My first post-baby TEMPO + how we got Skye to sleep through the night!

My first tempo run after having Skye was a success.

Yep, still obsessed with the AirPods. Seriously, they might be the greatest running invention since GPS watches.  I do not have to adjust them at all during the entire run.  Also, a few of you have asked about what I carry my phone in and my favorite thing is the Nathan Hipster Belt.  Yesterday I had to grab Andrew’s belt because mine was in the wash and I was reminded throughout the entire run all over again how much I love my belt:)

I did a mile warm-up and then set out for 30 minutes at a comfortably hard pace to see about where my tempo pace is right now.  I ended up going a bit harder than comfortably hard and finished with a 7:00 average so I think my tempo pace is probably around a 7:07 average (no science behind that… it’s just what my brain thinks).

My splits were 7:05, 7:05, 7:03, 6:51 and 6:54ish average for the last .29!  Speed work is kind of a game for me which is why it makes the time go by so fast and it makes running fun for me.  I did the first two miles according to feel of where my tempo pace is right now and then for the last two I just tried to go a bit faster so I could have a negative split.

Hallelujah for:

*It getting lighter outside earlier and earlier.

*The return of my runner’s cough.  After I finished I sat on the side of the road for a minute and experienced runner’s cough.  I get this when I stop running after I push myself during a run.  I haven’t had that since my half-marathon last April when I finished.  This cough isn’t a fun experience while it’s happening, but it’s fun to be back pushing myself outside and working hard.

*Clear roads so I don’t have to dodge ice/snow.

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Stretching is beneficial still if it happens about an hour after you finish your run right?  After getting Brooke to school, feeding Skye and eating some oatmeal and yogurt… I got to business on stretching.  I started feeling pretty tight after those tempo miles so the foam roller was especially fun and painful later (ps how I foam roll is here ((it’s a video)).

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PS I thought this was funny and it carries us right into our next topic, I always want pancakes.

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We made it over to IHOP for free pancakes.  As you know, I’m a huge fan of free food.

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My mom met us there too.

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I had a sweet potato with chicken for my real lunch but these pancakes tasted so good.

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Our afternoon was filled with all sorts of randomness including a lot of UNO playing while feeding Skye.

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Gymnastics practicing.

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And later on Skye watched another baseball game with Andrew.

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Real life parenting… mid evening was R.O.U.G.H. but a few chores, making tacos for dinner, early pajamas and some hugs help to turn things around.

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I am a huge fan of Gwen Jorgensen and I am loving the episodes she is posting lately about her training.  I love how she is setting some huge goals (the gold at the Olympics for the marathon) and I love seeing how she is going about it.


In case you were wondering, we do not style Skye’s mohawk each day… it just comes that way naturally which I love.

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Skye has been sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks.  I call sleeping through the night going to bed at 9 and her getting up to eat anytime between 4:00-6:15 and then she goes back to sleep and that is when I run.  Right before she started sleeping this long she was waking up a few times at night and one night Andrew put her down in her room for her to sleep instead of in our room.  He is a genius.  From that day on, she has been sleeping way longer stretches.

My conclusion of why she is sleeping so well now (and yes, sleep regressions are up ahead but I’m enjoying this now)… I WAS THE ONE WAKING HER UP.

I snore.  Loudly.  Poor Andrew.  And I think I was waking her up during the night with my snoring.  Andrew has learned how to block out my snoring but Skye has not yet;)  Now that she has some peace and quiet in her room she is sleeping like a champ.

Also, I need someone to sleep train me now.  I keep waking up in the middle of the night frantically searching for Skye in our bed (she has never slept in our bed but in my dream she is and I wake up thinking that she is)… it’s the strangest thing.  I wake up Andrew as I am searching under the covers for her and freaking out that I can’t find her.  It’s so weird.  And then I’m up for a while after that because of my heart rate from the weird dream/search that is going on at night.  Has that happened to anyone else?  My mothering worrying goes around the clock.

Long story short, we cannot take any credit for Skye’s good sleeping right now (but I think I can take some credit for waking her up with my snoring for a few weeks there).

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Do you bring your phone with you?  How do you carry it?  

Does anyone snore?  Does anyone have a significant other that snores?  What helps to stop the snoring… after 32 years, it’s probably time I start finding a solution for this.

Favorite tempo distance… how many miles do you usually tempo for when you do a tempo run?

Please rank the following breakfast goodness in order from best to worst… pancakes, waffles, omelette, cinnamon rolls, crepes, french toast, parfait (and feel free to add in other delicious breakfast meals to the ranking)!

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Cinnamon rolls have my heart <3 And then I'd vote waffles, pancakes, parfaits, omelettes, and then crepes.

And how has Andrew been dealing with the snoring?! My boyfriend snores LOUDLY and is in hard denial about that hah. Thoughts on earplugs? I'm hesitant to wear earplugs because I'm nervous that I'll sleep through my alarm but I need relief!!


I seriously do not know how he deals with my snoring… I tell Beretta to stop it if I can hear her snoring from the other room because I can’t handle it!! I would have the same fear about earplugs too! If I find a solution I’ll post about it and maybe he can try it ha. Have a great day Arthi!


I am a VERY light sleeper and started wearing ear plugs a few years ago–at that point I was still sleeping alone. It has made a HUGE difference! I am always able to hear my alarm, and I get much more rest than I would without them. :)


I misread this comment and thought it said that cinnamon rolls helped with snoring. And I was like OMG THIS IS THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY SINCE PENICILLIN.


LOL!!! Too funny!!


My husband and I used to wake up looking for the baby in the bed too! I thought we were just really sleep deprived but maybe it’s a normal thing ?‍♀️ haha


Reading through these comments makes me feel like this is kind of a normal thing!?! It’s so strange! Thanks for sharing Megan! Have an awesome day.


BEST: Pancakes, waffles, CARAMEL PECAN ROLL, cinnamon rolls, french toast, omelette, crepes, yogurt parfait! Although, they are all delicious!
Reason for pancakes as #1, you can either top them or add mix ins, also cleaning a griddle > cleaning waffle maker…!


Well, now you have me dreaming of a caramel pecan roll… that sounds SO good. I completely agree with your reasoning for why pancakes are so amazing! Have an awesome day Emily!


My son is 16 months now but when he was a baby I would do the same thing, I would wake up in a panic thinking I’ve had rolled over on him but he never slept in my bed to begin with! My sister said the same thing happened with her, it’s so weird!


What is going on with all of us doing this… I seriously wonder why it happens! Thanks for sharing Rachael… I’m not alone with this! Have a fabulous day!


My son is 7 months old, has never slept in our bed, and I still have the dreams (nightmares really) that I rolled on him. I’m a stomach sleeper and breastfeeding so my theory is that my overly full boobs confuse my brain in the middle of the night!


Skye is so precious. I feel like when I have a baby I am going to be like you and be terrified I lost him or her in the middle of the night! I have some crazy dreams as it is, so I can only imagine how those will be escalated when I have a child.

My husband Chris snores, and he uses those nasal strips (you can get them at Costco!) and I actually feel like they really work. It also helps to put a little vick’s vapo rub right underneath his nose before bed. I have definitely noticed a difference with those 2 things!

Also, this post has inspired me to go make myself pancakes for breakfast.


Oh I will totally have to try those nasal strips and the vick’s vapo rub.. thanks Allison for the tips! I hope that you had some delicious pancakes Allison and that your day is a great one!


I have to have my babies in their own rooms in order for either of us to sleep ? The baby doesn’t wake due to my tossing and turning and I don’t wake up at every little baby noise made.


YES YES YES… it’s a win for everyone! Thanks Dee!


Pancakes, omelets and apple fritters. Although that order is subject to change depending on my mood. :) We both can snore, although generally not too loudly and it has to do with head position and mouth breathing. So once we move it ceases, a little bit lucky in that department.


Niiiiiiiiice job on the tempo run!! My favorite is probably the three-mile tempo. I know it’s not a lot, but I’ve used it to train for a lot of races, and it’s been helpful. But I also love (and hate) the more challenging ones, like a 2×3 or 3×2 set of tempo miles.

I really want pancakes now. That list is really tough to order, but I’m going to try. However, my top three probably switch around, depending on my mood: French toast, pancakes, waffles, crepes, omelette, parfait, cinnamon rolls.


Oh, man. I use to do that all the time and it was so scary! My babies never slept in my bed, so I don’t know why I would do that. Worst feeling!


It seriously makes no sense why we all do this! It really freaks me out too, hopefully it stops soon! Have a beautiful day Lynnette and thanks for sharing!


We made it to four months with our baby in our room, and that was a struggle. She’d wake me, I’d wake her. It was such a turning point when she moved out and I could get ready for bed in the bedroom (rather than in the hall), and actually read a book in bed with the light on. She’s eight months now, and I shared a room with her at a friend’s a few weeks ago. Never again. I will sleep in utility rooms, garages, halls, bathrooms – but not in with her.

My husband went mad when she was born, looking for her in the bed every night for about six weeks (like you, she never slept there). I once found him – really confused and kind of asleep – trying to pick her up out her moses basket because he thought she needed something (he couldn’t specify what). He ended up having to sleep on the sofa for a bit as he was waking us both several times a night and I was worried he could somehow hurt her. It fully passed though, thankfully.


HAHAH YES… it is so much easier to sleep without them in your room! I totally understand what you are saying Hannah! Oh your poor husband… it’s so crazy how this happens to so many people! Thanks for sharing and I hope your day is a great one.


THAT PANCAKE MEME IS ME!! all me and my running buddies do for the second half of our long runs is talk about what we’re going to eat after. I often add a scoop of protein powder to my pancake batter if I’m trying to make it a recovery food!!
I use an arm band for my phone but I actually hate it. I am considering a flip belt, but I’m kind of petite and worried it won’t stay in place?!? I’ll take a look at that nathan belt, too!
PS My Fleece leggings ( that I talked about yesterday) were from ATHLETA. They’re a little pricy but I wore them on a 12-degree 12-miler and they were super helpful.


I’ve had a Flipbelt for years and swear by it. It holds my phone, keys, and all the other odds and ends that I run with and I never feel it. My husband snores pretty loudly, I think it’s just a side effect of his allergies. I actually sleep better with his snoring, it’s kind of like white noise to me.


I wish the little apple earbuds fit in my ears. They always fall out! I have to use Yurbuds but at least they’ve worked great for me.
I have an apple watch and it’s great because I no longer feel like I have to have my phone 24/7. I can text and call people from it, so I don’t need my phone in case of an emergency.


Great tempo Janae! You’re really bringing your speed back quickly- how??!!?

I will probably tempo tomorrow. I am about 7 weeks out from the Boston marathon so at this point, my tempo runs are anywhere from 7-9 miles. I don’t really push it longer than that. Hoping I can hold around a 7:00 pace for those. We shall see.



Happy Wednesday! How did your day go Monday after trying to pray more/worry less? I fell many times, but the times I remembered to it helped significantly!

I dont generally bring my phone when I run because I was using the flip belt and it kind of made my stomach hurt? I wonder if you’ve used a flip belt before, and if so how it compares to your Nathan belt? They look similar.

Right now for tempo runs I do around 3 miles because I’m fairly new to speed. So, when its difficult I just think of it as I’m running a 5k race.

Best to worst: pancakes, cinnamon rolls, waffles, omelette, French toast, parfait. Ok that was way harder than I thought it would be. Breakfast food is the best! And eggs are my favorite, so I pretended that all the sweet things were paired with a couple eggs. Omelettes are not my favorite way to have eggs so they were further down the list….yes, a lot of thought went into this ;)


I did the exact same thing after my son was born! Some might not agree with me but I had him sleep in his room from night one, and yet I still would wake up searching for him the bed like a maniac :). More often than not I’d even “wake up” and I’d be standing in the kitchen or his room ready to feed him LOL but he hadn’t even made a sound. Post-baby-sleep-deprivation-emotions-on-high-brain is no joke!


My pediatrician (he has 9 kids) did the same thing… baby in their own room from day one so that both he and his wife and the baby could sleep! Hahaha I SERIOUSLY did that one time too, I went in to feed her and she was sound asleep. So strange. I hope you have a wonderful day Jocelyn and thanks for sharing.


Oh man, I am not alone! We are adopting a sweet baby boy born in early January, and at first I would constantly wake up rocking blankets in bed, then freak out thinking I had lost him in the blankets! This happened every time I slept/napped! It was so bad that we’ve never had him sleep in our room for fear that I would actually unknowingly grab him in my sleep (I am a very vivid dreamer and often jump out of bed mid-dream). My friends laugh hysterically when I tell them so I am so relieved to know so many other people have done this too! It subsided about a month in, but I will have a spell every so often.


You are NOT alone! Oh congrats on your new little baby boy! Yep, turns out a bunch of us do this! It’s so strange but hearing how many other people do this helps me to feel less crazy (and maybe just sleep deprived haha)! Have a great day Kristina!


I always bring my phone with me when I run. Either in a snug pocket so it doesn’t bounce, or in my running belt. I use it for tunes and it also makes me feel safer in case something happens while I’m out and need to reach someone. My husband doesn’t snore but he does breathe loudly when he sleeps. that used to wake me up, but it doesn’t anymore so I guess I have learned to block it out. Lol.


It makes me feel better about myself to know there are other female snorers out there. I don’t know how my husband puts up with it but apparently it bugs him because I am considering seeing someone to help fix it. I wear nose strips at night and while they do help me breathe better they don’t stop my snoring. Oh well.


YES YES YES… I’ve snored for a very long time! Please let me know if there is anything that you find helps… Andrew would love it ha. Have a great day!


This same thing used to happen to me when my daughter was a baby. She never once slept in my bed either but I’d always wake up in a panic thinking she was being smothered under the covers. So weird!


French toast, omelette, waffle, pancake, parfait, cinnamon roll (more a dessert for me) crepes.

You’d be surprised how much having baby in their own room just helps them sleep in general. My first started out in her own room and slept through the night at 2 weeks old. Then we moved and she was in our room and she never slept at night until she was 2! Our second woke up every 2 hours for the first 4 months and then we moved her to a room with her sister. She still woke up but not as much. Sometimes she still wakes up but mostly just due to bad dreams. With my son we started him in his own room and he only ever woke up once a night to eat and then quickly slept through the night. I’m convinced it’s because he’s in his own room. Also none of us snore, but just even rolling over in bed or little sounds were still waking them up.


I have a one month old and my husband and I are constantly waking up thinking he is in our bed somewhere (he has never slept in our bed) or I wake up thinking I never woke up and fed him (I always have) when I was supposed to. We have a laugh about it in the day time but it is scary to wake up like that!


I’m not alone!! It really is the craziest thing and it freaks me out every time… wouldn’t you think we would remember the same thing happening the night before haha! Congrats on your one month old Cara and have a beautiful day!


That’s hilarious about why Skye is sleeping through the night. I’m glad Andrew has learned to sleep through it. My husband snores but not all the time and I’m a deep sleeper who usually falls asleep before he does, so it works out. He is a light sleeper though and our dog snores REAL loud. It doesn’t wake me but wakes my husband. Haha. Breakfast foods: sausage/egg/cheese biscuit (from Chik-Fil-A), cinnamon rolls, pancakes, waffles, french toast, omelette, crepes, and parfait.


Try Breathe Right strips! They helped me SO MUCH. I’m not a serious snorer, but would wake myself (and my poor husband) up occasionally throughout the night. The strips open your nasal passages a bit so you can breathe more clearly through your nose. Give them a try! =)


THANK YOU ADA for letting me know about Breathe Right… I will totally have to try them! Sounds perfect:) Have a fabulous day!


Cinnamon rolls will forever be the top of any breakfast list – but pancakes are a close second! There’s a diner about 30 min away from me that makes cinnamon roll pancakes and those are next-level delicious!
Congrats on your great tempo run! I’m very jealous of your runs – I thought I was finally kicking this sickness and then I developed a high fever and felt awful all night Monday…turns out I have Influenza A. Yuck! So no running for me this week considering I can’t breathe very well!
Whenever I do get back to running (soon I hope!) my flip belt carries my stuff well for me.


Way to go on that tempo!
I carry my phone with me using my trusty flipbelt! I love it.
No snoring in our house! Unless you count our dog ;)
I used to love a good 20 minute tempo!
My favorite breakfast is waffles…with lots of butter and syrup!


I did a tempo run this morning too! Got out the door a little later than usual so I only did 4.5 miles. And I carry my phone in a FlipBelt. I have it for about a year and love it!
My husband says I snore but I choose to believe he is lying.
1. French Toast (bonus if its captain crunch french toast) 2. Breakfast burrito 3. Omelette 4. Crepes 5. Pancakes 6. Waffles
7. cinnamon rolls 8. parfait


If I am running stroller-free with someone else, I leave it home. If I am running with the stroller (which is most of the time), it’s in one of the cup holders. If I am running by myself, 3-6 miles, I hold it. Longer runs…I haven’t found a good solution yet…sometimes in my glove, sometimes in a pocket somewhere, sometimes in my hand swearing a blue streak.

I usually tempo 3 miles. I like tempo-ing up through 5 miles. I hope to some day work up to an 8 mile tempo.

Cinnamon rolls (by a ways), tie between french toast and breakfast burritos, omelette, pancakes, oatmeal, crepes, waffles, parfait (by a ways).


Sometimes I bring my run–I always do on long runs. I use a Spibelt and am happy with that. If I’m going super long and need water, I’ll use my single barrel Orange Mud vest. This Saturday I am actually going long, and my husband is taking my oldest daughter out of town for the day. I was like, “Uhhhh, who’s my second emergency person to come and save/rescue me if I need it during my run then?!” ha ha

I don’t snore, and neither does my husband, but he’s a heavy breather, which, IMO, is JUST AS BAD as snoring. ha ha I actually got a white noise machine this fall, and that has been heavenly. It just makes everything feel zoned out!


I currently run with my phone in a Flipbelt at my back. I feel it’s a big safety issue and I should never be without my phone in case I get sick and need help or if someone bothers me.

I’m about to get an Apple Watch 3 with Cellular and I’m so excited to run phone free and still be safe. But I am nervous. I currently can’t give up my Garmin or my Fitbit. I have to get over both of them and embrace the Apple Watch 100%.

I’m really hard pressed to rank your breakfast goodies. I love almost all of them. Usually I only eat omelettes regularly though, I feel guilty when I eat pancakes or waffles or whatnot.


If it is winter, then I stick my phone in my jacket pocket. In warmer weather, I use the Koala clip. Because I do most of my running on my own, my family is happy. I ended up going with the Koala Clip instead of the Apple Watch, because I was not thrilled with the price or features of the Apple Watch.

I desperately needed a kitchen faucet ( and soap dispenser and I could not afford both. House improvements take time, but it was worth the wait. I cleaned all of my dirty dishes (properly instead of lugging them to/from the bathroom) and the kitchen is starting to be mine again. I am committed to paying outright for improvements (starting with this one), even if it takes longer to implement them.


YES! I always used to wake up searching for my daughter…it’s the scariest thing! The good news…it goes away. Worry/anxiety/sleep deprivation = searching for your baby in bed. :)


My daughter is almost two and I still wake up occasionally searching for her in our bed and she’s never slept in our bed once. It’s so crazy how those mama instincts, worries, and anxiety creep in even during our dreams and sleep. The severity of it comes and goes for me – the more stress in life, the more I have weird dreams/nighttime issues.


My husband snores, but I can tune it out… rumor has it that I snore now, but didn’t at the beginning of our marriage, but I feel like it is only when i have a stuffy nose.

But lets talk these earbuds. Are they really that amazing? I am in the market (as in ASAP) for some new wireless headphones and I can’t imagine that these are comfortable and wouldn’t pop out of my ears, but I have yet to find a pair that are comfortable.

I like omelettes, wheat toast, granola, waffles, German Pancakes (or Dutch Babies as we call them) probably in that order. I also like crepes, but not for breakfast. French toast is probably my LEAST favorite. Pancakes do nothing for me either.


I bring my phone with me, in Oiselle Flyte tights in the winter (or my jacket) and one Oiselle Distance Shorts in the summer (although I love the Flyte pants phone pocket on the leg so much I ordered the Flyte shorts to see how that feels. I also have a handheld water bottle with a zipper pocket that I sticky it in sometimes. But I use that primarily for my keys (when running from home), my badge (when running from work), and my fuel (Gu Chomps).

I snored while pregnant and my husband HATED it. Luckily it stopped. But HE snores?!?!!!?!

Tempo? I run 3 miles or 6 miles or my long run. No tempo. That’s fancy!!

French toast, Cinnamon rolls, pancakes, waffles, omelette, cinnamon rolls, crepes, parfait


I used to wake up freaking out that my son was in our bed too! Exactly like you described total panic and tossing around the sheets. I thought I was crazy ;) It didn’t last more the first few weeks/months (those days are all a blur!) and then I just started being anxious about other things instead!! Ahh parenting :)


With our daughter it was the same exact thing…she slept in our room until around 3 months and she was waking up at least once or twice a night. As soon as we moved her into her crib in her own room we all slept MUCH better! Expecting our 2nd in July and plan on doing the same exact thing now. My husband didn’t snore that bad but in the past year has gotten much worse. I’ve been wearing earplugs and it helps a lot but not sure what we are going to do when this 2nd kiddo comes :) I’ve been after him to see an ENT to see if anything can be done!


Yes to carrying a phone (zip lock bag) and then I stuff it in my sports bra or tights pocket. Yep he snores – I just take a pillow and hit him on the head with it when he does – except one time I hit him on the head with the pillow and he stopped snoring and I thought I killed him :p. I know, I know. It is so funny that you woke your baby up!

Tempo runs = max 6 miles ish but haven’t done formal temp run in ages.

cinnamon rolls (or as I like to call them cinnamon buns), pancakes, hashbrowns and eggs, waffles, crepes, french toast, parfait.

Have a great day!


My 15 year old son has snored LOUDLY since he was a kid. He has no risk factors (not overweight, very fit). We took him to an ENT when he was 8 and he had enlarged tonsils and adenoids but not enough of a factor to get them removed. We recently took him to another ENT because I noticed he’d wake himself (probably mild sleep apnea). He has a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. He’s having surgery to correct that and hopefully it will cure his snoring and help him feel better rested as well as save his future spouse from having to listen to him.


Hi! Long time reader, first time commenter here! Just curious about gymnastics because I am interested in enrolling my 2 year old daughter. Did you ever do the Mommy and Me classes with Brooke, or did she go straight into the solo classes? Just wondering what the best way to get her started would be.


HEY Whitney!! I am so excited for your little one to do gymnastics. We didn’t ever do the Mommy and Me classes and started when she was 3 to go to the solo classes. She started being afraid of getting on the beam etc so we took a break from going until she told me that she really wanted to do gymnastics again (so at 5.5… there was about a 1.5 year break) and now she isn’t afraid of anything and loves it. I think it just really depends on the kid with the right age to start etc. I would experiment and take her to a mommy and me class and see how she does. Thanks and I hope you have a great day!


My husband and I used to wake up and both search frantically in the bed for the babies (we have twins) and we would throw the blankets off the bed looking for them. We would also “pass” a baby back and forth, when the babies were both really in their bassinets. ***I would breastfeed one and pass her off to hubby and then breast feed the other so sometimes we would be sleep/dream passing them back and forth. You’re not alone :)


I always carry my phone and currently use a Spinelt but I don’t love it as I think it is just old and needs to be replaced. It bounces around like crazy and won’t stay tight.

I don’t snore but I do talk quite a bit and wake myself up at times. It’s crazy!

Tempo…oh how I can’t wait to add this back into my vocab. I am struggling with building a base and still doing a run-walk method. :-(

Omelette; Pancake, Waffles…the rest I will leave because I am not a sweet fan at all. Bring on all the savory options!


I generally hold my phone in my hand while running… is your phone sensitive to temperatures? Mine would shut down if its cold!


My kiddos just started training for track and my 12 year old got placed with the faster boys and besides crying after practice (which I would totally do too!) he had a crazy cough so we talked about runner’s cough and how it typically only happens when you push yourself super hard.

When I bring my phone with me I use a Spibelt or I put it in my Lulu vest pocket.

No snoring here. My mom snores, and I have to take medication and wear earplugs if we share a room. Poor Andrew ;)

For tempo, I like to do 4-6 miles(ish) but sometimes I like throwing tempo into the end of a long run.

My stomach is so particular in the morning, I usually stick to eggs, gluten free oatmeal, or Paleo pancakes. Boo! I do love all of those things, but my stomach doesn’t.


French toast, cinnamon rolls, waffles, crepes, pancakes, coffee cake, quick breads (ie pumpkin, banana nut), parfait, and omelette. Honestly, I love breakfast. I’ll choose breakfast over any meal, any time.


I so relate to Skye’s sleeping situation! I had to move my daughter to her room when she was ONE WEEK old, because my husband snores so loudly that she would wake up every hour or so… It got instantly better when we moved her!! He became responsible for waking me up when she cried, because I have to wear ear plugs or I’ll wake up every hour as well! She’s almost 11 months old now, and has been sleeping through the night since around 6 weeks, and I fully attribute it to her sleeping in her own room.. :)
And yes, sleep regressions are ahead (we had a long one at 8 months when she learned to stand up my herself and didn’t know how to get herself down again) – but if she’s used to sleeping through the night when the regressions happen, she’ll just get back to it in a couple week..


My husband snores and he bought a wedge pillow (Amazon) and he snoring has really decreased. It is pretty remarkable. I also bought a white noise maching for my side of the bed and that helps too!


I need a wedge pillow… thanks so much Allison!


Yep, I definitely searched for my little guy in the bed (and he never slept with us!) I used to pull out the flashlight on my phone looking for him everywhere – in the bed, under the bed, in the bathroom. Based on all these comments, I’m glad I’m not the only one :)


For us, everyone slept better when they were in their own rooms. Annabelle slept in our room until 6 weeks. Everyone told me I was crazy to switch her to her crib so soon…..and then I put Evan and Felicity in their crib from the night we got home from the hospital. Ha!

I have totally done the wake up and panic that my kid should be in bed with me and is not and frantically searching the sheets.

French toast, parfait, cinnamon roll, waffles, omlettes, pancakes, crepes.


Looking for a solution? Love! It’s like you called me. It looks like you really want to do something about this. So, I have news you can use and I really want you to get a result here. It’s really not cool to do this to loved ones – the snoring.

Ok, let’s start with the root cause and not be superficial (or superfacial, ha! nose is on the face…). What is the root cause? Do you know? We need root cause findings to really help. One suggestion: see an Otolaryngologist and get a good scope, or two. Just get to an Otolaryngologist. Get numbed and discover what is there and see what they have to say. It’s like Dr. Bennett, but different. It looks like you get 8 hours of sleep/ night, so you have fewer causes available right there.

Another solution (since you didn’t mention it): Ocean spray. Not the juice, ha! Be near a sink. Put your head back while standing near the sink and STREAM Ocean spray twice in each side alternating sides and streaming and draining. So, there’s four streams and four drains total per session. THIS IS LIFE CHANGING for those who do. It doesn’t take long unless one hems and haws or there is too much time between sessions. Just do it, regularly. Some people say, oh yeah I have it on my night stand and I PUFF it in to moisten the passage. NO! STREAM it, head back, by the sink. After the spray settles toward the back (approximately above the soft palate – think adenoids, or Google them), bring your head forward and drain into the sink. See how much mucous was there and is no longer. You might want to do this before a hot shower the first time and have some sweet potatoes ready to go after the shower.

You didn’t mention it, so I don’t know if you’re already doing this kind of self-care.

In addition to the satisfaction of removing the excess/ unnecessary/ pooled mucous, having sensation in these parts can bring new awareness. Knowledge is power. You could use the power to find new ways of blowing your nose, when no one is around, with the goal being to get the stuff out of there. This is useful when sick and when not. It’s especially useful at season changes and when sick. It is useful for people of many ages. If you heard of the neti pot which goes way back in time and healing, this is less labor and gets the job done.

Try it, you’ll like it. For those who might be saying, how can mucous be the problem? We all have mucous and Andrew isn’t snoring!!! HRG isn’t recycling mucous in her cavities!!! (You know the deep inhale with the noise?) As noted above, we do not have root cause findings. This method of self-care goes way back, it works, and everyone is different. Andrew might try it and you might compare output and report back in case anyone wants to know. You might wait and see if it comes up because it might not fit with the blog mission. We’re going to have to see.

Oh, if you do this for a week before going to the Otolaryngologist, you’ll have more/ better info. to share. You know, proactive-like. Rule some more things out.

Ok, think this cover it for now. I hope you find a solution! I hope you find causes! I hope you keep us in the loop of this story bringing balance to the blog!


My husband used to search the bed before we ever let the babies sleep with us. Now he never does and the youngest sleeps with us ever night. Hmmm….


French toast is always my favorite!!


You are not alone! I still wake up at least once a night in a panic that I didn’t put my baby back in her crib (I don’t co-sleep either) and she’s almost one. Talk about heart pounding, it is the worst feeling to wake up like that :(.

I hold my phone for the most part when I run. I’ve always done it like that so I feel naked without it.

My husband snores like crazy, but if he’s on his stomach it’s not as bad (I may or may not push him in the middle of the night to get him to roll over if he’s on his back). It doesn’t usually bother me unless I go to sleep after him or when I’m trying to go back to sleep after nursing. The only time I snore is when I’m pregnant.

I’ve never done a tempo run but I really want to try one once I build up my mileage a bit.

All of those breakfast foods sound amazing, I don’t think I can rank them. I love breakfast and would eat it for every meal if I could.


I would wake up looking for my daughters twin sister, but she didn’t have a twin. Never had a twin. The imaginary twin was named Jenna. I would panic and say, “Where is Jenna” as I searched the bed. ?


My husband is a loud snorer! Like everyone complains if we share a hotel room with them! Luckily I’m a really deep sleeper, so I can sleep through it without noticing it. Occasionally I’ll have trouble sleeping and his snoring will bother me. It has gotten so much better though! He wears those nasal strips, uses the neti pot, and we turn on the humidifier. If he snores now it’s much softer. Also if I put my hand on him he’ll temporarily stop long enough for me to fall asleep. Our first one is due at the end of May, so hopefully she’s a deep sleeper like me!


I am so glad someone else has had the frantic search through the covers. There is no worse feeling that waking up thinking your baby is lost in the covers!! I never slept long periods in bed with my daughter but sometimes when she woke up at 4 and wouldn’t go back to sleep, we would snuggle into bed together and sleep. But I woke up many times after in the middle of the night frantically searching through the covers wondering where she was and if she had fallen off the bed. Worse feeling ever!


I was constantly waking up in a panic that I fell asleep in bed breastfeeding and she was under the covers. Now my daughter is 8 years old and I still wake up looking for her. I have dumped out laundry baskets, dresser drawers, checked the fridge and dirty clothes hamper. I notice after doing this for 8 years that it only happens during times of really high stress. So if I’m stressed at work or over scheduled in life and not sleeping well I will have these experiences. Moms have to take care of themselves! Bottom line!

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