Trade in 1 Hour of Misery + Tangents!

First, your donations, prayers and help yesterday for my friend Jules made me cry (well, sob).  I am so lucky to have the best internet friends ever.  Thank you and I want to send you all thank you notes and chocolate.

7.5 miles @ 9:23 with part of that run with my brother (that has been here for a few weeks now), most of my run with my sister and I walked back home with my SIL because we ran into her at the end of our run.  We are all within a few blocks of each other so running into each other is happening a lot lately.

Have you ever finished up a run barefoot in the grass?  I just wanted to let my feet stretch out and feel free so for the last .3 miles I did that.

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Not a lot happened at our house yesterday besides some relaxing and lots of baby kicks.

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And picking up my current Costco necessities—> peaches and muffins!

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Time for some tangents:

*Andrew’s and my watch tan lines are getting pretty intense!

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*These two have been inseparable lately.  My niece has been sleeping over and having a blast together.

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*They decided that watching Parent Trap together would be perfect for them.  Skye has even gotten confused a few times over who is who.

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*We had a taco bar at our house for my family the other night and it was a success.  This is the recipe we used for the chicken (cooked in the instant pot with pineapple juice!!) and the fresh corn and guac were also the stars of the show.

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*We did another hike to go and see the largest flag ever flown in Pleasant Grove on Sunday.

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*We found another stream and the girls played around in that for a while too.   Brooke brought her library book that she got about hiking so that she could teach Skye along the way:)

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*It was 93 degrees so any and all shade was our best friend.

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*I loved this so much and if you love food, ‘Can you think of your appetite as a gift?’   I sure do!

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The other day I was listening to an old Armchair Expert episode and Dax was talking about how he chooses to do a few things each morning to help his mood.  One of the things he chooses each day is to exercise and he said something like (not an exact quote but I can’t remember where it was again ha), “I trade in 1 hour of misery for 15 hours of really loving myself.”

Running is definitely not miserable for me but there are more days than I can count where it’s really hard to get out the door or I feel tired/sluggish/grumpy during the run.  The other day when Andrew and I woke up to go for our trail run, neither of us had an ounce of excitement to get up and move.  I remembered that quote from Dax and told myself that even if the entire run is miserable (which I can only think of a few runs in my entire life that were truly miserable from start to finish ha), it’s worth it to trade in for the 15 hours I get afterwards of confidence, patience, endorphins, stress relief and optimism.

Running is the best investment… You put in some miles and hard work and then you get out of it an entire day of feeling better about yourself and your world (not to mention all of the health benefits).

So if you are having a hard time getting out the door just think about the 15 hour reward you get for the 1 hour or so of work:)

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Costco shoppers—> What are some of your necessities there lately?

Tell me the last movie you watched and if you would recommend it?

What are some things that you’ve gotten from your running investment lately?

Do you look like anyone in your family?

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We rented some Red Box DVDs to enjoy on a rainy couple of days last week and in 48 hours we watched- Trolls World Tour (I loved the music as much as Leila did. I highly recommend it. Family dance party might happen.), Sonic the Hedgehog (it was ooookay), and the new Jumanji (that wasn’t a win for us). Lots of family movies!

I definitely feel like exercise- breaking any kind of sweat- is an investment in my mental health. I am just a better Mom and Wife and Version of me. Your perspective on it really resonates with me too.

It is so cool so much of your family is close by this summer:)

Also, PS- I thought your red dress yesterday was so beautiful on you. Glowing and radiant!


Nadya! We are going to have to copy you and rent Trolls World Tour, Brooke has been wanting to watch that and Skye will love the dance party! Exercise really is just the best investment in our mental health. Thank you so much! It felt fun to get dressed up again ha. Have a beautiful day and thanks again for yesterday!


I watched Athlete A and 13 on Netflix this weekend. Both heavy, but good to educate ourselves!

Better moods is definitely something I notice from my running investment. Also, some runs are starting to get easier, think I’m adjusting to the humidity finally!


Oh both I watched both of those and I absolutely agree, so hard to watch but so important to be educated about.
YAY for getting used to the humidity… that is HUGE. Have a beautiful day Mariah!


Wow. Powerful stuff! I love that perspective. I can definitely go through one hour of getting out of my comfort zone. Lately just even going for a simple walk seems like a momentous task. If I think about the long term benefits maybe that will get me moving.


See if you can find the original Parent Trap, it is SOOO good!


Its on Disney plus!!!


AHHHH I totally will! I haven’t seen that one in decades! Have a great day Angela and Stephanie!


COSTCO necessities – chocolate covered mangos, jacks salsa, Jones chicken breakfast sausages and peppered grilled chicken


THANK YOU for reminding me about those chocolate covered mangos… next time we are there I am grabbing those and I’ll try out the chicken breakfast sausages too… thank you SO much. Have a great day Lisa!


Sams club shopper here but only because it’s closer! I love fresh fruit and I used to love the samples back in the day! The frozen yogurt is really good too! ?

I’ve listened to Armchair Expert since episode one. My husband and I even went to see AE live when they were on tour .? We had awesome seats.. you know those seats where you can see the facial expressions as well as sweat? Good times. They did a Q & A at the end too which was fun! The guest in our city was Peter Krause ❤️ Did you watch Parenthood? If not please do right now!

Have a wonderful day! ?


My sister LOVES Sams Club so much. Okay, that is so so cool that you saw AE live… can we join you guys next time for that? I LOVED Parenthood but I think it’s time to rewatch the entire series. Thanks Sydney, you too!


My sisters and I look so much alike that we get confused for each other by people who know us! We don’t feel we look that much alike but other people sure think so!


NO WAY… that is seriously so fun! I love it! Have a really great day, Colleen!


Do you remember which Armchair Expert that was you were listening to? I’d love to get that full quote from Dax – sounds right up my alley :)


That quote about the two dietitians completely made me tear up! As a health coach I feel like over half of my job is undoing damage like that. Our bodies, our appetites, foods, and celebrations are GIFTS!

I look a lot like my sister. More so as I get older. Our relationship is… complicated. So this is complicated as well.


I love what you are doing for others and helping them to understand this! It’s a gift! Thanks for sharing Kristen and I hope you have a beautiful day!


I think it might have been the one with Kaitlin Olsen but I’m not fully sure… I listened to a bunch of them in a row and should have written it down! Have a beautiful day Katie.


Costco necessities: frozen blueberries, frozen broccoli and greek yogurt. My kids are really loving the Sargento snack packs too!

Running has given me a mood boost and time to myself. I love listening to podcasts and just running. It allows my mind to “turn off.” I definitely lean towards anxiety and depression so running gives me endorphins and much needed “down time” for my brain. And while I am so grateful for the extra home time/time with the kids…it gives me a little break from all the “mom, mom, mom, mom” ;-).

I don’t look like anyone in my family. People (friends, not family) say that I look like my sister. My kids don’t look like me or my husband nor my kids look alike. My dad and 2 of his brothers look very similar. Genetics are so fascinating!

I love that your kids can still hold the chickens! My kids lose interest once we move them to the big coop. How many chickens do you have again? It will be so exciting when you get the first egg!

Happy Tuesday Janae!


I must get those Sargento packs for my kids! I love Costco frozen blueberries too. Becky, I am so glad that running has done so much for you and helps you so much. Thank goodness for that ‘down time’ for our brains. I totally relate with you! I totally agree, it is so interesting to me how some look so alike and some do not. We have 8 chickens and I cannot wait for those eggs. Thanks Becky, you too.


I’ll give you way too much info about Costco in Taiwan, because its covid 19 season haha. I live in Taipei, and going to costco here is an extremely different yet similar experience. The store is similar, but a lot of the products are different to cater to different international tastes. They change flavors a lot to meet local preferences. Its seen as a good place to get cheap american foods like pizza and hot dogs. You can also get more asian style things as well, such as thai style chicken sandwitches. Costco also has extremely fresh sushi that you can watch the chefs make themselves. There’s a university culture in Taiwan where you can post on a facebook page to say that you’re buying, say, 8 muffins, and then other people will bid on 4 muffins. It’s like a facebook market place but also an auction. People typically sell at slightly more expensive prices than they pay for the item, so they make money that way. It’s really good to get american foods that I miss sometimes such as beans that aren’t sweet, because in Asia, beans are generally a dessert food. Vanilla/ Chocolate/ Strawberry in Taiwan is more like Red Bean/ Black sesame / green tea. My friend once made tacos for a bunch of our friends with a savory bean dish that would feel familiar to any american, and my asian friends were so confused and hesitant to eat beans in savory meals. Costco is a great place to buy beans that aren’t sweet at a good price!


Savannah! I loved your comment so so much. I would love to come visit you and we could go for sushi there. The auction idea is awesome because I know people that don’t go to Costco just because they don’t need food in bulk so that would definitely help. I’ve definitely only ever thought as beans as savory! I hope you get to go soon and enjoy some pizza. Have a beautiful day and I hope you are doing well!


Oh how I love Dax! That is such a great quote and it is 1000% true.
My sister and I look similar even though she’s blonde and I’m a red head, but apparently our voices sound EXACTLY the same. Definitely have taken advantage of that throughout our lives parent trap style haha. I’m in a movie rut. I feel like I’ve wasted about 20 hours over the past week on lame choices, so I would love some suggestions as well! Cheese bagels, chocolate muffins and strawberry jam (Costco brand jam is the BEST) are in my current rotation :)

Hope you have a great day!


Oh I love that your voices are the exact same! My brother was just saying that about my me and my sister yesterday. Hahah I love that you’ve used it to your advantage?. I must try their strawberry jam! Have a wonderful day Rachel.


Love that perspective about putting in an hour of work first thing in the morning! That’s exactly how I feel. I just gotta get my sweat on first thing and I feel SO much better the rest of the day. On days I don’t do that, I feel so sluggish.
The last movie I watched was The Karate Kid. My daughter was at a sleepover so that was my sonnet pick. Such a classic! But, man, it’s a good reminder of how far movies have come! ?


Exactly! Isn’t it crazy how much more tired we feel when we don’t exercise?! Oh I need to rewatch that movie and hahah so true. Have a beautiful day Kristen!


I love love love this quote and will definitely be using it to get me back into my morning running routine. I’ve been running in the evenings a lot lately (which I honestly hate) because I can’t get myself out of bed in the morning, but I did today and wowsers I already feel so much better! Not to mention it’s about 100 degrees cooler in the mornings these days.

Also everyone tells me I look more and more like my mom as I’m getting older, but I honestly still don’t see it!

So many thoughts, hugs, and prayers to your friend and her family <3


Annie! Way to go getting out this morning and I’m so glad it was so much cooler. I hope that the quote helps you out… it got me up this morning! Thank you friend and I hope today is a great one for you.


Hi Janae !
Today is our National Day in France so i’m not working.
I’ve just watched «A Plastic Ocean» on Netflix. It’s really to be seen ! We need to become more aware of our habits of consumptions… for the planet, for animals, and for our kids !
After seeing that, i never want to buy a plastic-thing again in my life !
A big challenge ! :)
A least, reducing as much as possible (less packaging… using reusable materials, glass instead of plastic, etc.) will be a good start !

I love the idea of running barefoot in the grass !
Thanks for being so inspiring :)

Have a beautiful day !


Happy National Day! I will definitely watch that movie because that is something I really need to work on and change. Thank you for sharing! Let me know if you try out any grass running barefoot❤️ Have the best day!


Havent watched many new movies lately but “Onward” from disney is a favorite!!!

I also havent been to a store since early March and it makes me so sad. Hubby goes for us (I work from home and keep baby home with me) and Costco is a favorite!!! We need to get a trip in soon because I love their avocado smash packs for easy avocado and plus baby is now eating too! And their hummus. SO good. We havent been splurging on new things but I think I want to try their tortillas that are fresh and I have seen you have used them. Can you freeze those?? Have a great day :)


Oh we loved Onward over here too! I bet you have been missing Costco a lot. YES YES YES you need the tortillas. It comes with two packs so we freeze one and it works perfect. I hope you love them and have a great day working at home with your baby. Thanks Stephanie.


I don’t feel like I have much time or energy to sit down and watch a movie from beginning to end. I honestly can’t even remember the last movie it would have even been! The kids just watched Shark Boy and Lava Girl and really liked it.

I’ve been taking a bit of a break from running and doing a lot more walking and interval running but I recently did a full-out run and other than a sore knee I came out feeling like I could do anything! I actually finished my run with a huge smile and I didn’t want to sit down the rest of the day I was so full of energy.


I’ll have to find those for my kids, thanks Erika. It’s amazing what that exercise does for us and it really does help us to feel we can do anything and everything. Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having a great Tuesday!


My kids have a Would You rather book and one question said would you rather go without chocolate or tv for one year. I said tv but my kids and husband said chocolate and I was shocked because they love chocolate too. I’m just not that into tv and can give it up. I’m curious what others will say?


SUCH a hard question… I think I would say chocolate too because I’m all about other desserts/candy too. I have to ask this question tomorrow!


Can you share the costco favorites in a post?! Jerky is my husbands favorite and mine is chocolate covered raisins!


YES YES YES!! I totally will, thanks for the idea Ali and I LOVE those raisins too!


Costco—do y’all ever get the heavenly hunks or the Aussie bites? You have got to try them! I love crumbling the Aussie bites into my smoothie and the heavenly hunks are the best sweet treat—especially if you add some nut butter (ps have you tried nutzo from Costco?)…


My mom was adopted and recently found members of her birth family. Turns out, I look nearly identical to one of my “birth cousins.” It’s such a strong resemblance that whenI first saw a picture of her, I thought someone snapped a candid shot of me that I didn’t know about!

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