Gotta love getting the long run done before the weekend… We started extra early but it still got very hot.

The goal was to have three miles at 6:40, 6:30, 6:20, and to finish up with faster than normal cd miles… a power run!

Brooke left for the weekend and Knox left until Sunday.

We went to BYU.

For a Lego exhibit. I need to put one of these boards up in my kid’s rooms.

The disappointment you experience when you realize you can’t have a squirrel for a pet.

Dinner Thursday night = flatbread, pesto, chicken, mozzarella, tomatoes, basil and balsamic glaze.

Dinner Friday night = my niece made us veggies to go on naan bread with a guac mixture. It was heavenly.

What happens when beck asks my sister to build Lincoln Logs..

And then my niece left us to go live her social life.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

(Shorts, tank) Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post. I am sweating buckets each run, every child in the neighborhood is here grabbing snacks (my goal with our pantry), and we are out past my winter bedtime by a solid two hours because we are playing night games each night… These are the best … Continue Reading

8 miles @ 8:29 average! It’s the time of year where we know each building’s water fountains and what time their doors open… Emilee joined me for a soak afterwards and the time went by so much faster than it did the day before. Skye showed me up by going for 11 minutes when I … Continue Reading

What a treat I had yesterday… It felt like I got my own sports camp (yes, I am jealous that Knox is currently getting the best training from amazing coaches for his passion). Amy and I are training for a 5k next month and want to juggle things up from what we normally do. We … Continue Reading

(shorts (($13!)), bra, shoes, I think it’s time I clean my sunglasses) 8 miles @ 8:29 average. We ran by the river, and it is so fast and dangerous right now. I won’t come within a mile of it with my kids currently. Core Power is even tastier when you add ice to your already … Continue Reading

(bra, shorts <— both on sale!) I got another run with Andrew! We woke up early for this, but it still didn’t feel early enough during mile 3 of my tempo when the sun was eating me alive. 12 miles total for the day! I started with a 5-mile progression (starting at 8:20, working down … Continue Reading

Didn’t run and went to Farmstead… A croissant cinnamon roll🤍 And some hiking around. Maybe he is getting too into geocaching. A rock staircase. Living here: I told myself to branch out to another author but didn’t… 105* yesterday. Pizza with cousins. ————————————————— Tell me three things you have going on today!