Where did my fire go + let’s catch up!

(bra, shoes)

Let’s start back on Saturday…

Guys. I don’t know where my fire has gone. I had grand plans to do 15 miles with a significant ol’ speed portion in the middle, but then we all just got chatting, and I decided to scale it back to 3 x 1-mile repeats and 13 miles total. I’m wondering if it is because of traveling or being busier with the kids during the summer, but my fire for racing is a bit absent compared to how I usually feel. I was marathon training for a very long time, so I know that is to be expected, and I’ll do what feels good, and maybe when Lauren is marathon training again, she can talk me into doing it again;).  

I hadn’t done strength training in a long time, so I did some outside on Saturday while Skye caught bugs with her net.

My Monday run was beautiful on the trails… It is so nice to be on the dirt again here after avoiding them in June because of allergies.

I tried out the Tetons for the first time. Jenn is right, they are incredible, and I’ll write a full review on them when I get in some more runs.

Let’s get into some random talk:

Brooke is finally home again. 9 days! That is by far the longest we have ever been apart.  I’m okay never to do that again, but of course, I will when needed:)

My favorite quick lunch is pasta with cooked zucchini and squash, rotisserie chicken, some TJ’s bruschetta, and fresh mozzarella cheese balls—perfection in a bowl.

Beck is so into trains these days.

This is what things look like whenever I’m at the computer during the summer.

I have a feeling he is going to go far with his racing…

The best s’more out there!

My brother sent this picture of my family out the other day. I love that the lady in the back joined in:)

What about you… have the training fire in you right now, or are you more in maintenance mode?

-I think I’ll probably be in maintenance mode for the rest of the summer, but I do have a 10k soon, so I should probably get a small flame back for that;)

Have a quick lunch you love lately?

When is your next race?

If you have kids, what are some things they are really into lately?

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Bahahaha, that photo bomb made me laugh out loud. I love people. I need some inspiration, I committed to Portland Half and have zero motivation to train, not sure what is wrong with me. Need to get it rolling!


Hahah right?! I want to be a photo bomber with a big smile like her more often:). You are not alone… sometimes we just need some breaks! Have a beautiful day, Amanda!


I am totally feeling the same about running!! I generally do 1-2 marathons / year and even signed up for my favorite fall one this year, but I’m just not feeling it. Something about being out for 2.5-3 hours every Saturday and putting in the effort for hard workouts during the week doesn’t excite me. A different season of life I suppose. I keep reminding myself that the marathon will always be there and it’s more important to keep it fun for now :)


That last sentence was just what I needed to read… It will always be there for us! It will come back when the time is right. Hope you have a beautiful day, Maria!


I’m so glad you posted about not having the fire. That is me right now. I can still get out and put in the miles and even get some good workouts in but I have zero desire to really push myself and sign up for a race. I too blame the chaos of summer, kids, activities and a full-time job. Plus is crazy hot and humid in Kansas right now so all runs are miserable, no matter what time time you get started. I am hoping that cooler temps will bring back my enthusiasm and desire to race!


You are not alone! That is exactly me right now. You have SO much on your plate, I cannot even imagine training with all of that and the humidity. This fall you will feel that fire again, I have a good feeling about it. Thanks for sharing, KJ!


This summer I’ve been into making a big ol’ quinoa salad with veggies and maybe some cheese and then I scoop some and add different proteins and avocado for breakfast/ lunch (had eggs on it this AM, steak on it for lunch yesterday).

Twins are into milk… and smiling :) ha. 2.5 year old is into trucks of all kind– trash trucks, fire trucks, mail trucks. Also very into Dada right now which makes me jealous! ;-)


Umm that sounds like the best lunch. I’m going to do that for me and Andrew:). Oh I feel you on that when Beck does that to me. I swear he knows that he is making me jealous! Hoe your day is a wonderful one, Courtney! Enjoy those smiles!


Also, crazy how much your brother now looks like your dad did then! And the woman in the back is hilarious!!!


RIGHT?! It made me so happy! Hahah I want to be fun like that lady:).


Seriously! At first glance I thought that was a picture of your brother and his family – then I was like “wait a minute – that’s not the correct kids”. Then I realized it was YOU and your DAD and family when everyone was young!!


My next race is today. It’s call Tour de France.
(Side note. I saw that Tadej’s siblings were painting the time trial roads last night by flashlight. That totally seems like something your siblings would do as well!)
You trained SO hard for Boston, take a break if that feels good. And “break” clearly means run 13 miles instead of 15 miles. hahaha
Your summer with the kids seems so fun!


It’s race day every day for you this month! Okay, that is so so sweet and absolutely something my siblings would do. It’s true…. I trained for Boston harder than I have ever trained before so a break is just what I need:). Hope you are having a beautiful day, Molly!


I’m glad you shared that you are not feeling the fire with running right now. I have been that way for over a year. I definitely think it’s the season of life I’m in right now, and that is ok. I am committed to do the Ragnar SoCal in April, so that should be really fun. And (I may have said this a while back) my running friend is doing the Sedona half marathon in February, and I am really tempted to join her.
Even though our kids are basically grown ups, we still like to take the summer laid back and do fun family things.
It’s been quite hot and humid, so I have been living on watermelon and salads for most meals, ha.
Have a good Tuesday Janae.


Wendy! We are in this together. There are different seasons that we just can’t fight off and we need to listen to our bodies and brains. I think that combo is the best summer meal combo out there. SO excited you are doing Ragnar SoCal and if Sedona calls your name, do it! Happy Tuesday:)


Good morning! I’m back on an apple w/peanut butter or pb&j kick for lunch. I don’t know why–but maybe because it’s hot and nothing else sounds good so I go back to my old favorites!

I’m more in maintenance mode now. It’s definitely hit the hot part of summer in KY, and I’m feeling it. I’m thinking of just maybe finding a 5 or 10K, too. I hadn’t done either of those distances in years before February, and was convinced I hated 5K’s, but I loved the Princess races in Disney! Who am I kidding though, all of the distances there are fun….

My kids are adults/young adult now, but my son was very into Thomas the Tank Engine! Those toys were some of the few that I boxed up and kept for grandchildren:).


I totally see why you are on that kick… the simplicity just tastes so good. I love your idea of doing a 5k or 10k… keep me updated on what you sign up for. I would LOVE to come do a Disney race! Okay, that is so funny you said that because yesterday I was telling Andrew that the train sets are one of the things I want to keep forever for future grandkids. Hope your morning is off to a great start, Jen!


Hi Janae! I haven’t trained for a proper race for a while now! And I’m ok with that. Recently I decided instead of training for a race I was going to train for the fbi fitness test! It’s max pushups, timed situps, 300 m sprint, and 1.5 mile run. The pushups are going to be the most challenging part for me! I decided to train for this to increase overall fitness and get some upper body strength hopefully.
That pasta looks so summery!
Have an awesome day!


I’ve been into pb&j sandwiches for lunch! So quick and yummy!

My 2.5 year old is very into putting diapers and sleep sacks on her baby doll. We have a 3 month old and it’s so cute how she’s trying to copy everything with her own dolls (including nursing haha..).


My last school year was really hard. I had trouble finding my fire, cause that just seemed like hard on top of hard.
This summer I have found my fire, again, cause there is room for the hard. If that makes sense.

I never doubt your fire comes when the time is right.


Your quick lunch looks fancy and delicious. I need to try it. My next race is the Cedar Breaks half at night next month and I’m so nervous and excited! Never been to that part of Utah before.


My next race is St. George 26.2. I moved permanently to Scottsdale in early June. It has been 110+ since July 1. Lows start with a 9. 🥵. I’ve been 16 outside but it is tough!! Heading out to cooler temps on Thursday. (Chicago & Michigan). I will be embracing the St. George experience and consider finishing a win. I’ve heard the scenery is amazing.


My next race is the Berlin marathon September 24th.
Moved to SLC last year and I need to find trails or running routes with shade for my long runs. Open to suggestions and open to driving a while to get there.
I enjoy your blog and optimistic approach to life!

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