Not going to compare myself this time + please no broken bones.

My max is 8 miles at this point in pregnancy and I walk up the hills because they make me so out of breath…. When I was pregnant with Skye I was still running half-marathons at this point (and even later into my pregnancy when I was pregnant with Brooke) and running uphill but that definitely isn’t happening this time around and I’m okay with that.  I’ve learned that comparing myself to where I used to be or where I’ve been in the past is such a waste of brain space because it takes us nowhere besides being miserable.  But being grateful for doing whatever you get to do in the moment feels way better and I’m beyond grateful for each flat or downhill mile that I can get my hands on right now.  I know it can all change fast so I’ll keep taking it a day at a time.

I hope you are currently celebrating whatever you are doing regardless of what you used to do.

Random question—>  Do you pay attention to what your Garmin thinks about your training?  Even when I was training with an amazing coach and hitting new PRs frequently last year, it told me I was unproductive most of the time.  It was also always very off on my race predictions too.

It’s probably correct now because I have zero variety in my training ha but I’m okay with that.  It might think my training is unproductive but I know it is very productive for my mental health and feeling like myself each day:)

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Superhero muffins make an excellent post-run snack along with some watermelon.

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We were really excited to have Andrew for the day.  His hospital has been slammed lately (not with Corona but with everything else) so he was really excited to have the day off.

I have been living in these t-shirt dresses… It’s like you are wearing soft light pajamas all day.

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Because I am here so often the employees love to give me new stuff to try out for free.  The chips were excellent and worth the heartburn after for the spice.

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Target is a MILLION times more fun for the kids when Andrew comes with us and finds fun things that we need;)

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Too cold for the pools but just right for the park.

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Brooke has really been wanting to learn how to rollerblade so that is what the afternoon was spent doing (knee pads coming soon:).  I have broken one bone in my life and it was from when I was rollerblading so I’m trying to be very open to this ha.

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This was the best thing I’ve eaten at nighttime in a very long time.

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Just one of those dinners that is a win for everyone… including Beretta

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Last random thing of the day… Skye will NOT sleep (naps or at nighttime) without these two exact blankets and these two stuffed dogs.  There have been many nights with us frantically searching the entire house and cars for them and I don’t know what will happen if we ever lose any of these four items.

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Is your watch accurate with your training status or race predictions?

Have you broken any bones?  Anyone’s kid’s broken bones?

What have you been eating after your runs lately?

What activity totally takes you back to childhood?

-Trampolines and rollerblades. 

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So funny, our hospital here in NZ has also been slammed the last week. We officially have no active covid cases in the country right now. So the hospital is picking up again. People who were avoiding hospital for fear of covid are returning and it was crazy this evening! I just got home from my shift in the ER. Ready to sleep! You’re so amazing running while pregnant. It’s super inspiring!

Also in response to your post yesterday I should send you some pineapple lumps, jet planes and Jaffa’s. Three NZ popular treats!


Leigh! That is so interesting, I didn’t even think of that! I guarantee that is why our hospital is so busy now too. I hope you sleep SO SO well after such a hard and long shift! I will take you up on that and you have to tell me your biggest requests. Thanks friend!


And I have no idea!! You’d have to pick your favourites! I’ll DM you xx


NZ had some of the best treats and ice cream (we loved pokey chip!) Also, bravo to your country on the zero current cases. I read that a few days ago and was so proud of all of you and Ardern. Take care!


Oh yes hokey pokey ice cream is Nz too. I forget that as it’s so common here! Probably the most common ice cream flavour! I’m glad you enjoyed the food here. What other things do we have that you don’t? I’m never too sure!


I turned off all those prediction/monitoring “features” on my Garmin. The heart rate monitor is so inaccurate sometimes that I’m sure it’s based on garbage data. I work with my coach and monitor how I feel and if I feel super tired more than 2-3 days I take a down day or 2. System seems to work – the Garmin doesn’t know if I’m stressed out by work, not getting in enough salt for the humidity, etc.

If that is a bacon breakfast taco for dinner I’m 100% here for it.


I need to turn them off too.. . you are so right, garbage data! Good to hear this from you. It is definitely bacon, I can’t get enough salt these days! Hope you are doing well!


I broke my foot once . . . tripping over absolutely nothing. Such a lame story. :-)

I strained my hamstring somehow this week–it just seized up during a perfectly normal run, felt better yesterday, but when I tried to run today I lasted about 5 steps. I’ve never had that happen before–and am trying to remind myself to be patient and that a few rest days are not the end of the world. Sigh.

My throwback to childhood would definitely be my skipit. I loved that thing! I’d say my hula hoop, but I still use that. :-)


Nooooo to your hamstring!!! I strained (maybe even had a small tear) and took 5 days completely off and was able to come back pain free! It’s so worth it to take the time off, you are doing the right thing and I can’t wait to hear about your first pain free run back! Keep me updated and skipits were life back then. Have a beautiful day, Kristin!


Oh goodness, I don’t think I would like my watch telling me I am unproductive… that would hurt my feelings! :) I do like the feature on my Apple Watch (on the phone app) that shows Trends. I like that it compares how I am walking/running/standing/etc. so I can see how I am progressing. Sometimes you need a little encouragement, and I think it helps to compare to how you were doing previously (within reason, of course!!)
The heat/humidity has made it so that I don’t want to eat after my runs… this happens to me every summer. Regardless of what time of day I run, I just don’t want to eat for quite a bit after I finish. I try to just hydrate and hope my appetite comes back! I’ve been eating a lot of berries lately, but I am just waiting for Iowa melons to be ready to eat! Cold watermelon after a run is delicious!


I didn’t know the Apple Watch did that. I love the idea of seeing my trends! I cannot wait for you to get your post-run cold watermelons. They are the best to come home to. Have a beautiful day, Rhiannon!


I am so glad you said that about the watch! Mine has been telling me a lot lately that my runs are unproductive and while some have been a little rough due to the climbing heat and humidity, they haven’t been THAT bad. Haha. Every time it tells me unproductive, I just look at it and say “well that’s not nice or encouraging”. Hope you have a great Wednesday!


Hahaha I’m going to start talking back to my watch too! Don’t listen to it, seriously it told me that during the best training of my life! You are doing amazing and way to rock running in the heat and humidity! Thanks Janelle, you too.


Never broken a bone! Honestly a little surprised with all the activities we did as kids haha. We had a trampoline that we put a basketball hoop next to for our version of slam ball. Seems so dangerous now because we had no net and it was right next to a hill in our backyard, but none of us got hurt!


Your bones must be SO so strong ha. I am sure Andrew did a similar slam ball tournament like you guys. I hope you are having a great day, friend!


I’m 14 weeks and feel like I need to get myself some of those Amazon dresses! Are you wearing your normal size or did you size up for the bump? XO


Julie, congrats! I am so happy for you and I hope you are feeling well. I did not size up for the bump and I’ll be able to probably wear these the whole pregnancy and next summer too. They are so nice and light which pregnant mamas need in the summer. Have a great day.


Thanks so much! Starting to FINALLY feel better woo hoo!!!! Except at night. You know how it is!!! Ok off to order at least 3 dresses ;)


Morning! Yes it is always correct, even if I argue with it :)

I’ve never broken a bone but I did fall once while running and broke three of my teeth, does that count? (Nope it didn’t even hurt believe it or not!)

I’m loving a mixture of all the different chex cereals, dry though no milk ever thank you very much lol



Hey Jocelyn… ‘even if I argue with it’ haha! Thanks for making me smile. BROKE three of your teeth ouch (I broke two of my teeth running when I was 2:). I love Chex and now I am craving it big time! Have a great day.


I broke my collar bone in a car accident in college. I had to wear this weird brace and everyone called me “astrogirl.”

I have the same garmin you have. I don’t think mine has told me that I’m unproductive. i touched something on the app this morning and it told me to keep up the good work. My fitness is nowhere near yours due to my stupid knee issue so that’s probably why it tells me I’m doing so well. I went from walking to running on some days of the week. it’s probably just happy that I’m finally doing something else.

I need to be brave enough to try a breakfast taco. I like everything that I see in your breakfast tacos so I should like them. I think I have issues with change.

My heartburn was so bad when I was pregnant. It started early on and nothing really helped it. I had to be really careful with what i ate to keep it from getting worse. I hope you’re heartburn is manageable.

Have a great day!


YOUR COLLAR BONE! Ouch! Okay, my Garmin needs to tell me to keep up the good work, that is awesome and I am so happy your knee is now letting you run a few days each week. Let me know if you try the breakfast tacos. Mine is definitely not as bad as yours is because I just need to take a tums and I feel so much better. Thanks Lee, you too!


The start of your post made me think of a quote a friend told me. “Comparison is the thief of joy”. Not sure who created it but I love it. Post run I am loving smoothies with berries, coffee, almond milk and cocoa :) I am a poor technology runner so hardly wear a garmin. I truly enjoy all your posts, pics and bits of advice/knowledge embedded in. Have a super Wednesday.


I love that quote so much and I just need to remember it every single day, thank you Katie! Well, that smoothie sounds perfect! Thank you so much Katie, that means a lot. Keep in touch and I hope your Wednesday is a great one.


My apple watch used to give some notifications that made me feel guilty, especially on rest days. There was a way for me to turn them off, I wonder if you can do the same with the garmin? Just a thought! Have a great day!


Oh that is awesome! I hope mine does too! Thanks Sara and have the best day:)


I am a huge fan of rollerblading/inline skating & I actually race sometimes too. I wear wrist guards and a helmet – I have actually fallen a handful of times even in recent years and not broken bones – as long as you bend forward even just a little while skating (do not skate standing straight up), then when you fall, you are more likely to go forward or sideways & can fall more safely that way. Her skates look super cool! I remember rollerblading in circles in my parents’ basement when I was 8 or 9.
I had some similar breathlessness with both of my pregnancies – I heard it has to do with how the baby is positioned. Not sure if that is true, but it seemed somewhat logical to me.
My post-run snack last night was almond butter and some honey on sourdough.


Katie, this is just SO cool that you race sometimes too. I would love to do that (post-pregnancy). I need to get them wrist guards asap. Thank you for the tip and I will teach them this… Knox just got some too. I totally think that is part of why I feel so breathless at different times, thanks for sharing. Hope you are having a great day so far.


Awesome; I hope they have so much fun learning to rollerblade. Fingers-crossed for only little falls!


Oh how I hate when my watch tells me I’m unproductive! Ha! I really try not to pay attention to that, but it’s hard sometimes for sure. Since I am on week 3 of not running, I haven’t been wearing my Garmin hardly at all. I sort of already feel unproductive, so I don’t need my watch reminding me of that… Ha ha
Trampolines totally take me back to childhood! And back then, we didn’t have the safety net going around the whole thing. So scary.
Since we’ve been working on our bedroom, we’ve had take out the last couple of dinners. I need to start cooking again and those egg/bacon/avocado “roll-ups” look so easy and delicious!
We’re actually finishing our room this morning, then just waiting for all the new bedding to arrive on Friday! Yay!
I hope you have a good Wednesday ?


I just wish so bad that you were back to running again… hopefully soon! No net on the tramps… oh that would be scary! Try the roll-ups and let me know what you think and enjoy the new bedding on Friday:). Your house is really coming together. Thanks Wendy, you too!


OMG, my boys need that balloon launcher in their life! Lol! Is it just me or does Skye appear to have aged overnight?
My Garmin is very generous with race predictions and I’ve never hit any of them! I’ve noticed Strava and Garmin show different data at times so I’m not sure how accurate it is. For example, just this morning I ran a super loopy out and back trail route that had a lot of switch backs but both Garmin and Strava map showed a straight point to point. And their elevations also always vary.
My oldest broke his arm when he was 4 years old; we were at a park with friends and he and a buddy were standing in a wagon when his budy playfully pushed him and he fell out and landed on his hands. He cried a little but never complained about the pain so I didn’t take him in right away. As the day went on he favored that arm, cradling it at times and then was super sleepy. He hadn’t napped in years so I knew something was wrong! Sure enough, it was broken!
I have to eat after a run because i’m too paranoid not to! I fear the potential muscle breakdown/energy breakdown and then mental breakdown if I don’t! :)
I think swimming and being on trails takes me back to childhood. Every chance we got in the summer we were at the lake since it was just a 10 minute drive. We also lived blocks away from a large wooded park that had numerous trails, rope swings and ravines so we never lacked in adventures!
Have a great day!


I totally agree… she is a little girl these days, not a toddler anymore! Oh that is frustrating, we want to have the right answers on what we are doing! I notice a big difference in my strava and garmin elevations and I usually go with garmin (not sure why).
Oh a broken bone at 4 would be SO hard. So glad you knew to take him in. I love what you think after a run… so so true! You grew up in a really cool place and I hope you get to go back sometimes. Thanks Jenny, you too!


Hi Janae! My friend and I were just talking about what a bully Garmin can be. We were joking that the G in Garmin stands for Gaslighting because for hers it will tell her she is running way slower than she actually is for the first mile. Also Garmin tried to “encourage” me once by telling me that Paula Radcliffe set a world record while having period cramps, so I turned that menstrual cycle feature cycle off. I also turned off the performance condition popup that you get in the first mile that tells you how good it thinks you’re running. I’ve set PRs in races despite it telling me I was at -2 and stuff like that. Thanks for listening to my rant, I’ve finally found an outlet.
I hope you have a great day and more peaches!


Hahaha you are so right… it’s a bully! And good call to turn off that feature too… that is definitely not the normal ha. I’ve wondered if you could turn that one off too because I got a -6 the other day and it made me mad ha. You and I could just have a long talk about this all. Thanks Amy and I hope you have something delicious today too.


Hi! I love that t shirt dress! Did you find it was true to size or did you need to size down? Thanks!


Hey Leslie! I ordered my normal size and plan on wearing it after pregnancy too! I’m sure sizing down works too but I like the loose and boxy fit so long story short, I would buy true to size of the dress even if I wasn’t pregnant! Have a great day and let me know what you think of it:)


I always feel like my Suunto watch gives me way too much recovery time. It also has a VO2 max estimator with fitness level. My last run gave me a fitness level of 38.7 which is considered excellent (superior is the highest level, excellent is second highest.) It says my “fitness age” is 20 which leaves me wondering what my fitness age will be if I ever hit superior. I would think a fitness age of 20 for someone who is 56 would be superior!

I broke my tailbone while ice skating in Lake Tahoe. I then had to get in our rental car, ride to the airport and fly to Burbank. My back side hurts just thinking about it! Of course the doctor couldn’t put a cast on it so I had to just suffer through the healing process.

Activity that takes me back to childhood = tetherball and swimming. Even though I was the shortest in my class, I loved tetherball!


Okay, I totally felt that same way with my Suunto watch too! And you are in amazing shape! Maybe superior = 19 years old ha?! That doesn’t make sense but you sure are fit. Broken tailbone… that sounds awful. Our kids love tetherball so so much too. Hope you are having a beautiful day.


We are due with our first baby November 5th- been reading your blog since I was 19 years old, so seeing you go through another pregnancy (very gracefully btw) has been a joy as I go through mine.

I don’t trust my watch, pace calculators, etc what data says about my training or my capabilities- my gut has always been way more accurate. Funny it says you have been unproductive- never have I seen or heard of a woman running while pregnant been “unproductive”.

Btw this is my first pregnancy, I am young, and I still have not crested 13.1. You’re killing it.


Kaytlin, this is so so fun! We are SO close and I am so happy we are doing this together:). I love what you said about your gut being more accurate and I completely agree. Thank you friend and keep me updated with everything!


My least favorite thing of all time is when I get done with a run that is 13+ miles long and I lay/sit down and my garmin tells me to move…..haha


Bahaha so so true! That is the worst and just mean. I hope you are having a great day so far, Emily!


Unproductive! That’s just mean (and untrue). You are amazing! I have the Apple Watch, I think it keeps track of your movements throughout the day as opposed to being impressed by one workout. It doesn’t matter if you run 10 miles in the morning, if you sit for more than an hour or so it encourages you to “check your rings” lol, I always repeat this back to her… No, YOU check your rings.

One evening, she told me “You can still do it” I walked over to the island and was actively stuffing my face with leftovers and she exclaimed “YOU did IT!” hahahaha, so she doesn’t know everything.

Have a great day!


Haha that is not nice either… we need to recover after our runs and sit for longer than an hour sometimes:). I love what you say back to her and I think stuffing our faces should get the ‘you did it’ too. Thanks Tracy, you too!


My Garmin has been saying that my training status is unproductive my entire pregnancy! It also tends to tell me I have unproductive training every summer when it gets hot out. I just ignore it :-p


SO RUDE and not true:). We are very productive during our pregnancies. I hope you are having a great afternoon and feeling well, Isla!


I broke my nose at the podiatrist’s office.
I went in to have an ingrown toenail removed; they gave me the local numbing agent and left the room. I proceeded to pass out and fall off the table, smashing my face into the table next to me on my way to the concrete floor. It was not a great day, but it’s funny in retrospect.

I don’t run with a watch anymore now that I’ve stopped doing races, but sometimes I miss knowing my pace. :) Your watch is mean! It’s too bad you can’t talk back to it. “No, Garmin, YOU’RE unproductive!”

Swimming in a lake will always feel nostalgic to me :).


Melissa, this story is so crazy! Ahhh I can’t imagine and I am glad everything worked out in the end. Hahaha I read to Andrew what you said to say back to my garmin and it made us both laugh so hard. I hope you get to swim in a lake again soon. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Your food just makes my mouth water lol! I think the pictures of what your eating are honestly the best ha :)
I had the worst heartburn with my 3 pregnancies and tums were a requirement. I found each pregnancy to be progressively harder on my body if that makes sense? The first one I felt invincible but by the third everything came so fast…the nausea, the heart burn, the swelling and hot flashes! Of course it’s all worth it but I wonder if it was bc I was getting older or if I wasn’t able to rest as much.
I laughed at your Skye blanket and stuffies comment as I had to do that with all my kids at one point. We had a stash of un opened soothers in the kitchen because if we could not find it for our son at bedtime sleep was not happening lol!! Maybe as parents we need to buy doubles of each stuffed animal!! ;).


I wish I could send you some food right now! I fully agree with what you said about each pregnancy being harder on the body… Brooke’s pregnancy was nothing compared to this. HOT FLASHES… in addition to everything else, nooo. I wonder that same thing and I’m guessing it’s a combo of the two things. Hahaha you are a lot smarter than I am and I’m off to get doubles. Enjoy the rest of your day!


While it looks like a fun toy and activity to do with your kids, especially when it’s warm out, please consider the impact of balloons. The bits of balloon material, especially when broken into small pieces, look like food to wildlife and causes them serious harm or death when eaten.


Thank you so much for sharing this V, I hadn’t even thought of them like that! That is very sad!!


My daughter is the exact same, but it’s only with 1 blanket. I have had no broken bones but my daughter has. 2 at the same time. Last May, the last month of school, a kid pushed her trying in line up to go to recess. She fractured that wrist/forearm and had a metal splint on it. In June, she fell on her scooter and took the hit with her good arm and broke the same spot on her wrist/forearm and had a cast on it. Both were like that and overlapped about 2-3 weeks before the splint could come off. Was NOT fun. Careful Brookey on the blades, they look SO fun !!!


Good to know Skye isn’t alone in this need. TWO broken bones at the same time and from a kid pushing her and then a scooter accident… poor girl! I hope there aren’t any more broken bones at your house. Enjoy the rest of your day, Michele!


I removed that widget from my watch because it was totally messing with me! I got rid of that and the “calories burned” widget haha. Other than those two annoying widgets I love my garmin.


Brilliant. I will be removing both like you because they are both silly. Have a fabulous day Nicole!


Gah Skye is the cutest! Have you looked for backups of the blankets and dogs? My daughter has a stuffed kitty she has been obsessed with since she was 1 (she’s 5 now), so a while back I found it on Amazon and ordered 4 of them lol. I rotate them without her knowing so that they are all “loved” equally (i.e. the same level of ratty)!


Seriously, you are brilliant. I really need to do this. THANK YOU for the help and have the best day, Lindsay.


Haha it has saved us MANY times! Thanks, Janae..hope y’all have a great day also!


Get Brooke WRIST GUARDS. I used to rollerblade to my friends house, To CVS or the candy store, and even to my job as a camp counselor when I was a kid. I. Always. Wore. Wrist guards. And I still do at the rink with my kids. Almost every time I hear about a kid breaking a bone on skates it’s a wrist or an arm. I’m a musician and music teacher so the health and safety of my hands and wrists are always on my mind!


Such a great idea, I totally will Cristen! THANK YOU and I totally see why you see wrists/arms as so important, they are! Thanks for helping and I hope your day is a great one so far.


What a fun day! ??

I have a parenting tip to share!

Mu kids each had their favorite stuffed animal when they were little. After several mishaps I decided to buy an extra set of identical stuffed animals just in case! This was a smart move because I needed the substitute animals several times. ? ? ?

When they got a little older I told them what I did and they all laughed! ?

Happy Wednesday! ?


Hey Sydney!! THANK YOU for the tip and it’s time that I do just this so we don’t have to worry anymore. Haha I bet along with their laughs they thought about how good of a mom you are to do that for them. Happy Wednesday to you too! And as far as the waffle maker goes, share with me what you get because I’m not super in love with mine!


My nephew, who’s now 18 and 2020 high school graduate, used to be just like Skye with her stuffed dogs. One was named Sleepy Dog, and the other Mary Dog. He wanted them with him all the time and you could always tell when he was getting tired because he’d suck his thumb and start rubbing Sleepy Dog’s ear back and forth across his nose. I could cry thinking about how quickly the last 18 years have gone (especially since I was only 15 when he was born!), but it’s so nice to be reminded of those memories. :)


Thank you for sharing this with me, it made me so happy! I really relate with you because I was 15 when my sister’s son was born and feel the same way… it goes too fast but the best memories. Hope your day is a wonderful one so far Maegan!


My husband ordered Me my first ever Apple Watch For Mother’s Day but he customized the color band and the engraving so it won’t arrive until June 18…I am excited to see what that is like to use when running or just to count my steps during the day.

In the words of Stephanie Tanner regarding your running watch saying you are unproductive, “How Rude!”

My daughter can’t sleep without her pillow pet…I fear the day it gets lost/disintegrates from too much love!!

Never roller bladed but I did like regular roller skates when I was young. I was pretty terrified of going down hills so I only remember using mine in a roller rink for a kid’s birthday party or the flat driveway.


Nadya, what a sweet sweet gift and I cannot wait for it to get to you. You’ll have to send me a picture of it. Hahah YES to the how rude. I hope the pillow set always stays perfectly perfect for you both:). Hope your day is a beautiful one.


I have had a cuboid, metatarsal and calcaneal stress fracture in the past. Runner problems!

I usually eat oatmeal or pancakes to share with my toddler after my run but I am in a breakfast rut and need ideas ha!

I am literally ordering that dress right now!!! So cute! Where did you get your necklace?

Have a great day! :)


Hey Taylor! I hope you love the dress as much as I do! The necklace is from Madewell and I can’t find the same one anymore but I have this one and wear it a ton too…
Oh I sure relate with those runners problems. Have a beautiful rest of your day with your toddler.


My Garmin must think I work out too hard, am too old, and/or too out of shape – it always gives me wacky recovery time frames. It might say I need 48 hrs recovery after a 12 mile run with 3 tempo miles and 2 uphill miles (makes sense, maybe)…but it will also tell me I need 71 hrs recovery time after a 2 mile walk at 20 min pace. Or 52 hrs after a 1 mile walk with 5 yr olds that took 40 minutes with 6 different stops. (I just laugh and ignore that function.)

Running injuries…oh, boy. Three tibial stress fractures in high school and college; two knee surgeries in college (double retinaculum release, cartilage clean up, meniscus tear); torn quad in college (800m race on a very tight indoor circle track); separated calf muscle from shinbone in college (kind of like mega shin splints – it has a real name that I can’t remember); one sprained ankle in high school (stupid rock); one broken hand (caught my toe on a rock running trails, fell down the mountain); randomly re-occurring ankle tendonitis (usually only if I try to come back too quick after a marathon); and random scrapes, bruises, and scars from “I’m just clumsy, trip over nothing” falls.

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