What Can We DO?!

Before we get into what I REALLY want to talk about (and hear from you about) today, let’s go over the weekend happenings.

On Saturday I started off my morning with 10 miles of fresh air.

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Then Andrew and I did a weight session together and I wore gloves because our shed is freezing.

I did 30 calf raises total and they will probably be sore until Thursday;) The joys of starting something new to you…

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We made some breakfast and then Andrew requested a family bike ride (while eating beef jerky;).

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Then Andrew went to some work trainings (his hospital is really preparing as much as they can) and I hung out at home with the girls.

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Our church meetings have been cancelled.  Over a year ago, our prophet announced that we would start having 2 hour church (instead of 3) and that the focus would now be more on home-centered learning with our family than at church.  I’m thankful that we’ve spent the last yearish learning how to better study and learn at home and I’m grateful for the materials that we have to do so as we are now home and needing it!

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The girls and I spent most of Sunday outside and just roaming around.

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I wanted to spend some time today talking about things that we CAN DO and brainstorm together on this topic.

*We’ve decided our little family (besides Andrew because of work) will stay home (or outdoors away from crowds) from here on out.  We have plenty of food, we have everything we need and we want to make sure we do what we can to help the solution and follow instructions from the CDC.  My parents started their own personal self-quarantine a few days ago.  I don’t talk about their health online for many reasons but if either one of them get this, they will be in serious trouble so I’ve been thinking a lot about them.  Andrew and I did go and say hi to my mom from the porch (while she stayed inside:) on Friday and brought them food that they needed.  I think it’s important that we find ways to connect more than ever with others during this isolating time through texts, phone calls, FaceTime, leaving kind comments, emails etc.  We’ve let our elderly neighbors know that we can bring them whatever they need and Andrew will already be out and able to pick up their medications etc.  The more kindness and support we can give to others, the better this whole thing is going to go!

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*We can support amazing virtual races and help others through our donations.  As runners it has been heartbreaking to see so many of our races cancelled but I signed up for Run Up For Downs (go here and choose VIRTUAL) to do on my own.  They even mail a bib and a t-shirt.  This particular race was created to benefit the Lily Pad of Mississippi.  The 501c3 organization was created to raise money to build the Lily Pad Cafe, which will employ and train young adults with special needs in every aspect of food and hospitality service (Lily is the young girl with Downs Syndrome whose father started this mission). The race was scheduled to happen on March 21st so they are asking everyone to do a virtual 5K/1 Mile Run/Walk somewhere in their community at any time they choose.  You can read more about it here!


*Follow goodness_movement or other sources that fill you with the beautiful things happening in our world that seems scary right now.

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*I love that there are so many awesome things floating around like this—>  Stuck at Home?  These 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch (Videos).

*We can be like Catie:  “Finished my 5k in my neighborhood this morning since my race was canceled.  I’m so proud of myself for sticking with 8 weeks of training with a 2 year old and 4 month old! And then still running a 5k this morning even after the race was cancelled!!!”


*We can create schedules.  Schedules and structure bring the feeling of safety for both kids and adults so Andrew and I created one for us to have at home for the kids.   Some days we may go on a long hike instead of the schedule or we may adjust a bit to different needs for our kids but it feels good to have a schedule and a little control of life when it feels so weird right now.

*This.  ALL of this.  The amount of books we are going to read, cookies we are going to bake and miles we are going to walk all together is going to be amazing!

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*How Andrew added some laughter—> Low on toilet paper… why not just order a bidet;)

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*I’m focusing on how nice it is to be able to really slow down and do the things I always ‘wish’ I could do (read, bake more etc).  It’s nice to not feel like we are rushing from one thing to the next and to really slow down and take our time doing whatever task we are doing.

*I really hope that you are able to be active during this time.  I can’t believe what running does for me each day and how much it helps me cope with whatever else is happening.  We can do hard things and I worry about my internet friends so please keep in touch with me on how you’re doing, it would mean a lot!

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In a time where I think a lot of us feel helpless, can you PLEASE leave ideas in the comments of the things WE CAN DO to lift ourselves and those around us?!  I’d love to hear about different charities (like donating to your FOOD BANKS) and foundations that need our help right now too!

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I promise I’m not stalking you, it’s prime scroll through social media time over here and your post popped up on Twitter haha.

One thing I realised I forgot to say the last time (that helped me) was the realisation that we are ALL susceptible to fear and panic, so we should be kind – glad this message is getting out there!

Schools aren’t closed in Singapore (well it’s a week long scheduled school holiday now, but I think it’s all systems go after this week). Work goes on as usual for me too – have to go in to the office. We’ll see how the situation pans out. Maybe we’ll have to order that treadmill after all ;)

I agree about having a schedule being good – for me it’s my training plan. It’s just so good to have SOMETHING to follow and provide structure while it seems things are going haywire.

Take care Janae!! I wish your family good health and a nice time together. It IS nice to slow down. I hope we won’t all forget how good it was to just stop doing so many things all the time, once this is over.


Definitely staying social from home helps! Texting to check in on friends, calling to catch up. This is a hard time mentally- not only being scared but lonely. Buying things from small businesses that have online stores (if you are financially able, of course!). And buying gift cards or certificates from local restaurants! They are getting hit hard too and I will definitely use them when this is all over.


Mariah. Thank you for sharing this with us all. I really appreciate it, so many great pieces of advice. We’ve go this!


Hi Janae,
First, happy belated birthday to Andrew! A big thanks to him for providing health care during this time and your family for supporting him!

I don’t think that 7th and 3rd grader quite have their heads around this quarantine yet. They each made their own schedules last night that they will be accountable to… so we have a plan and I don’t have to be the “bad guy”. The upside is my 7th grader is in track, so now we will be doing track “practice” together. Hello speedwork for me!

I loved what you said about slowing down…there are so many hikes and drives I have been wanting to do since we moved and now is our opportunity.

Couple of great websites:
Find your nearest food bank for donations. We are so lucky to have supplies and not be living paycheck to paycheck right now. Others do not have that security.

Find assisted living homes in your area. These folks aren’t getting visitors and would appreciate letters and pictures from our students that are home right now!

Have a great day and keep the positive coming!


Prayers for good health for your parents and your sweet family


I’ve been checking in with my parents, too. They’re in a vulnerable age group with some health concerns that are pretty well managed but could flare up if exposed to something like this virus. They also live in a retirement community (though in their own condo), so their neighbors are also at risk. I’m going to have the kids teach them to facetime, which should be entertaining for all :)
Our local food bank is asking for $ donations (which they can stretch farther with their bulk buying power) instead of food dropoffs (which also keeps people from purchasing even larger quantities from the already sparse grocery shelves).
Another recommendation is to buy gift cards from local restaurants that are impacted by people choosing to stay home–use them later, when there is less restriction on social distancing and hopefully lower burden on communities. The restaurants can use the income now, and you can look forward to a treat later. This would be especially good for small businesses and family-run places.
Glad you all are getting plenty of fresh air and activity! Same plans here, with some school activities sprinkled in a couple of times a day (even P.E.) :)


Cleaning out closets!! I still have to work (which is incredibly stressful right now with two kids) but I’m doing things I never get a chance to do–going through all of our clothes, toys, beauty products to simplify and donate when we can. :) Also this is a great time to try time-consuming baking, like french bread or things that take a couple days to make!!


I agree that it is important to check in on neighbors and family, especially the older ones or those that need help. Our neighborhood has a couple of Facebook pages, and it’s really nice to see the care and thoughtfulness being put out there!
Our oldest is still on his college campus, so we check in with him a few times a day. That is the part that feels hardest and scariest to me. Not knowing what the college will decide to do, and then figuring out how to get him home safely from Chicago, if that’s the decision.
I saw on Kristen Bell’s IG, what to do each day:
Do something for your body, something for your brain, something for someone else, something for yourself…
I just loved that! So we will be incorporating that into our daily life for a while.
For now we’re all good. Going to do what I think most everyone is planning… Sticking around home, getting outside for exercise and fresh air, and checking in on others ?
Have a happy and safe Monday!


This is definitely a strange time to be sure! Someone in our neighborhood has organized a shamrock hunt for the kiddos. They’re asking neighbors to put a shamrock in their window for the kids to find! I love this idea! We can get outside, at a safe distance, and have some fun and enjoy the fresh air! Spending time together should be a positive we can take out of a scary situation. I hope your family stays safe and healthy!


My SIL is a single mom, works from home, with 2 11 year olds and a 4 year old. I’m hoping we can schedule some Facetime story times with the 4 year old, and my family even discussed our kids having a mini book club with her older kids. They can facetime their book clubs while school is out. Giving her kids someone else to talk to besides her while she’s trying to work seems like it would be helpful. We have talked to our parents about ordering groceries online and picking up at the store. They are too far away for us to shop for them in person.


I am focusing on making sure my parents get home from 6000+ miles away. Very scary! I am also sticking with my training as best I can because I love it. And working from home because my office is closed. Thinking of your parents and your whole family.


I’m so worried about your parents. Keep me updated on their return back.


I love virtual races for when I am trying to stay on track. Potterhead running club usually has one going on and they support different charities. The RunDisney virtual Star Wars half kept me motivated to keep using the treadmill this winter. I still have to leave the house during this since I work in the immunology department for a medical lab, so I have been looking for another virtual race to keep me motivated when I am home! Some fitness apps let you work out and chat with your friends too, I will be trying to organize virtual hangouts!


My husband actually ordered a Bidet! LOL


Hello fellow Andria! We got one a few months back and it is a total GAME CHANGER. we use probably less than half the toilet paper we used to, and I love how much cleaner I feel (especially that time of the month). I honestly missed it when I was away for a long weekend. Get ready for increased quality of life!


Andrias! We couldn’t agree more! It really is so nice to have:). Hope you both are having a beautiful day!


We are doing lots of coloring/stickers/crafting with our 2.5 year old, to mail pictures and cards to family that we won’t be able to visit for a while. Because of some health concerns, we probably won’t be able to spend Easter with family this year – we live in an area with very high exposure and lots of confirmed cases (suburb of NYC), so we really need to stay away from anyone who is immuno-compromised or has underlying health issues that could make contracting the virus more serious. We’re also going to be hitting potty training pretty hard – that’s not necessarily going to brighten anyone else’s day, but I will be happier when I don’t have to change any more poop diapers!!


Hi Janae! Love these posts and the comments, these are all great ideas! I just keep telling myself that working from home means I have more time to run/strength train now since I get back commute time! I’m excited to see what adventures you and your family get up to.

I am worried for my parents too, here’s hoping we can all stay healthy. Happy Monday and thanks again for the great post.


For me, my self care during this time is being the kindest I can be to others. I can’t do my preferred form of exercise (hot yoga) which really centers and calms me but HELPING does. We have a few elderly neighbors who are medically compromised that we are checking on daily and bringing supplies. It does a soul good to care for others. And, it’s teaching my kids empathy and kindness.
Also, I am trying to support local restaurants that have tried to stay open by doing carryout. I don’t eat out that much usually but I know restaurants run on such a slim margins, I’m trying to do my small part to help them stay afloat.


Thank you so much for this. My mental health is at its worse right now (I’m privileged in a lot of ways, though). It’s easy to just let it spiral out of my control, but your post reminds me that taking action is good, and that it’ll get better eventually.


I did my 10 mile race on my own and crushed my time. I was happy about that. I am making daily schedules for my girls and our district starts online learning this Wed. I am also a teacher but preschool special ed and I find out tonight or tomorrow morning what is going on with me. Apparently some virtual trainings will happen. I am honestly ok with all this because EVERYONE is in the same boat. I just really hope this means I am not giving up my whole summer… My job is year round with 2 week breaks at the beginning and end of summer.
My oldest is a competitive swimmer and she can’t get back into the pool until 4/13 at the very earliest. She is fine with it I think but I think because she knows no one else will be swimming too. This is only gonna work if we all do what is asked. Judging by all the cars out even at 6 am when I ran, that is not happening. My county is even in lockdown. I think that some companies may find too that working from home is good. Maybe some companies might offer that as an option now. My husband is working in our basement! It’s gonna be ok!!


I’m going to be focusing on mindfulness— currently at the front of my mind are the millions of kids across the US who face unimaginably painful circumstances at home and have now lost access to a (hopefully) safe and stabilizing place in their lives (school). And their parents — I pray that they feel an overwhelming sense of peace, particularly during these challenging times. Fears over finances are so real right now for so many, and I am just so worried about how this will affect our mental and emotional well-being. I am especially worried about individuals facing substance abuse issues, mental health issues, etc. I can’t imagine how difficult these times must be for them.

I woke up with this on my mind: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” -Phillipians 4:7


I just signed up for the virtual run! Thank for posting it and getting the word out there. I am trying to stay positive through all of this and with our gym closed I have run outside the last week more than I have in months! There is nothing like fresh air and finishing a good outdoor run. Stay safe and thank you again, I look forward to the run and being able to help such a good cause from afar!


Needless to say, you definitely found yourself some new fans down here in Mississippi! Really appreciate you supporting our Virtual Run Up for Downs and the call-out!

Just a heads up for anyone that is not local here in central MS that chooses the mail option: We will be trying to get all packets mailed off after our Drive-Thru packet pickup this Friday.

Thanks again!


Hey Brent. Let me know anything you guys need! Thanks for the heads up too! Have a beautiful rest of your week and I can’t wait to participate on Saturday!


Hey Janae.

The only thing we plan on doing is still trying to support any privately owned restaurants or mom and pop shops that we frequent by going there more often vs big chain shops.

I tried running yesterday and the hamstring felt fine during the run but it is pretty tender today. So, I likely need to lay off it another 3-4 weeks. BOOO! Oh well, no big deal.

I was meaning to post this YouTube channel for you and the kids – I guess now is a good time since you will be staying in. As I mentioned before I used to own a Samoyed. I happened across this YouTube channel with some funny Samoyed/cat interactions. I think my favorite the Godzilla one. The cat runs away and the Samoyed wants to party! Lol, typical Sammy!



NOOOOO but it’s almost your birthday run!?!? Keep me updated on the hamstring. I CANNOT WAIT TO SHARE THIS WITH THE KIDS. Thank you John and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Meh, I’m taking a 4 day weekend for my birthday so I will find something fun to do! The pain has subsided a bit already – it’s probably that I should not have run 4 miles right away. I’ll wait a bit and ease back into it. I am signed up for another 1/2 Marathon in September. I can take my time to build up.

Oh, and I meant the video where the guy dresses up in the T-Rex dinosaur outfit on that YouTube channel, not Godzilla. Funny stuff.

Have fun sheltering in!


Hi from Spain. We are in alert and we are lockedown in ours houses at least 15 days (today is the second). The police is on the street to send away the ones who dont´t listen and get out anyway. We can only get out for walking the dogs, supermarket and no much more.
People there are helping free for example go to the supermarket o to buy bread for the older people who doesn´t have any family . Others put music in the balcony so everyone can have a little fun. And all Spain (8 pm) we get out to balcony and windows to clap for cheering up the incredible teams of doctors, nurses, supermarket workers, police and everyone who keep working so we can stay at home “relax”.
Like we said everything is going to be fine and when we can get out we are going to enjoy the simple things muuuuch more. And stronger (especially the ones with little kids … )


Laura, thank you for letting us know what is going on in Spain. I really hope that you continue to do well. Thank you for sharing the amazing ways people are helping too. Loved what you ended your comment with.. I completely agree. Keep in touch!


Thank you for hunkering down – and for promoting that on your blog! I’m really surprised at how many people aren’t taking this seriously. “Influencers” like you will help :)


I really am too! Thanks Liz! We are all in this together:). Hope you are having a great day!


Big thank you to Andrew and all other healthcare workers!

Great suggestions for things to do and ways to help! I’m donating blood later today, hospitals in some areas are running low.


WHAT A GREAT IDEA! I think Andrew is planning on doing the same soon too! Thanks for sharing Lily!


Great post and suggestions, Janae! Thank you for continuing to be here. We are still all online which I am thankful for. I am also thankful for the improved weather so we can enjoy one of the wonderful things that has NOT gone away and that is the great outdoors!


Thank you so much and you are so right… so grateful we are all online and for wonderful weather! Thanks friend:). Hope you are having a beautiful day!


A lot of people are complaining about having to stay home, but they are extremely fortunate if they are still getting paid while not being at work. There’s a lot of us that have to work and only get paid if we work, the thought of missing 1-4 weeks without pay is extremely stressful and daunting. So, I’m kind of tired of hearing people complain about being bored at home. I also can’t run right now due to injury so if the gyms and pools close, there’s another source of stress. We are all doing the best we can and I think people need to look at the big picture and not drown in the stories on Facebook in particular, the worst. Huge thanks to workers like Andrew during this time.


Jenni, I am HERE FOR YOU! It really is such a hard time and everyone is coping so differently. I am SO sorry about what you are going through. I’m thinking about you and praying that financially things will work out for you and that your injury will heal soon! We’ve got this!


One thing we’re doing to lift our moods is GETTING MARRIED! We had a big wedding, my dream wedding, planned for Saturday and had to cancel, but are instead getting married at home with a very small group of close family. We’re so excited to just become a family, even if it’s not in the big celebration we wanted.


ELLIOT! AHHHH CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for the two of you and the amazing perspective you have. I would love to see a picture at some point afterwards. CONGRATS!


One thing i’ve heard to help small businesses out right now is to buy gift cards. This helps put money into their business right now but allows you to still keep your social distance.
Working from home will certainly be a lot harder with an almost 2 year old who needs to be in arms distance from mom all the time if I’m around. (she’s totally fine if I’m not around and will let dad work… of course). So I’ve been locked in my room whenever I have important calls or something I have to concentrate on. But I enjoy the little breaks to play with her and all the cuddles!
We are continuing our family runs and walks with the dog to help her recover from her own little surgery (ligament repair), but staying at home otherwise. Luckily we have a bunch of outdoor toys for when it’s nice out. Our weather is crazy, 60 today with some chances of snow later on this week. Gotta love life near the mountains.


LOVE THIS IDEA! Starting today to buy those gift cards, thank you SO much. And I feel you with the working from home (although blogging isn’t as important;)… it’s hard with little ones but the cuddles make up for the hard parts. Good luck on your pup’s recovery! We are supposed to expect snow too!


Ross just installed the exact same bidet on Saturday. Lol. Do they share a brain?


They really really really do. Have you tried it yet?


All Tennessee schools are out through at least March 31st. My school is going to online classes to keep our education going. I’ll still have more time on my hands with sports practices being cancelled on top of not being at school. I put a list of things we can do on my Instagram story and one thing that others commented on was hand writing and mailing letters to people. It’s an act that we don’t do enough of! I also plan to get in some good runs and walks outside so I don’t go insane :) The most important thing we can do is just be the hands and feet of Jesus in all of this.


Sloan, I LOVE that idea. I will absolutely be doing that with my kids and thank you for your reminder at the end. I hope you are able to find things that you really love to do with all of this new free time. I bet you are going to miss coaching!


These are scary times for sure…New York State just closed down all schools, restaurants (take out only), gyms, movie theaters, etc. for at least two weeks. I work in health care and the logistics to keeping everyone safe and healthy are unbelievable! I am lucky that I work in admin so I can telecommute. I’m also dealing with some injury flare ups so am taking it really easy on the running, so that plus the gym being closed = stir crazy! But the important thing is to stay positive and be thankful for all that I DO have (a job that pays me to work from home, no signs of illness, having all the food/supplies my family needs, etc.).
This is definitely a chance for us and the country to kind of do a re-set if you will. Remember what is important and remember that we are all here together as humans first. Hoping you and your family stay safe and healthy!


Oh wow. I just heard that Salt Lake City did that too… I can’t even believe what is happening. So happy you are able to telecommute. I am SO sorry about your injury and I hope you are able to find some awesome at-home workouts! This stuff really does help us remember what is the most important. Keep me updated with how you are all doing!


So cool I’m listed as one of things to do during this season in life! Thank you Janae! As always love your blogs!


Your hard work, dedication and way of handling a situation really inspired me. Thank you Catie and have a beautiful day!


I’m a Mississippi follower! Thank you so much for supporting Run Up for Downs! We were bummed it had to be cancelled, but we’ll still get our miles in! And its such a great cause!


Hey Jennifer! Thanks for saying hi. I’m grateful they made it possible for me to join in on the amazing cause all of the way from Utah! Stay healthy!


We are working from home and now home schooling a preschooler until this passes. The highlight of today has been the live FB video from the Cincinnati zoo about their hippos. Sounds like they will do a video of different animals each day. Does anyone have any kid dance or exercise video ideas? We are bit not having great weather to go outside the next few days and have a 5 year old with too much energy.


Hey Corrinne, I can’t wait to check those videos out! I love that idea! Brooke and I are doing Yoga for Kids each day at home from Youtube and Brooke is missing dance so much already (and I can’t teach her ha) so I found videos like this one:


I also got her a new pair of running shoes to join me out on the trails whenever she wants. GOOD LUCK! You are doing amazing!


We flew to Hawaii yesterday and I’m wondering if we’ll be going home in 3 weeks as scheduled. For the first time in a few years, we have a lease on a condo here, so even if flights are canceled we have a place to stay. I’m just happy that Les and I are in the same place. He may end up working from the condo before it’s all said and done. His cycling team has canceled all group rides. People can still ride together, but the team won’t be supporting any of them. Even small races here are canceled.

I love the list of all the things that aren’t canceled!

My theme for 2020 was going to be “vision.” But as I started studying visions in the Bible, I realized many of them came with the words, “Fear not,” so I’ve been studying that instead. Pretty timely! Last week I studied a time when Jesus said “fear not” and it was about all the things we can’t control, putting our trust in God, and having peace. (https://mcmomentsandmemories.blogspot.com/2020/03/fear-not-little-flock.html)


Hi! Just trying to survive life at home with 2 under 5 for the foreseeable future…

Trying to be helpful by:
-Grocery shopping for my mom
-Getting gift certificates to local restaurants that i can use once this is over (to keep them going now)
-Checking in (from a distance) with neighbors
-Being mindful when I shop and self-limiting (even if there is no limit) for the items I know are high demand.
-Paying my housekeeper, nanny, etc. even though we are cancelling visits.

And also, (food for thought)….
I’m seeing a lot of people offering to help their elderly neighbors during this difficult time, which is great. I really hope people consider continuing it even when things are back to normal….
I recently started volunteering with an organization in my town that offers home visits, grocery store shopping, rides, and more to older people. There are plenty of older people on a fixed income who still want to live at home and maintain some independence but can no longer drive, or walk their dog, or mow their lawn.

So my big wish is that after things return to normal, people continue to keep the good rolling and offering to help…


Thank you to Andrew and all health care and first responders :)
A spa that I’ve gone to sent this to me in an email and I’m going to do this and post it at work. Instead of singing Happy Birthday to make sure you wash your hands for 20 seconds, they suggested this: (they said the idea is to offer it up to yourself, to your loved ones, and out to the world. Say it three times and you will have been washing your hands for twenty seconds).
May I/you/we be safe and free from danger
May I/ you/we be happy in my/your/our head and my/your/our heart
May I/you/we be healthy and strong
May I/you/we live with ease

I loved this and hope you do too. Be kind to others ?

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