Our Day + My Speedwork Graph + Training Last Week:)

You know you had a killer workout when your red fingernail and your face are the same color afterwards.  I decided to jump on the treadmill yesterday for no reason other than it was really windy and really cold outside.  I just wasn’t in the mood to be outside so I chose the option of overheating instead.  I went 5 miles and included some speed.  10 minute warmup, 8 x 1 minute fast (6:31 pace for me) w/ 1 minute running recoveries after each fast minute, cool-down until I hit 5 miles—> 7:40 average pace.  I kept the incline at 1% and I usually do longer intervals at .5% incline.

As you can tell by my face, it was a really hard workout for me.

I wanted to create a graph (I know, I should really because a graphic designer;) to better describe how intervals feel for me.

The first few intervals are always the absolute hardest of the entire workout (probably because my body doesn’t know what the heck is going on), then things get easier (I must start getting a little cocky) and then they get hard again towards the end because my body is tired.  BUT those really hard intervals make the post-run high/confidence/happiness/enjoyment that much better.  Worth it.  Always worth it but so hard to get started.

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I had oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast and then a bit later we went to Pizza Factory for lunch.  Andrew’s grandpa flew to Utah and invited everyone to go to lunch and a basketball game together.

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The kids were more than happy with pizza and breadsticks for lunch.

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From there we went to a BYU basketball game.  It takes skills to blink for the picture when you are the one taking it.

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We grabbed a cougar tail (a 16 inch maple bar that are famous at BYU games) to split with our family before the game because they always sell out.

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My brother in law then gave us a bunch of tickets so we could sit a lot closer.  There he is shooting off the t-shirt gun to the audience.

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Skye really enjoyed her first game by sleeping through most of it.

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And the highlight of the day was that they put her on the jumbotron… don’t mind me excitingly taking a picture:)

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Brooke is more into the games than I am:

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It’s hard to see but it was snowing after the game.  Andrew got more than a few comments from people about his shorts and short sleeved shirt for the long walk to our car.

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After the game my sister and her kids came over and hung out for a little while.

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Then I could have gone to bed at 5:30 pm and completely slept all of the way until this morning but I didn’t.  I made the great decision to stay up and watch the Olympics with Andrew once the kids went to bed.

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Now that I am training for a race again (Mt Charleston 1/2 marathon in April), I thought I would start sharing the previous week’s running totals with you each Sunday!

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Monday:  6.27 miles @ 8:16 average pace with a lot of hills!

Tuesday:  3 miles @ 8:54 average pace.

Wednesday:  6 mile progression run @ 7:48 average pace.  8:40, 8:17, 7:56, 7:39, 7:21 & 6:55

Thursday:  7 miles @ 8:25 average pace.

Friday:  5 miles @ 8:43 average pace.

Saturday:  5 miles @ 7:40 average pace.  10 minute warm-up, 8 x 1 minute fast (for me that is a 6:31 pace right now) w/ 1 minute easy pace after each fast minute, cool-down until I hit 5 miles.

Sunday:  OFF!

33.27 miles total.


What was your favorite workout/run last week?  What was the hardest?

What are three things that you are doing today?

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My graph would look exactly like yours! Funny that the first two are so hard. I am recovering from bronchitis so I have to be wise with the come back. Not easy because I missed running and exercising so much. But I really don’t want things to get worse. So jealous of your weather! We are covered in snow!


I’m not alone… those first two are by far the hardest! Oh Mel, I am so sorry that you have had bronchitis, that is awful! Keep me updated on how you are doing and I hope that you are back to running soon and feeling great! Enjoy your Sunday (and make sure to rest!!!).


Picking up Hope. She slept at my parents for the first time last night. Chris and I had the.best.date, but it is amazing how I cannot wait to see her!!!!!


Love the graph. It’s so important too to keep that in mind, as the beginnings of workouts always seem the hardest!! Knowing it’ll be easier a little later is so helpful!

And, math and video games :). The Switch is awesome, just fyi!!


I’m going to work this afternoon, raging that my internet isn’t working, and being thankful that it isn’t working because now I can’t get distracted from my homework :)


Good luck on your homework today Linda!


Thank you Janae! I got a lot done ^^


I feel like my graph starts out really low and by the end I’m dying haha. I guess that means I need to do more speed work. I did some yesterday at my parents house and realized that their treadmill is way faster than other treadmills.


Way to go Jenny on your speed yesterday! Isn’t it crazy how some treadmills are so different than others? I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday with your family!


Great week of running Janae!

My fav run was yesterday. Long run of 13 miles with 3 x 2 @ 6:49 pace in the middle. I was scared about this one but you’re so right about the first intervals being the hardest.


WOW MALLORY!!! You rocked your long run yesterday… that is an awesome workout! Glad to know I’m not alone that the first one is the hardest. Enjoy your Sunday!


I just started training for my second half marathon, which will be Mt. Charleston! I’ll keep my eye out for you! So cool!!!!!


AHHH I am so excited for you! I think I want to plan a meet-up or something so I hope you can be there:) Good luck with your training and keep me updated on how it is going!


It’s rainy, foggy, and gross here so I did 11 on the treadmill. I broke it up with a weight circuit every three miles. It wasn’t easy but my training is still on track. Now It’s time for laundry and probably cleaning the kitchen floor.
I’m with Skye on the basketball game; sounds like a great time for a nap.
Pizza factory sounds delicious. I’m still hungry from my workout this morning.


Skye at the basketball game is TOO CUTE! And I may just have the appetite of a child, but I would be more than happy with pizza and breadsticks for lunch just about every day, too.

My favorite workout last week was a cycle class that I took with my mom! She had never done it before, and it was a blast to do it with her.

Three things I am doing today are watching a lot of The Following on Netflix, meal prepping lunches for the week, and going to book club later tonight. :)


I am honestly parked on my bed at this point. I ran the Florida Marathon’s Half distance this morning in Melbourne, Fl. I placed 2nd in my age group {25-29} and even with the heat and humidity had a respectable time of 1:41. We then proceeded to stuff our faces walk for 2 hrs on the beach and then stuff our faces again. I think it might be time to get back on the normal eating train once we leave tomorrow! :)


LINDSAY!! Huge huge huge congrats on your awesome race this morning. That is incredible (I can’t even run a mile in heat and humidity)! Sounds like a perfect day!


When you do speed on the treadmill- how do you do your recovery? By stepping off or lowering the speed and then bringing the speed back up? I have been trying to do some speed work on the treadmill but get so frustrated moving up and down. So last week I did 25seconds on and then stepped off for 10 and then back on and so on.


I am visiting my sis in FL, I’m from Cali, and the humidity is kicking my booty on my runs!! Yesterday, I did a mid run (8 mi @ 8:49) and my Watch said I needed 4 days of recovery. Haha, after my 3:38 marathon in Dec, it said 3.5 days. Humidity is no joke!

3 things: running with my sister, lunch with the fam, and then flying home to see my babies (yay!)


I love seeing your weekly run totals again!


I recognize Skye’s little valentines day sweatshirt from Old Navy! I got one that my baby (9mo) is going to wear tomorrow to his “school party”. I wish it came in adult size! It is sooo cute!


I hope I get a chance to meet you at revel Mt Charleston! My 3rd year in a row…it is my favorite!

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