My New (unpaid;) Gig & Moral of the Story.

I am very very excited about something so I’ll just start out the post with it rather than talk about things in order about yesterday!  I had a meeting yesterday to go over everything about coaching for Brooke and Knox’s school’s cross-country team.  We start in April and I am just beyond excited.  When I got an email about the school needing a new coach I replied back within 12 seconds.   The school usually gets about 100-150 kids to sign up for this program each year and I cannot wait to help these kids grow in their love for running, the outdoors and doing hard things together.

I will be sharing how I will be doing things on the blog just in case there is anyone reading that wants to start a similar program where they are too!

(PS I wear this $16 sweatshirt ((they have a lot of different options of what is on the front)) many times a week ha… it is so comfortable)

Okay, let’s chat about the run.  We really weren’t sure how we were going to feel because Saturday’s trail run fatigue was still hanging around in our legs… BUT surprisingly Emilee and I both felt excellent.  It was so nice to feel a quick turnover again in our legs… we felt in control of the pace rather than just hanging on!  We had a lot of 200m intervals to complete and Emilee did the same workout in September (I didn’t do it because of my calf) and we did it 3 seconds faster per interval yesterday which our coach was very happy about.

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I hid my w/u and c/d shoes in the trees during the workout portion and that worked out nicely.

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It was a beautiful morning and the weather was absolutely perfect.

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We have a little bit different perception when it comes to temperatures;).

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Afterwards we went straight to Runner’s Corner to talk to our coach and finalize the last few weeks of training with him.  He said he knows we can hit this goal BUT things really will all have to come together on race day and that we need to remember, it’s going to be really really really hard.

We loaded up on snacks first before talking:

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He had this out:

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In the 2.2 minutes it took me to get dressed in my bedroom next to the bathroom, Skye got out my makeup and had some fun with it.  I am just amazed at how quietly she can fulfill these tasks.

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The rest of our day was pretty low-key.

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And Brooke has been working hard knitting a little dress for her stuffed llama which she finished yesterday.

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And a random story:

*On Monday night I put Skye in her crib and when I left the room she started screaming like crazy (which is not normal for her) so I went back in the room and she was pointing to the sound machine and yelling MAMA.  The sound machine was on a different setting than it normally was and so I switched it to the normal setting and she laid down with a smile on her face.  Andrew says that the girls in our family are VERY particular about our sleeping habits and are not okay when something is off haha.  He is very right, we just love our sleep.

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Anybody reading NOT like to sleep?

-Just wondering for Andrew because he does not like sleeping… mostly just the ‘falling asleep’ part of the whole thing.

On average, how long does it take you to fall asleep?

Anybody else helping out with any programs at the schools near them?  I would LOVE to hear about them (and any elementary school tips:)!

Do you tend to overdress, underdress or dress perfectly for your runs?

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Yeah for coaching the kiddos XC team!!! They will love your energy, enthusiasm, and kindness!

What shirt is Emilee wearing? It’s like a cable knit sweater for runners!!

I underdress more than overdress because I run warm and dislike being overheated. That being said, I wear gloves/mittens (of varying weight) almost year ’round. My favorite combo is shorts and long sleeves .

I’m a worryer so as much as I love sleeping, it’s a challenge to fall and stay asleep sometimes…..


Thank you so much Kelly, I really am so excited! Her top is from Lululemon… isn’t it the cutest? Sounds like we dress the exact same way and that is my favorite combo too! Oh that nighttime worrying is just the worst. I hope you get a good night of sleep tonight and thanks so much!


Congrats! That is great news..and I’m sure Brooke and Knox will be super excited and think it’s so cool to have you as their coach. Where did you get Brooke’s sewing kit for the llama? I get a lot of crafty ideas for my daughter from Brooke and she loves it all. Anything else that is on her Christmas list? :)


Thank you so much! I hope they are as excited as I am! I need to put together a christmas list of ideas… I’ll start on that today! Here is the knitting kit, she loves it! I bet our girls would get along really well. Have a beautiful rest of your day Ashley!


Ahhhhhhhhh that is so cool that you will be coaching! I love coaching kids, we will have to chat about it :).


YES WE WILL! I am just too excited:) . I hope you have the best rest of your day Victoria!


Hey Janae, I used to do athletics as a kid, and one tip I’d like to give is to incorporate lots of games with running in the programme, rather than just having the kids run rounds the whole time. Also a good mix of different activities (if that’s allowed), ie; running, sprinting, jumping, throwing… to develop all of their muscles in different ways and keep them excited :) it’s the best, have fun!


This is just what I needed to hear! Thank you SO so much! Totally going to incorporate this all. Thanks Ine!


That sounds like SO MUCH FUN! I want to do it!!!
I’m so bad at falling asleep. It can take me hours. It’s awful. I just lay there and can’t turn off my brain. Last night was one of those nights haha.
My marathon is this weekend and I’m in full on panic mode about the weather. It’s cooled off here in the last week like….fifty degrees?? And I haven’t adjusted at all. It’s going to be real feel in the 20’s and I’m so anxious about it! That being said, I have a million layers I’m wearing which is generally how I run when it’s cold.


AHHH MOLLIE! THIS IS YOUR WEEKEND! You trained all summer in crazy hot/humid temperatures and this will be your reward… if you dress properly (make sure you can easily shed layers) your body will feel like a million bucks after what you trained through. Let go of the uncontrollables and go kick trash. You have worked so hard for this, it’s time to celebrate. I BELIEVE IN YOU!


I’m so excited to hear all about your coaching. My elementary school I teach at is supposed to be getting a track and I’d love to do running club or cross country with my kids. I loved Brooke’s bead during her runs. Share away. Also, thanks for sharing what you ate the other day. I love to see what you fuel with!


It can take me anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour to fall asleep…that is an improvement from the insomnia I had as a kid. I would lay awake for literally hours (I could hear our clock chiming the hours) before falling asleep! I think having kids reset me a little; my brain realized that if it wanted sleep it had to get with the program! My husband can fall asleep in less than a minute.


HOURS oh Karen, that must have been so hard as a kid. I’m so glad it has gotten better but goodness that is rough especially when your husband is next to you sleeping peacefully. I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I just finished my first season of coaching cross country for our small Catholic school, we had 12 kids. Some things that worked really well for us is to do one day hills, one day speed, and one day long easy run. The kids seemed to like relay type workouts (it was fun to run them for me too!) We also had a ‘PR bag’ which had goodies in it and if the athletes received a PR that week they could select from there, that was really motivating to them.
You will do great at coaching! You coach all us readers along:). I always say that God reveals a lot of Himself to us through athletics. Perspective, positivity, humility, perseverance, are just a few attributes that I notice from athletics, and these are magnified in children’s athletics.
Keep killin’ it girl!


Becky, that is SO awesome that you coach cross country! Love that those workouts worked so well (I’m sure my kids will love that setup too) and I am totally going to copy you with the PR bag. THANK YOU! I couldn’t agree more with you about what you said about the connection between athletics and God. Being out in nature running always reminds me how loved we are by Him too! Thanks Becky and I hope you are having the best day, thanks for cheering for me with this!


Yeah to coaching! I helped run our soccer program the past few years before we moved. My son is running cross country and I really want to help his middle school next year! My daughter’s elementary school has a running program and I would love to set that expanded. I will definitely stay tuned for your updates!

I dress to start out cold all winter. Long sleeve shirt, Capri tights, beanie and gloves usually are great!

As long as I exercise during the day- I can fall asleep super quick!
Have a great one!


AHHHH and keep me updated with anything you are doing. It is just so fun to work with these little one’s on something we are so passionate about. Thanks Jenny and YOU TOO!


Laughing about Skye with the sound machine. We got Emery a star projector for her birthday and she will scream at night if it’s not set long enough and she wakes up and it’s gone off. Ha! Love you guys!


Bahahah this just made me so happy! Emery is the cutest and can we please get our girls together??


Sound machines are LIFE in our house too.

I LOVE SLEEP! One of the most relaxing parts of my day is when the kiddos are in bed, kitchen is clean, make-up (and bra) off AND climbing into our bed to watch TV. Every couple of months, I take a mental health day from work and I just lay in bed and watch TV. I know it sounds bad but our lives are SOOOO crazy all the time that just that one day (drop kids off at daycare) helps my mental sanity!!!


THOSE MENATL HEALTH days are necessary and SO important for us to be able to take care of everybody else! Good for you and I hope your next one is soon:) . Have the best day!


Yay for being the elementary coach! I found out that our school no longer has funding for any after school programs, which is a joke because there are a ton of others in our district that still do, so I’m not coaching. But I am still in charge of the 5K so hopefully that goes well :).

I like to sleep at night, I do not like naps unless I’m sick or something.


Oh that is a huge bummer Jenny! Keep me updated with the 5k wahoo!


Ok, the story about Skye and the sound machine being different is SO ME. I’m a musician, and I’ve always thought that I’m just more sensitive to sounds. But if something sounds different in the middle of the night it’s SO hard for me to fall asleep. It’s why I don’t always sleep well traveling. My poor husband, and the number of times I’ve woken him up like “do you hear that? What’s ticking? Why does the fan sound different today? Can you make that weird buzzing stop?” And he usually can’t even hear the difference. LOL Skye, you are not alone!


Oh Jess!! YES… I totally know what you are talking about! I started bringing a sound machine with me that sounds like my fan at home whenever I travel. WE ARE NOT CRAZY (I don’t think haha). Thanks for your comment Jess and so cool that you are a musician!


I, much like Andrew, loathe te whole falling asleep part. I will go to bed before my husband and he will fall asleep before me. I would be super happy if I just didn’t have to sleep. Also, I do NOT understand how you run with so little clothing. It hits 30 degrees in NJ and I literally will remain in a constant state of cold for the rest of the winter. I wear multiple layers once its 30 and below.

SO happy for you regarding coaching. I think you will love it. I coached U11 soccer and loved every second of it!


Andrew can completely relate with what you said… he would LOVE it if he never had to sleep. Hahaha I am crazy, I just overheat! That is so cool that you coached U11 soccer. Thank you so much, I am thrilled!


You know when a toddler is quiet something is up. :)

My husband and I were just talking about dressing during certain weather. I dress perfectly for a run if it’s hot or if it’s freezing. It’s hat weird zone when it’s between 40 – 50 degrees that I cannot get right. I’m either freezing or sweating.

I like sleeping I just can’t always fall asleep easily, especially when I’m stressed or know I HAVE to be up early. Other nights I start to read and I’m out within minutes.


BAHAHAH yes… I always get so nervous when I can’t hear her talking/singing around the house! Oh I totally see what you are saying about that in-between zone. So hard to know what is perfect. Reading always puts me out too. I hope you have a great night of sleep nina and thanks!


It’s really sweet that you’ll be coaching the kids’ team! Thanks for sharing that — I am excited to hear how it goes and how they do. And brook’s llama dress is so sweet :)


Thanks so much Betsy! I can’t wait. I hope you have the best day!


Early elementary teacher here! Always assume when meeting a new group that they are twice as clueless as you think they will be. And on the flip side, have lots of little games up your sleeve – it’ll either be one or the other ;) That sounds very fun!


This was JUST what I needed! I’m also doing their assembly tomorrow so I definitely needed these tips! Thanks so much Jenny!


-Katie at Runs for Cookies blog is an elementary school cross country coach (unpaid volunteer) and seems to do a good job. Maybe check out her blog for tips and tricks? (I run 3 booster clubs for the high school and am the volunteer coordinator for the community race but I don’t think those are quite what you are looking for.)
-Sometimes I manage to dress temperature appropriate, sometimes I don’t…hit and miss, hit and miss.


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the resource! And so cool that you do so much for your community, that is incredible. Oh those miss days hahaha… I get that! Hope your Wednesday has been great so far!


Congrats on the coaching gig, that sounds like fun and you’d be the perfect person for the job!
And how can anyone not like sleep? I love sleep and I wish I could get more of it, haha. I fall asleep maybe five minutes after I put my book down :)
I’m really impressed by the outfit Brooke made for the lama, super cute!


Thank you SO much Sanne, I cannot wait! I’m right there with you… sleep is just the best. Thank you and we used our last fish last night in the bathtub (the girls LOVED them so much, thank YOU).


I don’t have a problem sleeping but last night I got less than 5 hours of sleep. My husband is working nights this week (he usually works days) so I took advantage of that and deep cleaned my house until 1AM. I have big plans to decorate our whole house for Christmas this Saturday and things just needed some deep cleaning. I woke up at 4AM to unlock the door when he came home and then woke up before 6AM to get ready for work. My eyes and head hurt this morning. That’s ok though. Life is good and I’m counting my blessings.


Oh I hope that you get an amazing night of sleep tonight Betsy! You were on fire last night and enjoy getting Christmas up! You have an amazing perspective, I love it.


That is so fun that you will be coaching xc for the kiddos! About 5 years ago in the last city we lived in I was a volunteer coach for the girls high school cross country team at the school my husband taught at. One of my good running friends was the head coach and she asked if I would be willing to help out. I absolutely loved it. I felt such a connection with some of the girls and it was such a great feeling to see them set and reach their goals throughout the season. I was able to coach for 3 seasons until we moved. I am still close with my running friend and follow the team as my as I can.
Unfortunately my job (I’m a nurse working three 12 hr shifts per week) prevents me from cos chi ing anymore but if my job ever allows me I would love to get back into it.
I love to sleep but being the mom of a newborn I’m kind of on her schedule right now haha. She wakes up to eat about every 3-4 hours and I need to pump about every 4-5 hours so I catch a couple hours at a time whenever I can! And I can fall asleep within 3 minutes right now ;)
I tend to overdress first runs because I am always cold so then I end up getting overheated and a super sweaty mess by the time I’m done. I also need to wear gloves as soon as the temp drops below 45, I have Raynaud’s so my fingers hate the cold. I’m hoping at my 6 week OB appt I get the go ahead to start running again, but it will likely be on the treadmill for a while.
Have a great day!


Tara, how cool that you did that. I love it and I’m so excited for that connection! 12 hour shifts and newborn sleep schedule…. you are TOUGH. I hope that she gives you some longer blocks soon! Keep me updated with how things go as you get back to running in a little bit. Hope you are having a beautiful day!


Ok, when I read that a sweater was finished for Brooke’s llama, I at first read that Andrew knitted it and was very very impressed. When I realized Brooke had knitted it, I wasn’t as impressed! Don’t ask, I don’t get it either because it is VERY impressive that she knitted it! I can’t knit at all so I bow down to her! Ha!
All of those snacks made me feel like I was looking at my pantry! Ha ! So good!
As much as I crave sleep and need sleep, I get mad when I’m tired. Especially if there are things I want/need to do but can’t or shouldn’t. My kids have to tell me to go to bed because I fight it so much!
Once I lay down, I’m out within seconds. I get a good chunk of sleep for about 4 hrs then I toss and turn for another 3 or so until my alarm goes off or a kiddo wakes me up.
I’m normally a very cold person but the second I start moving I heat up so I usually always wear layers in the fall and winter. Spring and summer it’s tank and shorts. Lately I’ve been loving a wool t under a long sleeve shirt w/ shorts and that seems to be the perfect combo for 40’s and low 50’s.
Have a great day!


Hahahah I need to teach Andrew how to knit! Costco snacks are the best snacks! Haha yep, we have to tell Andrew that he has to sleep too! Thanks Jenny and keep enjoying those 40’s and 50’s!!


I second the idea of checking out Katie over at Runs for Cookies.

Can’t wait to read about your adventures in coaching kids!

P.S. I run cold so I always tend to overdress…but in layers so I can take them off if necessary!


Bridgette, that was the absolute best post ever. It had the BEST ideas! Thank you so much for sharing that with me!!!


Hi Janae! I think you’re gonna make the best coach!! I had a quick question for you- why do you warm up and cool down in different shoes than your workout? Is it to not wear out your workout shoes?

Have a great day!


HEY AMY! I just like a little bit more cushion when I’m running easy so I just save my flats for the fast miles and then let me feet soak in the bounce they get with my Ghosts:) . I hope that makes sense. Thank you so much and I hope your Wednesday has been great so far!


I love sleep. Anyone in my family would put it on my list of hobbies. :)
Coaching cross country!!!! Lucky kids.


Bahaha it’s my favorite hobby too! Thanks Erica, I am really excited!


I LOVE sleep!! I totally regret all the naps I wasted as a kid. I can fall asleep in 5-10 minutes.
Does your weighted blanket make you have crazy dreams? Mine does! I’ve been trying to remember them so I can tell H :) I don’t mind the crazy dreams because I know it means I’m sleeping really well. The part I hate is WAKING UP!
You’re going to have so much fun coaching! I’m excited for you!
I’m pretty good about figuring out what to wear for running in the cold. I will wear shorts until it’s absolutely frigid. I ran a 15k with snow flurries in shorts earlier this year, but I wore compression socks and my warmest gloves and long sleeve top (the one Emilee is wearing in your pic). I get too hot wearing beanies and they are always too big. I’ll wear a buff over my ears instead.
P.S. I tried your grilled cheese sandwich tip (micro for a few seconds before cooking) and it was PERFECTION!!
P.P.S. Awesome job on your workout!! CIM is getting close!!!


Bahahah really?! I just have crazy dreams with or without my blanket! Keep on sleeping so soundly! I am just so happy that the GC worked well for you:) . Thank you so much, I can’t wait!


Would love to hear about your coaching! Next year, my daughter will be in 3rd grade and that’s when Girls on the Run program starts for girls in our area. Do you have that? It’s a program that introduces running to the girls and then they do a 5K at the end of the program! I’ve never coached before but I know I want to be part of this program! Would love some ideas. :)


I was going to ask her the same question about Girls on the Run! I coached it for about 6 years here in St. Louis and absolutely loved it! I was new to the city, no kids myself, but wanted to volunteer and love to run, so it was a perfect fit. It’s an awesome program with so many great lessons. Sign up as an assistant coach and you can just follow the lead. The girls love any and all types of lap counters (stretchy bracelets, nail polish per lap, stickers, etc.) And create all the fun cheers! Good luck!


I LOVE THAT PROGRAM SO SO MUCH! It’s absolutely incredible! Go for her Lindsey and Sara, that is so awesome… those girls were so lucky to have you. Our area doesn’t have that for my kid’s age group yet and I really wanted to be able to be involved with Brooke and Knox but I definitely want to incorporate many of the lessons and support that GOTR does in my program! Have the best day!


I coach high school cross country (7 years) and middle school track (going on 3 years). I also helped co-found an elementary running club 5 or 6 years ago. We meet 2 days per week for 6 weeks in the spring and the kids have really enjoyed it. It also has helped build our middle school and high school programs. We play a lot of games that involve running to make it fun. I would love to hear more about your program as you build it out.


I would love to start something but I’m not good at being that person that starts up something new! Did you have it open to all grade levels? Did they run a race at the end of the 6’weeks?


We had it open to 3-6 grade but we made a few exceptions for younger kids as well. We didn’t register them for a race, but we did do a timed mile at the end of the 6 weeks which most of them seemed to enjoy.


Awesome Ali! I really think you are on with the games! You are sure doing a lot for your community! Thanks so much Ali, and I cannot wait!


Congrats on the new gig! I wonder who will have the most fun – you or the kids?

A couple weeks ago I started wearing my Suunto while I sleep. Each day it gives me a summary that has been pretty interesting. Total hours, time in deep sleep, time awake, average HR and quality of sleep. Sleep quality was at 54% last night, so not a great night! It varies, but I haven’t gotten 8 hours of sleep yet. We’ve been in Hawaii and it’s been pretty warm, even running the AC. I’ll be interested to see how I do when I get home in cooler temps. Les in the champion sleeper in our family – falls right to sleep and stays that way.

I’m pretty good at knowing how to dress for running. I struggle getting the right layers when I’m on my bike – I usually end up a little cold because I’m moving a lot faster.


Can’t wait to hear more about coaching cross country! That’s interesting they open it up to parents to be in charge of. I would love it if I did something like that at my kids school but I’m not a starter upper kind of person!
Also, I looooove sleep! Why is it hard for him to fall asleep? He’s active enough during the day he should be tired. I just fall right asleep!


Question for you! How many miles do you put on your shoes before changing them? With the 80+ weeks you’ve had I imagine you get to get new shoes often! ??

Also- I ran NYC last weekend and am still on the biggest high! It was amazing and exciting and even though I spent a little time in the medical tent after (my body temp dropped to 92 ??), I would totally do it again! The crowds were amazing and the course was fun and I cannot stop thinking about it. I even got a PR despite weaving in and out the entire race ?. I already tried to find a marathon for early December near me but the closest is about 6 hours away ?. The obsession is real!


My kids’ elementary school started this “Morning Mile’ program last Spring and it is wonderful. They run or walk for 30 minutes before school starts. It gets everyone moving before they have to sit in the classroom. It’s been quite a success.


What do you mean do I not like to sleep?!? I LOVE to sleep! But yeah, it does take me a while to get there. At least half an hour. Usually more.

Congratulations on the coaching gig! That is so exciting! I have never done anything like that, but I have spent a crazy lot of time with kids, and I ran with my brother when he was really little (like 4 or 5) and my biggest tip is to encourage them. Make them love it! Don’t worry about time or even distance, just have fun. And it really helps too have the imagination of a child. Pretend you’re cheetahs or superheroes or dinosaurs or anything! I can’t wait to hear more about this.

I always overdressed for my runs, but since I read your post about what you wear I’ve gotten a lot better. When it’s rainy, what do you wear? I have a half this weekend, and rain is possible. It will be in the 40s. I’m more concerned for my poor family who will be speculating than myself!

Why do you have a different pair of shoes for warmup and cooldown?


I am soooo excited for you and for them! I coach middle school xc and since our school is a private school, 3rd grade-8th grade can run. During the spring we have a running club that we open up for 2nd grade and up. We usually have 80 or more kids run. It is so much fun. I focus a lot on making it fun during running club. During xc season, it’s still fun but definitely more difficult. We work on form, endurance, and then speed. We actually just won our State Meet last month…still excited about that! I love cross country because I coach boys and girls and the different age ranges. It’s like a family. It’s great for school spirit and unity. I will definitely be reading to hear all about this experience for you!


Ahhhhh that is so exciting about the coaching. You are going to be amazing! Your infectious enthusiasm and love for the sport alone are huge. I coached 3rd-5th grade Girls on the Run for a few years and I loved it. I especially loved working with the girls who weren’t naturally athletic but just needed to find what inspires them and were so proud of their progress.

I love my sleep, but it doesn’t always come easy. Sometimes I just can’t get my brain to turn off. I sympathize with Andrew. Put me in the passenger seat of a car however and I’m out within minutes.

And congrats on your workout and on Brook’s knitting!!


So fun!
I tend to take a while to fall asleep. Probably about 45 min to an hour. Working at night on a screen doesnt help. I will say, though, that my husband got me some bluelight canceling glasses and they have helped me a lot. I was a total skeptic, but I can absolutely tell on the nights that I dont wear them while working.


I taught elementary P.E. before momming full time. What a blessing! Enjoy your new hobby, yes , hobby! My tips – which you would learn quickly without me, would be to be consistent, set up a routine, avoid sarcasm, and make your expectations high! Kids that age want to please YOU. Your love for the sport will shine through. Enjoy the hugs and extra love, and maybe a little honesty ;) . My students would comment – good and bad about my hair, jewelry, or clothes. I survived two pregnancies, and at the very end, my kindergarteners would ask me EVERYday if I had my baby the night before, despite my giant growing belly. Hahhahaha Excited to hear how it goes!

One more tip, I never coached a run team, but I did start an in school running club. We used toe tokens to track their progress– which is wonderful IF they can tie shoes. If not, it’s a little exhausting!!! A way to celebrate progress goes a long way.


You will be a wonderful coach for the kids! It sounds so fun; I can’t wait for you to write more about this!

And I fall asleep in literally about 10 seconds. Maybe I’m overtired?!


You are going to have so much fun coaching the kids!! I coach xc for my high school that I teach at and I love getting to see a different side of my students. My son and daughter are both currently running for me too and it has just been the best ever! I can’t wait until my youngest is running for us too! One of the things I think we do really well with our program is we try and have fun! It sounds silly but they work so hard, they need to play games at least once a week and I’m sure this will be even more true in elementary school.

I look forward to going to sleep every.single.night! Ha, it takes me about 3 pages of my book to fall asleep ;)

I’ve gotten my running clothes pretty narrowed down for temps :) However, if it’s for a race I will underdress and throw some throw away clothes on top because I tend to run super hot.


My husband and I love sleep. Like we wake up in the morning and already talk about getting back in bed!! We started listening to music on our bedroom speaker at night and literally asleep in seconds now! It’s so calming! I have been involved with girls on the run, such an amazing organization!
I think I pretty much have my running gear down, 99% of the time I’m in running capris and tank, no matter the temps! I will wear compression socks on my arms if the temps are below 40!


I was an elementary counselor for many years (now at the high school). The running club I started is still going on. I would include positve self esteem mini lessons during stretching to end the group.
The club would end the first week of December and kids could sign up for our towns christmas 5k. Super cute to wear our school t-shirts while dressing up in costumes! Highlight of each year.


I’m obsessed with sleep. The more hours I can get a night, the better! 8 MINIMUM. 9-10 even better!! And don’t even get me started on naps – love them!!. although Im definitely a sleep diva – I do use a specific pillow, Take melatonin, wear earplugs and use white noise…. with that combo, I fall asleep super easily and usually sleep really well.


Yay for coaching XC!! I organize a Healthy Kids Running Series in my area, then this past summer I held my first ever “Junior Track Club” 4 week session and I started private coaching for a few youth runners and it is AMAZING!! Kids just love to run. Simple and perfect. I love that I run into the kids I coach at my kids’ school functions and they are so happy to share their running achievements with me. I seriously can’t wait to hear about your planning and experiences because I’m sure I will get some great ideas.


I formed a running club for elementary students! Incorporate games- their favorite was the scream race. On GO- they sprint while screaming and when out of air, they freeze. Find a hill and run up- then roll down. Relays are popular as well- a running leg, jumping leg, cartwheel leg, and wheelbarrows. Mix it up! Have fun


I started a running club at my school! We only meet 1x a week but it’s going to be a challenge in our winter temps & snow.
I’ve assistant coached cross country before so I’m a little nervous but it will be fun to set little goals with them!
Have fun with the team! 100–150 kids is a lot but I’m sure you will be awesome!

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