Silentish Saturday!

(shorts, hat, bra, shoes)

8.55 miles + 5 minutes of core.

Andrew got out to bike before more snow is expected…

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Remember when Skye used to do this?

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Skye and I had a million errands to run yesterday.

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She makes it hard to say no.

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Stopped for carbs (thanks Arthi for reminding me to go to Great Harvest)

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The rest of the day we were home.

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Simple Coconut Shrimp (with chicken instead:) Curry for dinner!

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Not normally an oreo person but something in me has changed.

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Free Willy that turned into a wrestling match.

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He has a sixth sense… if someone leaves the pantry door open, he is in there within 2 seconds.

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Finished off the day with the hot tub and I am really not sure how to taper for this 25k next Friday… I have no idea what I will run today!


Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Looks like such a fun day, I love seeing all the kids playing together.

March is always such a trip (we live in Colorado so similar to Utah) where one day it’s 70 degrees and sunny and the next day get three inches of snow. It feels like I am starting to be able to see spring creeping in and it’s giving me life.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thanks Beth! Hahah we relate so much with the crazy weather… I feel the same way about spring finally making it’s way in! Thanks friend, you too! Hope your littles are doing well!


Mmm that coconut shrimp recipe looks good, I’ll substitute the shrimp for chicken too! I have to work all weekend but this week is our March break (a week off school) so we have lots of fun things planned (a night at a hotel, a skiing camp, going to ice caves:)
Do you have a link to that striped shirt? I love stripes!!!
Have a great weekend


Hey Ashlea! You will have to let me know what you think of the recipe, it is one of our favorites. HAPPY MARCH BREAK coming up, enjoy every second (sounds perfect!!!). Yes, I love it:

Have a great day at work!


Hooray for Great Harvest!!!
Three things today: Going for a quick run, teaching a yoga class, and then picking up my mom from the airport and spending all day with her!! :)
Have the best weekend, Janae!!


Thank you for reminding me of their goodness hah. I want to come to your yoga class! Have the best time with your mom and I am seriously so happy for you! Congrats!


Do you like the low rise or high rise better of the hotty hot lululemon shorts? I’ve seen you have both. When I get saved up for lulu I want to get some new shorts.


That is a great question… It kind of depends on the day but if I had to choose one forever, it would be the low rise. You’ll have to let me know which ones you get. Happy weekend, Mary!


I’m going to do my Peloton workout, walk the dogs, pick up the house, and go out to dinner with my brother. Have you ever tried a bike boot camp?


Hey Jo Anne! Sounds like a great day! I haven’t… I need you to convince me to?! Do you love them? Have a great day!


The look on Beck’s face, both on the Roomba and in the pantry… Ha ha
I like days like that. Nothing super exciting, but lots of fun doing normal things.
I had a weird little peak into what life will be like when our youngest son goes off to college in the fall… He is off with friends this weekend, my husband was busy with school and water polo until late last night, so I was all by myself yesterday. Very strange. Instead of making dinner ( I had a big lunch so was not hungry) I did a 45 minute Pilates class (Peloton app) instead. I can see that sort of thing happening often in the future.
More snow?! So close to spring, just not quite!
I’m off for a quick run, then yoga, and some yard work today.
Have a wonderful weekend Janae ?


Oh wow, that must have been so strange! So many big changes throughout this life! I am so happy you did that Pilates class, I’ll have to try that! Hahah you just can’t be sure it will stay warm until June;). Have a great run and hope your son had the best time with his friends!


1. managing a sore head, the concussion rears it’s ugly head. maybe cutting out coffee isn’t working
2. a short 5Kish run…i need the fresh air
3. my zoom meet today with the clinic crew and ultramarathoner Amy Puzey…kind of pumped about that (just read she ran a 100K ultra in Flagstaff with almost not training….I want to learn how to do that


7 mile run with friends, went out to breakfast afterwards and had the best bagel egg sandwich, homework, and volunteering this afternoon! Hope you have a good weekend!


18 miles early, driving to celebrate my in laws 50th anniversary and hoping to walking after sitting in the car that long after an 18 miler!!!


It must have been an Oreo day yesterday. I am not an Oreo person either, but I had a couple last night–they were better than I remember!

You are going to do great next week at your race! I was looking ahead to the races I have too and I don’t remember how to taper! It is something I need to work on.

I did a long run by myself. I was going to go to the pancake breakfast and run, but we are getting freezing rain and I didn’t want to dive in that–running was a little dicey. We have church this evening because we have to work at a pancake breakfast fundraiser at church tomorrow morning. I feel like doing some on-line shopping, haha. I am in one of those moods;-).

Have a fabulous Saturday Janae!


Hi Janae! This weekend we are getting a couch!! Very excited for it. We might hike tomorrow depending on weather too.
Happy weekend!


I ran 6.5 miles today. As I was running up a hill, I started feeling slightly nauseous. I did NOT want to walk, but finally gave myself permission to walk for about a minute. It was all I needed to quell the yuckiness and I was able to finish the hill. I realized I need to stop this all or nothing thinking and cut myself some slack sometimes. Walking is ok! I was rewarded with my son greeting me as I rounded our corner (he was following my beacon). :)

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