When I Grew Up… + Tuesday Tangents!

Andrew, Skye and I went out for my first run post-Boston!  For some strange reason we decided to make it a hilly run and just as I was thinking how hard it was pushing a stroller up the hill a woman zoomed past me pushing a double jogging stroller with two toddlers in there and she inspired me big time!  Andrew of course offered to push during the run but I’m trying to build up my stroller strength because there are going to be way more of them this summer.

It felt so so good to get out there and move again.  My body definitely feels ready to go again but I’ll keep things easy for another week or so and then I’m feeling ready to join my friends with speed again (I’ll gradually build up to where they are at).  After St. George last year I had zero interest in doing speed work and an ultra called my name but now that it is warm again, my body is craving the speed and track again.

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5.5 miles @ 9:08 average with 495 feet of up.  Skye did great but the second we stopped and unbuckled her she was ready to jump out and move on with her day.

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She wanted to switch places and push her car all around the house.

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My hamstrings are still feeling a bit tight so I’m making sure to stretch and roll them big time.  I get a lot of people asking me if I think the R8 Recovery Roller is worth the investment.  We bought ours and would absolutely buy it again.  I use it way more than I used my foam roller.  I think it really gets those deep muscles that need our attention.  It’s part of my injury prevention tool box.

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Skye joined me at the computers for a little while too.  She felt very cool.

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Leftover burgers (hamburgers have quickly made it to my top 10 favorite foods list) for lunch and then we were the volunteers again at cross-country!  For Earth Day the kids ran all around the fields picking up trash and then finished off with tag.

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With our kids getting into sports more and running these days I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can make this a super positive and encouraging experience for them.  I don’t know about you but I feel like I grew up in a time when the media really made exercise look terrible/punishment/all about losing weight.  Anyone remember this episode from Full House where DJ kills herself off at the gym because she wants to lose weight?  I feel like there were just a lot of messages sent back then showing that you exercise to lose weight and it’s going to be a terrible experience but you do it anyways because you hate your body.

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I feel like we are SO lucky now that there are so many great role models and athletes out there that we have to look up to that exercise because they love their bodies.  They do their sport/workouts because they love the challenge, they love to compete and they want to find their potential.  I feel like we do a better job showcasing that we move for self-care!  I think that the mental health benefits from exercise are talked about a lot more now too and it’s something I talk about with the kids a lot.  Long story short I just want to make sure our kids are not getting the DJ Tanner messages and they are seeing that their examples out there exercise for stress relief, the endorphins, to push themselves, to live longer and to find their potential in whatever sport/activity they choose to chase after as they grow up.

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I had a phone call with Brooks to learn all about amazing new shoes coming in soon!

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Salsa + chicken + crockpot to go along with our taco salads.

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Dessert.  Soft-serve ice cream never gets old to me and JCW’s has some of the best.

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We ended our night outside.  I do not miss winter in the slightest.

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I have a few tangents to share today.

*We are so boring with our pizza toppings but those frozen Trader Joe’s pizza crusts (Monteli Organic, each package comes with two crusts) are so delicious.  Add some veggies and fruit on the side and they are such an easy and quick meal for us.

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*My running friend sent this text to me the other day:). Try it…

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*A few people have asked what the kids use at cross country to earn their necklace beads each time.  They get one of these feet and each time they go around the loop they get two punches on their card.  If they fill up the entire foot they get a two beads for their necklaces.  It is SO motivating for them and you wouldn’t believe how many kids are out there each practice running!

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*I mean… my first 3 I didn’t social media about it but I think times have changed so maybe it doesn’t count now if you don’t hence why I tell you about it 4,000 times afterwards;).

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*Haribo and Albanese are the two best brands of gummy bears on the planet in my opinion.  The kids got a bunch of these mini packets of them and mom tax= I’m enjoying them a lot.  

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Anyone reading having allergies?  I do every year starting about now until the beginning of June!

Do the people in your life know a lot about your running or are you pretty quiet about it with them?

Do you think the media does a better job making exercise about enjoyment/mental health etc?

Who runs with a jogging stroller?  

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Okay, so this is a little out of your way for the Mini, but if you go to Chicago while you are here you MUST stop at the Albanese candy factory off of I-65 between Indianapolis and Chicago! I promise you will be in heaven—any type of gummy you can think of plus sooooo much more!!


This sounds like my biggest dream… I might have to switch up my itinerary now or make a family vacation this summer just to go to the Albanese candy factory. I LOVE their gummies. Have a wonderful day Rachael!


I think one of my favorite ways to run a marathon might be solo and in the woods.

I do not think we can ever underestimate the influence we have by the way we live. Hope knows running is pure joy for me. After my run last Saturday she says “one of the best parts of your day, right mom?”


Can I come with you on your woods marathon:) . I LOVE that Hope said that… you are such a good example for her. She is so lucky to have you and Chris. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Can’t think of a better way to celebrate 9 years of friendship.


I’M IN!!!


Definitely remember that episode of Full House. I think there’s a more positive perception about exercise now, especially with social media and people who have grown their fitness platforms on Instagram and whatnot. Our society is all about self-improvement nowadays, and working out is pretty heavily promoted to help with that. I’m glad about it and totally agree with Elle Woods: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.” :)


Yes, I totally agree with that. Oh best quote ever from a movie;) . HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY AT WORK!?


I’m excited for you to get back into some speed/track work again. I know that all different types of running gives us a certain high, but there is just SOMETHING about a track workout high that is kinda unmatchable!!!!

I recently read where if you eat locally made honey it will ease your allergies. I’d never heard this before, but it’s an interesting answer to ponder regarding allergies!!!

Happy Tuesday, Janae!!!! :)


YES YES YES… the ultra gave me a high for different reasons but I am so ready for that speed/tempo high again:) . Andrew LOVES honey so this is definitely something we should try! Thanks so much Jen! I hope you are having a wonderful morning.


Hey Janae,
Don’t you just love spring evenings? I just want to stay outside and play with the kids instead of school night bedtimes!
I have gone on many runs/walks with my family. I am always taking about the “feel good chemicals” in our brains that get kicked on when we move. I have focused hard on sending the message to the kids of our bodies and brains feeling good and feeling strong.
I don’t talk about running too much, but I do lunch runs during the work day and run all around my little community. People see the demonstration of it- so it becomes a topic of conversation. Sort of like me wearing a shirt of my favorite band-people ask about it because it is out there.
I hope you have a great day and enjoy those spring miles! It is truly the best time of year!


YES… it’s this time of year that makes it so hard to be inside and I love it. I love that you do that with your kids… they are so lucky to have you! Oh I totally get what you are saying… they see you out there doing it and want to know more. Thank you so much Jenny, YOU TOO. I h ope your lunch run is a really great one.


I think the media does a better job now but I also think that as parents we need to change the perception. My husband gets me so mad with what he says about exercise, fuming mad and that takes a lot. He said the other day “ I don’t exercise cuz I am not athletic, I was not built that way”. I said as always, no maybe you don’t like it but anyone can be athletic. He disagrees so much with it and relays this view to my girls. My oldest argues with him now about it which I love. But I can only assume he grew up being told he was not athletic. I want my girls to find the things they love to be active and happy.


YES… that is so hard! ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY can exercise:) . I love that your oldest is being a good example and I’m sure your attitude will carry over to your girls too. Keep me updated on how everyone is doing and have a wonderful day Carrie!


Oh my gosh I totally remember that episode of Full House! ? When I was growing up I did think exercise could be a form of punishment! During gym class if you misbehaved it meant sit ups or push ups or running laps! Hmm… and I’m just putting this together now …wow!!!

Some of the best parenting advice I ever received was “be an example” so I do! My daughter joined cross country and my children would ASK me to go for walks or hike!
I would like to thank you for the idea ? if fasting a meal and donating! Our family has done that once in March and already in April and I’ve considered doing it twice a month. This is probably a silly question but do you think that would be too much?!


Right?! Running used to be the punishment for things and now we choose each day to go do it because really it is a reward:) . I LOVE that your daughter is on cross-country and they ask you to go for walks and hikes.
I love that you guys are fasting… it really blesses us and others so much! That is a great question… I’m not sure if that would be too much. Maybe try it out and see what you think. My body can only handle it once a month with my training but everyone is so different. You guys are awesome. Have a beautiful day Sydney and keep in touch with everything going on for you guys!


I saw that your kids got beads, and was thinking that was a great idea! I coach Run club for grace 3-6 at my kids school, and we are going to give them 1 bead per practice (it’s over recess and on the long run days, some kids would rather play with their friends…..I think getting beads will help with attendance on the not so fun training days). Maybe I need a necklace for speed work motivation? Haha


OH I think it will too! Hahah I told Andrew that yesterday… if only I was as motivated by beads as the kids! That is so cool that you do that Jen! So cool! Keep me updated on how it is going and have a beautiful Tuesday!


I am just beginning my stroller running journey! Any tips are greatly appreciated! I live in a very hilly part of Ohio and it is HARD!


Girl, this is going to make you so strong! Be careful to not do too much too soon though! I got injured with Brooke because I just jumped into double digit runs with the stroller. Gradually build up. Remember it’s okay to walk those uphills too… YOU ARE PUSHING A STROLLER… as you build up your strength. Bring EVERYTHING possible with you. I bring so many snacks and toys to make sure it is fun for Skye too. I talk and sing a lot to them too in the stroller. Good luck and keep me updated with how it is going for you guys Kaileigh!


We are expecting our first baby (due date is today !) , so I’m in the search of a running stroller. Which one do you have? Any tips/advice?

Might not be using it until later in the Fall or winter but any info is appreciated :)


AHHH CITLA!! Congratulations! Are you feeling any contractions?! I am so thrilled for you. I have the Bob Ironman but I bought mine 6 years ago and they don’t have the same ones. I love mine though, I highly recommend the Bob strollers. I think the key is slowly building up the endurance of stroller runs for both you and the baby! I never go super long with the stroller because it does change my form a bit and don’t want to get injured. Bring EVERYTHING possible with you on those runs… multiple pacifiers (if your baby likes those), toys, food and spend time talking to them… I love having that special time outside with them. Have a beautiful day and I hope you get to meet your new baby very soon!


Thank you :). So far Ive only got Braxton Hicks…We are very excited waiting for her arrival :D.

BTW great topic about the bad rep for exercise …Have a great day :)


I DO think the media does a better job at showing exercise in a positive manner, however, I also feel it can be a matter of how people choose to view a message. For example…yesterday, someone posted a “fun” chart of Easter candy & exercise. It was one of those charts which was “if you eat 5 M&M’s, do 5 squats”, etc. Personally, I think this can be fun. Another reader viewed it through the eyes of exercise as punishment based on what you eat. I can see it both ways. Ultimately, I do agree with you, that we see A LOT more role models who are showing exercise as a way to have a positive & healthy life.

And yes…people in my life know about my running. :) Sometimes I can’t help myself.


That is VERY true. I have seen similar charts like that too and some people could take that and think that they have to exercise off what they eat. I can’t help myself either… hence why I have to write about it each day too:) . I hope you have a wonderful day Aimee and that you have a great rest of your week of running!


I don’t know they but I recently thought about DJ Tanner and this exact episode!! I don’t watch much tv but I definitely feel like exercise still gets a bad rap. Like, people who exercise only do it because they are trying to lose weight and now there’s a belief that people run ultra’s because they have mental health issues or addiction in their past.
I love food and exercise way too much to make it torture or think negatively about it. I hope my boys see that … I make a point to come home from the gym or a run smiling and happy (I’m usually ecstatic at this time that I’m done! ha!) and I make sure to eat pretty balanced (ie candy and cake – can’t discriminate! ha!)
I don’t have allergies but I thought I did … turns out it was just a cold that happened to last about 6 weeks and every few days changed symptoms on me.
My non running friends and non running family don’t ask much about my running beyond if I have races coming up. I don’t tend to share too much because I usually get a bunch of blank stares!
I used to run with a jogging stroller and man alive did it make my arms burn! Stroller mama’s are tough cookies!!!!!! My oldest wasn’t fond of it and my youngest was into for a short while … until he realized he had a choice to stay at home and play or come with me!
Have a great day!


DJ Tanner has just been on our brains lately. I definitely see that too… I swear this is a huge chunk of Runner’s World articles that are all about weight loss and running. I love that you come home with a big smile after your workout. I love to come home and tell my kids about my play date that I just had with my friends on the run ha. It’s our way to play. 6 week cold–> not fun. Haha your youngest is smart and figured out his options. Thanks so much Jenny and have a great day!


Oh my gosh my allergies are killing me right now! I can’t run with anyone new for the next few months because I’m a snotty, phlegmy mess :) It’s very gross.

And I totally agree that the media does a better job framing exercise as a positive thing, but I have to admit I still get poked fun at a lot by coworkers and friends about how much I run/workout and especially that I do it in the early hours of the morning. I keep telling them that it’s for THEIR benefit as much as mine, because I’m a much more productive and pleasant person when I get those endorphins flowing early in the day!!

I definitely need some more running friends in DENVER, COLORADO (if anyone out here is reading this!) because I don’t have enough people in my everyday life that understand my crazy love for distance running!


Annie, I hope you find some relief from your allergies soon, I am so sorry! They are the worst. hahah I tell that to Andrew too… running doesn’t make my life better but it makes his life better because I’m so much nicer when I run:) . Go to your local running store and ask them… that’s how a lot of people do it in my area! GOOD LUCK ANNIE. I wish we could run together!


There are some people I’ll talk to about running, but for the most part I’m pretty quiet about it because not a lot of people in my life are runners! It’s fun having online communities like this one to talk to other runners.

I feel like we get SO MANY MIXED MESSAGES about our bodies and exercise, and it’s confusing–even as an adult, I can find it confusing! Part of me thinks we talk too much about the way we look, period–even some of the messages of loving your body seem to have the undercurrent of “you SHOULD hate your body now.” Honestly, I don’t want to think about the way I look all the time, even if it’s in a positive way. I want my body to be able to do things and be strong. We get some pretty positive messages from a lot of athletes, but I think the media overall still has a ways to go. Exercise should be such a positive thing!


That is very true and something I probably need to reevaluate a bit with my kids. Sometimes I just worry so much about them going through what I went through that I probably oversell the idea of thinking positive about our bodies but in reality why are we even thinking about it so much?! Excellent comment Kristin and this definitely has me thinking! Have a beautiful day!


Happy Tuesday!
I usually have AWFUL allergies in early spring – makes me so sleepy and it’s so hard to breathe! So far, it’s been okay but I am just waiting….
People in my life definitely know about my running and I am very blessed that they are involved in it too! My mom runs with me in the very early morning when it’s dark so I am not out there alone. If the runs are long, she bikes with me! My boyfriend runs trails with me, and recently my dad started volunteering as a bike marshal at some races I’ve done. I guess it has become a family affair! :)
I think social media has come a long way with healthy views on exercise, but I think you still have to seek it out. There are still a lot of “thinspo” and other dangerous instagram accounts and other messaging that implies people (especially women) should be working out to get thin, and does not portray fit people as anything less than super-ripped. I am thankful for brands like Oiselle, Brooks, Dove, Nike, and others that promote health and show healthy people of all shapes and sizes who are exercising to be strong, healthy, happy, etc., no matter how that looks.
Anyway – as always, great post and thank you for being inspiring every day!


I hope that this year you get to skip those awful allergies… wouldn’t that be amazing?! Your people sound amazing. I love how supportive they are and that you guys get to spend time together doing what you love. That is very very true… I guess I forget things like thinspo exist since I follow really great examples of health. YES, those brands are the best and they are doing so many positive things for this world. Thank you Laura! I hope you have a wonderful day and keep in touch:)


I’m honestly not sure: On the one hand exercise is getting a better rap but on the other it’s like… the standard of beauty is even more unattainable and the expectation is to have all these awesome fun workouts. Which we know isn’t true. But not enough people post the lousy ones where you feel like that picture of DJ but muscle through anyway. Because some workouts aren’t fun, some stink and are a huge struggle bus. But some are amazing. And it’s usually the amazing ones that are right after the struggle bus ones.


Great point Kristen! The standard of beauty is just ridiculous which helps me to more just laugh at it but more realness is definitely needed. Big time, in every area and not just running. I hope you have a wonderful day Kristen!


Not to be rude but you personally place a lot of emphasis on exercise and it seems that it easily could be seen as too much by your young daughters. let’s be real. you said you don’t exercise for 7-10 days following a marathon but you are already back to running and doing it with a stroller and you went to strength training classes a few days following your ultra. All of that sounds a little addictive and unhealthy. I have a personal history with exercise addition and eating disorders and this is all looking very similar to me.


I hope that you are in a healthy and happy place right now and I’m sorry for what you have been through.

But, did your experience really mirror what you are seeing here? I’ve been reading a book called Learned Optimism (that I think Janae recommended?) and I see that Janae has a very close knit family and faith circle. I am sure if there was any addictive behavior going on somebody close to her would nip it in the bud. I personally don’t see what you are seeing at all.

From reading her posts – I think she’s presenting a great example to her children and has an excellent life balance.


Thank you so much John! THAT BOOK IS SO SO GOOD! Have a wonderful day and thank you for your kind comment!


Hey Jamie! Not rude at all! I’m more than happy talking about this:) . I did wait 7 days after my marathon to run again. I actually probably could have run sooner since I was just running the race for fun and not racing it and my body felt great afterwards. I absolutely did go to strength with my sister after my ultra but modified and used it for a social hour. Whether I do run the day after a race or I wait 5 months to run after a race, that cannot determine whether I have a problem! It’s all in the mindset in my opinion (along with physical health guidelines like my very regular period, healthy weight/body fat and my body is energetic all day and I do not have any injuries). Is exercise one of my favorite coping tools and stress relievers? ABSOLUTELY! Does it come over my health, my people or am I miserable without it? No way. Most days I’m home and showered eating breakfast before the kids wake up. Sometimes they see me exercise and sometimes they don’t but I absolutely love having them see a mom with goals that she is chasing after. Life is all about perspective and I guess that’s what makes the internet tricky… our full income comes from this blog and my social media channels so it might seem like my life is all about exercise BUT that is what this blog focusses on–> Running! There is so much more to my life and I’m very thankful for how far I’ve come and how my brain does not resemble anything to my problems in the past. I hope you are doing well and have a fabulous day!


It was so different growing up without social media. And also what I love about how active you and Andrew are with your kids & family. You teach them the value of the outdoors and movement for health. We were ALWAYS outside as kids! In any weather. Bikes, games, running around the block with other kids, chalk on the driveway.
I think there are two very distinct groups out there….there’s the unrelenting posting of workouts/meals/diet plans/cleanses/supplements and quick fixes and some extremly unrealistic ideals and images. And the general public is EXTREMELY EASILY INFLUENCED!
But I recall awhile back when backlash started against Biggest Loser and working out until you puke or passout became NOT OK! (??????). Now I find there is so much support from athletes, trainers, people in the health and wellness industry, and so many social media outlets and influencers that show that strength, health and wellness is NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL and does NOT require extreme sacrifice. It is so extremely important to surround yourself with positive role models and know that your health is of the utmost because we only get one body during this go around and abusing it doesn’t serve any purpose.

And I think EVERYONE in my life and even people I don’t know know me as a runner! I will meet people and they will say ‘I see you running by my house all the time!’ And I’m like…..yeah, probably…?. Hahaha.


I run with a jogging stroller! I feel like it really has made me a lot stronger. My rare solo runs feel super speedy now!


My 3 year old has been wanting to run with us-we let her run how far she wants- and she can run quite a long ways for a toddler! It’s so fun that she likes it, and I can’t wait to do races with her when she’s older!

I get allergies every other year.. this year might be an off year..hopefully!! I run with a double jogging stroller sometimes and now that it’s gettign warmer I’ll run more with it. It’s such a good workout! And my family knows all of my running plans and if I’ve done a long run lol! It’s very rewarding to accomplish a longer distance and I love sharing it :).

Love this blog!


Ahh! I missed you in Boston! I gave up Instagram for lent and should have checked here. ??‍♀️??‍♀️ I’m trying to blog more instead of Instagram so thought i should read blogs more, too! I’ve gotta THE WORST allergies right now! I kind of hope it’s a cold! But itchy eyes says no ? also pushing the double stroller is SO HARD! It makes single seem easy!


My oldest and I suffer pretty bad from allergies this time of year. Which is hard because we want to be outside ALL the time

The closest people in my life know about my running :)

I do think media has a come a long way in making exercise a more positive thing, more about being strong healthy vs skinny

I used to run with a jogging stroller, but I really hated it. I have to run on roads, its hard to turn, my body got hurt more and for me right now running is my only me time so I prefer to make it work to do it when I don’t have to bring the girls.


Albanese is soooo good!

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