Silentish Saturday!

9 miles @ 8:45 average…

The temperatures in the morning are pure perfection right now.

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Went and had my hair trimmed and darkened a bit and Skye was very confused by what was going on when she Facetimed me.

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Teaching him young about mountain bikes..

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And running…

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Brooke needed new running shoes and somehow she is now in WOMEN’S SIZES!  How did this happen?

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The inside is decorated…

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Brooke wanted to go out and get in some miles with her new running shoes—> TWO MILES!

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Honoring our heroes today.

Remember 9 11 01


Tell me three things that you have going on today!

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7 miles
BYU organ playing workshop
Daughter’s soccer game
Baby shower
Ward “rivalry” BBQ – dress in your fav team’s color :)
Busy day full of fun!


Way to go on your 7 miles this morning! You have a jam packed day and I love the rivalry bbq idea, I’ll have to share that with my ward! Enjoy and how cool is that… you can play the organ! Happy weekend, Jan.


Janae you are so right! Morning temperatures are amazing right now. Not that I’m wishing summer away but I do love not walking outside every morning and sweating ha.

Dying at Skye’s face haha. She’s like why does mom look like an alien.

Okay 3 things for today: going to go to Athleta and treat myself to new workout shorts because it’s friend and family event (or is at my store?), going to finish the weeding from last week since I need to rent a tool for it and then going to watch Captain America tonight.


MAUREEN! Keep enjoying those morning temps, they are just perfection. Hahah she had no idea why in the world I had aluminum foil on my head. ENJOY the shopping (you’ll have to tell me which shorts you get:), good luck with the weeding and enjoy the movie tonight. Happy weekend, freind.


8 miles- and running it while there was a huge 9/11 memorial race going on, it was fun and motivating to see all the runners. And agreed, temps are breaking in Maryland so was not sweating buckets this morning for the first time haha

A little bit of homework then tailgate and football game with school friends! Excited for some good food and good friend time.


Mariah, that is so great that there was a big 9/11 memorial race in your area and that would have definitely motivated me too. Keep enjoying the cooler temps and good luck with the homework and enjoy the game (I go for the food and socializing too:). Happy weekend!


Hi Janae! It’s time for my long run! Then just a low key day of catching up on chores and bringing food to our friends with the baby.
Is that the race you’re directing in the pic? Can’t wait to hear about it!


Happy long run! I hope it’s a great one. One day I hope we can all get together for a long run! Congrats to those friends. That pic is actually from our running store but I want to convince them to let me use that for my race ha. I hope you are having a beautiful Saturday!


Sorry to ask you the one time you don’t link to it, ha, but I LOVE that tank top, where is it from? Have a great weekend, Janae!


Ahhh sorry about that Jen! I didn’t link it today because they don’t have the same pattern anymore BUT the tank is amazing and I have it in a bunch of colors:

I hope you have the best weekend, friend!


She must be tall to already be wearing women’s! She’s not wearing Brooks shoes?


These ones were on sale big time and they didn’t have any Brooks but we will have to get her some next:). YES, she is so tall. I hope your weekend is a beautiful one! Thanks Mary:)


Skye’s face!!! ?
Sorry… No… Brooke cannot be in women’s sizes!!! Not allowed!
This morning before the start of the half marathon, the city of Huntington Beach and the race directors did an awesome 911 remeberance… Then during the run I wanted to capture all the people running with flags, running in memory of someone they lost… So powerful and emotional! And then of course it was fun being out there again! Lots of emotion, fun, humidity, and heat… Kind of a cool way to spend this morning ❤️
Have a really wonderful weekend with all the people you love?


BIGGEST congrats on your race today. I bet the 9/11 remembrance was so special. What an amazing experience. I bet you were so so happy to be out there again doing what you love. Thank you for sharing Wendy, you are just the best!


Love your tank top in the first picture! Where is it from? Also, I think it’s so cool that Brooke is so into running; you are an amazing role model! Three things I have going on today: 1) lunch with my older brother, who I haven’t seen in a couple of months, 2) cooking a gumbo in an attempt to coax cooler weather to settle in southern Louisiana 3) rest day (some yoga nd foam rolling) after a tempo run yesterday. Have a great weekend!


Emily, that means a lot. Thank you! Have the best time with your brother and can I come over for gumbo?? Yum! Way to go on your tempo run yesterday! Here is the link to the top… they just don’t have the same pattern anymore but I LOVE this tank:

Happy weekend!


Love those black and white photos on the wall!! Where did you get those? Do you change out the photos for the changing seasons as well? Love that.


First off, excellent post and so much great stuff in there – rest is incredibly important, and it is how your body recovers that dictates everything. I think more and more things keep appearing that back that up, or at least that is what I have been reading.
I think I tend to be happy with about one rest day and 50-55 miles in the winter and 60 or so in the summer.
And whether or not that is optimal for me being a ‘better runner’, really doesn’t matter. It works great with my time and love of getting out there, and I feel great.

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