Happy Thanksgiving + wanna come take this class with me + streaks!

I’ve got a new BABY UPDATE—>  Here!!!  37 weeks!


Happy Thanksgiving!  If you are celebrating today, I hope your day is filled with your favorite people, lots of good food and a lot to be thankful for!  I’m sure thankful for you guys and the connections we have built over the years… thank YOU for hanging out with me online!

The treadmill won my debate over what to do for my run yesterday.  I knew I wouldn’t have time to run and watch the new episode of This Is Us (and I was way too excited to watch this week’s episode) so I combined the two for 5 miles of run/walking at home.

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Beretta always stares at us like we are crazy when we run on the treadmill.  She can’t understand why we would ever run inside when there is a whole world outside of different scents, cats to chase and places to take her running:)  She doesn’t get my love for watching emotional tv shows while I run but maybe someday she will.

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Andrew and Brooke stayed at his aunt’s house on Tuesday night before he took her the rest of the way to her dad for Thanksgiving!  His aunt had pumpkin pancakes (jealous) for them and Brooke’s new favorite dog to play with in the morning.

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Luckily, I  was able to FaceTime with them a few times before she was off!

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I didn’t leave the house all day yesterday until it was time to get Andrew at  3.  I finished a bunch of stuff around the house and sat at the computer for hours and then jumped in the car to get Andrew at the airport.

I listened to this podcast yesterday on the drive and it was SO good.  It also made me really want to try Barre3.  Who wants to come to a class with me in February?

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And then Andrew arrived.  He is flying out on Saturday again to pick up Brooke and then drive home again with his cousins.  He is quite the guy for doing all of this so that Brooke could be in California for Thanksgiving (traveling is not a thing right now for me… I swear the airplane ride is what put me in labor ((even though I’ve been told a million times that it wasn’t)) a little early with Brooke).

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Beretta is positive that the arm rest in between the driver’s seat and passenger seat was made specifically for her to rest her head on whenever we drive anywhere.

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We got up to Andrew’s parents’ house and they had creamy potato soup ready for us

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After dinner they had The Goonies on and for the first time in my life I watched some of it.  Andrew isn’t very happy that I have gone this long in life without watching it but someday I will watch the entire thing with him!

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There was also some chocolate milk drinking… almost as good as hot chocolate.  If I would have added marshmallows I’m sure it would be just as good as hot chocolate.

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We also made a stop at the store to pick up some last second Thanksgiving stuff.  I didn’t see this sign until we had already parked but next time we go to this grocery store, we are so parking here!

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Andrew was pretty happy that his parents had Egg Nog.  One time we were at a family gathering with Andrew’s family and Andrew put a bunch of alfredo in a glass and told his brother-in-law that it was Egg Nog.  He took a big swig of it and yeah… it definitely took him by surprise!

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I got this picture yesterday of Brooke doing her Thanksgiving meal prep.  For some reason she looks so old to me with that apron on!

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Have you ever done a running streak?  Runner’s World has a fun one starting up today if you want to join it!

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One more reminder about this week’s baby update here!!!


Ever done a running streak?  For how long?

Ever taken a barre class?  What are your thoughts?  

What are you feeling extra grateful for today?

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I’ve never taken a barre class, but they seem to be pretty popular nowadays. I’ll join you! :)

I’m thankful that I was able to fly home to Texas to be with my family today and that the Lord is doing something BIG in my life right now out in California, even though I don’t know what that is or why He called me out there. I appreciate the opportunity for the adventure. And I’m grateful for YOU and your friendship all of these years, Janae. Thanks for being so wonderful, supportive, and encouraging. Hope y’all have a great Thanksgiving!!


Love your red nails!! Perfect for the season :)
I’m sort of nervous to watch the new episode of This Is Us…the previews have me convinced this is going to be a very emotional episode. Did you cry the whole time?!?
I just ran an easy 5K with my pup, yesterday was leg day so I took it nice and slow on the trails.
Happy Thanksgiving Janae!


No running streak for me — I like to take days off in between runs.

I’m extra grateful that there are those that love us (hubby and I) even though we’re far away from our family and can’t see them today, we know we’re loved. We also are super grateful for friends and the invites we’ve gotten to be apart of group Thanksgiving gatherings.


Took me years to mentally accept that I need a day off every week and that recovery is OK and necessary so no running streak for me. I am grateful for facetime and Skype and all the softwares allowing us to keep in touch with our kids when we are or they are travelling!!!


Andrew rocks! Just curious, do you always have to bring Brooke to California or does she sometimes get picked up in Utah? When I was younger we went to my dads every other weekend and he usually picked us up (we were in the same city). The plane rides must make it a bit more complicated.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


Hey Alyssa! Great question! We actually trade off! So in December he will come out to visit Brooke and then in January we will take Brooke there! It definitely does make it more complicated but I was really lucky to be able to move back to utah by my family so it makes it a lot easier! I hope you have a beautiful day!


You will LOVE Barre 3…!!!! And the one by my house has child care….!!!
It’s light weights and body weight stuff–but I am sore for days after (in a good way)

Happy Thanksgiving!!


CHILD CARE… that is AWESOME!! I can’t wait to try it out! Thanks Lauren and I hope your day has been really great so far!


Happy Thanksgiving, Janae! Have a great day!!

I tried a running streak once and lasted about 4 days. I love my rest days too much and want to running another 30 years without injury.

I’m grateful for amazing family and friends and a healthy year!

P.S. Les loves eggnog – we have some in our fridge now. And my brother is the one who wears shorts all winter in our family ;)


Happy Thanksgiving!! That egg nog joke sounds scarring haha. I’ve done a barre class once and it burned every little muscle in my body. I’d love to get back into it but it’s pricey!


I’ve never done a running streak because I feel like if I didn’t take Sunday’s off I’d get injured. Gotta have one rest day! But I did pile on the miles with rer this month and that was fun.

Now gimme all the pie!


Today is actually day 250 of my run streak! I’ve only had a few days of really not wanting to or feeling like I couldn’t run.

Today I am extra grateful for running because I’m having some swelling and inflammation around my Achilles but my doctor squeezed me in yesterday and put me on some Rx’s, night splinting, and pt and it already feels so much better today (yahoo!!) and I’m so thankful to get to spend today with my favorite peeps!


I love Barre and was fortunate enough to take a class with Sadie Lincoln. She has all sorts of modifications for injury and ability, it’s pretty great.

I did runner’s world streak. I was also training for a race so it might not have been the best time to do it. I ended up resenting running by the end of it.

I am grateful that my husband is healthy.


Happy Thanksgiving Janae! Oh my gosh, I love Love LOVE Barre3 and usually go four times a week. Everyone kept asking me what I was going to do when all my kids were in school, and I decided it was time to get toned. I haven’t run in years but had been doing online yoga when I could. So, I thought about going back to the yoga studio, but a fellow mom invited me to Barre3 when she saw me at the first day of school drop off. I was a wee bit emotional dropping off our youngest for the first time. Anyway, I ended up joining the studio, and it’s soooo great. My body is getting so much stronger, and I look forward to every class. Honestly, I can’t say enough good things about it and hope you get to try out a class someday.

Also, my husband has never seen the Goonies. It’s one of my favorite. I’m with Andrew on this one!

Take care and can’t wait to see your baby girl soon!!


HEATHER!!! Happy Thanksgiving to YOU! Four times a week… that sounds AWESOME!! I wish I could go with you to the studio, how fun would that be! I’m definitely going to make it to try it out. Thank you so much and I Hope you are having a beautiful day with your family!


I’m very grateful to be with my family this year. Last year was very difficult and it’s good to have it behind me.
Have a great thanksgiving!


Samantha, I am so happy you are able to be with your family this year. Thinking about you and I hope 2018 is your best year yet!


Happy Thanksgiving!! You look absolutely gorgeous, Janae <3


Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve done barre and like it OK, but more recently I’ve been going to a Pilates studio near my office to help with injury prevention. I personally like it better than barre, and can feel the improved glute strength running up hills.


Barre3 is my favorite barre class! Its really nice online because all of the classes are broken into 10 min. segments, so you can customize your workouts or do quick ones. Very handy as a Mom!


I didn’t know they had stuff online too… 10 minute segments would be awesome!! Thanks Abbey! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Happy Thanksgiving Janae! Thanks for being a happy place on the web!

I have taken a barre class and I really liked it. In fact, I used to go to one where a lot of young moms lined up their babies toddlers on one side of the class while we all worked out on the other. It was pretty awesome. (@ The Pointe in Highland) I noticed a huge improvement in my Running when I did it 3-4 days a week. Granted, I’m a slower runner but I went from an 11 min mile to 9:30, without it causing my chronic back pain to flare. I highly recommend it! ;)

Have a great day!


You look amazing with the extra weight from the baby. I was super skinny before I had my fourth child and struggled with the weight gain that made my postpartum depression worse. I even ran up until my 8th month pregnancy. Your face looks healthy and I like you like this. I hope you can stay this weight after the baby because it really looks good on you!
I’m 30 pounds heavier, but I’m alot healthier now. And after a year and half of therapy, I overcame my postpartum depression. Best of luck to you and praying for a safe and easy delivery.


I’m on day 914 of a running streak!


KATHRYN, YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Way to go! Keep me updated!


I have been doing Pure Barre for almost 4 years now! It is such a great compliment to my running! You need to try it!


Hi Janae!!! Wishing you, Andrew, Brooke, Knox, Beretta and both of your families a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!


I am very thankful for my family, friends, health, job, and all the other blessings in my life. We spent the day with my parents and brothers and made a trip to see my grandma in the care center. She just moved there a week ago after falling and breaking her hip (she is 98) and is still having a hard time, so it was difficult to see her in distress but I hope is being there made her feel better.
It looks like you guys had a great time even though you were missing your kiddos.
I have done a running streak from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day and also one from July 4th to Labor Day.


Happy Thanksgiving! LOVE YOUR SHIRT! Where’s it from??


Thank you! I got it from ASOS maternity and I love it! I hope you are having a great day!!


I especially loved that episode of How I Built This! Sadie Lincoln is inspiring in regards to business and emotional health.


Yes, I totally agree with you! I hope you are having a wonderful day Molly!


I really liked the Barre podcast too! Have you listened to the Kendra Scott one? I’ve listened to a lot of these and liked them all…except the Southwest one was kind of boring ?


I love Barre! You should follow BarreAlley on instagram. She is my college BFF, a former Division 1 gymnast and mama of 2 who created a virtual Barre program designed for busy bees! I have turned a TON of my runner friends on to her program in the Raleigh, NC area. She got into barre because she was an injured athlete but needed to get her endorphins in a low impact way :) I might be biased, but she’s great and you can do it in the comfort of your home. I’ve followed your blog for a while so since we are practically friends I definitely think it’s something you’d enjoy! haha


brooke in that apron: i die!
LOVE egg nog, too!
i’ve never seen the goonies either…and kinda keep forgetting to watch it ;)

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