HEY YOU! I hope your week has started off really well and that you had a great lunch and run at some point today!  We’ve got some Monday Matters over here (basically Tuesday Tangents but on Monday instead) to discuss:

-I predicted it—> our weather went from this last week:


To this again.  And yet I still wear shorts around… very normal behavior.  

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-A true friend is one that will spend five minutes untangling your necklace from your headphones at the gym because you can’t get it off for the life of you… back to wireless headphones right this second.  

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-This made me laugh harder than it probably should have.  

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-I reenacted my first marathon finish line the other day…

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because we were at the place where the SLC Marathon ends (The Gateway Mall).  I don’t think my body has ever hurt as bad as it did in the below picture (except for about 4 other of my marathon finish lines where I thought I was going to pass out too;) 

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-Sometimes I take the whole ‘recovery is just as important as training’ thing a little too seriously but Brooke doesn’t mind.   She probably doesn’t mind it because we can still play legos while I ‘recover.’

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-“Just a spoon full of almond butter helps the medicine go down.”  -Mary Poppins

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-I love checking out candy/treats from different countries.  One of the many reasons I need to travel more is so that I can try candy from all around the world.  Tim Tams are ridiculously good and the ones with caramel in them… yes.  

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-What is it about McDonald’s ice cream cones?  Magical.

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-Name the show. It is always fun when Brooke loves and watches the same shows that I used to watch when I was younger..

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-Broccoli, sweet potato and turkey burger power lunch over here.  One of the many blessings of living with just a 3 year old.. nobody complains about how bad the house smells when you roast broccoli.  

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-Brooke’s love for these little plastic animals are equivalent to how much I loved beanie babies as a kid.

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-Love x 1,000,000… I know this is true because of how many times in the past this has happened:

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PS a reader sent me a picture of these… I NEED ASAP!! Has anyone tried these flavors?  

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What were your favorite cartoons/shows as a kid?

-I was really into Barney, Power Rangers and Rugrats.

Marathoners—>  which one was your first?  At what mile was it the hardest for you?

Readers outside of the US… what candy from your country is the best?

What has been the best part of your day so far?

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Magic School Bus? I watched Rugrats every day, it was always on in the mornings before school! My brother and I had a major Power Rangers obsession also. My other favorite show growing up was Are You Afraid of the Dark. I wish I could go back in time to being a kid again for like two days, one to play and do fun stuff and the other day to just watch the TV shows I used to watch!! ;)

Best part of my day was running 3 really easy miles on the treadmill this morning. I was sick all last week and didn’t run at all, or really do much of anything.


You got it Britnee! Yep, I LOVED Are You Afraid of the Dark too! SO glad you are feeling better and that you got in a good run this morning!


So funny – my sister is exactly your age and she was beyond obsessed with all those shows! My kids were also obsessed with Barney. For me it was Sesame Street and muppet babies. Also fraggle rock! I applaud you for wearing shorts in the snow since I’ve been a wimp with the weather this winter :)


hahah that is awesome… your sis and I would have a lot to talk about;) Oh I forgot about muppet babies… a classic! Stay warm Michele and enjoy the rest of your day!


Ha that Phil Adele Phia meme is hilarious. I feel like I should post it since I do live so close to Philly.

I watched far too many cartoons as a kid. To be honest, I don’t really have a favorite. My first marathon was NYCM and I can tell you mile 16 over that bridge was the most painful thing I’ve ever run. Then the rest was just into the twilight zone.


As I live in Switzerland, I have to say: chocolate! Sprüngli shops sell those Truffes du Jour (truffles made on the same day) – if you ever end up in Zurich, you need to try those :).


I think I need to come visit!!! Those truffes sound amazing!!!


I was obsessed with The Jetson’s. Does anyone even know who they are or am I too old? Haha!


Meet George Jetson, his boy Elroy, daughter Judy, and Jane, his wife!


my daughter used to think they were singing Jane his slice! LOL what???


Misheard lyrics. That’s pretty funny.


Favorite cartoon: sailor moon!
First marathon: Pensacola marsthon. Ran it again the following year with my new husband the day after I got married.
Best part of my day: getting a craft subscription kit in the mail. We had to put my cat down yesterday so I really needed the happy mail today.


Erica! I’m so sorry about your cat! You definitely needed some happy mail today! I hope the rest of your day has many more happy moments in it!


Thank you! I had him for ten years, and adopted him when he was 7 months old. He was born FIV+ and had a really rough last week so I’m at peace with the decision, just miss my little buddy.


I have a friend who adopted the sweetest cat that was FIV+. I’m sure you gave him a great, happy life!


Ooh, yes to Rugrats! That was my Saturday morning ritual, along with Animaniacs.

Marathon got the hardest at mile 19. I hadn’t hydrated as well as possible, and the last five miles were ALL. UP. HILL. But my face at the finishing chute shows my utter bewilderment/relief :)

When I was in France, I lived for the Haribo gummies. They had tons of varieties there, and there were these gummi croco(diles) that kept me sane on the long flight.


TGIF. Loved it. Had to be home on Friday nights to watch it! Boy Meets World, Are You Afraid of the Dark. So many good shows! (I totally just wrote shoes instead of shows. Too many good shoes too!)

Mmmm…chocolate. I gave up sugar for 40 days and I wasn’t craving chocolate before I gave it up but I’ve been wanting it hard core since I did!

First marathon – Nike Women’s Marathon in SF. Mile 25-26 was the hardest. It was the longest mile EVER. Where is the finish line!?


Hi from Canada here!

Coffee crisp is just the best!
Also I was very surprised to learn that kinder surprise are not available in the US – those were a favourite growing up!


I so want a coffee crisp! I grew up in Western NY and so miss them, yum! Eat one for me!


Marine Corps was my first marathon. At mile 9, I started crying because I did the math in my head and realized I still had 17.2 miles to go! But, a sweet lady cheered me up by saying I was amazing. :)


Oh man, that cinnamon one is so good. I ate before my run on Saturday and maybe was a bit too overzealous. I only meant to eat a bite, but it’s all gone. I miss it so much. Must find more.


Ha, the Phil-Adele-phia image made me laugh out loud. I’m debating whether or not to share it with a good friend of mine who is also named Adele, and if so, if I should insert a photo of her face instead…


YOU HAVE TO insert a photo of her! That would be hilarious:) Enjoy the rest of your day Traci!


Rugrats was my all time favorite! I used to yell at my older brothers to read to me the title of every episode, even though after a while I started to know exactly which one each episode was. You could say I was the Rugrats #


1 fan!


Tim Tams are up there in the Top 5 reasons why living in Australia is the best.


hahah that is awesome… they are amazing! I’m curious to hear your other 4 reasons!


In no particular order; AFL (Australian Football), The Weather, Melbourne, Our Coffee. Nothing beats our Coffee.


Hi Rochelle :)
I would love to live there but there are two things that keep putting me off. One is the fact that I really (REALLY) enjoy christmas in cold weather and the second – i ‘m not sure if it is true so I would appreciate some insight ;) – is that I ‘ve heard that all the crawlies aka spiders, cockroaches etc are four times bigger than anywhere else…. True or not??? I could live with Christmas in the summer but not with humungous crawlies …. Apart from that it is a place that I’d love to spent sometime at :)


Hey Ellen,
I would love a white Christmas. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is eat a hot Christmas lunch it 40 degree (Celcius) weather. It’s always a case of what you can’t have that you want.
As for the bugs. Some of them are bigger but most of those you’d probably only find them out in the middle of the bush/desert.
Most of the spiders though are really more scared of you then you are of them.
Don’t let the bugs scare you off. It’s the ridiculously long flights between here and anywhere that’s the worst thing about it.


Your list made me really happy:) THANK YOU FOR SHARING!


I LOVED Arthur and Rugrats. Like way too much haha. The best part of my day will probably be in an hour and a half when the Bachelor starts :)


The Flintstones, Scooby Doo, The Jetsons and The Pink Panther.

I want those Stingers, the running store I was in Saturday didn’t have those!

I had time to myself and got a great strenth workout and stretch after it.


The Magic School Bus! I loved that show and had a computer game that I played all the time. I loved the Rugrats and my brother and I used to watch Power Rangers and Digimon. The best part of my day: finishing my grad school applications so now the waiting game begins!


Magic school bus, recess and Doug were probably my favorite. Oh and Arthur.

Best parts of today we’re going to the gym this morning and that my kids are still alive. Haha, sometimes that’s a big accomplishment


Love love love McDonals ice cream cones!!! Fav!!

Mile 20 is the dreaded wall I hit, haven’t figured out the last 10k yet. Best part of my day has been coming home to my adorable puppy, Oliver!


Cartoons- smurfs, roadrunner, Casper the friendly ghost. I never understood the rugrats but my girls like them now thanks to Netflix

The best part of my day was finding out that my mother in law’s lumpectomy went well with no surprises. She has stage 2 breast cancer and this is the first step in her journey. She is HER 2+ and will start chemo in 4 weeks. She is a wonderful grandmother to 4 grandkids, 2 are mine.


I’ve tried both of those stingers. I was a happy girl with celiac disease when I found these at OR this year. Both are good as I’ve used them on training runs in the last few weeks. I purchased a bunch of the caramel ones for my marathon this Saturday. Fingers crossed they still put me in a happy place while running in the too hot, per what I’m seeing in the forecast, Arizona heat this weekend.


Women’s Glycerin 13!


Wait…what?!! Gluten free Honey Stingers exist now?!!?!??!!!! I wonder if I can get them in Canada! Speaking of Canada, our Smarties are one of my faves. They are not the same thing as American Smarties, those we call Rockets. Canadian Smarties are closer to M&Ms and in my opinion, yummier! Fun Fact: They sell Smarties in Trinidad & Tobago too, and I had some when I was there back in 2008. The orange coloured ones also tasted like orange-chocolate!


Seattle rock n roll and mile 18. Ouch. 19-26 wasn’t any easier. :-)
I loved Doug and Recess!


I live in the US, but Tim Tams are the best. I had them everyday in Australia. FYI-Aussies call candy “lollies.”

Gluten free Honey Stinger Waffles is very exciting.


I’m going to show my age here…my favorite cartoons were He-Man, She-ra, G.I. Joe, and Jem and the Hollograms.
I’m in the States but, a friend in grad school from Japan would bring me these awesome wafer sticks dipped in chocolate. My cousin lives in Australia and last time she visited she brought raspberry Tim Tams and they were amazing!


David the Gnome, Gummi Bears, Fraggle Rock, Flintstones, Scooby Doo, The Jetsons…I watched a lot of tv.

My first marathon was the Steamtown Marathon – mile 21 was probably the toughest. There wasn’t a lot of crowd support and it was a gross industrial area.

The best part of my day was my yoga practice – it’s the only way I actually stretch :)


My first marathon was the Houston Marathon back in 2008. Let’s just say mile 12 was the hardest for me because I had to go… like really “had to go” and there were no porta potties in sight. We were running down a street in a residential area and I ended up running into a house (the people who lived there were spectating). It was the most embarrassing experience ever. After mile 12, it was smooth sailing! ☺


Ha! I’m sure that was painful at the time, but what a great story for you and for the spectators.


Scooby Doo, Speed Racer, and Bugs Bunny was king!

Had a beautiful outdoor walk in the sun today.


My first FULL marathon will happen March 5th!!! Eeeeek! I will have to get back with you in reference to which mile was the hardest…. So far, I have gone up to 18 miles ok, will see what happens March 5th!


I loved Doug, Rugrats, Full House, Hey Dude, Salute your Shorts…. Best part of my day was getting my early morning workout in!


Those candies look awesome!


My first marathon is this May, so fingers crossed I can avoid hitting any walls too early in the race (shooting to make it to 20 miles without feeling like I’m going to die–we’ll see :) ). Have a wonderful night!


My first marathon was Columbus in 2010 – I can’t remember what mile was the hardest because it all seems like a blur now. But I also did Boston this past year and the hardest mile was definitely the last. I was OK for most of the race, then reallyyyy struggled miles 25 and 26 and just did what I could to get to the end – luckily had my best friend by my side!


1st and only marathon so far: Space Coast in Cocoa Beach, Fl – hardest mile was probably around mile 13 when I saw some of the half marathoners, whose race started 30 minutes earlier than the full, coming in to finish, knowing I still had 13.1 miles left… I actually cried a little…. okay, maybe a lot…. I made too many ‘first timer’ mistakes and paid for them dearly!!!


Tim Tams are the best EVER! Now what you need to do with the Tim Tams is get a glass of hot chocolate, bite off opposite corners of the Tim Tam and drink your hot chocolate through the Tim Tam like a straw. It is called a Tim Tam Slam. I promise you won’t regret it! Just make sure you put the Tim Tam in your mouth before it fully disintegrates. :) ENJOY!


haha! I was just writing that same comment :)


Great minds must think alike right Julia?


Tim Tams! Okay, have you ever ‘slammed it’?? My friend taught me this one time in high school. You bit a piece of two adjacent corners (diagonal) and then dip the cookie in a hot drink, and after like a second or two you slurp through it like a straw. The whole cookie starts to melt and then you have to put it all in your mouth at once – so chocolatey and delicious. Also really weird…but hey…your nieces and nephews might find it funny. :)


YUM YUM!!! Now I want one


I am from New Zealand and so Tim Tams are pretty up there on our list. I like the white chocolate ones best though. We also have Pavlova as a national dessert but I’m really not a fan! I think it is a dish you either love or you hate. My sister and Dad ADORE it but me and my Mum are not keen on it at all. Another kiwi claim to fame are Pineapple Lumps which are also gross! I think we need to stick to producing meat and dairy because our confectionary is yuck! There is a soft drink we make that is actually really good though. It is called L&P and has a lemony flavour. My first marathon was the Auckland Marathon and I ran it with a stomach bug which was not ideal! You know it is not going to be a great run when you are throwing up 4km (about 2 miles) in. Thankfully some of the nausea passed at the 20km mark and I felt really good to about the 39km mark. By then I was close enough to just endure to the finish line, which I have never been so happy to see in all my life! The best part of my day has been talking to my Mum. I am 25 and live a few hours away from her but we still talk most days. We have both been super busy these last few weeks though and haven’t spoken properly. I have missed our chats so it was great to catch up!


Tim Tams!!! My Aussie food! :) I used to bring a bunch of Australian food back with me whenever I got to go home but now they sell Tim Tams at Target so I at least have one thing. If you can ever get your hands on some real Australian Milo (make sure it’s not one of the Jamaican or South American ones) I think you’d really love it! It’s my favorite thing ever.


Licorice – and it has to be the salty kind. Mmmm…. But unfortunately I cannot stomach them anymore. Sad, sad face…. :-(


Oh my gosh! My son and I literally watched The Magic School Bus on Netflix today, too!!!!!!!! Love it!!!


Oh and I forgot to add…Tim tams!!! Have you tried doing Tim tam slams?!


I love Brooke’s clothes in all of these pictures! My favorite is her riding the balance bike. And yes, only a true friend would spend the time to untangle that necklace. that is the VERY worst when necklaces get tangled.
Xo, Tara


I laughed so hard at the Adele picture and fyi I do love her!!!
Over here in London (in the UK in generally) there is a type of Candy called Tunnocks Milk Chocolate Teacakes. It is literally some sort of pastry topped with marshmallow fluff and covered in milk chocolate… NO words!!! Also my very favourite Caramel short bread. It’s some short of crumbled cookie (like cheesecake bottom) covered with buttery caramel and then topped with milk chocolate and then cut into little squares!!!! Google them to see pictures and I am telling you, you ‘ll be drooling over your lap top!! I ll be more than happy to send you some :D


My fave chocolate bars to buy in Saudi Arabia are Kinder buenos (which you can also find in the US), and caramel kit kat’s (and also peanut butter kit kat’s). They also have this stuff called halva, which is a tahini based nougat, typically made with pistachios or almonds. It’s delicious! Sadly my daughter is allergic to sesame, so I can’t really have it in the house. Also, when I lived in Guinea, I had the best gummy bears of my life. They were a European store brand (Leader Price), and I would buy all of the bags whenever our local grocery store had them in stock. I miss them.


From Argentina… The best sweet in the world, you have to try it “alfajor de chocolate con dulce de leche” Havana… Ps: where did you find TimTams? I,ve just love them so much!


And my favorite candy from US.. The bars heavenly crispy skinny cow. Everytime i travel to the States I buy boxes of them for my daughter & me!


I’m from Australia and you’re right, Tim Tams are amazing. They have salted caramel ones now too!! You need to do the “Tim tam slam” – bite off the chocolate at both ends, then use it like a straw with a hot drink. It makes tea taste like chocolate, and
It works doubly well with a hot chocolate!!


Ha my son is 12 and complains all the time about the smell of roasted vegetables!!


In Italy I love Baci (Kisses) Perugina. It’s a Valentine’s day treat: dark chocolate candy topped with an almond. Pure perfection.


My favorite non-America candy are those Hi-Chew things. You can get them pretty much everywhere … Gas stations/World Market/Target? They’re so rubbery and fruity and delicious.

Best part of my Monday – The croissant baking class I took with my mom! So much fun!


I miss Milka chocolate from Ukraine. I haven’t been able to find it in the US. :(


Magic School Bus!! I loved Barney, rugrats, and hey arnold! Have a great week!


Your treat picture also has Milka chocolate in it. I don’t recognize that specific variant but I can say it is the best darn (cheapish) chocolate around. Try it.


I think the 80’s made some great cartoons! Snorks, Smurfs, She-ra, Carebears, Jem, Rainbow Brite…some good TV :)

I live in NYC and decided running Miami Marathon as my first. Trained in winter as it was in the end of January and wound up at almost 70 degrees + 80% humidity at the start. I went to a very dark place around mile 16. It was pretty lonely and I had wanted to finish in 4:15 or under and had to give myself a major pep talk as I realized I would be 15 mins off of that. Luckily I came out of it but oof that was tough but learned a lot!


Love that quote! My first marathon was in Portland, OR. I was feeling really good at mile 16. I remember thinking “only 10 more miles!” but then I hit mile 18 and it was a downhill coming off a bridge and everything fell apart from there. The downhill killed my knees and the struggle was real from that point on.


Yes! I love the Honey Stinger gluten-free waffles! I haven’t tried the salted caramel flavor, but have tried the cinnamon and maple. So good!


Tim tams are legendary!! So awesome to see so many comments from around the world here. Aussie treats apart from the famous choccie biccy is….actually tim tams are by far the best!!

Love reading everyone’s marathon experiences my first is in July. Everyone seems to hit a struggle point somewhere but at lots of different distances! Xxx


OMG Magic School Bus! I LOVED that show growing up. Probably why I love Doctor Who now…time traveler, can go anywhere in time and space…yeah totally Doctor Who for kids :) I saw those honey stingers at my local running store and wish I had grabbed some but Ill just have to scoop them up next time. i tried the waffle and gels out for the first time this past half marathon and really liked them!


Name that show: Magic School Bus!
Favorite cartoon growing up – probably right there with you with Rugrats. I also really loved Doug and as told by Ginger.
First marathon – Austin Marathon and mile 22 or 24 probably hurt the very most!


I have tried the GF Cinnamon Honey Stinger Waffle and it was delicious!


I used to live in England for three years and they definitely had some fantastic candies….Aero Mint Bars are amazing (http://www.worldmarket.com/product/nestle-aero-peppermint-bar.do) and the German Haribo Bears are soooo much better than they are in the States…the flavors are different and better.


McDonalds really does have the BEST ice cream cones! I need to go get one. :)


I just finished a Halfmarathon and this was in my hometown Vienna. I would love to once run the Marathon there too. Also I would love to run the hm in my new hometown Stockholm and in NYC.

Best candy in Austria: Haribo Gummibaeren, Mozartkugeln and Manner Schnitten
Beat candy in Sweden: Keks

Nice greetings from Sweden!


I loved The Littles and The Smurfs
My first marathon was the Outer Banks Full – mile 24 I met the wall.
The best part of my day was getting a deep massage on my glute, hamstring and calf. It’s starting to act up. T minus 4 weeks till marathon #6.

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