Pay Off Later + Our Weekend + 4 Years

My ‘TRAILS ARE OPEN’ (in Utah) shirt from Runner’s Corner made me very happy on my Saturday run.  43 degrees = t-shirt and shorts weather, right?

It seems like it might be a waste as far as our race goals go to continue to get in our miles and training during this year since we have no idea when we will race again but the miles we do now will definitely pay off later.  These miles build upon each other and your training right now is not going to go to waste!  Once we know when races will be happening it will make it easier to plan on when we can amp things up again and peak for different races but until then, your miles now are still taking you closer to your race goals in the future!  That consistency is EVERYTHING!

I’ve been doing 50ish miles a week (51 last week) and I’m really enjoying that.

IMG 1927

Random but I saw two people sharing headphones like this below during my run and it reminded me of my sis and me.  When she lived in New Mexico I went to visit her when I was in college and I forgot my headphones.  We went running together every day while we were there and we would just share her headphones for the run.   It helps that we are almost the same height and I think our stride must be pretty similar in order for us to keep the headphones in our ears so easily.   I don’t know why we didn’t just play music from our phones but back then I didn’t know you could run without music.

IMG 1949

It was a beautiful day for some grass and a Sound of Music type of setting (I posted this on my IG stories and people told me that it reminded them of the Sound of Music opening scene:).  They ran up and down that hill quite a few times.

IMG 1941

And then it was time for our first outing in forever…

IMG 1933

We have been out of bread for a while and we finally picked some up from Great Harvest and ate on the curb.  It almost felt like normal life. Brooke was just so thrilled that her cookie and her shirt were matching.  Their Lemon Poppyseed bread is like a dessert.

IMG 1947

My Saturday night consisted of weeding and I made a new goal for myself and I need your help to keep me accountable.  Our entire backyard is weeds (besides a few patches of grass ha) so my goal is to spend one hour (at least) a day weeding.  I finally have time to take care of our backyard so I’m going to take advantage of it!  I’ll post some before and afters too.

IMG 1955

On Sunday Andrew was put on call which I was thrilled about because it meant we got to spend the day together.

Yesterday was our four year anniversary since our very first date.  We were set-up by a guy that Andrew worked with that I knew from a few years before that time.   We went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner and we both knew pretty quickly that this was different!

IMG 1985

We spent Sunday morning at BYU’s duckpond to look at all of the new baby ducks and turtles.

IMG 1975

And then we walked around the campus for a while.

IMG 1983

Really into the piggy back thing lately…

IMG 1990

The best food we ate all weekend was last night.  We decided we needed street tacos.

The beautiful guac ingredients before they were stirred up.

IMG 1998

And for the tacos we used this recipe for the chicken (Andrew also grilled some steak) and it was AMAZING.  It’s a recipe we will be using from here on out.  If you want to make street tacos, try this one.  I had three more tacos after these two:)

IMG 1999

Last but not least, some Girl Scout cookies.

IMG 2001


Favorite type of Girl Scout Cookies? 

Are the running trails open where you are?

What was the best thing that you ate this weekend?

When you are running… what type of headphones do you use if you use any?!

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Samoas are my favorite!! Everything is closed by me… they are saying maybe may 15th will be a “soft” opening. I really don’t see why they can’t at least open parks and hiking trails by then. Fingers crossed! We ordered a grandma style pizza x 2 this weekend and it was the most delicious pizza I have ever had :) I have Jay bird wireless headphones as per one of your recommendations! They have lasted me YEARS! They are probably close to maybe 6 years old? I had one issue with them within the first year and customer service was great! But when these hit the dust… have you come across wireless headphones that you like better??

Have a great day Janae!!


Oh I really really hope that the soft opening happens for you on the 15th. They are saying here that it will be on the first but I’m not really sure what that means. I am SO glad that you guys ordered pizza this weekend, we can’t get enough these days. YAY for Jaybird! I am so happy they have been so great for you:). I ended up losing mine and now I use airpods just out of convenience. I do love Aftershokz too! Thanks Melissa, you too!


The BYU campus looks amazing! my goodness!

Samoas and Trefoils (shortbread) for the win, but the others are only a close 2nd in deliciousness

Only playgrounds are closed here. Our trails are open and so far there has not been a problem. I maybe only see 1-2 others. Weekends more people are out but since there are trails and bike paths abundantly, it’s not a problem.

Favorite thing this weekend: I made up a recipe for sweet potato pancakes in the blender.

I rarely ever use headphones to run with but I do own some Aftershokz. We tried them at the NYC marathon and were so impressed with the sound quality.

That cookie looks amazing…….


It really is so pretty, come visit some days. I hope you get some Samoas and Trefoils (my mom loves those ones too) soon! I am SO glad that your trails are still open, having those open makes a big difference to me. Well now you have to share that recipe with me:) Aftershokz are AMAZING! I hope you have a really great Monday, Kelly!


Tagalongs, you can’t go wrong with PB and chocolate!

Some trails are open, but I’ve been enjoying road running during this. Without many cars, I can run in the road or down streets that are normally too busy!

I have a pair of wireless Jaybird headphones which are great for running! But sometimes if they aren’t charged, I’ll use a normal wired pair.


Andrew’s favorites are the tagalongs too… just a heavenly combo:). I’ve noticed that here too, road running is easier than ever right now. I forget to charge my headphones all of the time too ha. I hope you have a beautiful day, Mariah!


Hey Janae, no trails open here in Nova Scotia. Wonder when races will start, may be 2021. Best meal this past weekend was bbq tenderloin and asparagus on Saturday night. Snow again this morning, wish Mother Nature would be nicer to us. Just started using the Apple Airpod Pro headphones, (my daughter’s who is home from university), and I really like them. How is Brooke so tall and Skye getting so big? Hope you have a great week.


I’m guessing 2021 for races too! We are sure all going to enjoy them more than ever come next year! That tenderloin sounds amazing. MORE SNOW?! I need to try the Pro! I hope you are getting in a lot of quality time with your daughter that is home and I hope you have a treadmill:). They really are sprouting up SO fast. Thanks friend, you too!


Thank you for all of the great pictures! And happy first-date anniversary to you :)

I love all the girl scout cookies. The shortbread are probably my favorite.


Thank YOU Amanda for your sweet comment. I hope you got in plenty of hiking this weekend with your pup and that you get some shortbread cookies asap!


SO TRUE that all the running/training pays off in future races. But even if there are no races ever again, running/training for the love of it is great! And it helps keep us healthy. Of course it’s hard/impossible/maybe not even a great idea to train at peak marathon level right now with no races coming up, but we can hold a good baseline fitness and stay healthy, physically and mentally.

I use bluetooth headphones, one earbud only (safety yo) and listen to podcasts from the phone that I KEEP IN MY KOALA CLIP NOW YEAH.


Exactly… I think we are all realizing right now that we run for more reasons than just races! We are all rocking that baseline fitness! I am just so thrilled about that Koala Clip, it just makes life so easy!! I’ve started to do one earbud lately too and it’s really nice to have music and safety:). Have a beautiful day my friend and I sure wish we were meeting up for Kneader’s this morning!


I love Skye’s pigtails!


Thank you! I think I need to do them again today too because they just make me so happy! I hope you have a wonderful day, Tracie!


I love Samoas!
The trails are open! I’ve been getting outside so much! As a family we’ve done a lot of hiking at parks.
I had a great taco salad from a local Mexican restaurant.
I love my apple AirPods.
Have you been working with your coach during this time? Or do you just do your thing every week?


SO happy you are getting in so much time in the fresh air Rachel, that makes the biggest difference. And now I’m needing a taco salad so so bad. Right now I’m just doing my own thing according to Andrew’s work schedule (I miss being able to get babysitters in the mornings!!) and keeping a baseline. I don’t think anyone in our group is working with him right now but I’m sure once races are starting again, everyone will be back! I sure miss last year’s training! Have a great day:)


Running trails are OPEN, thank goodness! I was so afraid I’d only be to run on neighborhood streets! I 100% agree with you about the consistency–that’s something I’ve really discovered this year, and I’m using this time to put some more miles on my legs and build up that endurance and habit.

So glad you got to go to Great Harvest! I really miss that place right now–looks like such a fun outing.

Homemade Swedish meatballs this weekend–AMAZING! We had them with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce, and they were just so good. Have a GREAT Monday and start to your week!


So so so happy that your trails are open Kristin! Keep rocking that consistency and building that endurance, you are doing awesome. Well, now I NEED that meal that you had this weekend. Drooling over here at 10 am. Hahaha! Have the best day, Kristin and thanks!


Thin mints always and forever. Most trails are open here, but there are some restrictions in the provincial/mountain parks and reduced hours. But I’m thankful there are still tons of beautiful places to get outside!
Last night I ate an entire large frozen pizza. By myself. It was just from Costco but was extra delicious for some reason? I have some suuuuper old multicolored skullcandy wireless headphones haha they are so ugly but have not let me down!

Hope you have a great week :) Good luck with the gardening! You can do it!


I am very happy that you have so many amazing places to go during this time to get in some nature. I think I know which pizzas you are talking about and I’ve done that too. Pizza just tastes better than ever right now. SKULLCANDY!! Oh those used to be my favorite headphones, I didn’t know they had wireless headphones now. Thank you so much Rachel, I needed that encouragement! Have a great day!


Utah is looking so pretty these days! And I agree with Tracie… Skye’s pigtails look so cute!
My favorite trails are still open, but to be honest, they are way too crowded! I ran on them yesterday and felt very uncomfortable. Many large groups, people not practicing social distancing… I think I may stick to the roads for now, which makes me sad, but I’d rather be safe.
Saturday was the anniversary of when my husband proposed ?. So we picked up sushi, and it was heaven! Saturday was also my nephew’s wedding, and we all got to watch virtually. It was so very sweet.
I have fake airpods that are fine, but I am looking at Aftershocks. I tried some at a half marathon expo back in February, and they are super comfortable.
I think it’s amazing that you are consistently running 50miles a week! That’s awesome! I’ve been right around 30, but am trying to get that up a little.
Hope your week is starting off great ?


Oh thanks Wendy, I think she needs some pigtails today too! That is interesting that the trails are way too crowded there… I think you are right to stick to the roads for a while! HAPPY proposal aniversarya nd I love the sushi idea:) You guys were busy this weekend! I hope you get some Aftershocks eventually, they are great! 30 is AWESOME Wendy, we are all rocking that baseline fitness big time! Have a beautiful day!


Okay Brooke and Skye are major sister goals!! Just love them. Okay in Canada we only have vanilla and chocolate sandwich cookies and thin mints!! No fair you guys have so many varieties. Send me some Samoa’s they look so Good!! Ha ha. Isn’t it odd how much LESS busy our hospitals are? I still can’t get over it.


Andrea. No joke, send me your address and I’ll send you some Samoas! Andrew was saying the same thing and my brother that is an ER doc is twiddling his thumbs on shifts lately! I guess less people are out getting hurt or just more afraid to go in?! I hope you are having a beautiful morning!


I use aftershokz and I swear by them because I can hear everything around me and they are so comfortable. The ear buds always fall out of my ears. Trails are open but crowded here and since we are near Philly I am nervous, just so many cases around here. The other factor is the trails near me that I could certainly find uncrowded spots are completely muddy right now. Will it ever stop raining??
I am having an issue with my hamstring. I took off and went back to running and it seemed ok last week, not perfect. Maybe I pushed too hard, not sure as I am also doing cross training and that might be a factor. In any case today it is completely bothering me after my 5 mile run. It doesn’t usually hurt while I am running though. I have a bad knee and I know that likely effects how I run but the knee itself is no worse then it typically is, in fact I would say it has felt ok (never ever going to be perfect). Any advice?? It is bugging me today but tomorrow it likely won’t bother me all.. I do not run 2 days in a row due to my knee (strong caution from my sports med doc to do high impact followed by low impact the following day). I want to build miles again but am hesitant. Any advice from anyone. I am assuming it is the hamstring, upper back of leg down through the back of my knee.


The aftershokz really are so so amazing. I hope so so bad that you guys start getting some better weather soon and I wonder how street running is for you right now and if many cars are out?!BOOOO to your hamstring, I thought it was better too! That is a tough question. Have you worked with a PT on the hamstring at any point? Can anyone help Carrie out? I haven’t had this problem but I would definitely take it as a good sign that it doesn’t hurt the next day! I always get really worried when I wake up the next morning and it is hurting worse!! Good luck and please keep me updated!


I have had 2 hamstring strains recently. It’s a very long story with multiple little injuries over the past few years and doctors not wanting to look at the entire kinetic chain. i.e. the foot doctor looks at the foot only, the knee and shoulder doc won’t address the hamstring, etc…

Try to find a good sports doctor that will look at your entire kinetic chain from the toes to the core. And try to find a PT that will do a gait analysis and try to fit all the puzzle pieces together.

If you do have a strained hamstring you should really take a good 4-6 weeks off of running; they take a long time to heal. I still did elliptical and cycling, and walking/hiking when I let mine heal.

After my 2nd hamstring strain I really did a lot of research into anatomy to try and figure out what is going on. With only clues from my doctor I finally figured out my exact issue and it is described here:

In a nutshell I have an arthritic big toe that is causing me to compensate by abducting my right foot and shutting off my glutes, hence overloading my hamstrings. I have been working on a lot of foot strengthening and toe mobility exercises.

This video is VERY informative and goes over the kinetic chain and will also show you how to evaluate your own feet and whatnot. I really recommend EVERY runner watch this video AND check out the rest of the videos on Dr. Emily’s YouTube channel. I mean, how many readers here actually know you are supposed to strengthen your feet?

Video Seminar:
EBFAFitness Youtube Channel:

It could also be something to do with your core, hips, glute activation, pelvic tilt, etc… Take a look at this video for starters:
That particular YouTube channel has lots of other good videos (

I sure hope you can figure it out; I know how frustrating it can be. Let me know if you have any questions.

Good luck!


Oooops, posted the link to the search page instead of the actual seminar video. It’s the first one on the list, Unlock the Power of the Transverse Plane:

When I first saw this video title I skipped over it because I didn’t think it had anything do do with running. In fact, it has everything to do with running, lol.


Hi Janae! I love that you have girl scout cookies, my favorite are the samoas! Looks like you had a lovely weekend, hope the weather continues to be nice. Congrats on 4 years!! Simultaneously feels like so long ago but also not, if you know what I mean.


I hope you have some samoas asap Amy… they are just the best. Thank you so much and I agree, it feels like forever but also like a month at the same time ha. Have a beautiful Monday Amy!


Samoas are my favorite!! I ate a whole box in a matter of 2 days a few months ago! HA! They’re so good!!

The running trails are still open, thank goodness! I’m not sure what I’d do without them. We live right by the Arkansas River Trail and we get in tons of runs and walks there every week.

The best thing I ate this weekend was a pork chop/eggs combo for a post run meal! It was so delicious and just the perfect amount of saltiness! :)

I just use my iPhone headphones and they work great! They’re the only kind that will fit in my ear. But, I have AfterShokz on my wish list!

Have an amazing day, Janae!!


I think I need to send you another box of Samoas asap! SO happy that you still have your trails open and keep enjoying them. I bet that river trail is stunning! Send me over that egg combo, yum. Why does salt just taste like heaven after a good run? Thanks Chelsea, you too!


Currently I’m running with Airpods. I found they work as long as I have a hat or headband on to catch sweat lol. It sounds gross….. but that keeps them in!

Looks like you had a super fun weekend! Our running trails are open for the most part in Indiana but reminders to keep apart, etc.


Hahaha things like that aren’t gross here, we all sweat so much! So glad the airpods work for you! Thanks so much Kristin and I am so glad that the trails are still open for you guys:). Have a beautiful day!


I purchased AirPods last week. I was so tired of having headphones attached to my phone inside of the koala clip. The headphone cord would wiggle its way down my sleeve. Airpods are amazing though I am incredibly worried that I will lose them. I check to make sure they are in place frequently.


YAY!!! The airpod/koala clip comb is the best. I think you will do a great job at not losing them because you already check so much! Just try to avoid the washing machine like mine have been through a few times haha. Have a great day Megan!


Since we KNOW the weeds are going to grow back… why not use a weed-eater and whack ’em all down. That’s what we do; it’s just easier. (But I know some people enjoy pulling weeds.) Happy running! Happy spring!


YES, that is what we did last year but I think I want to put sod down on the terraces because the kids love playing on the terraces and sod would just look better. Basically, I have no idea what I’m doing!!! Have a great day Ann!


Thin mints! But I didn’t get any this year! Boo!


OMG! I cannot believe it had been 4 years!!! Congratulations! How time flies.

Favorite type of Girl Scout Cookies are thin mints hands down.

Yes the running trails open at City Parks. State parks open Friday for day use only.

Last night we had a rack of lamb and it was heavenly! My hubby is the best grilled in the world.

I use AirPods. My son asked me to share them with him today and he loved it! Of course, we didn’t have to stay close :)


I’m using AirPods (after a long, long debate that I couldn’t afford the crazy price), but honestly, they are my favourite. I actually thought I lost them at the supermarket today/parking lot and almost DIED because I knew I could not afford another pair in this crazy time. But I found them underneath my car seats and was so relived. They sit perfectly in the ears, don’t move, no wires, no bulk, nothing on the head, good sound quality. I’ve had them for nearly a year now and no issues. Before that, I feel like I was going through earphones every few months. I hate to promote them so much…they are hardly an “essential item” in today’s day and age when money is a huge issue, but they are great.


Lemonades all the way; guess I am alone in that:)

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