You Can’t Bank Time, Remember THIS & a Blur.

5 miles yesterday, rest day today, a few miles tomorrow and then a 26.2 mile tour via foot around the gorgeous St. George, Utah area.  Maybe I should wear Andrew’s gopro so that I can show you how pretty this course is.

I went out for my run and noticed it had definitely rained the night before.  A few minutes later my mom sent me a text about the thunder and river of water going down her street the night before… I had no idea that there was a huge storm that passed through because she said it started at around 9:30 and I was asleep by 9:08.

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I’m really trying to avoid thinking about paces like crazy because I know that I am trained for my #1 goal so my body will run the paces it needs to BUT like I said the other day, I will pay attention to paces more in the first half.  You cannot bank time in the marathon… going too fast in the first half is going to kill me and in the long run cost me a lot more time.  I am shooting for a 1:32ish for the first 1/2 and then go for it for the second 1/2 (1:28 and below).  The St. George Marathon is the perfect place to get a negative split (1st half harder than 2nd half) but I just have to be careful to hold back in those first miles and the big hills to avoid exploding in the end.   When I finished in 3:12 at St. George the first 1/2 was 1:37:36 and the second half was 1:35:04 and when I finished 3:15 at St. George the first 1/2 was 1:40:41 and the second 1/2 was 1:34:33.

I can’t wait to see how fast the 2nd half is on Saturday… time to Run Happy.

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My body is very happy right now with zero injuries/close-call injuries but my hamstrings are V.E.R.Y. tight and I’m not sure why.  So, I’m babying them and rolling them out like crazy.  Throughout the day I’m reading a few paragraphs of something positive when I get a second.  It helps so much to fill up your brain with everything uplifting as possible (in every day life and leading up to a big race).

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Skye is down to one nap lately.  She sleeps a ton at night (went to bed at 7 and then she woke up at 9 yesterday ((Andrew gave her a bottle at around 6)) and then will take a 3 hour nap during the day and that’s it. She’s a big fan of this schedule and this week when she is down, I am too:)

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Knox pushed us on the swing for a bit…

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And then we played with cousins.

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And we played inside a bunch too.

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Andrew and I had a race planning meeting… where we will see each other and all of that jazz.

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I had my eyelashes/eyebrows done yesterday which is another good luck charm that I’m using for Saturday.  2 inch long eyelashes are definitely aerodynamic and can help me cruise through the miles.

Tis’ the season for the car seat heaters to be necessary every time I get in the car.

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For dinner we had Pesto Lasagna.  Last week my sister and I tried out Citrus Pear and all I had to do was put it in the crock pot and add some noodles right before serving.  Easy dinner nights are the best.  PS I don’t know if I will ever get over my crockpot sadness that I feel whenever I see one (This Is Us—>  JACK).

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It was so incredibly good.  And my bland food eating starts today (for the day or two before the marathon I keep it really boring).

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Channeling in Beretta’s fetch playing speed.  I can’t even get a good picture of her because she is so fast and that is my goal for Saturday so hopefully all of the pictures that I post will be blurs.

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I broke my coach’s rule and looked at the forecast again.  It’s actually looking perfect now and so much cooler than the previous years I have run it which is making me pretty excited!!

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Those of you running this weekend, remember to use the clothes that make you feel FAST, STRONG and CONFIDENT!  From Kara’s book:

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I’ll get back on the blog on Saturday after the race to share how it went.  Also, Andrew will be posting stories on my Instagram during the race when he see’s me etc so you can follow there and here is my bib number:

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PS who knows what my middle name is?!  Do you have a middle name, what is it?

What temperature would be your DREAM marathon/race temperature?

Have any good luck charms?

Do you prefer traveling for a race or doing one where you get to sleep in your own bed the night before?

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Girl, I am SO stinkin’ excited for you!! You’ve put in the work and the miles, and now it’s time to go out there and OWN that race and that sub-3 with the faith that YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!

I think 40s or 50s would be the perfect race temps, as long as there’s no wind to go along with that! Also, I will probably never own or use a crockpot now because of This Is Us. :/




Nicole?! Mine is Elizabeth. I think 50s and 60s sounds best for me. And no good luck charms but i have good luck ritual things i do the night before. I dont sleep all that well the night before so it doesnt matter to me if i am at home or not. It’s almost time… excited for you….will be cheering you on!


You are right! I probably won’t either so I’ll make sure to sleep a ton tonight! Have a great day Loribeth!


I will be cheering you on!!! You got this!!!


Thank you so much Ann! That means a lot to me. I hope you have a fabulous Thursday!


I’m en route to St George right now! So excited! If you and Andrew have any tips for spectating my husband would love advice! He’s just going based on St George Marathon website but real life tips are always appreciated from veterans :) best of luck cannot wait to see you crush it!


I hope I get to see you there and tell your husband good luck for me and that I hope he loves the course as much as I do. My biggest tip is to negative split. Don’t waste extra energy on the hills 8-12… you can make up for it in the last 10 miles big time if you are careful with your legs during the UPS. Tell him when he drops down into Snow Canyon to pause his music, open his eyes as big as possible and just soak the gorgeousness in. The weather is looking perfect so he is in luck:) Enjoy your time in one of my favorite places in the world!


You’ve got this! I’ve been reading your blog for about 7 years now (you were pregnant with Brooke when I started) and I know you’ve been chasing that sub 3 the whole time. This is your race! I’m so excited for you!
I would guess your middle name is Nicole—don’t know why, just feels right.
Perfect temp for me is 50s, maybe even a little drizzly but NO wind.


Karin. I can’t thank you enough for your sweet comment and friendship over the last 7 years. Thank you… big time. YEP, you are right:) That sounds like the perfect weather! Have a great day!


So excited for you! You are going to awesome ? I think your middle name is Noha. Mine is Marie after my Grandmother.
My perfect temperature would be low to mid 50’s no humidity, light breeze.
My ritual is to have my sister frence braid my hair, I sweat a TON no matter the weather or my fitness level so that helps contain my hair and keeps my sweat band or visor in place without bounce from a ponytail.


My sister’s middle name is Marie! I love it! I hope that your next race is in the 50s with ZERO humidity! I love that ritual… I need to find someone to do that for me. Have a wonderful day!


I did my PB on half-marathon in -27F degrees! So I definitely prefer the cold haha But I would say my DREAM temp would be around 40F so I don’t have to wear a big jacket, winter pants, a hat and all the extra winter stuff! I prefer a race close to home… love my bed, although it sometimes come with a snore-y husband… but that is another story (FYI I love him, just not when he snores the night before a race…) haha


THAT IS SO SO COLD MEL!! I would be frozen… you are just amazing. I am excited to come sleep in my own bed after the race… there is just something about our beds. HAHA I feel bad for you and Andrew… I snore big time too!


My ideal running temperature is about 55-60 degrees. It’s cool enough to wear I don’t overheat, but not so cold that I never warm up. It keeps me feeling fresh the whole time.

I always have my favorite sports bra and pair of socks as good luck for race day. I also write “Philippians 4:13” on my left hand so when I look at my watch I remember, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Oh I love that Sloan. I have been thinking about that scripture a lot too and it brings me so much comfort. I just need to TRUST IN THE LORD. Thanks for sharing:) I hope your next race is perfect weather. Have a great day!


Sounds like you are having a great week! I love your pre-race plan/philosophy. Just reading about it makes me excited for you! I’ll be cheering you on from Texas!!
I’m guessing Nicole too! No one ever guesses my middle name. I’m named after my grandmother. She goes by the shortened version – Chloe.
My dream race weather is low 40’s with no wind. I don’t mind if it’s a little cloudy either. I’m happy if I can wear shorts, a long sleeve shirt and gloves. I always make sure I can move the sleeves up and down in case in gets a little warm.
My good luck charm is my racing hat. It’s a Brooks hat that they don’t make anymore :( I have several (different colors, logos), but my very first one is the one I always wear for racing.
That pesto lasagna looks so good! I need to find that recipe. We don’t have Citrus Pear here.


Thank you so much! I feel those cheers already:) You are right! Oh I love the name Chloe and love that you are named after your grandma! Yes, that is the perfect race outfit… I totally agree. I have a Brooks good luck hat too, the best. Have a great day Elizabeth!


Can’t wait to read all about Saturday–just a couple of days!

I think about 50-60 degrees is good for me to race…not cold enough to freeze my lungs or wear layers, but not hot enough to wear me out or get sweat in my eyes :) It’s also great if there’s not a big change in temps during the time I’m on the course; it’s hard to plan for starting at 30 and going up to 62 by the time I’m done.

I like racing away from home, where I don’t have the usual nighttime interruptions (kids, pets, etc.). Extra bonus if I get to spend a couple of nights and get comfortable with the place I’m staying.


Thank you Corey! I hope that your next race does just that for you–> 50-60. That is definitely a bonus for going somewhere for a race! Have a fabulous Thursday!


I think it’s Nicole…is that right? Mine is Lee. It’s after my mom, grandpa and uncle who all have the middle name lee!

I new the weather would cooperate for you! It’s going to be perfect.


You are right! I love that middle name! Thank you so much Jenny, have an amazing weekend!


I will be thinking about you on my ten miler this Saturday! :) Yesterday it was SO humid and warm here in Iowa… like 90 degrees! By the time I got out to do my run, it was extremely windy too – like the windy that makes your eyes water (we had a huge storm last night so it was the precursor to that). Heat and wind are not ideal conditions for speed days, but I kept telling myself “I can do hard things, I will do hard things!” and finished exactly as I needed to! I am certain you are going to do the same on Saturday!
Ideal temps – mid 40s-50s. I wish the fall weather would really settle in here so I could get some of that!
I don’t have any good luck charms really, but I haven’t done a single race without a hug from my mom before I go line up, and I am convinced her hugs are magical.


Oh thank you Rhiannon! 90 degrees… STILL!?!? That’s crazy! I hope it comes soon and go rock your 10 miler on Saturday! I’ll grab a hug from my mom the day before:)


I think I might be more excited than you for this race! I can’t wait to follow along! Your gonna do great!!


HAHAHAH that makes me so happy, thank you Jenn!! I’ll post on Saturday how it goes. Have a great day!


50 degrees and overcast!
I hope you do a few podcast guest spots after this race!
Positive vibes only!


I have one scheduled for next Tuesday wahoo so I’ll let you know when it goes up. Have a great day Molly!


Best of luck to you! I absolutely love your blob and look forward to it everyday!




Janae, I have a VERY GOOD feeling for you. Everything is lining up perfectly – go with it!! I’ve asked all my angels to speed you along… ;)



Thank you so much!! Those angels are going to help big time.. thank you! Have a wonderful day:)


It’s HERE!!! Finally! I am so excited for you, and on Saturday morning I am cheering you on from really far away!!!
As for the night before a race–it’s SUCH a toss up. I love run-cations in different places and enjoying the weekend exploring someplace new and finding “ownership” of a town by running through it, but I really, really, REALLY love my bed. And I love being able to control what’s in my fridge and what goes in my mouth the day before a race. And I love being after to put my sweaty clothes IMMEDIATELY into my laundry basket afterwards!!!
My dream temperatures–about 55-60 degrees at the WARMEST and skies that are bright and happy but partly cloudy JUST ENOUGH to keep potential glare to a minimum and not make the sun shine down so bright in spots that I feel hotter under the sunbeams or colder in the shade of a tree.
TRAVEL SAFE down there!!! I can’t wait to read the recap and see the Insta stories and pictures!!!


I cheated :) That search function of yours is good! Ha!! Your middle name is Nicole :)

My ideal marathon temperature would be 60 degrees.

I’d prefer to sleep in my own bed the night before. I know you probably already said but are you staying with family the night before the race? St. George is ~3.5 hours from you, right?

The kids will be so excited to see you on the course! Good luck to Andrew in navigating and coordinating. Great support system. Knowing you will see them is a huge boost I bet!

Yay, Janae!!! What has helped me in the past is to imagine that each time I passed a checkpoint, I was saying “hello” to any friends who were following me. Just know we will all be cheering loudly! I wish for you to be so happy throughout the race and at the end :)


Yours is Nicole :) Mine is Marie after my aunt and grandma.

55 is my favorite running temp for the marathon!

I will definitely have some spaghetti the night before my race and I always wear my hair in a 1/2 french braid and a high pony, because it makes me faster! Haha.

My 1/2 marathon PR is from an in town race and my marathon PR is from an out of town race. I love having the local support of friends and family in town but I also love getting to travel and seeing cities by running through them.


I will be thinking of you this weekend! I hope you’re able to have tons of fun and not put too much pressure on yourself. I completely understand (believe me) but whatever happens, happens at this point and you should be proud of yourself no matter what. I always tell myself that I’m not an Olympian and I don’t get paid to run (well, you kinda do… but you know what I mean ;) ) Everyone in your life will love you just the same no matter the outcome at St George.
My middle name is Catherine and my ideal running temp is in the low 50s with sunshine. Crazy enough, though, some of my best performances have been in hideous weather.
If I don’t comment before Saturday — Have fun! I’ll lend you my mantra of “Be tenacious” for when you start feeling the discomfort. You’re awesome, girl!


I would say 40s for a half marathon or marathon. What’s your favorite racing weather?
We have some 5ks that are local but we live in a small town and there aren’t any half or full marathons so I have to travel to do. We usually go without the kids so that part is nice to know I’ll sleep without being interrupted by them! But I would like the comforts of home and not having to travel with certain foods.


Girl, you got this! Following along this time, I really do believe this has been your best training cycle. You’ve followed your coach’s plan, you’ve kept your body healthy, you’ve paid attention to nutrition, you have a good headspace right now, plus your amazing support team. You’ve laid the foundation. Now you just need to flip the switch to auto-pilot on Saturday and let the muscle memory kick in. Our bodies do what we condition them to do. And you’ve put in the work. You CAN do this!

Good luck, Janae! Channel Peter Pan on Saturday….Think happy thoughts and you’ll fly! ✨


Wow. Michelle, thank you SO much for this comment. This was such a confidence building comment and I’m going to reread it tomorrow and Saturday morning. Time for auto-pilot and now I have the peter pan song in my head. Seriously… perfect!


I was going to say Janae’s self care is strong now. Michelle you detailed it.

No whisper voice, you’re going to do it!


thinking of you as you approach race day… yay on the revised forecast!

that is so funny you mention enclothed cognition – i was just talking about enclothed cognition on race day. also read of it it in my copy of kara goucher’s confidence journal. i found this: and this if you want more reading (thanks google!) and i have been visualizing the race (i’m still one month out from the NYC marathon) using the exercises she’s given. i’m so so pumped…!

you’ve done the work, and you’ve negative split the race before – i can’t wait to see what you do on race day.

dream race temp: 50F

no good luck charms, just gonna trust myself and hope for mental strength and/or try distractions or mantras when i need to keep at it. i am scared of digging deep (maybe i’ll get there at some point) but positivity/distractions to focus on (get to that tree)/focusing on form all help me.

i’ve not traveled for a race yet, so can’t say i have a preference…!


Hey Janae! I cannot find what this leg roller that you use is called. Help!
Thank you!


HEY BEKAH!! Here is the link:

Have a great day!


Girl you’ve got this!! I can feel it. Your sub 3 is coming!


Ideal temps for me are 40 to start and no more than 55 at finish. I’m a hot and sweaty runner lol. But even more important then the temp is the sun…..if it’s full sun then I’m going to melt even if it’s 55-60. So cloud coverage is definitely my favorite for a full.

You got this!!!! Can’t wait to follow along.


Soooo excited for you in that crazy runnerd sort of way. You are going to do great things!

I do the bland foods thing, too. Maybe that’s why I was fresh and crunchy afterwards for days!!!

I am thinking your middle name is either Nicole, Nanette, or Noelle.

50F might be my ideal race temperature. I hate heat. But weather is something we can’t control so I am grateful that I have practiced in all sorts of condition.

Remember; You can do hard things. Tell your legs how amazing they are and how much work they put in for this day. Tell your brain how you appreciate all the positive thoughts and how amazing it can switch gears to keep you pumped up for the day and when things get tough. Let your heart know how wonderful it feels to share your love of running with so many people and how you get all the feels when you see your family and friends. And most of all, tell yourself that it’s all come together and there are things you can control and things you can’t. Spend your time on you and getting yourself through whatever comes your way: weather, a wonky aid station, a water spill on your shirt. You’ve got it going ON!!!!


I am cheering you on! I can’t wait to see how it goes!!


After I finished the blog, I continued on and read all the comments. Do you realize how many people are soooo excited for you and this race? When you are having a hard time sleeping the night before, my guess is that so will a lot of us!
My favorite temperature is low 50s, I think.
I don’t have a lucky charm but I always break out a new pair of Balegas just for the race. Also, when I was leaving for a half marathon from my Dad’s house, he looked at me, smiled, and said “enjoy!”. He passed away a couple of months later. So now I tell myself to enjoy throughtout the race. :)
Saturday will be a 12 miler for me so I’ll think of you !


My little girl is Lorelai Nicole so I’m going to guess Nicole for you too :) I’m super excited for you on Saturday my uncle will be running too so wave to him for me would ya?


My middle name is Nicole and I’ve never met someone else with it :)


You sound SO ready for this race, I am excited for you!!

I feel like 50s are the best marathon temps… a little chilly but at least you are never dying of heat while running.

Best luck charms? HUBBY KISSES at your check points :)

I don’t mind traveling for races. It means being closer to the start line aka more sleep :)



Wishing you an awesome weathered, injury free, fantastic race day !!!! Good luck !


Good luck! I’m so excited for you! It’s been really inspiring to watch all the work and preparation you’ve put into this race. This Saturday is your day! Get it, girl!


Good luck this weekend! You got this!!!!


is your middle name… Marie?? I like a nice 60 degree average for a distance race! I like traveling for a race bc i like traveling and seeing a new route/place! That’s so great that Skye is sleeping so long at night! and that food looks amazing i want some right now!


Good luck!! Have an amazing race and so much fun!! Can’t wait to hear all about it :)


Funny, I was going to guess Nicole because that’s my name and Marie is my middle name so it looks like I have both you and your sis covered :-)

Good luck tomorrow! I can’t wait for the recap to hear how much you crushed it!!

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