How many days a week do you need to run in preparation for a marathon and YOUR running accomplishments!

This made our afternoon.  My first ever medal rack.  Now I just need to figure out where I packed the rest of my race medals and run some more races to fill up the slots.

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Cat cookies are a fan favorite at our house.

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My mom drove me up to the airport and Brooke will get some quality grandma/cousin time over the next two days.  

I will be FaceTiming with her once every hour too:)  

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See ya later Salt Lake City.

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I had a lot of time on my hands at the airport (have I told you my family’s thing on getting to the airport way too early before a flight?) and so I did some major stretching on the ground.  I didn’t get any weird looks from people walking by;) 

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And then I met up with the girls.

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Our first stop was for donuts of course.

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Followed by a wild and crazy night of talking.

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I don’t know why I was thinking about this but the other day I was remembering some of my college guy friends and how a group of them would do one 5 mile training run and then go run the St. George Marathon.  They did play a lot of basketball but they never did any structured running training for the race.  They were sore for WEEKS after the race but it was always super crazy to me how they could just go and do a marathon.  Do you know anyone that has done that before?  

For my first marathon training cycle I ran 3, maybe 4 days a week with a lot of spin teaching thrown in.   For Boston last year I did 5 days a week and 6 days a week this last fall for my marathon.  I think when the long marathon prep runs are involved my body does best with 5 days of running and 2 days of rest (Sunday and the day before the long run).  How many days a week is perfect for you when training for a race?


Keep the running accomplishments coming! Usually I post them on Friday but this week I am sharing them today!  Send your accomplishments and a picture (if you want) to [email protected]


Clark!!! “Ran a cold 5k today and PRed with 25:59.  Also 3rd in my age division, for old guys.  It was my first race of the season, and first since New Years Eve (on ice and snow).”



Lindsay!!!! “On April 2nd I finished my third and hopefully NOT my final half marathon.  The journey to this half marathon was not an easy one at all.  I struggled with digestive issues and was diagnosed with severe IBS-D and had to miss a few runs because my stomach and my body simply could not handle it and to cap it off I found out the week before my half that I have early stages on arthritis in my knee.  But guess what, I didn’t let that stop me.  I still finished my race in 1 hr 59 min 18 sec which was a whole 35 minutes faster than my previous half.  Let’s just say I am one proud runner!”

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Beth!!! “My friend Sarah and I ran the San Francisco Rock n Roll Half together this morning (4/3).  Sarah and I met in grad school when we both lived near DC and ran in the morning twice a week together for a year.  She’s the best running partner and a wonderful friend; I’m always motived by her positive attitude and love of running.  We both live in CA now and are so stoked to be able to run together again.  The race was a SUPER hilly course but a beautiful run through the city and over the Golden Gate bridge.  I finished in 1:35 and Sarah finished in 1:50… there’s no better start to the day than running races with friends!”

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Eva!!! “On Easter Monday my friend and I ran a quarter marathon around the Haar castle (Haarzuilens, the Netherlands).  (I’m wearing the purple top).  It’s about 45 minutes from our home.  It was a beautiful course but it was very windy.  I don’t mind wind really, in our country of windmills we have a lot of it, but it was a tough race for me.  The last kilometer a lady behind me was cursing, I may have thought some things like that, but it irritated me that she was saying those things out loud.  It’s hard to think positive thoughts when someone behind you is saying negative things.  Anyway, I was glad to be done, and a couple of days later I’m happy with my time.”

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Karien!!! “My kiddos (4 and 2) and I recently did our very first race with the double stroller: The local Diamond 5 km.  We had a rough night on the night before the race, with a rowdy neighbor partying until the sun came up, but decided to go and race anyway.  And boy, are we glad we did!  We put in a hard, but steady effort right from the start, and tried to keep it up throughout.  Since the 5 km race started with the 10 km, it was hard to see our placement at first, and great was our surprise when we came to the turn-around point and turned around first…!  We expected a fleet-footed late comer to overtake us at any moment, but very surprisingly that never happened- we won the darn race! My little girl and I giggled like school girls, while Baby J, in true Baby J style, slept through the whole thing… A lifetime high for sure!!!”

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Neil!!!!! Written by Tracy:)  “This is my husband Neil at mile 8 of his first half marathon this past weekend.  He was having major issues with his left knee at this point in the race but refused to give up.  Neil just began running consistently the last 4 months while he trained for this race.  I have been a runner for many years and was so excited for him to start this running journey.  He was disappointed by his final time but I am beyond proud of this accomplishment.  He didn’t give up despite the pain.  He is awesome to me!”

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Who does stroller running?  Single?  Double?  Who has in the past?

-In california I would take Brooke out for my easy runs and she sure loved it!

How many days a week of running do you need to prepare for a race?

What do you do with your race medals?

Any food recommendations in Vegas?

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I really like that medal holder by Brooks. That’s really nice.

A lot of my friends run with a double stroller at the local running group. I know working in the industry, Bob strollers are the best. Plus their resale value is really high.


Love the medal holder! I actually made my own medal holder, which was also an accomplishment in DIY! :) I like the way medal ribbons make a sort of rainbow when they are hanging. A joy to look at and remember the races.
Have a fun time with your friends!!


I think the number of days I run all depends on my training plan. Right now I’m doing 5 days, but most of the runs are easy miles with a long run and speed workout each week. I’ve done other ones where it’s 3-4 but each run is hard!

A few years ago my sister got me a medal holder with my favorite Pre quote. I have 2-3 medals on each hook so I think I need a new one :)


I love that medal holder! It’ll look awesome all filled up. I hang my medals up. It’s kind of sad how proud I am of them.
I’ve ran with a jogging stroller a couple times when babysitting. The little girl loves it and yells at me to go faster the whole time.
I try to run three days a week and do three days of cross-training. I know if/when I want to start training for longer distances I’ll probably have to increase it. It works for now though because I love cross training (especially Jazzercise at the moment) and get bored if I just run.


Have a GREAT trip!! :)

I run six days a week and always take off on Mondays. That seems to work best for me. And I keep all of my medals stuffed away in a drawer, and some are in a box in a closet. I think there might be a few shoved under the seat in the back of my car. I don’t really care about medals, so I don’t even remember what I do with half of them.


Yay that you have a new bib rack and I love that one from Brooks. I have a rack, but I’m living with my sister right now so I don’t have it hanging while I’m not really settled.

I prefer running 5-6 days a week when training for a marathon, but I usually do best with 2 rest days and higher intensity training.


3-4 days a week is all I did for marathon training. But I wasn’t looking to run fast. Just finish.


I like doingas four day per week training plan. Still gives me flexibility for other things that come up and I get some cross training in too. All of my race medals are in a box in my garage. I never know what to do with them so they just stay there.

I think seeing someone stretching in the airport is probably one of the least weird things I’ve seen people do there! Have fun in Vegas!


You can’t spring these running accomplishments on me when I’m not ready. I wasn’t prepared to cry at 8am on a Thursday… that’s such a Friday thing! haha

I used to run six days a week, backed it down to 4-5 last year for a little bit, but I’ve just started doing six again. I think my body likes the routine of knowing basically every day is a run day. I like what the Hansons book says about injury coming from too much intensity rather than too much mileage. By keeping the easy days easy running six days a week doesn’t feel bad at all!


Thanks so much for the feature, Janae – honoured! :)


I’m planning on running 4 days a week to train for my first marathon, plus one day of cross training. Going to throw some strength workouts in there on the easy days but will definitely be taking 2 rest days every week!

I’ve never been to Vegas, so please post lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you!!


I used to love the ginger cat cookies from TJ’s but I guess they stopped selling them a while ago :(


For my marathon, I ran three days a week (tempo, intervals, long) and each run had a specific goal pace, then the days in between would be hard cross-training. I think it worked out pretty well and I really enjoyed the challenge of the goal paces! For my race medals, my sister got me a board similar to yours, and I can list out my PRs for 5k, 10k, half, and full too! Have a great time in Vegas!!


I have a medal holder for my race medals and I love it! I hung it next to my treadmill for inspiration when I just wanna turn off the treadmill (would MUCH rather run outside). I was going to get one with a cool saying or something, but found a rack with birds on it ( I take care of birds at work) at Hobby Lobby for like $6 so I went with that!

4 days a week seems to be best for me. Although I through in a few 5 day running weeks here and there.


I prefer running 5 days a week. I hike a lot also and quickly learned that hiking (we’re talking at least 4 hours in the mountains) and running in the same day is not the best for my body, and I need at least one full rest day. Hiking does give me a good workout though!
Right now all of my medalsnare hanging on the entertainment center. I want to get a medal rack for my home office soon.


Every training cycle has been different for me because I have been only running for 2 years but currently I am running 6 days per week (for the 1st time ever) in preparation for a Half in a couple of weeks. This training plan was long so it progressed from 4 days to 6. It will be interesting when I start working with my coach for Fall marathons how many days she will write in my plan.
I have my medals on a similar holder in my bedroom.


I love cat cookies!


I have a running stroller but haven’t figured out the trick to running with it. I feel like it’s just so heavy and I can’t make it more than a mile and a half with it.

I usually runs 3-5 days a week even for my 5k races. Just switching up between hills, speed, long, recovery and race pace kind of runs.


For some reason, I’m a treadmill addict…

I know it’s not good, I’m told all the time, but I like being forced to maintain a pace…helps me not give up.

I guess you could say it’s the psychological part of the workout


I’m also a treadmill addict and it’s totally fine! are you familiar with RunEMZ? Follow her on instagram, she runs 20-30-40+ miles on the treadmill DAILY and is doing justtttt fine:)


Setting the incline and speed and just working on form is so relaxing. I don’t run on the treadmill much, but I want to start about once a week.


RX Boiler Room in between the Mandalay Bay and the Luxor is delicious. Seriously some of the best risotto I’ve ever had. But, then again, most of the food in Vegas is top notch.

I try to run 4 days a week because I know my body doesn’t respond well to more days than that, so I try to keep it there. Plus, I’ve been known to burn out and knowing I only get a couple days to run keeps me excited for each one.


I have a medal rack with a 13.1 side (pretty well populated) and a 26.1 side (a bit sparse frankly). I always mean to do another marathon but it is so much hard work. Even as I type, I think “hmmm, maybe I should go for it…” – but it’s at mile 10-ish on a routine run that I remember the cold, empty, exhausted feeling and I cannot even imagine running another 16 miles.

But, I do need more medals on that side of the rack…..what to do, eh?


I stroller run with my twins, I have since pretty much they were born (well, when I could walk again!). It really was my saving grace, that hour of peace and quiet, their little faces staring at me until they would doze off….glorious!! Now they just turned 1 and are a lot heavier, and they certainly do not fall asleep on our rides anymore, but its still quite fun to head out with them and be outside!! <3


Love that medal rack! I ordered one from etsy last year and I like it a lot. One day if/when I get a treadmill I want to put the rack right near that!

I usually run about 4ish times a week. I love my rest days so I like to have 2 and then 1-2 days of cross training! And the only time I’ve ever been to Vegas we ate at In and Out Burger :) super fancy I know!


I ran with a double in the past and I have no idea how I did it now, but no wonder I was a faster runner whenever I didn’t have it with me!


I love that medal holder!! Where did you get it?


We have all our medals in a box. We have actually started asking some ultra race directors if they can give us discounts if we only get one belt buckle b/c we run all the same races so do not need duplicate buckles!

We have been averaging 7 days per week, but that is primarily b/c we are taking super easy days on Mon/Wed/Fri and then really pushing on our key workouts.


The program I do for my half-marathon right now calls for a timed long run (faster than usual long runs) and a pretty intense tempo run so I take a day off (or do yoga) the day after these two runs. With this relatively high intensity program (for me!), I currently run 4 days a week and do two session of X-training (usually spin). So far I am progressing very well and feeling good too! Crossing my fingers!


I used to run with the stroller with the little boy I nannied a couple times a week!! I loved it and so did he! For my first 1/2 marathon I never did more than 5 or 6 miles when I was getting ready for the race. I have never actually followed a training program, but I do want to try to stick to one so that I can see if it really helps improve my time!


I train for cycling 6-7 days a week, mainly because it is easier on the body. When training for running, I would typically do 5 days with 2 days off or cross training.
I did run a half marathon on about 4 runs after about 8 months off of running. I actually PR’ed at that race…but ended up with a foot injury due to lack of prep time! Something about having to work into longer distances ;) Have fun in Vegas :)


I like to run 5-6 days a week but when I’m training for something (currently a HM), I’ll follow my training plan and cap it at 5 – those 2 days are really important for rest!

I want to get/DIY a medal holder for me and my SO – we both are big into running and between the two of us, we’ll have enough to fill one by the end of the year. I love something like – hopefully that’s clickable!


I’ve run all my races on 4 days a week training and have felt pretty good about that. But recently I’m seeing a lot of people running with Hansons and up to 6 days a week, so I’m thinking about making the jump. We’ll see!


Have so much fun in Vegas!! Hit up Shake Shack while you’re there!


Loving the bling rack.
I have only just started collecting bling and have 5 hanging over my curtain pole. Seems a shame to box them.
Hope your having a fab time. ?


4 days a week for me -I was qualifying for Marathon Maniacs (3 marathons in 90 days) and to do any more than that would not have been wise….

Now, five months after that I’m having to cut back to 3 days a week due to a calf strain that keeps recurring. Doing lots of strength training and resting it a whole week prior to a half this Sunday! I’m having no pain at all so fingers crossed, but calf strains are really tricky to rehab if you keep running through them :)


I used to run 4-6 days a week but now I only run 3. I think it will be plenty of prep for my next race.
I recommend a blueberry/lemon crepe in the Paris hotel.


Have fun in Vegas girl! I’m jealous. I really need some Vegas pool time one of these days.


Bobby Flay’s Mesa Grill in Caesar’s Palace is my favorite restaurant. I eat there every time I go to Vegas.


I had a jogging stroller but mostly walked with it back then lol. We buy those cat cookies too!


Those cat cookies are my childhood. I instantly felt giddy see them in this post!


I have ran a marathon twice without any training. Like trained and ran for months then got married and stopped running completely for 5 months before St George and got up and ran 26.2 the day of. I would NOT recommend it by any means! But, it was amazing to see and know that your body is capable of doing it! Very much a learning experience and needless to say, I am already training for this years St George :)


How many days a week of running do you need to prepare for a race? Race in 3 weeks (eeekk!!) and running 4-5 days with 2 days cross training!

What do you do with your race medals? Umm they go in my underwear drawer! I would love a hanger!

Any food recommendations in Vegas? never been – have so much fun!!


I usually run 6-7 days a week, but I take my recovery runs VERY seriously. Slow, short, and sweet.

I like to give my race medals to my nephews because they are at that perfect age where they have no idea what they mean but find value in how shiny they are. Little kids with shiny things are my favorite, their eyes get SO big! :) I don’t like keeping the race bib either, but I am very protective of the race shirt. More race shirts = less laundry ;)


I currently have all my race medals hanging in my closet BUT I’m waiting on Amazon to deliver the race medal hanger I ordered :)

Food recommendations in Vegas – My friend lives there and LOVES the pancakes from BabyStacks. There’s a lot of great restaurants on Freemont Street too if you’re looking to get away from the strip! Have fun!!


Random: I met the brother of the lady who owns Babystacks at the airport on my way to Vwgas last weekend…it was so funny, he kept raving about them and finally mentioned that his sister happened to own the place haha


Haha what a small world!! I’m dying to try this place!!


I actually just hang my medals on the corner of my dresser mirror but I’d way rather use a medal rack. Yours is awesome!

Vegas –> Guy Fieri’s Steakhouse (at Harrah’s) is so frigging delicious!
Hash House A Go Go (at the Quad hotel) is really good and when my there last year, we used to go to CHAYO pretty much nightly. They’re so cheap, have the best chips with guacamole and you can sit outside and enjoy the crowd near the Linq! It’s right next to the Quad hotel.


Your girls trip looks so fun! My favorite restaurant in Vegas is Mon Ami Gabi. It’s at Paris and you can sit outside and watch the fountains at Bellagio. It’s amazing!

I trained 6 days a week for Boston this time, but I only trained hard three days a week which made it feel doable.

Happy running!


I ran my 4th marathon this past October. Due to schedule changes etc I ended up maybe getting in 5 miles a week, but I continued going to crossfit 4-5 days a week. Days before, I was dreading the race. I even bought new shoes a week prior to the run(which apparently is frowned upon)

Long story short.. I felt amazing through out the entire race. Zero pain and discomfort. I feel like cross-fit strengthened by body very well so although I wasn’t running I was still able to condition for it.

I was only sore for two days after!


Never been to Vegas, but have a great time! Great way to stay connected with friends you don’t get to see often!

I didn’t start running until my youngest was 2, so I’ve never taken the plunge on a running stroller (although there have been plenty of times I wished I had one!) and have never used one. I’m always impressed by parents who race while pushing strollers.

Race medals are on a tie rack on the back of my closet door… I guess I like them but I’m not emotionally attached to them (except the ones that were hard-earned!). I wouldn’t mind having a better way to display them, though!

I like to run 4 days a week. Was running 5 when training for my first half and ended up injured, and I’ve shied away from that level since. I usually take two rest days each week and XT the other day.


Long nights of eating tons of sugar and talking with friends are the best kinds of parties. Hope you’re having a great time!

Your friends from college are INSANE. I felt mildly prepared for my first marathon after many 70-mile weeks with only one rest day…


For me, 4 days of running plus 1-2 days cross training seems to do well. Right now, my marathon plan has me doing 5 days of running with 2 rest days, but some of those are easy days so I try to get my strength training in on those days. I’m about 4 weeks into my plan and doing alright so we shall see when I show up at the starting line in July!

Love the race medal display! The BF made me one for Christmas (very talented with metalwork!) and I am working to fill it up! At least 2 races on the schedule this year, and maybe a third!

I miss the girls night slumber parties from college… We have all moved to different places and one BFF is about to finish medical school, so I think we are about due for one! Enjoy and have lots of fun!!


I don’t train to run races, but I tend to run 3-4 days per week. I love to cross train w/ cycling and swimming and weights and then take a day (sometimes 2) of complete rest. I really think I would get so bored if all I did was run but I know that is mainly what this crowd does and I am just in awe of that.


I wish I could go back to 5 days a week, but Coach says 6 soooo…
Eat at Shake Shack and take a late night trip to Mastro’s Steakhouse for butter cake. Have fun!


Thanks so much for the shout out, Janae! I love that medal rack…I actually just put all of mine on the curtain rod in my room. It’s not the best method but it works.


I did that back in 2014, ran 2 marathons a month apart without training specific to running. I also did a half ironman the same way, with one outdoor bike ride a week before the race. It was my first triathlon ever, so I just kind of winged it. Neither were great or terrible races, the marathon was run in 4:45 and the ironman was much slower at 6:55. I was training a lot in olympic lifting and crossfit, so I had high intensity interval training about 4-5 days a week, so I was in *shape*, just didn’t do any long runs, and only ran if crossfit prescribed running or during the warmup.


I run 6 days a week, and take a rest day after my long run. I’ve found that my body recovers well with the one rest day as long as I take it VERY easy the day before my long run (3-4 easy miles). If the long run is 18-20 miles, I tend to skip my easy run the day before.


I’ve wanted to take my daughter for a stroller run so bad but it seems so intimidating. Also, she has reflux so she would probably get really sick :(


You know what? This may seem COMPLETELY random and everything…but I just have to say, Janae, I seriously am so proud of you. I know you probably went through the worst of times a few years ago, but you are one of the strongest people I “know”. You have such a positive outlook on life, are such a GREAT mom to Brooke, and you have so much going for you. Any guy would be SO lucky to have a chance with you, and I can’t wait to read one day about you finding that special someone. You deserve it. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and that really shows on your blog! I know, this is totally random, haha. But I just figured I’d write to let you know how awesome I think you are! Hope you are having an awesome day!


I run about six days a week. I’m in the heart of training for The Bryce 100, though…. It’s all about running exhausted, fatigued, broke down.

Honestly, my race medals are crammed together in a drawer….Maybe I should get a rack too!

I’ll be in Vegas in June….I’m definitely going to do the buffet-of-buffet wristband…Pay 55ish bucks and get 24 hours of unlimited buffet access!


I hope you have so much fun in Vegas!! I think that everybody is obviously different when it comes to how their bodies react to training. But I have never done more than 4 days or running per week when training and then the other 1 or 2 days were spent doing other forms of cardio and strength training.


Cats cookies are my favorite!!! You have reminded me that it has been way too long since I have had them. The best way to eat them is with a variety of “dips” – peanut butter, cookie butter, Nutella, etc… :)

Most of my runs are with a stroller! I am too lazy to wake up and run before everyone else wakes up, so we just make it a fun family affair :) Emma always loves it too – she just looks pretty much straight ahead taking it all in and doesn’t make a peep.


When I had my daughter almost 3 yrs ago I thought we’d get a ton of use out of our BOB. Running with a stroller is hard work! I either run at 5a or alternate days with the hubs so we don’t have to push. There’s a local race 8k race I do pushing a stroller. I placed 2nd with a single and 1st with a double stroller last year. Since my husband is training for Boston and I’m doing Big Sur a week later we’ve taken our daughter out in the jogger. She loves it. She always asks where all the other runners are.

There’s no better trip than a girls trip. Have a great time!


Have TONS of fun in Vegas. Donuts for the win! ☺

I run with my son in the stroller a few times a month when I need to go easy. Sometimes it’s nice to take him with me and get him out to enjoy the fresh air on a nice day. I look forward to doing more of this during the summer!

When I am training for a marathon, I typically run 5-6 days a week. Currently I am training for an Ironman, which only requires me to run 3-4 days a week. I’m also really good about knowing when my body needs a rest day.


Ahhh, I was just in Vegas (1st time) last weekend!

Sushi Tachi was amazing (spicy yellowtail….do it!) and Tacos el Gordo was super tasty and authentic. Neither are on/by the strip haha, but they’re delicious! For what it’s worth, my man grew up near the coast and is a sushi snob and he swears Sushi Tachi is the best he’s ever had.

Have the best time!!


I think it’s CRAZY that some people decide to just up and run a marathon with no training! Just seems like you’re asking for a bad experience by doing that. With my current training plan, I’m running about 4 days a week with rest days interspersed in the week. I’d like to try a plan with fewer rest days at some point, but I feel like those rest days do a lot for me, mentally. Maybe for the next marathon (b/c there probably will be one)! :)


Right now, my race medals are draped on my son’s basketball hoop in his bedroom… he is so proud of them, and 2 of them hanging are actually his! :D

I used to run 5 days a week with 2 rest days, then I hired a running coach and he has me running 6 days a week. He knows what he is doing and I have improved! Still not the fastest runner, but have made much improvement in my pace and strength as a runner!

Love reading all the running accomplishments!!! Other runners always inspire me! That is the great thing about running, you get surrounded by awesome people!


Could you please post your sisters home made Oreo recipe? I can’t find where you posted it the other day. Thanks!


Too funny I’m also in Vegas for a wedding! So much food here I usually never eat same place twice.
You gotta run the Vegas half in Nov at night! So fun.
Enjoy girl time!


WOW I love this wall hanger for metals!!! I can’t wait to have enough justifying getting one of my own LOL!! Also congrats to everyone for your accomplishments! Very inspiring.


I can’t wait to do the stroller running thing when my youngest is old enough. I’ll be skipping straight to the double stroller since by the time my oldest was old enough, I was already pregnant. I’m sure the double and two kids will really be a challenge to my running but I can’t wait to get out there with them!


I only run 3 times a week when I’m preparing for a race and try to do a spin and/or yoga class in there too. I found running more than that regularly (occasionally I’d do a 4th run) either made my body feel too beat or mentally was too much.


Moat of my runs are with my son in the running stroller and love it! 13 weeks ago I had twin girls and just got a stroller for all 3 kids! Not sure how much actual “running ” I will be able to do but I hope to work up to it!


For my first marathon I did the Hal Higdon novice, so I was training on four days a week. However, my goal right now is to increase to five day a-week training. I like starting out my day with a run and I think having that extra run day helps keep me consistent! :)

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