My Boston Training Detailed Log + Weekending!

(Tank, shorts, shoes, bra)

Back to strength… It felt good to do 20 minutes of strength again over the weekend.  I took off a full week from running, but I’m going to go out today for a run!

We went straight to the soccer fields for half of Saturday.  I had four kids with me and 3.5 (Knox, Skye, Brooke, and part of my nephew’s games) soccer games on my own, and it felt like a marathon physically.

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We hot tubbed afterward to help all of our muscles recover from their games;)

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Val told me about her Caprese pizza she made on the Sam’s Club pizza crust (you buy it at the food court frozen in perfect pizza circles)—> olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, fresh sliced mozzarella, tomatoes, fresh basil, and a balsamic glaze after it is cooked.  It was amazing.  All of the details for how I make pizza are on a highlight bubble on my IG!

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Andrew was at work, and Knox was with his mom, so it was the four of us on Sunday.

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We had Mindy’s chicken sandwiches for dinner—> just chicken and bbq sauce cooked in the crockpot with dill sandwich pickles.

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Brooke made our favorite no-bake PB cookies.

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And my niece tried to help me learn how to crimp my hair.

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Also, I keep finding Beck’s secret stashes around the house…

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I decided to put my training in one place of everything I’ve done since finding out I was running Boston!  I took off the month of October because of plantar fasciitis and then worked on my base for a few months.  In January, I started training for a 16-mile trail race, which helped me jump into marathon training with a solid base (and lots of Peloton rides leading up to this).  Some of my best strength-building runs leading up to my Antelope Island 16-mile race was chasing Andrew in the mountains.  When I usually trail run, I go easy and try to make it up the hills alive, but when I go with Andrew, I try to impress him and keep up with him.  I think that built a lot of strength going into my Boston training.

My friend that gave me this plan was more than happy for me to share my workouts when I asked him, and I’m calling him my coach from here on out ha.

Not included are the 5ish strength workouts that I did per week ranging from 5-to 30 minutes.

2 days a week= lower body strength or strength for runners classes

2 days a week= upper body strength

1-2 days a week= core.  Y

ou can see exactly what classes I took on the Peloton app on my calendar (janaebaron).  I took the last week leading up to Boston off from strength besides a short bodyweight workout to try to keep things activated.

Week 1: 

Monday: 7 miles @ 8:18 average with 10 x 30-second accelerations thrown in the middle.

Tuesday:  6.25 miles @ 8:29 average

Wednesday: 4.55 miles @ 9:16 average, indoor track with Skye and Beck.

Thursday: 2 miles @ 8:47 pace

Friday: Race—> Antelope Island, 2k ft of climbing and 16.5 miles—> 2:10:49.  20.4 miles total with warm-up and cool-down.  3rd overall woman.

Saturday:  Peloton 45 minute ride

Sunday:  Off!

40.2 miles for the week (lower because of race)

Week 2:

Monday: 10 miles @ 8:53 average

Tuesday: 10.08 miles @ 8:14 average

Wednesday: 15.11 miles @ 7:20 average with 3 miles (6:38 average), 2 miles (6:51 average), and 1 mile (5:56) with .5 miles recovery after each interval.

Thursday: 8.33 miles @ 8:33 average

Friday: 5 miles @ 9:01 average pace

Saturday: 22 miles @ 7:22 average.  12 miles up canyon @ 8:08 average and 10 miles down @ 6:26 average (1384 ft of climbing in the run… most in the first half and the speed miles were downhill)

Sunday:  Off

70.5 miles for the week!

Week 3:

Monday: 13 miles @ 8:32 average

Tuesday: 8 miles @ 8:57 average

Wednesday: 16.08 miles @ 7:24 average w/10 x 1k (1-2 minutes standing or jogging recovery)—> 1k paces ranged from 3:38-> 4:17.  Felt extremely terrible this day and could not get my legs moving.

Thursday:  8 miles @ 9:28 average on trails with 1200ft of climbing + 4 x 30-second hill pushes

Friday: 5.3 miles @ 8:27 average

Saturday: 20.42 miles @ 7:29 average with 4 x 2 miles (6:32, 6:01, 6:48 & 6:24 average per set).  1017 ft of climbing

Sunday:  Off

71 miles for the week!

Week 4:

Monday: 8.86 miles @ 8:27 average

Tuesday:  8.64 miles @ 9:02 pace

Wednesday:  14 miles @ 7:29 average w/ 10 1-minute fast/1-minute easy + 10 x 30 seconds fast/45 seconds easy.

Thursday:  8.4 miles @ 8:04 average

Friday:  4 miles @ 9:18 average

Saturday:  16.25 miles @ 7:16 average with a 10k time trial in the middle—> 37:48 (6:06 average).  This time trial built up my confidence for race day.

Sunday:  Off

60 miles for the week!

Week 5:

Monday: 9.2 miles @ 9:12 average on the trails with 800 ft of climbing.

Tuesday: 8.2 miles @ 8:17 pace.

Wednesday:  14.7 miles @ 7:18 average pace with 7 x 1 mile (downhill and part flat) @ 5:44 average. Recoveries back up to the start.

Thursday:  6.4 miles @ 8:49 pace, with some of that time pushing Beck/Skye

Friday:  6.31 miles @ 9:04 average

Saturday: 6 miles @ 7:34

Sunday:  Off

50 miles for the week!

Week 6:

Monday:  11 miles for the day with a 5k time trial in the middle= 18:11 (5:52 average).  7:18 average for the entire run.

Tuesday:  3.67 miles @ 8:39 average

Wednesday: 7 miles @ 8:26 average

Thursday:  6 miles @ 7:43 average with 3 x 2-minute @ half-marathon pace with equal recoveries and 3 x 1 minute @ 10k pace with equal recoveries.

Friday: 5 miles @ 9:10 average… I was questioning when in the world I was going to feel tapered ha (you’d think I would learn I always feel terrible the week leading up to a race, and that is a good sign)

Saturday: 2.35 miles @ 9:59 average (still felt pretty terrible)

Sunday:  Off… my coach that day gave me the option to run an easy mile and then do a mile with some strides if I felt up to it or not to do anything if I didn’t feel up to it…  I spent hours upon hours in my hotel bed watching TV and doing nothing.  I used rapid reboots and a massage chair at the expo:)

RACE DAY:  2:54:52—> Recap HERE!  And then a full week off from running.

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We have so many years of racing to hit our dreams.  I am planning on racing PRs in my 40s, and who knows, maybe I’ll have another baby eventually  (we change our minds every day)… We have so much potential and can fit it in if we want with careers or families or other hobbies as we age.  Last Monday, I had an 18-minute course PR at Boston at 36. WE’VE GOT THIS, and I am planning on more course PRs at Boston too!


What was a highlight of your weekend?

What about you What years of life have been your fastest?

Ever done a short training cycle for a race?  How did it work out?

How do you split up your weight training into a week if you do it?  Do you prefer upper or lower body strength more?

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Thanks for the recap ! I would say say somewhere between 2012 and 2014 were my fastest. It’s interesting you say trail running helped because I had just finished training anD racing an ultra in 2014 a couple months prior to Boston. I ran a pr that year so trail running definitely helped me. Lol I also was the only one one of my racing friends not sore the day after because I had so much climbing and descent in my legs .

Highlight of this weekend a solo 16 mile run in the trails saturday and celebrating River puppy’s 2nd bday yesterday..

Have a great day Janae! Happy running and glad you took a break post Boston!


I loved reading this… trail running does so much for our road racing. Your adventures always inspire me so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RIVER! Thank you so much and have the best day, Kristine!


I had a 5K this weekend. The weather blessed the day with 30 mph winds. I survived.
I do strength however Mary Johnson tells me to do it. I have been doing her lift program since January and of course love it.
Does your decision to have another baby change when Andrew has to work 3 days in a row? hehe
Also, very intrigued with your Boston training. 14 miles on a Wednesday!


MOLLY! Congrats on your 5k and doing that in 30 mph WIND… that is the hardest element in my opinion. Bahaha that decision changes DRASTICALLY on the days he is at work and not at work. Mary really does have the best strength! Yes… those Wednesdays and Saturdays were big. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Thanks for sharing your plan!

I’ve been trying to copy your way of incorporating short strength videos more often during the week. It is so much more achievable to do a 10 minute video after a run or bike ride than an hour in the gym once a week! I like legs or abs more, but need to keep up with arms too.

Highlights of the weekend: doing a 9 mile long run much faster than usual! And going to BJs for pizza and pizookie, then the new Fantastic Beasts movie after.


You are so welcome! Way to get in the strength during the week, I’m totally with you… I love doing the short stuff at home and it really builds up over the weeks! You crushed that 9 miler and now I need a BJs pizookie, that sounds amazing right now. Glad you had a great weekend. Happy Monday, Mariah!


Thank you for sharing your training plan! I always learn something from reading about other people’s training.

I think I’m the fastest I’ve ever been right now. This is the first year I have been more serious about running, not just running a couch-to-5k and then stopping for a couple of years haha. I LOVE knowing that the best is yet to come. I feel so hopeful that as a 31 year old who is just now getting into running that I may BQ one day!

Where did you get your Sunday outfit? So cute!

Have a beautiful Monday!


Love the confidence! I’m turning 50 next week (!) and still planning on running for years. I haven’t yet tried a half or marathon so those are on my bucket list. I only started running in my 30’s and feel my fastest times are still ahead of me. I’m looking forward to the adventure no matter what :)


HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY NEXT WEEK! I am so happy for you and you have to keep me updated with all of the amazing things you accomplish with your running. We are so lucky to get to run. Have a beautiful day, Christine!


Your training log blew my mind a bit, seeing that your longest run each week was the fastest pace per mile average. Even though I was aware you were running race pace/speed intervals during your long runs, it was really easier to see in comparison to the other average paces for the shorter runs. Pretty cool & I’m glad you shared that!
My marathon PR/BQ was when I was 45! Guess what was different? Consistency + strength training :) Magical!
I sort of did a short training cycle by accident once: bonked in a marathon after a “perfect” training cycle, then signed up for another one 3 weeks later and hit my goal time.
Lower body strength seems easier sometimes, but I love developing upper body strength, and I think it’s really underrated for runners–we need that power and stability to keep good form.
Highlight of my week: beautiful azalea blooms outside my window :)
Enjoy your run today!


Thank you Corey! I love seeing what others are doing too so it is fun to check it out! Reading that your marathon PR/BQ happened at 45 just made me smile so big. You found the keys to great running. Thank you for sharing about what you did after your bonking marathon, great idea and I love that you hit your goal time on the second. Keep enjoying those flowers!


Loved reading your training schedule!! I’m my fastest now and I plan on getting faster. Hopefully one day we’ll meet in Boston on our way to a sub 2:50 ? (I’m dreaming really big here now ??).
Solo parenting is so hard!!! I feel your pain. I have so much respect for single parents.


DREAMING BIG IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO! Can’t wait for our sub 2:50 at Boston TOGETHER!!!


Friend I just have to tell you every time I see that picture of you from Boston I think how STRONG you look!! I hope to look that strong in New York in November!!
I do strength 3x a week. Lower body/core Monday and Friday. Upper body/core Wednesday. Maybe I need to step that up a bit.
Half marathon in Fort Collins CO this Sunday so taking this week easy.
Have an amazing week!


Thank you so much! You will be so strong and ready for New York in November, I am so excited for you. Way to go on your strength and you have to tell me about how your half goes. My grandpa was from Fort Collins and my sister used to live there too… I am OBSESSED with that area. Thanks friend, you too!


Great job on handling the weekend on your own! Definitely reminded me of when the boys were younger and we lived at the baseball fields on Saturdays, then a couple years later it was the lacrosse games (which had us travel all over Orange county). Busy but so fun!
Oh thank you for sharing your training log!! I am feeling like I have a great base right now, but would love to start working in some longer runs. Although I don’t have any half or full marathons planned. I have to say, the strength work I am doing with the Peloton app is making a difference in my running! That along with consistent yoga. It’s amazing!
Our niece, who lives with us for a while, volunteered at the Big Sur marathon yesterday. She was at the water/aid station at mile 12, and had a blast! She kept texting me pictures, and it’s so pretty! I know it’s a pretty tough course, but I may put that on the calendar for next year. It looks incredible!
Have a great Monday Janae ?


Thank you Wendy, it was sure a busy one ha. Oh I bet you had SO many games with the boys, it really is so fun. You are rocking your base and I am hoping your hip flexors are 100%. Thank goodness for that app, I’m obsessed. Let’s all meet up at Big Sur, I’ve heard the best things about that race. I hope your day is a great one too!


I’m training for the Buffalo Marathon next month and on a whim, did a local halfer yesteday. And, I got a PR and won my age group! Not bad for a 41 year old :)
Oh, and TMI but who cares… I was on day two of my period during the race and was cramping so, so bad. I thought I was going to throw up at one point. I figure if I can run a PR on my period, then there isn’t much I can’t do. Plus, now I shouldn’t be on my period for the marathon so bit win there! Oh, to be a woman. Haha!
Have a great day, Janae!


PR and won your age group?! You are on fire. I hope your training is going amazing (sounds like it is) for the Buffalo Marathon! You PRed with cramps too… seriously so impressive and your marathon is going to be perfect. Thank you Stacey, you too!


Definitely going to stalk your Peloton calendar now and copy your strength classes when I build for my fall marathon!

I had a 5k this weekend and not only took 1st in my age group, I got a PR 22:01! The course was 3.24 according to my watch so I didn’t realize I was only 1 second from a sub 22 minute 5k! Next time!!

Have a great week!


AHHH RACHEL! You rocked it! Absolutely amazing!
You will have to keep me updated with both the strength and your training for your fall marathon!


This weekend. Well, my birthday was yesterday and I was on day 7 of Covid…blah. Hubbie took my kiddo out of the house for the afternoon which was nice. No worries, I finally got to go out for a run this morning and am feeling much more human again. Two more weeks until my marathon.

You can totally PR in your 40s. I am now 49 and ran my fastest marathon to date last October. You already have the push yourself mindset so I’m sure you will do great. Age is only a number.

I’m not a fan of strength training, but I know it’s necessary. I do a core workout three times a week. I then have two strength training sessions on Tuesday afternoon and Saturday morning. I like to do the whole shabang at once and do my arm and leg workout at the same time those two days. I think if I strung it out or divided it up, I’d more more prone to skip a day.


HAPPY birthday yesterday and I am SO sorry that you had covid. Booo. I hope you just feel better and better with each day. It forced you into taper. Thank you for sharing about your pr at 49… you are my hero! I totally agree with you about age just being a number. Loved reading about your strength training, you are rocking it. Hope you can taste some cake soon!


Good morning, Janae! That’s is an impressive training plan – thanks so much for sharing it! You really do look so strong in your Boston pics. I was my fastest around 2014 through 2017. I had lots going on in my life, not all good, and running was the thing that supported me in getting through it. I was also strength training regularly then and the two together really made a difference for me.
I do full body workouts twice a week at the kettlebells gym and always prefer lower body to upper body workouts. I think it’s just because I’m not very balanced (yet!) and my lower body is stronger. One goal this year is to do an unassisted pull up on the rings at the gym – yikes!
Weekend highlight was some of my finance’s family arrived in our area for a week, so dinner with them last night and a round of golf planned for this afternoon. First time out this season, so should be interesting!
Have an awesome start to your week, Janae!


Thank you Janine, I love seeing everyone’s training so it was fun to share. I am so grateful that running helped you through those difficult years. Strength training really does so much for us and you are rocking the kettlebells. Keep me updated with your pull-up! Have the best time playing golf!


That pizza looks amazing!

The highlight of my weekend was not having to do anything! I did my long run on Saturday and had my husband meet me at a breakfast place, it was delish!

I usually try to include a quick core workout with each strength session and I usually do strength for runners on Peloton and it’s mostly full-body strength.


I was looking back recently, I haven’t been fast since about 2018, back when I was only 59…
My weekend was trying to repair a clothes dryer, so today, bought my wife a new one for our 38th wedding anniversary….I did put a bow on it, s I think it’ll work?
summer’s finally here, so lots of running, walking and getting the mtn bike out


Thanks for sharing this. It’s great to see you keeping the easy runs easy and being able to run a sub 3:00. A true testament that easy = easy works.


Love this so much. Love seeing all your training runs in one place. I don’t know how you weren’t complete dead with the amount of miles you were running?! I hope you got in plenty of naps! Love following your running. So inspiring, as always xx

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