A Day in the Life!

Good Morning!  I had a lot of requests in my last post to show you guys what a typical day looks like over here…..so here is more than you probably ever wanted to know :)

This is my typical week day look. I know not the typical picture you’re used to seeing of me.  This is what I look like most of the time.   I tend to have a messy bun or ponytail in my hair and a t shirt that I don’t care if it gets ruined.  I was tempted to do my hair so you would have better pictures to look at.  I also wanted you to be impressed at how I’m able to get ready and take care of five kids all at the same time but I decided I wanted this to be a very realistic day in the life.  I know sometimes when I am on social media I tend to get down on myself comparing my life to all of the perfect snapshots I see of everyone else.  Somehow it seems they are able to get everything done and look perfect doing it.  I want you to leave this post feeling like what you are accomplishing each day is good enough.  So here is what my life really looks like, imperfections and all :)

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Today is food shopping day.  Probably my least favorite day.  At grocery stores that have normal size shopping carts, not my beloved Costco carts, I end up pushing two carts around.  Believe me this takes skill :)

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I am that lady that will park far away from the store just to park by the cart corral.  This way I can pack up the kids and unload the groceries and put away my carts without ever taking my eyes off the kids. And yes he is sucking on the grocery cart handle.  Once again this is a realistic day in the life.  But I did read recently that kids that suck on things when they are little have great immune systems, so that is my hope :)

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Kids are loaded back in the car and ready for the next store.  What my real selfies look like!

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This picture was literally taken five minutes later when we got to Costco.  This is not good.  My kids will take a five minute power nap instead of their usual nap and be set for the rest of the day.  I don’t know about you but I need those naps to survive.  So if you ever see me driving around town yelling at my kids to “hang in there”  and don’t you give up on me”, that is me trying to keep them awake until I can get them in their cribs.

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My beloved Costco cart

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Quick side note from the day.  This box of apples has been sitting on my counter for the past week and none of my kids have touched them.

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I cut an apple for myself and before taking a bite I leave the room for a couple of minutes and come back to this!  Who does this?!?!  My kids….that’s who.  All they left me was that tiny, sorry piece.  Oh well, at least they ate an apple :)

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When the older kids get home from school it’s time for homework and chores.

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They are so helpful!

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Then its time to quickly get ready and head off to the neighborhood Halloween party.

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This is the dust that has been accruing on my table.  Once again, this is something I did not get done today.  I was going to take a picture of my laundry that is piling up but decided that might be taking it too far.  I don’t want to disturb you guys :)  What I am trying to show you is that today I didn’t get any of my house work done.  My house is not perfect but I do have cupboards full of food now and I count that as a win in my book.

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End of the day selfie…. good night :)


Any tips on shopping with kids?

What is your typical weekday look?

Do your kids think the food you prepare for yourself tastes way better then their own food….or is that just my kids :) ?

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My typical weekday look is “business casual/sometimes professional,” I guess. But as soon as I get home from work, it’s yoga pants and a T-shirt or sweatshirt. I wish I could wear jeans (or sweats or leggings) every day, but that’s not exactly allowed. :/

I don’t have kids, but I’m pretty impressed you can push two shopping carts! I’ve carried two of the handheld ones before when there were only huge carts around, and I really needed the smaller one, but I’ve never pushed two–especially with kids in it.


Thanks for your comment. I am going to try to get to as many of the comments that I can while the boys are napping. Two shopping carts are no joke. I’ve had people ask me when I’m shopping why I don’t put my littlest in a front pack, but because of my bad back it’s not really an option. So if you see me at the grocery store watch out because I haven’t really perfected it yet :)


You are rocking it, girl! And, looking awesome doing it!

We do not have any kids and there is still that amount of dust on our furniture;) Props to you!


Thanks for saying that….it makes me feel better. I’m not sure if you could tell from the dusty table picture but my kids have actually started drawing pictures in the dust:)


If my first picture of the day looked half as good as yours I’d be ecstatic! You’re beautiful! You don’t even need an ounce of makeup. Seriously. Green with envy over here. :) And I think all kids think their parents food is better than their own and by kids I mean two legged and four legged ones because in my house it tends to be both! lol


HaHa! That is awesome. So far we don’t have any four legged creatures over here yet, but I’m sure when we do I’ll have to be on my guard too :)


This made me laugh! You’re a total rockstar. I work full time but my husband often works weekends, so I’m home trying to pack in all of the grocery shopping/errands/cleaning and I NEVER get anything fully done! And I only have 1 (almost 2 ;-)). My favorite is when I spend all day prepping for dinner (because you know you can’t just do it all at once), laundry, picking up toys, picking up the same toys, and the same toys again and then my husband comes home and says the house is a mess. Mom’s don’t get enough credit. :)


I totally agree! I sometimes feel like I’m living in the “Groundhog’s Day” movie, where I am just doing the same thing over and over again!


You push TWO shopping carts? As a non-mom I had never even considered this would be a thing moms of multiple kids would need to do, but it makes sense. I am seriously impressed by your ability to push both carts at the same time though. Sometimes I have issues with one cart getting unruly and trying to drive itself into the shelves! :D

I can relate to leaving food out for a minute, coming back and finding it gone. My cat will happily eat anything I leave out of my sight for two seconds!


When people see me coming with my two shopping carts they tend to steer clear of me, probably out of fear for their life :)


This is amazing and you are SO funny. Any chance we can get a HRG Sister Blog?? I would subscribe :)

I rarely get my housework done during the week and I have 0 kids, so hopefully that makes you feel a little better!


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That does make me feel better!


I LOVE it!!! What an awesome post!!!


Thanks for reading :)


I wake up and walk the dog. Then it’s coffee and eggs and tv on while I work from my sofa in running gear. I always try and break for a run mid morning but it sometimes gets pushed to after lunch or even not at all.


That sounds like a good morning routine….hopefully you get the time for your run today :)


This is great! I’ve never thought of having to push two carts. Impressive! I too park right next to the cart corral, not for small kids anymore, but I figure if you’re close enough to the corral you’re not going to leave a cart rolling around the parking lot!
Thanks for keeping it real :)
My day is early run, pack lunches, get to work, after school homework, and collapsing in bed (hopefully with a feeling of accomplishment!).


That is a busy day. You should definitely feel accomplished!


I don’t know about my little one (because he’s too little to tell me), but I know any time someone else fixes me food – it tastes way better than when I have to make it myself. :O)


Anytime my husband makes dinner it definitely tastes better… but that could also be because he is a better cook than me ;)


Awesome post! You are beautiful and so is your family. Thank you for being so real. Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much!


I LOVE YOUR FAMILY!!!! And, Sissy, if THAT is what you look like BEFORE getting ready. Lord bless. You are gorgeous.


HaHa….Thank you. That first picture is me ready for the day…..most days I don’t do much to get ready :)


It’s comforting to know that even someone who always looks so put together has normal mom days. I’m currently sitting at my desk at work with freshly showered hair. I shook it out of the towel and hopped in the car. It was a rough morning and my coworkers are honestly lucky that I made the time to shower. I will be wrestling it into some sort of bun or ponytail type thing shortly.
Thanks for being so real. It really helps everyone realize that these days are normal and they’re just fine.
PS – You look gorgeous even without the makeup and fancy hair. Your husband is a very lucky man.


Thank you so much. Sorry about your rough morning. Your coworkers are lucky! My little coworkers over here are probably going to protest soon since I have yet to shower today :)


This post is awesome! Thank you for being real with us. I am a new mom (4 month old daughter) and I admire all you can get accomplished. Just like you said we often compare ourselves to others perfect instagram posts and I SO appreciate you being sincere and showing that not everything is perfect!


Congratulations on your baby! Those first few months are awesome but so hard!


Wow, you’re amazing. I hate grocery shopping with a passion. When I remember to do it, I try to order through peapod or something, so that I don’t have to waste time. I used to think it would be too expensive, but usually it ends up cheaper for me because it prevents impulse buys.


That is a great suggestion! Do they deliver produce?


Yes! And I’ve never had a problem with it. Nothing has been bruised or in bad shape.


Memories! Kids grow up too fast and although the day to day can be overwhelming it just goes by too fast. I remember days when I stayed in my Jammie’s most of the day and sat in a room crammed with toys and kids and just had a down day. Then there were days I was “dropping the mic” because I got all the things done. My kids are 21-28 now and I just love being able to see them! I think you look fantastic!


I’m so glad to hear other mom’s have had jammie days. Thanks for your comment!


I don’t have any kids left. They ditched me. But when they were home they definitely at my food. No one comes in the kitchen unless I’m in the kitchen preparing something and then…everyone’s hungry. And then I need to prepare for everyone because I’m that person. Is it a mom thing? I find myself surprisingly not hungry. And even with all the kids gone, my husband has that same problem.

I made a deal with my husband years ago that if he would stay home with the kids while I grocery shopped I would never ask him to go to the grocery store. He loved this deal and it worked like a charm. I always got to go by myself..sunglasses and headphones. Now I see shopping carts that look like cars? They’re huge. You guys are rock stars. I don’t know how you do it. You are amazing.

And on a final note: if someone is swiping a white glove do NOT come to my house. I won’t pass that test.


That is an awesome setup. I will have to talk to my husband about it :)


So sweet, I love that your little boy was chewing on the shopping cart! My mom used to say the same thing when we were kids – it builds their immune system, so I’m a believer! My days usually involve a ponytail and bun as well. I hate having my hair in my face! Love the guests posts – keep them coming!


Thank you! He is always sucking his thumb too so I can’t even begin to imagine all of the stuff that he’s introduced to his little body.


so I knew someone back when my son was little who would keep a spray bottle of water in the front seat and if the toddler started to doze off in the car before true naptime, she would spray him to keep him awake! how awful! lol. I recall those quick car naps that ruined the real long nap – we need those quiet moments when the kids take a good nap to keep going as moms!


The kid’s long naps are definitely a life saver. In fact that is what they are doing right now while I’m responding to comments. I had the choice to shower or respond to comments, which is way more fun……sorry family ;)


My normal look every day is business casual. Because that’s the dress code at my work.
I don’t have any kids yet, but when I was one, I used to always take a bite out of my Mom’s sandwich. I still do it sometimes. She always makes fun of me for that.


That is awesome that you still take a bite of her sandwich :)


Haha, I remember trying to keep my kids awake in the car so they could get a good nap in at home!!

Now that I’m teaching again, it’s mostly business casual.

My kids always love my food way more and I’ve gotten better at sharing ;)


It definitely makes you become a better sharer:) But I do have things sometimes that I don’t like to share that I keep hidden until the kids are in bed, so I still need some work:)


I always love to see what people’s work days look like. I guess I’m nosy like that.

I use the apple core slicer too. It makes eating apples so much easier right?


I love my apple core slicer!!!


Oh gosh I wish I had tips, but I am the mother opening the groceries in the store to give her kid a treat just to fend off the meltdown. Then feeding her more of the above mentioned treats on the way home to keep her awake because I too cannot lose that nap.


Losing that nap is awful! What I’m trying to get down now is having the two little ones nap at the same time. Sometimes it feels like all of the stars align have to align to get that precious nap time :)


Busy busy with all those kids – they are SO cute!!! What a beautiful family!


Thank you!


It’s not super original, but we always have food for the kids while we’re grocery shopping. Our local grocery store now has a big basket of fruit up front, with a sign saying it’s for those shopping with kiddos. So my 3 year old is always munching on a banana or apple while we shop. We used to just buy an extra banana and ask the cashier to weigh another one twice to make up for the one he ate, so the free stuff from the basket is nice :)

Typical weekday look is professional until I get home, and then it’s immediately into sweats or PJs. I think that even if I was able to wear sweatpants to work, I’d still want to change into another pair when I got home. I remember my dad (university prof) would come home, hug everyone, and then immediately go upstairs to put jeans on. He called it “putting on play clothes”.

My kids always want their own food, but we try to make a meal that can accommodate everyone. I have on occasion made myself something different, only to turn around and see my toddler wolfing down the broccoli that I was going to roast. He generally eats anything that’s not nailed down ;)

I love your guest posts! Thanks for sharing your day-in-the-life.


That is great your grocery store does that. I’m am going to start petitioning mine to do it too:) Thanks for your comment!


My tip when shopping with kids…..Remember its NOT ABOUT THEM at this very moment (and the whole time shopping!) no matter how much they whine, cry, throw a tantrum or complain I tell them shopping is part of life and we are getting it done.

No bribes by this mom…..

(My kids never want to shop with me these days…ha! Wonder why?)


HaHa! You sound just like my mom :) Which is definitely a compliment!


Authentic and vulnerable….great qualities!! I’m an old woman now and wish I’d worried less about the “stuff” and the comparisons and appreciated more what I had and who I had to share it with!


Thank you for your comment!


Haha, funny post! My kids do the same thing with a box of fruit laying around…..watch out if it’s a bag of Hershey kisses though!

And I agree with other commenters, you are gorgeous and don’t need any makeup!


You are so sweet… thank you!


I always wore one of my little ones when shopping and tried to get in and get out as fast as possible. There is a 3 year age difference though so with the older one I used to give her a scavenger hunt with pictures and a snack. I find it harder actually now that they are 9 and 6, more outloud opinions!!! I love going early or really late. I also took advantage of a free delivery coupon for 2 months from a local delivery place.


I also always ‘wore’ my babies at the grocery store. Makes it so much easier! And scavenger hunts for my toddlers saved me from having them run away constantly.


Those are great tips…thank you! I see other moms wearing the front packs and wish I could, but with my bad back it’s not in the cards…..oh well. That scavenger hunt sounds fun!


Run it past your doctor, a friend of mine has back issues and has no issues with her ergo carrier. She said if the weight is spread out and she only days it a few times a week it is okay. She used to do the moby wrap but her little one is 35 lbs now so no longer an option. I believe she wears the ergo on her back and not in front. Packs like baby bjorn are very hard on the back.


I will have to look into that. I know with my front pack anytime I have put it on it immediately hurts my back. So I assumed they would all be that way. If there is a brand that doesn’t hurt it would be wonderful! Thanks!


Pushing two carts, you go girl!!! Shopping with kiddos is hard work!


That’s probably why it’s my least favorite day :)


HA ha YAAASS this is so great. I’ve got 6 kids and they’re all about in the same age range as yours (well, maybe my oldest (16) is a little older? not sure) so reading this makes me feel NORMAL!!!! And trust me, that’s a huge feat. ;)


Yay! Thanks for your comment….it’s always nice to hear other people experience the same things :)


Oh girl, I haven’t vacuumed in weeks lol. You are my hero for taking two kiddos grocery shopping! I love your honesty in this post. Being a mom is hard work but you do it well!


So glad to hear I am not the only one behind on housework! Thanks for your comment!


My typical day looks a lot like yours! I have 4 kids though so maybe less hectic and a little easier. I start off by getting the first three ready and driven to school and then I hit the gym. I come home and do all the things stay at home moms do that no one can ever see (like mow the lawn, mop, clean bathrooms, laundry, etc plus all the supriroses along the way). Finally I get kids home, dinner, baths, homework and family time and then bed for them.


You are amazing! Being a stay at home mom is definitely a full-time job!


I love that you’re honest about selfies!!

Also- now i know how you’re in such good shape- you push 2 carts at once!


HaHa! Two carts is definitely a workout :)


Shopping with TWO carts – you are a beast! And I totally understand the kids + shopping cart dilemma! I have two little ones and when shopping at target there was no place to put my littlests’ infant car seat… He ended up IN the cart basket area and my toddler sat in the front = zero room for groceries! Sooo… I pushed kids in the cart and carried groceries in a basket :) I felt weird, but it worked.

You sure rocked this day and you look gorgeous while doing it! If I fix up my hair all cute and manage to get decent meals on the table (while keeping kids alive), that is a day well done to me. Thank you for sharing! Your family is beautiful.


You sound like my shopping twin! That’s why Costco is my favorite….only one cart to push :)


Great post! Do you have an instagram account that we can follow along with you as well?


Thank you! I actually don’t have an instagram….but maybe I could look into it :)


I am a Mom of triplets plus one. The triplets are now almost 16 and my baby is nearly 12 ? , but back in the day I was able to push a triple stroller and pull a cart. Shopping trips were a busy event to say the least.

Nowadays my daytime look is dressed for work, which starts über early, but right after I get in my workout then jump right back into Mom mode running kiddos around and usually do that in my workout clothes and a quick ponytail. Do some things never change ? Your kiddos are super cute, enjoy these busy days they go by so fast!


You are so real. And so funny. No wonder we simply love you, Sissy!


I love your guest posts! You are so genuine, and very funny too. You are absolutely gorgeous and you have a beautiful family. I think you should start a blog :).


You are the cutest!!!!! I was cracking up too! I think you’re doing great!


Thank you for this!! Really! I love seeing more behind the scenes mom life.
I have 2 kids, one almost three and the other is 14 months. I also get upset with all other non-Costco carts. I always let the eldest ride in the cart and pretend I don’t notice the dirty looks from the grocery store employees. ?
Looking forward to more posts from you! ?


This is totally true.. thank you for being so realistic in your post. Priorities are kids..and not dust.


Sissy, please start a blog. I promise I’ll still be a devoted follower of Janae’s, but I need to read you everyday as well!

My kids like to sneak things into the cart. Or throw my stuff out of the cart. It’s all very disconcerting. But my friend introduced me to Walmart Grocery and now I order what I want online and then drive there. They load everything up and my crazies and I never leave the car! It’s the best! Oh, and no extra charge

The only problem is it makes all my impulse chocolate buying almost nonexistent.

But maybe that’s a good thing?

*I’m not affiliated with Wal-Mart, just in case this sounded like an advertisement.

**Wal-Mart, I’m open to your sponsorship in exchange for free groceries.


This is a beautiful day……joyful exhausted!!!


I just love this!! So real…and you are seriously a real life superhero for being able to push two grocery carts around!!!


Holy cow, you are amazing (and look amazing)! I don’t have any kids – just work and grad school – and keeping my house together is hard enough! When I have my niece and nephew here (4 & 2), which is often, I can literally get NOTHING done, and my house is a complete disaster by the time they leave. I always give my sister props b/c I have NO clue how y’all do it ?
Btw, your kids are beautiful!


You are super brave! I have 9-year old twins now but when they were little, my husband would grab the groceries on his way home from work. It just made it easier for us. He sticks to the list and is in and out. You’re family is so cute; your kids are gorgeous! BTW, thanks for your prayers!! I got the steroid spinal shot and it seems to be working! It will be two weeks this Friday since I got it. It was rough the 2-3 day in but has been uphill since then and I’m off of pain meds. ;)


I remember those days when I am trying SO hard not to let the kids fall asleep in the car because I needed that nap time (for me to do stuff around the house)…. funny thing is, the older one would sleep all the time but the younger one was always a battle for her to take a nap. At one point, I gave up.
Going grocery shopping is still hard sometimes, and sometimes, it’s super easy because they have become huge helpers. Hard ones are when they won’t stop bickering or arguing with each other while I am trying to get the grocery shopping done quickly.

My typical weekday looks like- (right now) cooking everyone’s obento lunches, yoga (if I have time), wake up kids, get everyone ready for school/work, go to work, pick up kids, do homework with them, teach them Japanese (if I have time and energy), cook dinner, clean, bath, eat, clean, bed time. Nothing special, nothing too crazy but it feels like crazy. I feel like I don’t have enough time in a day. But I bet you feel that way 100 times more than I do w/5 kids :)


Thanks for sharing! I don’t have kids, but have been talking to my fiance about how I don’t know how people go their whole lives being so busy and getting everything done. I am struggling to work full time, train for my first half marathon, keep the house clean, planning a wedding, and making time for family. Everyday it seems like I fail to complete half of my chores, but seeing your comment about the dust on the table vs food in the cabinets made me feel better about life. Thanks!

TLDR: Thanks for sharing about how you are a normal person!

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