Our Night in Downtown Victoria.

*This trip was provided by Westin! Thanks for following along!

It is official, we are obsessed with Canada.  I really cannot get over how STUNNING it is here, how kind (and happy) everyone is and of course the amazing food.  We had about 5 hours last night in Downtown Victoria and it was the best.  We started our night by being dropped off at Fisherman’s Wharf.  


We went straight for ice cream and sea otter watching.  Salted caramel in a waffle cone for the win.


We walked around for some time and then jumped on a water taxi. 


The taxi took us straight to RED FISH BLUE FISH.  We stood in line for 45 minutes for our dinner and it was worth every minute of waiting.  Andrew and I could not get over how good it was… I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to fish and chips anywhere else after these.


BC Halibut for my fish and chips and seared tuna tacones.  When we come back (because we have told each other at least a dozen times that we will be back with the kiddos to Victoria), we will be eating here again.  


The view from our table was pretty great.  


Over and over again he proves that we are meant to be together:


We ate our candy on the grass at the parliament building.



And then we went walking again… according to Andrew’s Garmin, we walked about 10 miles yesterday.


A bike tour was needed to see some more of the city.


One of my favorite stops—>  Fan Tan Alley in Chinatown!!! The littlest, cutest alley I’ve ever seen.


A stop in a REAL bookstore (Munro’s) to browse around and pick up souvenirs for Knox and Brooke.  


And then our driver brought us back to the hotel.  Over the last few days we have become really good friends with Ken.  He is the best… everyone here is so incredibly nice.  We lucked out.  


Oh and this is how we started our day…  we will talk more about this tomorrow.  GOODNIGHT!!!!!

IMG 4529


Three things that your Sunday will be filled with!?

Fish and chips fan?  Where is your favorite?

Your idea of the perfect ice cream flavor?

Are you a hiker?  Some of the best hikes you’ve ever been on?

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The Victoria marathon is in October (Canadian Thanksgiving); you guys should come back for that!


My morning is all about the women’s Olympic marathon! So far the USA women look great!

I love Victoria! All your pics make me want to go back soon!!


Oh wow! What a fun little adventure you guys are on! LOVE the pics!

My day will be filled with grocery shopping and doing laundry, but first… It’s OLYMPICS MARATHON day!!!


as if I needed another reason to want to go to canada. I went to Vancouver when I was younger and have been obsessed with the idea of getting back there ever since. it’s just so bucolic.

my day is filled with a long run to fuel an all you can eat sushi brunch and of course some olympic watching!


Impressed at your use of the word “bucolic.” I had to google it. :)


My husband and I really want to visit Victoria soon! We both hike often – it’s hard not to with all the hiking the PNW has!
Three things: watching Women’s Olympic marathon, hiking, and watching more Olympics!


I don’t like any kind of fish. Ice cream, on the other hand, is something I’d try anytime.


What a lovely place!

Today will be church, recycling center, grocery store, and then a swim party/family dinner at my parents’ house.

No fish (or seafood or meat) for me.

My favorite ice cream flavor is peppermint. The pink one! It’s the best!

I LOVE hiking! My favorite trails are in Oregon. It’s just gorgeous there! I was hoping to hike to day, but I’m on day 3 of being dizzy and lightheaded. (Probably has to do with my anemia because my blood pressure is fine.) Not going into the woods alone like this.


I went on a hike yersterday in waterton national park in Alberta it was beautiful ! You will have to come back to Canada to discover this park as well :)


Did you mean “brouse” not “brows”?


HAHA yeah, I meant browse… I wrote this at 1 a.m. Thanks, have a fabulous day!


I’d kill for your brows though, and I think this makes up for it. XO


Looks like you guys are having a great time!

Idea for my perfect ice cream flavor – A combo of peanut butter, cake batter, and some kind of cookie dough … And of course in a waffle cone :)


Looks like so much fun! Love the ice cream and candy :)


It sounds like you are really enjoying yourself up there.

I’ve been getting into hiking a lot more lately and I enjoy it. I haven’t been in a couple weeks but hopefully going again this week.

My favorite ice cream flavor is definitely cake batter. I’ve been making homemade butterscotch lately which has been pretty good.


What are those red/blue swedish fish?!


Welcome to Canada!! Victoria is a fantastic city, you picked a good one for sure. Next time you’ll have to come explore the Canadian Rockies, Banff is gorgeous and there’s a ton to do for sporty couples. Enjoy the rest of your visit!


We want to go to Banff SO SO SO BAD!! Like it is a must! Thanks Sarah, we can’t believe how stunning Canada is!


I think Canada has the best fish n chips and candy selection! Wine gums are my fav!! (No alcohol in them). Pajo’s in Richmond, BC is so good and down the street is a frozen yogurt place that lets you pick the fruit you want blended in it!! Ah, as you can tell I love visiting Canada! Enjoy your vacation:)


We JUST got back from visiting Canada- Vancouver and Victoria. We stood in line for an hour at RFBF and it was so worth it, plus it’s a beautiful little area! We loved walking around and found our favorite canadian coffee shop in Victoria. The Parliamont buildings are so impressive. Looks like you had a blast!


Looks beautiful, hope you guys enjoy the hike! I have never had Canada on my travel list, but I think I might have to add it!

Also, where did you get your purse, looks like the perfect size to fit everything without being too big?


I’m so glad you like Canada! You have a lot of Canadian fans :)! Canada truly is a hidden gem! What brought you up to BC?


The city is beautiful! I’ve never been to Canada but I’ve always wanted to go – so many gorgeous places!


My sunday is just cooking, answering animals, and laying around

It looks so nice! I’ve never been to Canada. Glad you guys are having fun!!

My favorite ice cream is BJ’s Smores ;)

I love hiking! the grand canyon is probably the best place i’ve been. I’m going hiking in a few weeks in the mountains of Peru and I’m so excited.


Love these photos! It looks like you guys are having a wonderful time! I love hiking, especially when we bring our dogs!


Yes- jacket and purse brands please! Ive been looking for a jacket similar for this fall!

Cinnamon and honey ice cream has been one of my favs but I love anything with pb or coffee!!


Fish and chips fan, always…but especially when I’m visiting an area known for seafood! Nothing beats that crispy, deep-fried shell and perfect, flaky fish in the center!


I’m Canadian (Calgary)…and I can’t imagine why Americans wouldn’t travel here while the dollar exchange rate is so favorable! I normally travel to the US several times a year but it’s 30% extra now with the bad dollar :(


Love seeing your pics of Victoria. When my husband and I lived in Vancouver for 30+ years, we had a 34 foot sailboat and would sail over to Victoria and moor overnight in the marina in front of the Empress Hotel that you have in your photo! Takes me back! Great city for walking.


PS: Today I’m still a naturalized Canadian but on Tuesday morning I take the oath of allegiance to become a US citizen! ????


I was just in Victoria and I loved it! Chinatown was awesome – I actually bought my mom a tea pot and green tea there. Did you check out the gardens around the Empress hotel? They’re so pretty.


Sundays are fun days — but I do have to squeeze in a few chores :(

Have you ever tried Mackinaw Island Fudge ice cream? I’m a native Michigander — and Mackinaw Island is kind of known for their fudge — it’s totally the best ice cream! Vanilla ice cream with fudge pieces and chocolate swirls… OMG! So good topped with Spanish Peanuts!


Janae- The BEST fish and chips in the world can be found at The Central Cafe in Whithorn, south-west Scotland – they’ve only been doing it since 1933 and by the same family now 3rd generation.
I’m told the secret is in the frying and yes, they are stll using the original now “retro” fryer. Just ask for Liz and Paul Soriani and they will prepare you a fish supper to die for. Also, take your running shoes to run it off, amazing runs in the Galloway hills. If you happen to be passing through …


I have been laying in bed watching Olympics all day… not a productive day for me! haha. I love hiking. The east coast has nothing on the west coast though so I’ve been dreaming of some backpacking trips to the west coast. Hopefully in the next couple years!


As a Canadian who’s never been to Victoria, your pictures are making me want to get there now!

What Ray-Bans are you wearing and where did you get your jacket? :)


Yay, so glad to hear my favourite blogger and husband enjoyed the place I call home! My Sunday was filled with kayaking in the Portugal Douro river valley so I am far from home at the moment :)


Victoria looks like a charming little city! I’m going to have to put it down on my travel bucket list.

My favorite ice cream is anything gelato. Italians seriously know their stuff when it comes to ice cream.


Happy Birthday Beooke!

Cabin in the mountains and my hubby would agree.


We did a 17k overnight hike on the East Coast Trail (Newfoundland) this weekend and I can still feel it in my calves :/ I’m 24-weeks pregnant and have decided to lay off the camping/intense hiking until AFTER the baby haha

Sounds like you two jammed in a lot of activities while on your visit!


Your grey shoes are so cute – where are they from?
PS love the blog – have read forever – first time commenting :)


How fun!!! I would like any ice cream with dark chocolate chunks in it!! :)

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