Silentish Saturday!!!

8 early miles @ 8:52 average with Emilee and then off to all of the kid stuff without shoes on… oops.

She was just so thrilled that her cousin’s invited her over for a picnic.

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Excited about this book.

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Another game for coach;)

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Somehow my nephew is a full-grown adult.

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Skye spent the game practicing her barefoot running up and down on this ramp the entire time.

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This just felt like a dream…

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Until it randomly got so so cold.  PS my sis gets just a little nervous at the games.

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Lots of snuggles.

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We haven’t eaten out once all week.  Who are we?!

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German pancakes again…

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Off to get in a good run…

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And for one of the last ski days of the year!

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!

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Hi Janae !
I love Skye’s cute smile !
I just need to read this book now ! I’m reading “endure” but the next one will probably be this one. (Don’t know if it exist in French. If not i’ll read it in English. Novels are perfect to improve a foreign language).
Three things…
This morning i went out for a run, the first of the week as I said yesterday ! I’m on again ! Yes !
After that, I took time for a bath, almost an hour, with a magazine. That was just perfect. I don’t often have time for me, and i think i should take more time for it !
This evening we are invited for a diner with friends.
A perfect day :)
Hope yours will be perfect too !


(I ordered it ! (In french) Haha !)


Oh let me know what you think of it and let’s have a book club please:). SO happy you were able to get a run in and keep taking time for you when you need it:) Thanks so much Ingrid!


Oh, Skye is definitely at such a fun, cute age ?
And I love the pictures of Skye with her cousins and Andrew with the girls!
Today is a crazy busy day, so I’m taking it as my “rest” day and will get in a good long run tomorrow morning. Helping at a big school district event for families that will last most of the day, then I absolutely need to go grocery shopping! Good for you guys for not eating out all week!
Have a great Saturday!


She really is at such a fun age… so so busy haha:) I hope you have the best long run tomorrow and I want to hear all about it. So cool that you are doing so much to help the families at your school district. Thanks Wendy, you too!


70 degrees looks amazing! It’s still cold and snowy here. Three things…doing some closet organizing, running, and just relaxing. It’s the first weekend in over a month I have free. Just finished up with a month worth of weekend performances in a musical. Glad to have some time to do other things!


Come visit Adrienne! I hope you get some warm temperatures soon:). I am SO happy that you have a free weekend this month… enjoy every second and great job with your musical!


Hi Janae!! I’m off to do my long run with running club and then trivia night tonight! Hope you’re having a great day on the slopes!!


Sounds like a really perfect day! Hope your long run was awesome and thanks so much Amy!


70 degrees?! Jealous! It’s been in the 50’s here in Maryland which is warm for this time of the year.

Did a run this morning with a friend- it was more of a slow adventure run on the trails, but you need runs like that sometimes! Got coffee and donuts after for breakfast. And now for a long weekend of studying because finals are next week!


I am glad that you are at least getting some warmer than normal temperatures for Maryland right now! That’s the kind of run I had today and it is so good for the soul and that sounds like the perfect breakfast. GOOD LUCK and let me know how your finals go! Thanks Mariah!


Behind Closed Doors and Gone Girl are my favorite books of all time!! I read a lot of books and those have a special place in my heart that is obsessed with husband/wife drama for some reason….


I LOVED Gone Girl which makes me so excited after reading your comment… so excited! You and I need to have a bookclub. Hope you are having a beautiful Saturday so far Amy!


mmmm….German pancakes sound delish!

3 things: we ran our 5k, had some great food and coffee and company, and now I am prepping for tomorrow’s half! (and time change, eek!)


GO LORIBETH GO! Cheering for you big time and have some German pancakes after you rock that half tomorrow!


Those stripey socks are so cute (in the last picture of flat janae’s running clothes). What are they?

Three things: a bazillion little errands, trail run, keeping the teen boy on task to fold his clothes that are multiplying (that was almost an all day thing.)

Kudos on no dining out this week! Once you get out of the habit, it’s pretty easy. We eat out *maybe* once a month. Then again, we don’t have all the options which I can imagine is very tempting sometimes!


That is so good to hear Kelly! Seriously it already is feeling easier but still hard… that first week was rough though. Now you are something we want to shoot for–> Once a month! Hahaha ‘keeping the teen boy on task to fold his clothes’… that takes some serious work! I get it for the 7 year old version ha.

Here is the link to the socks, they are awesome:

I hope the rest of your weekend is a great one!


1. Finished a run
2. Finishing a book
3. ???
Speaking of cute striped socks – where are the striped shorts from in your pic?


I hope the book was a good one and great job on your run. I just got these socks yesterday and I love them so far! Here is the link and enjoy the rest of your weekend Liz!


What is the vacuum you have that you’ve mentioned before your kids can help with?


Hey Mary! We have the Dyson Cordless Cyclone V10 and we love it. So so easy for the kids to use! Hope you are having a great night!


That book is so good! It really keeps you intrigued until the very end. Another one along a similar style is “Behind Her Eyes” by Sarah Pinborough. That was one where immediately upon finishing it, you want to re-read it with the new information you have.


Adding that to my list now… thank you SO much! I’m hooked on this one and sad that it will sometime end so it’s nice to have something else to look forward too ha. Hope your weekend is going well. Thanks Stephanie!


I am glad it 70 for you! Your family is adorable:)
three things
1. A great run of 8 miles done
2. Volunteered two hours at therapeutic riding stable
3/4 Eating Culvers take out while helping my son hopefully pass his Statistics class!


Oh thank you so much Dawn! I LOVE Culvers and good luck to your son! That therapeutic riding stable sounds incredible. Thanks for being a good example to me of helping others and great job on your run!


Ran a Tokyo substitute marathon in Myrtle Beach and smashed my personal best by 8 mins and had a wonderful day with one of my besties! We were just so happy to get to use all the training we had done over the winter.


AHHH JENNIFER! I am SO happy that you were able to not only find a marathon that worked with your training timing after Tokyo was cancelled but ALSO A HUGE PR! Congrats congrats congrats and I hope you are still celebrating!


What you are calling “German pancakes,” in our house we call “Dutch babies.” Yummy.

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