Silentish Saturday—> Bangs Friend Edition.

BANGS FRIEND and I were reunited last night and it felt so right.

Let’s start at the beginning of the day:

7 treadmill miles with some weighted push-ups afterwards… she thinks she is so funny.

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Bus ride from our car to the airport (Brooke turns everything into a party).

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She loves TSA because they always hook her up with supplies.

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Airport lunch because like usual, we were there way too early.   (PS is it normal for nachos to come without melted cheese?)

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Running sprints in preparation for sitting on the airplane for a bit.

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Dinner date for pasta with Bangs!

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Followed by dessert here:

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It doesn’t get any more delicious:

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See ya tomorrow!!!!!

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What do you have going on today?!?

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I got to sleep in today! That’s always the best way to start the weekend! I was just wondering the other day if you still saw Bangs friend often! Have a fun weekend in CA!


So great to see that bangs friend is doing well! This ice cream sandwich: OMG!!! Gala tonight with the hubby and 14 miles tomorrow morning… not the best combo but should be fun enough! Hope you two have a great time in California!


Nachos with no melted cheese–not normal. That’s weird. But that ice cream sandwich looks amazing!


Heading to spin class today then meeting up with a blogger friend for lunch!


Literally squealed with excitement when I saw we were going to get a Bangs Friend update. So wonderful to see she’s still smiley and you two are still good friends. :) Friendships like the one you two share are the best there are. Sending all the best her way! And ohmygoodness, those ice cream sandwiches looked absolutely divine!


Awesome looks like heaps of fun. Currently trying to get some sleep after a big day, but I’m a bit wired so reading awesome blogs instead. Once I do get my beauty sleep hopefully tomorrow include some nice things like a coffee/shopping date with mum, and seeing my girfriends for dinner. Have fun!


Yay, so glad you got to see bangs!


Just ran a half marathon…kinda lol. The course was a mile short, so that was fun (the last half marathon I did, the lead bikers took me off course- I need to run with a possy so I KNOW where I am going lol)- but it is okay because brick walls are there for a reason! I was on pace for a huge p.r. (Garmin said 5:59 pace for 11.96 miles so I have a 11.96 p.r. lol?), I am happy with my training, and most of all, I am completely loved (my mom was cheering for me the whole course, I have no idea how she got from point to point so fast!)
Happy Saturday, enjoy the sunshine!


Hanging with the family. No long run as I think I may be injured 3 weeks out from race day! Ahhhh! I’m freaking out!


I wish my ex lived in California! Jk, jk. I shouldn’t joke about that. He’s a good guy, I’m glad he lives close. :) Okay so now that the whole world thinks I’m a jerk… Andrew and I have date night tonight! SO excited. And he’s running his third marathon next weekend so we’re going to go for a shorter run tonight before we head out for dinner. I love it when I get to run with him!


Looks like you are both having a blast!!! I tried somehting called parkrun for the first time, where you run with other people like a club but its freee :) and then coffe with my other half! Pretty chilled day cause next week will be sooo crazy!


You are a beauty! I hope you’re enjoying yourself as much as possible while you’re out there.


Awe it looks like a great time together. Have a great weekend Janae! I’m excited to have off tomorrow and just relax this weekend.


Ah that dessert looks delicious!!!!! Somehow I now want ice cream and a donut!?


I did a 12 mile run (longest in a while for me) to avoid feeling too tragic as I watch the London Marathon tomorrow. I always get a guilty sadness seeing people run if I haven’t run for a bit, so hopefully this should ward that off a bit. We’ll be cheering on a friend, and I would almost bet money on me shouting my mouth off about running the 2017 marathon before he crosses the finish line. I always get carried away watching races!

We’re off to see Bastille Day for a movie date night later. I just have a few more hours of drinking tea on the sofa first…. :)


The weather here today is beautiful! I got to play outside this morning with a hike! So excited to finally be feeling a little better.


AH!! One day when you’re here for a bit longer I want to hang out with you! I’m in WestSan Jose/Santa Clara!!!


bangs friend still has bangs!!!! I’ve missed her!!!


Awww Bangs Friend! We haven’t seen you in forever! :) Hope you two are having fun adventures this weekend!


Love that you are seeing Bangs friend! I know that she had a baby… which must be around 6 or 8 months old now? You guys are so adorable, I hope she is doing well. Brooke’s running form through the airport is so straight and perfect, I love her running pic’s. I had to work today which was fine as it was snowing.


I swear your food always looks so amazing! And yay for being reunited with Bang’s friend! I spend my day organizing and getting ready for baby boy to come and also writing a talk for church tomorrow. It was busy to say the least ha! ;)


Where is your adorable green top from? Super cute on you!


Yes I am also wondering where this green shirt is from!!


Aw how fun that you got to see your friend while you were in Cali!!


That ice cream sandwich looks awesome!

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