Monday Miles, Brooke’s YOGA and A GIVEAWAY for THE HAUNTED HALF (Utah readers, you’ll want to enter)!!!

One of the many things I remind myself about 1 million times after a marathon is that it takes WEEKS to fully recover.  Even though it already feels like the marathon was like a month ago, it wasn’t and Josse and I reminded ourselves that with each walk break we took along the way:)  I’m happy to be running and recovering well and just reminding myself that recovery from a marathon takes my body a lot longer to bounce back than a half marathon.

We stopped for a selfie with a cow that was using the branch to scratch his back.

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Earlier this morning Brooke was really excited about her Utah shirt that we found after thinking for a year that we  lost it.

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And then she joined me in some yoga.

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She’s getting pretty good at it:

Salad for lunch… bet you could have guessed that;)  Brown rice, avocado, grilled chicken, veggies and ranch.


We hit up the park after lunch!

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And Beretta got in probably 10 miles while we were there:)

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It is almost time for one of my favorite races ever!!! Brooke’s favorite too:

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Sadly we won’t be in town this year for it (I have to take Brooke to visit her dad that weekend… but we will be there next year for sure and Josse is running it this year).   We are going to try to make it to the SLC Haunted 5k though!!!

This was from when I did this race a few years ago and it is still my favorite running outfit ever… still don’t know how I ran a 1:23 half while dressed up like a pirate ha (oh yeah, I was still really angry at life at the time;)

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Today I’m giving away a free entry to the SLC Haunted Half and one to the Provo Haunted Half!!!

Haunted Half 2016 Zombie1

****To enter just tell me whether you want to do the Provo race or SLC race and what you want to dress up as for the race:)****

People not entering the giveaway—>  tell me if you are running any Halloween races this year!! You going to dress up?  Have you dressed up for a race in the past?

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Brooke is adorable. I love how you are teaching her to love exercise while she is young. I wish I had started sooner with my kiddos! I would love to run the Salt Lake Haunted Half!!


I would love to run the SLC half! I haven’t ever dressed up to run a race…I’ll take any ideas you have!!


Definitely the Provo race! I think I could rock an 80’s girl quite well!!


I want to run the SLC half! I’m still debating on what I’d dress up as. My dietitian friend and I might run together and dress up as fruit, but who knows!


I would love to run both but they are too far away.
I think it’s great that Brooke is into exercising with you. I wish I would have done it with my girls when they were younger. I can’t get them into it no matter how hard I try.


I’d love to do the Provo half! I would go as Minnie Mouse.


We may want to check if your 1:23 time is the World Record time for a half marathon dressed as a pirate (half joking here).

We hope to see you and the family at the SLC race!


haha I already checked and it’s not;)


I would love to run the salt lake half and my little girl is obsessed with fairies so it would make her so happy if I went as that.


YOU WON ASHLEE!!!! Shoot me an email and we will get you all signed up for the SLC Haunted Half!


Hurray I’m so excited!!!


SLC half would be amazing!!! Wouldn’t be mad about the Provo half either, but SLC is on my bucket list:)


SLC haunted half for sure!! No costume ideas yet, guess I will need to win so I can plan something :-)


Provo Half!!!! and I am dressing up as a wicket witch!


Love that pirate outfit! Also, so speedy! You may have been mad at life but you also can’t deny: homegirl, you’ve got speed!
Running a local 5k that is halloween themed and batgirl may make an appearance :)


I’d love to do the Provo race! Perhaps as Batman so my little boy can be as excited as me!


I would like to run the salt lake half, but I could do either!


I want to run the Provo! My kids are going to be donuts so I will probably dress my 20 week pregnant belly as a donut hole


AHHHH HEATHER!!!! YOU WON YOU WON YOU WON!! Email me asap so I can get you signed up for the Provo Haunted Half!


I want to run the Provo haunted half marathon this yr! I’ll probably dress up as witch


I would love to run the Provo half; although the medal for SLC is pretty cool. It would get me the trilogy medal. Since I’m currently at Disney World, I’d have to go dressed as Minnie.


I want to run the Provo one! I’ve done it a few times and it is seriously the best race! I would be dressed as a mermaid, because that’s my costume this year (along with my four year old and my almost two year old is going to be a Pearl, because that’s her name and I know she won’t let me dress her as it forever ?) I just did st George too (though completely unprepared and not at all trained-not recommended) and I have to remind myself to give myself time.


Watching Brooke do yoga was one of the highlights of my day! Thanks for sharing the super cute video.


So cute! I’m trying to get into yoga! I know it’ll be super good for me, and I HAVE the time…it’s just the motivation I need! lol
I did just do a 5K Pumpkin run this past Saturday! I don’t have it up on my blog yet, but hope to soon. I’d LOVE to find a good zombie run to do!


I’ve done the Salt Lake Haunted Half, so maybe the Provo one. But either would be great!! I would probably dress up as Diet Coke!!!


I would love to do the Provo half. I am dressing up as my two year old daughter. Ha! Most people may not get it, but those who know me ALWAYS say how much she looks like me, so I think it’ll be funny to dress as her. ?


Hi! So fun you’re doing this!! I would love to run the Provo Haunted Half. I just bought new grey and orange running shoes today. I was thinking about dressing up as Kim Kardashian but I’m not sure how running with an inflated booty would go. Maybe I’ll go with a pumpkin or something a little easier :)


I would love to do the SLC half. I would have to be a superhero to make my son proud.


I would love to do the SLC half! Still need to think of a costume though!


I would love to run the Salt Lake Haunted 1/2! I think I would have to dress up as a zombie if I ran it.


Ah I would love to run the Provo Half! I ran it last year but was having some health problems so it was a really hard race for me. I am feeling 1000% better and would love to run it again feeling more myself! Halloween Is my favorite but I haven’t solidified my costume yet. I have a few go to costumes like an 80’s aerobic instructor or I have a troll doll costume, but I also have these amazing jack o lantern pants and I found the cutest jack o lantern tank so I might just go the festive route :) also you’re pretty much amazing! Every time I read your blog I feel more motivated to go for a run and sign up for a marathon.


Provo, for sure. ;)

I’ve never run in a costume so I’m not sure I could swing it. I think I could pull off “When Life Gives You Lemons.” (T-shirt with LIFE written across it and you pass out lemons to total strangers. But for a half-marathon, maybe I’d just pass out Lemonheads to the spectators…?)


I would love to do the Provo Half!! I would probably dress up as either a Skeleton or Minnie Mouse. Haha!! Completely different ends of the costume spectrum there :)


I am still trying to decide what to be!! I love dressing up my two pups… they on the other hand, probably don’t love it as much as I do. ;)


I would love to run the SLC race! ?our family is really into Doctor Who so I’m thinking about dressing up as one of the doctors or the TARDIS (his spaceship ?)


I would love to run the Provo Haunted Half!!! I would run as Batman!! This would be my first time running it, I really wanted to do it last year!! Love the video of your daughter doing yoga, too cute!!


Provo! I remember some crazy girls dressed up like pinatas one year so maybe I’ll copy that. ?


Hey Janae! I really want to run the Provo Halloween Half with my friend this year. I am going to dress up as a giant Oreo. My friend and I were planning on wearing white shirts and a cardboard cut out of a black Oreo cookie strapped to our backs. That way, when we hug, we will make a complete double-stuffed Oreo hahaha.


I would like to do the salt lake one but could do either. I want to dress up as super girl. My kids love that show!


I think I’d dress up as Tinkerbell! I’ve always wanted to do this race! It looks so fun.


Brooke is nailing those sun salutations, go girl!!


A local running store I go to puts on a Monster Mash 5k. All proceeds from the race go to local track and cross country teams. I am going to try to make it to that one, but have no idea what to wear. I have never worn a costume for running. Any advice?


I’ve done the Provo one and would love to do it again this year! Great course and fun atmosphere.


I ran this half last year and it was a lot of fun!! It was just 5 months post baby!! I would love to run it again this year!! If I win I think I’ll dress up as a bank robber.


I would like to run the provo race. I have not found a costume I can run in. My butt is a nice bubble shape and it is hard to find costumes to fit over it that I can run in.

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