SKINS! A track workout + why is compression gear so awesome?!

***It’s your lucky day—>  there is a 30% off code for your order at SKINS at the end of this post***

Oh the track.  It is such a valuable tool for runners training for any race distance—>  There are no cars or stoplights.  It’s flat, fast, there are no curbs/sidewalk cracks for me to trip on and the distance is measured out perfectly for us.  I’ve had some breakthrough speed days at the track and some very frustrating workouts there too when my legs just did not want to hit the paces I told them to hit.   The track can add some variety to your weekly runs and a softer surface for our joints when we are really pushing the pace!  


I also love using the track for a combination of running, strength and plyometrics—>  three birds with one stone:)  

I have another workout for you to do at the track (you can do this on the treadmill or a running path too)!!  If you are feeling a little bored with your running then try this out asap… it will keep your heart rate soaring and your muscles pumping. 

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1.  First start out with 2 laps around the track!! With each 200m speed up your pace!  That last 200m (half of the track) should be blazing fast—>  You can do anything for 200m!!

2.  Mountain climbers—>  Go straight to a plank position on your hands and bring in one knee and then quickly switch it with the other knee.  The faster you go with this one the higher that heart rate will go!


3.  Narrow to wide squats.  Start in a narrow squat, jump up and land in a wide squat, jump up and return to a narrow squat.  Repeat 15 times (so 15 narrow and 15 wide squats total).

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4.  Take it back to a plank and do some plank jacks!  Jump your feet out and then back together.

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5.  Next up we’ve got some step-through lunges!  Start in a reverse lunge and power that back leg forward into a forward lunge position position.  Repeat that movement 8-10 times before doing it with the other leg.

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6.  Tricep push-ups!  These ones are always rough for me.  While on your knees or toes and your hands shoulder-width apart lower down your chest to the ground while keeping your upper arms parallel to your sides! Your elbows should be pointing back!  

After you finish up this move then go ahead and repeat this sequence.  I put 3-6 times but really you can do whatever is best for you and your current fitness level!  Also, feel free to switch directions each time you do your 1/2 mile run… I like to do that to keep my IT Bands happy!

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Let’s talk a bit about compression equipment with our workouts.  We love to do hard workouts, recover fast and to stay injury free but what things are we doing to help those things to occur?  Compression gear is one of the things that we can use to help us to keep running, getting stronger, recovering and coming closer to our running goals.  After just a few times wearing SKINS, I fell in love with them.  The normal base layers that runners wear are NOT compression but by wearing SKINS you get full compression with each item—>  plus, you gotta love how sleek and fast they look:)  They are also perfect to wear around after a workout to help promote blood flow for recovery.  

PS They call these awesome compression pieces SKINS because ‘If you’re not wearing SKINS, you may as well be naked.’


SKINS are proven to increase endurance, strength and power while decreasing soreness and risk of injury (yes please, to all of those things) and here is how:  

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I always used to think that compression gear was just to use after a workout and while that can really help to aid in recovery… I am loving the benefits of using compression gear DURING a workout.  As you have probably noticed over the years of blogging I am always looking for things to help my running and I am stoked to have found these pieces to keep my muscles happy.  

Their sports bras—> I am obsessed with the zipper front and having a compression sports bra keeps everything in place.  I love that whenever I wear this sports bra I forget about it—> aka I’m not even thinking about it because it is so comfortable, non chaffing, stays in place and the awesome material that is right up next to my skin.  


Brooke is just waiting for them to come out in her size to help with her triathlon training;) Oh, and in case you were wondering about how SKINS works with your sweat—>  “Wicking is inherent in all SKINS fabrics.  Moisture is drawn away from your skin, so you stay dry and comfortable.  This process allows the body to regulate its temperature naturally.  Even during an intense workout, your muscles can function at their optimal temperature.”


Also, you’ll need a killer playlist for the workout I shared today so here ya go:

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Sponsored by SKINS!!!

****TIME FOR A DEAL——>  The first 100 readers to use the code HUNGRYFORSKINS-081512 will receive 30% off their order!!!!  Code valid in the US webshop until March 31st


Do you have access to tracks near you?  How often do you make it out to the track?

Have you used compression?  What are your thoughts?

What has been your hardest workout of 2016 so far! I’d love to hear the details!

What running songs have you been loving lately?

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I actually really like track work, but I don’t make it there very often. Most of the time when I do make it, it is super busy, so apparently I’m not the only one that likes it!

I do like compression gear. I always feel like I look super fast in it too! Win win!


I have two tracks near me both 1.25 miles away and I do a track workout every Thursday with my Fleet Feet group! I love compression socks for recovery, but have never worn any other compression apparel! We did 4×1200 last week with 2 miles of strides after and it was super tough, but I love how you also incorporate strength training into yours!


I’m really lucky to have a track about a mile from my apartment, so I just use the jog there as my warm up. The only bad thing is it’s all downhill there, which means that after my workout I have a mill of uphill to run!

Hardest workout of 2016 was a training race for my marathon! It was a 15 miler and my goal was to run it at goal marathon pace which I did! Definitely wasn’t easy but I’m so happy with how it went.


I love the new Meagan trainor song No.
I don’t have a track near me that is open to the public. Annoying :(
I use compression socks and sleeves. Sometimes shorts too.
Love the photography on your blog lately. Is it your camera phone or do you have someone help you out and take the pics??
The ones of Brooke running a few posts ago were awesome too :)


That sounds like a great track workout!! I have a few middle school tracks near my, so I will have to test that one out.

I don’t normally listen to music while I run, but whenever I have to use the treadmill or elliptical, I’ve really been loving some of Kelsea Ballerini’s tunes–especially “Dibs.”


I really don’t like running on tracks and get bored quickly! For a while I made myself go to our local one for speed work but I just don’t enjoy it anymore. That said if I want to get faster in the future I’ll be back :)


I haven’t found a track near me yet. There is one at the high school but I’m not sure if it’s open to the public. I need to find out asap!

I’ve never used compression gear but every one that has seems to love it. I’m always put off by the price tag, so might take advantage of your 30% off code!

I just started listening to podcasts instead of music while I run. They’re great for easy runs because I can really zone out and forget the miles. Don’t think that would be good for a workout though!


Skins are the best! I have a few pairs and LOVE them. My husband has wanted a pair for awhile but at the $$ I was making him wait for a code, so thanks!


More than a year ago, my husband surprised me with some 2XU compression pants after running a half marathon with ITBS issues. They saved me. I was able to run again right away wearing them with no pain. They are amazing! I have found some Lululemon long shorts/capris that hug and help my hips, which I am realizing is the source of my knee issues. They both worth the money.


I don’t make it to the track enough, but the one at my school is awesome. A friend and I go on Thursday mornings for speed workouts before work.

My hardest workout this year was one of those speed workouts. My friend is fast (like, female marathon winner fast) and challenges me like crazy. We did 200m intervals one morning, and she kept driving the pace after the 3rd or 4th interval. By the end, I wasn’t sure I could keep up but she gave me a very gentle drill sergeant motivation and I at least tried chasing her down!

“Cecilia” by the Vamps is my new fave running song!


I coach track, so I have access every week to both an outdoor and indoor track. I love track workouts and think they are fun.

I don’t have any compression gear but maybe it is worth a try?


I had my first track workout of the year Monday! It felt great to be there again!
I use compression sleeves for long runs and socks for recovery. I really do think they help alot but I have tight calves alllllll the time.


A track not covered with snow gives me hope that spring will come at last ;-) Thanks for the morale booster :-P


Yowza! I was not expecting bare behinds when I clicked on the SKINS website! I guess they really are serious about their “Skins or Nothing” slogan ;)

I’ve never used compression gear because I’m not sure what to get – but this stuff looks awesome! Thanks for sharing :)


I haven’t run on tracks in a long time. I like to do my speed work on flat rounds because the short circle of the track drives me crazy. I’ve used compression socks sometimes but never any other compression gear.


I don’t usually run on the track but I know that it would help a lot for speed work! I go back and forth between loving and hating the track haha. Also, I agree.. Tricep push ups are my weakness! Haha


I love compression clothing when I run. I used to just wear the regular running shorts(I used to call them parachute shorts) and I still wear those once in a while, but prefer compression so much more now.
We have a track super close but I never know when to go because it’s still used by the high school. They are moving the high school soon though. And while I’m doubting it, I’m hoping whoever bought the land keeps the track because it’s brand new and I want to use it.


I’ve never heard of skins actually. It sounds interesting, I’ll have to look into them. I do use compression but I think it’s important to make sure you use medical grade! There are so many compression brands and some are nothing more than glorified knee high socks!


This workout looks great! I can’t wait to try it.
I try to make it out to the track a couple times a month. The students are usually out there during the time I workout, but if I can make it on a weekend, I will.
I like to wear compression after my workouts, but during would be kinda cool as well. They always make my muscles feel so much better.
I did 10 100m sprints at the track as a workout one day. The only recovery was a light jog back to the start so it was tough, but it definitely boosted my confidence.
I like to listen to Til I collapse by Eminem. It just keeps me pumped.


|Even though I am not a fan of the track i ll def try your workout looks fun :) I wish I could get those clothes to! Love the top!!!


I haven’t done track workouts since highschool cross country and I don’t really miss it! I prefer just to run outside or on the treadmill to keep my mind occupied!


Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time by Panic! At the Disco has definitely been on my running rotation lately. As has New Romantics by Taylor Swift. Nothing like a good pop jam to really get those legs moving.

I love all my compression gear and find it really helps with recovery. My soreness post hard workout has decreased a million times and I can actually walk the next day, which is nothing short of a miracle.


I am not sure if there are tracks extremely close to me, but I am sure I could hit up a high school on the weekends or something to get a good track workout in!

I have yet to use compression items, but definitely investing in some compression socks.

Hardest work out has definitely been the six miler on the treadmill and focused on staying consistent and faster miles.

I am obsessed with the song Gold by Kiiara. Can’t stop won’t stop.


I live about a mile away from the track at our local community college. It’s nice because I can just run out the door, warmup getting there, do my track workout, and then cool down by running home. The track is a great default when I don’t feel like running hills or trails. I live in a really hilly area, so the track is one of the only ways to get in a nice flat run!

I haven’t used compression pants, but I do wear compression socks all the time. I would be curious to try out running in compression pants.


Love this track workout!! In the summer, I do speed work on the track with 2 friends once a week. It was a great way to get out there and have some fun too. I need to put those back on the agenda again!


I’ve actually never used compressions but now I want to! It looks like a classy/sexy wetsuit haha


I want to hit the track but it’s that transition period from winter to spring and it’s wet and gross outside, so maybe not yet!


There is a track by me but there is almost always football training/practice going on in the summer so it is hard to get on. I do really like the track though, but not on a regular basis. I like doing track runs when I want to incorporate other workouts such as you posted. I have never tried compression pants, but I use compression socks for recovery. I am going to start wearing the socks on some of my longer runs to see how it helps during the run!


I love these kinds of workouts. Yesterday I planned to go to the gym and that didn’t happen, so I resorted to different things I can do in my apartment.

I live a mile from a high school track but I have yet to run there.
I have also never used compression. Guess I’m just a low-tech runner :)


Listen to the Chainsmokers Roses and Until You Were Gone (indeed watch their amusing video featuring Soulcycle and fitness star Karyn Nesbitt).

Even my 9 month old boy likes dance music.


I love how Brooke can keep herself totally content while you’re doing all that! She must be such a good little girl!


I shared an 80’s playlist recently and I am still loving it. Music plays such a role in getting me to run faster!


I love it when you share workout ideas! I don’t know how to mix up running workouts on my own. :)

Looking for advice from all you smart runners! I am training for my second half marathon on April 9th. Last week I developed a nagging pain/tightness around my right achilles. New for me! It doesn’t bother me when rested, no pain with walking so I don’t think that it is seriously injured yet but I don’t want to push it to that point. I have been icing and rolling, and rested it a lot over the past week. It’s a little better but not gone. Any tips on allowing it to heal but also maintaining the fitness I will need for the race? How do I get long runs in?

Thanks for any advice!


Also I have never tried compression gear, I should look into it.


yes, have had this and calves stuff for 3 years. Most important thing is stretch TONS. Like 3-4 times per day. My physio has me stretching all the time. Tight calves, tight achilles and then I get SI joint pain. Stretching and foam rolling all the time helps a ton.

I also bought new shoes with a higher drop (Brooks Ghosts) and that seems to help a ton.
Take care!


I love track workouts in the summer, during school hours I feel like I’m trespassing :)
My favorite songs to run to right now are move your body by Sia, cake by the ocean by DNCE- edited of course, and Uma Thurman by fall out boy. My lucky race socks are compression socks and I love them!


love SIA so much!!


Cake by the Ocean is a good one!


No tracks near me.
Love compression socks for recovery.
Can’t wait to try this workout!


Lately (the last 10 days), I haven’t been running as much. Instead, I have been doing Insanity: Max 30 workouts. Let me tell ya, Sean T knows how to kick butt. It’s only 30 minutes, but he pushes you as hard as you can go in those workouts. I highly recommend them! I think it will help in my running!


I am a big fan of Insanity and Shaun T ;-) The strenght we build (especially core and upper body) with this type of cross training helps make us better runners.


Love your workout! Will try this one.

I do track workouts on Thursday with my group. Our coach emails us the workout in advance so we can dutifully program our watches – tonight’s is :
8-10 400 m @ Interval pace w/ 400 m recovery @ jog pace. So it will be fun.

Never used compression tights but seriously looking at them now after reading your post!


I normally dread track workouts but once I’m done I’m grateful I did them.

I don’t own any compression clothing but do wear compression socks on occasion. They are especially great when you have to fold yourself into a car right after a race for a 4hr drive home. They truly saved my legs this past weekend!


Great stuff!!!

PS the song name is “Walking on a Dream” and the artist is “Empire of the SUN” :-)


I just started getting back into track workouts! I forgot how much I love them! The skins look pretty cool. I’ve been looking for new compression gear.
I’ve been sick with the flu and I’m doing my first run in four days tonight. I’m really hoping I feel better so I can race this weekend….


There’s a public track not far from us that I have yet to use :-/ But this workout looks amazing, so I’m going to have to give it a try. I use compression only when running long distance.


I actually never go to the track, even though I’m a college student and have free access to one, haha. I just prefer sidewalks, even for speed runs.

The only compression product I’ve tried is compression socks (I’m actually wearing some right now!), and I’m a big supporter. They’ve helped me not only with soreness but with multiple injury scares.

My hardest run of 2016 was probably my 22-miler a few weekends ago. That was one of only two times this year I’ve surpassed 20 miles (the other being my marathon in early January).

Oh man, I cannot recommend Marina and the Diamonds enough. Even when I’m not listening to anything while I’m running, her songs get in my head. Especially I’m Not a Robot, Girls, and Froot.


I know you’ve done a lot of reviews on running shoes but what is your opinion about good cross training shoes for bootcamp/gym workouts?


This gear looks amazing and holy moly this workout is going to kick my butt when I do it! I am in Provo so plenty of tracks nearby. :) Lately I have been running to some of Sam Hunt’s songs and I am loving it!


I tend to use my compression clothing post-workout. Sometimes I can rock my socks, but since I mostly cycle I am pretty relegated to the hot spandex look ;) I will often wear my compression socks if I take my kiddo and pup out for a run after a bike workout. I totally believe they help with recovery!
I just saw something posted about compression arm sleeves for runners….not really sure how I feel about that. Maybe for long runs to prevent blood pooling…jury is still out for me!


I have no idea where the closest track is to me. When I do speed work I usually run to the flattest area of my neighborhood and use my watch to do repeats.

I use compression for recovery a lot and I like wearing calf sleeves during long runs/races. It really seems to help keep my calves happy!

My hardest workout this year has probably been any and all of my 400m repeats. I haven’t done consistent speed work in a while, so those intervals kill me!

I haven’t really bee running with music lately. The people in my neighborhood drive like maniacs and there’s no sidewalk, so I have to be alert.


I’m dying to get a track to get some good training runs in! I’ll for sure give that workout a try!
And those Skins are super cute!!!
I’ve used compression socks before to recover after a half marathon and I loved them!!! I can’t find them right now though :(


“HUNGRYFORSKYNS”….tee hee hee.


Thanks for the info on Skins – I will check them out! As I get higher in my mileage I know I need something due to how achy I am the next day after a long run, but I hate running in sleeves, so maybe the full tights will feel better. I have a few tracks near me, with the closest being a 2 mile run from my house, which is just perfect for a warm up/cool down! It also has a playground in the middle so when it’s nice out I have taken the kids with me and let them play while I get in my run.


Love compression gear. More and more companies are getting into the trend. Hope it continues.

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