Friday Favorites and YOU!

Skye was pretty excited to be included in some of my miles yesterday.

My neighbor (Emilee) just got back from a trip so we were finally able to get in a run together.  I did the first 7.5 miles with her and then got the kids to school and Skyester joined me for another 3.5.  While I was pushing her I couldn’t stop thinking about how Cynthia Arnold pushed a TRIPLE stroller (185 lbs) for a marathon and finished in 3:11.  I can’t even imagine… 3.5 is my max right now ha!

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We got home and had breakfast together and before I knew it, Skye was trying to feed her dog oatmeal with her spoon.

Sharing is caring.

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When I was going to leave the house to go pick up the kids I told Skye and Andrew that I was leaving.  Skye started waving and saying byeeee but was more than happy to stay home.  I then said, “I’m going to go get the kids from school.”  As soon as I finished saying that I was going to get the kids, Skye ran to grab her shoes and opened the door to go in the garage.  She is fine if I leave her but if she knows that the kids are involved, SHE HAS TO BE INCLUDED.

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Victoria and I have talked online for almost 9 years.  I finally met last night because she was in town for work.  It was so fun to finally talk in person. She is another reason I’m very grateful for blogging!

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There was a random rain storm last night so the kids made sure to enjoy that afterwards too;). The rain helped to clean them off from all of the items that they spilled all over themselves at chic-fil-a too.  Win-win.  Victoria may have used the word ‘zoo’ to describe our crew yesterday haha.

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I’ve got my favorite things from this week to share with you today!

*I shared these last year and a ton of you bought them and loved them too and now that the temperatures are getting cooler I thought I would share them again—>  $28 + leggings that feel like they are from Lululemon + perfect for running or bootcamp or anything = heaven.

You can get them HERE and there are so many amazing colors to choose from.  I wear the same size in these as I do at Lululemon 4/6.

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*Another Amazon favorite… this ROMPER. They have a ton of cute colors, it’s such a great deal and I used it as a swim coverup in Cayman and loved it.

*Amanda told me about this magic ball and I’ve used it every day since it’s arrived on my hamstrings, glutes, feet and calves.  It has been so good to help get the knots out on my lower body and it’s the perfect travel size too.

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*Brooke and Knox’s Friday favorite= Paint by Stickers.  They spend so long on these pictures and Brooke told me it’s her favorite craft lately (which is saying a lot because she loves all things crafty/arty).

*One last kid thing.  One of you recommended this book for us and it quickly became the the kid’s favorite.  I love seeing them learn about how incredible our bodies are and those flaps just make them so excited to read it ha.

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*My mom sent me this video and it made me laugh so hard… do you feel like the first dog or the second dog about the treadmill?

*My current favorite snack… fresh cut peaches and cinnamon life.  It doesn’t get better than this.

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I love featuring the amazing things you are doing so please send them in to [email protected]


Sage!!!  “I ran my first postpartum half marathon! And set a personal record for fastest half marathon on 2 hours of sleep! I work nights as an RN and worked the night before the half. The race was in the evening so I thought I could get some good sleep during the day, but life happens and I only got 2 hours. I almost didn’t go to the race but I’m so glad I did! I felt surprisingly good. This half is part of my training for the NYC marathon. I am running as part of the team for Sanctuary for Families, an organization that helps victims of domestic and gender violence. This is something I’m passionate about, and I’m so happy to support an organization that provides such crucial services. Here is my fundraising page!

And here are pre and post race pictures with my sweet baby. Postpartum running is hard but it feels so dang good to run to that finish line where your baby is waiting!
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Tell me a random fact about you that I don’t know yet… I WANT TO KNOW!

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I love that paint by stickers book!! And ordering those leggings ASAP:)
Unrelated but where do you order Brooke’s jeans from? My daughter has always only wore leggings but she is wanting some jeans and she is tall and slim like Brooke . Have a great weekend!


Hey Ashley!! I hope you love the leggings a lot! Brooke’s jeans are all from either Old Navy or Zara! That is where I have found pants to fit her best. Thanks so much and you too.


Wow, SAGE!! That’s absolutely incredible!! I have done those nights shifts and can’t imagine a half marathon afterwards, and with a baby to boot! You are incredible. Amazing job!! And what a cute baby. Janae, do you remember at all what some of Brooke’s favourite crafts or art activities were when she was 3-4 years old? I have another craft loving little girl in my house. She’ll spend hours creating! And I am very non crafty or artsy so it’s new territory for me!!


Janae, I turned 33 on Monday (2 Sept) and I was so inspired by your 33 mile birthday run I woke up at 4am to run/walk 33.33 KILOMETRES (so glad I’m in a country using the metric system hahahaha). My longest races have been halfs for the past 8 years so this was literally the furthest I have gone in one session for the past 8 years (longest training run has probably been about 22-23km max). It was something like 80+% humidity when I started at 4.45am and because I ran through the central business district my GPS was off for a bit and I thought I was done when I actually wasn’t so I had to get off the bus and continue lol. But I got it done! It felt awesome! And then I had a massage and went out for dinner with my family and ate alot. Thanks for the inspiration :)


CHLOE!! AHHHHH YOU ARE AMAZING!! I cannot even imagine going that far in that humidity too…CHAMPION! Happy birthday week and it sounds like it was the perfect day! So happy for you:) .


Hey Andrea! I feel your pain haha… crafts confuse me so it’s hard for me to find the right ones for her! I think the best thing I ever did was sign her up for a craft club (maybe check if your rec center has something like that for kids or a store or the library?!). She went twice a week and came home with amazing crafts that she did!

I’m going to include a few links of types of things that she loved at that 3-4 age too:



Oh, dog #2 is me. I’ve never gotten comfortable on the treadmill, LOL.
Random thing about me: I sorta met Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was impressed by my dog’s chest muscles (not kidding)! I had spent a day as a movie extra (nope, ended up on the cutting room floor) when an aspiring actress friend asked me to bring my dog to the DC shoot for “True Lies.” The actors crossed a parking lot where I was waiting in a line, and he came up to ask what kind of dog, then complimented how strong Kona looked when he sat :D
Happy Friday!


Hahah the treadmill really is a lot different then outside. OKAY, best random thing… that is awesome. Being complimented on your muscles by ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is a big deal… your dog must have felt so proud haha. Thanks Corey and you too!


Oh! I’m famous :) You are sweet for the credit. Most importantly, I am so glad you are liking the spiky ball and finding it helpful! I use mine every day.

That treadmill video is hilarious! My dog is the first one. i don’t personally relate to either one. Ha.

My grocery store is next to my gym and opens at 6 a.m. so on Friday mornings after the gym/before work is when I do the majority of my grocery shopping . So I guess that is a random fact about me… but the reason I mention this is… This morning I spotted and purchased peanut butter Cap’n Crunch (which I would not normally even think to LOOK for but thanks for the enticement, Janae, Andrew ;) ) . After having breakfast, I’ll report back on how the roof of my mouth is doing :)


So, I tried 2 kernels dry and bit in the rear of my mouth. I definitely agree that it is an abrasive nature. And if I hadn’t been warned, it would probably have hurt the roof of my mouth. I soaked in hot water and everything softens into a sugary, peanut goodness :)


THANK YOU for telling me about it. I love this! Haha my mom says I am the first dog;) . Hahaha I hope your mouth is okay after that (blame Andrew if it isn’t;). I LOVE grocery shopping in the early mornings, it’s so nice and peaceful in there. Have a wonderful day Amanda.


Question for the people who have bought those leggings: I’m short and have definitely more of a lifters build than a runner’s if you catch my drift. How is the length for us shorties?


I am 5’2 and have a pair. They fit pretty well. Maybe a little extra fabric that gathers in the knees but I never notice it. They are super comfy!!!


Thank you!!


I’ve been looking for some leggings for hiking on our honeymoon. Do you think they’re good for colder temps or more of a fall temp legging?

Skye seems like such a character, I love that she wants to be wherever her siblings are;)

Ha, I kept trying to think of things you didn’t know about me but I was like nope, she knows that…hmm. Haha clearly I share too much on these comments ;)

How is your cold doing? Hope its doing better and have a lovely day!


I just meant colder temps than summer… I didn’t phrase that right so YES!! I will be wearing them all of fall! You just can’t beat that deal! I LOVE hearing from you, you better never stop:) . Thank you so much for asking. I am feeling like 96% WAHOOO!! I hope your Friday has been great so far.


Thanks for always being so kind, you have no idea how much my heart just needed to hear today that I matter. Thank you.


Random , yet slightly boring :), fact: I love squirrels. I wish I had one for a pet!


Not boring at all! They really are so cute. In some states you can have one if you have a license…. just sayin’
Have a great day Amanda!


The Life cereal reminded me of my favorite at Trader Joe’s: Barbara’s Multi-grain Spoonfuls. Sooooo good, with or without fruit.


Next time I am there I’m going to pick that up to try it! Thanks so much and I hope you have a great weekend!


I love Barbara’s Multigrain spoonfuls too! Only 5g added sugar per serving and they taste so sweet! I rotate between those, original Puffins, and Nature’s Path Heritage Flakes (not nearly as sweet tasting). I think they are all sold at Trader Joes.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so awesome. And I love zoos so that was totally a compliment.

That rainstorm was CRAZY up in SLC after I got back, my hotel room windows were shaking. Glad I wasn’t trying to fly out last night, I’d have been stuck on the floor of the airport instead of hanging out with you guys!


Hahaha I feel somedays we are more like a circus because we are a bit crazier than a zoo:) . The windows were shaking? YES… it was meant to be that we got to hang out. So happy that worked out. Thanks again!


Random fact I learned this morning….Human hair contains traces of gold. WHAT?!?!
Random fact about me this morning…I had to open my office this morning due to our usual openner being on vacation. I set off the alarm. Oops! Luckily I was able to fix it and call the alarm company to cancel it before the police came. That felt like a work out on its own!

Happy Weekend!


Wait WHAT?! Okay, I can’t wait to tell Brooke and Knox this when they get home. Oh I bet that made your heart rate spike! Glad that you were able to get it fixed fast! Thanks Bridgette, you too!


Ok your Friday favourite posts are dangerous for me bc I end up going out and buying at least one thing you recommend! I ordered the kid lunchbox jokes last week bc I think that’s such a cute idea, and now I feel I need to purchase those paint by sticker books for long car rides lol. Thanks!! :)
Oh and that triple jogging stroller story is insanely motivating. I honestly could not believe that when I read that online. She’s amazing!


I should give you a few weeks before the next Friday favorite post haha:) . I hope you guys love the paint by sticker books… they are so fun!
I hope you have the best weekend Gillian!


Wow I can’t imagine pushing a triple jogging stroller. I feel like one baby is heavy ha! I have one of those magic balls but it is golf ball sized. I use it for the arches in my feet. It really is magic! Random fact: When I was little and we would get a thunderstorm, my family would set up beach chairs in the front of the garage to watch the lightning! Enjoy the weekend!


Hahah that was what I was thinking yesterday… I can barely push ONE! I need to try the smaller size too. I hope this is okay but I’m going to copy your family and do that with my kids when there is lightning! Thanks Melissa, you too:)


random fact: In New Mexico you can tell it’s almost fall when outside most every grocery store you smell roasting green chile! It’s the best smell of the season.


Oh I love this… I want to come smell it! My sister used to live in New Mexico and she absolutely LOVED it there. I hope you have a beautiful day Rachelle!


If I’m not careful, my pup will join me on the treadmill. He’s crazy :)

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