Yesterday was officially a sick day for me.

I had an early morning run scheduled with Josse for Thursday morning but when I was awake just hours before that run feeling awful, I texted her I was a no go for the morning.  If you haven’t been able to tell, I like to be on the go, fitting in as much as possible into the day SO it is always a little strange to just be in bed for an entire day.  By yesterday evening I was feeling a little more like myself and fingers crossed I’ll feel like a million bucks for my coaching training this weekend in Boise (PS I’m not contagious so I’m good to go and I’m not pregnant)!

A few people have asked and I am going through RRCA and I’ll be taking the Level 1 Courses this weekend.  I cannot wait to get started with all of this!

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The most exciting part of the day… these beauties came in the mail!  I cannot wait to try out the Pure Flow 6’s.  The Pure Flow’s were the first shoes I really fell in love with and I have heard amazing things about the changes in the 6’s.   Let’s be honest too… could the upper of these shoes be any prettier?

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Brooke came in and gave me a few arms scratches throughout the day.

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The kids found ways to entertain themselvess.

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And Andrew also is loving the Launch 4’s.   It has taken me almost an entire year to convert him (I started this conversion process from our 2nd date ((which was a trail run together)) and I think we’ve made it.

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So yeah, because I have absolutely nothing interesting in the slightest to say today because I spent all day in bed… I asked Andrew to share some thoughts with you today!  Enjoy.  He’s the best.


Hi everyone!!!  So…. with Janae out of commission yesterday I wanted to find out ways I could help her.  Writing a blog everyday (sometimes even twice a day) can be hard to get rest, so jokingly she said, “You could write my post for tomorrow!!”  So here we are and hopefully you enjoy.  Rarely do you miss day without a HRG running picture so I thought I would post a picture of today’s run.

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As I have mentioned in a few blogs, I like to run so that I can stay active, cope with the stresses of daily life and mostly so I can eat more.  My running history… not much to it but I’ll sum it up.  I have always chosen to run as my go to for exercise but I’m not a racer.  I have done several marathons and more than a half dozen half marathons but my claim to fame is my Ironman finish back in 2012.  I have never been great at staying consistent with training.  I remember running my best marathon and my longest run before that was around 10 miles, I know I’m not smart.  But back to my best accomplishment haha.  For those who have done an Ironman, you know that it’s grueling and takes up a lot of time to train.  For once in my life I really trained hard for several months and a few months before the race I was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle.  I had a broken wrist and grade 3 tear on my PCL ligament.  I thought it was over, but after a month of physical therapy my therapist said I could still try it.  I finished and I don’t foresee myself ever doing another one.  One of the longest days of my life, the most I had trained before my accident was 2 miles swimming, 75 miles biking and about 13 miles running.  Those who don’t know the mileage its (2.4 Mile Swim, 112 Mile Bike, 26.2 Run)  I wasn’t ready for that race.  But I am so glad that I put it on the line and it was one of the greatest feelings I have had.  I give props to those people who do them, they are killer!  As for goals in the future I have been focusing on riding my mountain bike more which leaves less time for running but I have my sights on 3 half marathons and eyes on a PR.

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Back to my run yesterday.  I love running outside and it was a run without music so I could just look around and take in the nice weather and views that Utah has to offer.  I don’t ever want to move from this place.  I saw these leaves on the ground and I had to take a picture to send to Janae.  I felt like I was running on those green juicy caterpillars you find on tomato plants and soon thereafter I had to hurdle this giant anaconda on the trail.  Okay, I know this guy is harmless and TINY.  But I don’t like snakes or spiders….

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So at times I can be stubborn, especially with my shoe choice.  Janae would ALWAYS hassle me about switching to Brooks and by hassle I mean tease me.  I have run in a bunch of different shoes since I have laced up my first pair of shoes.  I still remember my good ole pair of Asics 2150s that I did my first marathon and Sprint Triathlons in.  I bounced around between Asics, Altras, Sauconys and I struggled with IT issues and some other problems.  I remember that my feet started going numb with anything over 5-6 miles and it would travel up my leg.  That’s when I found the pair of Nikes that let me run again.  So I have been super hesitant to change but I finally gave Brooks a try and I’m HOOKED.  My run was killer and I”m stoked to have something new to run in.  Thanks to Janae I’m a Brooks guy now……  She was right… She. Always. Is.  (Unless its about Mountain biking, you can never have enough bikes – but I will pretend that I didn’t say that)

I know this post is all over the place but that is my brain so I’m sorry… not sorry.  It’s been an awesome adventure the last year and Knox and I are so stoked to be part of Janae and Brooke’s life.  I think the internet broke when Janae introduced me in the blog and it broke again when they found out we were getting married so quickly.  Life can be quite the rollercoaster and you really never know what will happen but I’m so happy to have found them.  I love my family.  I know that some of you know about where we are in life (our life is posted on everyday) and I’m currently in school to become a nurse and soon thereafter to become a nurse practitioner.  Life is quite different as I’m going back to school in my late twenties for my THIRD Bachelor’s degree.  I couldn’t be more happy about my next chapter in my career and I feel like I am Mr Mom as I’m not working and going to school.  This change in roles has been such an eye opener on how it is at home with the kids, where beforehand I was always working.  I think this has been so great for our marriage to be able to understand how it is on each side of the role.

Well I don’t want to bore you much longer so I have been thinking today what would be a good topic to hit and I wanted to share some brief things I did before I met Janae.  I created a Humanitarian Aid for a residential treatment center for girls from the ages 13-18.  I loved working with the families there and I met some amazing people.  This treatment center was for teenage girls but the therapy and program was for the entire family.  These girls had been through almost everything imaginable and unimaginable.  Ranging from trauma, adoption, eating disorders, drug abuse and much more.  The program I created took those families, who had progressed to a certain point in the program, to different locations all throughout the world to serve those in the communities we visited.  Below are just a few pictures of where and what we did.

Nicaragua one my favorite countries EVER!  I have been there four different times and I have a hard time leaving each time.  Here we teamed up with a non-profit Women’s clinic in Matagalpa that primarily treats women with cervical cancer.  It’s amazing the things they have done for the women in the community.  We brought medical supplies and much more to them.

I was “adopted” by my second family in Ometepe, Nicaragua.  The families and I stayed in homes like this and it was the best experience of my life.  One of these days I will have to tell the amazing story of how I ended up on this island and met my second family.  It was an amazing adventure.

My Peruvian brother.  I have never met someone so kind.  I have been to Peru a couple of times.  We did several different projects including remodeling schools, donating school materials to communities as well as providing clean water to different communities in the Andes Mountains.  We hiked some of the trails to Machu Picchu and man if you want a workout, just hike those mountains for a couple days.  This guy was like a mountain goat and I could never keep up with him.

Baseball in Nicaragua…. Need I say more.  I could have played with them all week straight.  Sometimes I tell Janae that I’m little boy at heart and always will be.

Alaska… this trip wasn’t a  humanitarian trip but was one of my absolute favorites hiking all over and under glaciers.  I wish I could live there all summer.

Thanks for having me today!  Let me know how you are doing!  If you have any questions I’ll be answering:)


What are your weekend plans?

Anyone racing?  Long run?  

Most amazing place you have ever visited?

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Great post! I haven’t quite been out of the country, except for Disney’s island in the Bahamas and the 15 minutes we walked around Nassau, but the Bahamas was beautiful. And I actually really love the farmland in the Nashville, TN area. I could live there forever! Have a great weekend!


Very cool to hear things from Andrew’s perspective! The most amazing place I’ve visited thus far is Tokyo and I’m trying to brainstorm our next few big vacations now!


hope you are feeling better!


Oh most amazing place. Banff Canada! I saw Lake Louise and cried it was so beautiful. I’m also a fan of Sedona. And my neighborhood….NYC. There are some nights I walk around the city and am just stunned at the awesomeness and energy. And then I take the Staten Island ferry home and see the beautiful skyline.


It was so sweet of Andrew to help out with a blog post, and so neat to get to hear/read a bit about his view of things. Thanks for sharing your lives with us guys!


Oh no! Hope you feel better soon. Wow, Nicaragua… very cool! The coolest place I’ve been was probably South Africa or Slovenia!


Wow! You’ve had quite the adventures! I’ve never been anywhere really exciting (never even left the country), but hopefully someday I’ll be able to travel at least a little bit.

Love seeing how your two families came together and how happy y’all are! :) Thank you for willingly sharing so much. As for this weekend, I’m hoping it will mostly involve froyo, napping, running (so glad to be able to run again!!) and watching baseball.


Sorry to hear you were feeling sick Janae! My weekend plans are a whole lot of nothing. It’s opening day for the Tigers in Detroit, so heading downtown for a bit today for that. Then just going to yoga, catching up on some house projects, and helping (watching) my boyfriend install our new dishwasher. Oh, and babysitting my friend’s two year old on Saturday night. The most amazing place I have ever visited was Florence, Italy, with Costa Rica being a close second. I would actually really love to go to Nicaragua. My church does a mission trip there every year and I’ve been really on the fence about doing it lately.


Andrew–I also went back to school in my late twenties to become a Nurse Practitioner. I’ve been practicing for almost 2 years now and love it! Just remember all of the studying and exams will be worth it. Also, if you ever need someone to reach out to for advice, please do (and I’m being serious…being able to talk to people who made it out on the other side kept me sane!)!


That is awesome Haley! Did you specialize in something in particular? That is what people have been telling me over and over again. Did you do distance/online nurse practitioner program or did you attend a traditional program?? Thats awesome to hear, so glad I’m finally in this direction.


Great hearing from you, Andrew! I remember Janae had mentioned your ironman in a past post and I was curious to hear more…so thank you for sharing that story! It’s my life goal some day to be an ironwoman, and I’m so inspired by anyone who has completed it. But for now…I couldn’t be more excited for my 4th marathon next week :)

Reading about your adorable, blended family is such a treat. God bless you all. Janae – hope you are feeling better!! xo


You will do awesome! 4 Marathons??? Thats so awesome!


I’m sure those two little angels were super good and let you get lots of rest, right Janae? ;)

Andrew is baffling. Please tell me you were at least sore for a week after your undertrained marathon/Ironman, because otherwise I’m not sure you’re human! I need an honest answer: Were you bit by a spider at a strange lab?


Lynn lets just say that I was young and stupid haha. I was SOOOOO sore after each race. I know that I can’t do that now, it would probably kill me.


Feel better Janae!! Your beautiful launch 6’s will be ready for you when you’re better… THEY.ARE.AWESOME.

Thanks Andrew for the guest post! Your trips and experiences are very inspiring – and I’m soo glad you are a Brooks convert now. Janae is a smart woman :)

Weekend plans? Nothing exciting but its supposed to be 60 and sunny on Sunday! I kind of want to find a last minute race!!!


haha thanks for filling in Andrew ;) ! That’s so nice how you have been able to incorporate so much travel into working and your family. I didn’t know you had spent time in Peru, I currently live in Iquitos, Peru! Have you been? It’s such a strange place.. haha. Very very different from the mountain and dessert regions of Peru here in the jungle.


I was always trying to get out to Iquitos but I never made it. I spent most of my time down there in Cusco and the surrounding villages and some remote places in the Andes mountains. I still want to make it out to the jungle part of Peru.


Thank you for posting, Andrew!! It is great to get to know you a little better- you have a beautiful family!


I hope you are feeling better Janae!

What surprised me the most about Andrew was how young he is! He has done a lot in such a short amount of time, and throw in there being a dad for 4+ years.


Janae, I hope you feel better soon! I can’t wait to hear about how your training went (I’m signed up for a December one in Dallas!)

Weekend plans include running, my son’s first track meet, and traveling to Monterey, CA so my youngest can do his state report on Cannery Row. Whew. We’re on spring break next week (yahooo!!)

My fav place we’ve visited is probably Greece. The people, history, and food are amazing!


I hope you’re feeling better today!! ❤❤❤
The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland top my list. They’re breathtaking and I think about Ireland constantly. I love that place.


Hey, nice post Andrew! My daughter has been in a treatment center- the humanitarian service sounds amazing! She’s doing great now and about to head off to college. But I’m hoping one day we can do a service trip of some kind.

The coolest place I’ve been is Cambodia. It was amazing and humbling. I didn’t know much of the history before we went, and it was crazy to learn what happened there in my lifetime.

Janae, I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks, Andrew, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Sounds like you did a very valuable job in Nicaragua! The world needs more people like you, I guess ;)
And with every travel to another country, part of the world and society, one becomes even more aware of what life is about. This helps me to appreciate life, family and personal circumstances even more every day. It reads to me as if this is true for you too and made you the good-natured man you are (as I can tell from your posts and the ones from Janae) :)

Get well soon, Janae. Fingers crossed for the weekend!


I couldn’t agree more with your comment. Traveling has definitely opened my eyes and I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything!!


Sometimes we need those sick and recovery days. I’m like you that I always feel kind of weird just relaxing in bed all day but sometimes our body needs it.

I actually recently bought a pair of Pureflow 6 in the heathered grey. I might some speed workouts in them but I like how wide they are.


Awesome post, Andrew. But now we need the follow up of the story on your second family!!!! Don’t forget. Janae, hope you are feeling better. Very excited for you and your new adventure into coaching. Praying for you both (well, all 5 of you!)!


Definitely will have to follow up with that. I’ll have to share it soon, but until then. It involved me exploring the country and getting somewhat stranded near the Costa Rican border and I needed to get up to the northern part of the country and my hired driver and I just hit it off. The next time I came back to Nicaragua I went straight to visit them! I have been back so many times and I hope to bring my family to them soon!


What a cool experience! I would love to hike Machu Picchu.

We’re going to Ireland this May and I’m super pumped.

Also, that snake. I can’t even. I saw two very similar to that one on the loop that I take my dog pee in the morning, and now we can’t go that way haha.


Feel better!! Great post!! The most amazing place I’d say is Iceland! I’ve never seen such vastly different landscapes in one country. Awesome experience! ?


I just got grey pure flow 6’s, my first pair of Brooks since HS. I’m using them as my speed shoes, and, so far, so good! Plus they’re cuter than my Hokas. ;-)

Here’s a question for Andrew–I just got my first GoPro! Any good tips/apps/extra gear that you guys love? I’ve had it one day and I’m already having so much fun! (And I have 18 miles tomorrow morning…oy… to play around with getting some good shots for Intagram…haha).

Feel better Janae!


Hey Mollie! I’m definitely not a pro with GoPro’s but I love taking them along for things that I want to remember. As for APPS I just use the GoPro Capture App and I get my movies and pictures off that onto my phone. A thing I am starting to do this year is I’m going to make a movie each year of the things we have done. I love the Go Pole accessory and I have a few mounts like the chest harness, the junior chesty and some other things to get better pictures. I hope you like it, we sure do!


Hope you feel better! Already looking online to buy those awesome sneakers…not that I don’t have enough already eeek. But I can’t resist!


Great post Andrew! What great things you have done in your life already, and it’s just going to keep getting better! Thank you for sharing :)
We’ve traveled to Hawaii a lot as a family, and always love being there! But I had a chance to go to Taiwan when I was 14, and that was such a great experience! In my old career, I traveled into deep Mexico, by myself most of the time, and those trips really helped create the person I am today!
My hubby, our 2 boys, and I are doing a fun little 5K tomorrow morning through Hollywood. But, other than that, no races on the calendar for a while :)
Feel better Janae! I can’t wait to hear all about your coaching training!


Oh my goodness you are going to absolutely love the Brooks Pure Flow 6. I got a pair for Valentines day and just last week I bought myself another pair just a different color. I have raved about them since I put them on my feet!! Seriously Im not kidding best shoes ever. The best rounded off toe did it for me. Hope you are feeling better!!! Sick days are no fun.


Goodness you have been busy in your 20 some years….I see how you and HRG make such a good couple ~ always on the go and busy, busy , busy.

Thanks for the pictures but I took a second look at the first green leafy pic b/c I thought they were caterpillars or something crawly…and then I saw the snake and cringed. I’m a weak one when it comes to snakes…..dislike with a passion!! After a hike years ago in Colorado and having a fat, long, yellow thing cross my path I have never been able to hike again. They just drive my heart and mind crazy. Oh well, thank goodness we don’t have many in MN. ;-)


“…to Janae I’m a Brooks guy now…… She was right… She. Always. Is.” HAHAHAHA this really made me laugh.

Great post Andrew! I think it’s amazing all the work that you’ve done and keep doing towards other people. I also consider amazing that you’re going for your third bachelors degree in your late twenties. I’m finishing a graduate program in my mid twenties and I’ll need a break from school after this.

The most amazing place I’ve traveled to has been Israel, I was 7 but I can still remember it very clearly.

Hope you feel better soon, Janae!


What an amazing and inspiring story!!


We have an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos this weekend. The rest of it will be spend solely focused on the kiddos, this past week was one of those everything went wrong and took too much time kind of weeks. Therefore taking time away from kids/family. She was so patient, she gets to come ‘first’ all weekend. I haven’t visited that amazing place yet, but some very beautiful ones include random stops in Canada and a private beach in Florida. Anything with sand and water makes me happy. I’m a casual runner, all for pleasure but been having some foot issues that people keep blaming my beloved Asics for. Wonder if I’m going to have to try those darn Brooke’s shoes.


Awesome post! I love me some running, but mountain biking is pretty amazing! My husband just got the new Jet Nine RDO 5 star and is building it up with Sram XX1 Eagle-1x with 12 speed. The bike is SICK and I cannot wait to see it put together. He has promised to sell his Niner hard tail and Giant full suspension….ha.
Someday if you and Janae are looking for a destination/race/vacation…you should try the Steamboat Stinger! There is a 50 mile mtn bike race on Saturday and a full trail marathon on Sunday. Best of both worlds ;)


You are definitely talking my language with that race!! We ALWAYS say we are going to sell the other bikes but somehow keep them :) I love the 1×12 setup… I’m running a 1×10 and my legs are still trying to get back in shape this season.


Hope you are feeling better! It was great to hear from Andrew, looks like he’s seen some pretty cool parts of the world. I’ve never been out of the US, yet, but we’ve been on many trips within the US our favorite being Montana!


Glacier National Park is definitely a go to! It was one of my favorite places in the US.


Thanks for sharing Andrew, and Janae I hope you feel better! I just bought a road bike so that I can maybe do a sprint or Olympic triathlon. I am pretty nervous riding it though! I live in the mountain biking capital of the world (marin county) and am always jealous when I see the mountain bikers go flying by looking so confident on their bikes!


It’s fun to hear more about you Andrew! I love Alaska too (my husband and I got engaged at Denali). My favorite place I’ve been though is South Africa. Such amazing landscape, people, animals, hospitality, food…everything all in one place. I really hope to make it back some day!


Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life, it sounds so fun and adventurous!!

My weekend plans-volunteering at a local 5k Saturday morning, and then heading out of town to St. Louis (MO) for a half-marathon!
Favorite place is tough-I pretty much like any place I go to, I’m not picky at all :)


Is there a link you can share for the table in the photo of Andrew and Brooke? I love it!


Most amazing place I have ever visited – Costa Rica – did a GAP Adventures tour with my sister and it was the best 10 days of my life. No running plans this weekend – still rehabbing a rolled ankle – hopefully back at it in a couple of weeks.


Thanks for sharing your story! I actually live in Alaska and love to hear about others’ adventures to our beautiful state.
I’m also a nurse – NICU- nursing school is tough! Good luck with that.


HI Andrew! That snake-I would have been half frozen and half screaming my head off trying to escape the potential for it to fly up and tangle and strangle me (I hate snakes, in case you were wondering).

Ironman’s are no joke-the training is so different! I did two-Canada in August 2002 then Coer d’Alene the following June. The one thing I loved the most was the training though. Each discipline really helps the other so it was a win-win situation.

Fellow nurse, here too. Nursing school is so challenging yet so much fun because of all the information. So glad you are going to continue on to NP school! Way to go! Area of specialty?

I’m not much of a racer-I’d rather hop out my door and run without having all the rigamarol of packet pick up, driving to the course, waiting, etc. I know it sounds buzzkill but give me a 3 hour trail run over a race any day. Races are almost too stressful for me. I applaud those who LOVE to race (Janae, I’m talking to you!) Reading race reports inspires me though and lessens my angst.

Your little family needs to travel to Europe! It’s so family friendly over here and there are so many things to see and do with an active crew like yours. I have 4 kiddos and it’s great to share so many sights and experiences with them as they grow up (two have flown the nest and are in college now.)

When I was in college I went to Romania and then New Zealand twice. New Zealand is BREATHTAKING! Best hiking trails.

Thanks for keeping us entertained in Janae’s absence! Gute Besserung Janae!!!


That is so awesome you have done those Ironmans!! As for specialty I don’t have one in particular right now although everyone has been telling me to stay away from primary care. I’m hoping I find out what I like most and if I were to choose right now I would like to be in acute care.


Thanks for filling in Andrew!! I can’t believe you completed an Ironman after your accident and without much training. That’s a great accomplishment!
All the work you’ve done is very inspiring! Good luck with the rest of your schooling too!

I’ve got a 10 mile race this weekend. I’m very excited to test out where I’m at race fitness wise. I’ve got my first 1/2 marathon of the year coming up in May.

The most beautiful place I’ve ever been to is Zakopane, Poland, for my uncle’s wedding. Panama comes in at a close 2nd for most amazing places to visit.


I live in Alaska, and summers are the absolute BEST, however, the 9 months of winter is sometimes pretty brutal. The hiking is gorgeous and I, like you, have a lab and he is the best hiking and running partner ever. Janae once posted that you wear shorts even in the winter. Well, my 16 year-old son wears them almost every single day up here in the winter. My husband and I love teasing him… :) If you guys ever make it up here, I’d love to meet you!


What part of Alaska do you live in?? Alaska was one of my absolute favorite trips. I have been there a couple times. I spent a lot of time in the Kenai Peninsula and went up to Denali and all around that area. I want to bring Janae up soon!


Feel better, Janae. I love the illness clarification, everyone always assumes pregnancy!

Niagara Falls was pretty spectacular. I’m in the minority but I liked being on the NY side because it was less manicured and more of a state park. You could also get pretty close to some of the falls on the NY side. Maui was another amazing place to visit, particularly the top of Haleakala.

I love that you worked with those girls and gave them something else to focus on.


It is a dream of mine to visit Nicaragua!!!
Any advice on traveling there and where to try go?
Really awesome to hear of all humanitarian work you have done and where all you have been!

Also, what brand bike can you recommend for riding on trails. My husband and I need new bikes soon!


Where to go in Nicaragua?? I have so many suggestions. If you surf, you have to make it down to San Juan del Sur. Now the beach there is alright but there are some way better ones around. I can’t remember off the top of my head but there is one I think called Iguana and it was amazing surfing. I don’t like big cities or being around tons of people so I didn’t spend much time in the cities. Ometepe was amazing as well. You have to take a ferry to get there. Laguna Apoyo was another stellar place. It is a huge crater filled with water and it was so fun to swim in and you can even scuba dive in it.

As for bikes. That is a VERY loaded question haha. I’m actually looking at bikes right now and I can’t decide what I want.. It always depends on how much you want to spend and what type of bike you want. Bikes like Trek and big names you pay a lot for there name so its hard for me to buy them at full price. I try to wait until end of season when they have their deals. For me right now I am looking at brands such as YT, Santa Cruz, Norco and a few others. If you are looking for just a trail bike to ride some easy rolling hills and stuff you can’t go wrong with a good hardtail but if you want more info either comment or email Janae and I will get back to you.


Sorry you’re sick, Janae! Hope you keep feeling better!
I lived in Alaska for four years while I was in the Air Force and it was the best experience ever! I keep telling my husband we need to go there on vacation ASAP, but I also want to go back to Hawaii and have the worst time picking which one we need to do first. So I need to start playing the lottery so we can win and do both of them. Problem solved. Also, congrats on finally running in Brooks – they are the best.


I hope you feel better Janae!

I’m also back in school working towards my third Bachelor’s Degree in my 20s and then continuing on to become a NP. I am amazed that you guys manage it as well as you do with kiddos etc. Stressful but amazing is the only way to describe nursing school. Do you know which specialty you are considering?


I’m not that only one!!! No specialty as of yet, but I think I want to be in acute care. I know that some NP’s here in Utah can be in the ICU and what not but I’m not sure. I think I want to work in the hospital but I’m hoping to know more as I start working.


Hope you’re feeling better, Janae! Great job filling in, Andrew. FYI – the correct number of bikes is N+1 where N is the number of bikes currently owned. This equation may also be re-written as S-1, where S is the number of bikes owned that would result in separation from your spouse. I think this equation also works for running shoes ;)

16 mile long run tomorrow. Lots of recovery the rest of the weekend!

We have been to Europe twice so it’s impossible to pick a favorite! Rome, Ephesus, Athens, Venice, Mykonos, Santorini, Capri, Naples… We got to mountain bike on Mt. Etna on Siciliy so that was our biggest adventure, but we really love the ancient cities. And the food.


HAHAHAHAH…. I love this comment. It took be back to my statistics class I just finished few months back!! I’m still laughing about this. I have never been to Europe but I have been everywhere else…(minus Antartica – although I do want to go there too) I think I have a hard time with history, my attention span is about 5 minutes on a good day. When I hear Europe I think of history, LOTS of history. But I have promised Janae that we will go soon!


Wow, incredible post and pics Andrew, thank you! I love the fact that you have been following your passion to help people on your adventures and are now pursuing your nurse practitioner. Good on you, your happiness and truth shines through. My son went to Nicaragua just after graduating high school and was crazy about it and my daughter and her horse flew to Germany to train for a year, not knowing the language or people there and loved it. My favorite place to explore was Jamaica..I will never forget how beautiful it was and the wonderful people. I think travelling teaches us that (99.99999 %) of people everywhere are kind, gentle and loving and care, and that we are all the same.


I totally agree with you Jade. I really have enjoyed exploring the world and getting to know people and other cultures. There are awesome people EVERYWHERE and I love meeting them and getting to know what is important to them and why. Sounds like your family has had many adventures as well!!


Busy weekend ahead for us. My son Lukas (11) has a baseball tournament Sat & Sun. This is his first year playing select/tournament ball and we are all loving it. It is exciting and intense all at the same time. He is a pitcher (lefty) and every time he is pitching I get so tense. I just want him to do well and its a lot of pressure on him. I have asked him if he gets nervous and he always says no, he is just as cool as a cucumber :) It is so fun having a little athlete.


The most beautiful place I’ve ever been was the Bahamas. My husband and 5 kids are on a road trip to Oregon and it’s gorgeous here!!!
Great guest post Andrew and it was so nice to meet you at Costco the other day. I hope Janae is feeling better. Good luck with nursing school. My husband went back to school at 35 for a law degree. It’s never too late. Have a great weekend.


Feel better soon Janae. Andrew’s Adventures should be a regular series!


A song for you, Andrew! My kids used to sing this: “I don’t like spiders and snakes”


I have been to 10 counties, All of my traveling was done in my twenties and now that I’m in my thirties I appreciate working hard, loving my dog and being home with my hubs.

I learned to appreciate seeing the world and I’m so glad I had the opportunity. It opens your eyes to so many things. Sounds like you are enjoying life! Good luck with nursing school!


Awesome post, Andrew! Your Ironman story is crazy and I’d love to hear more about your travels and service in South America.

My husband also loves mountain biking and believes in the N+1 rule for how many bikes you need ;) He’s way faster than me, but we still enjoy riding together and we’ve done a lot of really fun mountain biking trips in UT, CO, OR and up in BC. Maybe you can get Janae into it someday, it’s great cross training! If you guys even want to come ride in Tahoe you can stay with us :)


Well now I’m just wishing there was a Canadian version of Andrew for me!



Really cool reading your post today. I am also a registered nurse here in CT and have worked in the Yale ED most of my career and I am one year away from finishing my APRN degree so I can definitely relate. Do you think you’re going to try and work as an RN first before you go back to school to get some experience and find out what you like? How much longer until you finish your undergraduate stuff? Its funny how running and exercise brings us together because I didn’t become a serious runner until I started working in the emergency room and all the crazy nurses and staff there did all these things together like Ragnars, half marathons, iron mans, etc. Good luck with school! You’re definitely entering a great and rewarding profession.


Feel better Janae!

Andrew – another mid level provider here (physician assistant though in NC there isn’t much difference between PA and NP in most areas). Great career choice!! I work for a huge private practice and we have a pretty equal # of each. Wouldn’t change my job for the entire world – happy to answer any questions if I can be of assistance :)


Thanks for the post Andrew, would love to hear more from you! Your Alaska image is breathtaking. I’ve been wanting to get there for quite some time. For now, the best place I’ve visited is Lagos, Portugal. It’s the perfect combination of stunning scenery and quaint European getaway – and it’s affordable to boot!


First off I just want to say good luck with nursing school! I myself just graduated this past December and it was such a wonderful feeling! Nursing school is tough! But just remember than it is worthwhile and it will all pay off in the end. My advice is to keep running during school. Having that stress relief and time alone is helpful to clear your mind. Or at least it was for me!

Thanks for sharing a little bit with us. I have followed Janaes blog for a few years now and I love seeing where her life has ended up. Sometimes it is odd being so invested in a strangers life, lol. But it always makes me a little bit happy to read her blog and see all of those great pictures!


Definitely write another blog post about your adventures!! I always enjoy Janae’s posts, and yours too!


Feel better, Janae!

Andrew…thanks for the post — so nice to learn more about you! And what an inspiration you are! You said Janae is always right. Very true. She also has great taste. You are dedicated, selfless, driven, goal-oriented, an amazing dad, and now a Brooks devotee!


Janae I hope you feel better! Love that you took the time to rest. I really struggle with listening to my body. I can take off of exercise, but I don’t know how to fully shut off. I still like to feel productive, but sometimes our bodies just need a solid day in bed! YAY for feeling somewhat better, but here’s hoping and praying for a full recovery by the time you wake up tomorrow morning.

Andrew, I choked on my water when you started off by saying you have *not much running history* and then go on to declare you’ve ran several marathons. UM that clearly is a running history! You’re pretty incredible! I have only ran one half marathon, so I’m definitely looking up to you. I have a question for you: I’m interested in teaching English abroad- any tips?


Good luck with the RRCA class. You are going to love all the information you receive! I hope you feel better for class. Enjoy lots of fluids!!! Awesome job Andrew! And nice shoes!!!!


Good to hear from you Andrew! I love traveling myself so it’s great to hear about your adventures. The most amazing place I’ve ever been is Morocco! I studied abroad there in college. It’s beautiful, and the old parts of the city are amazing! The people there also have the biggest hearts!

Next up: Cuba!


Andrew should post a music playlist! I am in NP school, its brutal!


Janae! That stinks that you were sick. I hope you are feeling better now. I am glad you were able to stay in bed all day. Cause being a mom and being sick is rough. Guess it helps if you have a mr mom around to help pick up slack so you can rest. Do you rent him out? That sounds dirty. I don’t mean it like that! Geez!

Andrew, you have done more in a few years than I know I will do in my lifetime. It all sounds amazing. Maybe one of those documentaries on Netflix should be your life story. But seriously. I’d watch it. No wait. Can I be one of the people they interview about you? Now we’re talking.


Have you heard of the YouTube channel for cycling by Clint Gibbs? It’s my husband’s! I suspect you would like it-he talks reviews, numbers, cyclocross, mountain bike, components, etc. And yes- more bikes is always better than less bikes!


My husband is a nurse and is currently taking his masters of nursing degree online to become an NP. It takes a long of discipline! He is really looking forward to his placements. He is still working part time in the ICU while he studies, which he loves. Acute care is definitely his niche.

Janae, having a nurse husband is awesome. :D


Janae found an amazing partner in life! Andrew, you clearly an awesome person. The program you started is fantastic, youf thirst for knowledge is inspiring and your love for Janae shine’s strong!

Thanks for the fun blog post!


Andrew, I have hiked the Andes too and did a volunteer trip in Costa Rica, it was amazing!!! And am about to start the journey to becoming a nurse and eventually a PA. I was thinking PT at first but have changed my mind.

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