My Marathon Nutrition Plan, Found Them & Another Reason.

I am pretty sure my entire family is grateful that my morning runs are cold now—>  It means that I go straight in from my run to the shower rather than waiting a few hours to shower;)

The morning started off with 6 miles @ 8:27 average pace.  I have some speed today and next Tuesday and that’s it before the marathon.

I need to start wearing long sleeves (even though I’ll keep forgetting) because I was frozen during this run.  Right as we acclimate to warm weather running… it’s time to switch back!

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While I was running the sky was blue, purple, pink and the moon was huge and shining (the picture does not show off how gorgeous it was).  I kept thinking about how running gets us out to see stuff like this because if I wasn’t out running at this time I would have been snoozing.  Seeing this scene yesterday gave me this overwhelming feeling of God’s love for me and I would have missed out on that if I hadn’t been outside running and seeing this.  One of the many reasons we run, the things we see along the way.

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Megan and I got together later on for cookies.

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SÜSS cookies just opened up a new store in our area and Brooke invited some bloggers to come try them out.  The cocamel cookie was unreal…. well, they all were.  The lemon one has my mom’s name written all over it.

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They shared their story of how they started the company and it was awesome.  I love hearing how entrepreneurs start up some amazing things (this is why I love the podcast, How I Built This).  She is a mom of three and passionate about connecting people with delicious cookies!

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Picked up the Brookester from school.

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And then we were off to Target to pick up a few more things for Knox’s bday tomorrow.  Do you spy Skye’s crawling bruise…

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The rest of our day was filled with homework, Andrew and I watching This Is Us and going to bed early… I did randomly find a pair of mittens to start wearing on my runs now wahoo.  I didn’t think I had any so this was a nice find.

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A friend of mine is running this marathon next June in Norway and she is trying to convince me to come do it with her:)  I won’t be able to but also I don’t know if I could possibly RUN A MARATHON DURING THE NIGHT.  Andrew said this is his dream marathon—>  When he trained for marathons years ago he would start his long runs at 11 pm?!?

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After a bunch of trial and a bunch more error, I have put together a nutrition game plan that works for me.  Each of us is so different with this so that is why it is important to experiment each long run to see what makes your gut and body feel good and what does not!  My plan might not work in the slightest for you but it is working for me so I’m going to stick closely to it for this marathon.  I might figure out a plan for the next one that works even better but for now I’m happy with how I felt with this.

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Fun fact… I tagged Allie Kieffer in my IG post because I used her power bun and she said way to go about my workout last Saturday so I’m just going to hold onto this forever;)

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Here it is.  Pretty simple.

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I’ve always stayed away from a lot of fiber two days (and I’ve never had to stop during a marathon for the restroom this way) before the marathon and I’ll continue to do so!  Here is what the day before the race will look like:

Eggs/cheese and a pancake for breakfast

3 large tortillas, a ton of shredded chicken and 1/2 an avocado for lunch (aka very simple tacos)

Pretzels and other easily digestible snack foods (crackers etc)

A bowl of spaghetti with a little bit of very simple red sauce (early dinner).

Bowl of cereal for dessert

I’ve found for me that getting the majority of my fat and protein early on in the day and then sticking to mostly carbohydrates in the evening is what makes my stomach happiest the next day for long runs.  I’ve tried a combination of many different methods and this is what makes everything feel great for me!

Race day:

Wake up—>  2 pieces of Grandma Sycamore bread with jam, banana and water.  (325ish calories)  This is about 2.5-3 hours before the start.

Drink UCAN as we get closer to the starting line (about an hour before race starts) 2ish scoops (200 calories).. mixed into about 32 ounces of water.

Huma (apple and pomegranate huma plus are my favorite… that’s what I’ll use race day) and water/gatorade right before I start (100+ calories).

nanohydr8 right before I start (30 calories)

650ish calories before the marathon.  I think many runners try to get in some protein and fat before a race but I’ve tried and it just doesn’t feel great or work great for me.

huma gel EVERY 5-6 miles.  Every.  5-6.  Miles.  Even if I feel like I don’t need it or can wait, I can’t.

I’ll have some water bottles with me to drink from throughout the race (and throw them to Andrew when I’m finished with them) and I’ll switch off between water and Gatorade at each aid station.

I’ve also practiced taking a nanohydr8 while running at my marathon pace and it worked out well so I will probably take another at about mile 20.

Post race:  The largest hamburger you’ve ever seen, an apple fritter and family size bag of candy corn.  I haven’t really been eating any candy (besides things like chocolate covered almonds) in hopes it will help me on race day (my normal self loves to eat a lot of candy so I’ve switched to a bit more nutrient dense foods for the last month or two instead… and cookies;) but afterwards, I’ll be swimming in it.  Andrew will have this at the finish line for me:

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There you have it!  I seriously cannot wait for race day and I really appreciate all of your support and I hope you know I am cheering you on in all that you are doing too!


I’d love to hear your nutrition plan for races!!  What have you found to work for you… and not work for you?

Would a midnight marathon sound fun for you or absolutely terrible?

Seen anything really great while you are out running recently?

Dream post-race meal?  

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Cutting the cookies like a pie…brilliant! Maybe it is a sign that I need to get a life that something so simple is that exciting to me. Also, I am very excited about your marathon! I am scheduled for a knee replacement in December (absolutely no running right now), so I am vicariously living through you. Good luck!


Haha I am right there with you… I thought it was so cute. Thank you Michelle and I am so incredibly sorry about what you are going through right now. I am praying for a very successful surgery for you and that you are back doing what you love to do when you are ready. Please keep me updated, thinking about you. Have a wonderful day!


I love Suss cookies! Soooooo yummy! Started here in my little valley. Happy to see Brooke following her dream and expanding her business.

Good luck in your upcoming marathon! You’re going to kill it!


AHHHH you live in one of my favorite places in the world:) I love your valley! Thank you so much Jan and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Oh no to the midnight marathon. I did a 25K race two years in a row that started at midnight (in the ridiculous Texas heat and humidity), and it RUINED my stomach. I’m a definite no to that one!!

My dream post-race meal is a cheeseburger and carrots and some sugar or snickerdoodle cookies and probably a vanilla milkshake with no whipped cream from Chick-fil-A. And that cookie place looks SO good! I need to come try those ASAP!

Have a great day, Janae!!


Yeah, I couldn’t do that… start at midnight?! That sounds like the perfect post-race meal. Perfect. YES YOU DO. Have a wonderful day Natalie!


Ha! Good old El Scorcho!! The only race that made me barf afterwards. NEVER AGAIN lol


Right??! Oy vey. That’s one I’m happy never to race again!


Gods love is so visible wow loved that! Great reminder.
Candy corn is precious so so precious.
Thanks for sharing all your training and tips, it’s always fun to see what everyone does!


Thanks so much Kaytlin and I hope you get some amazing candy corn asap! Have a great Wednesday!


I am so jealous of your chilly morning temperatures!! It’s been 70 degrees and 95-100% humidity where I am. Cheering you on from Tennessee!!


I can’t even imagine… that is crazy. Today I was shivering for most of my run and already missing our dry summers. Thank you so much Amy and I hope you have a great day!


How much water do you take with your huma gels? I used them for the first time a few weeks ago. My legs felt so great during my entire run, but my stomach was kind of a mess the rest of the day, which I attribute to two things: an unnecessary cup of coffee before my run and not taking in enough water with the two gels I had.


Hey Chrissy… that is a great question and something I haven’t really paid attention to. Maybe about 6 ounces. I am so sorry about your stomach feeling terrible the rest of the day. I hate that. Do you usually avoid coffee before your running? Have you tried them since? I hope we can get this problem figured out! Have a great day.


I did the midnight sun marathon 2 years ago! It was so hard – we arrived in tromso at 1am the night before and then spent the day sightseeing and walking. The race started at 8:£0 pm and we ate dinner at 7 (we planned to eat earlier but everywhere was so busy we didn’t get served til 7). My legs were toast from all of the walking all day, and I could feel my spaghetti and meatballs jiggling in my stomach every step of the way!!
We were also pretty unfortunate that the weather wasn’t great – it’s light out all night long, but we had low clouds and freezing rain (it is in the arctic circle afterall!) and we couldn’t see the beautiful mountains and fjords :(
I’m glad we did it though, it’s a crazy experience when 1am looks just the same as 1pm, and there’s nothing better than maratourism!


YOU DID?!? Okay, that is awesome… I wouldn’t have survived the marathon after a day like you had. You are hardcore (in that weather too… wow). I have never heard –> Maratourism. I love it. It is the best way to see the world. Thanks for sharing and keep me updated with your maratourism:) Have a great day!


THOSE COOKIES!!! I have a business trip to Idaho Falls in a few weeks, maybe I need to route through UT to get some cookies and hear about your awesome marathon.


I’m not kidding… I definitely think you need to reroute:) You would LOVE them. My treat.


I must be your mom’s long-lost (Greek) daughter, because that lemon cookie sounds amazing to me!
A midnight marathon sounds like a terrible idea to me. I guess that ideas of day and night are really relative, especially in a country like Norway where sunlight and how the body adapts and responds to it can be a super crazy seasonal adjustment, but to me–nope. It seems like the only time I see midnight is when I am in some insomniac place.
YAY that you have a nutrition plan! And for the candy you’ve been allowing yourself to ANTICIPATE and to enjoy as a post-marathon thing (…so you could use the calories figuring out your nutrition plan…).
BY THE WAY I am commenting from the Charlotte airport. I am waiting for my connecting flight to Salisbury, MD–I am doing student conferences at Salisbury University this afternoon and giving a poetry reading there tonight! I feel like a totally legit. Not gonna lie. And as I walked through the food court area that’s right by where you change terminals, I saw a Dylan’s Candy Bar. SOMEHOW (and I am totally a candy fanatic…) I managed to not even want to buy anything. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.


You need this lemon cookie, it was something else! I am just like you, I would not do well running at that time no matter how light it is outside:) Safe travels Stephanie and have an incredible time! You better grab some on your way home!


This might be the dorkiest comment ever but I am SO excited for your race! Haha- I’ll randomly think about it when I’m running or working out and get really excited for you! Probably super strange since I don’t know you in real life but you’re my first blog I read every morning when I get to work and it’s been like that for the past 7 years so I guess I sort of know you! ;)



Blaire. I can’t thank you enough for your comment. It means a whole lot to me. We are internet friends so there is nothing strange about this. Thank you for reading over the years and please keep me updated on how you are doing and everything going on in your world. Here’s to another 7 years of friendship:) Thanks Blaire!


Post race milkshake! I need to figure out my prerace plan – yours is so organized and planned down to the calories! And i always think about what to eat for dinner the night before the race but not the whole day. But that’s a good idea, I should plan and think it through it some more. Will you be at home day before? I’ll be traveling and in hotel that night, so it makes it harder.


YES… think about the whole day if you can. So, we won’t but we will be in a hotel with a microwave so I might just bring the food with me in a cooler (3 hour drive from where we live so it’s not that bad) or try to find very similar things near me. Traveling definitely makes it much harder. The day before the race I don’t view food as fun like I normally do… I view it purely for what it is going to provide me for race day so it might be really boring and tasteless haha but the next day I’l make up for it. Have a great day and get that post race milkshake after your race!


I’ve never been able to decide if night races seem like a great idea or not. It would be a new experience and cooler temps, but I think I might be too worn out from the day to race it instead of just go running.


Yep… totally get what you are saying. ALSO, IT WAS SO COLD THIS MORNING AND I THOUGHT OF YOU!!!


Thanks for sharing your nutrition plan! I think a post race burger sounds phenomenal!
This morning I got to see and hear a great horned owl on my roof this morning when I headed out for my run. Usually I see lots of deer and occasionally an eagle.


You did?! Okay, that is awesome! The things we get to see while running… I love it. We have seen a few eagles too while running here and it is amazing. Have a wonderful day Ali!


The candy corn pumpkins are way better than candy corn!

Also, you are going to kill this marathon! I can’t wait to stalk the results!! Is there tracking??


I can’t say I fully agree with you on that but I’ll send you my pumpkins and you send me your candy corn;) THANK YOU!! There is but they aren’t sure if they can get the app working properly before the race. Either way I will be posting my bib (when we get them) and the way to track for anyone wanting to see. Have a wonderful day!


I have SO enjoyed following your training for this marathon, and I’m just SO EXCITED for you and to read all about it afterward!!! You GO girl! You are ROCKING THIS!!! :) :) :)


Thank you Lisa! This means a lot to me. I am so excited:) Have a wonderful day!


I would love to travel to the arctic circle, not necessarily running a race at midnight. I find evening races harder to plan for mealwise than morning or noon races. I run well on slices of bread with pb and jam, or chocolate sprinkles, and maybe a banana an hour before the start. I used three sis gels at my half marathon and it worked well for me. And I agree totally, take it anyway even if you think you don’t need it, that happened to me, after a while i convinced myself I should take it and it made me feel a lot better.
What a beautiful picture. When I started running I didn’t realize it made me appreciate the outdoors more. I’ve seen birds I’ve never seen before, I had to Google them to know what they are called (a Kingfisher and an European goldfinch).
Post race food would be a cookie and/or ice cream. (last race I didn’t have anything special, and that was ok too)


YES… eating before an evening race is so so hard (I did RNR Vegas one year and butchered it haha)! Chocolate sprinkles… I need to try that. I am so glad that the gel helped you to feel better, it’s amazing what the fuel does for us (even though it sounds terrible during). I loved what you said about appreciating the outdoors more since you started running. Have a beautiful day Eva and thanks for sharing!


You’ve been so smart about practicing your nutrition in race-type scenarios! I’ve never been quite so disciplined, but I definitely had some issues in a couple of races with either too little fuel, too much water/not enough carbs, and less-than-ideal choices the day or two before a race. My go-to pre-run (or workout) breakfast is a half peanut butter sandwich :) It’s been a while since I’ve raced a distance that I needed gels, so I’d have to experiment with those if I do another marathon.

The midnight marathon intrigues me. I guess part of it would depend on the time difference and what time my body thinks it is during the run.

Burgers definitely hit the spot after a hard effort! Also, Grotto Pizza in Rehoboth Beach after my annual half with girlfriends :) I’m holding off on candy corn until October starts!


Thank you Corey! It really is so tricky to figure out just the right amount of everything! I think you should go do that marathon:) I’ll cheer you on! And now you have me craving that pizza at 9 in the morning haha:) Enjoy some candy corn on Monday! Have a great day Corey!


Aren’t those runs amazing? Where you just feel in awe of our Father’s love and how He created everything? No mater the data, those runs are truly beautiful for me!

Oh my word, running a marathon at night? There are a few night trail races here in Texas but that’s another level. Night running is okay but running in the woods at night?!

That’s a really good plan for the day before and the day of! I’ll have to get mine figured out soon but I usually do a pasta as well for a dinner the night before. It’s worked well and you can usually find a similar dish anywhere! Also, I’m with you on the post race burger. That or a steak always sound so good after all those miles!


Yes. Just reading your first few sentences gave me goosebumps. I love it. Thanks for sharing that Virjinia. Yeah, I cannot even begin to imagine running in the woods at night, I would be so freaked out the entire time. Okay, now I’m adding steak to my post run meal too;) Have a great day!


I might have to start experimenting with UCAN too. I have NEVER been good about nutrition with a marathon and unsurprisingly experience a lot of “bonking” during my long runs. Also no matter how many hydroflasks I drink throughout the day I’m convinced I’m in a permanent state of dehydration.

I’m an early morning runner like you, so my initial reaction to a midnight marathon is no thank you, but I did a ragnar race a few weeks back and my middle of the night run was by far my best leg of the weekend. So it might work for me! I think the hardest part would be getting enough race before the start!

I wouldn’t say this is a “great” thing to see, but on my 20 miler on Sunday I saw a GINORMOUS snake in the middle of the trail. We also have a coyote in our neighborhood that I see about once a week (honestly, a more welcome sight than the snake). But I do absolutely love being out on a run for a sunrise or sunset. It’s the best feeling.

I honestly cannot wait for you to run St. George!! I’m running NYC this year and I can definitely say I’m more excited for your race than for mine ;) You’re gonna crush it!


YES TRY THE UCAN!! It is unreal… expensive (very expensive) but so great. I hear you, I am ALWAYS thirsty! That is so interesting about your middle of the night ragnar race (and congrats for your ragnar… those are tough)! COYOTE AND A SNAKE–> BE CAREFUL!! Thank you so much Annie and I am cheering you on at NYC!


Love reading your blog as I get ready for my first marathon … super helpful and encouraging!
Nutrition that has worked for me so far (longest run was 20 miles last Sunday):
16 oz. hot tap water upon waking up
2 hrs before — 2 egg cups (eggs, zucchini, sweet potatoes, cheese) and 2 banana oatmeal pancakes
1 hr before — a pb&j sandwich, half a banana
15 min before — a preworkout with beta alanine and a bit of caffeine

During: Hammer Gel or Gu Gel at 5 miles, then every 4 miles thereafter, whether I think I need it or not. Last week I did regular Hammers at 5 and 9; Gu Roctane with some caffeine and extra electrolytes at 13; a caffeinated Gu at 17; finished strong at 20. Don’t want to overload on the caffeine but know I may need a little extra kick occasionally on the back half so planning to generally alternate regular with caffeinated.

As far as fiber goes, so far I haven’t had to stop during a long run for a restroom break, and I have not consciously avoided fiber in the days before. I read that everywhere though and it is freaking me out a bit; at this point I’m hesitant to significantly change anything and am planning to just eat the way I normally do.


Sondra… I am so so excited for your first marathon! Which one is it?! You are going to rock it. Can I ask why you drink hot tap water… does it get your digestion moving or something?
I want your 2 hours before breakfast right now! Your plan looks perfect… you are doing awesome. Honestly, I wouldn’t change it if I were you. You haven’t had problems yet so don’t mess up a good thing. I have a pretty sensitive stomach so that is why I don’t do it!


Thanks for the encouragement! I’m running Baltimore on Oct. 20. Last long long run this weekend. Yes I drink the hot tap water to try to get the digestion moving and clean anything out that might be hanging around; sometimes it works, sometimes not. But like I said, so far I haven’t had to stop, so, finger’s crossed…..


You’ve got this Sondra! Please let me know how it goes. I am TOTALLY going to try this on Saturday. Thank you so much! I learn so many great tips from you guys!


Those cookies! Lemon = heaven ? I love how you put all of your nutrition plan in writing. I NEED to do that! In fact, I am doing that today. So thank you. Also, I totally need to make sure I stick to the schedule. Sooo many times I think I’m not ready for a gel at mile 5 or 6 and just wait until 7 or 8. At the time I feel fine, but by mile 22-23 I feel like dying.
I would LOVE to fo the midnight sun marathon! I would probably need some time to acclimate though (and lots of caffeine..haha)
Btw I have some AMAZING news… I got into Tokyo 2019!!!! SOOOOO EXCITED!! ????
Have a fantastic day, Janae!


AHHHH YOU DID!?! ANNEMARIE–> I AM SO THRILLED FOR YOU! I want to come with you:) You will have to tell me all about it. Yes, start early with your fueling. Have a wonderful day and grab a lemon cookie today!


Reading this gave me butterflies! I am soooo excited for you!!!!!


I LOVE YOU and watching you last month inspired me big time!


I live in the country and run on the side of the road so every run is beautiful – trees, animals, birds … except for the roadkill, yuck. Sometimes it’s like an obstacle course. Janae I wanted to tell you, In just getting back into running after a 5 year break so I’m a newbie again —> did my first speedwork EVER a few days ago – 5 min warm up, 400 m repeats with a few min walk in between x 5 then a 5 min cool down …. and I totally channeled you while I did it!! “I can do hard things” “this will make me stronger” “you can do anything for 3 minutes” … Yahoo!


A.N.D.R.E.A. YOU ARE BACK AND KILLING IT. Huge huge congrats on your speed workout… I am so happy you are back! Keep me updated on everything and enjoy those gorgeous runs that you are having!


Your nutrition plan sounds great. My best race was the one where i took in fuel regularly, and just a little bit more than I thought I “needed”. And a big burger or pizza always sounds good post race! This morning I was running with my friend with our headlamps and we came around a bend where we could see the moon over the ridge, it was huge and gorgeous and made us stop for a second to take it in.


I have a friend that told me the same thing… she took in a bit more than what she thought she needed and it paid off. Good to hear this from you Michelle! I got the goosebumps reading about your morning run. We are so lucky we get to do this.


During races – gels work well. I haven’t really done anything besides gel and gatorade for marathons. Anything longer – real food – watermelon, chips coke. I kind of have a stomach of steel. Also pb and peanut butter works well for me before a race! Dairy products before a race = fail. Ha.

Yesterday a group of us hiked/ran up Seymour Mountain in North Vancouver and we were able to catch the sunset while we were up there! It was beautiful. We were up there to do a photo shoot for a company called Girl in the Wild. The company was started by a friend of a friend, and its goal is to ensure that girls/teenage girls are able to attend wilderness retreats, to connect with the outdoors- the company sells a sustainable line of clothing to fund these retreats so it comes at no cost to the girls.

So excited for your upcoming marathon! Have a great week and you will be awesome!


I’ve always wondered what you do for your 50 mile races etc. I’m glad you learned that dairy doesn’t work for you before a race ha (sorry you had to learn the hard way). I LOVE WHAT Girl in the Wild is doing and what they stand for. Amazing. Thank you so much Kristine.


HEY! I´m from the very Northern part of Norway, so it was really cool to see you mentioning the Midnight Sun Marathon. You should definitely try it sometime. I´m traveling to Chicago next week, yep, running the marathon over there. Ran NYC Marathon last year and got completely hooked on marathons in the US – you really know how to do marathons. I´m hoping for a PB this year, aiming towards 3.35-3.30. I´m 23 and have only ran two marathons before (NYC and a mountain marathon with 3,000m of elevation), so I guess you could say I´m a novice. My training has been going very well, and I´ve been loving “training together with you” (as we are marathon training at the same time). I REALLY hope you get your sub 3 this time, I´m so excited for next saturday (and really nervous about next sunday). Love your blog!


Marte! It’s so good to hear from you, now I want to come out and run the Midnight Sun Marathon:) GOOD LUCK next week and PLEASE let me know how it goes. I’m cheering for you. I do not think you are a novice… you are rocking it! Thank you for training with me and enjoy the taper (if that’s possible)!


Run like we are all lifting you up and carrying you towards your goal.
You’ve got this!
Enjoy that burger ???


Okay, I love your comment so so much. I will absolutely think about this during the race. Thank you so much.


I switched to using Huma Gels after reading your blog and I love them! I’ve forced myself during marathons to take every 6 miles too.

I ran the Las Vegas rock n roll half marathon and it started at night. It was super fun because well it’s Vegas and there’s a band every mile or so. But I wasn’t sure what to eat or not eat during the day. Kind of tricky.


I am SO so glad! They really are the greatest:) Oh I love that you have done that race, me too and it was great but you are so right, the during the day food was HARD. Keep me updated on how you are doing Christina!


What did you think of This Is Us last night? It was so good!


It was SOOOOO good. I cried of course but loved it! Wish we could all watch it together!


You go, girl, in giving up candy! I love my sweets, and I’m just not there yet! ha ha I have been trying to dial in on the nutrition in eating ENOUGH this go round. With my first marathon, in looking at pics, I could tell that I had lost too much weight, my hair didn’t look great, etc. All of which set me up for a stress fracture 4 months later!

I know EXACTLY what you mean about how running leads us to see things we would normally miss out on . THAT is one of my FAVORITE parts of running. I”m more of a solo runner, so it’s almost like this religious experience being alone out there with that beauty and that feeling that NOTHING can replicate.

I have a friend who was supposed to run Twin Cities marathon in a few weeks. She posted on IG today that she has a peroneal stress fracture. My heart breaks for her. Last year I got within 4 weeks of my marathon, and my calf quit on me. Running is such a rollercoaster, and when things are good, we need to appreciate EVERY run, even the tough ones and the ones that don’t feel so great because THAT is better than being out of the game. Most of us have been on both sides of that coin. Being healthy sure makes me feel GRATEFUL.

Have a gorgeous day, and man do those cookies you posted look good. I want them all! :)


YES… that is such an important part of marathon training–> Getting enough!
I totally agree with you about it being a religious experience, I do a lot of praying out there. Love hearing about your alone time in nature.
Oh your poor friend.. that breaks my heart! Thank you Jen and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!


My dream post race meal is also a big juicy hamburger – bun and all. That sounds like a great plan Janae!

That 11 PM marathon sounds like the worst idea ever :-)


Oops don’t know where I got 11 PM . Midnight is even in the name! Ba ha ha Ha. You know what I mean :-). it’s still a very bad idea!hee


So it actually starts before midnight so you are right on:) I hope you have having an amazing day Amanda!


Cookies are to me as donuts are to you!

And I love Allie Kieffer maybe a little too much. And Winston, too.

The panel I went to this weekend had a chiropractor/”nutritionist” who recommended that we eat blueberries after a race and avoid sugar. Uh no thanks lady. Deena so nicely shut her down!


I need to send you this cookies, they are something else. HAHAHA yeah… so glad Deena said no to that:) Have a great day!


What happened to using Tailwind? I’m curious because I’m always trying to fix my marathon nutrition too. Glad you found what works! You’re gonna do great!!


Hey Stephanie!! Great question! I decided that I just like UCAN best and rather than complicate it by doing both race morning, I just want to have my one drink. I didn’t practice enough using it for fuel during the run so I’m too nervous to use it during the marathon BUT for the next one I would like to practice more during using it if that makes sense. I really do like it but UCAN took the #1 spot for me. Have an amazing day, thank you and keep me updated with what you figure out for your nutrition!


Nutrition is such a tricky thing – I feel like each race I do, I end up trying different things, some with success and some without. I have found that gels just don’t work for me. I’ve tried a bunch of different kinds and they make me nauseous no matter what. However, Tailwind is my thing. So, if I eat something like a bagel or toast 2 hours or so before a race, and then drink tailwind shortly before, that powers me through. Granted, I don’t run full marathons though! :) I wish the gels would work for me but they just don’t.
No way would I want to do a midnight marathon… I prefer to be sleeping at midnight.
Hmmm I haven’t seen anything too exciting while I’ve been running lately but right when I finished my run yesterday, I got to see my cat catch a mouse inside my house…which yay, I’m glad he did, but EWW that there was a mouse in my house!
Is it weird that I never have much of an appetite after a run? Like I will know I need to eat, but usually I’d rather re-hydrate and go to sleep lol. But the next day? Give me all the pizza! One whole margherita pizza all to myself. :) Or maybe taco!


That is not weird… that happens to me sometimes too and the day after my hunger is out of control! I am so happy tailwind is so great for you! I am going to practice more with it during my running for my next race! Keep doing what works for you. Have a great day!


Thanks for the nutrition update – you know I’ve been waiting. :). I am now starting double digit runs for my half in Las Vegas. I have supplied myself with nanohydr8 after your suggestion. Another thing I am trying is SIS GO energy gel. It is thinner than other gels and you don’t have to take it with water. So much better and easier.
The Las Vegas race is at 4pm and I’m already worrying about sleep and eating adjustments!! Wish I knew someone who had already run it. I doubt I could do a night race. Thanks for your suggestions!


Okay, I just looked those up… HOW have I not tried these before. It’s too late now for me but I’ll definitely try them for the next cycle. THANK YOU Anne! Are you doing RNR Las Vegas? I have done that one but I failed miserably (and ate the largest stack of chocolate syrup pancakes and junk) so I’m not the best to ask haha. Maybe try doing one of your long runs at 4 and experiment with food during the day!


After I read about your huma gels I decided to give them a try! So much better than those gu hey hand out at races. I had chocolate at mile 23 I think and it was awful! Ha made my spit so thick. But otherwise I loved them. Can’t wait for your race!


This makes me so happy! They really are so much better! Oh haha… skip the chocolate from here on out! Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day!


This sounds super runnerdy but I am so excited for your race. Seeing YOU excited is super exciting, too!

My race/run nutrition varies: when I do very long trail runs I eat more solids since the pace is much slower and I’m out there longer. For long runs on asphalt or flatter trails, I stick with gels and Tailwind. After my 36mile trail run this summer I had to practice for Berlin which is all asphalt and the pace much quicker. It got down to the wire and I made some mid race decisions that a normal person would panic over! Being the worry wart I am I kept reassuring myself that my decisions were the right one and that I could change my mind any moment. Basically I went from practicing Huma gels + water+ tailwind + Skratch chews and a mountain huckleberry hammer gel for a bonus treat (it tastes like pie) for the marathon to water+tailwind+skratch chews, then I dropped my baggy of chews…….I really held on to the complete lack of “proper” fuel and somehow managed a very strong day despite what appeared to be a dismal nutrition choice! I’ll back that the tailwind probably got me through that!

Anyway…..I’m a cookie monster and proud of it. Those cookies look incredible. I’m wildy jealous.
I would totally do the midnight run just for the novelty of it all! although I’d be very sleepy and need to have caffeine. And do the complete wacko thing and eat dinner in the morning and have breakfast at night, beforehand?

Post race I love a very hot coffee, bubbly water, and something that can be chewed instead of sucked in gel form. However, I am notorious for wanting a scoop of ice cream.

Enjoy the taper! Many of us are thinking about you!!!!!


Huma gels are the best! My husband will be using them for Chicago too. I always seem to crave a burger after a race too…. specifically a Big Mac and also a large fountain Coke. I usually drink soda but after a race (or even after giving birth to my daughter) its what I want.


Your nutrition plan is very like mine for Chicago: Breakfast similar, 2 scoops UCan about 45 mins before the start with 1 Hydrolite in too. For gels, I use E-gel, which I order online. They have a higher sodium content than regular gels and I’m a salty sweater. They also have potassium, amino acids, etc. and anyway just seem to do the trick. I haven’t had a cramp problem since using them and I used to get cramp a lot. So that’s all good.

What is not good is that my dearest husband Bill passed on yesterday. He had Alzheimer’s and had been having hospice for a few days. So while it was not a surprise at all, I’m very sad and will miss him terribly, of course. But he was always encouraging of my ridiculous marathon habit and would want me to continue to do the Chicago, so I will run it in memory of him. In fact, I’m definitely going to try and PR in honor of his support. He’d have loved that!

Run swiftly and well and I’ll do the same!!


Oh my goodness. I am so incredibly sorry. My heart is broken for you. I would love to send you something. My prayers are with you and I would love to be updated on how you are doing and I’m cheering for you. You will get that PR.


Your nutrition looks amazing- this may be too much TMI but oh well =) So do you make sure to have a bowel movement before you leave on your run?Do you ever have digestion issues while running? When I was training for my marathon 2 summers ago I had to plan my runs around bathrooms because I was guaranteed to have to use it so I get nervous if I can’t do my business before I leave… luckily on race days i have never had issues- maybe I am just eating hte wrong things? I try . not to do too much fiber but i feel like i need some to keep things going. Sooo there you have it- are we still friends? =) hahahaha


Never TMI with me. For long runs I have had this many times but for races I never have and I’m able to go before. Not sure if it has to do with cutting out fiber or because I am awake for so many hours before the race… I’m not sure! I am so glad you have never had it happen during races too. WE ARE DEFINITELY still friends. It’s so hard to figure out:)


I am saving this post for future reference! So helpful! And I’m looking into those huma gels, they sound great! How much does your nutrition plan change if you’re just running a half marathon?


Ah, I am so excited for you with this race! I can feel your energy and confidence – so inspiring! I can’t afford a coach and was wondering if you had any feedback on online plans? Hansons etc? Any thoughts on which are good for an experienced marathoner trying to get faster? Thanks


Welcome to the bun life! I have to wear my hair in a bun when I workout. Bun and a Sparkly Soul headband to keep any hair from touching my face, neck or back is a must.

Those cookies look delicious! I think I’m going to treat myself to a dozen shipped for my birthday in a couple of weeks!!


Hey Janae! Not sure if you’ve mentioned this but why did you end up going with UCAN instead of Tailwind? Didn’t know if there was a particular reason. Thinking about trying these 2 out. Thanks!

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