What helps us to meal plan and A SURVEY!

Happy Thursday everyone!

I hope your day is a great one that starts with a run, has a running break during the day or ends with a great run!  I’m headed to the trails again today because hills are my new weekly tradition.  I don’t think my quads or lungs are currently happy with this new tradition, but they will be on race day.  Today’s post is sponsored by Blue Apron!  I’ve got an awesome deal and an important survey for you to do at the end of the post!

I don’t know if you have noticed (ehhh I am sure you have;) but Andrew and I aren’t the best at meal planning.  I swear we wake up each morning, things start out busy and then two minutes later it is dinnertime.  A lot of nights we don’t know what to do for dinner so we usually just cook up a sweet potato or go to a restaurant.  We continually try to get better at it but life just gets crazy (I know you can relate).

There is one thing that helps us to have an awesome meal plan for the week and that is Blue Apron.  We usually do one to two orders a month.  They deliver all of the farm-fresh ingredients in all the right proportions right to our doorstep in a refrigerated box.

Blue Apron takes away the thinking, planning and driving to the store parts of dinner prep.  With Blue Apron we have an amazing dinner to cook together at home without wondering what the heck we are going to eat for dinner.

Knox was a little weary of the whole mushroom situation the other night.


He thought they looked cooler once they were all chopped up though.


For our first meal we made the Chicken and Rice Casserole with Kale & Cremini Mushrooms.  A meal where Brooke will eat kale is always a good meal in my opinion (Knox picked around the mushrooms and the kale but hey… it’s progress for these two four year olds)!


I do not love the grocery store (unless they have enough samples for me to call it a meal) so I especially love having Blue Apron bring us the good stuff.


Ready to EAT!  Each meal from Blue Apron usually takes us 30-40ish minutes to make.  They have such a HUGE selection of recipes to choose from and they add new stuff each week.  We have tried so many completely different types/flavors/genres of dishes which gets me out of my sweet potato rut.

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Andrew and I have runner’s appetites but this meal made enough for all of us.  Andrew and I had it for leftovers the next day too!  We went with the Family Plan this month but most of the time we stick to the 2-Person Plan and make it our ‘date night’ once we put the kids to bed.  I do love the family plan because it gets our kids to try new things plus then they can be a part of the preparation process of the meal.

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Post-dinner story reading is always super productive as you can tell.

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Also, here are three more reasons to use Blue Apron haha:)

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Our second meal was my favorite.  We had Seared Steaks & Mashed Potatoes w/ Roasted Brussels Spourts and Steak Sauce.

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While Andrew cooks the meat, I get to work on the produce.   He knows that I need my steak to be medium-rare… the only way I eat it.

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Brooke and I were going in for a brussels sprout toast below:

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Yep, the finished product was perfect.  Gotta love the iron (we need IRON especially as runners) from the steak with the amazing glaze, the cheesy potatoes and the perfectly roasted brussels sprouts.

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This was Brooke’s first time having brussels sprouts and while they weren’t her favorite vegetable, she ate some!  I LOVED the glaze that was on the brussels sprouts.  It reminded me of my favorite one up at the Sundance restaurant which is saying a lot.  Another successful round of meals from Blue Apron!

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***Today’s your day to start trying Blue Apron.  We’ve used Blue Apron for YEARS now and each time we have the best experience and very happy stomachs:)  The first 50 readers today will get three free meals on their first Blue Apron order——>  GO HERE!!!***

PS There is no commitment with Blue Apron, you can cancel the service at any time!  PPS you can read all about their awesome recycling program here!


Time for a little survey that I got at Brooks Camp (and a few from me too).  I want to hear YOUR answers too!

1.  Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?

2.  What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?

3.  If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4.  Split shorts:  good or bad?

5.  How do you celebrate a good race or run?

6.  What song have you listened to most while running this year?

7.  What time do you normally eat dinner each night?

8.  Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?

9.  Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?

10.  What do you do with your key while you are running?  Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?

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1.2Morning run to see the sunrise even thought i’m not a morning person :)
2. Chocolate chip cookies!
3. i like turquoise and lime green accents on my running sneakers.
4. Split shorts: not for me. I’m a capri girl
5. I celebrate good runs with food. bad runs with food. LOL you get the picture.
6. Adele is ALWAYS playing so I’m sure one of her songs.
7. Dinner is usually 7ish
8. Free running shoes absolutely!
9. I love spectators. They don’t even have to be my family. Anyone cheering for me is appreciated.
10. I wear my housekey on my wrist with a spiral stretchy keychain bracelet. When I have my car key it goes in my Road ID shoe pocket.


I just placed my first order for Blue Apron yesterday! Also, I didn’t know this but they have a phone app and it is really nice that it has the calendar feature (so I can see when a delivery will come). 2 full time working parents, a toddler, and living in a snowy climate (Boston) means that is can be really hard to plan a meal, get to the store, and make it every night…I got the family plan even though there are just three of us because I am hoping we will have leftovers for take to work lunches the next day. So excited for my first delivery!!


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
definitely a night run! for some reason if I can’t see much around me it makes me run faster!

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
ice cream!!!

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4. Split shorts: good or bad?

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
see #2 above…ice cream!

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
hmm…I’ve been really into the Chainsmokers – LOVING the new Chainsmokers/Chris Martin song

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?
never the same time…3 kids (14, 12, 8) all with multiple sports and activities…sometimes we eat right after school, sometimes at 8pm

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?
hmm…probably a tank. LOVE clothes.

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
we have a keypad on our garage, so if I leave from home, no key necessary…but if I drive somewhere I put it in my Spibelt.


Love the surveys! Also, I am with Knox – do not trust mushrooms.
1. Morning run
2. Ice cream with LOTS of hot fudge
3. Silver…or pink
4. SO GOOD. How else are my muscular legs going to move freely?
5. Good meal
6. 24K Magic
7. Depends on if there is a gym visit after work – gym: around 6:30pm; no gym: around 5:00pm
8. shoes
9. Personal spectators or just in general? In general, does not really matter, but have noticed that I go a bit faster in races with lots of spectators. My own personal spectators, I really just want my husband there, but also like when my mom can be there too.
10. Key goes in a zipped pocket or super magnet pouch I have for bottoms with no zipper. I love running places outside of my neighborhood, but most days, it is just more convenient to leave straight from home. Thankfully, I have multiple directions I can go, so it is not the same loop every time.


Where is your kitchen table from?!? I love it! I’m looking for a new wood/farm table and yours is exactly what I need.


Hey Gila! WE LOVE our table. We got it from RC Willey and I’m not finding the same one but this is similar:

Have an awesome day Gila!


1. Morning run with the sunrise!

2. Vegan nachos. I have a small obsession ;)

3. A black/silver combo like I currently have. I love!

4. Good.

5. Food food food.

6. Heart of a champion… it always pushes me when I feel like quitting.

7. Typically between 6 and 7.

8. Shoes .

9. YES

10. I leave right from my house a lot of times. But if I drive somewhere I usually put it in my running pouch.


Ive been wanting to try blue apron! Would be a fun date night idea too! Lots of the running questions dont apply to me SO i eat dinner at 6pm every night and I wish cookie dough was as nutritious as vegetables hah


1. Morning run
2. Nachos
3. Blue
4. Bad
5. Food!
6. Daybreak by Overwerk
7. 8pm
8. Running Shoes – can never have too many pairs
9. Yes, hearing people cheer helps so much
10. I put my keys either in my spi belt or zippered pocket of shorts or jacket if wearing one.


1. Morning run with a sunrise for sure!

2. Ice cream and popcorn!

3. I would choose my black and mint launch fours. Just love them so much.

4. Very good!

5. With good quality beer

6. Glamorous by Fergie and Ludacris, not a new song and not real sure how it got on my playlist, but it is working!

7. If I run 7/8, if no run 6

8. Probably the tank and shorts, but only because I’m really picky about my shoes (or at least my feet are)

9. Yes! It helps bunches

10. I have an arm band that I put my phone in as well as my key


I still have yet to try Blue Apron, and I need to! I hear so many good things about it and I’m totally with that meme you posted – food, not moving, and avoiding people are three of my favorite activities out there ;) While I love grocery shopping, I have to do it when the store isn’t busy and when I am not in a rush. Otherwise I get super overwhelmed and end up leaving with a bunch of crap that wasn’t on my list and I don’t need and without the necessities. So I know Blue Apron would be good for me!


1. Morning run to see the sunrise, I’m a morning person

2. Gardetto’s – I could eat them all day every day

3. Black, black, black!

4. Good (But maybe not all the time)

5. Good race = brunch

6. Flo Rider – My House

7. 8:30ish (although I wish it could be earlier)

8. Shoes but only if there the brand I wear

9. Yes!

10. I leave straight from my house (NYC city running = no car needed) and I either tie it into the laces of my shoe or use an arm band/holder thingy


1. Sunrise!

2. hint of lime chips and salsa. Yuuum

3. Purple

4. Split shorts are always good.

5. I celebrate by talking about every mile/negative splits/how I fueled/what i could have done better to anyone who will listen (typically only husband ;) then I usually have a burger!

6. Fresh Eyes by Andy Grammar. Got me through some treadmill runs in the dead of winter!

7. 7:30. Late, gotta get our workouts in first!

8. free running tank and shorts please! I’m pregnant and my currently stash is starting to be too tight!

9. Yes and no. The Boston marathon was too many spectators that I couldn’t focus on my goals as much. (Though I looooved running through Wellesley!) my favorite marathon is grandma’s in Duluth, MN. You run almost 22 miles next to Lake Superior and through small towns before finishing in Duluth. The first 2/3 of the race you are mostly with the waves, and the last bit is through town with lined streets when you really need the cheering!

10. Key gets tucked into a pocket, or maybe tied to a shoe if I’m afraid it will bounce out. I’m in a run club so half the time I drive to meet up with people and half the time I run from home.


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? Night time run, I seem to have more energy in the evening and my runs go better

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? chips

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? hot pink

4. Split shorts: good or bad? not my thing

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? I like to show my boyfriend the numbers from my apple watch

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? Bruno Mars perm

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? 6:00

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? shoes

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? doesn’t matter, I tend to zone out

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? I usually put it in my sports bra (on the side, under my arm pit) if i’ve driven to a park to run


Morning run; ice cream; blue; good!; brunch; She’s Kinda Hot; 6 pm (early because of kids); tank/shorts; yes; flip belt, and I usually metro to the monuments to run, or I go straight from my house to Rock Creek.


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
I go on a lot of morning runs – and in my opinion see the sunrise PLENTY. Though I do love how calm everything is in the morning. I’m not usually an evening runner, so a night run to see the city lights sounds like a fun change.

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
PIZZA. And General Tso’s chicken. Forever. Plus egg rolls, and crab rangoon. Basically everything on the menu at a Chinese Restaurant.

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Bright blue, or green!

4. Split shorts: good or bad?
I’m not sure I know what this question means. Haha.

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
Booze. And food.

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
Anthem by Pitbull, for sure, followed by Dirt Whispered by Rise Against.

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?
IMMEDIATELY after walking in the door from work, because I am ALWAYS hungry. So, 6PM-ish.

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?
Free tank and shorts for sure. I’m starting to need some new pieces. I’m particular about buying new shoes on time, but seem to wear the same shorts forever before buying new ones.

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?
Yes please. Gives me something to distract myself, and I feed off their energy.

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
Sadly our current neighborhood is not good for running, so I ALWAYS have to drive somewhere. I stuff it in my shorts when they have the built in pocket, or I have a little holder that goes around my fingers. But REALLY, I try to take the Mr’s car because his has a door keypad, so I can leave the key inside the car & run without it!


1. Morning. For sure
2. Ice cream!!
3. Blue or purple
7. 5:00…. oops

I have a totally non related questions for you Janae! I am having some knee pain right below my knee cap on the outside. I know you aren’t a doctor, but have you had any experiences with this or know anyone who has. I have taken a few days off from running, but I would REALLY like to get back out there soon. I’ve also been stretching/rolling out my quad and IT band and icing it. Any thoughts? Thank you :)


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? morning run! tho usually I am doing the night run with my schedule

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? all the ice cream

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? Blue!

4. Split shorts: good or bad? undecided :)

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? BRUNCH!

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? I listen to podcast- i have a couple that have new episodes during the week that I save for my long runs

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? anywhere between 6pm and 9pm- I’m all over the place

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? SHOES!

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? Yes! i love it!

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? Usually straight from my house- I have been tying my key on my shoe for years and it’s never failed me!


1. A night run for sure!
2. Sugar Cookies
3. Purple running shoes
4. What are split shorts???
5. A beer and pizza!
6. Anything by Rhianna
7. 7:30-8
8. Shoes! Always shoes!!!
9. Spectators, they make me run faster!
10. I have a flipbelt and it has changed my life!!!


I celebrate a good race or run by taking a running picture. (or having my hubby take it) When he asks why I tell him it is for my imaginary running blog. :)
I do have a great time going back through my phone though.


I used to be pretty good about meal planning…these days, not so much :) We’re about to start baby led weaning with our little guy this weekend though (!!!) so I need to get better at it ASAP to make sure we have good, nutritious things that he can eat.

I am definitely a morning runner, but do enjoy the occasional night run, especially around Christmas when I love to see all of the pretty lights!


First off, I have to say I’ve been dying to try Blue Apron and your deal was just too good to pass up. Thanks!!

1. While I’m a morning runner, and a country girl – running along Alki Beach in Seattle at night with the water and the lights was AMAZING.
2. Is there a way to make pizza out of veggies, but still have it taste like pizza? ‘Cause that would be my vote.
3. I’m loving my neon green shoes. They make me feel fast.
4. I’m too curvy for shorts (oh, the chafing), so I have to go with capris.
5. To celebrate a good race? The same way I celebrate most things (like every Thursday) – snuggling up with my family for pizza and a movie.
6. I usually listen to audiobooks, but I think my favorite running song is “Can’t Hold Us” by Mackelmore or Eminem’s “Lose Yourself.”
7. Dinner is at 6 or 6:30 on nights that I work, or 5 ish on non-work nights. I think my husband and I are old people trapped in 30-year old bodies.
8. Running shoes! No matter what the question is, the answer is always running shoes.
9. I like spectators. It keeps me from feeling like I’m just out for a run with people I don’t know.
10. Since I live in a small town, I usually lock all the doors but one in the back and hide the key under the seat.


1. Morning run
2. Cheeseburgers
3. Pink
4. Good
5. A meal with family and friends after a pedicure/foot massage.
6. Can’t Stop The Feeling – JT
7. 5:30/6pm
8. Running shoes
9. Yes, so encouraging.
10. Hold them


1. definitely morning run — I have no night vision so I’m basically blind after 8pm
2. cheddar mashed potatoes
3. blue
4. love split shorts, esp for running in the heat!
5. iced latte
6. Dancing on My Own by Robyn
7. between 6:30 and 7pm
8. definitely shoes!
9. nope!
10. I leave the door unlocked (but only when my husband is home)


I think I am probably pretty weird in this, but I don’t like spectators that I know to be at my races. I also usually prefer the parts of the races where spectators can’t easily get to. When I see spectators I get performance anxiety haha!

If I could have any food added to the Good for You list I think I would go with chocolate glazed donuts! :D


We aren’t really meal planners, either. I’ve tried, but my husband likes to be able to change his mind last minute or go to the store mid-week to buy himself up a steak or something, and throw all my plans out of whack. So instead I try to prep things on the weekend that will come together quickly at dinner time and don’t spoil. We tend to eat a lot of eggs and beans/rice during the week, along with whatever vegetables we have on hand. Not exciting, but still healthy and quick.

Survey answers:
1. Morning run for sure! Not sure how people even run at night. I am ready for bed by 9pm!
2. Probably chips. So I could eat a whole bag and not feel so guilty. Or pizza.
3. I am firmly on board the pink running shoe team. Not even a fan of pink generally, but I love bright pink running shoes.
4. No opinion on this!
5. With a pint of beer or a really indulgent carb-heavy meal.
6. Don’t really listen to music while I run. Sometimes I put on a Google Play Music radio station so I guess what ever comes on most often?
7. Around 6pm.
8. Running shoes.
9. Yes!
10. I usually put it in my sports bra (is that gross?!). Leave straight out of the front door.


I have never tried Blue Apron, but I’m a huge meal planner. I take an hour on Sundays to sit down, make my list of what we are having around that weeks schedule, make a list of what I need, then get it all every Monday morning. My grocery list is even preprinted according to the store’s aisle’s I use. Yea, I’m kinda not right.
1. morning run with sunrise
2. pizza & chips
3. purple & lime green hombre style
4. split shorts/bad
5. the fruit at the end of a race is my celebration
6. Lady Gaga – Born This Way
7. between 5-6 pm
8. running shoes
9. no on spectators until I’m a better runner, then yes
10. If I have running tights on with that little zip pouch, the key goes there. If I have shorts on, then I have to wear my running belt. I’ve held them before and that sort of sucks.


1. Morning run with sunrise
2. Pizza and dougnuts
3. Any color except black
4. Split Shorts
5. Love me some pancakes
6. Don’t listen to music while I run
7. 7 pm
8. running shoes, always
9. Yes to spectators
9.. Put them on a a ziplock on my pouch


I need to start packing my stuff in a ziplock too! Pia and doughnuts… we’ve got some similar tastebuds:) I hope you get a sunrise run soon!! Thanks Ely!


1) The sunrise!
2) Hmm…So many. Probably Pizza.
3) Purple!
4) Good. Comfy Shorts=Good Shorts.
5) Celebrate with good food and friends.
6) Closer-Chainsmokers
7) Usually around 5:30-6:00
8) Shorts and tank–For now :)
9) Spectators give me some motivation when I can’t find it within myself.
10) In my shorts pocket/sweatshirt pocket if its cold out.


Brussels Sprouts are my favorite – I’d toast to them too!! Also, those cheesy potatoes look amazing.

I’m always more prone to run in the morning…in fact, if I leave it until the evening there is a 99.9% chance it will not happen.


1. I think sunrise
2. pizza
3. blue (or pink but blue came to mind first)
4. what the heck are they? I’m guessing a no for me.
5. It depends. If I’m hungry food, a dark beer, a dip in the ocean if it’s not freezing out. (a lot of my races are near water)
6. I listen to music if I’m on the treadmill but no one song over and over
7. I try to have dinner ready between 7 and 7:30, our schedules don’t always accommodate that. I really don’t like eating later though.
8. running shoes
9. yes, I like spectators unless they’re smoking or rude. (and smoking while a race is going on is beyond rude).
10. I have a shoe pouch with my Road ID, the key and a few dollars go in there. I am a huge fan of wearing Road ID, especially if you run alone.


1. I absolutely LOVE both. But if I could only pick one, I’d be the morning runner.
2. Sugar in general.
3. Black. Not the happiest color but it will certainly go with anything.
4. Split shorts: Love them and use them all the time.
5. With good food and being surrounded by my loved ones.
6. The distance by Cake is the one I can remember the most.
7. 10 pm.
8. Running shoes for me!
9. I love spectators! They cheer me up so much.
10. I put my keys on my shorts or sports bra. LOL.


Ok you’ve finally convinced me to try Blue Apron!
1. Morning run, if only I could become a morning person.
2. I find it difficult to pick just one – I guess chocolate chip cookies.
3. Turquoise
4. Good? I’ve only worn them with an under layer. I’m usually modest but when it approaches 90 degrees the less I can legally wear the better.
5. Eating! My favorite tradition is going out to breakfast after a 5K.
6. “The Greatest” by Sia
7. About 7 pm
8. Free tank and shorts!
9. Hmm, I like to have people cheering me on, but I usually feel like dying by the end of a race and don’t notice them so much.
10. Through the winter I’ve put my key in the pocket of my vest. Summer I tie it in my shoelaces. With the kids (and being a single mom), it really depends what’s going on a particular day if I can drive to the park to run or if I have to stay around the neighborhood.


I love these little surveys and questionnaires you do!
1. definitely morning to see the sunrise
2. hmm would have to say donuts
3. black
4. GREAT so comfy and breathable
5. some sort of coffee drink and relaxing
6. probably the entire Blurryface album by twenty one pilots
7. around 530/6
8. definitely running shoes :)
9. of course! but ideally some areas along the course where there are no spectators
10. I usually loop it around a hair tie and put the hair tie on my wrist


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? Both are fun!!
2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? ICE CREAM!! And jelly beans.
3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? BLUE!
4. Split shorts: good or bad? No strong opinion, rock ’em if you want :)
5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? Find a new race haha
6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? hmmmmm, too many to list
7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? 6 or 7
8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? ooooh such a hard decision, I like free stuff so I’ll go with that!
9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? sometimes, doesn’t really matter to me
10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? If its a super duper early run, under my car. Otherwise in a pocket zipped in my shorts. Usually drive 5ish minutes to the trailhead. Now that is more light outside, I will run more from my house.


Thank you, Janae! Great survey! Have a great day!
1. Sunrise! I will ALWAYS prefer a morning run to a nightime one…I’m definitely not a night owl!
2. Gummy Bears. Specifically, pineapple Haribo gummy bears…
3. I think Blue & Green…they go with most any outfit.
4. Love split shorts…though I think I’m in the minority…everyone wears capris now.
5. I love a 5-10 minute slow walk with water after a hard run or race…you can relish in your hard work, but work out some of the lactic acid with minimal effort…and of course, yummy food, but my tummy takes awhile before it’s ready to eat again after a hard effort.
6. Closer by Chainsmokers
7. About 7ish. My husband gets home relatively late. But on the weekends, we are ready to eat at 6!
8. Free tank & shorts…you can never have too many running clothes, but too many running shoes takes up a lot more space!
9. Love spectators! They can really boost your mood and give you that exra burst of energy when it’s lacking.
10. Most of the time, I run from my house and leave the door unlocked. Otherwise, if it’s cold, running jacket pocket. Hot out, I tie it to my shoe. Less likely to lose it that way.


1. Morning runs all the way – I love seeing the sun rise.

2. Pie. So much Pie.

3. Turquoise.

4. I can’t. My thighs chafe – I need long shorts.

5. Pie! My Mom makes me an apple pie when I finish a marathon. It started with my first on 3.14 (pie day) and she did it for my other 2 marathons too! Other than pie – it’s burgers for half marathons. Mmmmmm burgers.

6. Probably anything Fall Out Boy.

7. Around 6pm.

8. Shoes! Shoes are so expensive and we go through them too quickly!

9. Who doesn’t love people cheering! Yay for spectators!

10. I leave from my house and am lucky enough to have a code lock for the door. But before that I always kept my key in my water bottle pocket or in my flipbelt.


I hope you get a morning sunrise run with some pie afterwards ASAP! I LOVED reading about what your mom does for you after a marathon:) That made me really happy!


1. Morning, 7am is my happy time, but 5am is reality
2. Cheeseburgers and french fries or pizza
3. Something bright and fun – probably pink or orange
4. Bad for me, I prefer compression
5. Diet Dr Pepper and a yummy treat
6. I don’t listen to music, audio books instead
7. sometime between 6-8:30 depending on when my kid is home from practice
8. Shoes
9. Yes, but not the whole time, toward the end when you need a boost is best.
10. I rarely run with a key but when I do I put it on the clip in my flip belt. I run from my house 98% of the time.


I’m not the best at meal planning. Whenever my husband deploys, I like to do these sorts of meals they mail to you. It makes it a lot easier, although I will say so far Blue Apron is the most complicated for me.


We have done Blue Apron a couple of times. Pretty neat. Although, it usually takes me longer than the 40 minutes. I tend to be making dinner solo, so it doesnt go as quickly.

1. Morning. Sunrise=happiness
2. Ice cream
3. Pink
4. Good….but not to wear around after a run ;)
5. Sitting down…and food.
6. I dont listen to music when I run
7. 6-6:15 (yes, 90 years old)
8. Shoes. You can never have too many running shoes!
9. Most of the time I dont notice if they are there…then I feel bad.
10. Run from home. Have a keypad on the door so no key required!


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? Sunrise, no doubt!!!! I’m a teacher, and I miss morning runs during the school year–I usually run after school then.

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? Birthday cake with lots of buttercream icing :)

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? Oh geez. Some shade of blue, I guess!

4. Split shorts: good or bad? Not so good.

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? Shopping. ha ha

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? Lately, 24 K Magic by Bruno Mars! Still love that song!

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? 5-5:30 We’re early eaters!

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? Um, YES! lol

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? Yes!!!!! They offer an invaluable boost!!!!!!!

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? I TRY to only wear shorts/bottoms with pockets, and I’ll put it in my pocket. The other day, I had a terrible afternoon. I was stuck sitting in traffic for over an hour, and then I ran, and I forgot to zip my shorts pocket after I put my key into it!!!! MIRACULOUSLY, my key had not fallen out!!!! I like to mix up my runs–some from my house/some where I drive somewhere. I get bored easily :)


1. Morning run. Definitely.
2. French fries. Hands down. If those things were vegetables, I’d have a salad every day.
3. I tend to really like pink and black but I’m also a big fan of blue shoes.
4. I’m going to say no on the split shorts.
5. I like to eat a delicious meal (preferably with French fries) and then take a nap. I party hard.
6. Probably ‘I Got You’ by Cimorelli.
7. We typically eat dinner between 6:00-7:00.
8. I’d choose a shorts and a tank, mostly because I recently got brand new Brooks, so I’m pretty happy.
9. I like seeing the signs spectators make but I’ve yet to have someone I know personally spectate a race, so I don’t know how I feel about it.
10. My apartment has keyless entry (we use a 4 digit code to get in) but when I drive somewhere, I just carry my keys.

This was fun, thanks for the fun start to my Thursday morning!


Thank you for answering the questions… I am loving reading these! HAHA I party hard too… a nap and french fries after a race = heaven!


1. Morning sun
2. Pizza or chocolate chip cookies
3. Something blue
4. When I see a guy wearing the short shorts, I know I’ve found a kindred running spirit
5. Quickly signing up for another one, of course, plus a chocolate milkshake
6. No music for me, the one piece of tech I can’t run with
7. If I don’t fee the little monsters by six, it’s a lost cause
8. Shoes
9. Cheering please
10. Almost always leave from the house


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
Cupcakes – really anything icing.

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4. Split shorts: good or bad?
Good for relaxation, bad for running. My thighs eat them!

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
Desserts or wine!

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
Podcasts FTW!

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?
Absolutely! I am a back of the packer, so I do run alone a lot even in races. Spectators make it worth it.

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
From my house. I put it in a pocket or waist pack.


1. Morning Sunrise!
2. Icecream or Chocolate
3. Pink
4. Split shorts: good!
5. Brunch with Mimosas
6. Unstopable- The Score
7. 6:30-7:30
8. Always shoes!
9. Yes, I love having my family out to support me
10. Usually put in my little shorts or legging pocket. Majority of the time drive.


Fun answers everyone!!
1. Morning run.. sunrise is the best!
2. Chocolate… but hey, dark chocolate is, right??
3. Pink shoes FTW
4. Split shorts are awesome on really athletic looking people… but NO WAY for me.
5. Good run is celebrated with ice cream treat!
6. Cheap Thrills, Sia
7. Dinner time is 6:00
8. Running shoes!
9. Yes, love the crowds of spectators. Especially those that give you High Fives when feeling low!
10. Key is in zippered pocket, or laced on to my shoe. It’s a mix of driving, and running from house for me.
A cooking date night is a great idea!


1. Morning sunrise runs are my FAVORITE!

2. Cinnamon Rolls (my mom’s recipe)!

3. Teal

4. Split shorts: Bad. A girl with thighs cannot wear running shorts. Too much rubbing! Capris all the way.

5. Breakfast afterwards with my friends

6. Alive in You by Jesus Culture or Even If by Mercy Me. However, I’ve have learned to not run with music this last year and I love the quietness of running without music. On my longer runs I usually start music the last couple of miles.

7. 6:00 pm

8. Shoes!!!!

9. No spectators! Trail races are the best!

10. typically leave right from the house. If it’s a race or I’m meeting to run on our local trail I just take the remote part off the key chair and hide it near the car. Haha!


I want your mom’s cinnamon roll recipe:) WE LOVE cinnamon rolls! Loved reading all of your answers, thanks Deborah!


1. Morning run!
2. Sugar
3. Purple
4. Split shorts? not for me
5. I celebrate a good race with dessert – I usually go without dessert for about a month leading up to a long race.
6. TobyMac “Move (Keep Walkin)”
7. Dinner at 5:30
8. Free shoes
9. Yes to spectators
10. I keep my key in my pocket (I always wear cycling jerseys to run in, so lots of pockets.) I usually run from home.


1. Morning run to see the sunrise

2. Ice cream

3. Turquoise

4. Bad

5. Lots of chocolate milk and being lazy the rest of the day :)

6. I don’t listen to music when I run. But “Lip Gloss” or “Fight Song” always gets me pumped up to run

7. In the summer my family eats around 7:30. In the winter it’s earlier

8. Running shoes

9. Love love love spectators. Their encouragement gets me through the race

10. I like to do a combination of running at home and driving places to run. It keeps me from getting bored doing the same routes. I either keep my key in my running short pocket, SPI belt, or tie it in my shoelaces.


1. Morning run all the way!
2. Ooh, chips.
3. Red
4. No strong opinion
5. Vegan pizza, and a nap!
6. I don’t listen to music while on the run
7. 5:30 or 6
8. Running Shoes! Haven’t gotten new ones since before my marathon in September ?
9. Yes as long as they are stationary. I once had a cyclist yoyoing along a race route yelling the whole time. Very frustrating and distracting for getting into your Zone!
10. Pocket in jacket or shorts


Great meals and no grocery shopping sounds magical haha You wouldn’t believe what we are encouraged to eat as CFers: basically anything high in fat and salt = chips, pretzels, nuts, bacon, etc. The good side of cystic fibrosis I guess haha


I love brussels sprouts but they’re better a litttttle bit browner than Blue Apron had you do. I love the “cheers” picture!


Thanks PD!! I hope you are having a great day!


1. I prefer morning runs of the two……..although I usually run right after work before it gets dark.

2. brownies with fudge and chunks!

3. blue shoes (ocean blue)

4. shin splints suck…………..currently dealing with them on just one leg……………taping with kt tape seems to help, of course it may just be mental. not an injury, but it is achy for the first 1/2 mile of almost every run

5. a good meal with my husband and then a walk. This past half marathon we kept moving all day (probably walked 4 miles after the race) and I wasn’t stiff or sore at all!

6. Footloose…………..either by the Bacon Brothers (Kevin Bacon and his brother), the one from the soundtrack, or Blake Shelton……………..it is the first song on my playlist and I start 99% of my music runs with that song……….it’s good luck!

7. dinner is usually around 7……….husband works until 630

8. shoes for sure!

9. yes…………..love crowd support!

10. If i have my nathan water bottle, the key fits nicely in there. If not, I either can wear a fuel belt, or I tie it to my shoe. I leave from home or work most of the time. On vacation, I typically drive to the start of the paved trails to run.


Ha I misread #4……………..never tried shorts with a split


1st things 1st – I LOVE your table!!!

1. morning
2. ice cream
3. teal
4. bad
5. Top Pot donuts!!!!!
6. Edge of Glory (Lady Gaga)
7. 6pm
8. tank and shorts
9. YES (my husband and kids!)
10. 50-50 on running from my house vs driving. I’ll take just my car key off the loop, put it in a baggie and then in my shorts pocket (my husband went swimming once with our key and after that you couldn’t unlock the door by pushing the button – so I run with my key in a baggie because I’m paranoid my SWEAT will ruin the key!)


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? SUNRISE

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? ICE CREAM

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? AQUA so I can feel like i am in the Caribbean

4. Split shorts: good or bad? BAD….for my body type

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? Fruit, yogurt, granola —I never eat granola otherwise

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? Been trying to run without music – not sure I like it :(

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? 5:30 – 6:00 – I like to get it over with as soon as possible – My husband would rather eat at 8:00.

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? RUNNING SHOES

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? Nope

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? I wear the flip belt and it has the clip inside. If I run from my house I don’t need a key.


1. Depends on the time of year here in Wisconsin, Spring-Fall mornings, Winter inside anytime.
2. Cheeseburgers
3. Blue – any shade
4. Bad
5. Taking a long hot shower
6. Gaelic Storm – The Farmers Frolic
7. 6 pm
8. Tank and Shorts
9. Yes!!! They help me keep my form and give me energy when I may be losing
10. I always bring my house key if I am leaving from home so I don’t get locked out by mistake, and when I am running a race I bring only my car key leaving the rest in my car – I attach either key to my Flipbelt.


1. Morning runs for sure (when I have a choice – during the school year with the stroller, almost always middle of the day).

2. Chocolate covered almonds are already mostly good for you, right?

3. If my shoes could always be some version of blue/silver or gray, that would be great.

4. Small split = good. Full split = no one wants to see my legs that far up.

5. Good race or bad race, 99% of the time I go home and chase kids.

6. I rarely listen to music while running and when I do, it’s just whatever pops up on my eclectic iPod mix.

7. We try to eat no later than 6pm – hangry starts kicking in big time after 5:30pm.

8. Unless they were my exact shoes, free tank and shorts – shoes are too hard to fit online for me.

9. Don’t care either way about people spectators – love the animal spectators – and super appreciate the race workers.

10. If I have the stroller, in its pocket. If no stroller…for years I used a diaper pin on my waistband if I didn’t have a pocket in my shorts or shirt. But, mine broke finally (12+ yrs old) and I can’t seem to find a replacement. So I’m currently alternating between tucked in my glove or in this stretchy wristband thing I found if no pockets are available.


1. Morning sunshine for sure! But with my work schedule, the winter is slam full of treadmill runs because I hate running in the dark. #readyforsummerrunning
2. Pizza and cookies! Fresh Market’s Almond Pillow Cookies to be exact.
3. Any color but black.
4. I like a little slit at the bottom, but not a full on split.
5. After my last half, my husband surprised me at the finish line with Gatorade and my favorite cookies (see #2)… that was a pretty awesome combo. :)
6. Anything The Chainsmokers have put out.
7. Usually between 8-10pm… late, I know. I usually have to workout after work, which puts me home and eating dinner pretty late.
8. SHOES! That’s the most expensive part!
9. Yes to spectators, always! Especially my family.
10. My leggings/shorts/whatever I’m wearing usually have a little pocket that’s perfect for my key. I normally drive to my running locations because I live in the mountains on a curvy/unsafe road.


1. I am so much more of a morning person than an evening person, so I would have to go with the sunrise!

2. Ice Cream. Always ice cream.

3. Purple, but like a neon purple :)

4. Good for girls, a little weird on guys.

5. I don’t have anything preset for celebrating a good race, but I always try and follow up a race with a favorite meal and sometimes a beer because honestly, it tastes and feels so good after a run.

6. I’m a little obsessed with Ed Sheeran, so really anything by him is constantly on rotate.

7. We usually eat around 5:30 but we’re also getting kids in bed by 7:30 and getting up around 4:30 (eek).

8. Free running shorts and tank b/c I’m lucky enough to run with a shoe tester!

9. I love seeing spectators!!

10. I usually have a little pocket to slide a key into; otherwise I put it on my back tire.


Love surveys! Totally put this one up on my blog today ;-)
1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
Probably morning run
2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
Chocolate and cake… and maybe pizza ;-)
3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Blue…any form or shade
4. Split shorts: good or bad?
5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
Dunkin’ is whats coming to mind ;-)
6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
Let it Go and Shake it Off
7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?
Between 5:30 and 6ish
8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?
Shoes! I could def use a new pair of shoes!
9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?
YES! Love it when people come. My mom and dad are my most faithful spectators, although more often then not now Mom is running too <3… the few races my mister has spectated at made my century.
10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
Depends on the season. Hoodie/jacket pocket in cold weather or flip belt in summer…if I am running from home…per usual I don't carry a key.


I love surveys. :)
1) Morning run!
2) Indulgent food – ice cream! (It’s not my top indulgence but it’s the one I’d like to eat lots of all the time if I could! Like kale!)
3) Shoe color – green. (Don’t really have any green shoes right now but I wish they made them more for women.)
4) Split shorts – okay for others, not for me. (I like compression tights, capris, and longer shorts.)
5) Celebrate a good race or run with something delicious!
6) Song–don’t know. When I listen to music I just put my playlist on shuffle.
7) Dinner at 7 or 8.
8) I would pick free shoes!
9) Spectators – I like them.
10) Key – I keep a single house key in my waist belt, I can also put my car keys in there if I need to. I usually run from home or my BF’s house.


1.  Morning run!
2.  Brownies
3.  I don’t really mind what color my running shoes are, but not too boring.
4.  I like how split shorts look on other people, but sadly not for me (I’m very pear shaped)
5.  A cup of coffee and a piece of dark chocolate
6.  I usually listen to the radio, but Macklemore’s The ceiling can’t hold us is on my playlist.
7.  Somewhere between 17.30 and 18.30.
8.  Running shoes please, I’ve just bought my first Brooks adrenaline (blue lime colourway) and I love them.
9.  Yes, and I like to be at the start with someone I know
10. I usually leave from the house, and if someone is home I just ring the bell when I come back. Otherwise in my pocket.


1. morning run to see the sunrise – I am a morning person and would rather do my workout early. Nightime would be too hard as I would be tired, lol.

2. this is a hard question……maybe Cherry pie :P

3. One color? That is SOOO hard. Maybe bright neon yellow or green….

4. They are okay but cannot be super short. For me shorts have to be roomy since I have bigger quads but not super short.

5. I like to out for a nice meal afterwards. I used to love to go Fuddruckers (burger joint) to celebrate with a yummy bison burger with guac and potato wedge fries (oh and a shake too)

6. I don’t listen to music while running – I run faster this way (surprising right?)

7. It can vary depending on baseball games/practice for my 11 yr old son – maybe between 7 and 8?

8. Running shoes!

9. Definitely LOVE spectators – they keep you going and push you through the hard times

10. I usually run from my house. My running shorts have a tiny pocket inside to hold it, works out perfectly…..or if my husband and son are home I don’t have to carry one :)


1. Morning run for sure! The sunrise is the best way to start your day. In the winter I especially enjoy running before the sun rises and then just sitting, drinking tea, and enjoying the sun *after* my run!
2. Ice cream
3. Salmon, mix between pink and orange
4. split short – bad
5. Rootbeer in the summer
6. Call my crazy but I rarely listen to music while I run… it is too distracting and my earbuds always fall out which is obnoxious
7. It depends on the night, 5-6pm unless we have evening activities and then it can get to be 8 or 9 before dinner
8. Tank and shorts! I am too picky about trying my shoes on before I buy them.
9. Spectators only for the last stretch at the finish, if there are too many it is distracting
10. I normally leave straight from home, so no key needed, but at my old apartment I used to tie it into my shoes before I got sweet shorts with pockets!


Hi Janae! Knox’s face with the mushrooms is priceless! And I can’t get my 16 year old to eat mushrooms and kale, so keep up the good work.
Here goes:
1. Morning please!
2. Tie-Krispy Kreme Doughnuts or potato chips
3. Blue, like turquoise
4. Eh- not for me
5. See answer for #2. And a glass of wine.
6. I have 2 that got a ton of play time this year training for Rock and Roll NOLA. Kick Start My Heart by Motley Crue (makes me feel fast) and Only Wanna Be With You by Hootie &The Blowfish(makes me HAPPY)
7. Anywhere between7-8.
9. Spectators definitely motivate me. Even if they are just random strangers I don’t know. Which they are 99% of the time.
It’s fun to read everyone’s answers! Thanks
10. Another tie-if I do drive I tuck it into my sport bra.


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
Sunrise! but I normally run in the late afternoon so thats what my body likes
2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
potato chips for the win!
3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4. Split shorts: good or bad?
I don’t know what these are but I’m old and haven’t worn anything but bermudas or capris for years
5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
good run, I don’t really race
6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
Uptown Funk
7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?
8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?
9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?
no spectators but I don’t race so who knows!
10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? Drive somewhere and key either in my pocket if I have one or attached to my bra


1. Definitely a morning run – the relative quiet and promise of the day to come.
2. Chips – potato, tortilla, all the salty snacks.
3. Grey or black – it makes it sooo much easier to coordinate my shorts/tights/tanks/shirts.
4. I don’t really mind either way so long as they aren’t too short. The weather is so mild here that I wear them >75% of the year.
5. Some Greek yoghurt, fruit and a little granola – there’s something about a good run/race that reminds me of the role that good nutrition plays before, during and after a workout.
6. I don’t really listen to much in the way of music while I run. That will Probably change when I start doing my speed work/cross training at the gym a bit more.
7. Usually around 7pm
8. Shorts – I get my running shoes through my podiatrist.
9. Yes.
10. I always have my keys. At the moment I’m trying to mix it up a bit. If there’s an opportunity to run near the water (river or ocean, I’m not picky) I’ll take it.


Love surveys!!

1. Morning run! Not a night person/runner at all.
2. Ughhh dessert. Warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies with zero calories and all the proteins/vitamins/minerals a body needs!
3. Neon yellow
4. Split shorts? I’ve seen some guys wear them and it does NOT look good. So I’ll go with no.
5. Wine, dinner, dessert.
6. The Mack
7. Late-ish … Usually around 8!
8. Would love some new shoes
9. Yes! Love spectators.
10. Keys in my flipbelt … Works great.


This is fun!
1. Morning run! I love watching the sunrise while I run circles around my neighborhood (each lap is a 1/4 mile)
2. Crappy kid cereal, like Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch – LOVE
4. Running leggings all the way, so neither
5. By bragging about it on social media
6. Probably Breaking the Girl by Red Hot Chili Peppers
7. Between 6-7
8. Shoes! I need a new pair and I’m thinking of getting the Launch 4
9. Yes – it pushes me to give my all
10. I loop it and tie it throw and into my shoelaces. I swear, it’s not that complicated and the way I turn the key, I can’t even feel it.


1. I’m not really a morning person, but races have me well trained to run early on weekends. So during the week, a night run, and on the weekends, a morning run.

2. Sugar. Anything with sugar.

3. Hmm…I try not to be too picky about my shoe color, as a lot of times you don’t have a choice in the matter…but if I had to have one signature color, I think I could rock neon yellow!

4. Both – they are not always the most flattering/stylish/show too much (especially guys – yikes), but they are really comfortable for running fast on hot days. The only shorts I currently have in that style are the Nike Rivals.

5. I love going out to brunch with my friends following a long run or race – great way to celebrate and recover!

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? Andy Grammer, “Honey, I’m Good.” The lyrics are completely inane, but the beat is so good for running, I can’t help myself.

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? Late, usually. Close to 8 pm. I try not to eat very much, though, because I’m wary of eating that many calories close to bedtime. Those evening running groups really mess with your eating schedule ;)

8. Um, YES! All of the above, please ;)

9. I love spectators (mostly)! I tend to be very motivated by “not letting people down,” and spectators definitely feed into that perceived idea, so they help me to run faster and push harder.

10. I either stick my key in my shorts pocket or tie it into the drawstring. I most often drive somewhere to run (my house is on top of a hill on some busy suburban roads, not the ideal running conditions), but I do run a 3-mile loop from my house fairly frequently.


1. Morning runs all the way!
2. Pizza!! But it is, right !?
3. Blue
4. I never run in shorts
5. Eating and beer!
6. Haven’t listened to music at all this years runs
7. 7:30
8. Shoes because I really need a new pair
9. yes !
10. If my workout gear has a little pocket, i put my key in there. If not I tie it into my shoelace


Oh my Gosh! Love your Luke’s t-shirt! ;-)


Thank you!!! Megan D gave it to me for my birthday! I hope you are having a beautiful day Genevieve (and I LOVE YOUR NAME)!


1. Morning run to see the sunrise.
2. Ice Cream – just plain old Ben and Jerry’s Vanilla!
3. Blue
4. I don’t run in shorts…usually capri in summer time
5. Eat all the bad food
6. I don’t usually listen to music when running (I run outdoors)
7. 7-8pm
8. Running shoes
9. I like spectators but not so crowded that it is deafening
10. Side pocket in running pants. 50:50 on driving somewhere to run or straight from the house.


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
Sunrise no question.
2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
Any milk products, I’m lactose intolerant
3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Turquoise but mostly white.
4. Split shorts: good or bad?
It is hot?
5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
Just soak it in.
6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
Heart of a Champion
7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?IDK I’ve never had spectators.

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
With a key and straight from my house



1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
Night run to see the city lights.

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?
Hmm….tough one. I’d say Chocolate chip cookies. Or Skittles…:) It’s a tie.

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4. Split shorts: good or bad? Not sure…

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
FOOD!!! :) And relaxation.

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
I listen to Pandora when I run or Podcasts so it’s always different!

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?
6:00PM! I get too hungry to wait too long. Ha!

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?
Running shoes! For sure.

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?
YES!! Most definitely! Love seeing all the people!

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
I keep mine in my Spibelt. I drive somewhere most of the time because we live right by the river and there’s a paved trail along the entire way. It’s the best place for long runs!


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? – Morning run to see the sunrise
2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? – ICE CREAM!
3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? – Light blue/teal
4. Split shorts: good or bad? – I’m not 100% sure what this means so I’m going to say bad….
5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? – I usually try to continue my day in a good mood & fueling my body with good foods as well :) Keep the feeling going!
6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? – 24K Magic by Bruno Mars
7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? – Usually around 6pm.
8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? – Running shoes, please!
9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? – I don’t run many races but I don’t mind spectators. The races I’ve been to with spectators ended up motivating me a little more which was nice!
10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? – Usually drive to run… I’ll leave my key in my glove compartment


1. Morning
2. French fries
3. Pretty Orange
4. Not so good
5. Enjoy the feeling. The best thing recently after a great race, I stayed and volunteered at the finish line to the end. So inspiring to see so many strong people cross the finish line
6. ???????
7. 7 pm
8. Running shoes
9. I prefer small races so I enjoy having spectators that are there
10. I keep it with and run from my house. I have many fun options from my front door from roads to trails


Ooh Ahh by Grits (ft. Toby Mac)

Dear Mr. Christian by Derek Minor

Cling to You and I’m Not a Robot by Trip Lee
I really enjoy running to Christian hip hop. Check these out! Also love Lecrae and Andy Mineo songs!


1. Diner at around 6:30PM

2. Running shoes!

3. LOOOve spectators!

4. I always have my key pinned to my top with a safety pin.
5. Never listen to music when running; my breathing rhythm is my music!1.

Morning runs are my favorite: they set the tone for the rest of the day.


Blue running shoes are my favorite.

Split shorts: very good!

I celebrate a good race/run with a latte.


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights?
Do I have to choose?! :) I’d rather the sunrise view, but usually night is easier to make happen.

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list?

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?
So hard to choose. Probably blue.

4. Split shorts: good or bad?
Not my favorite

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run?
A really good meal

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year?
I end every run with Footloose

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night?
Between 7:30pm-8:30pm

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second?
Is this a trick question? :) YES!

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not?

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house?
I use a FlipBelt. Best invention ever.


I have used Blue Apron a few times are liked it. Love the idea of saving some of the meals for a date night.


Ooh, I <3 your Luke's tshirt! Thank you for the reminder, I'm going to order once we've moved :)

1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? – sunrise

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? – ice cream. Or pizza.

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? electric blue

4. Split shorts: good or bad? – I don't know what they are! Are they a US thing?

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? – with pizza and ice cream

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? – I seem to have the same four artists on repeat as I haven't managed to update my shuffle – Arcade Fire, emmy the great, Alt+J and First Aid Kit. All pretty equal, I think. Maybe Arcade Fire's The Sprawl II : Mountains Beyond Mountains?

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? – about 7.30/8pm

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? – shoes!

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? – if I'm having a good run, yes. If not, no – it feels like heckling

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? in my pocket, always need a zippable pocket


1. Would you rather go on a morning run to see the sunrise, or a night run to see the city lights? – Morning run to see the sunrise!

2. What indulgent food do you wish was on the ‘good for you’ list? Hmm. PIZZA.

3. If you could wear one color of running shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be? Purple or anything bright & flashy

4. Split shorts: good or bad? I haven’t really worn the split shorts before so I do not have an answer :)

5. How do you celebrate a good race or run? My boyfriend & I have a tradition where after every race we go out for breakfast. It was particularly awesome, I might have a nap LOL.

6. What song have you listened to most while running this year? Hmm anything by Drake has been my go to!

7. What time do you normally eat dinner each night? Around 6:30-7:00pm

8. Would you choose to get a free running tank and shorts or running shoes delivered to you right this second? Running shoes!

9. Do you like spectators to be at the race you are running or not? Yes, especially if they are cheering!

10. What do you do with your key while you are running? Do you usually drive somewhere to run or leave straight from your house? I usually leave straight from my house so I take my house key off my key chain and either hide it somewhere on my property or keep it in the pocket of my running pants.


1. Morning run!
2. Ice cream.
3. Probably something grey with pink or teal accents
4. Not sure what these are and Google wasn’t that helpful. I like shorts…?
5. Stretching and a good meal. And maybe a massage. And lots of rest :)
6. Well, one run I had Shinin’ on Me on repeat (on accident)…
7. Sometime between 6 and 7.
8. I think shoes, but I certainly wouldn’t say no to a full outfit ;)
9. Of course!
10. Depends. In a pocket in my waistband or in my flipbelt or my weird little wristband thingy.


1. Morning trail run!!

2. Pizza!!

3. orange shoes

4. bad

5. high-fives and Strava kudos

6. I don’t listen to music when I run

7. 7-ish

8. tank and shorts (I have a backstock of Pearl Izumi shoes that I purchased right before they stopped making running items)

9. spectators are nice

10. I put my key in my waistpack for a run; for a race I put it in my shorts pocket or safety pin it to the inside of my shorts. I usually run from my house as there are trails out my front door.

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