SHE IS HOME, loving her new room and last week’s training!!!

As I’ve told you many times in the past (usually around Thanksgiving time), banana cream pie has a special place in my heart.  I have been craving one like crazy lately + Brooke was gone with her dad so I had lots of free time this weekend + baking is therapeutic for me = time to make one.  

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I felt pretty accomplished by the end.  I used this recipe (she includes the crust link in the post too) and my family loved it!

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While I was making my pie I had The Barkley Marathons documentary on and it was awesome.  This race is SO different from the normal races we are used to—> it changes a little bit every year (with very little information about the race anywhere to be found), there are no course markings, it is $1.60 to register, the timing chips are books throughout the course and you have to tear your page number (bib number) out to make sure you went through that checkpoint and only 13 people have completed the entire thing in the last 25+ years of the race.  It is 5 loops and equivalent to climbing and descending Mt. Everest!  The cut-off time is 60 hours and over 100 miles.  The racers don’t even know when the race is going to start… you just camp until you hear a horn and that means you have an hour until the race starts.  I loved watching it and if you love documentaries… it’s a very interesting one!  These racers are incredible.  

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And then at 5 I got my Brookie back and surprised her with her new room.  There are still a few things missing around our place (i.e. rugs and wall stuff) but I’ll do a full tour once it is all done because I’m sure you’re dying to see it;)

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And just like that she is in a twin bed.  I swear she was just in the mini crib next to my bed with spikey hair yesterday.

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Dinner was at my sister’s house so we got some jumping in before dinner.

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They know red sauce is the way to my heart and so is mini garlic bread pizzas.  

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The best.  I was proud.  

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My brother-in-law was quite obsessed too and gave a full review of his thoughts on the pie:

It sure feels good to be back to playing My Little Pony again.

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Here is what last week looked like for running!!!

Monday:  5 miles @ 8:23 average pace

Tuesday: Mile Repeats—> 1 mile w/u, 6 x 1 mile (6:31, 6:27, 6:22, 6:18, 6:15, 6:10) w/ .5 mile recovery jogs, 1.5 mile c/d.  11 miles total

Wednesday:  6 miles @ 8:30

Thursday:  Tempo Day—>  2.55 mile w/u, 6 miles @ 6:35, .45 c/d.  9 miles total

Friday: 5 miles @ 8:30 average pace

Saturday:  10.5 miles @ 7:55 average pace

Sunday:  OFF! 

46.5 miles total for the week!  I won’t be getting much higher than that while training for this half marathon but I’m really excited to see how the Hanson’s plan works for me!


How was your running last week?  Hardest run?  Best run?

What is your go-to thing to do when you have free time on your hands?

-Baking and Netflix.

What was the best part of your weekend?

Have any desire to do an ultra?  

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That documentary looks insane! I love watching them so I’ll be sure to add that to my list.

Last week my best run was my half marathon! I got a PR so I’m pretty excited about that :)


Congrats on your shiny new PR!


I had my last long run before my marathon this week! It was only 8 miles and it felt really good! Sometimes I get the itch to do an ultra and then I wonder what I was thinking! I think the hardest part would be finding the time to train for it! I can’t even imagine that part! I’ve read about the Barkley Marathons (I think RW did a piece on it?) and they sound crazy! I need to watch that documentary!

I’m with you on baking and Netflix. I’ll add reading to that mix also.

Best part of the weekend was going to bed at 9:45 last night! Win!


Love how happy Brooke looks in her new bed! These milestones are precious :) My toughest run last week was Monday when I was exhausted and thought I was getting sick, best was Saturday’s 14 miles which felt like a breeze after 18 the week before.


I just learned how to bake, so I might have to borrow that recipe so that I can make that pie for my people. :)

My hardest run last week was my tempo–I don’t know why those always feel like a struggle. But after I got it out of the way on Saturday, I went to a parade with friends, and it turned out to be a really fun day!


I had highest mileage week of the year so far. I tripped over a root on the trail yesterday and did a face plant in the mud, but apart from that, everything was great!

Definitely Netflix in my free time. Also trying to read more books so will be going to the library tonight to get some!


All of this food! That pie looks to die for. Way to go on your mile repeats! Unfortunately I haven’t been at that fitness level since last year and I miss being able to go that hard, but hopefully I’ll get back there one day! Last week I did a 12x 400m workout and it just about beat me down, but I’m building back up slowly!

I really really want to get into ultras! I feel like it could be my niche, but I don’t live in the best area right now to train for them.


That pie looks so good! Bananas are a staple in my life ;-) I knew running would be hard this week because I was travelling overseas…and I was right! I jumped on the treadmill once but was so super exhausted that I could barely stand up. This is when I have to remind myself that a week is just a week and that it will not mess anything as long as I stick to the HM program for the weeks to come. Was so happy to see my little one again after close to a week!


Wow that marathon sounds insane, I definitely need to watch that documentary. I really, really want to do an ultra at some point, but first I need to get more comfortable with the regular ol marathon. You know, *just* 26.2 miles…. :D

PS: You can come over and decorate my apartment any time! Brooke’s room looks adorable!


Free time usually turns into walking the dog somewhere other than our local park or blogging (I don’t make money blogging so it is a hobby really). I also love to take photos and clean out my purse. Lol.
I saw zootopia this weekend. It was awesome!
I finally got a double digit long run in on Saturday and have been so sore and humbled by how badly I am recovering. I hadn’t run double digits since NYC marathon 5 months ago. Lost a lot of long distance fitness. Love Brooke’s room!


My running last week was pretty great. I did not have high mileage (My training is still around 16-20 miles a week) but I have been ensuring to do strength training and cross training (biking) with it. My best run was getting a PR of 26:29 in a 5K. I haven’t ran a 5k in years but I know the last time was around 30 minutes. So I was stoked!!!

Netflix, reading blogs, read about health and hang with my puppy! Theo is the best pal. That is what I do when I have time on my hands.

Best part of my weekend – my coworker invited me over for dinner with his wife and son and I was so thankful that they invited me over. I also PRed in my 5K and then went hiking at Devil’s Lake State Park (Wisconsin) and it was gorgeous. Learned my 1o pound Shihtzu is also part mountain goat!!

I do not know if I will ever do an ultra – but maybe. Thinking about a 50k after my marathon. Then maybe a 50 miler. I am learning that I love learning what my body is capable of and if I set my mind to it, I can complete it (as long as I stay dedicated).

Brooke’s room is adorable!!


I grew up about 20 minutes from where the Barkley Marathons is held. It’s been my goal to run it ever since I heard about it years ago.

I’m not afraid of the 5 loops or the fact that it’s usually longer than you think or any of the other rituals that make it so intriguing.

The reasons that this is a major challenge is the terrain. It will eat you up. You can’t run anywhere in that area without being pricked and scratched. It will tear your legs and arms up.

That being said, it’s still on my bucket list ;)


I remember my first “big girl bed.” She looks so happy! When I have free time (which is a lot lately) I cook, nap and run. Basically I would be happy doing those three things every day :)


45 miles is my happy place for half marathon training. And half marathon training itself is my happy place! I’m recovering from a race and miss the workouts already, but my next race is a full marathon.
My hardest run last week was a 10 mile progression run, it was windy and I was sore from strength training.


I’ve had a cold for a week so no running or training at all since last Tuesday :( Itching to get back out!!

My brother just recommended that documentary to me last night as well! Sounds amazingly interesting, I can’t wait to watch it tonight :)


Aww I love that she loves her room! It really does go so fast. I was just thinking that my sons bed is now 10 years old! Feels like yesterday I got his big boy furniture ( when he was 2) and now he is 12. Omg


Juts signed up for my first ultra this summer! Haven’t run farther than 26.2 so it’s a bit daunting of a goal, but I am super excited to test my ability. The banana cream pie looks amazing!! Have a great week!


Red sauce? You just put a spike through the heart of every Italian who read that.


Cute room and your niece laughing at her dad describe the pie is too cute! ;-)


Love the pie and how cute the too of you are! My hubby has been out of town so I have had a ton of free time on my hands. My go-tos are de-cluttering, hiking, and baking!


I will probably be watching that documentary in Netflix tonight now! I’ve been kinda thinking of trying an ultra but I’m definitely not there yet…right now the closest I’ll get is doing the anchorage marathon this summer that’s kinda on some trails and more scenic than the road races I’m used to at least.

And agreed on baking being therapeutic – I did it yesterday too! And now I have brownies :)


I LOVE banana cream pie! Your’s looks delicious!!

My go-to for when I have free time on my hands – Cookie baking & Wandering around town with my pup!

The absolute most I could do is maybe a 50K (does that even count as an ultra?) … Aside from that … Zero desire to go any further!


My husband and I just watched that documentary last week. It was so good! Though, while I’m normally someone who watches something like that and gets all pumped to do it, I have absolutely NO desire to do Barclay. It looks insane!!’


my running week last week was a tough one. I explored a lot with new types of runs and it was very fulfilling, but my legs were shot by the end of the week.

my weekend was filled with lots of time with friends and family and traveling. I’m still not back home, but it has been completely worth it.

no desire over here to run an ultra ever. I love running and recently distance work has been my favorite, but an ultra seems like a bit much for me haha.


I watched the Barkley Marathons last weekend. I’m amazed that people can actually finish all 5 loops. Insane! You may have missed this…but doing all five loops is the equivalent of climbing and descending Mt. Everest TWICE. I can’t even imagine….
Your pie looks amazing..


We must have been watching that documentary at the exact same time. Can you imagine a race starting by a lighting of a cigarette, or giving the race director a flannel shirt as entry. I loved it!!!


I also cannot resist a good red sauce (meatless, as I don’t eat beef) but lots of garlic. Todd is almost allergic to garlic, so I love when I get to eat someone else’s sauce, since we do not cook with it!

We had terrific long runs this weekend and will post about them today. Happy Spring!


I ran the NYC half – first time running it and it was so much fun! With only about 9 weeks training and pretty low mileage (easing back into running with 2 short, 1 long run per week) I was pretty happy with my time- ran 1:36! It was SO cold though. Now its time to figure out if I can fit in a spring marathon to qualify for Boston 2017!


A few I’m considering are New Jersey Marathon, San Francisco Marathon (July), Vermont City Marathon, and two smaller ones in Buffalo/Poconos. If anyone has any tips or reviews on these let me know!


That marathon sounds awesome.

When I have free time a lot of baking, running, and quilting happen. Super therapeutic for me to do anything with my hands (and go on a run).


I don’t think I want to do an ulta, but I also don’t feel like i want to do a full marathon. I guess I’ll see how I feel after my half. :)

When I have free time I like to do long hikes.


For the past couple months my “Ultra itch” has been intensifying. And that doc really hasn’t helped. ;)

I’m starting to put cross training and nutrition at the forefront of my mind, and am considering doing a 50-miler at the end of this year or the beginning of next.


Your pie looks bomb diggity. I feel like I need to make mine now though (it is very similar, if you remember, but had the graham cracker crust with the banana baked into that as well and i use a vanilla bean in the custard instead of extract) just so I can have your bro in law give me a review. It’s like, suddenly I need his validation ;) Well, THAT and if I make it, that means I would at least get a slice. Cause like your family, I think banana cream pie is the best pie as well.


I bet Brooke was ecstatic about her new room and big girl bed! What a great surprise.

My favorite/best run this past week was yesterday – a 9mile run with a mixture of fartleks and race pace intervals. I nailed it. Always a good feeling.

When I have free time (rarely anymore) I am all about Netflix, catching up on blogs, and cleaning/organizing the house.


I have zero desire to do an ultra but now I need to watch this documentary!


The best part of my weekend was definitely my bike ride. I managed to get out for 40 miles, and I climbed my first canyon of the year!

Running sucks. My IT band is giving me trouble. I’m doing all the things people tell me too, but it’s not helping. I suspect physical therapy is in my future. :(


Omg we watched The Barkley Marathon yesterday too! So inspiring and good!


That documentary looks super interesting! I’m going to have to watch that soon! My toughest run last week was 800 repeats. My favorite things to do when I have free time are read, nap, and bake too:)


Great job with the pie and Brooke’s room!!


That documentary sounds so interesting! I’m for sure going to watch it!
Love Brooke’s room! Great job! :)


Was so tempted to watch that documentary Saturday night, but my eyelids were so heavy I knew I wouldn’t be able to hang. So it’s on the to-watch list for sometime soon.

I had a 12 mile long run on the schedule for Saturday, but my friends were doing 13, so I sucked it up & did 13. Pace was to be 930 & we finished up at 931 which is pretty much spot on. I only got one other run in, but got plenty of weight lifting in too. So, I’m not worried.

I baked delicious homemade Oreos on Sunday with a mint chocolate chip filling. The recipe only made 15 & they got annihilated at the party we took them too. :) Can’t wait to make them again.


That banana cream pie looks amazing!! I did a lot more strength training than running last week, but my runs were good too. I love to cook in my spare time!


My favorite cake is carrot cake. I always say any guy who wants to win my heart will bring me carrot cake. I’ve made a lot of healthy versions of it too, but this weekend I FINALLY made a raw Paleo version and it is the best!


Yummmm I love banana cream pie.
I had an epically great run on Saturday. I trained for a 5k that I ran after having the flu for a week (and did not make my goal which reinforced the fact that I hate 5k’s), so I was looking for another race this upcoming weekend in Charlotte, NC where we’ll be on vacation. I accidently found a trail half that I NEED TO DO. So I ran 10 miles on Saturday to see if I even had the fitness for long distance, and ended up running an average of 7:40 pace, which is pretty darn good for me! I’m super excited for this half, I don’t expect it to be a PR or near my PR because I haven’t trained, but it’s going to be so much fun! And yes to Ultra’s! My all-time favorite race was my 50 miler. :)


I love documentaries and I just watched that one last night. I was half way thru it and called my husband in to watch him it again from the beginning. It was really amazing the ways people will challah get themselves. @


That documentary sounds insane! Brooke’s room is super cute!!


The best run last week was the race on Sunday where I finally got the pacing monkey off my back and DIDN’T go out to fast, which translated into a win! :)


Loved that documentary! My husband wants to do his first ultra this year, and I’m hoping to do a 40 miler next September.


I ran my very first half marathon in the fall of 2002, then my first full in May 2003 and then in June 2013, my first ultra.

I have since run 20 more halfs and 11 more fulls and ZERO more ultras. lol.

I’ll never say never…but no, for right now! lol


You are a pie making rockstar! Pie making skills are highly valued in my family. I just watched the Barkley Marathon documentary this morning. My nine miles on the treadmill zoomed by because I was astounded at the mental and physical toughness of the runners who were competing. The best part of my weekend was racing in and cheering for my teammates at the Shamrock 10K in St. George, Utah. Happy running!


I’ve completed 15 ultra’s, so yes I like them a lot because they suit my running style…slow and steady. The Barkley is one that I would never tackle though due to the terrain. As Flower said , ‘being pricked and scratched, and tearing your legs and arms up’ —- that would get old really fast.


I’m with you – all about netflix and baking when I have the time!! So therapeutic! Especially when you’re doing both at the same time ;)

That pie looks diiiiiivine!


I always look forward to reading your posts :) Brooke has got to be so excited about her new room! Great week of workouts too! I have a “stress reaction” – not quite a stress fracture, but pain just like one & 4-6 weeks off from under-nutrition and over-training. I’m so anxious to be back running and will be eating much more this time around haha. I read your old posts about stress fractures and it really helped. Thanks!


I just bookmarked that documentary on Netflix, I cannot wait to watch!

I got a 10K PR Saturday which makes me happy. I need to make that pie!


Congrats on your 10K PR- I got a new one on Saturday, too!


I think Brooke got the same bedroom furniture that my older daughter has! I love it!

Running last week was awesome. I was aiming for a 10K goal time and I beat my goal by 44 seconds, besting my previous PR by two minutes. Was so happy and I’m still riding that runner’s high two days later. :)

Free time? I get about an hour of it each night and that’s about it. Anything more than that and I’m basically paralyzed with indecision over what to do with it all! I love to cook and bake, and read… or catch up on a movie. I’m not into any TV series right now.

Best part of the weekend was the race and hanging out with my parents afterwards.

I haven’t run a marathon yet, but hope to one day. I do think an ultra would be an amazing experience, but we’ll see how I feel about that after I tackle 26.2!


I watched that documentary a couple of weeks ago! SO crazy. I told my husband I could probably complete one lap and then yesterday I walked up a hill near our house and decided I probably couldn’t even do that…


Lately my free time has been limited and I choose to nap if I can. Baking seems to happen when I am super stressed and/or don’t actually have time to do it! I am a stress eater apparently.


Yum pie :) My go-to when I have time is going to coffee shops, reading, outdoor activities, or Netflix. With school it’s hard to fit in time just for pleasure reading so I’ll snatch some if I can get it. I think that’s what summer is best suited for so I’m so looking forward to the warmer weather!


Mmmm.. That pie looks so good! I love Brooke’s new bed. It looks perfect for her and I am definitely putting that documentary on my watch list. It looks so good!!
I was in south Texas visiting family last week and when I tried to run, it was soooo humid outside. I could barely last for 3 miles!
My go-to free time activity is Netflix, walks, or reading :)
I took my bridal portraits yesterday and we had such a blast!!
Right now I have no desire to do an ultra but maybe in the future!


I’ve heard about Barkley before, and saw a few people mention the documentary on netflix so I’ll have to check it out.

Running last week was good, just busy! Best part of the weekend was having my nephew over for a sleepover (sister thought she was in labor with nephew #2—nope.). Saturday morning was spent eating waffles and talking about trains with my little dude, he’s the best!


Best run… having people to chase around the park. Ha.

You forgot something about The Barkley.. equivalent to climbing and descending Mt. Everest.. TWICE! I’ve known about this race for a long time and it’s amazing. I love that they came out with the documentary.

Excuse me while I leave work to go bake a banana cream pie ;)


My running was really good last week, which made me super happy because pregnancy can sometimes make my runs kind of difficult ha. I absolutely love Brooke’s bed and bedding! It is so cute! :) My weekend was a good one spent shopping. :) Oh and I totally starting watching that Marathon documentary last week. I need to finish it! :)


I ran ONCE last week – so it was my best, longest, shortest, and hardest all rolled up in one! We were super busy – my father-in-law flew in from Tennessee for 3 days, then I flew to the Big Island for a ladies conference with our church. All this was sandwiched between two cycling races that my husband raced in.

Free time = reading time.

Best part of the weekend – banana macadamia nut pancakes with banana cream topping!

No desire to do an ultra! 26.2 is as much as I want!


“Have any desire to do an ultra?” I ran my first ultra yesterday! It was only a 50k (31 miles, the shortest real “ultra” distance but it was really fun. After 26.2, every mile was the furthest I have ever raced. It was a crazy thought. My calves cramped up a half mile from the finish and I hit my wall hard, but I finished so I am now technically an “ultramarathoner”! Definitely worth the 7+ hours out there.


WAY TO GO SELBY!!!!! You rocked it!!!!


We watched that documentary last weekend! The guy who runs the marathon is a crack up! I love that me makes items he needs for his closet (shirts,
Socks) as the entry fee. When I first started running I thought I could do an ultra, when my running became a source of morning sickness with my first pregnancy I think decided against it lol


I watched that documentary last week and it made me feel much better about my half marathon this past weekend haha. I can’t imagine doing that race!


Brooke’s room is spectacular!!!! If I were her…I would never leave it again! (*sigh* — a mother’s dream).

Your brother in law describing the pie is hysterical! So serious!!! And also very convincing…made me crave a slice!

Best and worst part of the weekend was completing 16 credits for continuing education. It’s a love/hate relationship. I love learning….but hate sitting in a class for 8+ hours a day!!! I mean, it really was only two days off from running…but felt like 3 weeks.

I’d love to run an ultra….just to see how much my body can take. I imagine it as something so mentally and physically draining….but so exhilarating!!

Free time for me is filled with friends, cleaning the house and filing (where do all these papers come from!?!), baking, and being outdoors (but not running).


You ran a lot of miles this week! Baking is one of the things I like to do when I have extra time, too. I’ve run a 50 mile ultra – a challenge, but I’m glad I did it!


Wow, I’m going to have to check out the Barkley Marathons. I’ve never head of them before. I definitely want to due a ultra some time but probably a 50k definitely not 100 miles!


Such a cute room!


I was so bored bc i had to meal prep today, and then I saw your Netflix suggestion! It was perfect and kept me so engaged throughout the entire thing. I was literally on the edge of my seat hoping that the last guy would finish before the 60 hour cut off lol!


Can we talk about that pink/striped top for a second? I love it! Where’s it from? Also, I’ve never even though of making a banana cream pie (we’ve done other pies), but I bet my kids would love it. thanks!


My husband is running Barkley this next weekend. He is going to the race with Jared Campbell, a guy who has finished it a couple of times! It will be exciting to see how it goes!


Hi Janae, we’re so glad you enjoyed the documentary and so appreciate you recommending it! It means so much for a small film like ours.
Cheers, Annika & Tim

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