Runner’s SAFETY with SABRE. It is a big deal.

I have an awesome giveaway for you today from SABRE and you do not want to miss out on this…  It is for something that EVERY outdoor runner needs!!!


Let’s talk about the reason I actually started running in the first place.  Rewind to many many years ago (going on 18 years now!!) and my sister would go running by herself at night.  She has always been into fitness and working out (I got that love for running from her, that is for sure) and running at night was her favorite way to relieve stress.  We lived in the same house at this time, (the one my parents live in now) which is in a very safe neighborhood so running at night really didn’t seem like a big deal to her as a teenager.  We also live in Utah which also seems to be a pretty safe area in general BUT when my sister started running alone by herself at night my mom decided to go the police station to get the police statistics for attacks/rapes in the county.  She showed them to my sister and it was an eyeopener FOR SURE and from then on my sister ran during the daylight hours and brought me along most of the time with her.  That is why I started running in the very beginning, running in pairs is always safer so my running began.  Running with my sister (and the amazing memories I have over the years of us running together are my absolute favorite).

Just a month ago I was reminded all over again that yes, it seems like we live in a very safe area but things still happen and I need to do everything I can to protect myself while running outside.  I was running on the Provo River Trail at about 9 in the morning when a biker stopped me.  The biker told me to turn around right that second because just around the next turn (not that many strides up ahead) was a man doing some pretty crazy stuff (I won’t go into details because I don’t want to type those words).  He told me that he had just called the cops but he was now warning anyone near the area.  I think I ran a 5 minute mile in the other direction.  It scared the living daylights out of me and I am so beyond grateful for the biker that came to warn me.  I don’t want this to be a downer post, I just want it to be a huge reminder that WE NEED TO BE SMART out on the roads and trails each day as we are logging in the miles.

I think something we can all do today is come up with a plan for maximizing our safety while out on a run.

Some things that I do:

*I always have my phone with me while I run.

*I try to always stick to running on busier roads and running/bike trails that have people all along the way.

*I do not run when it is dark by myself.  If I need to run when it is dark I have three options:  bring a friend with me, run on the treadmill or have my dad follow me in the car until it is light outside. Below picture that my dad took from his car during a 20 mile run we started at 4 AM together.

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But after that scare last month I added a very important thing to my plan for safety!


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SABRE is the #1 pepper spray brand trusted by police and consumers worldwide—> they are for sure leading the pepper spray industry.  They are a family owned and operated business (over FORTY years of experience).

Let’s talk about the Runner Pepper Gel (what I take whenever I am running by myself now)—>  I love the little strap that fits comfortably around your hand.  I forget that I am even holding it after a mile or so.  With the pepper gel there is a NO wind blow-back like traditional sprays!  It is also amazing protection against multiple threats at a safe distance.  The pepper gel reaches 12 ft.  It comes in a variety of sizes that are perfect for all sorts of different activities like cycling, running and home defense in general.  I am beyond thrilled that I will get to live with Andrew soon because I am not going to lie, I was afraid often living on my own for so many years.  And for this last little bit before I move in with him, I have been loving having this by my bed to help me feel that much more secure.

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SABRE also offers a brand new product—>   a Runner Personal Alarm that is also perfect for runners because it just wraps around your wrist really nicely!  Your garmin on one arm and this on the other, right!?  This personal alarm really helps to attract attention and make witnesses out of the people around you.  If there are witnesses and people paying attention to you then a criminal is much more likely to run the other way.

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I love how simple it is to just strap on the pepper gel and go.  (PS Andrew is my favorite photographer;)

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SABRE offers all sorts of different products too like senior citizen/college/tactical/on-the-go/home defense pepper sprays and gels, dog sprays, bear sprays and home alarms!!  I love that they have products just for runners because there is a huge community of people that NEED these products to help them to be safe (and FEEL safer) while out on the run.

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Sponsored by SABRE!!!  Thank you for supporting us and keep on running happy (AND SAFE)!!!!

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Let’s do all that we can to protect ourselves because we’ve got a lot of loved ones that need us safe and sound and back at home with them!

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Now it is your chance to win the Runner Pepper Gel with Adjustable Hand Strap (choice of pink or black)!!!!

There will be 5 winners and the giveaway will end on 6/16/16!

To enter giveaway:

****Go HERE and browse around, come back and comment on this post with what product you would like to win!!!  (Residents of AK, DC, HI, MA & Ny not eligible to win the Runner Pepper Gel with adjustable Hand Strap ((shipping of pepper spray to these states is not allowed)) and you must be 18 years of age or older to enter!****

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I have had few scary encounters before and think twice about running by myself in the early morning hours. Ive been meaning to get a pepper spray for awhile. The pepper girl with the hand strap looks like it is right up my alley


I would definitely go with the runner pepper gel with the hand strap. I run down the Provo Canyon on the trail but never alone. My husband is usually with me but there are times when he is running faster and gets a little bit ahead me where I can’t see him around turns. I definitely have been freaked out a few times!


I love the design of the runner pepper gel. I used to carry pepper spray with me on my runs but got out of the habit because it wasn’t convenient. I need to make safer a bigger priority.


I would have been interested in the pepper gel but I doubt it can be shipped over the border. Therefore the alarm would be my next pick. I like running in pairs but it isn’t always an option. Safe running friends!


I’ve been wanting a solution like this! I’ve carried pepper spray for years but now that I have a toddler and am biking with her several times a week I need to order the cyclist pepper. It’s genius thank you for sharing and helping keep everyone aware and safe!


I would love the pepper gel or the alarm. I am usually on the trails with the Hubs but he’s often a mile behind me so it would be great to have this in my hand or on my arm. Safety First! :)


The pepper gel or the alarm, runner saftey is so important. I have had a few scary moments out running in the early mornings and now I only run with a friend or on the good ol’ treadmill.


What a great giveaway for us early morning runners! I’d love the runner gel:)


The pepper gel or the alarm would def make me feel safer when running alone!


Definitely the 3-in-1 pepper spray with adjustable hand strap.


Pepper gel!


I would definitely like the runner pepper gel! I run by myself often and this would definitely come in handy!


This is a great post. I would like the pepper gel or alarm.


Either one would be a great addition to my early morning runs. Like you, I feel safe here, but always needs to remember to be aware.


I would love the alarm. Thanks for the opportunity.


The pepper gel looks awesome. I’m sadly not afraid of people when running, except when they are in vehicles that can kill me. I’ve had way too many close encounters with peoples dogs however where I DON’T run without pepper spray anymore. I’ve almost been bit way too many times.


I would choose the pepper spray gel with adjustable straps. I live in Phoenix so the only time to run in the summer is very early in the morning before the sun comes up. So extra protection is good to have. I think every town has one of “those” guys on their trails. Lol


The runner pepper gel spray seems like an awesome idea. I run along the local river trail and there are a few areas that aren’t well populated with occasional transients camping and hanging out. I will carry pepper spray in my running shorts but that can weigh down my shorts.


Pepper gel!


I was just talking about running safety with my mom! I would love the gel with adjustable strap. I also think the alarm is a great idea too. Thank you for writing this post!


I would like the Runner Pepper Gel with adjustable strap. Thank you for sharing about runner safety, it’s something I take for granted but need to be more vigilant about!


I’d like the runners’s pepper gel. I run alone more than I should!


I don’t have a running buddy and have always worry when I run. It would be great if i could win the personal alarm or the pepper gel.


Great post Janae! There’s been too many close calls around my area lately and running safety is so important. I love the gel with adjustable strap. I also think the alarm is a good idea.


I would love the pepper gel with hand strap in black.


The runners alarm. I would send it with my daughter when she goes back to college and feel safer when she’s out running around.


I would definitely go with the runner pepper gel with the hand strap.


Oooh ! I like the idea of that alarm!


I would love the Runner Pepper Gel with the adjustable strap (awesome that is has “UV Marking Dye for Suspect Identification”) I love trail running but have no one to go with me. My husband works nights but today after he gets home he’s going for a bike ride with me because I’m too afraid to run by myself on the trail. I have pepper spray but it’s the blow back in your face kind and it doesn’t have the range that this one does. (on a fun note, the spray I have now, the company’s motto is “making grown men cry since 1975)


Yes to the 3-in1 runner pepper. I sometimes run before sunrise and it can be a little quiet and scary at times.


What a great post! I run and hike in Utah and have been meaning to get some pepper spray to protect against humans and animals. I think the runner pepper gel with adjustable hand strap would be great (I like the black). I would carry it with me whenever I run or hike alone – or when I’m out with my baby girl. I am so much more aware of our safety when I have her in the carrier with me or in the jogging stroller.


I am a big scaredy cat and hate running alone and/or in the dark. I’m sure the runner pepper spray would give me a little peace of mind.


Definitely the runner pepper gel with the wrist band. I have one now that does not have a band and it’s not a gel, so I’m afraid of blow-back.


I would like the Runner Pepper Gel with Adjustable Hand Strap. Not only do I worry about my own safety when I run alone, but I also worry sometimes when I go on long walks, just my toddler and I. This would definitely help ease some of that stress.


I would definitely run with the runner’s pepper gel and keep it near me late at night when my boyfriend works the night shift as a police officer. It doesn’t matter how safe your neighborhood may seem – we need to be vigilant.


Love all the Sabre products!! Especially love the runner pink Pepper Gel. Girly…… They all would be so useful since I run, bike and hike and @ times do it alone.


So scary for you. So glad that biker warned you. The pepper gel with the strap is perfect for me!


I would love to have the dog spray. I run and walk with my dog but we often encounter loose dogs in the park and I’m always afraid that my dog will get hurt by a stray. I wouldn’t want to hurt them but this would be great for safely and humanely getting them away from my older dog.


The peoper gel with the stra0 would be perfect! Sorry for your scare!!!


I would love the pepper gel with strap. I usually run by myself and oftentimes have to be out on the road in the early mornings in the dark. This would definitely make me feel a lot safer.


I would absolutely LOVE to have a Sabra personal alarm with wrist strap! You’re right- it’s pretty dangerous out there, especially for us women. We gotta protect ourselves! :)


The pepper gel looks awesome! I used to run with my guard dog :) but she’s getting older :( Great post!


I was stalked for seven years by a man who followed me in his jeep -including following me while I ran and when I raced. This individual also made fake identities to enter races in an attempt to continue stalking me even after a judge ordered him to stay away. Please, runners, be safe – run in pairs – don’t get complacent. Stalking or rape or physical abuse or harassment can happen to anyone anywhere. Don’t let someone with evil (or stupid or both) intentions steal your joy in running.


The pepper gel with the strap looks like it would be so easy to carry on a run. Better to always be prepared!


The alarm or pepper gel would be awesome to have. My very close friend was horribly attacked by a drunken man up all night when she was walking early one morning (thank god someone saw and called the police and he’s in jail). Ever since I never feel safe when I’m running alone. I will never again run in the dark or on trails. I never got pepper spray because of fear that an attacker would use it against me. The alarm or gel seem like a great alternative.


Oh! This is fabulous!!! Here in South Georgia, I run super early to beat the heat!!!! I do run with a partner, but we have been chased by dogs and have come up on people walking to early morning streets. And, I would love the pink!!! Safety first, but I like the girly look!!! :)


I like the idea of the pepper gel, but I would rather have the one that straps on my arm since I am often times pushing a stroller.


I would get the runner pepper gel with hand strap! I’ve been meaning to get something like this, but could never pick one that I felt comfortable carrying. There are some sketchy weirdos on the path that I ride on, so this would probably be a good idea.


The pepper gel on the hand strap would be perfect. I live in a fairly safe area, but there’s a lot of wild life!


I’m always looking for ways to be safe while I run in my city! I’d love to win the Duathlete Pepper Spray with Adjustable Arm Band.


I like the hand held pepper spray with the strap! Cute that it comes in pink too ?


Darn! I was so excited about this product… Living in a remote area in Alaska there is virtually zero threat of any criminal mischief encountered while running but bears are a definite concern. I was super excited to see this company offered a bear spray but they don’t ship to Alaska! :( Bummer!


This stuff is AWESOMR!!! I would choose the runner pepper gel with hand strap. Thanks for sharing these products with us!


I run on rural roads and get super creeped out when I’m on long stretches with no houses (I’m an NYC girl so I feel more nervous when all alone rather than on city streets). Right now my strategy (never had to use it) is to take a picture of a car/person if they come towards me and upload it immediately if they seem threatening. This gives me the power of the internet and a location/timestamp if anything were to happen. All that to say… I think I need the pepper gel!


I would love the pepper gel. I run in the dark in my neighborhood in the morning 90% of the time and so would make good use of it.


The pepper gel on the hand strap is so perfect and would really help me feel a lot safer while running alone! I am moving to College this Fall and will be on campus so this would be great to have while on my long runs! Training for my first Marathon ?


I love the runner gel. I am a morning runner so I could use it and feel more safe!


I would love to win the pink runner pepper gel adjustable hand strap!


I would love the Runner Pepper Spray with the hand strap! I live in Tulsa, OK and work in inner-city ministry, so lots of days I am in places where I feel uncomfortable. Not only that, but I just moved there and we live in the heart of the city, so whenever I run I feel on edge! I would love to have the spray to regain some peace of mind!


Definitely the pepper gel or the 3-in-1 pepper spray!


I live in a small town, and have never had a problem, but that’s not to say it couldn’t happen here! I would love the pepper gel to carry with me on my runs.


Great, informative post Janae! The Pepper Gel with Adjustable Hand Strap is awesome & would put my mind at ease on early morning or evening runs.


I just quickly wanted to say thanks for having such an awesome sponsor and spreading the word about their product. I live in a fairly big city with an awesome lakefront trail. I always over estimate that the area is safe though, and lately, we’ve been having increasing reports of incidents right by where I run, including shootings, gang activity, and….people throwing bikes in front of cyclists to try and knock them down so they can rob the cyclists….I promise I actually live in a good neighborhood too for the city.

After reading about the latest shooting less than a mile from where I start my runs, I came back to this post so I could buy SABRE products.


The runner pepper gel would be great. I have a regular pepper spray I carry with me right now but always wondered about it blowing back on me if I ever have to use it, hopefully not!


I am a 5am morning runner so it is often dark. I always run with someone when I run in the dark but a woman runner was attacked at a local park near me while running at 9:30 am. So, you can never be too safe. I think I would go with the runner personal alarm. The idea of pepper spray still scares me. I feel like I would miss and just make the attacker more angry or spray myself. The alarm seems like it would make anyone run in the other direction.


I love the idea of the runner alarm! You’re so right that we can feel so safe in our own little neighborhoods we typically run in, but anything can happen anywhere. Awesome post for awareness!


I love that the Runner Pepper Gel has a strap, sprays a long distance, and doesn’t get blown back into me. I definitely need this now that I am running alone early in the morning.


I think the pepper gel would be great! I live in a safe area and only run alone during the day, but anything can happen!


I would love the personal alarm! Thanks for sharing this company…I’ll definitely be purchasing some safety items now! :)


The pepper gel would be great — I run a lot early in the morning and this would definitely make me feel better!


The runner pepper gel with the hand strap would be awesome!!


I would love the pepper gel or the alarm. I’m wanting to start doing ultramarathons, which means more of my runs would be in non-daylight hours.


I love this Janae! I recently got a job in Ogden it’s different than what I was used to. I grew up in a small town just north of Logan. So as soon as I moved to Ogden I bought the pink sabre pepper spray and I have felt so much safer with it. My family said I shouldn’t run at all in Ogden. But I told them that, that wasn’t an option. So I decided that since I have changed to a less safety city I needed to invest in something to keep me safe. And so you are probably wondering why I am wanting to be put into this drawing…well I feel I need a few more things to keep me safe in this area and it will help my loved ones to not worry so much about me. So I would love to win the runner personal alarm. I luckily run in areas where there are constantly people out biking and running and so I think this would be a great thing for me to have to attract attention and keep safe. Thanks for this awesome prize!


I would love the 3-in-1 runner pepper spray with the adjustable hand strap. I hate running alone in the wee hours of the morning. If I had this I think I would feel so much better getting my miles in. Great giveaway! Every female runner should have this!


I’ve had lots of instances w/ dogs over the years… would love the pepper gel.

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