15 Pictures From Our Weekend Thus Far.

1.  My dream date includes trail running in the mountains with Andrew followed by eating donuts.  The donuts portion did not occur (sadly, but I did get over it later on in the day) but the trail part did.  There is just something about being away from cars and business while running that makes trail running my favorite.

2.  We got out for 6.3 miles and some views.

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3.  Andrew just pondering how happy he is that he met me;)  (Okay, I am just guessing on this one but I am pretty sure it was probably about that).

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4.  Brooke joined in on some push-ups with me afterwards.  I was doing the ones on my knees until Andrew dared me to do them on my toes.  I think I did 10 total (with not the best form) but you’ve got to start somewhere right?

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5.  And then I realized that my jacket was still in the mountains because it got hot and I took it off and left it on the side of the trail.  I was very relieved when I went back to find it.  You know how you have a few of your favorite staples

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6.  One of the highlight of Brooke and Beretta’s day—>  dog bone.

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7.  Brooke in her element at grandma’s house.  She wanted a red bow like Matilda and of course her Frozen crocs.

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8.  We met up with Andrew’s parents and some of his nieces and nephews after they ran the SLC Haunted Halloween 5k.   She was beyond proud of her new shirt and medal for finishing.  Racing love starting young over here:

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9.  We picked up salads (and a bacon sandwich ((what Brooke’s calls lunchables)) for Brooke) and hung out at the park.

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10.  Andrew and Megan D’s husband have become good friends (all because Megan D and I met on the internet and became bffs many years ago) and they now go mountain biking together. Andrew took a fall on Friday and his legs aren’t happy about it.

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11.  We took a rest break before mowing the lawn and cleaning the house top to bottom.

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12.  Followed by a walk for Beretta.  She needs her exercise too.  PS I don’t think Brooke will ever want to say goodbye to that umbrella stroller of hers.

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13.  They ran a race together and Brooke won:)  Oh and earlier in the day I told Brooke that she is awesome and she replied back, “I already knew that.”

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14.  Sometimes the simplest dinners are by far the best.  Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for the win.

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15.  After dinner I learned something new about Andrew while we were doing some grocery shopping.  He likes egg nog.  I’m not super excited about that.

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Thoughts and feelings regarding Egg Nog?  

What has your weekend running looked like?

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Oh the things you learn about people! My mother who’s 62 told me the other day she’s always wanted a motorcycle and still wants one. Purple even! Seriously? I thought I knew her but that threw me for a loop!


Egg nogg is not my thing, I’ve tried it few times, but never have enjoyed it. I will stick with hot chocolate, thank you.


egg nog is definitely not for me! definitely love the simple dinners these days – lots of tomato soup makes me happy right now :)


Oh my goodness. I’m with you on the eggnog. My hubby loves it and I couldn’t stay father away.


Sorry Andrew … Thumbs down to the egg nog!

My weekend running: Got in my first double digit run since the Chicago Marathon -11 miles! I ran the first 6 solo and then my boyfriend joined me for the last 5 … Nice to have company!
Felt good to get out there and my hamstring felt a TON better after two weeks of swimming/foam rolling!

Have a great Sunday!


There is only one egg nog I like – it is a freshly made, organic version at my local grocery store!


Egg nog? Egg nope.


The mountains look absolutely gorgeous. I would love to go hiking there as well!

I actually like eggnog a lot. I think I’m in the minority though LOL…spiked eggnog is great.


We had tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner last night too! And I love egg nog, just not in October, or November even. I hate to rush my holidays.


How long do you usually spend on a typical day in total exercising?

And I’ve never tried eggnog, actually! Is it Christmas already? Haha.


I LOVE EGG NOG! There’s this tradition that my in-laws have of taking Egg nog and adding Vernors (A Michigan -area ginger ale staple in our house). It’s so weird and I don’t like the bubbly gingery egg nog!

>>> Question — I finished my first marathon last week and planned on running my next race ( a 5K) in April 2017. My question is, what should I do in the mean time? I’m planning on using a12 week plan for running the best 5k — but I’m scared I’ll loose the running fitness I’ve worked so hard to gain in training for my marathon.

Do you have any tips/tricks or training plans for maintaining fitness between training cycles? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANY HELP! I’m struggling here… 0_o


I never get tired of looking at your mountain pictures. The highest mountains in Virginia top out at 5000 feet, so I’m jealous. Also, so great that Brooke has healthy self-esteem!


Love eggnog, so Andrew is finally okayed by me for you! Haha!


Beretta is so adorable! If you ever need a dog sitter just send her on a plane down here :)

NOPE to egg nog. I mean, is it supposed to taste like that?! haha


Egg nog is gross! I never understood the appeal. Also WHY is egg nog in stores already? It’s not even Halloween yet. Madness


I like egg nog. The grocery store was giving out samples of egg nog this weekend which seems really early. I think i’m in denial that it’s almost winter. 7 miles on my 37th birthday seemed appropriate this morning so that’s what i did.


Andrew- You need to try Pumpkin Spice Egg Nog if a dairy near you makes it.


No thank you on the egg nog. You get so much done in one day, it is amazing.


I ❤ eggnog! Eggnog lattes, cookies, cheesecake, plain…I’ll take it anyway I can get it. See’s candy makes delicious white chocolate covered eggnog truffles.


We have the same feelings about eggnog in our house – I don’t like it at all and my husband loves it! Give me peppermint (creamer, ice cream, fudge!) and I feel like it’s Christmas ;)

I’m way off in running right now, nursing a slight knee injury that won’t go away because I won’t stop running completely. I should know better…


I never use to like EGG NOG …then hubby kept buying it during the holidays because he likes to mix it in his coffee. I kept trying it (alone ~ not in coffee) and now I really like it. THEN I CHECKED THE calorie/carb info. on it….YIKES! Now its just for a special occasional treat.


I ran my fastest 10K since I had my first baby…it helps to properly enjoy the weekend!


AHHHH WAY TO GO MAGGIE!! That is so so awesome:)


HAHAA “I already knew that” she is hilarious!! Egg nog is definitely a no for me :P


Omg now I want a grilled cheese! And we all need Brooke’s attitude about our own awesomeness <3


I love that Haunted Half logo! What a fun race!


My 20 year old son LOVES eggnog. I think it’s a guy thing.

LOVE Brooke’s self confidence. I remember telling my daughter when she was about 4, that no matter what she did, I will ALWAYS love her, and she replied, of course mom, I always knew that.


I love eggnog! ❤️


Mmmm…love egg nog!!

That haunted race shirt and medal are awesome, I would love those!


Ha, I learned last night that my new husband likes egg nog as well. I don’t, even though I’ve never actually tried it. He also likes Dr Pepper. Yuck! But I let him know I still love him, and lucky him – he’ll never have to worry about my drinking his drinks.


Egg nog is gross. Grilled cheese and tomato soup is gourmet in my book. It’s one of my favorite meals.
Tomorrow is my first day at a new job. They asked me to wait until 9:00 to come in. At least I can run off some of my jitters.


AHHH good luck at your new job! That is so exciting and good call on doing a run before:)


Thumbs down on egg nog! My husband feels the same way though, phew! What’s with the scary witch on the egg nog carton?? Mixing holidays LOL!


I was wondering if you are familiar with the Honey Stinger energy chews? I heard the GU will give you about 45 minutes if energy. But I’m using the energy chews and was wondering how to use them. This is what I do, tell me if I’m doing it wrong. At mile 5 which is about 45 minutes into my run I eat 2 energy chews and then 1 every mile after that. What do you think?


Hey Scott! So I haven’t personally tried the Honey Stinger energy chews but I have tried a similar brand of energy chews previously. I think you are starting to take them at the perfect time and if taking one every mile after that works for you then keep doing it. Finding out our own equation for fueling during a run is so important! For me personally I like to take in calories (about 100 calories) every 5-7ish miles. It takes me about a mile to get in the full 100 calories if that makes sense. But if taking some calories in each miles works for you then totally keep doing it! Good luck and I hope you have had a fabulous weekend!


Thank you so much. The packet is a total of 160 cal ories. I think there’s about 10 in each packet. So I think I’m cutting myself short. I’ll keep experimenting. Thanks again.


Sure!! Keep me updated on how it all goes!


I will. 11 miles in the morning. :)


GREAT JOB!!! That is awesome Scott!!!


Eggnog no no. I did once have homemade egg nog and it wasn’t so bad but store bought ?

Fantastic weekend with lots of fun outings with the kids (Corn maze and pumaking patch as well as swimming). Also found a new runnong routes which is challenging but relaxing all at once.


Egg nog makes me gag! Definitely a thumbs down from me! My dad and youngest brother love it though. And I agree that it’s too early for it to be out yet, let’s have Halloween first please.
Your scenery is always so beautiful, all I see here in Iowa are cornfields. Although our leaves are changing and they are pretty.


I just can’t do eggnog! I am also pregnant so that is a good excuse to say no when my husband tries to talk me into “having just one sip!”.

So cute that she wanted a red ribbon like Matilda! I loved that movie growing up. I watched it on TV this weekend, too!


Andrew has pretty legs – does he shave them?? LOL You have the most beautiful scenery….it has to make someone who isn’t even a runner want to get out there and enjoy it. Beautiful!


Not typically an fan of eggnog, but when my former boss (who is Puerto Rican), made traditional Puerto Rican eggnog (Coquito), I was hooked. The Puerto Rican version is the best!!!


Brooke has some sass! I do not like egg nog……………my husband does though. I do however like French toast made with egg nog…………….just add some cinnamon, coat bread with it, and there you go!


I am all too familiar with mountain bike injuries! Two weeks ago I got stung in the face by a bee, took my hand off the handlebar and crashed really hard resulting in a broken collarbone :( I am feeling better and I think I am healed enough to maybe start running, but I won’t be mountain biking again for a while.
I am not a fan of eggnog!


Definitely PRO eggnog, although I usually wait until closer to Christmas. My weekend was filled with yard work (ouch!) and starting our little one on solids (so much fun!!).

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