He GOT It & Friday Favorites!

Brooke knew my arms were sore from bootcamp so she told me she would carry Skye afterwards ha.

The day started by finding everyone in Skye’s room.  For some reason Spring Break for Brooke and Knox = waking up way earlier than they normally do rather than sleeping in during their break from school.

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After breakfast we went to bootcamp for upper body strength day.   Brooke can do the burn bar pull-up things that we were doing yesterday better than I can.

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Skye is walking around a lot more than crawling as of yesterday.  It’s like a little switch flipped and now she just wants to be walking.


It’s completely normal to write your name on your his and her bags of beef jerky right?  I take a little bit longer than Andrew does to go through these bags so we started having our own bags now ha.

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The kids have been wanting to have a little store (their original plan was to sell things in our house.. like our furniture;) so we made it happen yesterday!

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Skye was the designated cookie taster.

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My mom was the first customer there.  The kids ended up selling out of everything and we officially have the nicest neighbors.

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The best part of the day was Andrew getting a phone call that he got the job!  He starts May 6th and the job is exactly what he wanted!

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In other news Skye is teething majorly so she likes us to dip her pacifier in ice water for her to chew on for a minute… repeated 405 times.  We couldn’t find those little freezer chew toys so this worked for her:)

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Just a few Friday favorites today (affiliate links included)!

*YOU WERE RIGHT!! I asked you about the street tacos from Costco and they were amazing and so easy for the crazy night we were having last night.  This will be a repeat meal for us.

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*I saw a few people on instagram talk about these leggings from Amazon and after seeing them about 10 times I decided to try them.  They all said they were just like the Lululemon leggings and I was skeptical but they really are and they are TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS.  They offer them in a bunch of colors too.  I ordered a small which is a 4/6 and also what I wear in my normal leggings.   They even have the side pocket that I love.  I just bought another color of them yesterday.

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*Jenny shared this documentary with me about Courtney Dauwalter and oh my goodness, it is so good.  I really look up to Courtney!  PS she loves candy and wins all sorts of races and sets records so maybe we should give candy more credit;). Also, I’m thinking on my next ultra I’ll bring the packets of mashed potatoes like Courtney does for her ultras… they called it the ‘secret sauce.’  PS watching her eat at mile 50 made me feel a little ptsd to a few weeks ago;)

When your body is telling you, you need to stop, maybe you don’t need to stop?!  <— so so true.

*Another Amazon find… an 8 piece makeup brush set for $8!  Another change I’ve made to help my skin out is to only use brushes to apply all of my makeup.  I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on brushes (because I don’t care that much about makeup and just needed something to apply it with).  I found this set and read a bunch of the reviews (4.5 stars and over 4k reviews) and could not believe how many people loved them.  I bought them and they are AWESOME.  They are very high quality and I can’t believe I’ve ever spent more money on makeup brushes in the past after I’ve had these.

*I absolutely loved reading Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and now I’m on the waiting list for two more books from the library… I get so excited when I get the email that my book is available ha.

*10 more days!!!

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I LOVE hearing the amazing things that you are doing so if you want to be featured, please send them to [email protected]


Meaghan!!!  “On Sunday I ran the Baltimore & Annapolis (B&A) Half Marathon.  The course is a local, relatively flat, paved trail that is .5 miles from my house, so I have run on it dozens of times before.  This was my second half marathon, my first being in November with a finishing time of 1:57.  I trained all through the winter months, sometimes waking up at 3:45am to get a run in before work and so I would be able to spend more time with my daughter in the evenings.  As the race got closer, I felt truly burnt out and unmotivated.  I didn’t want to do it, and I didn’t really have a goal other than to “do better than the last race.”  However, the more I thought about it, the 1:50 goal popped into my head and didn’t leave.  The day of the race was perfect weather – 55 degrees with overcast skies and a light rain. My first 7 miles were great!  I was speedy, doing better than I had anticipated, averaging around a 8:15 pace – but it didn’t feel like work. Then miles 8-12 were just AWFUL.  I got too inside my own head.  The wheels came off. I had to take some walk breaks which I NEVER do. Music wasn’t helping. Fuel did nothing. I was a mess and seriously thought of just quitting and walking the rest of the way but I kept pushing on, with that nagging 1:50 time etched in my brain.  Finally, at around mile 11.5 I saw some of my running group friends put my name (along with some other racer’s names) in chalk on the trail with words of encouragement.  It was amazing.  Later at mile 12.5 I saw more friends of mine cheering and screaming at me, I didn’t even notice what they were saying but they looked SO excited and supportive, which made me SO happy and inspired.  Lastly, I saw my husband and toddler daughter at the finish line.  She was so excited and was yelling to “go, mommy go!”.  I have never felt so happy yet so bad in my entire life.  It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I finished in 1:50:20 (yay!), but it was not without lots of mental challenges to overcome.  In November I am signed up for another half marathon, so this summer I will focus more on not only getting faster, but to also work on my mental game.  Wish me luck!!”


Have any favorite things from this week?

Beef jerky> delicious or no thank you?  Favorite brand?  Any foods at your house that you write your name on?

What did you have for dinner last night?

Looking forward to anything this weekend?

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Congratulations to Andrew! How exciting for all of you!

We had leftovers last night (chicken); we are pretty boring!

My daughter has no school today and my husband doesn’t work on Fridays, so we have a three day weekend and I’m so happy!

Now it is time to run and this will be the highest mileage week that I’ve had in 11 months (27 miles!) It has taken me a long time to recover from a tibial stress fracture and I’m thankful to finally be feeling more like me!


Have the best three day weekend Leanne! Leftovers might feel boring but isn’t it the best to not have to cook anything hah! YES FOR YOUR HIGHEST MILEAGE WEEK IN ALMOST A YEAR. I am cheering for you and so happy you have made such a huge comeback since your stress fracture.


Congrats to Andrew! It’s so awesome he got the job he wanted. I knew I wanted a certain field when I graduated and was thrilled when I got my dream job. I just had my 5 year anniversary as a L&D nurse and I still love going to work every single shift.


Thank you so much Rene, he feels so relieved and happy about it all. Happy five years and I bet you are the best L&D nurse ever!


Congratulations to Andrew!! That is awesome. All of his hard work paid off! And Janae you are going to kill it on Boston ?


Thank you so much Kimberly! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Congrats to Andrew!

Also, they CRZ Yoga tops are awesome too. I got the long sleeve ones (that are like the Lulu ones) and I love them…LOVE them.


WAIT WHAT?!?! I NEED THOSE TOPS NOW… I hadn’t heard about those! Have a wonderful day Jennifer.


The price might be a factor in why I love them too! But really, they are pretty good quality for the price.


Congratulations, Andrew! I’m so excited for you. Being a nurse (even a brand new nurse) is SO much more fun than being a nursing student. You will find that you are going to feel like you know absolutely nothing for the first year or so, but so much of nursing is learned in the field. If I can give you one piece of advice — never, ever hesitate to ask a question. Even if it’s something you “should” know, and even if your preceptor makes you feel bad for not knowing, it’s always better to be humble and ask than to guess and make a mistake. Oh, that’s the other thing. You will make mistakes. We all do, and some are more serious than others. Fess up to them and learn from them. It’s all about humility in this field.
My husband and I have never written our names on food (not a bad idea, though) but we definitely get possessive over certain snack items.


He is so so excited to be finally doing it now! Thank you for the advice, I’ll have him read it when he gets home! Thanks so much Stacey, you are the best!


Congratulations to Andrew! That is great news! Happy Friday!


Thanks Lynn! I hope you are having a great Friday so far!


Congratulations to Andrew…that is very exciting! Good luck on Boston!
When both of my daugthers were teething I would freeze wet washclothes and give to them to chew on, they both loved it and also frozen twizzlers worked really well also. Not the peel apart ones but the regular ones.
My husband and I love beef jerky but I never buy it because we will eat way too much of it. We have to treat it like a special purchase.


I am going to try both of those things. Thank you so much Courtney! It really is so easy to eat it super fast.. someday they will start selling it for cheaper I hope! Have a wonderful weekend Courtney!


Happy Friday, Janae!!!!
CONGRATS to Andrew on landing the job! No surprise there :) But, it’s very very awesome. So many good things happening for you guys right now. I always say, good things happen to good people.

You’ll appreciate this—dinner last night was pancakes :) Beef jerky gets a huge NO NO NO from me. ha ha

A couple of favorites—my new PINK Brooks Ghosts. I went with the bright color for spring. Easter chocolate and the Haribo little packets of Easter candy.


And, these two items (esp. the dress :) from Old Navy. It’s hit or miss for me there–I was happy to find a couple of things last weekend!
https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=409628002&cid=1084902&pcid=10018 (I’m digging all things yellow this spring!)


Have a FANTASTIC weekend! I’m mainly looking forward to catching up on some ZZZZZZs this weekend!!! I hope!


I LOVE Haribo… we might have to grab some of those packets too. I might also have to copy you on that yellow top, SO so cute. Thanks so much Jen and enjoy the sleep. Thanks for your kind words, they mean a lot.


First of all Congrats Andrew!!!
When my oldest was teething we used to squeeze the nipple of the pacifier and run it under water and it would fill up. Then we’d freeze them, it was her favorite thing to have when she was teething.

Love beef jerky!!! No names on food, but I hide my stuff in my office lol ?
Last night I had a chicken taco salad
This weekend we are hopefully/finally going up north to visit our family and then I have my 6.2 mile run Sunday!!


That is a brilliant idea, we are going to try that. Thanks Lisa. Good call on hiding your favorites ha! Sounds like a fabulous weekend, enjoy and get some beef jerky soon!


Congratulations Andrew! So happy for you.


Thanks so much Celeste!! Have a wonderful day!


CONGRATS to Andrew!! So excited for him!

I probably need those leggings. Thanks for sharing! :) And I’m super excited about going to the Mavs game tonight for Dirk’s second-to-last home game. I might cry. Sports are one of the only things that can really set off my tear ducts. Hope that y’all have a great weekend, Janae!


You do need the leggings. Enjoy the game tonight and all of the tears:) . Thanks Natalie!


Congratulations on the new job!!

Also… have you tried freezing a wet wash cloth? My teething daughter loved to suck/chew on it. It’s wet and messy but it helped!


I have not tried this but I’m going to go stick one in the freezer right now. Thanks Jen but have a great day!


10 more days………until tax season is over!!!!

good luck at Boston! i will be checking in periodically on the race from my desk and can’t wait for the recap!


Thank you so much Lee and I am so excited for 4/16 for you so that you can finally relax! Have a beautiful day!


My kids do the same thing! They have to wake up at 7 for school, but on weekends they get up at 6. Which would be fine if they didn’t want breakfast immediately! It’s funny because on school days I have to drag them out of bed.


Hahaha why do they do this!? It makes no sense. I hope you have a really great day Lynn!


Congratulations to Andrew!!
Such great things happening for you guys! ?


Thanks so much Wendy! We are so so excited. Have a great weekend!


Congratulations to Andrew! That is always great news to get when it is your dream job!

We had a homemade chickpea, coconut milk curry and it was delicious! I love a good curry, especially if there is coconut milk involved.

I am still in awe, and slightly jealous, that you are running the Boston Marathon, and so close to your ultra. You are one strong lady!

I have my last double digit run before my marathon later this month and then once I get home and looking like a human again, myself, my husband, and his family are taking his grandma out to afternoon tea at at a fancy hotel. It was her Christmas present from all of us and we are so excited to take her because we know she is going to love it!


Thank you so much! He is so excited! That curry sounds amazing. Thank you so much, I’ll be taking it nice and easy on race day though. I hope your last double digit run is a great one and enjoy the time with his grandma! That sounds like so much fun. I hope your taper goes well and I can’t wait to hear about how you rock your marathon. Have a wonderful weekend Sarah!


Huge congrats to Andrew on landing the job! So awesome.
Beef jerky sometimes…bacon jerky anytime. Mmm!
Last night’s dinner was seasoned ground turkey with roasted veggies.
Looking forward to decent weather and a yoga class taught by a friend I haven’t seen in awhile :) and possibly a pair of those leggings!
Have a wonderful Friday!


I have never tried bacon jerky! I need to and your dinner sounds great. Can I join you this weekend… sounds perfect. Thanks Corey and have a wonderful day!


Congratulations to Andrew – what wonderful news. I hope he can chill a little in the month before he starts.

We are big jerky fans around here but we don’t buy too much because it is $ and we go through it so quickly! For a while last year we were able to buy bags with small pieces in them which were great to add to trail mix for our hikes, but as quickly as they were in the store, they disappeared. I really should look online.

Spring sports start this weekend (which is pretty early for us in MA – they always try to start this weekend but with snow and/or rain it is usually delayed 1-2 weeks but with so little snow this year we are starting right on time). 2 kids x 2 sports = a very busy 10-12 weeks for us.

The best thing is spring break is just a week away. Too bad we will be gone or I totally would be out watching for you on the course. I pray that it is better weather than 4 years ago!


Thank you Jessey, he is so excited to get to relax for a little bit before he starts working. Oh boo to those bags disappearing. I wish so bad that it wasn’t so expensive (that’s why I like my own bag so I can go through it slowly ha)! YES for spring sports… you guys are going to be living at the fields for the next few months. Enjoy spring break and I am really hoping that the weather is a million times better too:) .


Congrats to Andrew on the job! How nice to have that figured out so quickly! I laughed when I saw your names on your beef jerky. No names in writing but there are definitely foods that I buy for specific family members for specific meals (like those apples are for this child’s lunch and I have only bought enough to get through the week so no one else is allowed to eat them). Perhaps I’m overly territorial about the food in our house. It woudln’t be that bit of a deal to go to the grocery store again, right?
Last night’s dinner was Chicken Lentil-Farro Stew and it was delicious. Still not feeling super spring-like here so hot stew is still welcome.


YES, we are so excited! IT IS A BIG DEAL to go to the grocery store again hahaha! That stew sounds so so good. I hope you have a great day Ali!


Congratulations to Andrew (& your family)!!! That is so awesome!

Dinner last night….hmm….that did not completely happen for me. When I returned home from my run, my 12 y.o. son had made scrambled eggs and pancakes for himself (for snack….I guess, but ended up being his dinner). I had a couple of pancakes, then a bowl of cereal later. :/ Yah….dinner did not really happen.

This weekend I have a 15-mile long run as I continue building for the Missoula Marathon. I have added trail running to my life in the past 6 months and my coach has been awesome to work on incorporating trails into marathon training. So this weekend will be a road/trail combo (will go about 9-10 on the road, then 4-5 on trails).

And….this past week….weather has been gorgeous in the PNW!!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!


Thank you so much Aimee! FIFTEEN MILES wahoo and I am so so happy that you are adding the trails. I have done combo long runs for marathon training in the past too and it was awesome, it made me so strong. Sounds like brinner which is my favorite:) Keep enjoying that weather! Thanks Aimee!


Wow! Congrats Andrew!!! That’s so exciting for your family and such a great ending to this first stage of school :)


Thank you so so much Karissa. We are so thrilled. I hope you have a great day!


Congratulations Andrew!! What a happy way to start the weekend!

This had been kind of a hard week, so I’m glad it’s Friday. I was supposed to run a 5k tomorrow, but it was moved to May because it’s supposed to storm until about noon tomorrow. I guess I’m doing some speed work on the TM instead :)

Would you believe I’ve never tried beef jerky? H claims to like it. He buys a bag and eats a little bit and then forgets about it. Cookies are never safe at my house. H will eat one or two and I will all the rest. Clearly I have a cookie problem.

We had breakfast for dinner last night. Nothing else sounded good. I had just finished running and it was one of the first hot days. I think that killed my appetite. I’m cooking tonight…pesto & marinara mozzarella chicken! I love staying home on Friday and cooking dinner.


Hey Elizabeth! I am so so sorry that you had a hard week. I hope that you are able to recharge and relax this weekend. I hope your speed on the treadmill goes goes awesome. NEVER tried jerky… I need to send you some and you send me some cookies haha. We are all about brinner over here. And your dinner tonight sounds so good. If you love it send me the recipe!


Elenor Oliphant was such an interesting book. I enjoyed it. But last night I finished Bright Side by Kim Holden and was ugly crying through the last 50-60 pages. It was so, so emotional but so good.


Oh I am going to have to add that to my list… thank you. I LOVE an emotional book. Have a wonderful day Jodi!


Congratulations Andrew! I’m really happy for your whole family that he got the job he wanted.

I totally want those leggings now. And the top you are wearing in the pic while holding Skye’s hand is super cute! I need new workout clothes…maybe it’s time to do some shopping. ?

I actually do have to write my name on food, but this just started recently. It’s so my family knows which stuff is gluten free. I also have a GF shelf in the pantry. Most of my family leaves that shelf alone, but one of my kids is kind of oblivious, hence the reason for now having to label the food too. Funny thing is, I usually don’t write my name on my food…it’s the rest of my family that does it because they get more upset that my diet is so limited than I do. So the few times my “treats” have been eaten, they get really hurt/annoyed for me. It’s actually pretty sweet.

Hope you all are squeezing in lots of fun for spring break. We’re doing the “staycation” thing this year and I have loved how empty the roads and stores have been around here! Kind of makes me dread next Monday…? Have a great one, Janae!


Thank you so much Michelle! The leggings are awesome… seriously I might need every color! Oh you absolutely have to have things sorted for your gluten free needs! Your family is sure protective of you, I love it. We are doing the staycation thing too and I’m kind of loving it… ps was your church empty last Sunday ha!?!? Have a beautiful day Michelle!


Girl, SO empty! It was a bizarre feeling. Reminded me of growing up outside of Utah, in the south, where our ward was super small, haha!


So SO happy for you and Andrew getting that job!
I am going to need those leggings. I have never owned Lulu, so I’m sure I would be impressed.
We don’t write our names on things, but Ross usually just hides food/treats he has from me so that he can enjoy them when he wants them. Otherwise they are gone within 24hrs. Haha.
We grilled hamburgers last night. I put guac, tomatoes, bacon, onions and grilled pineapple on mine and it was so good. Now if winter will please just stay away.


Your burgers made me drool yesterday, I need that for dinner tonight! You are going to love these leggings. I feel like you guys do have some family members that are name writers? Thanks girl and let’s celebrate soon please!


“I know how many cookies are in this box and if you eat any, you’re dead to me” Ya. Her and her grandpa FOR SURE.


BAHAHAHAH best quote ever!


Congratulations to Andrew! You’re both so hard working and amazing! Lots of perseverance in your household. Yes, we do write names on food at times. Most recently the little IZZE beverages from Costco so the big kids don’t cheat the smaller ones out of their fair share. Costco also sells Golden Island Korean bbq pork jerky and it is delicious! Have a great conference weekend!


Thank you so so much Liza! Oh I need to get that jerky next, thanks Liza. YOU TOO! I can’t wait to stay in pajamas all day and soak it all in:)


Congratulations Andrew! Always an amazing feeling to hear the words ” you got the job”.

I am definitely ordering a pair of those leggings! I love my Lululemon tights but hate how much they cost.

My 4 year old daughter has her first soccer game ever this weekend. She took a ball to the face like a champ at practice but hopefully we don’t have a repeat at the game. Should be entertaining watching the littles try to play.


YES… best words to hear. I hope you love these tights too… I was shocked over how identical they feel to my lululemon ones (that are like $90 more!!). Nothing better than 4 year old soccer games, have the best time and I hope that she doesn’t get hit again! Thanks Corrinne!


Congratulations Andrew! Last nights dinner was buffalo chicken panini’s for the second night in a row. Pregnancy means = when I enjoy something it gets eaten in repeat! haha. Shredded chx breast in hot sauce with spinach onion and cheese pressed with bread in the panini press! YUM.


I was the same way when I was pregnant with Skye… I just kept the things that sounded good/okay on repeat until I hated them ha. And I need that panini, that sounds delicious. Have a great weekend Stephanie!


Congrats Andrew! I knew he would get it! How exciting! And even better to not have to start for a few weeks yet so you can relax and enjoy !


Thank you so much Krista. I hope you have a beautiful day!!


Congrats to Andrew! And yay for Skye becoming more brave and walking more … she seems more like a runner than a walker so I’m not sure if you feel the same! Ha!
Beef Jerkey – eh, I can take it or leave it. Fun fact; I played with Cindi Oberto who is the grand-daughter of Mr Oberto! Super nice family! They sponsored most of our tournaments so to say we ate a lot of jerkey is an understatement!
Dinner last night ended up to be a hilarious hot mess! My 8 year old ate left over homemade mac and cheese, my 5 year old ate corn dogs and fruit. My husband ate homemade burgers and fries and I attempted to eat a Pinterest recipe that was delicious … until my 5 year old put his foot in it! Long story short I placed it on the floor to help my 8 year old with something and my wild 5 year old started laughing and jumping and stepped right in it! We ended up laughing hysterically and I ended up with mac & cheese.
My cousin, who fought off cancer a couple years ago, is pregnant with her first so the whole family is going to Oregon. The boys are excited because our hotel has a pool and I’m excited to see all of my aunt’s and cousins that I haven’t seen in a year+.
Have a great weekend!


Hahah I think that she will only be running (and not walking/crawling) in the next week or so ha. NO way about playing with Cindi Oberto, I bet that was the main source of fuel for the whole team. PUT HIS FOOT IN IT?! Bahaha last night was a party over at your house.
I am SO happy for your cousin… that is amazing! Enjoy the pool and all of the time with your family. I want to hear all about it!


Congrats to Andrew!!!!!!


Thanks Loribeth! Have a great weekend!


Yay Andrew!!!

(now send whatever good luck angels that were giving him some good back up my way so that I get an interview for the job in Louisville…and then I get the job in Louisville…)

Those tacos look LEGIT. It’s never NOT taco time, as far as I am concerned, and I will have ot keep an eye out for those when I am at costco next time.

That documentary gave me chills (I just watched it). I love the pride that people feel in Courtney as being a great problem solver. What an amazing skill to have–AND TO HAVE DEVELOPPED over so much time training, racing, running, seeing what does work, seeing what doesn’t work. I think I want someone to give me cheese quesadillas, too, at mile gazillion-and-twenty in my next big race (which will be in my dreams, the way that all big runs are in my dreams–and these days with some latent hip and piriformis problems flaring up hardcore, running is taking a back seat FOR NOW while I focus on other cross training and see what I can do to get a grip on what’s going on on my own since I can’t afford medical care/PT/ETC…)

As for the leggings–cute and great price. I am SO TEMPTED to get them, but I have a really hard time with it. Some of them look like complete rip-offs of the Train Times leggings, and the others look like lulu leggings–and to me, copying designs exactly is just like plagiarism. Taking inspiration from materials, some stitching techniques, etc. and coming up with your own designs and cut to proportions that work for your company’s design aesthetic or finding a way to make an improvement on what’s already been done–that’s different, and I have no problem with that. I like good price tags. I think these days I am also just in a place of thinking a LOT about what I’m getting, what it means that my dollar is supporting, and why I’m getting it.


Sending the angels over to you for the job you are wanting! Isn’t it amazing?! I am so glad that you loved it too. The cheese quesadillas made me drool too haha. I didn’t know that you were having those flare ups, I am so so sorry. Very good points! I think a lot of people pay for the logos on things too but it would be interesting to see if they completely plagiarized the entire leggings or if there are actually some big changes!


Congratulations to Andrew – I am so excited for all of you! :) I


Thank you so much Margaret! I hope you have a great day!


Yay Andrew!! Congrats!

My fav thing this week is that I was actually able to run!!! I managed 16 miles with zero pain!!

I have a few gluten free snacks that no one is allowed to eat, mainly just because they are more expensive (dumb!)

Dinner last night was grilled cheese sandwiches between doctor’s appointments and going back into work for freshmen orientation.

My boys have a track meet tomorrow and it’s supposed to be 75 degrees!!


YAY!!! Happy 16 miles Marissa! I love grilled cheese and some day you have to try some jelly on top of yours because they are amazing that way. Enjoy the track meet and gorgeous temperatures Marissa!


Congratulations to Andrew on getting the job he wanted !!!!!!!! Always good news!
We had BBQ Pizza lastnight. Your sisters recipe with the Sams dough that we love also ! Yum. We have recently changed our brand of beef jerky to Old Trapper. Usually carried at Walmart, not sure where else. So very good.


So this might be too much information for you to share but I wonder what others do – wearing underwear with leggings? I can’t stand it when there’s an underwear line. Black pants help
Hide it the best though.


Also wanted to say your house is always so clean and tidy! Like no clutter or papers around on all the tabletops like mine! Ugh. Help me declutter!


I’ve been buying beef jerky for our long flights to/from Hawaii. It makes a nice addition to all the carbs.

Dinner last night was Beef and Broccoli over sizzling garlic rice. But now I want to try to street tacos!

Les is racing on Sunday! Tantalus Time Trial – 5 miles up my favorite mountain to run. I’m working registration Saturday afternoon and at the start line at o’dark thirty Sunday morning. Pretty sure there will be pancakes afterwards!


Congrats to Andrew for landing the job!! And thanks for the book rec….I have picked that book up at the airport and put it back down so many times. But now I’m laid up recovering from shoulder surgery so reading all the books! And since I can’t drive, Amazon prime is my lifeline so going to order it today!!!! Might just have to throw a pair of those tights in the cart too! ?☺️ Happy weekend!!!


Congratulations to Andrew!!!! How exciting!!! Be prepared to hear many conversations that begin with “so you’re a nurse….,” followed by random questions/advice. #fellownurse Also, he starts work during Nurse Week!!! how cool!

I love all the book recommendations you have! Thanks for sharing!

When I was a kiddo I loved jerky-I swear I was half puppy. Not so fond of it now.

Have a great weekend!!!


Congrats to Andrew!! That’s awesome news. I’m always so concerned about wearing solid tights that aren’t black… crotch sweat! Well, at least for running. So I have a pretty basic black wardrobe.


CONGRATS TO ANDREW! Wishing him so much luck in his new job! ???


Got my race number for London Marathon today! It’s an interesting start. There are 4 different start lines, one for each color and each color goes in waves. By mile three the runners from each start come together and are blended. The yellow group are the elites; they’ll be in their hotels showering before I start–and back in Kenya before I finish.

Right today I’m having my shirts, both tank and short sleeve supplied by Dementia Revolution with their logo, etc., imprinted with a photo of Bill on the upper back, with wording “In memory of husband Bill”–if they can get it all on. Then my name will be in white on the upper front so people can yell targeted encouragement! We didn’t have our names on in Chicago but when the spectators shouted “Looking good, runners!”, “You’ve got this, runners!”, I chose to hear “Honor” instead of “runners”, creating a very, very, very large cheering section lasting the entire course!


CONGRATS ANDREW!!! I’m graduating nursing school next month. Any chance in getting Andrew to write a post about studying for the NCLEX and how he got his job? I need all the advice I can get!!


Congratulations, Andrew!

You are a great Mom for dipping Skye’s pacifier repeatedly :)

Happy weekend!


Congrats to Andrew for getting the job he wanted! And how awesome the your are running Boston again! I cannot wait to go back at some point, such an amazing race experience! I hope the weather is perfect this year!
Thank you for the tip on the leggings! I literally ordered a pair as soon as I finished reading ?
One more week in crutches, and I can slowly start weaning off of them this week (walking around the house) I am sort of scared ? I also got the green light to start swimming! ? Baby steps!

Have a fantastic weekend, Janae!


Yay congrats to your hubby! He can truly enjoy Boston and hopefully get a little break before work. Been fun following the journey.

We head to Washington DC for Spring break soon. Any food ideas for Easter?? (From CA East Coast will be new to us)


I loved that book too! And I too get so excited when new kindle books come in. Excited to hear what you are reading next! ?


Congratulations to Andrew on his nursing job! Remember, it’s completely normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed when you realize you know nothing and your only goal for your shift is to keep your patients alive ? BUT it dies get better!

It’s important to wash your makeup brushes at least once a week. You can buy soap for your brushes pretty much anywhere.


Does not dies ?

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