Monday MATTERS–> California edition.

We are flying home right now and I have some randomness from the rest of our trip to share with you today! 

-Seriously, she was dying over the roller coasters.  

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-After approximately 70 meals like this (okay, this skillet was incredible):

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-It felt so nice to eat something green and fresh.  All-you-can-eat salsa bars are almost too good to be true.

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-Current favorite running song.

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-Legoland won her heart.

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-I didn’t hate that she asked to hold my hand while on a ride.

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-Just her normal foot near my face whenever she watches TV thing.

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-Hint of Lime Tostitos are ridiculously addicting.  The last part of the bag is the best because the flavor is even stronger.  

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-Outdoor running in shorts and a tank, I already miss you a lot.  

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-The parents in the San Diego neighborhood that built this for their kids should win an award.

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-I did more weights last week than I did in the months of September-November combined;)

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-BUT REALLY!?!?! This is an important question!!!

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-She kept doing this to me when I first picked her up after a week apart and it reminded me of the scene from Hook when the boy kept touching Peter’s face and saying, ‘Do you remember your mother?’

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-I wish the picture wasn’t blurry but we had a real good time last night running up and down a deserted hall together.  She is getting quite fast.

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Have any Monday Matters to share?

Dog pants questions… please share!

Did you run today?  How far?

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I <3 the dog pants question so much. They should cover all 4 legs. :)


I recognize the Baja Fresh salsa bar, my favorite!

I ran with my husband this morning. We ran 2 miles and his left calf started cramping up, so we walked the remaining 1.5 miles home. He’s trying to increase his distance – he ran 43 miles in 2015! He rode over 5,500 miles last year, so he’s no slug, just not a runner!


Wow now that is some serious snow love! I bet those kids were in heaven. As for the all important dog question. The second one because the shirt belongs on the first half of course!


It’s super important that dog pants are only worn on the hind legs haha. I’m kind of not a pet wearing clothes person for real though.

Lucky for you Utah is no longer in the single digits for temperature. You got to miss all of that.


dog pants need to be version 2! much more sophisticated :) that picture with brooke touching your hair, before you even wrote the hook scene thats what i thought too! such a great scene :)


You go on your weight training! The pants should definitely be in the hind legs! haha thats hilarious.

I haven’t run yet although I feel like I’ve been running around like a crazy person all day! I’m about to lace up though, find my head lamp, and go to Fleet Feet for our Monday night group runs!


I always imagined dogs in pants just on the back two legs, but now I am not sure.

I loved the holidays, but I am also super ready to be back on a normal schedule again.

Today is my rest day, so I’m enjoying being able to relax and do nothing after work!


Clearly I need to hit up Legoland while we live in So Cal! Dog pants need to cover all four legs, for sure. I’m glad you have the Brookers back! Safe Travels!!


Nothing like a fresh salad after overindulging. Looks like your trip ended really well. Safe travels back!

Monday matters? I signed up for my first Ironman today. And ran 6 miles. And swam for the first time in months. And now I will go eat all the food. :)


I agree, all four legs. That is an important question. If lululemon made them, I would probably buy them.


Ok- this is a little off topic, but I want to say you look strong and awesome in that pic in your running shorts! Nice back side girl!!! ;)


I thought the same thing…


Well thank you:) That is sure nice of you guys!


I did run today! A whole 6 miles, which doesn’t seem like much but it was SNOWING and 29 degrees!! That is not my kind of running weather haha I’m just starting to defrost ?


those chips are THE BOMB!! i ran today on the treadmill for the first time in about a week due to a rough cold, it was only about 3 miles but i’m glad i got back at it. and i think he’d wear them just on his back two legs lol!


YAY for getting your run on again after being sick! SO glad you are feeling better!


I did a 5 mile fartlek run today. It felt pretty good, but tonight the temps are supposed to get down into the teens!
I feel like the pants should go on all 4 legs but that just doesn’t like right to me:)


Those chips are awesome! We had a bag a couple of weeks ago and they did not last long.

Still no running for me. I’m hoping my breathing improves a bit over the next couple of days.

Dog would wear pants on the back half only!


For sure #2 for dog pants! Covers up their booty!!

5 miles easy today…happy to get back to work and into the routine again!!

Love that you took little b out for some whale watching!!!


Hahahahaha! The dog pant. I’m dyyyyying!!!
I vote for the pic on the right.

Ran a brrrrrrrr-y windy 1:25 (mileage?). I was happy to do it, even happier to get back inside.

Ps. Loving your open-toed booties in the previous post (the pic where you and Brookers went to church)!! Deets, please!!!


Hey girl!! Way to go on an awesome run in the freezing cold. You are hardcore! Here is the link for the shoes… they are one of my favorites!


Dog pants: I think option 2 because technically in option 1 the pants are on the arms of the dog…:).


Waking up for work this morning was SO much harder than it was two weeks ago. We had just enough of a break for me to completely mess up my sleep schedule.

Dog pants: two legs, four looks wrong.

I ran a SUPER cold 3 miles this afternoon. I even tracked down my full length tights and neck gaiter, which kept freezing. No thank you.


I love the picture of Brooke holding onto your hair. It’s so precious!! :)


Today I ran 30min and did strength training! I wasn’t very happy about having to go out in cold Canadian weather as I had already been snowshoeing, but I did it and I feel so good now!!!


I think the dogs would just over their tushies and back legs lol

Today 4 miles in the morning and 3 later in the evening


The second one because they cover the dog’s booty. I think of the dog’s front legs as arms =)


I completely agree with you!


#2 so the booty gets covered, alternative my dog would flip out. She barely tolerates her coat, but it was 21 degrees with a crazy wind chill when we went for our walk so she didn’t have a choice.

I did run, 3.25 on the treadmill. It was dark and cold so I was grateful for the option.

Husband’s 3rd round of chemo is done, one more round to go. Can’t wait until the ring the bell for him to signal the end.


The dog pant’s question is so funny, definitely option two though, there’s no way option one would stay up. And I’m in full agreement about how good a big salad is after eating so much (delicious) junk over the holidays.


I’m almost embarrassed to write this, I said almost, but my dog has several pairs of ‘pants’ and they go on the back legs, however his pajamas cover all 4 legs and the back but are open on his underside for obvious reasons.

Yes, I’m the crazy lady with the pajama wearing dachshund and I don’t even care.


YES to hint of lime tortillas. Seriously, I can eat a whole bag in one sitting. I really want some right now..


Definitely the second option for the dog pants.

I ran two quick miles before work…just enough to break a sweat!


I ran 5.35 miles today + STRIDES! That was big for me…finally have a friend that made a training plan for me so I need to follow it exactly now and it includes all the “extras” like strides after a run :)


YUM for salad bars. I feel like I’ve finally hit a breaking point with heavy holiday meals and all I want now are salads and lean proteins. Thank goodness my motivation is finally back!

Dog pants = 2nd option for sure. The first one wouldn’t be able to stay up I don’t think wtihout a belt lol.


Love the randomness to this post (and all your posts) I am mad you were in california and not with me though!!!!


I love how you share your love for Brooke! of course you would! being a mom and a runner, I love when people notice that I am more obsessed/in love with my boys than running, (as it should be!) you seem like a GREAT mama!


That dog pants question had me cracking up! But really, how else would a dog wear pants?! Their pants need to cover both of their legs and none of their arms. :)

I love those lime chips. Ooh! Now I want some…


I just bought a weight set from Costco so I am super excited. I decided I am not getting a gym membership this year. I’m going to slowly just keep adding to my at home gym. So far I have a bosu ball, treadmill, weights, and bands. I would love a squat rack but my husband said absolutely no! Lol


I totally know what scene you’re talking about from Hook :) That’s too cute.

Ran 6 miles with a friend. We’re running a half marathon in like 2 weeks, and I highly doubt we will be running any longer mileage than that! WISH US LUCK.


Hi Janae!

I ran 6 miles today! However, during my run, my running app on my phone went crazy! I’m not sure if its just a temporary crash or if I should get a new one. Do you have any recommendations for free running apps for the iPhone?


lol – I think they would just wear them on their hind legs! However, mine would just flat our refuse them at all!

I ran 7 miles early this morning…on the treadmill because outside, the windchill was -20F this morning. No thank you! lol


The dog pats question has me questioning myself. I could have to go with option C because it just looks more ‘right’. But now i am wondering if this is some sort of personality test and this proves I am a sociopath or something.


OMG, that is my current favorite song, too. Dogs would wear their pants only on the back half.


Haha I love the dog pants pic!!

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