This morning I have a lot of why questions for you….

Why is lasagna flavored anything my biggest love language (we made this recipe)?

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Why don’t I have them match every day?

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Why not turn your backyard into a mountain biking park?

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Why does Skye stay so completely still for Brooke when she is brushing her hair and getting her dressed but when I do it, Skye wiggles away from me within seconds?

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Why do I insist on wearing shorts in November on the trails (judging by my goosebumps and all of the scratches, tights would have been a good idea)?

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Why have I waited this long to show Brooke the Sound of Music?

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Why does a Chipotle burrito sound good to me 24 hours a day (don’t mind part of the burrito on my watch;)?

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Why did this scene on Skye’s monitor make me cry (oh wait, I know the answer to this one)?

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Why can’t I just wear an adult version of Skye’s footie pajamas all winter long?

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Why do we think what we do is normal hahaha?

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Why eat the cookie when you can just eat the cream?

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*Why we MUST talk about this, support the right companies and help every young athlete out there (this movie made me cry and I am so grateful that Mary Cain is sharing her story and helping others to make this stuff STOP):


Share a WHY (or answers to my WHY questions) with me pretty please!!

What are your thoughts about what has been released about the Nike Oregon Project/Salazar/etc?

Have a favorite musical??

Oreo fan—> yes or no and if you are then do you love the original the most or one of their specialty flavored types?

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I have been craving Chipotle lately! My question is why is it struggle to brush my kids’ teeth but at the dentist they’re great? Have a great week.


Hahah isn’t that how it always is with them… hard when it is just mom/dad but the second someone else is there then it is all so easy haha. Hope you have a great day Angie!


Thanks for sharing Mary’s story! Heartbreaking, and absolutely true that we need to share more about this, talk more about this, and have more women supporting each other! I find it incredibly poignant and difficult that the one moment in her recounting when she tears up and struggles to speak is in saying “no one really did anything.” It’s so hard to see these cycles when you’re in them, and we need to find ways of supporting people and being brave enough to step up, call out systems of abuse, but also check o each other and take the time to help.


What a well-said and thoughtful reply. I echo everything you said!


Thank you so much Jacquie… I seriously can’t believe that they knew what she was going through and didn’t do anything to help her. It’s so sad and I really hope that this all helps things to change. Thanks for your comment Jacquie, I hope you have a beautiful day!


The Nike thing is bizarre and horrible. I can’t believe that kind of stuff still goes on in this day and age. I saw that Nike just hired Shalane Flanagan as a coach, so hopefully that will help.

Don’t ask me why, but I really liked “My Fair Lady” with Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison when I was younger.

Oreo Double Stuf FTW.

P.S. – Awesome idea putting in the dirt bike track in the backyard Andrew!


Yes, Shalane will do a fabulous job. Hopefully for the Oregon Project they will select someone that is the opposite of Salazar! I have every song of My Fair Lady memorized… it’s the best. Hahah he will love your PS… he was so proud. Hope you have some Oreo Double Stuffed soon! Have a great day John.


I love musicals but not sure I have a favorite…maybe Wicked for a new one and West Side Story for an old one?

My friends and I were talking about Mary Cain and NOP on our Saturday run. And I used you as the example of runners that learn to eat more/better, gain some good weight, and drop massive time. Your experience and message get out and makes a difference.


Oh thanks so much! It really is crazy how much time I took off once I gained weight. West Side Story is SO SO good. I hope you are having a beautiful day and thanks again.


Your burrito looks amazing. Also the min Oreos are the best!
Skye’s jumper is sooo cute! Why do they grow up so fast?!


I don’t know but it sure is blowing my mind how she went from a newborn to a teenager so quickly haha. Hope you get a mint oreo soon! Thanks Jen!


Haha I love your why questions!!! Reminds me of being a kid with questions like, … Why is the sky so blue? Good questions.
Here’s mine: Why is the first snow fall so enchantingly beautiful and makes me want to stay all cozy indoors with a good book and coffee…and a fun treat of course!?! Why do we not enjoy the snow falling every single day of the winter instead of complaining about the cold? We could enjoy the winter a lot more I think if we did this! Lol… preaching to myself here! I’m in Ontario, and today we’re getting a good thick layer of snow, which is supposed to be coming down all day today. Loving it.

Absolutely love that you are introducing her to Sound of Music! I grew up on that. For some reason it aired on TV every year on Christmas day, so we always watched it then.

Funny, I was actually craving an oreo today before I read your blog! Great minds think alike. I love the original, or the double vanilla…extra white stuff in the centre!

Thank you for sharing the video about Nike, that is so heartbreaking what Mary Cain went through. So wrong that they could treat a young impressionable girl like that, and so completely devalue her. Thankfully she is speaking out, and that is powerful! Such an important message. And the sad thing is, she had so much potential, if Nike had really valued her, they could have helped her achieve and break records, so really, they missed out! Praying she becomes stronger than ever, physically, emotionally and mentally!


Thank you for sharing this with me because that is what I NEED to do this winter. I hope you are prepared with a lot of hot chocolate today! I hope you get some oreos today too.

I totally agree, I really hope that she is able to come back stronger than ever and smash records. Thanks Angela and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Why am I in a bad mood today? I have an answer — because I didn’t wake up early to run! There’s always tomorrow :)
I think Mary is incredibly brave for sharing her story. I wish other members of the Nike Oregon Project (especially the females) would give us there perspectives. I feel like the silence is deafening from some of these women. If they didn’t have an experience like Mary’s then speak up!


Hahaha that is usually my answer when I have that question too. I hope your run tomorrow is amazing. I am interested to see what other members of that team say too. Hope your day is going a bit better!


Thank you for continuing to post about this issue! The Mary Cain story is so upsetting! In reading about it since Alberto Salazar ban became news, I realized how many people it affected/hurt/lives ruined. Mary Cain’s story is awful but she is only one victim. There are many more and I am grateful for her speaking up and speaking out. I am also grateful for the men and women who spoke up, fought powerhouse Nike, and after 10 years, finally have made a difference. There is a lot of healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually after what they have gone through both on the running side and the whistleblower side. Hopefully, Things will change and not just rebrand into Salazar 2.0 so the next generation of athletics won’t have to be forced to do things that aren’t healthy for them or their bodies. It makes me happy to support Senita, two sisters who are kind, caring, positive, and want to make athletic apparel affordable for women.


That’s what is so so scary… who knows how many people were affected by this one coach. So terrible. Let’s really hope that this was what we needed for a change to happen. I’m with you, brands like Senita are just the best!


Seriously having a Chipotle addiction lately! What’s your order?


It really is just the best! I always get the burrito and most of the time with steak, rice, beans, veggies, sour cream, as many salsas as they will put in and then chips and guac on the side. And now I need to go today…


Thank you for sharing that video! I hope many young girls are able to take strength in her words and stand up for themselves if they are ever in her situation.


I totally agree with you Jessica! Thank YOU! Hope you are having a beautiful Monday!


Im so bothered by all that’s happening at Nike and specifically the Oregon project. Sure makes you question a lot! And I’m going to try and stop buying Nike! Not that they can feel my small amount spent but hopefully others will stop too!


I’m with you on that Mary! Spending our $ elsewhere will make a difference! I hope you have a great day!


Why do I love cookies and cream ice cream, but classic oreos are meh? I do LOVE the golden ones though! yummm.

I’m a native Oregonian and Salazar and Nike have always bugged me. Not a fan. When I was in High School (in the 80’s!!)and we’d hear of other girls going to Uof O to run we’d be sad and say they’ll get starved to the ground and despise running within a year. It was sad. I’m sure it wasn’t that way for every girl, but it was definitely a predominant feature and when those girls would come back to watch a HS XC or track meet it was heartbreaking to hear how they stopped running or couldn’t “make weight.”

Have a great week!!


I am RIGHT there with you. Mix oreos with ice cream= heaven but on their own they are blah!

Thank you for sharing about what you saw. That is absolutely terrible. I cannot believe this was happening for so long and how many girls had to go through all of this. I really hope this all will really help them to redo the entire program.

Thanks Kelly, you too!


Hi Janae! I’m glad you posted the Mary Cain video because I’ve been thinking about it. I think she’s really brave and I hope she continues to speak out and be the advocate she never had. I hope that with Salazar not in a position of power anymore more people can step forward and share their story and heal (I doubt she was the only one who had to go through that terrible ordeal).


I agree, I am sure there are so so so many more. I cannot wait to see where Mary Cain goes now with her running and strength, she is an incredible person. I just hope that the next coach that they have come into his position isn’t just one of his buddies…

Have the best day Amy!


What happened to Mary Cain is so horrible! It makes me wonder how many other athletes are out there who deal with that, too. She is very brave, and yes, we definitely have to support the right companies. I have never bought from Nike, and I am so glad because I also recently learned the company supports abortion. I know different people have different opinions about abortion, but I am strongly pro life, always have been, always will be.

On a lighter note, I love your why questions! Here are mine: why can’t chocolate pie be healthy so I can eat it everyday? Why must the Hunger Games have only three books? Why does Janae post only once a day when her posts are SO awesome?


Hey Leah! Mary Cain really is so brave and I cannot wait to see where she goes with her running with the proper team helping her. I think that chocolate pie is healthy in my opinion! Oh seriously… that series should have like 10 books. And you are WAY to nice:) . Thank you so much… some days I feel like my blog is a just a bunch of tangents haha. Have a fabulous rest of your day Leah!


I grew up watching The Sound of Music and it’s still one of my very favorite movies. I hope Brooke loves it! Wicked is my favorite musical show. The music is insanely beautiful!


SHE LOVED IT! It was so fun to see her watch it:) . I still haven’t seen Wicked, I must go NOW! I hope you are having a great day Sloan!


My sisters and I loved Mary Poppins


That one is a CLASSIC!! During the first scene of Sound of Music Brooke said to me, mom she sounds just like Mary Poppins:) . It made me happy! Have a great day Melly!


Hi Janea! Can you help me?! I have four kids and work full time as a teacher in a boarding school in CT. I’ve been averaging 25-30 miles a week but am SO tired. Did I mention I have 4 kids!! What should I eat/drink post run to help me avoid the CRASH that hits later in the day? Usually, I run early in the morning and rush to get ready for work/out the door. Then a quick breakfast (oatmeal) and coffee (lots of coffee). I’ve been cranky more often and think my post run fuel choices could change to help me ! Any insights? Do you have special recovery drink for the long days? Thanks in advance!


Oh Liz! You sure have a lot on your plate! How do you do it all?! Is there any chance you could add any protein or fat to your breakfast? I feel like I feel best if I am getting carbs/protein/fats in at each meal. I do make smoothies some days but it also just sounds like you just have so much going on! How much sleep are you getting each night? My post tomorrow is about what I eat before and after runs so I hope that helps you a bit too! Have a beautiful day!


I also cried watching Mary Cain’s video. My oldest daughter is just a few month younger than Mary, and I can’t imagine her going through that. Heartbreaking. She’s so brave to tell her story. I also showed the video to my younger daughter (17); it’s such an important message.


Oh Wendy, that must have been so hard to imagine. So glad you are sharing it with your daughters and so grateful for how brave Mary is. Hope you are having a wonderful day!


We wound up waiting really late to introduce my daughter to The Sound of Music ( like, to the point where I think I posted it as a #momfail). But waiting meant some really impressive questions and conversation on the Nazi party and how it came to power. So…worth it.


I crave Chipotle 24/7 too! Now I think I need it for dinner tonight…

Why does my hair tie constantly slip out when I run?! Haha! What kind of hair ties do you use??


I ask the same, why can’t I wear footie pajamas all the time like my son? Although I have heard of Feejays, so I will have to look into those…

I only like Oreos when they are encased within an Oreo Blizzard

Mary Cain’s story is heartbreaking and it pains me to think of all of the other high school and college athletes across all sports that are being led astray by their coaches. Things need to change!


Chipotle burrito is my favorite lunch the day before a marathon or half! I had one for lunch before my best half ever so now it’s a thing! Ah the Nike thing…I was already HORRIFIED and furious with Nike after hearing Kara Goucher’s story of the nightmare they put her through when she had her son. It broke my heart and made me so angry. And I think their treatment of a new mother post-partum runner legit had a big part in shortening her career. And now it seems their treatment of Mary may have ruined her career and dreams. It seems SO OBVIOUS that their ideas were making her unhealthy and SLOWER. So why would they think they were good ideas?! And that’s just strictly from a PERFORMANCE perspective. The moral/human perspective is obviously way worse.


P. S. I can’t wait to make that lasagna soup! Yum!


WHY does my husband have the day off work and then wait until evening when it’s already dark to go on his long run?????


I just recently saw the video of Mary Cain and it made me so angry. and sad. I remember reading about her and watching video of her racing as a teenager and thinking what a stunning talent. And to think those entrusted with developing and nurturer of her talent instead led to this. But shockingly I am not surprised hear everything I have about the Nike project and Alberto Salazar. Hopefully this leads to systematic changes in which their are safeguards in place to minimize the chances of this happening to another young athlete.


Lasagna soup is my favorite! Why is Fall Break longer than Thanksgiving break? Halloween Oreos are my fave. More cream than regular ones but less than double stuffed. I WISH I didn’t like Oreos, zero self control.

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