St. George Marathon Race Recap–> 2:59:14

I wanted this so bad, I could taste it.

Two days after my first marathon in 2010 I went into our local running shoe store and I confidently told the employees working there that I was going to get a sub 3 marathon.

As you know, there have been many failures, lessons, injuries and growing since then so the sub 3 definitely took more time to get than I was planning on.

But all of those things have made it so much sweeter.  The goals that take the time, sweat, blood and tears make the victory feel just so unreal.  I wouldn’t change the process it took to get this.  I wouldn’t change the ups and downs along the way.  It happened just the way it should have and I learned how freaking awesome it feels to get the dream I refused to give up on.

Thank you so much for all of the amazing comments… you guys mean the world to me.  Thanks for joining me on this and now you get a break from hearing me obsessively talk about getting a sub 3… now you’ll just have to hear about a sub 2:55 haha I kid… kind of;)

Let’s talk about the day before the race.  I woke up and ran 2.1 miles @ 9:15 pace on the treadmill, we got ready really quickly and then drove to St. George.  I had toast with pb, a banana and eggs for breakfast, lots of pretzels on the way down and a sub with only white bread and turkey for lunch.  We got back to the hotel from the expo at about 3 and I literally sat down the entire rest of the day.  I had a Shark Tank marathon and Andrew had the kids and I relaxed.

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Andrew picked up dinner from Brick Oven so I could eat at the hotel and not deal with crazy restaurants etc.  Spaghetti with a little bit of sauce and chicken.  He also picked up Yogurtland because I felt like a little ice cream was just kind of needed.

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I got into bed at 9 and fell asleep for a second and then woke up and was up for a while.  I decided to read from my scriptures for a while and I came across this scripture and it was just what I needed to fight some of the anxiety I was feeling.  Not going to get too churchy but it reminded me of how much God cares about the things we care about.  It reminded me to pray throughout the race and to feel gratitude to God for being able to be there and healthy.  When I prayed that night I asked for help from Him for my pacing, so I could be smart and I got it.

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This is what I took with me (minus the sunglasses… the sun never showed up:) and somehow it all magically worked out.   Oh and my Koala Clip isn’t in the picture but it was definitely with me and I didn’t even feel it.  Thank you guys for telling me about that.  It was so nice not using a fuel belt and using that for my phone/music and then putting my gels in my pockets.

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Let’s talk for a second about shoes.

Leading up to the race I was sure that I was going to wear the Ricochet (and I love them) but about a week before the race I just felt like I should wear the Hyperion.  I emailed Brooks right away and they had them shipped to me asap (they are the best).  I didn’t really talk about it to anyone but Andrew, Candice and my family because I didn’t want to be talked out of wearing them:)

The most I had done in them during training was 14 miles so I knew it was risky (and I only wore this particular pair for 2 miles before the race on Friday…) and kind of stupid to be honest to switch shoes right before the race.  But I KNEW that they were my marathon shoes.  They are so crazy light, they help me to run with my best form and I just feel fast the second I put them on my feet… so I went for it.  I’m so thankful I did because honestly, my feet were the one part of my body that didn’t hurt at all during the entire race… my feet have never felt this good after a marathon.  Plus, they are just so pretty.   I want to frame these shoes now;)

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I woke up at 3:15 because I couldn’t sleep and then got out of bed at 4.  I ate three pieces of bread, gatorade and water and then made my UCAN (300 calories of it) for the bus.  I ate a gel and took my Nanohydr8 about 15 minutes before the gun went off.  I probably ate/drank about 800 calories before the race which might have been more than I needed.  I had some cramping from miles 16-21 but I was determined to give my body plenty of energy because I have blown up too many times in the marathon because of not taking in enough the morning of the race or during the race.

I took my first huma at mile 6, then one at mile 12, one at 19 and then I tried one at mile 23 but that came right back up.  There is a lot of TMI in this post so skip the next part if you want because I’m going to get real.   When they started the 10 second countdown for the race to start and they got to 6, I thought oh my goodness… I have to PEE.  I drank too much before and rather than take the time during the race to use the porta potty I figured it was raining and yeah… not my proudest moment…  I wanted that sub 3 and you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.  It could have cost me my time if I did stop.

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Andrew dropped me off at 4:45 and I went and got in line for the busses (my niece was with the girls while they slept and Andrew dropped me off).

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I wrote these things on my arm before starting and it helped so much.




1 mile at a time.

I can do hard things.

I kept thinking about St. George 2015 when I found out the week of the race I couldn’t do it because of my stomach problems.  I just felt so grateful to be there this year feeling healthy and stronger than ever mentally and physically.

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I accidentally stole something (don’t worry… I paid for it after the fact:).  I grabbed my big blanket to take to the start so I wouldn’t be cold (and then left it at the top to be donated once the race started because it wouldn’t fit in my drop bag) and turns out that I had one of the hotel decorative pillows wrapped in the blanket.  I think my brain was thinking about other things so I had a large blanket and pillow with me ha.

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The busses were very late which made the race start about 30 minutes after it was supposed to.  It was raining the entire way up and freezing once we got to the top so I really didn’t mind the later start but if it was one of the hot years, that would have been really bad.

The weather was magical this year.  It was what every person prays for on race day.  Cloudy the entire way, a bit of a tailwind (except for a headwind for a few miles), drizzling until mile 14ish and in the 40s and 50s.  There were points where I felt pretty cold, I stepped in a big puddle in the first mile and at mile 11, it was raining pretty hard but besides that, it was perfection.

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It was so cold that people were underneath the fire truck cuddled up!

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I will always take a blanket to the start of marathons now.  It just felt comfortable and so warm.  I met a few people at the top and found a quiet spot to give myself a pep talk (out loud.. I’m not kidding).

I felt a lot of peace right before the race started.  I felt calm and just relaxed.  It was so different than any other marathon.

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The race started and we were off.  I held back the first few miles which took some major discipline.  The first 10k went by really fast.  It was raining and I was watching out for puddles and finding my place.

Seeing my family at mile 6 was everything.  Andrew, my girls, my mom, my aunt and my niece were there cheering like crazy in the rain.  It gave me the biggest pep before Veyo hill.  Andrew brought my Ricochet just in case my feet were hurting in the Hyperion.  I gave Andrew my gloves and arm warmers at this point.

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I told myself that the first half was just a workout.  The race was going to start at mile 13.   Miles 8-12 are by far the hardest part of the course and you feel like you are climbing forever so I didn’t look at my watch much during these miles and continued an even effort which meant my pace slowed down quite a bit.  I was happy I did that because that meant my legs still felt good at this point (rather than trashing them on Veyo–> 260 ft climb in about 1.5 miles).  I didn’t listen to music the first 13 miles.  When I got to the half-way point I felt like it had gone by SO fast already and like I was just starting which I was very thankful for.

There were so many times throughout the race that I would stare at runners in front of me and watch as their foot hit the ground and how it would propel them up into the air.  I loved studying how long their stride was and watch their arms swing back and forth.  I would think about how amazing it is how our bodies work and that my body was doing that same thing I was watching.  So if you saw me staring creepily at the people in front of me and their calves… that is what I was doing.  I was so fascinated watching people run and kind of got lost in that for a few miles.

At about mile 14 the 3:05 pace group was right behind me and that freaked me out and helped me pick up my pace a tiny bit.

I was supposed to see Andrew and Co. at mile 16ish but they made it 2 minutes too late (you have to buy a pass to get to that part and people were doing it the day of so even though Andrew already had a pass, he had to wait in a huge line) BUT CANDICE and her family drove down just for me for the race.  They gave me such a huge boost and I can’t say thank you enough to them for all coming down.

I didn’t get a picture with Candice and I am so bummed about that but her daughter (12 years old) took the most amazing pictures of the day and I am so thankful for them!

I was so happy to see them!

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Around mile 20=  My watch was not set to show overall time (oops) but even if it was, I don’t think I could have done the math to figure out what I needed to get to get the sub three but it was set to show overall average pace thus far and it was a 6:57-6:58 at that point.  I knew I needed a 6:52 average pace or below to get a sub 3 and I started telling myself, “it’s okay Janae… you are going to get a PR if you just hold this pace and that is pretty awesome so you don’t have to get out of your comfort zone or go any harder.”

And then I said to myself, absolutely no.  No way.  Nope.

I came for a sub 3 marathon and I was going to claw, and fight and do whatever it took to get there.  I was not going to give myself an excuse out of my goal. I knew I was capable and that I would feel awful afterwards after being this close and not getting it so I dug so deep and fought.  I repeated, “I CAN AND I WILL” over and over again.  My feelings turned to machine mode.

I mentioned before but my stomach was cramping big time from miles 16-21.  I’m not sure why but I just did everything I could to not think about the cramps and think about the mountains or the people or how great my breathing was or how awesome I was doing.  I cheered myself on and learned so much from Deena’s book about pushing those negative thoughts out replacing them with good ones.  It was life changing.  Finding the goodness… so helpful.

Miles 23-24 were my fastest of the entire day—>  6:22 and 6:21.  They also included a lot of downhill in those miles! I thought a lot about my family and how much they have supported me and that I wasn’t going to have them do so much for me and not hit my goals on Saturday and that is what fueled those miles.  Plus seeing Andrew and my family really sped me up at that point too.  I also felt really good those miles compared to many of the previous miles.  16-21 were a big struggle for me so to get a pep in my step felt really good (except I couldn’t keep a gel down).

I grabbed the ice bags that they were handing out (even though it was cold) and stuffed them down my sports bra or put them on my head hence why my shirt was drenched at the end.  I took water and gatorade throughout the course and spilled all of it on myself too.

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The last mile turned on me really fast.  My eyes went fuzzy and I felt like I was going to fall.  I remembered something Desi said on a podcast—> left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot and repeated that to myself for a while.  It was simple and it reminded me that is all I needed to do.  It wasn’t anything complicated, I just had to keep going. I also thought about my upcoming cheeseburger at one point during that mile and how good it was going to taste.

My mom said at this point she has never seen me look so determined in my entire life.  I was not messing around.  I was going to make this sub 3 mine.

The last 2 miles—> 6:31, 6:56 and a sprint for the last .2.

My legs felt dead and so I pumped my arms harder to get there.

My mom yelled LIGHT IT UP NOW at this point below and that was awesome.

When I went under the clock at the finish line and saw a TWO as the starting number, I put my arms up and felt like I just won the Olympics ha.. it felt like a dream.

Right at 26 miles:

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Not going to lie, it felt pretty good catching up to this group of guys because they had been ahead of me for a while:)

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The second I crossed the finish line I told the volunteers I just needed to lay down.  And I did.  Then Andrew jumped over the barriers because he was worried about me and I hugged him for a while.  Then somehow I got over to the med tent because I felt so terrible and had a hard time really talking or standing.

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One of you told me the day before the race to leave it all on the course and I remembered that at one point and it really helped me to leave it ALL out there.  Once in the med tent I just kept saying I needed to take a nap and I would close my eyes and feel really tired and then they would get me up again and make me sit up.  They gave me chips and a coke and after about 20 minutes I felt a lot better and like I could walk again.  I left it all out there and who knows… maybe physically I wasn’t fully ready for a sub 3 but that just goes to prove how much our mental fitness matters because mentally I wasn’t going to settle for anything different than a sub 3 (and luckily the weather cooperated perfectly with my stubbornness).

Splits:  7:02, 7:09, 6:46, 6:42, 6:55, 6:43, 6:41, 7:52, 7:12, 7:18, 7:22, 6:56, 6:44, 6:44, 6:26, 6:34, 6:48, 6:57, 7:12, 6:49, 6:31, 6:39, 6:22, 6:21, 6:31, 6:56, .2 GOOOOOO

First half: 1:31:51

Second half: 1:27:23

Finish time: 2:59:14

As soon as I could, I changed clothes to help my lips not look so purple.  I felt so cold when I finished and needed fresh clothes badly:)

Andrew.  So he was signed up to do this marathon but he decided not to run it so we could just focus on my training for it with the kids and everything.  That means he took over night time stuff with the kids for the last month or so, he was doing mornings with kids if they woke up while I was running, he rode his bike with me during many miles, he gave me so many pep talks, massaged my hamstrings because they were so tight a trillion times and was probably more nervous than I was for the race.  I am extremely lucky.

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My mom has been my cheerleader, babysitter when Brooke was little for thousands of miles and listening ear this entire journey.  To have her there cheering me on meant the world to me.  My dad wanted to be there but wasn’t able to make it but I remember at mile 22ish repeating, ‘Dad, dad, dad, dad” and thinking about getting an ‘Atta Girl’ (the biggest compliment he gives for really special things) if I did get my sub 3 and that was quite motivating.  It made me smile when I thought about my grandpa who was a runner and cheering me on from heaven.

We just cried together when we first hugged after the race.

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When Knox found out that he wasn’t going to be there he said, ‘will you imagine me there?’  And I did, a lot. Seeing Brooke and Skye meant a lot to me and I just wanted to make them proud of me (I’m sure Skye was bursting with pride for me;).

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My aunt is a big runner and she signed me up for my first 1/2 marathon in 2006, my niece helped SO much with the girls so Andrew could be there for so much and we are very close.  I thought about my runs with my sister over the years.  My brothers, sister-in-laws, brother-in-law have always been so invested in my training and helped me a ton!  Andrew’s entire family has been cheering for me doing this since I first told them I wanted to do a sub-3!  I thought about my friends and how much I love them and how supportive they are.

I felt YOU GUYS CARRYING ME.  No joke, I did.  So thanks, now let’s move on because I don’t want to cry again;)

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Bangs friend SMASHED her first marathon and finished in 3:33… WHAT!?!?!  She killed it and I’m so happy for her.

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Josse came even though she is injured.  I’m thankful for all the training we have done together over the years.  She’ll be back and I can’t wait to train together again.

My lucky bee sweatshirt was there for the day too:

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Burgers, fries and milkshakes after the race and then the best diet coke and candy that I have ever had in my life.  I really worked on my nutrition this training cycle so these things weren’t a part of my life for a while there.  Soda won’t be a regular but I’ll have some good candy until my next training cycle starts again.

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A few sidenotes:

-I felt absolutely terrible during the taper.  I tried not to think about it too much to avoid negative thoughts but seriously… my whole body just felt awful.  I cut a workout short during the taper and I just wanted to sleep forever (could have been partly because of my period too.. which literally ended the night before the marathon #lucky) but just remember that during your next taper.

-I brought my lip gloss in my pocket and used it during the race (I have a problem) but then I couldn’t find it afterwards so my aunt handed me hers.  It felt so crazy good.

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Mary is a beyond amazing coach.

Dr. Bennett has helped me over the years to stay healthy and injury free big time.

Brooks has been the shoes keeping me running happy for 7ish years.

-I saw Jared Ward at the finish line (he finished SIXTH at the Rio Olympics in the marathon) and felt starstruck.  I told him that I finally reached my sub 3 and he was so excited for me.  I listened to his podcast with Tina on the way to St. George and went to his lesson/talk at the expo and it was amazing.  He talked about how feelings of fear and anxiety are you living in the future and how important it is to be right where you are in the moment.  I used that a ton during the race.  When I started freaking out about 12 more miles to go or how I was going to have to run a sub 7 minute mile when I hit the wall…  I just kept thinking about how I need to jump out of the future and back into the moment.  It was incredibly helpful to be just where I was, to make it to the next lamp post or to raise my chest and take a deep breathe rather than feel anxious about what was up ahead.  His advice really helped me out a lot during the race.

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-The weather was unreal.  It was perfect.  Just had to say that again.

-It feels good to know I raced smart (for me) and that I left it all out there.

-Nutrition is so key for the marathon and I’m happy that I could figure it out for this marathon… UCAN, Nanohydr8, huma and white bread:)

-Power bun for life.  My hair didn’t move the entire time.

-That wall is a crazy thing.  It felt like I was out of my body during that point.

-A 14 year old ran a 3:13 that day!

-During the final mile my song came on.  I had a 3.5 hour playlist I was listening to (and only had it on for less than 90 minutes) and right at the end (it was on shuffle) my song came on.  It’s the one song I’ve listened to throughout all of my marathon training cycles (starting 8+ years ago).  It’s kind of creepy how it came on and it made me smile and just feel kind of weird inside because it happened so perfectly.  ‘The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows’ by Brand New.  I can’t tell you how many workouts this song has gotten me through and it was crazy special to me that it popped up right when it did.  From this point forward I am pretty sure I will start crying every time I hear this song now.

-All of this training, all of the time… what makes all of our running actually worth it?  It’s not a certain time on the clock, it’s overcoming something.  It’s proving to ourselves how strong we are and overcoming the desire to quit that makes me come back for more and more running.  We beat ourselves and the voice in our head that sometimes tells us we can’t.  That is the feeling I keep coming back for and will keep coming back for as many years as I can.

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-I’m going to avoid stairs for a while.  A long while.

-Sitting in a car for 3.5 hours after a marathon makes it pretty impossible to stand up afterwards.

-Thanks sissy for making me go on a run with you 20 years ago.

-I feel like with each baby that I have the stronger I get… Andrew, another reason why I think we should have 5 more:)

-This marathon will always be my favorite. Between the amazing course support, spectators and the incredible views… I love it so so much.

-The majority of this training cycle I was on my own.  My hard workouts mid week were always by myself and I think those really helped me out on Saturday.  Learning to do it on my own and what mental tricks worked for me was so beneficial for the race.  I got to know myself a bit more during all of those tempo miles and track workouts and learn what makes me go.

-I have never worked on my mental game as much as I have this training cycle and it really paid off.  Not only did it help me get my goal but it helped me to really ENJOY the entire process to get there.  This will continue to be a big part of my training over the years.

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Thank you everyone for everything.  I want to send you each your favorite treat and flowers for helping me out so much.  I hope your week is amazing!  I’m always here to cheer you on like you have for me.


Who raced this last weekend?  Where and how did it go?

What was the highlight of your weekend?

What type of candy should I buy today (aka what’s your favorite) because I need to celebrate all month long now:)

If you do like soda… what’s your favorite kind?

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So proud of you. It takes me 3 hours to run a half so I can’t imagine running a full in that time. I am so glad you accomplished your goal. You worked so hard and finally got it.


I’ve been reading your blog for so long (2011 I think) I feel like I know you! Congratulations on an amazing race!! I feel so proud of you even though I don’t actually know you. You had an intense training cycle and such preservence; you deserve this!! Enjoy it!!


LOVE that look of determination on your face!! I am SO SO SO stinkin’ proud of you, Janae!!

Definitely eat lots of candy today! You should try the Sour Patch Kids gummies that have juicy stuff inside. They’re pretty good!


I teared up during this recap. I’m so happy you reached your goal! Eat all the candy now!


Janae, I am so so excited for you!!! Seriously I got choked up reading this. I had the worst race of my life Saturday—trained in 50-degree weather and then it was randomly 85 degrees with 96% humidity at the start. I mean seriously so horrible!!! I was shivering and sweating and dizzy and goosebumpy—I’ve never wanted to drop out of a race so bad in my life but i just kept thinking about you and trying to imagine where you were on the course, and I eventually finished (my worst time ever in a half by four minutes, but the guy who won and is an OTQ had his worst time by six minutes so that made me feel better, haha). But seriously I was so blown away by your time and SO proud of you even though I’ve never met you!!! Way to go—I know how hard it is training as a mom and you are amazing!!!


Wow Janae…this is amazing!!! I don’t know how many times I teared up reading this post (happy tears of course:) you are such a positive role model for your kids. I am so glad you accomplished your goal. You worked so hard for it


Wow wow wow!! Great recap…got goosebumps reading it! Very happy for you and congratulations to Andrew as well, he deserves it. Enjoy this accomplishment, be proud of yourself and your commitment, you rocked it!!


Love this recap! I love how you touched on how not giving up was a choice— you had the fitness but that mental toughness is what set you apart. All the feels, what a well earned day.


I am so so so happy for you! I cried reading this, ha! You worked your butt off to get that, and it shows how much support you had to get there. What a rockstar husband, Andrew!

You should get twizzlers and candy corn (my faves, ha!) they’re pretty awesome.
I do like soda….I am a mello yello kind of girl. But I limit myself ;)

Seriously, so stinkin happy for you!!!!!!


Janae, you are incredible. I teared up reading this. I was cheering out loud yesterday when I saw you got your sub 3!!! I’ve been following you for years and have been in awe of your joy, your honesty, your positivity, and your spirit. You are one of the reasons I started running!

Thank you for sharing your journey and lessons from this race, and I can’t wait to see what you do next :)


Teared up reading this- so inspiring and amazing. I’m so happy and proud! You’re awesome


Janae, congratulations on reaching your goal! I always knew that it was “when” and not “if”. I’m so happy for you and excited for what comes next!

In addition to the power bun, your tip about focusing on the parts of your body that don’t hurt when you run such as earlobes and elbows has been really helping me lately. My elbows feel amazing!


I love this recap!!! I was texting my sister updates as you were running since she had little data left on her phone and we were and are still so excited for you!! I love how you didn’t give in to your comfort zone. This is really motivating for me as I have Marine Corps Marathon in less than 3 weeks- I have been issues with cramps during runs lately for some reason and it is so comforting to see how you fought through it on Saturday. And all the mental prep needed!! You rocked it!! Hope you are enjoying all of the candy corn :)


Amaaaaaazing Janae!

So cool.

My favorite parts were:

your miles 21-25:
6:31, 6:39, 6:22, 6:21, 6:31; what???? Seriously!?! You are Uber strong!

Andrew bringing you a change of shoes just in case

Your niece being there (and her incredibly long mane)!

This weekend we had a soccer game (Baxton scored 6 times, and two of those with his previously underused left foot), swimming, and a fall festival with lots of goodies.

Favorite candy is an impossible question. There are so many choices?

My favorite soda is Coca-Cola. I have one after every marathon! And sometimes I’ll have one after a 20-miler, too. Mostly I drink carbonated water.


I’m crying reading this. You are so amazing girl. Nothing like the feeling of leaving it all out there. Highlight of my weekend besides seeing you get your sub 3…Chicago marathon! I had a 7 min PR and felt so freaking great until the last 5k when my legs cramped up like crazy. So close to my goal which makes me want it even more. And if I can figure out the cramping issue it’s mine. You are so inspiring! that’s all. :)


I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!! I literally woke up Saturday and couldn’t wait to see what your time was! SO PROUD OF YOU JANAE!!!! I told the people that I was with on Saturday I was how excited I was for you that you got your sub three and they sort of laughed just because we don’t know each other and I was so proud of a complete stranger :) but I know how bad you wanted this and you’re an amazing, strong, determined woman and you have been such an inspiration to me (in many aspects of life) for the past 7 years of following you- congrats again to YOU and always remember that you can do hard things :)


Congrats! I was out on my 20 mile training run while you were running and I kept thinking “Janae has her sub-3 by now.” I knew you were going to do it!

Also, pockets? What shorts have enough pockets for all thsoe gels?


HEY WENDY!! Way to go on 20 miles… those 20 milers during training are so hard (especially if you were by yourself)! I actually wore those shorts just for their pockets. I got them at the Nike outlet a bit back and have tried to find the same ones online and can’t find them anywhere (I wanted more pockets). I was able to put five gels into those pockets, it was marvelous! Have a great day and thank you so much Wendy!


Yes!! My thoughts exactly – I need to find out where to buy these Holy Grail of shorts!


This is just the best! I’m so happy for you!! Your very lucky to have an amazing husband and family! This makes me want to continue to reach my goal in the half that I’ve been chasing for just as long! Congratulations again!


I really am incredibly lucky. DO NOT GIVE UP ON THAT GOAL. You will get this. I know you will. Thank you Jenn, so so much! Have a wonderful day:)


Janae- thank you! Thank you for sharing this journey. So many have followed from afar. (Me!) I am THRILLED for this accomplishment. I am finding inspiration to pick up my speed. Your dedication and gratitude is contagious. Cheering you from Florida! Way. To. Go!!!


Kristen, thank you so so much for following over the years and for your kind words. I hope that you get to really enjoy the next few months of cooler temperatures in Florida with your running:)



This was such an incredible read, Janae. I am fantastically thrilled for you, for everyone who put stock into this, and for your family — they’re all over the moon. Thank you for always sharing (and even over-sharing — that bit about the starting line is real life stuff, man) your thoughts, struggles, and hoorays. This is what makes you a fantastic blogger.


Thank you Tiffany for your sweet comment, it means the world to me. My family seriously is just incredibly happy too… it’s the best. Have a wonderful day and thank you, a lot.


I cried like a baby reading this. So happy for you.


Thank you so so much for reading and for your sweet comment. I hope your day is a great one!


Way to go! I can’t imagine the strength it took-simply amazing. I loved reading the details, and how cute is Knox-“Will you imagine me there?” Made me tear up. Congrats on a great race!


He is seriously the sweetest little boy on the planet. Thank you so much Shana, that means a lot to me!


And now I’m tearing up again! I’m just so happy and proud of you!! You are amazing! My favorite soda is Coke Zero. I try to just have two a week, but man, sometimes it’s hard! My Coke Zero love is strong lol ?


Thank you Kimberly! That is Andrew’s favorite too… he completely understands that struggle. Have a wonderful day!


I’m so happy for you!!! Fun fact: I was racing a 50k in the mountains on Saturday, and when I got service at mile 29, I had to check your Instagram. When I saw that you went sub 3, I squealed and kicked it in! You are STRENGTH! Watching you overcome life’s obstacles with grace and humor over the past 5ish years has been a joy.


Anna, HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR 50k… that is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for checking in on me during your race. Thank you thank you thank you for your comment, it means the world to me. Have a wonderful day!


Totally cried reading this recap! Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment! You’ve definitely motivated me for my next race!


And you just had me crying like a baby!! Congrats to you on such an amazing accomplishment. This was your time and you lit it up just like your mom told you to do. So happy for you!


This is so amazing!!! You are such an incredible and inspirational person, Janae!!! You deserved this victory and I hope you celebrate like crazy the rest of the week/month/year!


I’m sitting at my desk smiling and crying! I am so happy for you! You are a rock star and such a motivation for me. You worked so hard for this run. It has been so neat to see you work for it and then to see your dream come true. Congratulations!


So excited for you and proud of you and inspired by you! Never thought I would get chills or tears reading about a stranger’s marathon, but I did. Congratulations! It’s been amazing and an honor to kind of be with you for the training and see you reach your goal. Enjoy this!! You earned it!!


I loved everything about this recap. Total honesty and heart! Could we expect any less? You are amazing. I have followed you for years and have learned so much from you. When I saw Saturday that you crushed your race I knew I could do the same on Sunday.
My husband and I joke that I am a runner not a run runner! (Serious runner) On Sunday however I felt like a run runner! I finished my 5th half marathon and beat my previous best by 5 minutes! I have always struggled mentally during a run but Sunday it came together. More than a few times I thought about how amazing you did the previous day and it inspired me. Thank you!


Linda… YOU ARE A SERIOUS RUNNER… 5th in your half marathon and a 6 minute pr. That is awesome and soak in that accomplishment, it feels so good. Thank you Linda and have a beautiful day!


Janae I’m so proud! I was so excited to read the post this morning. You really crushed it. I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 years now and knew you had it in you. Your blog has taught me SO much over the years. I think the stars aligned for you really well and I’m so happy for you :) I hope this week you get lots of sleep and tasty food!

I didn’t race this weekend, but I am training for a half and decided to run when I didn’t want to because I googled your split and found it motivating. It was 88 degrees outside so i did terrible ?

We actually disagree on just about every single food opinion you have- candy, cottage cheese, I could go on and on but whenever you post a food you love chances are I hate it. I don’t like candy at all but always tear into big bags of potato chips as a nice reward :) currently obsessed with dill pickle chips. I also hate soda but I love coffee! I know that’s not your thing though!

I was in Montana recently and we were unsure where to go to lunch and decided on cafe rio because of you though and that was an excellent reccomendation!

Happy monday to y’all!


My heart is bursting for you. I’m so happy for you. I’ve been reading your blog for a while and all the previous misses just make this so much sweeter. Congrats!


I’ve been reading your blog for years.. so happy for you that you reached your goal. Soak it all up. Congrats!!


Literally crying reading this post! SO happy for you! You worked so hard to get that sub-3!! It’s been so fun following you on this journey and can’t wait to see what’s next!
You are inspiring!


Such an inspirational read. CONGRATS!! So happy for you!


Janae I’m so happy for you! This post literally brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing accomplishment and you have a wonderful and supportive husband/family!
Candy is watermelon sour patch kids and soda is diet Coke (I have a problem!)


Amazing! Such a great recap. Loved this post. You are an inspiration Janae. You set a goal and you never gave up on it. I could not be happier for you! Way to go. The sky really is the limit for all of us!


Congratulations! What an amazing experience and example of perseverance!!!


Biggest virtual hugs ever!!! Congrats, Janae!!! Ever since I’ve discovered you years ago, I always tell people about you – the runner who blogger and is chasing a sub 3. To see you achieve it inspires others not only to chase their dreams, but to simply dream big and believe in something. Thank you for sharing your dreams and life with us! ????


What a wonderful recap! Thank you for taking us along for the journey. You earned every ounce of that sub 3:00. Stay in the glow forever!!!


YAHOOOOOOOO Janae…..Your recap had me in tears…knowing the mental toughness it took to finish in your sub 3…knowing how much your family support meant in accomplishing your goal…they say it takes a village to raise a child…I think it takes a village to raise a marathoner too!!!! JUST AMAZING!!!


Awe!!! Congratulations Janae!! I feel so proud of you. And this post made me cry, happy tears though. You are amazing!!


Way to go Janae! I loved reading your recap. You set a goal and you stuck with it until it was achieved. That in itself is inspiring. I could not be happier for you!


Janae, been following you for a while now – I’m in Asia so just as you finished I was headed to bed. I just felt like crying when I saw the Instagram picture of you and Andrew hugging (I just KNEW you cried ha ha even though you didn’t say so) and just reading your race recap brought actual tears to my eyes.
I’ve got a half this Sunday- looking to sub-2 again after 5 years, two kids, and my husband getting a cancerous tumour removed (he’s okay now). I always thought that my running was trivial in light of stuff like global warming and the poverty gap, but I’ve come to realise that God does care about all these small things that matter to us.
Soooooo happy for you. :) i have enjoyed reading about your training these many months.
I don’t really eat candy anymore but if I had to pick a favourites, it would be gummy bears and those sour apple rope things!


I have so many happy tears for you. Really. Congratulations!


What a beautiful recap. I got teary-eyed near the end. Congratulations on all your hard work and achieving your goal.


I seriously am crying reading this. I checked Instagram all day Saturday to find out how you did and I’m just SO stinking happy for you and proud of you!!! The mental game is so hard for me but you’re an inspiration for how much mental toughness really counts. Congratulations, Janae!


I am so happy and proud of you! I started following your blog 6 years ago when I started my running journey at the age of 27! I love how you determined you are. You didn’t quit, you persevered, and you did it! I ran my first and only half back in 2014 and after that my running has not been the same. Today your story has motivated not give up. One day I’ll get back to running on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I would be lying if I said your post didn’t make me cry! Congrats!


Janae – You are AMAZING. I teared up again reading today, just like on Saturday when I found you you reached your goal. It is so awesome to see someone go after something and put in HARD work to get it. You EARNED this. I am so happy for you!!!!


Great race recap!!! You are amaizing, so happy for you!!!


Janae!! I have never commented but have been reading religiously for over 6 years. I’ve never seen someone work so hard for so long for something. I am so happy for you!!!! And I know we are technically strangers but I 100% cried reading this. Also was creepily tracking you Saturday and cried then too. Congratulations x100000000


Well you made me tear up Janae!!!!! I am beyond happy for you girl!!!!! Thank you for taking us along on the ride;) One of my fave candy is Milk duds dipped in sea salt and eaten with popcorn;) LOL. fave drink….Coke Zero from Sonic with Diet cherry added. But I am trying to not drink much soda….it’s a struggle. We don’t have all the cool Utah soda shops down here though so that helps! Enjoy this week basking in the glory or your triumph!!!


Sobbing. I was tracking you during the race, and when I saw the finish time I just started crying and my boyfriend was like what!? And I’m like sorry (notsorry) but I felt so emotionally invested after following you this training cycle. amazing, inspirational, and so proud of you.

I hired a coach this weekend and this is my first week of my training cycle and I’m going sub2 in the half next year. It will be the first goal I’ve ever really gone for but your determination has shown me that I am good enough to fight for my own goals.

PS. The stuff about Andrew and your family sacrificing and him jumping over the barrier to see you after the race…..ugly cry. Family is so important and it’s amazing that you recognize the sacrifices they made this training cycle but ALSO that you fought your negative thoughts and did it for them in the end.

So proud!


Congratulations! Your hard work and discipline paid off! Way to leave it all out on the course!


Congratulations!! I’ve been reading your blog for what feels like ever now and am SO excited you hit your sub 3 goal! What a race! Way to go!!


Teared up reading this. Congrats to you and your cheering squad.

Frame these photos with your loved ones. So sweet.


I’m just sitting here crying while reading this post. You are such an inspiration to me, Janae! I’m not much of a runner, but your experiences inspire me in so many other aspects of my life! So glad I found your blog 5 or 6 years ago!! You’re amazing!! Love you, girl!!!


Argh. The internet ate my comment.
Congrats, Janae that’s amazing. And thank you so much for the recap and commentary.


I’m so proud of you too! I did my first half yesterday (just a training run though) and my previous longest distance was 10 miles. I wanted to do that part in 2 hrs. Pretty close, I’m nursing an injury & I have a race coming up in a month. It took me a full hour to walk the last 3 miles, LOL, I went out with 1 water bottle & no food, roaming the hilly back roads near my home. Stubbing toe at 12.5 mi was especially painful. My half took me 3 hrs 3 minutes, you’re a Rockstar and a real inspiration to us new runners!


So inspired by you and your marathon, Janae! I will NEVER be that fast (maybe for one mile, but even that is FAST for me) but I can relate to your persistence, not giving up on your big goal. You got stronger and better during those 8 years, even after having babies. I loved seeing your time when you posted it Saturday- it just brightened my day- and reading your recap today.


Amazing job Janae! I’m so happy for you setting a goal and working HARD to get it! You have given a lot of hope to other mother runners – I am hoping to run a marathon at 9 months post-partum next year and hopefully break 3:00 too!


I managed not to cry reading this, until that pic with your mama!!! Such a special moment. Congratulations!!!


So happy for you Janae! I couldn’t help but get goosebumps and tears in my eyes reading this. Your determination, perseverance and positivity throughout this process has been amazing to read and follow along. You are a great role-model and you deserve this sooooo much. Congratulations!


Just want to say Congrats!!! You did great, I cried happy tears the moment I saw you’ve got your Sub-3 , you’re training cycle was on point and it paid off at the race. Now rest and eat all the apple fritters you want!!!!


You’re amazing!!!! I’ve been reading your blog for years now and you’ve always been such a motivation and I couldn’t be happier for you that you accomplished your goal! CONGRATS!


I have been following you for years and I never really comment! But THIS. THIS I had to comment on. It’s strange to be proud of a stranger but I’m incredibly proud of you! I started crying once I got to the picture of you hugging your Mom. How special all of it is. Congrats again!!!!


I literally just had to pretend I had something in my eye at work because I was tearing up! I want to read this recap every single day… you are SO amazing!

I looked at race tracking a couple times (hope that’s not weird?) while on my long run on Saturday morning and when I saw your finish time, I yelled “YES!!” out loud and pumped my arms like a crazy person! I probably looked insane, but it is worth it! I am SO happy for you!

I feel like “thank you” doesn’t even come close to showing the gratitude I have to you for sharing your journey with us. Your positive spirit, even during the tough times, is so inspiring! Congrats again girl!!


Like so many others have said, I’ve been reading your blog for so long I feel like I know you. :) I have learned so much from you. I was out for a run Saturday morning, and it was one that sucked, and I thought it’s ok, I’m absorbing all the bad running vibes this morning so Janae can have a great race. I knew you could do it!!!


Congratulations Janae! You did it!


I’m so happy for you! Wonderful race and recap! Congratulations!


I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and couldn’t be more happy for you for achieving your goal! I’ll admit, I needed some tissues to get through it; hearing your description of how determined you were and how training and running are about proving to ourselves how strong we are really got me because it couldn’t be more true. I had hip labral repair surgery almost a year ago and am slowly making my way back to distance running, while also now 18 weeks pregnant. I haven’t raced in a year and a half and reading your story reminded me of how much I love running and racing and can’t wait to get back at it?


So, so happy for you Janae! I thought about you Saturday morning and I am so proud all of your hard work paid off! I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years. You are such an inspiration! Thank you!


Way to go Janae. All the pieces came together in the perfect storm – but there was no “luck” involved. You put in the time, the miles, the dedication and paid off. Well done!! You CAN do hard things :)


I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!


I’m so happy for you Janae. Interesting choice changing shoes for the marathon. Honestly I think for your goals the Hyperion is a better shoe for that. Also I like wearing my hair in a bun too…maybe it’s just because I can’t braid Lol.

I’m so happy for you and that you ran a smart and controlled race. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next.


I cried actual tears through this entire post! So motivating!! I love all the mental health talk. So important and obviously a real game changer.
Thank you!!


Totally teared up reading your recap and “Light it Up Now” from your mom was just awesome. Been a long time reader and your have shown me to never give up on a goal and that’s why I love the marathon. CONGRATULATIONS again!!!!!


I teared up reading this! I am so happy that you finally accomplished your goal. I have been reading for many years and you are such an inspiration. What an amazing role model for your girls showing them to never give up and you can do hard things. I can’t wait to see all that comes ahead for you. I just know there are many more PRs in your future!


Oh my gosh – teared up reading this entire thing! What a journey you’ve had, you should be so proud of yourself. Congratulations, all your hard work paid off :)


This is the best recap ever. I’ve been a longtime reader and you have inspired me to take risks and GO for it. Congrats, Janae!!! Enjoy every moment :)


Oh my gosh, I seriously teared up reading this post, haha! I’ve been reading your blog since probably 2012 and I am SO unbelievably excited for you! I loved how much you used Deena’s book and your mental training to push yourself through. It’s amazing what our minds can help our bodies do! Congratulations, Janae!!!!!


GAHHHHHH! I’m literally in tears reading this recap! When you quoted your mom as yelling “Light it up now!” I lost it!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! YOU ARE SO INSPRING TO ME – you achieved your HUGE goal! I’m SO SO happy for you. What a wonderful post (that I was totally looking forward to since Saturday! :)) CELEBRATE YOURSELF and bask in the glow of a JOB WELL DONE!!! SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! <3


I’m so, SO happy for you!!! You deserve this so much!!! Thank you for being such an amazing person and giving me the courage to keep moving on (after a divorce). You’re THE BEST!


Fabulous recap. You did it and we are all so proud! And happy for you.

Two things. 1) Your recap made me thing of Will Smith talking about skydiving in Dubai. (Find it on Youtube). He was sooo scared and then he realized that all the anxiety beforehand was useless. Only the moment before leaving the plane should be truly scary. SO it goes with any anxiety we experience. (Although honestly I may not be the best source for this advice – I barely slept before my first marathon and it’s still my PR).

2) Love, love, love Haribo Gummi Bears; but I cannot support Sour ones. But you do you.


Will Smith video:


I am so extremely happy for you!!! You are amazing and such an inspiration. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your journey with us:)


Loved this post janae!! It’s been awesome to follow your journey for the last 4+ years since I started running and see all that’s happened and how you’ve grown to get to this point! Those pics of you and Andrew and you with your mom made me tear up! You’ve got a wonderful support system! And how cool you got to meet Jared ward!


Literally crying here at the computer. No big deal. It’s fine. I’m fine. I seriously could not be happier. I am so glad that a lot of things lined up for you (weather, shoes, family support, etc) but even the stuff that changed (cramping, Andrew missing you, etc) didn’t throw you off and that is what takes mental and physical toughness. You freaking did it! I am not surprised, because of course you hit your goal, but so amazed. It makes me want to jump up and run a marathon right now. So so happy for you!


Janae, congratulations! I’ve been reading for ages but never commented, and like so many of your readers I feel like I know you and I’m so proud of you!!!

Life has been kicking my butt lately and I haven’t been running much AT ALL but guess who will be lacing up her Brooks later on tonight. And maybe bringing my daughters along too for some of it. Thanks for the inspiration and congrats again!

Oh and I do NOT like soda- only very recently started to enjoy anything with bubbles. Cherry-lime La Croix over here or very occasionally Reed Ginger Ale. and Theo dark chocolate bars!!!


Janae!!!! You are amazing!!! I love that you had such a perfect race day!
Thank you for sharing that beautiful scripture. I’m going to add that one to my running log. I like to write inspirational quotes, pep talks and scriptures on my hardest workout days.
The highlight of my weekend was tracking all my friends that raced this weekend. Some of them had great races and some were disappointed. Running may break our hearts sometimes, but it’s always there for us so we keep coming back.
My favorite candy is Reece’s Pieces. I used to get a bag for every track meet when I was younger. I like when they are a little melty :) My favorite soda (we call everything coke in Texas) is Coke. I let myself have one a week, usually after my Sunday long run.
Have a great week Janae! Get lots of rest and eat lots of yummy food! So happy and proud of you!!


I’m literally crying happy tears for you right now. I nearly cried at your brothers text from a few days ago, and now I’m actually crying. Congratulations congratulations congratulations! (Also, I think that boy Andrew likes you a lot ?)


Congratulations! This recap was great and made me very emotional in one of the best possible ways. My goal is also to run sub 3 and am currently injured. It’s so inspiring and motivating to see that you didn’t give up and helps me believe
In myself. Thank you!!


Dang it this post nearly drove me to tears!! I know how badly you’ve worked towards this goal over the years and it’s incredible to see you finally reach it. Man it just goes to show what can happen when you work hard and trust God!


Oh my gosh YOU DID IT!!! I am so proud of you! I was rooting for your success! So….I absolutely hate soda, my nutritionist made me quit a few years ago and I haven’t looked back. I can’t even think about it without trying not to gag! Hightlight of my weekend was shopping with the kids and nobody cried! Ha! As for candy, anything gummy is always amazing. Take it easy this week, you deserve it!


You are so inspirational Janae! You were incredible! You inspire me and I can’t wait to think about your triumph when I run my first NYC Marathon next month (after deferring from injury last year.) enjoy your celebration! :)


Congratulations! I loved reading your re-cap. I’m inspired by how hard you worked for this and I’m so proud of you for reaching your goal.


So proud of you, your recap made me cry!


I love you so much, Janae! I have been following you/your blog/your instagram since 2012 and it has been so amazing to see your personal and physical growth over the years. You are such an inspiration in every way–looking on the positive, even through your divorce and all of the difficulties that entailed, and just in your day-to-day-life…it’s what draws so many of us to you on a regular basis. You’re the only blog that I’ve continued to follow over the years, and even my husband asks with a smile, “How’s HRG doing?!” Of course I’ve told him about your sub-3! I’m in awe of you and very grateful for your internet-presence in my life–I’ve learned a lot. Big love to your super supportive husband Andrew and of course your parents and Brookers, Skye and Knox, Sissy etc etc! Bask in it, Janae…for awhile.


Boy, I feel silly … This post just made me bawl like a baby while I’m nursing my baby to sleep. I’m so happy for you that you reached your goal! And so much of what you said is so similar to my feelings and attitudes about running these days. This past weekend I had a 1:55 half marathon goal and didn’t think it would happen because of the 95-100% humidity we were running in. But I did it! And all I can think about is how thankful I am for my family and the sacrifices they make to help me train. My husband and four little kids put in a lot of work/changes in routine to help support me. Each baby I have, I feel stronger, too. After this weekend, I feel so strong and loved. There is no better feeling!


Crying all the happy tears for you while reading this recap. I am so excited to see you accomplish something you’ve been chasing for so long!!
I’d already decided to run the OKC marathon again next year, but this post inspired me so much that when I train, I’m not going to train just to finish, I’m going to train for a goal time. Thanks for always being that inspiring push for me. I got brave enough to run a half marathon because of your blog, I signed up for my first marathon because of your blog (and used so many of your tips to get through it – turns out that at 82 degrees with humidity, I want to die!), and after this post, I’m gonna go out there and smash my own time goal!
Thanks for everything Janae!!!


Congrats on your sub 3! You are amazing and so inspiring! I’ve been following your journey to this race and it’s so amazing to see you accomplish your goal! I did St. George this weekend too and finally PR’d. My first marathon seven years ago was my fastest and my times have only gotten slower since then. I had my first baby in November and knew I needed to come back stronger than ever. I worked hard these past few months and it finally paid off. I really didn’t know if I could do it, but like you said it’s all mental. Lots of pep talks along the way to keep me moving. Crossing that finish line realizing I PR’d was the greatest feeling in the world! Thank you for being such an inspiration!


Best post ever!!! Congratulations!!!
I had tears just reading this! You are so inspiring in training, racing, and never giving up on a goal! I am so proud of you!
I thought about you and your race while running the Long Beach half marathon on Sunday, and it helped. I had a specific goal in mind, but sometimes life changes and I knew earlier in the week, that this was not the race to really go for that goal. But that’s ok! I definitely will for the next on! I still had a good race, enjoyed the entire morning, and ended up finishing 7th in my age group! So, thank you for keeping me inspired ?
Now enjoy some recovery time, you have certainly earned it!!
Well done!!


What an awesome job!!! Congratulations on putting in all that work and reaching your goal!!! I’m sitting here bawling happy tears for you!


I have been reading your blog forever and was SO SO happy when I saw on Instagram that you got your sub-3. I never ever comment and almost didn’t (figured it would get lost in all the comments), but you totally deserve all the praise and all the congratulations from every reader!! Congratulations!! I can just sense the excitement and pure joy from you and it is for sure contagious! Enjoy this all! :)


First this is BEYOND amazing. I loved reading this and seeing you reach that goal. But I needed this today- the help part. The Andrew part- he was supposed to run but decided not to so YOU COULD. How freaking awesome is that? I’m married to a guy like that- I am but for some reason I refuse help because ‘my things aren’t important’ but they are. After 2 babies and putting me on the back burner I signed up for a race in December. I asked My parents to watch my kids (dad works!). I’m asking dad to watch them while i run. So THANK YOU. This is just what this mama needed to read today


I was following you while on the train to Chicago Saturday morning. And when I saw your time my heart burst for you! You did it!

My husband ran Chicago and crushed his PR. He finished in 2:47:27. He has trained so hard and I am so proud of him. He celebrated also with a big cheeseburger and french fries. Now you need to do Boston 2020 so we can meet!

Since its October you need some candy corn! And stick a few Kit Kats in the freezer because candy bars are always better frozen.


Congratulations on such an amazing achievement!! I hope one day just to complete a marathon and can’t even imagine doing a sub-3! Fantastic recap too :) enjoy your recovery time and just knowing that you accomplished such an amazing goal!!


I never comment on blogs but I just really wanted to say Congrats! Its funny to feel so excited for someone I have never met but I was stoked to see that you got a sub 3!!!! I have been reading your blog for a few years now. I actually felt a little connected to you because I ran the Utah Valley Marathon and my sister(who was suppose to run it too but tore her hamstring the month before. She is amazing though, has quintuplets and then does the entire training for a marathon five years later!!) had to come in for the last few miles in her flip flops and support me. It was because of her that I finished. Which I remember you sharing that happening for you too with your sister and that same marathon! Now my finish time was over five hours, so major difference between us there but when I read your story about that marathon I felt a little connection.

Anyway, it was so much fun to read your training posts and then to see that you got your goal! It definitely is inspiring! My biggest struggle is the mental game. I want to do a sub 2 hour half but every time I train I tell myself I will fail and stop trying to go for it. However, reading all your posts from this training cycle has inspired me to really try and to try and overcome the mental challenges! All your thoughts that you shared have been so helpful! So anyway, I guess its time I pick another half to do and not let myself stop me from getting that sub 2!

Congrats again!! That is amazing and all your hard work paid off!!


Congratulations! Your moms comment “light it up now” was the tear jerker for me.


I teared up reading your recap! I’m so incredibly happy for you! I was stalking your bib number all morning long during your race and exclaimed “she did it!!” When I saw your finish time (my kids thought I was crazy).

Also, I bought a koala clip because I’m pretty tired of wearing a flip belt all the time. I hope it works as well for me as it does for you.

Congratulations again!!


There is nothing better than putting forth the work and then having race day put forth great conditions. You are amazing and deserved that sub 3!!! My only question is – were your feet/toes wet and did that not drive you nuts? I totally teared up reading your race recap. There is is something so amazing about marathons and seeing people do something so hard! I hope that you get in some good naps and lots of candy this week.

I ended up running the St. George marathon too. But did not train and my longest run was 13 miles. It was amazing and awful all at the same time.


So so happy for you!!! You are amazing ❤
I love reading your posts, and I love your upbeat spirit! You can do the hard things.


Congratulations, I’m so happy for you!! I’m going to try to remember all of your mental training tips for my next race!


BIG CONGRATS on such an achievement! I can only dream! Your description is very like my own, albeit mine was much slower. But I was delighted with my result. I mentioned that I was going to run it for my darling husband Bill who passed on 10 days before and try and PR for him (us both really.) And I did it! Over 10 mins better than my PR at Twin Cities in 2016 and 2nd in my age group (75-79)! Like you, I used Scripture to focus when things got tough, reminding myself that it isn’t my muscles or lungs that allow me to run but the spirit of God expressed through me. That really helped me get my mentality in the right space. The tall buildings really mess with the GPS in your watch, so at the mile 5 marker, my watch said 6.25! This meant my pace wasn’t right either, making my pace band useless, except for the total elapsed time. So like you I just left it all on the course. PS Why are toilets so low??!!


Congratulations!!!! So happy for you, Janae!


You may not see this comment because you are going to have a billion comments on this one! When I saw your sub 3 I was so excited but was not surprised! I KNEW YOU WOULD DO IT! I’m so excited for you! And your recap made me want to run another race. Hopefully soon. Not yet but soon!

Isn’t it amazing how racing makes us so thankful for everything? It makes me such a positive person (especially after a really good race)

Way to go Janae! You’re awesome!


So, so happy for you! Congrats!!!


I just want to cry with you… what an achievement! Proof of your determination & hard work.
& that pic of Andrew with you in the tent… that’s everything. What a support.
Hope you take it easy in the next week – or two or three! :)
Giving you all the high-fives in the world!!!


So proud of you! I cried when your mom yelled LIGHT IT UP! I also believe that BUN was the magic you needed ;)


Congratulations! This was an awesome recap. I definitely got teary reading it. I’ve been reading your blog for several years and I’m so happy for you!!


Nothing makes me cry like a birth story or a marathon story! Love hearing about women kicking butt and accomplishing their dreams. Who run the world?! GIRLS! So proud of you, Janae! <3


Girl you are amazing!!! I am beyond thrilled for you. You were definitely inspiring me as I ran the streets of Chicago yesterday. And by the way, you must run Chicago at some point if you haven’t already. I had SO. MUCH. FUN. Amazing crowd and volunteer support, amazing energy from the city, and an amazing finish time – 3:15:42!!! I had trained for sub-3:20, so it’s a nearly 5 minute PR!! I think we mama runners absolutely get stronger post-baby (babies). Keep enjoying being on cloud nine, you are a rockstar.

Now it’s time for me to eat all the Chicago food that I can before flying back home!


Congrats!! I loved reading the recap. I would love reading your thoughts on what was different about this cycles training plan, which workouts made the biggest difference (or at least confidence booster), strength routine, stretching or dynamic routine, etc.
And I’m looking up now when 2019 St George registration opens…


I love everything about this recap. So happy for you, Janae! What an incredible journey. Congrats again!!


I’ve been following your blog for years – through all the ups and downs! Your positivity, your work ethic, your authenticity, your faith…so thrilled to see everything converge and all those years of determination and hard work help you accomplish your sub-three dream! You are an inspiration. Thank you.


CONGRATULATIONS, JANAE!!! Wow!!!! You are amazing! I am so happy for you! And I loved reading your very detailed race recap! Thanks as always for sharing your journey!


Ahhhh I got CHILLS reading this. Thank you for reminding me to be patient and persistent when it comes to our goals. You FOUGHT so hard for that sub 3 – congratulations!!!


Best part of my weekend: Having a great friend get her sub 3!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats, girl!! I’m totally sobbing and snotting all over myself because I am so happy for you and inspired by you! You did it!!! :) Yay! Yay! Yay!


Yay! Congratulations, that is SO amazing!!!! I’m so glad you were able to push through that last mile feeling the way you did. I ran a half marathon last year and collapsed 10 feet from the finish line!! A couple guys ran out and carried me across the finish line then I woke up in the ER saying the same thing, I’m tired I just want to sleep and they kept freaking out when I would say that so they kept making me talk, but I couldn’t remember the month, year, or who the president was (and how can you forget that. :)).

I run my 3rd marathon this weekend in California. A group of 12 of my friends are headed down from Salt Lake for a girls weekend. I am scared and excited!! You are a great inspiration. I’m just hoping for a sub 4, but I am definitely going to follow your advice on how to dig deep and push through the pain.

Now EAT ALL THE CANDY, you deserve it.


I don’t know why i chose to read this at work … I’m sitting at my desk trying to discretely wipe away tears of joy for you!
That’s all i can say about that without crying more! Ha!
As far as candy goes – my favorite is the new Starmix! It comes with snakes, bears, cherries and soda bottle chewies and I just love the combo so much! I wish they would come up with a sour version and combine the strawberries and watermelons!


I am just so thrilled for you, Janae! I had goosebumps and happy tears reading this post. CONGRATULATIONS on such a huge accomplishment! XOXO


Congratulations, Janae!! My heart is seriously bursting for you right now! I am so happy for you and this recap made me cry so many times!! You deserved this SO much and like you said – you worked so hard on so many different things, not just putting in the miles. Your hard work totally paid off! The picture of Andrew with you in the med tent was precious – it is obvious how much he loves you and I love that you went through and thanked him and everyone else who was such a big part of this process. You are AMAZING! Also, I love that picture of you and Jared Ward!! That made me smile so big!

Rest and eat candy and ride this high for the next few months at least! Wear your medal everywhere. Congrats again!!


Crying! I’m just so happy for you!! This might be my favorite post of all time! It’s been a long time coming and it’s been amazing to watch your journey and see you never give up during some hard times along the way. You have given all of us hope!!

I love that you said you might have pushed yourself beyond your physical capabilities thanks to your mental toughness. That’s amazing. You clearly left it all out there!

I also love that you attribute some of that inner strength to your solo training runs. I can relate to that.

You are truly an amazing runner and person, Janae! Congratulations on this huge achievement!!


Wow! I definitely got a little teary eyed reading this! You are amazing!!

Smart move on the bun! I did a 1/2 french braid and a ponytail, which was fine during the race but then it took me about 30 minutes to get it out of the braid. I even had my husband help me! Haha. I ended up deciding to run St. George last week on maybe Wed or Thurs. I got a stress fracture in my 3rd metatarsal in mid-July and that took me completely out of running until Sept and I only ran 77 mi. in Sept with 6.5 being my furthest. But I did it. It was so fun to not have any pressure on myself. I really had no expectations whatsoever, I just wanted to take it all in. And I did! I finished it in 4:09. I wrote on “Run Happy, grateful, strong” on my arm. And I definitely read that about 50 times while I was running ;)

I raced with my hubs, and 5 other friends and we ate at George’s Corner afterwards and it was hilarious watching people have to walk up and down stairs because most of us ran the marathon and were basically dying. The waiter thought it was pretty hilarious too!


So, so, so incredibly happy for you and your family, Janae!!! Reading about how your mom cheered for you to “Light it up now” at mile 26 totally made me cry. I absolutely love the the support that your family gives you, and that you recognize that! Thank you so much for being raw, honest, and showing us all how true perseverance and grit can help us accomplish a goal that we so desperately want to achieve. I hope that your week is filled with great recovery, great food, and some pretty great kiddo and dog snuggles!


Having been reading since the beginning, I am so so so proud of you. I teared up reading this too. I have loved seeing the updated on the social medias. My heart is so happy and so motivated. So much proof that we can reach our goals. It may not happen in our time, but in God’s time.


Janae!!!! I cried through your whole recap because I am *SO* happy for you, and proud of you!!! (And also because I ran my first marathon yesterday and it’s made me crazy emotional – I cried so many times yesterday). After fainting 2 weeks ago, I wasn’t sure I was even going to make it to the start line, and I think after all the anxiety and indecision leading up to race day, my body was exhausted and I had a really tough day on the course, but one of my mantras that kept moving forward was “I can do hard things”. I pushed through a lot of pain and nausea to make it to that finish line, and I have never felt so grateful for all the support from friends and family, spectators, other runners, etc., as I have in the last 24 hours. Running is such a gift in so many ways.

You worked so hard for this sub-3, you deserve it!!! Thank you for sharing your running with all of us.


I’m such a hot mess reading your race report! Happy tears all the way. I’m going to bookmark it so when I need a dose of inspiration, I’ll pull it up and read it!

Your kids are lucky to have you as their mom! They can look at your hard work and BE proud! All those little training deposits cashed out big time on Saturday!

You are amazing Janae! Please don’t forget it!


I am so, so happy for you! Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for oh, I don’t know, forever or so, and cheering for you and seeing that you did it, I am as happy as I would be for my own sister. :) Woo hoo!


I have followed your journey for quite some time. This post made me cry because I feel so proud for all you have endured and now, accomplished! Congrats!


Happy tears just reading your post! Congratulations Janae! You are so lucky to have the best cheerleaders. Kudos to them for inspiring you and making your training and race gold. and Congratulations to Bangs on her first marathon!


So yes I did just cry reading all of this….so amazing! You just gave me that motivation I needed to own the next three weeks of my training and blow my PR out of the water for the Marine Corp Marathon on the 28th. And the power bun is the only way to go for us long haired runners… helps me channel my inner Allie and Janae speed!


Janae, you are an absolute rock star. I am so happy for you. It was a well earned sub 3.


I’m a long time blog reader and just wanted to say congratulations! I am so happy for you! You are an inspiration!


This was beautiful to read. ALL THE FEELS! I’m so happy for you, Janae!


This post made me cry… multiple times. I remember you always talking about the “sub 3” but never really understood how difficult it was to achieve. This is SUCH an incredible accomplishment. I am beyond proud of you! Xo


I teared up reading this recap.. SO SO happy for you!


Wow wow wow wow. You are amazing and congrats on working so hard – before and on race day – to make that huge goal.

I have peed on myself while racing before, it’s ok. Especially if racing in rain, you’re all drenched anyway.

Also it sounds like taking in a lot of calories pre-race is smart for you, especially if you can digest it. I bet you used every last gram of carbs out on that course!


Reading this recap made me tear up a little bit – SO HAPPY for you! You inspire me to want to go out and set ALL the goals and work my butt off at trying to achieve them. Sub 3:00 must be an incredible feeling. You are amazing!


Hi, Janae! I’ve been a blog reader since 2011 and feel like we’ve been through a lot together :)
I don’t think I’ve ever commented, but wanted to say BIG congratulations!!!! I’m so so so happy for you.

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