3 Down and Hopefully No More….

Yesterday’s Summary:  Skye woke up sick, Andrew woke up sick and as the morning went on… I realized I was sick too.  I was thinking it was just my stomach being off after eating so many gels and drinking so much gatorade during my race + all of the traveling + lack of sleep but once Andrew and Skye were feeling the same way that I was feeling, I realized we must just all have a bug.  It’s always great timing when both adults are sick at the same time with little ones ha.  Disney+ absolutely saved us all yesterday.  Skye had enough screen time for a year and besides picking Brooke up from school, we were able to just stay home on the couch all day.

SO happy this is happening before Christmas break, Andrew already had the day off from work so he didn’t miss anything and also that Brooke and Beretta were as healthy as can be yesterday.

I usually have a backup post written for days like this but I’ve got absolutely nothing interesting for today but I’m sure by today we will all be back to normal again!

I would love to hear from you a funny story, what’s on your Christmas list or what the best part of your Wednesday is going to be!

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Oh no! I hope you all feel better soon! My Wednesday includes our kiddos’ Christmas concert at their school (unless the snow picks up and they have to postpone). My 6 year old has been so pumped for this for MONTHS. His music teacher says he’s the kid in class who reminds the others to focus, because “YOU GUYS! PEOPLE ARE COMING TO WATCH US SING!” Aaaaaaand my Christmas list has a whack of stuff on it, but I’m most excited for stocking stuffers – I asked for velvet scrunchies and a gorgeous velvet headband. I’m 41. 13 year old me would be so proud ;)


Thank you so much Jill, me too! Oh I hope that the Christmas concert happens today. Your 6 year old sounds adorable! Enjoy Jill! HAHAH I WANT THOSE TOO! Have the best day!


Oh no! Stomach bugs are the worst!!! My coolest news is that Micah is going to LA tomorrow to do his first course with the Shoe Surgeon to learn to make custom shoes!!!! ?? Pretty much geeking out over here!


BRIANNE I just miss you so much. We all need you back but I’m so happy that you guys are doing so well in Arizona. I hope everything goes perfectly for Micah, I am so excited about this all! Have a beautiful day and I need your address again so Knox can write to Crew!


Oh, no. Hope you’re all feeling much better soon!
My Wednesday highlight will be getting my son a haircut, then a date with him for ramen. Big happenings for a Wednesday ~haha~


Thank you so much Corey! Those simple dates are seriously the best and they are ones that they never forget. Enjoy!


Oof, that’s so rough when the adults are sick as well as kiddos! Hope you keep enjoying all the Disney. :) My story to share is that yesterday as I ran on a trail through the woods, I startled a hawk from a low branch, and it swooped right in front of me. I’ve loved birds of prey since I was in 5th grade, and was thrilled to see this barred hawk from only a few feet away! Its gorgeous striped tail feathers are where its name comes from. Not a funny story, but fun to experience.


Thank you so so much Emily, you are so nice! IT SWOOPED right in front of you, I bet that was incredible. Isn’t it amazing when things like that happen and you feel like it happened especially for you (since you’ve always loved birds of prey)!? So cool. I hope your day is a great one!


I think we had that stomach bug around Thanksgiving–it was horrible but short-lived, we were able to rally and cook our turkey dinner on Black Friday! Hopefully yours will be shortlived as well. Our youngest came down with it first, too!


Oh Karen, that is not fun… why do they usually hit right on the holidays?! Glad you could celebrate the next day! Thanks so much and I hope you are having the best day!


Oh no! Hopefully you all will be feeling better soon!!
Just keep getting lots of rest!


Thanks so much Wendy, you are the best!


First – YOU WERE RIGHT!!!! You WERE coming down with something on Sunday and that’s probably a HUGE part of why you felt off during the race. I have been following you for years and cheering for you all the way. I’m so impressed and inspired by your progress. I think of you all the time when I’m facing down a tough workout or considering a bigger goal then I thought I could tackle.
Second – feel better soon! I hope everyone is on the mend.
Third – a quick question. How did you carry that many water bottles during CIM since you didn’t get bottles on the table? I’m constantly trying to find better ways to carry water since I never feel like I get enough fromsmall cups while running and I haven’t found a solution that works as well as I would like. I would love to hear what has worked for you!


Hey Meghan!! Thank you so much and I really do wonder what came first… feeling sick and then a bad race or being exhausted from the race and then my immune system being too weak to fight anything off. Thank you for your sweet words, they mean a lot! That picture from yesterday was my collection of all of my bottles! I only had a few of those (about 6 ounces in each and I used every drop)! You should try the Senita shorts because you can fit a lot into those pockets, I put one in my sports bra, I don’t mind carrying them so try that and you could have people pass them to you too along the course if the course allows it! I saw a lot of girls with fuel belts on with water and that seemed to help them too! Have the best day!


Feel better!!!!! Lordy, do I feel you though. THINGS are going AROUND! My daughter had the stomach bug last week, and then I didn’t feel great on my long run Saturday. I’m finally going to stay home from school tomorrow because my kids have a work day to work on speeches. It’s so hard as a teacher b/c you feel like you NEED to be there, you know?!

You’re so right—let’s all kick this out of our systems for Christmas/break!

Oh, and I made the grilled cheese with pickles inside them last night. All I can say is WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


JEN NOOOO I am so sorry your family is getting hit by this! I’m so happy you finally get tomorrow to be at home and I totally remember that feeling. It always felt like it was 10 x as much work to make sub plans than to just go and I would worry so much about different needs of students etc if I was gone. I totally see what you are saying. Cannot wait to try the combo, thanks for filling me in on that. Hope your day is a great one!


Oh no! Hope you all feel better soon!! HUGS


Thanks so much Ann!! Hopefully this is just a quick one:) I hope your Wednesday is an amazing one!


Feel better soon!

You know, things right now are nuts (job hunt and interim work at retail to get you through are exhausting, and add the holiday retail season…), but you’ve been on my mind the last few days post-CIM. And I just wanted to tell you that I think it’s pretty dang amazing how you’re rallying to transform what feels like a letdown into a series of observations, lessons, and perspective-shifts. No matter what multidimensional mountain of complexities you may have been feeling, it’s a really great thing that your love of running and your love of being stubborn in the pursuit of what you want is the sort of transformative glue that lets you share that the way you are. And I couldn’t help but notice that when I first read (on insta, I think…) your finishing time my first thought was that if you finished THAT TIME feeling not at all good and you were celebrating your first sub-3 marathon in St. George 2018 at a higher time, then the fitness gains from your training are enormous. Not the victory you want, but a victory that’s still worth celebrating. I’m really proud of you and all the work you put in!

And being sick–I bet your body is using its own little voice to say RECOVERY MODE PLEASE!!!! And then forcing you to stick to it. ;)

As or the best part of my Wednesday–since I didn’t have to be up early to teach a spin class or open the store (I work an afternoon and evening shift today), I got to sleep in a bit. And since Tom had work from home today, he got to sleep in. It was nice actually waking up around the same time and waking up with his arm around me. There’s nothing better than that right there… :)


Thank you thank you thank you Stephanie! That really means a lot to me and you are so right, it really is something to celebrate! Yep, you are right… I think my body just really wants to make sure I stay down for a bit haha. I am so happy that you were able to sleep in today, that makes me so happy that Tom was able to sleep in too. I’m with you on that, nothing better. I hope your afternoon and evening shift go amazing today! Thanks again!


So sorry you’re sick! Hoping with all my might it’s just a 24 hr bug and you’ll all be better in NO time!
My funny story is that I accidentally called 911 at 4:30 this morning! I had head out on my run with my new phone and as I was attempting to turn up the volume on a podcast I started hearing sirens coming from my phone. I pulled it out of my belt and on the screen saw that somehow I had dialed 911! I quickly hung up and of course they called right back. I apologized profusely and told him I didn’t know how to work my new phone. He forgave me and told me to have a great day. I still can’t believe I did that!
Feel better soon!


Oh Jenny!! I totally did that one time too and I felt awful too. You are not alone! Thanks so much!! On the couch with the laptop still sick but I’m sure it will be gone soon! Have the best day and now both of us are going to take our phones out to make sure we are turning up the volume!


Oh no, i hope you will feel better soon !
Hopefully that didn’t happen a few days later :)
And hopefully Disney is there !

The best part of my wednesday, working day, was lunch time with my mom. We ate and shop a little together for 2 hours before i go back to work a 2pm.
That was a perfect moment.


LUNCH WITH YOUR MOM= the best. So so glad you got that time together and thanks so much Ingrid!


Hi Janae! My day today will have secret Santa with friends and prepping for friendsgiving this Friday.. yes we celebrate holidays out of order due to everyone’s busy schedule.

Rest up! Double recovery time!!


As long as the celebrating happens, the dates are just numbers! Have the best time doing secret Santa and friendsgiving! Yes yes yes… I think my body is so happy to be on the couch (with my laptop haha) all day! Have a beautiful rest of your day!


We are dealing with the stomach bug here too! Fortunately I had it yesterday and my husband has it today, so at least one of us can take care of the kids! But my youngest son puked all over himself, the couch, and the dog this morning—not fun to clean up! Fingers crossed for you that Brooke stays healthy and that the rest of you feel better soon!


Ugh, I hope you all feel better soon! Enjoy the movies and snuggles.
I am most excited for my kids Christmas program today! And it is our 10 year wedding anniversary and tomorrow is 11 years since we met.


HAPPY TEN YEARS Becky!! I love that you got married just one day before your meeting anniversary:) Special time of year for you guys. Thanks so much and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Oh man, this totally explains Sunday. I’m willing to bet my last penny that you had this coming on on Sunday but your mind/body was trying to keep it from bubbling to the surface so you could try and chase down your goal. This kind of thing honestly happens to me all the time (and usually during TAPER!) As soon as I relax (mentally and physically) my body is like “great, so now you have the time to fight this virus I’ve been keeping at bay for you for DAYS! It’s YOUR PROBLEM now!”

Take care of yourself! Hopefully whatever it is is fast moving and you’ll all be up and about in no time! xoxo


Oh thanks so much Annie (I love that we are real life friends now!). That taper does the craziest things to us! Congrats again on your amazing PR!!


Bummer! I’m home with my little one who is sick trying to clean surfaces of the house. ?
Im enjoying an early Christmas gift a spin bike which doubles as my Wed excitement. No need for any Peleton commercial drama…I bought it for myself so I can avoid the gym classes at 5am dead of winter. I love it!!


Oh Lauren, I hope your little one gets better asap and that nobody else gets it. This is the worst! YES FOR THE NEW SPIN BIKE. Such a good idea and it will make those winter mornings so much easier. Have a beautiful day!


Any good ideas on Christmas gifts for the kids? Would love to hear from you and others about what they’re giving. I’m trying to steer clear of junk toys and give them things that will make them be active or learn something. :)


Oh the junk toys… I totally know what you mean! I have a few of the things here in this post: https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2019/11/gift-guide-for-runners-women-and-kids.html

I just saw the idea of a tether ball for outside… we have one and our kids love it! Rollerblades? A bike? Anyone else have great active/learning ideas for kids?

Have a great day Kelly!


I hope y’all feel better soon!! You might think it’s funny that here in southern TN/northern AL we got half an inch of snow last night, and we got out of school early yesterday and had a late start this morning. We NEVER get snow in December, if at all. It was a treat!
I hate that y’all are sick, but I’m glad it didn’t happen last week!!


Oh that makes me so so happy! I bet all of the kids were just on cloud 9 about it too. Perfect way to bring in the holiday season:) Thank you so much and ME TOO! Have the best day Claire!


Best part of my Wednesday? The fact that it’s my LAST work day of 2019!!! So excited and ready for a nice, long, relaxing Christmas break. :) Sorry to hear you are under the weather – hope you all feel better real soon!


Oof! No fun! I hope you are all back to normal ASAP. I am just so excited to have the internet back up and running at work! We’ve had spotty service over the last two days and I’ve had to completely rework my lesson plans. Whew! I am looking forward to date night and Christmas break in just 9 days! And my bday is Friday, so I’m getting a massage and eating at my fav restaurant for dinner :)


Oh, I hope you guys feel better soon! We were all sick last month too…so not fun!

Today, we have our ugly sweater christmas party at work and then I might visit with some old co workers. Really though I feel like I need a day on the couch!

Glad you guys were able to have a couch day and hope everyone recovers quickly !


Sending you all healing thoughts! Right now I am sitting in the chair at the salon ready to go much blonder and shorter :-) wish me luck


Is it sad that the highlight of my Wednesday will be going grocery shopping alone?!?!


I’m a little late coz of the time difference but I hope you feel better Janae :) my 5 year old slipped and fell running to the car after childcare yesterday, and a four year old from his school stood there saying “I told you so, don’t run”… the same kid also tells me regularly not to yell at my kids to hold my hand when crossing the road (it is really the only way they listen but being judged by a four year old????)

It’s not that funny I guess but I just wanted to share a mom moment. Your CIM recap was wonderful (also teared at your mom’s message), I’ve learnt so much from you this year about running; humility and embracing the pain and hard work. Thank you so much. It’s also nice to be reassured that other women feel all sorts of conflicting feelings at in a matter of… minutes? ;)


Feel better soon lovely!! Disney days should be an annual thing!

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