We LOVE Peanut Butter and my favorite view.

I think we made about 3 trips per day this week to Target to get random things that I kept forgetting for our new place.  Good thing we both love Target because otherwise it would probably get old by now.  

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As we were leaving the store (with a fresh jar of peanut butter) Brooke kept yelling to everyone that we passed, “we love peanut butter” and continued to do so in the parking lot too.  She wanted to make sure everyone knows what we love most.

While we were at Target Brooke grabbed this bag and I’m not sure if it already had a hole in it or if she created a hole but I am a believer of ‘you break it, you buy it.’   This deliciousness is now in my possession.  Reese’s Pieces are one of those candies that I forget about but love very much once I try them again.  Happy Easter to me:

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We did make it to one of Brooke’s favorite parks for a few minutes to get out some of her wiggles.

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And the ceramic turtle made sure to join us (the current thing she insists on coming everywhere with us).

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Dinner was a good one.  BBQ chicken with roasted asparagus —>  tossed in olive oil and some garlic salt, 450 degrees, 12 minutes, perfection.  

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So far we are pretty happy here.  

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A table won’t really fit in the area (I’d rather have two couches) and so the counter will be our table.  I had a few people ask yesterday on Instagram where my stools are from (I’m kind of obsessed with them)—> HERE!!!

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And then of course Father of the Year came over and got me all hooked up with a desk.  I’m a lucky one.

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And then we took over some brownies to Jess and her familia to eat and talk while the girls played.

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I can’t think of a lot better than a thick, dense brownie.  

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Brooke has adjusted pretty well to our new place but she did insist on sleeping next to me while I was on the computer last night.  I’m sure she will get used to her new room soon but I don’t mind having this view while I type.  

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Finish the sentence… the food that you and your family love—>  WE LOVE _________!!!!

What store do you frequent the very most?

-Target… it is a bit of a drive but always very worth it for us.  

What is on the agenda for your workout today?

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Brownies are my favorite! Yum. Now I want one for breakfast. Probably not the most well rounded breakfast ever, but its got eggs in it, so it counts, right?! ;)

We eat ALOT of peanut butter and whatever fruit is in season. I eat far more that the recommended daily allowance of fruit.

I wish we had a Target locally. I’d be there all the time! Well, maybe I shouldn’t wish for that!


WE LOVE COFFEE. I looooove coffee. I think Target is my go to store too or Kroger because I’m constantly buying groceries (my fav hobby besides running).

I have my Thursday night group track workout, but our actual plan hasn’t been posted yet! Stay tuned


We love bacon! And anything chocolate really. I’ve been thinking about making some nice fudgey brownies since it’s been a while!


We LOVE Wine! That is a food, right?


We love almond croissants! Not something we eat regularly, but Matt and I tried a new bakery when we first started dating and they had the most amazing almond croissants. Now we always crave them!

Target is definitely the store we visit most often too.

This morning’s workout was an upper body and abs strength routine. Either yoga or a run after work tonight depending on how much time I have.


Counter as a table idea will work out just great! I wanted a big couch in my apartment so we use the kitchen island as a table. I have stools that fit under the island that we can just pull out when we’re ready to sit down! :)

Target is definitely my go-to as well although it seems like these days I just buy everything on Amazon! I even bought makeup on Amazon this week because I knew I wouldn’t want to stop by the store after work, haha. Amazon now does free 2-hour deliveries to my office which is so dangerous! :D


Yay for your new place and peanut butter!! :) I definitely go to Target more than I should. I can’t go in there and just get the ONE thing I’m going there to get. Kroger and Tom Thumb are up there, too.

I had 10×400 this morning, and I’m definitely glad that’s out of the way!


We love coffee. Coffee is a daily staple for my family! I go to a local market all the time because they have the best produce and an amazing bulk spice section.
Workout today is an easy run with my pup and either strength training or Pilates!


Food I love: mint chocolate. mint chocolate anything and everything. I’m such a sucker for it.

And the store I frequent most is either Costco or Target. Lucky for me (or dangerously for me), they happen to be right next to each other. I could spend hours at each.


We love beer? Lol That was the only thing I could come up with. Hey- we’re German!
I used to go to Target all the time, but I’ve been really trying to cut back on spending this year so the only real store I’ve been to is the grocer lately! Making me a bit sad but my wallet is happier :) Love the little sneak peaks of your new place!


We love chocolate! Any kind! I have somehow limited my Target shopping to once per week.. but have replaced it with almost daily stops at the grocery store. Meal planning = not my forte. It’s been so hard to resist those Reeses Pieces carrots!!


We love CHEESE! :)

Oh, my goodness, those brownies look delicious!


I’m so excited for the two of you! Also- I spent my night at Target myself ;)


We love chocolate chip cookies

I’m always at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. Oh and Petco!

I’ll probably run an easy 3ish miles today.


We love desserts-ice cream, cookies, candy, can’t pick one.
When we moved into our house, I was at Target every day for a week. There’s so many things you need that you don’t think about until you don’t have them.
I’m coaching Girls on the Run this afternoon (hopefully I’ll actually get to run with them today; I’ve been doing all the lessons so I haven’t had a chance to just run with them) and then going for my own run after.


We LOVE avocados!! We eat a lot of them in my house!! Just got back from an early morning pump class right before it started to rain!! Have a great day!


We love…cheese.
All the cheese. I once found a bite taken out of a solid block of cheddar in or cheese drawer. It was either a very large mouse, or my husband.
We frequent…Whole Foods! All our money goes to food.
It’s been so nice here in the evenings, I’m hoping to go for a run after work. I love running at dusk on warm days. :)


One of the few things my daughter, husband, and I all love are Morningstar Farms Chik’n Nuggets. Other than that, we’re pretty scattered…

Target is also my go-to place.


We love BREAD … In all forms – Bagels, baguettes, rolls, biscuits, loaves … Perfect food group … Especially paired with peanut butter :)

Workout today was 7 miles of speed play on the treadmill !


Those stools are cute. That’s funny about Brooke and her love for peanut butter. I’m not a huge peanut butter fan. But I do have it in the morning for breakfast on my waffles.

I do all of my grocery shopping at wegmans. Whole foods and our local grocery store: Shoprite,


That video of Brooke is adorable. I’m with her though.. I love peanut butter too! The store I probably go to the most is Hy-Vee. The grocery store is so close to our apartment and I’ll go there to grocery shop, get a Redbox movie, or pick up Starbucks!


Oh I love target!!
Your new place looks nice!!

Now that we have some more daylight, and my sleep is totally messed up, I think I’ll go hiking this afternoon.


Whenever we have moved, we always have extra trips to target! So exciting that you are in your new place. We love peanut butter too!


We probably visit the grocery store the most. We love target too, we just don’t get to go very often because I spend way too much on random things there haha.


Hi – Where did you get your couches? I recently moved to a new apt also and am on a serious couch hunt!


Hey Sara! I got them from RC Willey! We love ours and congrats on your new apartment!



AHHH where did you get those chairs?! Please share!

Thank you and congrats on the new place.


If I had a Target nearby, I would totally go there everyday. I LOVE that place!!


We LOVE tacos! We have Taco Tuesday every week in our house :)
Your new place looks fantastic! Glad you both are happy there and settling in! And how would we all survive without Target? :P


Everything you have shown of your new place is so nice! If you end up getting a puppy you will really love those wood floors. So easy to clean.


Pulled pork tacos!!


Your nails are always perfect! Do you get them done or do you do them yourself? If the latter is true please give us your routine and how long does it last?


That’s true! My nail polish only lasts a day. I need to find out the secrets too!


HEY GIRLS!!! I’ll post about it in my afternoon post today:)


We love popcorn at our house. We make a huge batch to share several times a week for TV/movie viewing. Love that tradition! We shop at Sam’s Club once a week. It’s not like we eat a ton of food (at least I don’t think so), but they have the cheapest bags of salad and we need that every week. I can’t even get myself to buy bagged salad at the grocery store because it’s sooooo cheap at Sam’s!


Hey! I did the same thing when I went to the store yesterday too. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER!!!!! Totally normal and totally justifiable because, ummm hello, it’s peanut butter!


We love rolls! Thank goodness I love to run because I can use the excuse that I am carb-loading every single day haha. Costco is our go to every week because they have cheap milk (we love milk too) and that is where we get our beloved rolls in bulk.


We LOVE m&m’s!!!! :)
I find myself at Walmart a lot for grocery shopping, but I have discovered a love for Target during the last year!!! I love it!
Today I’m hoping to get a 5 mile tempo workout….or maybe try those 6 mile repeats!
Love reading your blog every morning! (^_^)


The best kind of people are the ones who love peanut butter ;) and your house is SO cute!! I’m excited to see pictures when you’re all moved in!


We love Mexican food! Oh man, it’s 9:30 in the morning and now I’m craving it…


Well I sure hope you get some Mexican food at some point today!!!


We LOVE almond butter! My favorite snack actually is dates dipped in almond butter rolled in powdered sugar. MMM….so good I may have to make some today!


Target was my second home until we moved to Alaska and the closest one is SIX HOURS away.

My workout today was sprints! It’s a low carb day and I did them fasted. Gearing up for a huge breakfast now.


My 2.5yo LOVES peanut butter. Straight out of the jar on a spoon or on sliced bananas. Everyday! I will have to show her the video of Brooke.

Your place is really coming together. I love new places. It always feels good to start fresh.


We are a popcorn loving family! The giant Costco size of Naked Popcorn lasts about a week. Target is one of our very favorite stores! I had 4 x 1 mile repeats this morning and they went well. I’m so thankful for my training partner who keeps me motivated and focused. Happy running!


We also LOVE natural peanut butter (Walmart brand is our fav) as you can see on our blog since I talk about it pretty much once per week!

We did a tempo run this morning. Again, I talked all about it over on our site.

We are glad to see you are in your new place and loving it!


I’m glad to see that I’m not the only grown woman who can’t live with out her dad. Aren’t they just amazing guys? I love target…I always go in for one thing and walk out with a cart full…of course my daughter needed a cute Easter hat! All that candy? It’s totally going to make it 2 more weeks for Easter baskets!


WE LOVE HUMMUS! When I lived with my parents still, we went through at least one 17-oz. tub of Sabra per week. Eaten with loads of carrot sticks and celery.

I probably go to Publix or Winn-Dixie most often (I like to make a few small shopping trips throughout the week, rather than one big trip), but I’m a fan of Target too.

It’s supposed to rain here on Saturday, so I made today a longer run: 15.5 miles.


love it! Love your new place – so pretty!!

We love homemade (healthy) chow mein. We eat it at least 1 time per week and it take 15 minutes from start to finish to make.

Costco is our store – I love everything there and my husband loves samples.

Yesterday was a tempo, today is track. We have a timed mile on the menu with 1200 m repeats at our threshhold pace (1 min relief pace in between) so that should be fun.

Have a wonderful day!


Love how your counter is your table…we have an island in the center of our kitchen which we use as our table.

Hands down, the food that our family loves, (every single generation of us it seems )are nuts. Cashews, almonds, pistachio’s, peanuts, all of them….we go nuts over nuts ..and of course their butters. :)


Does anyone else keep seeing the blonde curly hair little girl’s picture show up in random places on the blog? Maybe it’s my computer but it’s been on the last four posts?? Nobody else seems to mention it??


WEIRD!!! So I am currently changing my whole blog look and it might be causing some problems. Are you reading from your computer or your phone? Thanks Marsha!


It’s from my phone. She’s a cutie but covers text!


Have you tried the Reese’s Pastel Eggs (I think this year they are just calling them Reese’s Pieces Eggs)? They are basically gigantic Reese’s Pieces that they only sell during Easter. I have been known to buy 6 bags at a time, and stash them so I can eat them year round. YUM.


Ummm no!?!?!? How have I never tried these! Thanks for the recommendation… off to Target again ha. Hope you are having a great day!!


I highly recommend peanut butter m&m’s. They are my addiction!


I miss Target so much! I had one just down the street and then they went and closed all the Canadian stores. Otherwise, that would be my main store.

Love the kitchen!


Those brownies look amazing! I need to go make some right now! :) I am so glad that you are loving your new place. :) One of my family’s favorite sweets are scotch-a-roos. You have probably heard of them but they involve peanut butter, caro syrup, and rice crispies with a mix of chocolate and butterscotch chips melted on top. They are SO good! Today’s workout was 4.5 miles on the treadmill and then some strength training. :) It felt good!


My family loves cheese. Hands down. That is definitely the winner.

I frequent Aldi a lot these days as I eat a lot of food.

My workout was a 3 mile run and then a quick leg workout early this a.m.

Also, funny story. I had read this post on my phone and watched the video of Brooke and when I wen tinto my car and my phone connected via bluetooth that is what started playing. I was like “what song is this…?” And then I realized what was going on hah!!


Salad rolls with fish sauce! It sounds terrible, but they are amazingly delicious, full if lots of healthy stuff and all three of my teenagers LOVE them. :)
8 mile run for me after work today. Half marathon is a month away!


That last photo is SO sweet. I used to do that with my mumma when I was a kid and she had to work at night :)


I LOVE your new kitchen!! It looks so nice!

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