Redefining things and tangent Tuesday!!!

Sometimes all I need is a little dirt ( to run on for a bit to start the day off just right.  I was going to hit up the roads for my Monday morning but then I looked up into the mountains and saw all of the red and orange and I wanted to get closer.

Something crazy happened on the trail yesterday.  I have done this same one many times over the years and the first mile is pretty steep on the climb up.  Usually, I do it in about 10:15ish but yesterday I finished in 9:05 and didn’t even feel like I was really pushing it.  I think I was so deep in the zone of who knows what that I wasn’t even thinking about the climbing.  I’ll take any progress I can get.

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Something I was thinking about a lot on my run yesterday was about how much my definition of marriage has changed.  Like night and day difference.  I won’t go into a lot of details but goodness gracious I am sure loving how I would define marriage now.  Thank goodness;)  It got me thinking from there about how so many different things in life I have put a definition with and how it actually in reality could be the total opposite without me even knowing it.  I think ever since my last marathon I have really defined myself (in my head) of not being capable to run a great marathon.  I’ve put this definition towards my running more as something that I used to be good at but that I’m just slowing down with age.  I don’t think age has anything to do with my running changing but my definition of how I run sure has.  It was kind of an aha moment of working towards changing my thoughts/definition about my running and going back to how I used to define myself with running.  Yes, my marathon is only 12 days away but if anything I think the simple mindset of knowing I am capable of this vs the constant wondering if I can do it is going to make all the difference on race day.

How have you been defining yourself lately as a runner?  Is your definition helping you or holding you back?

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Back to the babes.

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For lunch Andrew invited us up near his work to see the new Harmons for the salad bar.  He truly knows the way to my heart.  Even Andrew said the grocery store was beautiful… it was huge and just perfect.   Tell me that you get excited about this kind of stuff too.

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The salad bar was huge and the upstairs had tons of seating.  Favorite ingredients in this salad—>  salmon, shrimp, avocado and raspberries.  Brooke wanted a bowl of cantaloupe.

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Caught these two holding hands mid-lunch.  He sure works hard to blend this family together nicely.

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Brooke was pretty tired yesterday afternoon (probably because of all 300 cartwheels she did and Beretta didn’t leave her side.

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Shortly after when Andrew got home he joined the scene and fell asleep.  Beretta is a pillow for many people.

This Costco rug that we have is no joke… super comfortable.

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For dinner we were wanting breakfast foods and had everything we needed to make breakfast tacos.  I’m telling ya… a man that cooks wasn’t on my list of things I wanted to have in a future husband but I am reallllllllly grateful he loves putting things together.


Andrew was craving pumpkin bread, unfortunately I didn’t have any pumpkin but I did find a mix from last year in the pantry… he prefers the middle part underdone:)


X 3.  Carb loading for our last little speed today.


Time for a few tangents before I let you leave this Tuesday morning (or afternoon).

*Andrew just showing off his cartwheel skills for the kids.

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*They could play tag all day.

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*Sunday night we found them reading books to each other…

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*I don’t know why I laughed so hard at my friend’s huge Costco bear on her treadmill.  Sometimes I feel this way when I’m on mine and exhausted.

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*I mentioned the other day that Andrew got into a program he has really wanted to do for a while.  He will be starting up a nursing program in October.  He has wanted to do this for a long time and it will be the perfect fit for him.  He loves helping people and we can’t wait!!! It will take about 2.5 years but so happy that he starts so soon.  We are a little opposite in this regards… I can’t even stand the site of blood or anything like that.

Beretta’s favorite way to have her belly scratched.


*They already have inside jokes between the two of them and I try desperately to try to figure them out.


*2 things—>  1.  I love this picture of my nieces and nephew at the track.  2.  This seems to always happen towards the end of a marathon training cycle but I REALLY want to train for some fast 5ks or 10ks over the next few months and then jump into half and then marathon training again.  I don’t know why but the track is sounding exciting to me for some strange reason… even though it will probably be the indoor track not too long from now.

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*This popped up on my Facebook page that it happened 3 years ago.  That feels like just yesterday and like a whole different life all at the same time.  It also makes me want some red velvet cake and baby snuggles at the same time too.

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Hope your Tuesday is a great one.  We shall see you soon!!!!

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Did you love the area of work you went in to?  If you wanted a change and could go into any sort of program/degree what would you do now?  

Had any mind shifts in your running lately?

Time for you to share a Tuesday Tangent!!!

What is your Tuesday workout?

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I’d love to hear about the changes in your definition of marriage! I’m just starting out, so anything helps, right?? ;)


CONGRATS on your new marriage, that is so exciting. I wish I had a fancy way to say it or some deep meaningful definition but honestly, this time around I am married to my best friend. I don’t feel alone like I did throughout my 20s. We both just want to support the other person and Andrew communicates like a champ… it is incredible. Just love having a partner through all of the good and bad in life. He always has my back and I’ve always got his:)


Your post was just what I needed today! I have been thinking a lot about getting older (my b-day was a few days ago) and about getting slower. We’ve still got it, Janae! You will do great in your marathon!


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY a few days ago:) WE’VE GOT THIS is right! Thank you and hope you enjoy the rest of your day!


I am a CPA (accountant) and I wouldn’t say that I absolutely love it, but I don’t mind it. I guess that’s better than nothing. If I could start all over I think I would go want to be a psychologist. The mind is so interesting! I just totally re-defined my running! I have had the sub-3 hour monkey on my back. I ran 3:03 and 3:02 and it just seemed like I was *supposed to* really want to break 3 hours. Once I took a step back from that, I realized that I really didn’t care about breaking 3. The half marathon is my favorite distance and I also love racing lots of 5Ks, so that is what I am going to focus on. I did a 4 mile wave tempo this morning :)


I love the middle part of pumpkin bread (and cakes, muffins, cookies) underdone, too! It tastes SO much better that way. :)

Tuesday Tangent: Life has been really difficult lately, and I just want some rest and peace. This guy I thought was something special has been frustrating me lately, and all I’ve felt the past few weeks is heartache. Why did I let myself get my hopes up? Maybe the profession I really need to go into is being a nun.


Look at your trees!!! They’re turning colors! I can almost feel fall coming through your pictures, but that may just be because I am desperate for fall. The one downside to living in south florida is that we don’t have an autumn at all :(. Soon many women around here will begin wearing boots even though it’s still reaching the 90s! haha

I’m excited about the track too. I recently discovered that a local park has a track! I have run at the park several times before and somehow never noticed it! I haven’t run on a track since the mile in high school when I hated running so I am excited to give it a go!


“What story are you telling yourself?” Is it “I can’t because blah blah blah” or “I can”? I can’t remember where I first heard this phrase–I think the Semi-Rad blog, but he heard if from someone else. Anyway, it was a game changer for me. I find myself asking this at the most random times. On a run, hanging with my kids, climbing a new route. If you tell yourself you suck often enough, you start to believe it. I’m trying hard to change that.


Puppy pillow!

I love Brooke’s little floral tights!


You will rock you marathon! You are capable of running a great one. Don’t listen to any voices that tell you otherwise. Great, is relative, too.

I, unfortunately had a DNF this weekend- my first. Talk about mind shifts. But I know I did the right thing for my body and to keep running long term (I am 51). Coach & I agreed I am overtrained so now, to get faster, I must slow down and rest. I have a race scheduled this weekend and am not sure if I can run it. I went from pushing the limits to having enough discipline to rest up. Not my favorite but I know it’s needed.


Oh Dynise, I am so sorry about your weekend race. That is ROUGH. Good luck with getting the rest that you need to rock those races again. So hard to do but you’ve got this… keep me updated with how you are doing.


Nursing is such a fantastic career. I have lots of nurses in my family and almost became one myself. Congrats to Andrew!! That’s so, so great!

Tonight we have Drew Manning (from Fit to Fat to Fit) teaching an interval class at work. He comes Tuesday and Thursday and let me tell you…his workouts are intense!! Last week, Tuesday’s workout left me sore til Friday and made Wednesday morning yoga extra hard. Wish me luck! Haha

My old work calls those big Harmons “Disneyland” because it’s so fun haha Not quite the same, but they are awesome. Those salad bars rock!


GIRL!!!! Haha I totally see why they call it Disneyland… I agree;) Oh have a blast at the interval class, that sounds awesome!!!! Hope all is well for you!!


Hey Janae, just wanted to follow up on your fuel belt from yesterday’s post! Normally I also hate running with something in my hand (heavy and the sloshing). But I just bought this one from Salomon and it’s AWESOME!! The soft flask=no sloshing because the container compresses as you drink! I’ve done a 10 miler with it and i love it!

I’m actually off to do some spadework at the track! But I’m not looking forward to the track quite as much as you are….!


That one looks SWEET! It compresses as you drink… brilliant. I might have to copy you:) I hope your speedwork was awesome today and thanks for the recommendation Tiffany!


I graduated with a degree in marketing thinking I would work in the toy business (like tom hanks in big lol). while I did work for mattel at the start of my working life, I didn’t stay in that industry! I never imagined I would be a writer and work in the event industry or have a healthy living blog but here I am and I love it :) and I love that baby picture of brooke!


Congrats to Andrew for getting into the program. It sounds like it was a huge and incredible opportunity. One of my close friends just got into a nursing program and they love it, personally I’m terrified of needles and blood. I’ve changed job titles a couple of times and honestly, I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve done. No complaints from me.

My running is going well so I feel like my entire focus is changing. (Finally!). I’m not entirely sure what I want I want to train for this fall. There’s a race somewhere right?


That’s so exciting about Andrew’s nursing program! I’m a college student now and studying math which I love and I’m constantly asked what I want to do. The answer changes all the time, mostly because I’m open to anything!
As far as running, I’m coming to terms with the fact that I’m not a super high-mileage kind of girl. It’s not that I feel like I can’t, it’s more about me finding where my happiness really lies. I’m training for my first marathon right now, and I’m more focused on getting my mentality perfected rather than running speedy miles. We’ll see where running takes me. I’m only 20 so I have a lot of time to determine where I want to take my running.


I started out in school nutrition and went back to school to become a registered dietitian. It was a long road but definitely worth it. Good luck to Andrew!


Oh, I need to make pumpkin bread again soon! I made the greek yogurt recipe you had on here once upon a time and it rocked!

3 easy miles today after my weekend 1/2 (where I had a post baby PR!). Already eyeing up my next 1/2 and a full…. :D


Your mental game is so important!! One thing I tell myself when I’m struggling mentally on a run or Crossfit WOD is “I can do hard things”. Simple but powerful! At first I didn’t really believe it… but I’ve used it and turned my mindset around so many times that now I believe it!!


My dad was a nurse and my uncle (his baby brother) is a nurse too. My cousin and her husband are nurses and he is going back to anesthesia school this fall. I think there should be more men nurses AND men elementary school teachers. I think it is great that Andrew is going back to do something he will love. It will be a lot of work for both of you but so worth it.


Yes. Yes. Yes. I totally agree Jackie.


A few months ago I used to think I needed to to push myself harder, and I was doing it every week. My father who has been running for decades (he’s my trainer too), started telling me I needed to slow down or I was going to get injured.
I realized that running should not be a punishment to your body.


I love your headband in the first few pictures. I am always looking for new ones. I can’t seem to find one that won’t slip off my head.


YES… me too. I cannot stand it when a headband slips during the run. The one I am wearing above is from Lululemon!


Congrats to Andrew for pursuing his dreams and hope he has a great experience. I can relate to this pull toward fulfilling a career dream — I have degrees in English/Writing and Education, and work in finance right now (I know, makes zero sense), and am currently finishing a 5-year (woof) degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I’ve always wanted to do relational psychology and be a therapist and help people in that capacity, and I’m SO glad I went back for this and cannot wait to start practicing full-time. We’re always growing and it’s never too late to do what we feel our heart is pulling us toward or what God has in store for us!


I have been in the SAME boat as you! My last marathon didn’t go quite as planned due to a femoral stress fracture but I am now back and also have my next marathon in 12 days! I have been questioning how it will go lately but I just have to remind myself the work I have put in will show on race day! Since you are only 12 days out I was wondering what tapering usually looks like for you?? I hear so many different ways people taper and am curious of how you go about it!


My whole view of exercise and running is changing since having my son. Since I’m still waiting to be cleared to run, I’m learning that rest is OK and yes, I may lose some running fitness, but I can gain it back with work.
I’m looking forward to this new “blank slate” and a new stage of running life ;)
Running used to be something that would control my life and every single waking thought/ and as much as I am dying to get out and run again, I’m learning to enjoy this time with my son and not feel guilty about resting. In the meantime, I’m dreaming about running and planning out my goals for when I can start again!
You are going to rock this marathon Janae! Can’t wait to hear how it goes :)


I am in a PhD program right now. I’m glad I’m doing it, but sometimes it’s definitely a struggle. I do think it’s great to reach for your goals, even if it means a big change like going back to school. Good luck to Andrew!! I have been wanting to make pumpkin bread for about a week now, you aren’t helping. :)


I quit my job and went back to nursing school!! It had been a dream of mine for years and I finally just did it. I am in my last semester and will graduate in December. It was a hard decision to make because I was the main breadwinner in the family and we lost my entire income and had to take out a lot of loan money. It has been worth it though. Nursing school was really, really tough (and I already had a Masters and this was way harder!), but he’ll make it through. I had a 2 year old when I started and then got pregnant in the middle of the program. He will make an amazing nurse!


Oh Kattrina, that is so so awesome. I love it and huge congrats! OH WOW, a 2 year old and pregnant during the program… you must be crazy busy. Thank you so much Kattrina, we can’t wait for this new adventure:)


I work in business (my degree is in economics) and I really enjoy it… but I really really regret not becoming a teacher. I will be a teacher someday, I’m just not sure what that will look like yet!

I’ve had a rough few runs and am feeling really slow. I need to kick those negative thoughts and stop comparing myself to others.


Read your comment Blake and wanted to let you know that I, too, have a degree in economics. I was in banking but wanted to go into teaching. I taught at a university for 1 1/2 years (state teaching degree is not required). I got a glimpse into what it would be like without going back to school.


I started spinning last week and went 2 days. My goal is to go 2 days every week! I went this morning and it is such an endorphin high when I push myself. I feel amazing 4 hours later.

I am in a career that I love and I’m super lucky. At the same time, I’m feeling the desire to retire soon and walk my dog all day :) It has come to a point, through the grace of God, where I might not have to work anymore for monetary reasons. I don’t want to sit at home all day but it would be nice to not sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. But I do want to have a purpose when I’m not working at a traditional job. Because what gives me joy is knowing I helped someone throughout the day. That feedback is necessary and what people lack and miss when they don’t work – whether volunteering or something else. I’ve got to be DOING something and serving to bring a smile to someone’s face at least once a day to feel productive and purposeful. Not sure what that next road will be! Certainly nursing is a good outlet for that (and NOT an outlet I would pursue :) ). Congrats to your husband.


YAY for spin… you know I love that. Such a killer workout, way to go! So many awesome changes up ahead for you! I’m stoked for you and you are so right… the part of life that gives me true meaning is helping somebody else.


I agree with the many other comments – can you please share your definition of marriage? I read this the other day on Scary Mommy: “Marriage is not about the wind blowing your hair as you glide across the sea. It is more like holding hands while the storm rages around you.” This is my new definition.


That is the most beautiful definition. This time around feels so completely different. I don’t feel alone. I feel like I have somebody always in my corner and his biggest goal in life is to be there for me and me for him. I don’t have any fancy words to explain it but I just feel like I’ve got this teammate through the good and the bad that isn’t going anywhere.


I have a huge regard for nurses, especially after my husband’s chemo treatments. They were absolutely the best and so dedicated. Good luck, Andrew!

hmm, I’ve had this vague notion that I’m not really able to do a marathon. (this is my second time being injured while training for one). I know part of it is my hip and that it does not rotate fully but I feel, deep down, that I can do a marathon successfully. I’m going to connect with a PT that I think can give me the proper tools and workouts that I’ll need to get me to the next stage. He is not convenient in distance but I think the confidence and physical boost will be worth it.

Rest day – just stretching and some chair yoga.

Tangent – I found chair Tae Bo on YouTube and I can do most of the workout. For the moves I’m not able to do yet I just sub some boxing or floor work.

My husband sees the oncologist today for 3 month blood work and a prescription for CT scan. Those months sure go by fast.


Nina, good luck for your husband. I remember you posting while he was in treatments. Hope he’s healing well!


Thank you, Michelle. He is doing well so far and he feels good.


xoxoxo Nina. I am so happy your husband is doing well. You are one amazing woman.


I went to nursing school and loved it! Hardest thing I’ve ever done. It will be very difficult for both of you but no doubt you’ll get through it one day at a time. I’m now in a nurse practitioner program because apparently I can’t get enough of school! ;-) Congrats to Andrew for getting into the program and good luck to him! It’s a wonderful field to be in.


Thank you so much Anna and that is Andrew’s goal up ahead in the future… he can’t get enough school either. Thank you Anna! Good luck with everything!


1) I want all of Brooke’s outfits in my size
2) I think it was the magical color changing trees that helped :) I love your mindshift change and I also love doing my best to be aware of those kinds of things. I’m the type that likes to push down her feelings and not deal with them, so I’m working at trying to really think things through! For me it helps to just brain dump my thoughts into a word doc!


I was a photographer for several years at kiddie Kandids. It was my dream job from the time I was 8. Then I switched and went into dental assisting, not my thing. I didn’t mind it, but working for my dad was not what I wanted it to be haha.

Sometimes I wish I was still doing something like that, but most days I know that I wouldn’t be enjoying working if I knew my kids were being watched by someone else. Maybe when they are all in school, I’ll go back to it.


Without really thinking about my definition of running too hard, the first thing that pops in my head, is science. Ridiculous b/c I suck as science, but I feel like I’ve really just been trying to focus on my body and fueling for running long. That’s my biggest issue the last couple years since starting marathons, so running for me has become kind of a “project” so to speak as I try to figure out what works for my body.
P.S. My Hus asks for that bear EVERY time we go to Costco! LOL


Yes! Your insight on defining things or ourselves in certain ways is right on. As I’ve grown older (all of 32 years) but gained much life experience I half laugh/cry at how I used to think I had it all figured out. I had a “perfect” marriage, was running myself ragged and had definitions for everything. Only recently after my world crumbled last year have I realized that my definitions weren’t only untrue, they were unnecessary. Rather than focusing on what I think things should like look or be by definition, I am trying very hard to focus on the day to day. Some days I’m going to be an awesome runner, mom, home maker, worker, etc. (not at all once ha!) and other days I’m just going to be lacking in some areas. It’s not so important to be defined by anything as to be the best version of you each day, whatever that might look like.


Love this Sara. I am so sorry for what you went through last year but I love that you took that and grew and learned what you learned. It gave me goosebumps what you said in your last sentence… best version of you each day!!!


I’m so excited for Andrew! Going back to school for my nursing degree was the best thing (outside of the whole family/faith thing) I’ve ever done for myself. I work two nights a week as a labor and delivery nurse and I look forward to going to work every shift. Plus a fringe benefit is getting to help feed NICU babies on slow nights :).
I started a new Orange Theory type class at my gym and it is awesome. Today my running coach showed up in my class so I couldn’t slack off.


I was totally thinking about you on Sunday and wondering how you guys are all doing! I am so happy that you love what you do and that you chased down your goals to get there. You are amazing.
OH YAY for Orange Theory type of workouts… I want to go try that out after this marathon.
Hope all is well and come to Utah again soon;) Pizza Factory is on me!


I am about to go for a run for my workout today. I work in the health field and love it. Happy for Andrew that he got into his nursing program! so exciting!


Brooke sure loves cantaloupe! I studied theatre in college but quickly realized I did not want to teach theatre in high school. I had worked at the aquarium near me since I was 14 and lucked into my job. It is my dream job caring for penguins and other birds. I met my husband there too so everything works out the right way!


Okay, your story made me so so happy. I love every part of this.


I’m a huge believe in re-defining the way you look at things. My good friend and running partner was diagnosed with breast cancer this year. After the initial shock and scariness, she just starting asking What If. What if I keep running? What if I continue to do cross fit? What if it’s not exactly the same as it was before, but I still go for it? She’s 3/4 the way through chemo and still crushing it. Sometimes it’s just believing you can.


Congrats to Andrew!! My little sister just graduated nursing school and loves her job. I’m with you…can’t stand the sight of blood or needles! So instead I picked hospital administration instead :)


I did a fast track BSN program (Bachelor’s RN in one year) a few years ago to begin my career as a nurse. It was intense, but very fulfilling. I’m now working as a nurse, and going on for my NP. The job is certainly not for everyone, and is certainly not fun all the time, but if Andrew likes it, I think he’ll find it’s a fantastic career. There is so much you can do in nursing, and the reward of helping others is awesome.


What an exciting change for Andrew and your family! I’m sure he will be great :) My husband and I both went back to school as adults with kids (we’re almost finished!!) It can get busy at times and it takes an adjustment period to resort all of your priorities. It can sometimes feel like school should be the most important (get the most time), but things just work better if the family stays number one. Sometimes we need to remind each other, especially during finals ; )

We define ourselves all the time! I know I used to think I was not smart, especially in math. But going back to school has completely made me rewrite my definition of myself. I have had to take calculus and physics series, and while I may have had to work harder in those classes, I did great. I don’t sell myself short anymore or tell myself I’m not good enough/smart enough etc. I do my best and see what happens. You are a truly inspirational runner and have inspired so many of us to push even when things are tough (mentally or physically). I know you have it in you to do (more) amazing things. Never tell yourself what you can or can’t do. Just do it!…err… I mean run happy! :)


Love your story so much Karissa. Congrats on going back to school, tapping into your potential and seeing how amazing you are. Thank you for your sweet words, it means the world to me!
PS We were talking about that the other night too—> family stays number 1 through it all!

Enjoy the rest of your day!!


My dream job would be one of those people on the food network that just goes around the country and eats food all day at fun places! (i.e. Diners, Drive in and Dives) and then have a personal trainer to keep the weight off, haha.


That’s so awesome that Andrew is going to nursing school! I used to work in healthcare administration so I’ve been around a lot of nurses that put so much energy and passion into what they do. I’m currently a SAHM and really miss working sometimes, which is why I started a blog. I eventually want to work more on my career and do something where I get to exercise my creative skills and help others!


It’s a better thing to be curious about your self than have too high expecations or “define yourself”

“Be curious about what you’re capable of”

^^ One of the best things my coach ever said to me.


Okay, that is such an awesome quote. Seriously. love that. Thank you for sharing that with me… just what I needed!


I actually recently changed fields too. I was in the addiction/mental health area, but I went back to school to become a personal trainer. I hope Andrew likes his career change!


SO SO cool! Congrats on the career change Fiona!


So excited for Andrew! I’m a nurse and I love it. There are so many different things you can do and areas that you can work in. I’m currently working for a school district and it’s by far the best. I love the kids and summers/holidays/weekends off can’t be beat! He’ll be awesome. A mindset that I’ve struggled with is I catch myself thinking that I’m too “big” to run fast. I’m 5’10 with a medium build. It seems that all the elites are super tiny. I’ve really worked to push those thoughts out of my mind and I quit weighing myself this training cycle and it’s made all the difference. I’ve nailed every single pace workout. It makes me wonder how much my mind has held me back in the past. 11 more days!! I’m so excited I can’t stand it!!!!


Hey Marie!! That is so awesome you are a nurse and that you work for the school district, that is awesome! How perfect for you!! I am SO happy that you have worked through those thoughts and you have rocked every workout this training cycle. GOOD LUCK!!! I am so so excited for you!


I am lucky to LOVE what I do! And at the same time I get to help students figure out and explore what they want to do :-) I work in advising at a University and it is both challenging and wonderful, like all good things in life.


Little Brookers!! I totally remember the days when she looked like that (from reading your blog). So cute.

I’m seriously jealous of your trail running options there in Utah. I’m not complaining because I live in San Diego and YES, it’s beautiful year round and all of that but your trails are just so much more beautiful than ours.

Yay for nursing school! Good for him. It can be hard to take on a new endeavor like that with little ones but he has an amazing support system in you, so I’m sure he will succeed.


KATE!! How the heck are you!?! I wish you were doing St. George this year:( Thank you so much Kate and seriously, WE NEED TO FINALLY MEET one of these days ha!


That’s awesome that Andrew got into a nursing program! At almost 33, I’m starting to apply to programs and getting excited about it. I’ve been a teacher, salesperson, and restaurant server, and am glad I finally got the guts to pursue nursing. Best of luck to you guys with that! I’ll be in the same boat–going back to school with 2 kids–and it’ll be fun following his journey.


The 1 year picture of Brooke is adorable :)

Also, I get the MOST excited when there are changes or renovations to grocery stores / when I try ‘new’ grocery stores!


I love my career and job-I’m a nurse!!!! Congrats to Andrew for pursuing his dream. Curious, what pulled him to nursing? I mean, we are a funtastic group to work with and all ;)

That grocery store made me pause and stare a moment……


A joyful life changes the way you live, breathe and move!!! I’m so happy you are embracing the new perspective…everyone deserves pure happiness!!! Best wishes on the race….you will crush it!!!


Brooke looks exactly like your mom in that birthday pic from 3 years ago!! So cute:)


Oh my gosh, Brooke had soooo much hair as a one year old! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a young kiddo with such long hair! We’ve been so excited that our little 13 month old girl has hair that’s longer than an inch finally (maybe 2 inches haha). Also, it’s so hard to believe that our little girl will be as big as Brooke in the not too distant future!


Love TJ’s pumpkin bread … DON’T love the area of work I go into.
I used to work in DC right outside of Georgetown and it was so fun to walk through Georgetown and shop around on my way home from work/lunch break. Now … I’m just surrounded by office buildings and it’s not as easy to take midday shopping breaks :)


I have been defining myself as a mediocre runner (because of my average times) but I need to tell myself I am a legit runner so that I truly believe, train, and soon race like one! Love your hairband!


Why yes, yes I do love my profession. I’m a psychotherapist and NEVER get bored at work! I absolutely love helping people feel empowered and realize the power of becoming their own best cheerleader. Running is something I returned to last year when I turned 60. I ran marathons (only 2) in my late 20’s and qualified for boston (3:30) and DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT…before Internet, the hype, yadda, yadda. Now at my ripe old age of 60…i only need a 4:25. And yeah, I’m working on it. Hopefully in 2018 I’ll run it. Love your blog and insta. Thx for sharing. ?


I love my career (cancer research), but I can’t help but wish I had time for a few more ;). I would love to be a therapist, a PA, or a writer.

And the big change for my running mindset is that I’m finally thinking about running long again. I love everything about marathon training, but it’s been hard to fit it in since having kids. I’m finally going for it!


I got a degree in public health as a youngster, but decided to go back to get my nursing degree once my kids were all in school. I will say that the focus that I have as an adult student, with many more responsibilities than I had straight out of high school, has been so much greater, and is definitely reflected in my grades. I got my RN earlier this year and am working part time with my new license while pursuing my BSN. It’s definitely not easy, but rewarding and worth it. And it is definitely a group effort! I always try to find balance with taking some time for myself (usually this involves sweating in some shape or form!) and to work on my relationship with my hubby, and with my kiddos. My family and I are all still alive to tell the tale :). You can do it! All the best to you guys.


I’m in my last year of nursing school (which is why I haven’t been commenting but have been checking in regularly). It’s been a long haul but the end is near. I work on a pretty acute ward while studying and there are quite a few male RNs on my ward and they are all excellent nurses. It will be my second major career change (I’m indecisive!). I wish Andrew all the best. And congratulations to you both. I wish all four of you great happiness together. x


Good luck to Andrew as he starts the RN program! My husband was in his mid-30’s when he started a 2 year RN program, and then went on to get his BSN. He’s currently working in an intense ICU environment and absolutely loving it! I on the other hand would not do well as a nurse, and I’m perfectly happy sticking with the office environment setting as an engineer. And good luck to you in St. George next week! I plan also plan to run (complete) it, but I know it’s gonna be a slow one for me, and I’m actually totally ok with that… just going to enjoy it!


congrats andrew!! that’s so exciting

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