SURE i did not push myself! so thanks!
cant wait to run tomorrow!


OH GIRL!!! I am SO glad that you listened to your body….you will be SO happy in the long run. Good luck with the ITband…praying that it get’s better ASAP!!


Nice run lady! You still gotta let me know where you are! I wanna run with ya!!!

and today’s work out…2.25 mile like up a very large mountain and tonight a 6 miler with a friend of mine! so stoked!


I AM IN MISSION VIEJO!?!?! RSM…do you know where that is!?!


I am comPLETELY the same way.. I love getting the rough stuff overwith first and having an easier half. which is why I typically figure out which way the wind is blowing on the beach before I head out for my run. I’d much rather the wind be at my back for the second half. ;)


I tried to run 2.25 miles on a track today, but it was WAYYY too hot out. I made it for 1.5 miles and that’s it. But great for you! Awesome progress!


If I have to run any uphill, I would prefer to start with it.. I am not warmed up anyways so it’s not like it would be fun! What is the lake called?


I don’t care where the uphill is as long as it’s NOT the very end :P

And running in the heat… blech. It isn’t even really hot here and I was dying yesterday. Today’s workout will be some kind of cross-training… don’t know what yet… I’ll decide when the time comes!


Sounds like your runs are going great, cheers to no pain!

I always like doing the hill first, I hate the feeling ending going uphill, because then I have to conserve energy during the downhill part of the run!


Today’s workout almost didn’t happen. But I read your blog and it motivated me to get moving!! I did some run/walk intervals but pushed the pace faster than ever for about 35 minutes outside. Hills are the enemy right now, they tend to irritate my hip injury. But I love to fly down them! :)


AHHH I AM SO happy that you did your workout!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Bummer about your hip…avoid those hills!


I don’t like hills period haha…but I guess I’d rather get them over with. I did a super sweaty interval workout :). Oh, and I just got my own domain! Blogger was pissing me off haha.




we’re twinsies – i did 8 miles too! plus a 2 mile cool down walk. now i just have to have some swedish fish to make it official!


Did you eat the swedish fish!?!?! I LOVE BEING TWINS!


of course – i couldnt resist for real TWINSIES!!


START with uphill!!! Going uphill at the end is the WORST!!


Great run! I love running uphill the first half and downhill the second, it definitely gives me something to look forward too. Usually its a mixed bag for me with the hills though.

I did a bodyrock workout today, it was great!


Love that you are having a good time and that you are in NO pain! That makes me so happy! And Billy must be doing well with his ITBS too. Yay! Glad you are having such a good time!
My workout today consisted of building some new mountain biking/running trails for our city. That combined with our 70 volunteers and marking new trails for the next group to come and cut. Very fun, very tiring. I took a nap. :)


YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Billy’s IT band stuff is ALL GONE!!! NEW TRAILS!!! I want to come try them out!!!


Yeah for no pain! Definitely uphill first. Get the hardest part over with!


Holy mileage!! You are back with a vengeance. take that femurs!! So happy for you beautiful Janae!!

I am heading back to Nebraska next week and will need a big time adjustment to heat AND humidity!


NEBRASKA!?!?! I thought you were coming here!! CONGRATS on your relay team!!! I am SO SO happy for you!


So happy you managed that whole run with no pain—hooray!
Uphills first, of course. Finishing on the downhills is just so much fun!


Congrats on the awesome mileage!

I have to agree, hills first then coast on the downhill.

My workout today was BodyPump! Feelin’ that burn!


Haha I was told NOT to run too many downhills when my stress fractures were really bad 3 years ago and ever since I’ve been kind of afraid of them so I actually prefer up-hills in general :P not sure if I’d prefer them at teh beginning or end of the run though!

Another funny hill story is that when I’m on long bike rides on the tandem with my dad, I’m liek the only person alive who would rather bike UP a massive hill than DOWN it… we literally go 35 mph down the hills and all I can think about is my skin shredding along the asphalt. I’m a fraidy-cat it happens. ;)



To be honest I hate running downhill, I would rather just run all flat or all hill. Whenever I run downhill it bothers my knees a bit, plus all I think of is how bad it is on my knee and since I played basketball through college, I know that someday real knee issues will come and I’d love to prolong that :) This being said I know I can’t totally avoid downhill so normally I walk down them, unless of course I’m racing!


No pain!! That is awesome :) CONGRATS GIRL!!

I LOVE starting with the uphill, nothing better than getting halfway through and getting to take the “it’s all downhill from here” expression literally ;)


I love the downhill part too, but I feel like it’s always how I get injured. So freakin’ happy you are pain free!!


yay for no pain!!!

i ran 4 miles this morning at a 9:48/mi pace.

i really am so so glad you’re back in the swing of things :D


I’m definitely an uphill 1st, downhill 2nd kind of girl.

Today’s workout consisted of cleaning my mom’s house. Oy.


I ran 3 miles today! Yea not as much as I wanted but it was 80 and I felt bad for my running buddy Wrigley… as a Goldendoodle he has more hair than I do!!
I also did weights… and wanted to swim but alas no time :( Tomorrow is a triple header!




That lake look beautiful, I can absolutely see why you love it so much! :-) My workout was a wonderful yoga class <3 it was challenging and relaxing at the same time, and I can't wait to do another one :-) Dude, definitely uphill first…then it's all downhill from there! ;-) xyx


Yay! Negative splits are the best. I never used to be a believer until just recently. I finally understand why everyone always said to not start out fast.

It only took me a year! ha

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